I freaking hate it actually, when 3 dudes press "no", yet they are going 0-12 KDA. After such games I genuinely struggle to search a new game, because no one never gives up in deadbeat games like this.
Yeah cus most high elo / smart players realize when they have a garbage team / can’t win. Stop wasting time and go next. Some games are winnable tho and ppl do give up too fast
The thing I don't like in both Atakhan constant buff and the New boots early condition (for team with objectives) is that it introduces this bad feeling about lost game like Drake soul, but much earlier. You will probably feel you play lost game right after 14 min or so
@@YannickOkpara-d5l i mostly refer to it being one per game and for one team, similar to Drake soul, when you are behind and enemy team grabs soul you feel game is lost as you will never have this soul and enemy team is buffed to rest of the game, basically they add two such buffs...
@@Costin1289 Are you denying that super minions pressure the base, and super minions along with baron are used to siege and close out the game without fighting?
@@alsenar2it’s honestly terrible and baffles me through like 4 seasons now they haven’t realized how bad mage bot is for the game and completely shuts out an entire class in the game in lane. It’s also terrible for pro play best pro play moments are usually adc popping off in late game fights but instead we get to watch a ziggs and a seraphine farm for 40 mins
@@colbycarmichael5138 Right. The game is literally forcing you to not pick a marksman right now. That's just ridiculous. Especially in a game like LoL were every champion should be viable.
@@alsenar2 Although i agree, I think that the non traditional bot laners bring more variety to the lane. Yes they are a bit strong at the moment, but I dont think they should nerf these alternative options to the ground, like they did with mid adc-s
This. ADC becomes more and more unplayable in soloqueue thanks to Riot doing all their balancing around pro play. Yeah, in heavily organised games having superior range is super strong. The reality in soloqueue is that both teams will often 4 man dive on the enemy adc whenever a fight starts, and not peel or protect their own whatsoever. And since everyone and their grandma has a gapcloser and burst damage now, both adc are usually dead before the fight even starts. Unless you stay so far back that you can't do any dmg, in which case what's the point of calling the role "carry" if all it can do is run and hide?
Heartsteel now counting from full HP, warmong giving bonus hp from items ? Damn son, we speedruning max hp this patch. Bonus Ult dmg + reduction. Nom Nom Nom
Basically ADCs have been getting weaker every season since season 2, to the point where now 70% of top tier bot lane carry champions are mages. Thanks Riot.
The first blood feat needs to be replaced with the first ace, first blood is often a coin flip and especially so if you lvl 1 invade, it's such a dumb feat of strength
That crown of carnage buff is actually busted, if one team get it and get like internal or ocean they are just going to steam roll over the game. 25 percent is kinda of massive.
cant wait for fucking tier 3 tabis... surely adcs will be able to kill tanks now right LOL. Yet APC get fking 18 magic pen and 10% magic pen on boots its actually insane xd
@@obvioustrash7833 this plus the new AP equivalent of black cleaver being added to the game and we'll have mages in all lanes because their one big issue (problem shredding big tanks) will suddenly disappear.
mages can have those boots and voidstaff and top of that they can buy new abysal mask to totally ignore tanks ! oh did i meantion that minions get hp reduced buff early game so mages dont need to use mana for farming !
@@Darion350 @Darion350 truuue ty! They have missed him in both 14.24 and 14.23 so i glanced at the tierlist and i didnt find it so i was a bit confused xdd.
I like the new season update: the removal of the ability to earn mastery chests and the removal of ranked rewards. In the new battle pass, you can only get one skin above epic with zero chests.
They need to make the little quirk they have for Cassiopeia for more champions… Like a Nia shouldn’t have to wear boots so she flies the entire time… Corki rides in his helicopter thing…Velkoz has tentacles…Kassadin and Lisandra float/hover… I don’t think any of them should have to buy boots and should have a movement speed buff.
The First Blood feat will actually kill this game. People already want to give up early and now they’ll actually be right Coinflip first blood and auto lose the game
Aurelion Sol is gonna pop off hard. The minion changes feel like they will make it easier for him to stack early, and the new Curse item seems good for him.
Atakhan spawn 20 can tell by 14. 2 Types depending on action on either side. Voracious grant false life (temp buff) - resurrection after lethal dmg making you invulnerable, untargetable and unable to act, after 2 seconds you blink to platform. Ruinous spawn blood rose w/ 25 exp and 1 adaptive dmg each stack - Crown of Carnage gain 25% bonus effects of epic monsters. Herald spawn at 15 and Baron at 25. Minion dmg increase by 5%. Exp range increased. Canon spawn at 4th wave. Super minion nerf. Tower, no 300 bonus gold off bounty. Fortification dmg reduction from 85% to 50%. Respawn 3 minutes after destroyed.
I really do not like the changes of only one team being able to purchase tier 3 boots. It’s like drake soul - feels like you lost the game once enemy team picks this up. Now they add another feature that gives the same feeling but way earlier in the game. Usually first blood drops at level 1 meanwhile some ADC is afk taking a shit in tribush on botlane
So before both teams could have a zephyr but now if they get more objectives by 15 minutes one team permanently has a boot tier advantage over the enemy for the entire game? Whoever made these changes doesn’t play this game.
NGL noone talks abt the minion changes but it is actually crazy. Like goodbye chesse reset, harder to choke out people from xp now, and I'll be missing a shit ton of lasthits too.
i thought they were trying to remove movement speed from the game, and then every boots upgrade now gets a ton of % movespeed. granted you won't always be able to build them but now it just makes games more snowbally, something else they ALSO were trying to slow down
I started playing in season 14. Is this a relatively big season patch? Seems like a ton of changes, does this happen every season or are they going crazy this time?
This will likely not effect anyone here, but there is also a slight nerf to Morgana Mid because of the changes to cannon minions, dunno if this has similar effects on other champs.
AP champs in all their forms are going to be OP af this patch. Boots upgrade is insanely strong with mejai and bloodletters curse is extremely over tuned. Prepare to see some of the strongest AP champs we have seen ever.
Maybe would be cool if instead of locking tier 3 boots solely for your team. Both teams get access to them at a fixed time or level and each feat of strength reduces the level requirement or game time your team gets access to them like oh for example access to tier 3 boots at level 16 but each feat of strength means you can get it 2 levels earlier. Thoughts?
I think unending despair might be better with the MR tbh, makes it useable in basically every game, sometimes if there was a lot of AP it was hard to want to buy
About heartseel: DIANA. Her shield scales with %HP and she can make incredibly good use of Riftmaker, as long as there isn't a teemo or quinn in the game. And Hybrids (Jax/Kayle/Kaisa) can really bolster their scaling power, but they will sacrifice their early game agency even more. Since both titanic hydra and riftmaker can be used on all 3 of them, heart steel naturally becomes a possible choice. Again, this is going to be situational, and not always viable. ======== Unlwaa rhwew ia healing bug, undending despair is going to be the item to take if you want to lose the game. Warmog will probably get a health regen buff. They most likely nerfed it because of runaway mundo effect. The 10%hp increase from items makes it a good pairing with heartsteel, but there isn't a single champion you want to stack that much health so early for it to matter. It is going to be more a warmog vs heartsteel, and heartsteel is gonna win out on that front. The extra out of combat sustain can be made use of by likes of Mundo, who really saw bigger chance of winning games with warmog rush than with heartsteel rush, but overall... i think only garen will build it now to bolster his passive. and even then, once in a blue moon in low elo. ========= Axiom Arcanist is going to be a must have on supports, on Lissandra and on any other ultimate reliant mage. Deep Ward is going to be another must for not only supports, but also midlaners. Grizzly memento has a wierd wording. why are the max stacks at 100, when the max you can gain is 25? It is either going to be a must have, or not as powerful as it first seems. Sixth Sense is going to be a must have for anyone. Shutting down wards whenever you step into one is going to be extremly powerful. Even with 5 minute cooldown. You need to remember, if the person would take this rune, he most likely is an ad assasin who can also use the item that does the same thing at much shorter cooldown. Pair them both together and you can permablind the map. Pyke will be a menace. We will also see the rise of support items being bought in mid game just to keep up with warding. This in turn shifts the meta more towards champions that do not need all 5 item slots to be effective. ====================================== Overall the direction I'm getting is less durability, more utility and strength. ====================================== Atakhan: Increased snowball. Yep, that's what we need. Games over in less than 5 minutes were already a problem. Let's make it more of a problem. ============================ Teleport change is a welcome change. Having you travel also gives some extra warning to people if they see the orb. Overall though, teleport just became a must have rune again. Minion change again is a welcome change. Have to practice last hitting again though. Nexus turrets respawning is a massive buff to lower elo, where games can be delayed by turtles. So a welcome change. But it will not be enough to counteract the amount of snowballing the game now has. So overall, meaningless change. =============================== Toplane/Jungle: i actually expect shyvana to make a comeback. She really likes fast clear metas where emphasise is more on farming and causing chaos, rather than straight out babysitting one lane to death. Nocturne and Vi are going to be exceptionally Strong as well. I expect Kayn to fall off. Midlane: Actually, if cassios team is snowballing or she gets the noxus blessing buff, she will start strangling the whole damn game. She was borderline broken, this may tip her over the edge. But with the buff being if, not when, then it is always going to be a "maybe". I do expect Malzahar to be a lot stronger, along with zed, ahri and pyke mid,w ho like to roam around a lot. ================== ADC =========== ASHE - Wow wow wow what thew fuck were they smoking? Ashe new build is going to be triforce into Navoris quickblade for decent cd reduction along with insane attack speed. She is going to be really strong now. Ashe in support is going to be really viable as well, since the 200 base damage buff is quite huge for support ashe. Just remember to max Q as adc, max W as support. Kalista nerf is probably pro skewed. Varus is actually getting quite a buff. The E nerf is and passive mana reduction makes him more unreliable, but ithe damage buff on Q is massive. Mf double tap mechanic can confuse players, hence why she is usually less played. But yhea, Sivir, MF, Ashe and Kog are going to be the 4 main adc's now. I would also drop caitlyn to B dier. She does not have the power to lanebully anyone, for anything else, everyone outperforms her. ============================== Support ============================= ASHE: As I said, the W max ashe support is going to be much more of a lane bully now that she can benefit from lethality a lot more. Pyke: New domination runes suit him extremly well. He will also like the sorcery changes, and the durability reduction in the items built by the fighters. So I expect this dewarder to be seen a lot more, especially in higher low tier like gold and emerald. I would drop Poppy, since she can't bypass janna. And new Axiom Arcanist rune is going to be a huge powerspike for her.
I agree since the xp is going to be different with cannon on 4th wave so early game tempo will change and I think it’ll be easier to lose lane/tempo with no homeguard on death and lower turret defense before 5 min.
If you read into the wiki page of kennen for the purposes of damage, Kennen's ult is an "effect radius" that does single target damage to targets within range. Meaning the axiom will give full effect.
a bit sad to not see more new items or more item changes. i feel like riot is forgetting the "item" part of the game which is really cool imo. i'd like to see more items coming throughout the season bc if we get no new items or no big item rework for the entire year it's a bummer
Bro Warmog used to be this forgotten item since a lot of tank have a built-in sustain, then they buff it and it become really strong, not they just gutted my boy warmog into the Earth core
Between the new ult rune for 10% damage and heartsteel stacking on max health, isn't Cho'gath receiving a massive buff ? Cho with less CD on a more powerfull true damage ult and stacking health faster should be an absolute menace, especially in mid where his one combo potential goes up significantly. At lvl 6, it's already 30+0.05AP+0.01bonushealth more true damage. Getting to stack that health faster, both via ult reduced CD and heartsteel will further improve that ult damage
@@YannickOkpara-d5l Even without takedowns, the reduced CD allows to get max minion stack faster and have ult up for objectives more often. (on top of better scaling with heartsteel) Question I have is if the smite version also gets the damage increase, it's already 1200 base and increases fast, smiting at 1368+ as soon as lvl 6 will be nice.
@@florianmuller9133are u saying they get less gold bc if u have the buff u get 40 extra gold per kill and they dont? Or bc there’s another effect not mentioned that makes it so killing someone with “false life” gives less gold?
its also due to general low variety of mage items, most things you buy just feel like theyre there to do more damage in X way. bloodletters is like this but its variety nonetheless, and it was convenient given it was already an arena i tem so they just had to port it
I mean not really but it helps give a bit more variety to the pool given for example you can either take the following three items as an AD that gives armor pen percentage: - Serylda's - Black Cleaver - Lord Dominik's Regard. Where as you only really have one for Magic Pen percentage: - Void Staff I feel like this change could actually benefit certain builds for some champions and depending on the line up of champions the enemy team has. So really having a Black Cleaver-esque mage item is actually an 'okay' thing, as again it will only impact certain builds, not all. While I understand that Cass, Ryze and Sol are good vs tanks, there are other champions that are AP that do tend to have a struggle against tanks so its more aimed at them rather than all round and I do see the fear that maybe Sol, Ryze and Cass will build it, but in all honesty? I dont see them forfeiting Void Staff for Bloodletter's Curse in my honest opinion.
how do you make a brand adc? also if my other comment stayed up (a miracle.. as yt random removes them for unknown reasons) i had skins you could only get from having playing beta and buying the $10 CD... and skins that were temporarily available or X requirement such as many victorious (first 3-4 seasons) janna/j4/riven and i can't remember the other demonic tryn since tryn is who i mainly leveled up with. loved him back in the day when league first came out... i had farmed 12 full rune pages and SO MANY t3 runes only for them to be removed... it just blows my mind how riot does NOT look at replays for context on perma bans...
@YannickOkpara-d5l agreed, but I feel like this does raise as interesting discussion as to whether champions without a traditional ult should be compensated in some way.
Rank Up Fast At ➡www.skill-capped.com/lol#TierList25S11
Axiom arcanist, first strike on kled R gonna be insane
Guys this is like the 10th tier list video in a row there is no skarner on jg tierlist
you have no faith in axiom karthus? :D
@@alibabapirce9782 axiom arc axiom arcanist on karthus is probably gonna be broken possibly
The infographic to explain the patches was crazy give that guy a raise
I truly appreciate it
He's just reading a paper.
Nice try, Guy who made the infographic to explain the patches.
Please continue to add this math explanations, it helps a lot for people to understand how nerfs work.
"Games in low elo last longer", meanwhile my team spamming surrender votes
at the same time team pressing no
I freaking hate it actually, when 3 dudes press "no", yet they are going 0-12 KDA. After such games I genuinely struggle to search a new game, because no one never gives up in deadbeat games like this.
Yeah cus most high elo / smart players realize when they have a garbage team / can’t win. Stop wasting time and go next. Some games are winnable tho and ppl do give up too fast
@@iNGryL these games are losable for enemy team, not winnable for yours
The thing I don't like in both Atakhan constant buff and the New boots early condition (for team with objectives) is that it introduces this bad feeling about lost game like Drake soul, but much earlier. You will probably feel you play lost game right after 14 min or so
Yeah, but super minions are massively nerfed, and baron is pushed 5 mins back, so it will be harder to end games.
@@YannickOkpara-d5land respawning nexus turrets
@@YannickOkpara-d5l i mostly refer to it being one per game and for one team, similar to Drake soul, when you are behind and enemy team grabs soul you feel game is lost as you will never have this soul and enemy team is buffed to rest of the game, basically they add two such buffs...
@@YannickOkpara-d5l Not quite relevant,teams who win in 5v5 will win no matter if baron is later or nerf to minions
@@Costin1289 Are you denying that super minions pressure the base, and super minions along with baron are used to siege and close out the game without fighting?
The highest winrate champion in botlane aren't traditional marksman but mains that are also played in other lanes. That‘s hurt.
That's why i stopped playing League. Soloq as a traditional adc is unplayable right now.
@@alsenar2it’s honestly terrible and baffles me through like 4 seasons now they haven’t realized how bad mage bot is for the game and completely shuts out an entire class in the game in lane. It’s also terrible for pro play best pro play moments are usually adc popping off in late game fights but instead we get to watch a ziggs and a seraphine farm for 40 mins
@@colbycarmichael5138 Right. The game is literally forcing you to not pick a marksman right now. That's just ridiculous. Especially in a game like LoL were every champion should be viable.
@@alsenar2 Although i agree, I think that the non traditional bot laners bring more variety to the lane. Yes they are a bit strong at the moment, but I dont think they should nerf these alternative options to the ground, like they did with mid adc-s
botlane minion magic resistance buff for the first 15 minutes of the game would be huge
When there's more mage than ADC in S tier in botlane tier list there's a big issue..
This. ADC becomes more and more unplayable in soloqueue thanks to Riot doing all their balancing around pro play. Yeah, in heavily organised games having superior range is super strong. The reality in soloqueue is that both teams will often 4 man dive on the enemy adc whenever a fight starts, and not peel or protect their own whatsoever. And since everyone and their grandma has a gapcloser and burst damage now, both adc are usually dead before the fight even starts. Unless you stay so far back that you can't do any dmg, in which case what's the point of calling the role "carry" if all it can do is run and hide?
Was only a matter of time till players realized what an ‘ADC’ could be
marksman in botlane role is only the meta, not a requirement for the game.
@ActuallyJamesS Actually it is not meta when mages are stronger than marksman in botlane
@@Xinconnu33 it's a different meta now, why would that be an issue?
ty my nigga
Ayo wth bro didnt even hesitate💀
Yoo chill lil bro
thnx whigga
thats racist
Heartsteel now counting from full HP, warmong giving bonus hp from items ? Damn son, we speedruning max hp this patch.
Bonus Ult dmg + reduction. Nom Nom Nom
Cho op hmmm. 🤔
Maybe add back ldr passive or gale force so adcs have a chance against tanks
you need therapy
@ after getting 1 shot my tahm and Mundo I agree
Deep ward replacing eyeball is fking crazy
Eyeball was 18 ad 😂
@@ogmogli4258And 30 ap...
I’m new to the game and having to deal with double mage bot lane has been quite frustrating 😅
just play jhin dude
Morgana lux combo is the death of any new player. Learning to push on cooldowns is hard
just don't play ADC, it sucks...
and now we got that new ap item that gives 60 ap, 350 health, 15 spellspeed and up to 30 % magic pen, great.
riot loves mages and hates adc
Basically ADCs have been getting weaker every season since season 2, to the point where now 70% of top tier bot lane carry champions are mages. Thanks Riot.
Then you get a caitlying taking 80% of your hp with 1 auto, stop the yap
bro is playing in antartica server where no one has a mouse. adcs been strong since forever especially in higher elo
The first blood feat needs to be replaced with the first ace, first blood is often a coin flip and especially so if you lvl 1 invade, it's such a dumb feat of strength
Ace is not something that happens quickly enough though
@@DennyDormantonly issue with tying it with first blood means in low elo teams will tilt fast. "Oh we gave up fb we should ff."
First Team double kill lool
That's not good, what are top laners supposed to do then?
@@ahmedemad-dv6re first Tower? First objective?
me: watching the new League updates video
the guy: "the item Unending Despair (...)"
me: "ah, my spawn item"
DST player spotted, like granted
@@evilracoondog aye, DST is my fav cozy game. unmatched vibes 👌
That crown of carnage buff is actually busted, if one team get it and get like internal or ocean they are just going to steam roll over the game. 25 percent is kinda of massive.
ill miss you eyeball collection
bro baji is dead move on
It was boring as fuck
tier 3 boots will break the game on release, especially berserkers and sorcerers.
cant wait for fucking tier 3 tabis... surely adcs will be able to kill tanks now right LOL. Yet APC get fking 18 magic pen and 10% magic pen on boots its actually insane xd
ah yes beserkers, its a repackaged zephyr (which wasnt utilised much anyways) and its by far the weakest of all the tier 3 boots
@@obvioustrash7833 this plus the new AP equivalent of black cleaver being added to the game and we'll have mages in all lanes because their one big issue (problem shredding big tanks) will suddenly disappear.
@@anexlainn4574 They cant buy it together with Void and not many mages want to wait to stack the item first for less pen then Void.
mages can have those boots and voidstaff and top of that they can buy new abysal mask to totally ignore tanks ! oh did i meantion that minions get hp reduced buff early game so mages dont need to use mana for farming !
Really useful to see the math behind the changes, please continue this kind of explanations!
Guys this is like the 10th tier list video in a row there is no skarner on jg tierlist
They even mention skarner in the video 😂
He's on the jg tier list??
He's on B-Tier next to Hecarim. For some reason I couldn't find him for like 30 seconds of going over the list. For whatever reason he's hard to spot.
yeah skillcap is defo a good source of info lmao. most op champ since forever permabanned in dia+ and yet doesn't appear in the tier list
@@Darion350 @Darion350 truuue ty! They have missed him in both 14.24 and 14.23 so i glanced at the tierlist and i didnt find it so i was a bit confused xdd.
I like the new season update: the removal of the ability to earn mastery chests and the removal of ranked rewards. In the new battle pass, you can only get one skin above epic with zero chests.
They need to make the little quirk they have for Cassiopeia for more champions… Like a Nia shouldn’t have to wear boots so she flies the entire time… Corki rides in his helicopter thing…Velkoz has tentacles…Kassadin and Lisandra float/hover… I don’t think any of them should have to buy boots and should have a movement speed buff.
The First Blood feat will actually kill this game. People already want to give up early and now they’ll actually be right
Coinflip first blood and auto lose the game
great vid as always ! thank you for summarizing every changes !!
Honestly i think LB could be very annoying this patch thanks to Axiom Arc
14% more damage and CDR on her ult on takedown sounds scary
Malphite as well with his ap combo
Very true, wonder if her ASU will change things up
Karma p3rfect rune since she has already high assf mana regen
Skillcapped is massively underrating the value of the rune. Riot will definitely have to pull back on its numbers
So, Riot is nerfing tanks. Amazing!
nahhhh new boots are broken on tanks as hell rn
where is the nerf to tanks, did we watch the same video? or do you just play maokai top?
I'd have been happier this season if there was even more tank nerfs
@@Chimeforall multiple tank items are nerfed, and they added a new magic penetration item (basically mage black cleaver). Did you watch the video?
Aurelion Sol is gonna pop off hard. The minion changes feel like they will make it easier for him to stack early, and the new Curse item seems good for him.
Atakhan spawn 20 can tell by 14. 2 Types depending on action on either side. Voracious grant false life (temp buff) - resurrection after lethal dmg making you invulnerable, untargetable and unable to act, after 2 seconds you blink to platform. Ruinous spawn blood rose w/ 25 exp and 1 adaptive dmg each stack - Crown of Carnage gain 25% bonus effects of epic monsters.
Herald spawn at 15 and Baron at 25.
Minion dmg increase by 5%. Exp range increased. Canon spawn at 4th wave. Super minion nerf.
Tower, no 300 bonus gold off bounty. Fortification dmg reduction from 85% to 50%. Respawn 3 minutes after destroyed.
blodletters biggest benefitters are imo champs who apply two stacks of it per attack like senna such as gwen lilia adn prob some other bruiser
I really do not like the changes of only one team being able to purchase tier 3 boots. It’s like drake soul - feels like you lost the game once enemy team picks this up. Now they add another feature that gives the same feeling but way earlier in the game. Usually first blood drops at level 1 meanwhile some ADC is afk taking a shit in tribush on botlane
So before both teams could have a zephyr but now if they get more objectives by 15 minutes one team permanently has a boot tier advantage over the enemy for the entire game? Whoever made these changes doesn’t play this game.
Fuck it. This game needs to die soon. Everyone has gone to Marvel Rivals.
Everytime I check these tierlists I notice some ridiculously odd characters in some places like wtf is Garen doing in S tier in mid lane?
What about the swiftplay mode? Really looking forward to it
NGL noone talks abt the minion changes but it is actually crazy. Like goodbye chesse reset, harder to choke out people from xp now, and I'll be missing a shit ton of lasthits too.
You mentioned that it is 5 more movement speed but the notes show +50, just wanted you to know. When you were talking about tier 3 boots.
total movement speed
The tier 2 boots is 45
Great thing for explaining that, much appreciated!! :)
i thought they were trying to remove movement speed from the game, and then every boots upgrade now gets a ton of % movespeed. granted you won't always be able to build them but now it just makes games more snowbally, something else they ALSO were trying to slow down
they definetely gave up on that. This is gonna be so demoralizing. When you´re set back it´ll be really sad
Might be low elo perspective, but I am surprised to not see Talon in S+ given his first blood potential with the new boot system
I think Azzapp said that the cooldown on Velkoz ult starts when the animation ends so that means that the slight cooldown reset won't count 🤔
Can’t believe Hwei wasn’t in the S tier for ADC. Lots of people have been playing him there and seeing crazy results
I started playing in season 14. Is this a relatively big season patch? Seems like a ton of changes, does this happen every season or are they going crazy this time?
This is probably huge. I came back after leaving for 3 years and didn’t feel a huge difference. Now if I came back after this I would a quit 😂
Every new season in janury is always the biggest
Thank you , we love this channel ❤
This will likely not effect anyone here, but there is also a slight nerf to Morgana Mid because of the changes to cannon minions, dunno if this has similar effects on other champs.
AP champs in all their forms are going to be OP af this patch. Boots upgrade is insanely strong with mejai and bloodletters curse is extremely over tuned. Prepare to see some of the strongest AP champs we have seen ever.
Amumu with the new item should be good right?
Maybe would be cool if instead of locking tier 3 boots solely for your team. Both teams get access to them at a fixed time or level and each feat of strength reduces the level requirement or game time your team gets access to them like oh for example access to tier 3 boots at level 16 but each feat of strength means you can get it 2 levels earlier. Thoughts?
3:17 that seems to be such a nice one for Zoe with her W
cannon wave being the 4th instead of the 3rd is mad, gonna take a while to get used to that
I wonder, do Warmog's increase the additional health Heartsteel provides? Because that would be kinda busted tbh
18:54 Based ahri supp
Bloodletter’s curse on Rumble is going to be spicy
I think unending despair might be better with the MR tbh, makes it useable in basically every game, sometimes if there was a lot of AP it was hard to want to buy
on new patch who is better jungle or toplane?
Very thorough. 👍
How well you think a Cass Tham botlane would go to start off this patch?
About heartseel:
DIANA. Her shield scales with %HP and she can make incredibly good use of Riftmaker, as long as there isn't a teemo or quinn in the game.
And Hybrids (Jax/Kayle/Kaisa) can really bolster their scaling power, but they will sacrifice their early game agency even more. Since both titanic hydra and riftmaker can be used on all 3 of them, heart steel naturally becomes a possible choice.
Again, this is going to be situational, and not always viable.
Unlwaa rhwew ia healing bug, undending despair is going to be the item to take if you want to lose the game.
Warmog will probably get a health regen buff. They most likely nerfed it because of runaway mundo effect.
The 10%hp increase from items makes it a good pairing with heartsteel, but there isn't a single champion you want to stack that much health so early for it to matter. It is going to be more a warmog vs heartsteel, and heartsteel is gonna win out on that front.
The extra out of combat sustain can be made use of by likes of Mundo, who really saw bigger chance of winning games with warmog rush than with heartsteel rush, but overall... i think only garen will build it now to bolster his passive. and even then, once in a blue moon in low elo.
Axiom Arcanist is going to be a must have on supports, on Lissandra and on any other ultimate reliant mage.
Deep Ward is going to be another must for not only supports, but also midlaners.
Grizzly memento has a wierd wording. why are the max stacks at 100, when the max you can gain is 25? It is either going to be a must have, or not as powerful as it first seems.
Sixth Sense is going to be a must have for anyone. Shutting down wards whenever you step into one is going to be extremly powerful. Even with 5 minute cooldown. You need to remember, if the person would take this rune, he most likely is an ad assasin who can also use the item that does the same thing at much shorter cooldown. Pair them both together and you can permablind the map. Pyke will be a menace.
We will also see the rise of support items being bought in mid game just to keep up with warding. This in turn shifts the meta more towards champions that do not need all 5 item slots to be effective.
Overall the direction I'm getting is less durability, more utility and strength.
Atakhan: Increased snowball. Yep, that's what we need. Games over in less than 5 minutes were already a problem. Let's make it more of a problem.
Teleport change is a welcome change. Having you travel also gives some extra warning to people if they see the orb. Overall though, teleport just became a must have rune again.
Minion change again is a welcome change. Have to practice last hitting again though.
Nexus turrets respawning is a massive buff to lower elo, where games can be delayed by turtles. So a welcome change. But it will not be enough to counteract the amount of snowballing the game now has. So overall, meaningless change.
Toplane/Jungle: i actually expect shyvana to make a comeback. She really likes fast clear metas where emphasise is more on farming and causing chaos, rather than straight out babysitting one lane to death.
Nocturne and Vi are going to be exceptionally Strong as well. I expect Kayn to fall off.
Midlane: Actually, if cassios team is snowballing or she gets the noxus blessing buff, she will start strangling the whole damn game. She was borderline broken, this may tip her over the edge. But with the buff being if, not when, then it is always going to be a "maybe".
I do expect Malzahar to be a lot stronger, along with zed, ahri and pyke mid,w ho like to roam around a lot.
ASHE - Wow wow wow what thew fuck were they smoking? Ashe new build is going to be triforce into Navoris quickblade for decent cd reduction along with insane attack speed. She is going to be really strong now. Ashe in support is going to be really viable as well, since the 200 base damage buff is quite huge for support ashe. Just remember to max Q as adc, max W as support.
Kalista nerf is probably pro skewed.
Varus is actually getting quite a buff. The E nerf is and passive mana reduction makes him more unreliable, but ithe damage buff on Q is massive.
Mf double tap mechanic can confuse players, hence why she is usually less played. But yhea, Sivir, MF, Ashe and Kog are going to be the 4 main adc's now.
I would also drop caitlyn to B dier. She does not have the power to lanebully anyone, for anything else, everyone outperforms her.
ASHE: As I said, the W max ashe support is going to be much more of a lane bully now that she can benefit from lethality a lot more.
Pyke: New domination runes suit him extremly well. He will also like the sorcery changes, and the durability reduction in the items built by the fighters. So I expect this dewarder to be seen a lot more, especially in higher low tier like gold and emerald.
I would drop Poppy, since she can't bypass janna. And new Axiom Arcanist rune is going to be a huge powerspike for her.
I really dont know if i love or hate the cannon minion change but it will probably have a huge impact on toplane
I agree since the xp is going to be different with cannon on 4th wave so early game tempo will change and I think it’ll be easier to lose lane/tempo with no homeguard on death and lower turret defense before 5 min.
@@tommypyxell yup and cheater recall less safe and possibly even completly gone but i'm not sure
Nice, but Kennen’s ult is gonna do 7% more damage with Axiom Arcanist, as it’s AOE.
If you read into the wiki page of kennen for the purposes of damage, Kennen's ult is an "effect radius" that does single target damage to targets within range. Meaning the axiom will give full effect.
Kayn with new ult rune and gathering storm will be incredible!
Love it just started playing him 2
How is my boy skarner in B tier???? Giga OP
Why isnt Briar in the top tierlist? Wins every matchup
It feels like the goal for the Nexus map is to see how much faster they can make the game end
Thank you Atakhan, my jgler will finally want to play for my lane now
When does this come out exactly?
I see so many people put Vayne, Nilah, Zeri to D tier (for current patch) but here they are S/A?
How does one get two first bloods?
Bloodletters says “magic damage.”
So things like Blackfire and Liandry’s can stack this, right?
Minions getting BORK passive is really exciting. Random but exciting.
a bit sad to not see more new items or more item changes. i feel like riot is forgetting the "item" part of the game which is really cool imo. i'd like to see more items coming throughout the season bc if we get no new items or no big item rework for the entire year it's a bummer
bloodletter + abyssal good build for udyr?
you said earlier abyssal will no longer be able to built alongside other blight items?
No they said it will NOW be able to be built alongside other blight items
@ ooooh shit pardon me, that’s cool
17:30 so does this mean lethality w ashe is back and stronger??
Chainlanced crushers are mad stylish
is bloodletters curse also gonna apply on swain r?
Bro Warmog used to be this forgotten item since a lot of tank have a built-in sustain, then they buff it and it become really strong, not they just gutted my boy warmog into the Earth core
And what about new champion Mel? Will she be mostly midlane?
Between the new ult rune for 10% damage and heartsteel stacking on max health, isn't Cho'gath receiving a massive buff ? Cho with less CD on a more powerfull true damage ult and stacking health faster should be an absolute menace, especially in mid where his one combo potential goes up significantly. At lvl 6, it's already 30+0.05AP+0.01bonushealth more true damage. Getting to stack that health faster, both via ult reduced CD and heartsteel will further improve that ult damage
Well, he does have to score a takedown, but I see what you mean. 14% more ult dmg will land a lot of kills and a lot of hp.
@@YannickOkpara-d5l Even without takedowns, the reduced CD allows to get max minion stack faster and have ult up for objectives more often. (on top of better scaling with heartsteel)
Question I have is if the smite version also gets the damage increase, it's already 1200 base and increases fast, smiting at 1368+ as soon as lvl 6 will be nice.
@@TyphoonJig You need takedowns to get the 7% cooldown reduction.
@@YannickOkpara-d5l Indeed, forgot about that.
Rito on the state of botlane: nah, its fine
Attack damage >>>>carries
Thank you guys, you really help us out
what elo was that gameplays? i think i got sick because of them
10:20 does this prevent you from dying like GA or does it just essentially lower ur death timer like akshan?
No death timer+ less Gold for the enemy killing you
@@florianmuller9133are u saying they get less gold bc if u have the buff u get 40 extra gold per kill and they dont? Or bc there’s another effect not mentioned that makes it so killing someone with “false life” gives less gold?
@noThankyou-g5c yes they get less Gold
@@noThankyou-g5cI believe your death will only give 100g
I think the bonus hp threshold for warmogs was nerfed because of soraka.
I m still waiting for botlane minions will get mr in order to fix the mage waveclear power to ignore towerdives
I don't get why they made bloodletter's curse? Were Cassiopeia, Ryze or Asol REALLY the ap dealers struggling vs tanks?....
None of these are going to use this item likely. It is more for Morde, Gwen, Singed and such. Actual mages have Void, it is better on them.
its also due to general low variety of mage items, most things you buy just feel like theyre there to do more damage in X way. bloodletters is like this but its variety nonetheless, and it was convenient given it was already an arena i tem so they just had to port it
I mean not really but it helps give a bit more variety to the pool given for example you can either take the following three items as an AD that gives armor pen percentage:
- Serylda's
- Black Cleaver
- Lord Dominik's Regard.
Where as you only really have one for Magic Pen percentage:
- Void Staff
I feel like this change could actually benefit certain builds for some champions and depending on the line up of champions the enemy team has.
So really having a Black Cleaver-esque mage item is actually an 'okay' thing, as again it will only impact certain builds, not all. While I understand that Cass, Ryze and Sol are good vs tanks, there are other champions that are AP that do tend to have a struggle against tanks so its more aimed at them rather than all round and I do see the fear that maybe Sol, Ryze and Cass will build it, but in all honesty? I dont see them forfeiting Void Staff for Bloodletter's Curse in my honest opinion.
@@danielfildan736 Yep... Ninkey tested it on Gwen, and it basically instastacks on Q.
@@danielfildan736 still would use void or flower or even abyssal, why would i even use this?
Bloodletters curse on rumble Is gonna be fun
the video graphic got a major glow up
When is this update going live?🙏👀
3:22 the ability states sum spell haste, not ms
Tier 3 luciditty has a passive that give % MS on hit both for attacks and spells :)
Abyssal Mask changes did not go through on EUNE
Abyssal changes will be fun except anyone who has to play against Galio.
Maybe it will be worth to max Q on Ashe from this patch? Not sure tho
i already know what I will main, karthus and fiddle will go hard with axiom arcanist
Unending despair is basically just becoming a shittier version of og jak sho? And warmogs nerf is literally just for aram maybe?
how do you make a brand adc?
also if my other comment stayed up (a miracle.. as yt random removes them for unknown reasons)
i had skins you could only get from having playing beta and buying the $10 CD...
and skins that were temporarily available or X requirement such as many victorious (first 3-4 seasons)
janna/j4/riven and i can't remember the other
demonic tryn since tryn is who i mainly leveled up with. loved him back in the day when league first
came out... i had farmed 12 full rune pages and SO MANY t3 runes only for them to be removed...
it just blows my mind how riot does NOT look at replays for context on perma bans...
Not a fan of how they are changing the game to make it more snowbally similar to the new ARAM map. Interested to see how it turns out
Here's a idea of I thought of. What if the nerf to boots they did patches ago were in prep for tier 3 boots?
No i think you're onto nothing
we could just makeout or something instead idk man
@@rensuki8619 get marrried first
thank you John Skillcapped
11:16 Ah yes, the summoner spell called Teleport, which doesn't teleport you.
So for nidalee does axiom give all of her cougar abilities + 14%?
Doubtful. They count as using Q, W, E.
@YannickOkpara-d5l agreed, but I feel like this does raise as interesting discussion as to whether champions without a traditional ult should be compensated in some way.
@@LuCassLuCassyshmeeCaruso I think they'll just have to take a different rune. There are also runes that require a dash or a stun.
why is no one talking about vladimir and the axiom arcanist rune synergy
I didnt get it about Ashe, does she need crit now or what?