me an enchanter support main ear to ear smile the inter video praise me more tell me how me existence gives you a % chance of imploding every game a true main will emprise ivaren and bard's chaise 💋
A nice “buff” to Ivern could be to not let Daisy die when he dies. She doesn’t have to be controllable. Just let her aa like Shacos clone when he dies.
I dont get blamed cuz my job is to just shield them im the one whos blaming them when they fuck up normally i can't do that cause I'm too focused on the game but with ivern i get to play autopilot very chill jungler imo they underestimate you but with daisy and shit tons of shield id say hes fine
i had to think about this guy who made a whole Power Point Presentation for his teammates on how to play with an Ivern when you talked about people not knowing how to play with him seems to be a legit problem ^^ Great Video
I really love Ivern. He's such a great champion. It is so chill to play this guy. You can calm down, listen to the ambience of leagues jungle, greet every camp, smile and just have a great time. Of course i cant forget the occasional attack from a wild animal also known as the enemy jungler. What you do there of course is disengage slowly, remain eye contact and if they engage on you heavily, try to minorly subdue it. If it continues being aggressive and won't stop? Call your friends.
Ivern can be replaced by other enchanters and his playstyle is way different like Singed in the top lane. If you wanna learn how to play the green father, you gotta commit to playing him, or else you will int. But I like his personality, so wholesome and shouldn't be in League.
If you get some Ap (stronger shields, damage, TANKIER daisy) and learn to micro daisy like another player (like learn to Orb walk and kite with Ivern and Daisy simultaneously) then you effectively got a tank and an enchanter. Also daisy go Boom with AP don't sleep on it.
@@TheAngelRaven but when I play him like this it feels right. Honestly feel like I play daisy more than Ivern. Daisy focused gameplays is what I dont see people do, idk if ita because it's hard for them to use 2 characters but once you do he feels so different. If you're willing to humor a low ego player, my youtube has old ivern gameplay but my the last game in my account was full AP i felt OP.
I love playing Ivern but my biggest issue with him is that he can't solo dragon or herald pre-6 also I love his playstyle (support jungler) but I get bored of spamming him sometimes. I wish riot would make another support jungler, maybe with an ability similar to old Nunu W
This is how I feel about non-carry junglers, I stopped playing Nunu in solo queue simply because I can’t place that trust into my laners, I can get them fed quite easily with Nunu but unless it’s a premade with a friend who I know will perform well it’s just not worth it.
That's true that you can't solo drag at pre 6 but if your team understands how to play with you it's gonna be ok with them because it's just the first drag :>
Ivern is like Aurelion Sol : too unique to be played by everyone. Being a Jungler and a enchanter at the same time doesn't help when the most popular champs are ninjas, samurais and assassins in general. Also Ivern doesn't like killing monsters unlike any other jungler and isn't good early-game.
I think the meta is now to much assassain focussed for a champion like Ivern to work, cause he gets counterplayed so hard on early jungle agression, but that's because Riot has made unbalanced assassains, that dont have the weaknesses of traditional assassains, so people spam them everywhere.
too true tbh, i main ivern support and asol lmao. one is ridiculously strong in early game and the other might as well be afk, hard to adapt to but incredibly fun
personally i think one of the best things about ivern is how he is one of the best junglers at invading, the fact that he can go into a jungle camp over the wall, create a grove, immediately smite it and just be on his way is something completely unique to him and really helps his weak early game by setting back the enemy jungler a red or blue buff
I always thought it'd be cool if the camps Ivern set up his groves on would fight alongside him while he's in their range. Would really match with the whole friend of the forest theme and might help with early game as it'd be a lot harder to invade a controller if his entire living jungle is defending him.
Ivern main here, camps don't attack Ivern so if the enemy jungler invades you on your blue or some other camp, they only attack the enemy jungler. It's like a 2v1 or even a 3v1 with daisy!
@@Phantom1165 Ivern main here, you don't need to get invaded if YOU are the invader (and I'm usually am lol). Ivern is simply broken when it comes down to counter jungle, he also has a good dps on 1v1 on the early levels with red buff if you manage to keep your distance. I always take 3 buffs at the start of the game due to how easy it is for Ivern to steal, but yeah, to do so I usually avoid the enemy jungler to keep applying pressure where they can't defend. As for the late game, Ivern and Daisy are basically a brick wall that stops anyone trying to get to the ad carry. I usually build around it. 1st item: Mobility boots as soon as possible to wander through the jungle easily and apply pressure/steal camps 2nd item: Moonstone - This healing has already saved a lot of games 3rd item - If the game is easy, Redemption. If an enemy is troublesome - likely an Irelia - Anathema Chains into them and they can't even get close anymore. The rest is situational.
@@sunnydargonnel well I think that it’s not fair in this case since Ivern is designed to be a team play champion, so if he’s strong he’s gonna be really strong in the best coordinated teams.
ironically my biggest carry ever was with Ivern in season 9. i had an inting/dcing Renekton top and bad bot laners. i stalled the game to 40 minute mark and yet somehow won the game when we had lost top lane fully. really proud of that game. i was so fed, i solo double killed split pushers in top. finished with 12/2/20 KDA.
Just had an 8/0/14 game with Ivern last night. After the first two ganks I knew, yep, this is a Mejais game. It feels so good to dish it out with this calm champ once in a while.
"...If Ivern's ultimate was strong enough to be a legitimate threat..." Someone hasn't seen the clip where Tyler1 kills a full HP Pantheon with only Daisy
I'm new to the game and I played against this guy for the first time. When I saw him walking like that and fast I thought he was trolling me. But after killing his last words hurt me so bad that I felt bad for killing him (kinda like nunu and willump). So idk maybe riot was aiming for pity from enemy jungler?
@@shadowling77777 He was actually a top laner/Jungle when he was released and until around 2017 people stopped playing him in the top lane. Take it from a former Nautilus main!
They could make it so the jungle camps actually become his friends and follow him around for a period of time so he is less vulnerable in the jungle when by himself. Can make them refuse to enter lanes and run away when allies are nearby.
Supp/ADC Main piping up: Ivern is my go-to jungle pick. Not because he's amazing, but it makes Jungle tolerable for me. No crazy kiting, routes, worry about counter jungled. You just mark your camps, and take them out, smite if you have to hurry. Items are pretty much the same (I like Moonstone and Flowing Waters because of Daisy) The only thing I hate is not having a Sightstone which is only tied to support items now. I lose more often than I win with him, but I hate myself a little less when I'm autofilled Jungle and no one wants to swap
3:00 Disclaimer: This is true except for the krugs camp. Ivern can only get gold and exp from the original large and medium krugs, hence it's common for Ivern players to just skip that camp during their clear.
@@White-oq4sf probably what you lose from the small krugs that you cant get, cause theyre saying you dont get any gold and xp except from the big and medium ones
I remember I tried ivern once, mostly because I loved how wholesome his character was and how fun it seemed to not have to worry about fighting camps. But every game I played ( around 3-5 games) team fights at drag or herald were always a disaster, and lead to the whole team falling behind and losing in the first ten minutes. Honestly i mostly blamed the champ for that back then because he felt so weak and helpless when ever ANYONE on the enemy team picked me in a fight to kill. I ended up losing ever game I played with him, but I actually do remember having fun at some moments of the game. Ganking took some getting used to with his kit but it was fun for the most part, (if my laner took advantage of my kit that is) I honestly think I might try him again after watching this video reminded me of him. But like Vars said he’s really not a good pick into what’s popular lately. So I prob won’t try anytime soon.
The answer to that is champions. In a perfect world, what you want is to gank bot lane, kill their ADC, and ask for assistance, and have people on the dragon. If enemy mid and Jng come, than mid would come dow and it would still be a 3v4, better odds than full of fighting. If that doesn’t help, here’s a tip, place two bushes at the mouth of the dragons caves. Enemy can’t see you, or dragon unless they place a ward. And if they do try to fight, root them, pile on, and turn it into a 2v4. If enemy Jng is on drag, have Daisy go in and attack it. The combination of Dragon’s damage will definitely hurt, and force him to back.
Vars Classic incoming, I played Ivern to gold this season. I have loved this champion since I first started playing league in season 7, his play style always fascinated me. 200k mastery points later and I play nothing besides him. I love seeing more videos cover champs like the green father.
The whole thing with ivern being not popular is the fact that he doesn’t fit the aggressive vibe junglers give off I’m not saying all junglers are aggressive but I’m not gonna lie and say all my jungler friends I play never at least went full on full aggressive speed running vibes whilst me and the rest of my team was quietly laning The whole thing with ivern is that you shouldn’t being aggressive or try to go mad man the whole game, you literally have to have the most chillest jungle play style in order to play him properly as a jungler… Which at this point *Is impossible*
I have spent quite alot of time on ivern and I have to say that playing him nowadays is having a vacation with the occasional attack from a wild animal, also known as your enemy jungler. If no one ever invades you its literally the best thing ever.. calming, non stressful and purified peace.
Last night I lost 3 games in a row really badly trying to learn a new champ (Taliyah). My mood wasn't great, but next game I played Ivern and it only took a minute for me to smile at this tree man. Such a positive character! Also the game ended 8/0/14, so good times were had.
I don't think Ivern is the chillest jg to play. Ivern doesn't have a fast clear speed so he needs to find chance to steal camps and gank instead of keep farming and do nothing.
@@chinocoffee9565 once you know how to clear you actually realize stealing camps (especially early) is rather bad. You dont do it before you're like lvl 11+
@@Pocket_Shield i dunno, i love stealing blue buff lvl 1. but yeah, i don't invade much most of the game. you usually sert up your camps, gank once or twice, goi pick up your camps. or you just back isntead of ganking. but I mean, ganking is the fun part!
My friend is a main ivern and I'm a mid Akali main, honestly having an ivern in my team is so fun, but yeah I'm an assasin player so I'll probably never play the tree man
I have to say, I follow you for about a year now and your videos are always super well made, but the thing I love the most about them is your music choice ! Myster Dungeon OSTs got you my respect
Honestly, just yesterday I was talking to the friends that I play with about 'What should I do?' I'm a support main. I spam Soraka, Sona, and Leona every game. But I've been wanting to leave support, not behind, just, I wanna go to different lanes every once in a while. The way I chose to do that was Evelyn Jungle, which changed to Kindred jungle *cause Eve is rather bad ngl* But even then, I know my friends dislike me playing jungle cause I'm a handicap. I'm not comfortable there. It's not that I don't know how to jungle. I can clear camps fast, and I help with ganks, relieving pressure, etc, etc. I just..don't know how to kill. I want to roam the map and support every lane. I want a fully legitimate support Jungler. But Ivern...doesn't do what I want to do. He doesn't relieve lane pressure, he helps with mid-late game team fights. Every role is technically covered, but not Enchantress jungle. And I do legitimately feel that if there were more hard-focused Supports in the jungle, people would be a little more agreeing to seeing them. One of Ivern's problems is that he stands completely alone on his strange pillar of sand. If someone were out there to stand with him, people would pay a little more attention.
omds! i feel your pain. I just started the game and I want to be jungle main. Ive been playing hacarim, lilia mainly. however, I've been wanting to get into more hyper carry type junglers like nidalee, fiddle but I just cant seem to get killing down. I gank well I think, I even make it easy on my self by playing hacarim cuz he is very good at ganking but I cant seem to get fed consistently. i watched a game of graves jungle with a full lethality build(whatever lethality is) but I don't think id be able to pull him cuz he actually requires u to get kills as a carry but I clearly have a prob with that sigh... sorry for the long rant:0
Ivern can relieve lane pressure, it depends on ur camp rotation and gank timing/planning. He gets strong in the mid-game sure. But many iverns ik suggest to look for ganks immediately at lv 2. Take Q, The route is to place groves from 1 side of the jg to the other always skipping 1-2 camps, and smite the buff in the side of the jg you end up on, then take E. Then u start relieveing pressure by camping or rotating lanes until ur camps r ready. Keep watching Ivern vids u might not be playin him right. But there's other supps u can play in the jg like Naut or Taric (and Taric is 50% Enchanter). You could try Rek'sai she can be played as a sort of early game support who focuses on CC'ing the enemy and getting her allies fed. If all else fails ivr nvr lost a game where all i did was counter jg and farm my own jg with her.
Ivern is one of my mains and favorite champs. I know his weaknesses and I absolutely agree that touching up the health loss on camps would make him feel so much better. I love the idea of an attack speed buff on daisy when you triggerseed them. I loved to go into ranked duos with my top buddy and we would invade the enemy jungle lvl 1 and I would steel their buff and be back to mine without losing any time or health
Bro, when i started the game, a few months ago, I mained (after some failures with other champs) Taliyah, and discovered your channel and the "Why no One Plays", and so the episode on Taliyah. Then I played Rakan and you made a video about him. Then I played Ivern, and now you've made a video about him, are you trying to tell me something Vars ? Great video, as always, keep it up :D
About the damaging shields, I'd count Diana's W as well which is funny because the mechanic is now given to a Controller in Ivern, a Tank in Sion and Diana as an Assassin/Slayer
I think the game is 40% faster right now compared to previous seasons. They added a lot of ways to get gold/exp and they're adding a lot more next season. 6 items at 15mins will probably be the norm soon.
@@thewolf7668 I think just removing the gold from plating would help so much and encourage roaming in soloqueue for plates, this would sadly devalue herald but that can be dealt with
@@thewolf7668 I thought it was there to slow down the destruction of towers so early so they can roam for free, of the remove the gold it will surely lead to more roaming but now they can be more punished
What if ivern could shield monsters in the jungle? Incase say someone tries to invade iverns camp. And he needs just that little more time to snag it. Putting a shield as a friend of the Forest on a neutral camp would definitely be interesting
It s sad how the only two mages in the jungle are actually midlaners who became so obsolete that they were pushed out of their original lane and ended up in the jungle... just to be forgotten again even in there
@@crazyandlazylikemad the only one that can be considered a mage jungler that wasn't mentioned is rumble and that under heavy debate. Most mage mains don't recognise rumble as a mage at all, less so than even vladimir. While toplaners , the negative iq monkeys they are, claim he is a mage.
@@crazyandlazylikemad there are no traditional mages in the jungle, as in designed to be played inside of the jungle. Other ap jungle champs do not strictly belong to the mage cathegory, Nidalee and elise play mostly like assassins and lillia is more a bruiser or skirmisher than anything else
To make his ultimate really strong, just allow him to proc Ardent Censer on Daisy so she will get a good attack speed, oh and yes rework her AI. All Ivern's kit is fine, except his ultimate
It surprise me the fact that it took so much time for Ivern to get a video in "Why no one plays".I mean, he is LITERALLY the definition of "Why NO ONE plays" series :p
I'll just say this now. Ivern is absolutely hilarious when playing support bottom lane and you have a friend who is good with Rengar. Its just such a fun cheese lane. I shouldn't need to explain why covering your lane with brushes is a wet dream for Rengar. Also unsealed spellbook rune is fun on him to. So you can steal the enemy jugnle buffs around level 5 by swapping to smite. Also helps your jungler with dragon control. Definitely not something i'd pull off in ranked. But its a great way to screw around in normals with friends.
They could just remove the "you need to go something else while you passive do the camp for you" with just instakilling the camp, after all everyone have an fast jungle clear in those days, why should ivern be the slowest?
lmao that would be so absolutely broken. Makes his full clears always less than a minute and then he can spam gank while also benefitting from insane amounts of farm. Ivern is meant to get less gold since hes balanced around building support items, which are cheaper
Sejuani jungle is forever my baby. She's my favorite. Even though she's a tank, she does quite a bit of damage and has a LOT of playmaking potential. Needless to say, teams love to have me.
Sejuani is fun. I haven't tried playing her AP but I had one Sejuani go AP and she did a ton of damage. I'm still working on getting better at her so I just go tank for now.
@@d4s0n282 Just because one person succeeded with it doesn't make it as good as the standard build. Recall that AP Alistar has beaten DoubleLift's ass before, it's still not a good build.
what if ivern figths against the enemy and there are no allies around and is in his side of the jungle the camps respawn to attack the enemy like malzahar minions? to make his early a bit more easy
Or what if Friend of the Forest made camps his... friends? Like, while maturing or even fully matured before he targets them again, they have buffed health and attack and will target enemies that target Ivern? Idk, seems like it could be abusable, but "fun"?
@@reptilez5798 oooh, I like it. I wasnt even thinking about scaling, mostly just how to improve his early game and help him against invades. But the mana scaling would help tie him over to the mid game!
I main Ivern, and I can say why I play him. His gameplay is so... chill. You just walk around jg, clicking on camps then using Q to swiftly click on the next camp. He's voicelines and movements are also so calming. It's just... weirdly different from everyone else/
When I started playing League of Legends in December 2020, Ivern were the first champion I bought, since I liked his design (appereance, not playstyle) I played him as a support and he brought me to playing the jungle role :3. Now I can play Lillia, Sejuani, Ivern and my speciality, Tahm Kench jungle.
I would personally love to see more support like champions in the jungle. Jungle should technically be the only role where almost any champion can fit.
As someone who plays Ivern I think the bigger issue in his kit has to be bush placing. Out of all the abilities he has, bush placing seems about on par with fiddlesticks ward replacement. I think Ivern could benefit with his ears trinket being replaced with his bushes with a few tweaks, while the hole in his kit filled with a new ability to make his gameplay more interesting or interactive
Tbh my problem with Ivern is that Daisy's so hard to control. I'll be sitting in a bush and she'll run out like a mad lad and run towers down. She needs to chill.
There's not much reason for Ivern to be in the game when Riot is trying to turn LoL into a 1v9 game. The game snowballs harder than ever with all the changes to gold income and early game objectives, and all the new characters are solo queue champions that snowball into solo carrying the game. Riot realized that the largest portion of their playerbase just hates playing around their team in this team game, so the game is moving away from champions like Ivern.
@@starmstrong2062 not really as a sp player who always play enchanter. I always go around the map to help around the map and it works most of the time. Buffing ur midlaner or sometimes top laner 1 time as a surprise attack is very easy
All I need to make me want to play ivern is 2 things, make his early game better because me being at 30 hp by the end of my clear never feels good and make him able to fight something (not alone, with daisy) because as is you just have to tiptoe around the opponent for 30 seconds to get them somewhat low
The main problem is that the only mode that is considered serious is one where nobody knows how to play with him. Ranked flex feels amazing as Ivern if you have a group. I do play Ivern in solo q and can usually rely upon my allies to do well enough to carry if I focus helping the right people. If you need to know a matchup, ask the Ivern main as they will always know who wins the matchup because they need to know who to help in every game. The main sentiment that most junglers need is that you never gank a losing lane, but Ivern does the opposite of the common jungle knowledge.
I've been trying to play Ivern since preseason 11 but the most common problem I've seen, was that my team mates didn't understand my abilities. I cleared the blue and left it's buff for my midlaner but unstead of taking it, he ported back into base, bought items, died on lane and then flamed me for not giving him blue. Alot of people especially ADCs were trying to help me by leashing, but didn't understand that I don't need help. After the third time in a row I literally wrote "Playing Ivern don't need help Lv1" at the beginning of the game. It sucks thar in low elo the reason you are loosing is because your team doesn't know your champion.
I love ivern, hes my second favorite jungler to play. I was a support main until i got tired of adcs being toxic or bad. I play nunu jungler or shen top but ivern is such a vibe
You didn't mention that Ivern has a big issue: Krugs! Ivern doesn't get full exp and gold from krugs, only for the two first ones, and it makes Ivern be always on the edge if you misspath
As an incidental support main Ivern has made transitioning into jungle more comfortable. It seems he really is strongest when he builds support items. Say what you will about Rito, but lately they have been very ambitious when it comes to mixing roles and play styles. And yes. Ivern players don't need a level one leash, please and thank you. Please save your health and time for the lanning phase. Cookies will be ready at level 5!
I am Ivern main and I can tell that no one knows how to play with him, its sometimes frustrating so I had to use a presentation, that some Ivern main did, and it realy helped. Like I said, playing him is sometimes frustrating, but wondering in jungle, taming the camps, linstening to spotify is a beautiful thing, and then helping others enjoy the game too. And for some buffs I would suggest that he could use the tamed camps in his favour, like if he gets invaded they could fight for him or something like that. Great video by the way
I personally love Ivern. He has been my favorite champion ever since his release. I get why people dislike him although, he is super fun to play even while losing. You can just chill and help your team from the back line and let the carries do your things like Vars said. Speaking of, btw I love your content. Keep doing what you are doing bro!
One thing that hit me hard about ivern was tyler1 talking about healing in the jungle. Among the meta junglers, the only one not fighting any of the camps has the least healthy clear
The problem with Ivern is that he doesn't deal as much damage as other Enchanter and is less gimmicky. I say give him more combo mechanics that just spamming stuffs, Like if he's snare hit a bush everything inside the bush gets snared or when summoning Daisy it CC enemies.
Believe it or not, I only got into lol like 5 days ago🤯 I know I know, shame on me! I had literally 0 knowledge about the game… maybe 0.1😉 Ivern was my first champion, I picked him completely based on nothing. Didn’t take long for me to realize that he’s very different, first I thought it‘s kinda cool being such a unique Champion. After that I got very frustrated, kinda blaming me because of my noobidity(🤷♂️😂), but also being annoyed by him seemingly being so harmless. So I kept getting killed over and over. But I thought it probably makes sense to stick with one champion for a while and I just couldn’t let him go. I just wanted to make that me and him thing work out, so I pushed through it. And now he’s starting to grow on me (get it😉). I know, this all happened within 5 days, so I’m still a noob by all means, But I’m starting to feel more comfortable with him and I don’t feel thrown around like a sock in a washing machine anymore. So I think I’m gonna try to make Ivern one of my main Champions and kinda specialize on him. Maybe the circumstances will change someday so he will have more reason to exist and to be played😊 #justiceforivern 👊😉
It's pretty simple way to buff him. Make his early games clear even faster and cost less resources at the expense of late game power (just number tweaks) Make him a non dueling counter jungler. While this sounds completely broken, it would hamper carry junglers that need fast clears in order to gank and assassinate. You hamper them, you alleviate pressure on the map as the enemy jungler needs to farm. The carry junglers will still be able to clear a camp with an ability or two at level 4+ (while Ivern will still have to wait the 12-16 seconds) but just that speed bump can help. Either that or have him take reduced damage (and deal increased damage) to epic monsters so he can have some objective control without his ult.
Far as I'm concerned people can pick whatever they want, just make it work. Had Morde support last week. I didn't say a thing, and didn't have to, he did just fine. He made it work.
I was a main support with most of my experience on bard when I started playing him, it was actually a fit made in heaven since ivern. Like ppl think that ivern is bad early because there are not accustomed to non-stop ganking.
Ivern main here. He has a strong level 2 by that. Pink ward your jungle, Mark all your jungle on ther side, steal enemy buff, and then charge into lane from the backline while all other laners are level 1. Either free kill or set that lane behind while an ez 4 camp finishes for you in the background.
Ivern is a great jungler, most people just don't know how to play him propperly. Also I think Leona also can be added to the group of champs with a damaging effect on her shield.
Quick idea if ivern doesnot have a buff on him, his ult will spawn daisy i fe has a blue buff he will spawn a blue daisy that will regenerate mana same with red buff but red daisy would regenerate healt if ivern killed a dragon in the last 2 minutes he will spawn a dragon thats immune to knockups has the health amount of killed dragon and will airborn every enymy champion in the area when summoned like the dragon does when you first attack it
I don't think Ivern needs that many changes just a way to deal with solo jungling. 1. don't stop his camp conversion by damage because that means any enemy can always steal his camps, 2. Let him smite untagged camps, not to kill but just to be able to heal if needed and 3. Give his W passive a massive boost against Monsters so he has a chance at drakes and herald
Make Daisy's attack speed scale off of heal and shield power, and increase her movement speed when she gets Ivern's shield. Gives good options for fighting both early and late with her. I also feel like his passive could be changed a bit. Maybe he could smite the camp immediately after he marked it, but it would take a ton of health and mana? Then the health and mana cost could scale down with time, so camps given more time would be safer to take. This could give him dynamic jungling options, as well as counterjungling, while still imposing a serious cost and restriction.
"Ivern can't be left alone very well" Bruh, have you ever been counter jungled by an Ivern before? That shit is absolutely MADDENING! Dude gets like 400 CS in a 20 minute game effectively making it 4v5 lmao. And after looking at the replay, he wasn't even full clearing, his team were taking quite a few of his camps which helped them grow faster too! Lastly, I get very happy when I see an Ivern on my team. Dude is so fun to play around and I barely ever lose with one. I think last year I had like a 80% win rate with them or something stupid like that. Love that guy lol
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Where are going with why everyone plays? I would like to see Jinx maybe.
Magikarp used flu said that "he's like a Janna that can clear camps", and "he's basically a second support".
I really want Ivern in wild rift
(11:10) Me in wild rift: *LAUGHS IN MUNDO WITH A DOUBLE GODLIKE*
me an enchanter support main
ear to ear smile the inter video praise me more
tell me how me existence gives you a % chance of imploding every game
a true main will emprise ivaren and bard's chaise 💋
A nice “buff” to Ivern could be to not let Daisy die when he dies. She doesn’t have to be controllable. Just let her aa like Shacos clone when he dies.
I've always wanted that
yes yes yES YESSS!!!! he really need this "buff"
that's basicly tft ivern
Make daisy like tibbers
Like Yoricks Maiden right? Or does maiden die?
He's a support jungler which makes him perfect to get flamed.
The Two most hated roles put into one. Poor Tree man
I dont get blamed cuz my job is to just shield them im the one whos blaming them when they fuck up normally i can't do that cause I'm too focused on the game but with ivern i get to play autopilot very chill jungler imo they underestimate you but with daisy and shit tons of shield id say hes fine
Not support jungler. Enchanter jungler. Support is a role, enchanter is a class.
The man who's name Germans can't spell...The man himself - Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz
As an Ivern main...I felt that.
“Ivern is the only jungle enchanter”
Pretty sure Yuumi is the premier jungler right now
Shhh, stop it. You'll give people like me too many ideas.
More like ur getting reported 9x time every game
Perma-ban any% speedrun wr when?
@@Local_commentor tfw you’re too good both teams think you cheated
@@tiredwithpeoplesshxt1284 ohh yeah Morgana I really hate playing Darius jg or mordekaiser and she Perma roots me
i had to think about this guy who made a whole Power Point Presentation for his teammates on how to play with an Ivern when you talked about people not knowing how to play with him seems to be a legit problem ^^ Great Video
s/o jamican banana, one time my teammate read it and doesnt pick lucian mid, but it hapend once for like 60 games
It's Jamican Banana, #1 NA Ivern Challenger
Ok I need that PowerPoint for my ranked games
I really love Ivern. He's such a great champion.
It is so chill to play this guy. You can calm down, listen to the ambience of leagues jungle, greet every camp, smile and just have a great time.
Of course i cant forget the occasional attack from a wild animal also known as the enemy jungler. What you do there of course is disengage slowly, remain eye contact and if they engage on you heavily, try to minorly subdue it. If it continues being aggressive and won't stop? Call your friends.
What does ivern do to the camps, did he let them free? cause when i look in the damage charts i have over 300k true damage😂
Same, except I play Ivern mid and that shit is INTENSE 100% of the time
I love that comment. It just perfectly describes Ivern in the most wholesome way
@@ajeb7207 LMAO same wtf. I telling myself where did i get that SHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Candyking makes it even more chill for me :D
Ivern can be replaced by other enchanters and his playstyle is way different like Singed in the top lane. If you wanna learn how to play the green father, you gotta commit to playing him, or else you will int. But I like his personality, so wholesome and shouldn't be in League.
Just give Ivern his own game
If you get some Ap (stronger shields, damage, TANKIER daisy) and learn to micro daisy like another player (like learn to Orb walk and kite with Ivern and Daisy simultaneously) then you effectively got a tank and an enchanter. Also daisy go Boom with AP don't sleep on it.
@@Juxsin Ivern was designed to buy support items. When the solution is to play then in a way that wasn't the intent, that's terrible game design.
@@TheAngelRaven but when I play him like this it feels right. Honestly feel like I play daisy more than Ivern. Daisy focused gameplays is what I dont see people do, idk if ita because it's hard for them to use 2 characters but once you do he feels so different. If you're willing to humor a low ego player, my youtube has old ivern gameplay but my the last game in my account was full AP i felt OP.
@@TheAngelRaven yes, just like Shyvanna
Simple, he's not a Carry in a role that can heavily influence a match, and is too unique to be a secondary pick for Jungle.
Honestly, I just want Ivern to be able to set the camps free and whoever roams into river is just jumped by the entire enemy side Jungle
That would be so funny and super fun but it would cause so many issues so riot would never do it
Imagine just in a team fight and Ivern dies, Nearly all of the Monster camps just starts jumping/attacking the enemy until Ivern respawns
@@jerryturgin6583 Sounds way more reasonable that making a champion that turns into the champions he kills, and they did it anyway....
@@TBPetitP yeah, this was pre every new champ needing 900 hotfixes on release to work properly thh
I love playing Ivern but my biggest issue with him is that he can't solo dragon or herald pre-6
also I love his playstyle (support jungler) but I get bored of spamming him sometimes. I wish riot would make another support jungler, maybe with an ability similar to old Nunu W
you can actually do nautilas jungle btw, it's off meta but it can work. And morgana is still really fun
Well, you can kinda treat Zac, Nunu and other tanks as "support junglers", but not enchanters, tho
This is how I feel about non-carry junglers, I stopped playing Nunu in solo queue simply because I can’t place that trust into my laners, I can get them fed quite easily with Nunu but unless it’s a premade with a friend who I know will perform well it’s just not worth it.
That's true that you can't solo drag at pre 6 but if your team understands how to play with you it's gonna be ok with them because it's just the first drag :>
Ivern's best line when daisy kills someone: "Don't play possum! Daisy hates possum!"
Woah! Is this a joke? I never heard of that
@@onlymage9572 its pretty rare!
Ivern is like Aurelion Sol : too unique to be played by everyone.
Being a Jungler and a enchanter at the same time doesn't help when the most popular champs are ninjas, samurais and assassins in general.
Also Ivern doesn't like killing monsters unlike any other jungler and isn't good early-game.
Damn and here i am that i main both of them mainly a sol as jungle is my secondary. That makes me extra extea unique 🥴🥴🥴
Imagine if ivern abilities attract jungle camp to attack his target.
I feel like I've seen that somewhere before..
I think the meta is now to much assassain focussed for a champion like Ivern to work, cause he gets counterplayed so hard on early jungle agression, but that's because Riot has made unbalanced assassains, that dont have the weaknesses of traditional assassains, so people spam them everywhere.
too true tbh, i main ivern support and asol lmao. one is ridiculously strong in early game and the other might as well be afk, hard to adapt to but incredibly fun
personally i think one of the best things about ivern is how he is one of the best junglers at invading, the fact that he can go into a jungle camp over the wall, create a grove, immediately smite it and just be on his way is something completely unique to him and really helps his weak early game by setting back the enemy jungler a red or blue buff
Blitz pulls enemy red/blue, bam Ivern smite steals. So satisfying
I always thought it'd be cool if the camps Ivern set up his groves on would fight alongside him while he's in their range. Would really match with the whole friend of the forest theme and might help with early game as it'd be a lot harder to invade a controller if his entire living jungle is defending him.
I honestly love that idea.
Ivern main here, camps don't attack Ivern so if the enemy jungler invades you on your blue or some other camp, they only attack the enemy jungler. It's like a 2v1 or even a 3v1 with daisy!
Thank you! Never thought on doing that. Gotta use that frog for something...
@@Phantom1165 Ivern main here, you don't need to get invaded if YOU are the invader (and I'm usually am lol). Ivern is simply broken when it comes down to counter jungle, he also has a good dps on 1v1 on the early levels with red buff if you manage to keep your distance.
I always take 3 buffs at the start of the game due to how easy it is for Ivern to steal, but yeah, to do so I usually avoid the enemy jungler to keep applying pressure where they can't defend.
As for the late game, Ivern and Daisy are basically a brick wall that stops anyone trying to get to the ad carry. I usually build around it.
1st item: Mobility boots as soon as possible to wander through the jungle easily and apply pressure/steal camps
2nd item: Moonstone - This healing has already saved a lot of games
3rd item - If the game is easy, Redemption. If an enemy is troublesome - likely an Irelia - Anathema Chains into them and they can't even get close anymore.
The rest is situational.
Lol that’s a great ide
I love Ivern. He was actually pretty good early this season when they buffed him, but due to high level play, they nerfed him again. -___-
Reason why I hate proplay number 20145
@@sunnydargonnel well I think that it’s not fair in this case since Ivern is designed to be a team play champion, so if he’s strong he’s gonna be really strong in the best coordinated teams.
Hence Riot does not want you to play niche champs. Very funny.
ironically my biggest carry ever was with Ivern in season 9. i had an inting/dcing Renekton top and bad bot laners. i stalled the game to 40 minute mark and yet somehow won the game when we had lost top lane fully. really proud of that game.
i was so fed, i solo double killed split pushers in top. finished with 12/2/20 KDA.
Just had an 8/0/14 game with Ivern last night. After the first two ganks I knew, yep, this is a Mejais game. It feels so good to dish it out with this calm champ once in a while.
@@CheaterCodes cheers🍻🍻
"...If Ivern's ultimate was strong enough to be a legitimate threat..."
Someone hasn't seen the clip where Tyler1 kills a full HP Pantheon with only Daisy
Exceptions are not the rule.
NA doesn't count. Even AP Yorick works there :P
I mean, early levels, daisy is fucking scary as hell
I'm new to the game and I played against this guy for the first time. When I saw him walking like that and fast I thought he was trolling me. But after killing his last words hurt me so bad that I felt bad for killing him (kinda like nunu and willump). So idk maybe riot was aiming for pity from enemy jungler?
Pity in league is rare
As someone who's second most played Jg is Ivern I just like him cause he's goofy and the playstyle just comes naturally after a few games
"Ivern is the only support Jungler"
My dumbass playing Leona Jungle: Wut?
I would say Nautilus jgl as well but tbh he is a former JGL and top laner that went to support cuz of his CC; so doesn’t really count.
Me playing Yuumi jungle: FEAR THE BOOK OF UNDYING MYSERY
@Technophilius Pulcherax *coughs in Bungle in The Jungle*
@@XTeam49 naut was always a support wym..
@@shadowling77777 He was actually a top laner/Jungle when he was released and until around 2017 people stopped playing him in the top lane. Take it from a former Nautilus main!
Ivern is just so calming and a vibe to play, just mute all, and just vibe with his voice lines in the jg
I know a full AP ivern player who actually lands a lot of solo kills at first scuttle
Daisy should be like Maiden: Last until she dies or until Ivern dies.
this is pretty much the case mid game. Daisy lasts 60 secs and it's easy to get the cooldown below that with how much cdr you build on him
@@Bowblax2 with Staff of Flowing Waters, you can pretty much have it up the entire time. Just shield someone and then Ult.
ivern is pretty loggers, thanks for the video! Been waiting for it for such a long time lol
They could make it so the jungle camps actually become his friends and follow him around for a period of time so he is less vulnerable in the jungle when by himself. Can make them refuse to enter lanes and run away when allies are nearby.
I (as a masochistic support main) am really intruiged. guess I'll give ivern a try
Masochists gang plays rammus regularly. You should try him too
Supp/ADC Main piping up:
Ivern is my go-to jungle pick. Not because he's amazing, but it makes Jungle tolerable for me.
No crazy kiting, routes, worry about counter jungled. You just mark your camps, and take them out, smite if you have to hurry.
Items are pretty much the same (I like Moonstone and Flowing Waters because of Daisy)
The only thing I hate is not having a Sightstone which is only tied to support items now.
I lose more often than I win with him, but I hate myself a little less when I'm autofilled Jungle and no one wants to swap
Main thing is to understand you need melee champs to E. Also, his auto is amplified when he is in the brush.
3:00 Disclaimer: This is true except for the krugs camp. Ivern can only get gold and exp from the original large and medium krugs, hence it's common for Ivern players to just skip that camp during their clear.
Known as the cursed camp by the community, the actual numbers are 36% of the gold and 27% of the xp for anyone wondering
@@thatoneritardando come on riot...
Oh yeah, i remember Tyler1 talking about that. It's not even worth wasting time and literal heath to do that camp.
@@thatoneritardando That's the gold and exp you're missing or the gold and exp you're getting by clearing that camp with Ivern?
@@White-oq4sf probably what you lose from the small krugs that you cant get, cause theyre saying you dont get any gold and xp except from the big and medium ones
I remember I tried ivern once, mostly because I loved how wholesome his character was and how fun it seemed to not have to worry about fighting camps. But every game I played ( around 3-5 games) team fights at drag or herald were always a disaster, and lead to the whole team falling behind and losing in the first ten minutes. Honestly i mostly blamed the champ for that back then because he felt so weak and helpless when ever ANYONE on the enemy team picked me in a fight to kill. I ended up losing ever game I played with him, but I actually do remember having fun at some moments of the game. Ganking took some getting used to with his kit but it was fun for the most part, (if my laner took advantage of my kit that is) I honestly think I might try him again after watching this video reminded me of him. But like Vars said he’s really not a good pick into what’s popular lately. So I prob won’t try anytime soon.
For what I've heard, it seems he really needs something to get better at Herald and Dragon.
The answer to that is champions. In a perfect world, what you want is to gank bot lane, kill their ADC, and ask for assistance, and have people on the dragon. If enemy mid and Jng come, than mid would come dow and it would still be a 3v4, better odds than full of fighting.
If that doesn’t help, here’s a tip, place two bushes at the mouth of the dragons caves. Enemy can’t see you, or dragon unless they place a ward. And if they do try to fight, root them, pile on, and turn it into a 2v4.
If enemy Jng is on drag, have Daisy go in and attack it. The combination of Dragon’s damage will definitely hurt, and force him to back.
Finally been waiting to see my main on this series, I knew it was only a matter of time lmao
Vars Classic incoming, I played Ivern to gold this season. I have loved this champion since I first started playing league in season 7, his play style always fascinated me. 200k mastery points later and I play nothing besides him. I love seeing more videos cover champs like the green father.
as a rengar main, i would love if ivern was played often. his bushes actually help me.
I got super rekt one time by a rengar/ivern bot lane. I still have nightmares
Wow, that sounds like a heavy counter that should not be. Rengar should not be able to jump from bushes made by his enemies....
Finally My main
The whole thing with ivern being not popular is the fact that he doesn’t fit the aggressive vibe junglers give off
I’m not saying all junglers are aggressive but I’m not gonna lie and say all my jungler friends I play never at least went full on full aggressive speed running vibes whilst me and the rest of my team was quietly laning
The whole thing with ivern is that you shouldn’t being aggressive or try to go mad man the whole game, you literally have to have the most chillest jungle play style in order to play him properly as a jungler…
Which at this point
*Is impossible*
I have spent quite alot of time on ivern and I have to say that playing him nowadays is having a vacation with the occasional attack from a wild animal, also known as your enemy jungler.
If no one ever invades you its literally the best thing ever.. calming, non stressful and purified peace.
Last night I lost 3 games in a row really badly trying to learn a new champ (Taliyah). My mood wasn't great, but next game I played Ivern and it only took a minute for me to smile at this tree man. Such a positive character!
Also the game ended 8/0/14, so good times were had.
I don't think Ivern is the chillest jg to play. Ivern doesn't have a fast clear speed so he needs to find chance to steal camps and gank instead of keep farming and do nothing.
@@chinocoffee9565 once you know how to clear you actually realize stealing camps (especially early) is rather bad. You dont do it before you're like lvl 11+
@@Pocket_Shield i dunno, i love stealing blue buff lvl 1.
but yeah, i don't invade much most of the game. you usually sert up your camps, gank once or twice, goi pick up your camps. or you just back isntead of ganking. but I mean, ganking is the fun part!
Great video as usual, Vars ♥️ 🌱 I’ve been looking forward to this one!
My friend is a main ivern and I'm a mid Akali main, honestly having an ivern in my team is so fun, but yeah I'm an assasin player so I'll probably never play the tree man
As someone who learned jungle through ivern I can confirm I know how to play ivern…..not jungle
I have to say, I follow you for about a year now and your videos are always super well made, but the thing I love the most about them is your music choice ! Myster Dungeon OSTs got you my respect
Honestly, just yesterday I was talking to the friends that I play with about 'What should I do?'
I'm a support main. I spam Soraka, Sona, and Leona every game. But I've been wanting to leave support, not behind, just, I wanna go to different lanes every once in a while. The way I chose to do that was Evelyn Jungle, which changed to Kindred jungle *cause Eve is rather bad ngl* But even then, I know my friends dislike me playing jungle cause I'm a handicap. I'm not comfortable there. It's not that I don't know how to jungle. I can clear camps fast, and I help with ganks, relieving pressure, etc, etc.
I just..don't know how to kill. I want to roam the map and support every lane. I want a fully legitimate support Jungler. But Ivern...doesn't do what I want to do. He doesn't relieve lane pressure, he helps with mid-late game team fights.
Every role is technically covered, but not Enchantress jungle.
And I do legitimately feel that if there were more hard-focused Supports in the jungle, people would be a little more agreeing to seeing them. One of Ivern's problems is that he stands completely alone on his strange pillar of sand. If someone were out there to stand with him, people would pay a little more attention.
omds! i feel your pain. I just started the game and I want to be jungle main. Ive been playing hacarim, lilia mainly. however, I've been wanting to get into more hyper carry type junglers like nidalee, fiddle but I just cant seem to get killing down. I gank well I think, I even make it easy on my self by playing hacarim cuz he is very good at ganking but I cant seem to get fed consistently. i watched a game of graves jungle with a full lethality build(whatever lethality is) but I don't think id be able to pull him cuz he actually requires u to get kills as a carry but I clearly have a prob with that sigh... sorry for the long rant:0
Ivern can relieve lane pressure, it depends on ur camp rotation and gank timing/planning. He gets strong in the mid-game sure. But many iverns ik suggest to look for ganks immediately at lv 2. Take Q, The route is to place groves from 1 side of the jg to the other always skipping 1-2 camps, and smite the buff in the side of the jg you end up on, then take E. Then u start relieveing pressure by camping or rotating lanes until ur camps r ready. Keep watching Ivern vids u might not be playin him right. But there's other supps u can play in the jg like Naut or Taric (and Taric is 50% Enchanter). You could try Rek'sai she can be played as a sort of early game support who focuses on CC'ing the enemy and getting her allies fed. If all else fails ivr nvr lost a game where all i did was counter jg and farm my own jg with her.
Ivern is one of my mains and favorite champs. I know his weaknesses and I absolutely agree that touching up the health loss on camps would make him feel so much better. I love the idea of an attack speed buff on daisy when you triggerseed them. I loved to go into ranked duos with my top buddy and we would invade the enemy jungle lvl 1 and I would steel their buff and be back to mine without losing any time or health
I recently start playing him, and i love him so much the gameplay is just so fun, unique and refreshing from playing average jungler champion.
"There's no other controllers in the jungle". May I present you blitz jungle
Bro, when i started the game, a few months ago, I mained (after some failures with other champs) Taliyah, and discovered your channel and the "Why no One Plays", and so the episode on Taliyah. Then I played Rakan and you made a video about him. Then I played Ivern, and now you've made a video about him, are you trying to tell me something Vars ?
Great video, as always, keep it up :D
I think that he mean by that you are nobody.
It means you do not belong to league. Get out while you can and save yourself from the toxic community
About the damaging shields, I'd count Diana's W as well which is funny because the mechanic is now given to a Controller in Ivern, a Tank in Sion and Diana as an Assassin/Slayer
I feel all these "why noone plays" could be fixed by just slowing down the game a little bit
I think the game is 40% faster right now compared to previous seasons. They added a lot of ways to get gold/exp and they're adding a lot more next season. 6 items at 15mins will probably be the norm soon.
@@thewolf7668 I think just removing the gold from plating would help so much and encourage roaming in soloqueue for plates, this would sadly devalue herald but that can be dealt with
@@ImperiumofRat the platings were put there just because there was too much roaming. I don't think thats it.
@@thewolf7668 whats happening nexat season? Ihave no idea and have not heard anything about season 12
@@thewolf7668 I thought it was there to slow down the destruction of towers so early so they can roam for free, of the remove the gold it will surely lead to more roaming but now they can be more punished
What if ivern could shield monsters in the jungle? Incase say someone tries to invade iverns camp. And he needs just that little more time to snag it. Putting a shield as a friend of the Forest on a neutral camp would definitely be interesting
For some reason, I'm convinced that Vars' favourite word is 'Conversely'.
I thought my favorite word was “former and latter”. We changing it up now?
I think that it's your favorite word to hear him say xD
@@VarsVerum I guess it's up to you to determine that.
"ivern will never be meta"
Ardent Censer in 2017: Allow me to introduce myself
Also MoonStaff meta :>>
It s sad how the only two mages in the jungle are actually midlaners who became so obsolete that they were pushed out of their original lane and ended up in the jungle... just to be forgotten again even in there
There are a more mages in the jungle than the 2 he mentioned
@@crazyandlazylikemad the only one that can be considered a mage jungler that wasn't mentioned is rumble and that under heavy debate. Most mage mains don't recognise rumble as a mage at all, less so than even vladimir. While toplaners , the negative iq monkeys they are, claim he is a mage.
@@crazyandlazylikemad there are no traditional mages in the jungle, as in designed to be played inside of the jungle. Other ap jungle champs do not strictly belong to the mage cathegory, Nidalee and elise play mostly like assassins and lillia is more a bruiser or skirmisher than anything else
To make his ultimate really strong, just allow him to proc Ardent Censer on Daisy so she will get a good attack speed, oh and yes rework her AI.
All Ivern's kit is fine, except his ultimate
It surprise me the fact that it took so much time for Ivern to get a video in "Why no one plays".I mean, he is LITERALLY the definition of "Why NO ONE plays" series :p
Did you not watch the start of the video? It's literally because Exil already made a video like that
@@Kyezie131 The comment was posted even before the video got published.
I'll just say this now. Ivern is absolutely hilarious when playing support bottom lane and you have a friend who is good with Rengar. Its just such a fun cheese lane. I shouldn't need to explain why covering your lane with brushes is a wet dream for Rengar.
Also unsealed spellbook rune is fun on him to. So you can steal the enemy jugnle buffs around level 5 by swapping to smite. Also helps your jungler with dragon control. Definitely not something i'd pull off in ranked. But its a great way to screw around in normals with friends.
Spellbook Ivern jungle can be nuts too. No one expects the exhaust or tp ganks.
They could just remove the "you need to go something else while you passive do the camp for you" with just instakilling the camp, after all everyone have an fast jungle clear in those days, why should ivern be the slowest?
lmao that would be so absolutely broken. Makes his full clears always less than a minute and then he can spam gank while also benefitting from insane amounts of farm. Ivern is meant to get less gold since hes balanced around building support items, which are cheaper
Me who just got done collecting footage for an Ivern video: 0_0
Sejuani jungle is forever my baby. She's my favorite. Even though she's a tank, she does quite a bit of damage and has a LOT of playmaking potential. Needless to say, teams love to have me.
Sejuani is fun. I haven't tried playing her AP but I had one Sejuani go AP and she did a ton of damage.
I'm still working on getting better at her so I just go tank for now.
@@SeismicWhalesAP Sejuani is a fun build for norms but very noticeably worse than just building tank. Worth trying though.
@@mjul7003 looks at peken who ran it in high elo recently lol
@@d4s0n282 Just because one person succeeded with it doesn't make it as good as the standard build. Recall that AP Alistar has beaten DoubleLift's ass before, it's still not a good build.
@@mjul7003 im saying thats its pretty viable, sure not the best, but not the worst,
just saw this in reccomended after playing and carrying with as ivern
happy to see any attention for my fav champ
Vars - "Let's Normalise support junglers"
Riot - Soraka: Q (starfall) has received a 200% damage buff to monsters.
Be careful of what you ask...
Vars I completely forgot about this Mystery Dungeon theme thanks so damn much for reminding me of it
Between “Play” and “Ivern” there is a gap
Does this indicate a jungle gap?
I've never actually gone against an Ivern yet... but I've played with a few. I quite like having him on my team
what if ivern figths against the enemy and there are no allies around and is in his side of the jungle the camps respawn to attack the enemy like malzahar minions? to make his early a bit more easy
Or what if Friend of the Forest made camps his... friends? Like, while maturing or even fully matured before he targets them again, they have buffed health and attack and will target enemies that target Ivern? Idk, seems like it could be abusable, but "fun"?
that would be interesting since uk the jg monsters are his friends. by the power of friendship xd
@@hacimstar130 i mean wont you help ur friend if a blind monk is kicking his ass
@@chadwick196 maybe the camps could scale off his mana rather than ap to keep his support jg aestetic
@@reptilez5798 oooh, I like it. I wasnt even thinking about scaling, mostly just how to improve his early game and help him against invades. But the mana scaling would help tie him over to the mid game!
I main Ivern, and I can say why I play him.
His gameplay is so... chill. You just walk around jg, clicking on camps then using Q to swiftly click on the next camp.
He's voicelines and movements are also so calming.
It's just... weirdly different from everyone else/
When I started playing League of Legends in December 2020, Ivern were the first champion I bought, since I liked his design (appereance, not playstyle) I played him as a support and he brought me to playing the jungle role :3. Now I can play Lillia, Sejuani, Ivern and my speciality, Tahm Kench jungle.
My path was exactly the same as yours, except my jungle mains are Sejuani and Skarner
You should try Udyr
I would personally love to see more support like champions in the jungle. Jungle should technically be the only role where almost any champion can fit.
Hey Vars! I would like to hear your opinions on other Moba's like Dota 2,Smite,Overwatch,etc.
It would be really cool. 🙂
Umm,I dont think Overwatch counts as a moba
As someone who plays Ivern I think the bigger issue in his kit has to be bush placing. Out of all the abilities he has, bush placing seems about on par with fiddlesticks ward replacement. I think Ivern could benefit with his ears trinket being replaced with his bushes with a few tweaks, while the hole in his kit filled with a new ability to make his gameplay more interesting or interactive
I've been interested to see him come to wild rift, his play style sounds intriguing
Just play him on pc tho?
Tbh my problem with Ivern is that Daisy's so hard to control. I'll be sitting in a bush and she'll run out like a mad lad and run towers down. She needs to chill.
There's not much reason for Ivern to be in the game when Riot is trying to turn LoL into a 1v9 game. The game snowballs harder than ever with all the changes to gold income and early game objectives, and all the new characters are solo queue champions that snowball into solo carrying the game. Riot realized that the largest portion of their playerbase just hates playing around their team in this team game, so the game is moving away from champions like Ivern.
This comment feels so validating to read
Everyone want to be a main character in the anime. But the supporting characters are the true chads of the anime :D
The team part rarely ever works with total strangers.
@@starmstrong2062 not really as a sp player who always play enchanter. I always go around the map to help around the map and it works most of the time. Buffing ur midlaner or sometimes top laner 1 time as a surprise attack is very easy
I love ivern, he is genuinely one of my favorite champs. I have a hard time playing normal junglers so playing ivern is super difficult for me
I literally never been annoyed bye playing against Ivern lol
It's probably because I like playing long range mages I didn't know
All I need to make me want to play ivern is 2 things, make his early game better because me being at 30 hp by the end of my clear never feels good and make him able to fight something (not alone, with daisy) because as is you just have to tiptoe around the opponent for 30 seconds to get them somewhat low
The main problem is that the only mode that is considered serious is one where nobody knows how to play with him. Ranked flex feels amazing as Ivern if you have a group. I do play Ivern in solo q and can usually rely upon my allies to do well enough to carry if I focus helping the right people. If you need to know a matchup, ask the Ivern main as they will always know who wins the matchup because they need to know who to help in every game. The main sentiment that most junglers need is that you never gank a losing lane, but Ivern does the opposite of the common jungle knowledge.
A jungler support
Says enough
pros used to build sightstone on jungle
I've been trying to play Ivern since preseason 11 but the most common problem I've seen, was that my team mates didn't understand my abilities. I cleared the blue and left it's buff for my midlaner but unstead of taking it, he ported back into base, bought items, died on lane and then flamed me for not giving him blue. Alot of people especially ADCs were trying to help me by leashing, but didn't understand that I don't need help. After the third time in a row I literally wrote "Playing Ivern don't need help Lv1" at the beginning of the game. It sucks thar in low elo the reason you are loosing is because your team doesn't know your champion.
I love ivern, hes my second favorite jungler to play. I was a support main until i got tired of adcs being toxic or bad. I play nunu jungler or shen top but ivern is such a vibe
You didn't mention that Ivern has a big issue: Krugs!
Ivern doesn't get full exp and gold from krugs, only for the two first ones, and it makes Ivern be always on the edge if you misspath
As an incidental support main Ivern has made transitioning into jungle more comfortable. It seems he really is strongest when he builds support items.
Say what you will about Rito, but lately they have been very ambitious when it comes to mixing roles and play styles. And yes. Ivern players don't need a level one leash, please and thank you. Please save your health and time for the lanning phase. Cookies will be ready at level 5!
I am Ivern main and I can tell that no one knows how to play with him, its sometimes frustrating so I had to use a presentation, that some Ivern main did, and it realy helped. Like I said, playing him is sometimes frustrating, but wondering in jungle, taming the camps, linstening to spotify is a beautiful thing, and then helping others enjoy the game too. And for some buffs I would suggest that he could use the tamed camps in his favour, like if he gets invaded they could fight for him or something like that. Great video by the way
Your last idea is pretty cool,maybe empower them and let them fight for you(in doom bots if enemy had udyr monsters would attack you/your base iirc)
I personally love Ivern. He has been my favorite champion ever since his release. I get why people dislike him although, he is super fun to play even while losing. You can just chill and help your team from the back line and let the carries do your things like Vars said. Speaking of, btw I love your content. Keep doing what you are doing bro!
One thing that hit me hard about ivern was tyler1 talking about healing in the jungle.
Among the meta junglers, the only one not fighting any of the camps has the least healthy clear
The problem with Ivern is that he doesn't deal as much damage as other Enchanter and is less gimmicky. I say give him more combo mechanics that just spamming stuffs, Like if he's snare hit a bush everything inside the bush gets snared or when summoning Daisy it CC enemies.
Believe it or not, I only got into lol like 5 days ago🤯 I know I know, shame on me!
I had literally 0 knowledge about the game… maybe 0.1😉
Ivern was my first champion, I picked him completely based on nothing. Didn’t take long for me to realize that he’s very different, first I thought it‘s kinda cool being such a unique Champion.
After that I got very frustrated, kinda blaming me because of my noobidity(🤷♂️😂), but also being annoyed by him seemingly being so harmless. So I kept getting killed over and over.
But I thought it probably makes sense to stick with one champion for a while and I just couldn’t let him go. I just wanted to make that me and him thing work out, so I pushed through it.
And now he’s starting to grow on me (get it😉).
I know, this all happened within 5 days, so I’m still a noob by all means, But I’m starting to feel more comfortable with him and I don’t feel thrown around like a sock in a washing machine anymore.
So I think I’m gonna try to make Ivern one of my main Champions and kinda specialize on him. Maybe the circumstances will change someday so he will have more reason to exist and to be played😊
#justiceforivern 👊😉
It's pretty simple way to buff him.
Make his early games clear even faster and cost less resources at the expense of late game power (just number tweaks)
Make him a non dueling counter jungler.
While this sounds completely broken, it would hamper carry junglers that need fast clears in order to gank and assassinate.
You hamper them, you alleviate pressure on the map as the enemy jungler needs to farm. The carry junglers will still be able to clear a camp with an ability or two at level 4+ (while Ivern will still have to wait the 12-16 seconds) but just that speed bump can help.
Either that or have him take reduced damage (and deal increased damage) to epic monsters so he can have some objective control without his ult.
Far as I'm concerned people can pick whatever they want, just make it work.
Had Morde support last week.
I didn't say a thing, and didn't have to, he did just fine.
He made it work.
I was a main support with most of my experience on bard when I started playing him, it was actually a fit made in heaven since ivern. Like ppl think that ivern is bad early because there are not accustomed to non-stop ganking.
Ivern main here.
He has a strong level 2 by that. Pink ward your jungle, Mark all your jungle on ther side, steal enemy buff, and then charge into lane from the backline while all other laners are level 1.
Either free kill or set that lane behind while an ez 4 camp finishes for you in the background.
Magikarp used flu said that "he's like a Janna that can clear camps", and "he's basically a second support".
I personally enjoy the Ivern Rengar bot combo. So niche but so much fun
Ivern is a great jungler, most people just don't know how to play him propperly. Also I think Leona also can be added to the group of champs with a damaging effect on her shield.
Quick idea if ivern doesnot have a buff on him, his ult will spawn daisy i fe has a blue buff he will spawn a blue daisy that will regenerate mana same with red buff but red daisy would regenerate healt if ivern killed a dragon in the last 2 minutes he will spawn a dragon thats immune to knockups has the health amount of killed dragon and will airborn every enymy champion in the area when summoned like the dragon does when you first attack it
I remember a player who post a google slides every game explaining how to play with an Ivern on your team
I played a bunch of games with an amazing ivern player in twisted treeline. Probably the most unique experience I've had in lol.
I don't think Ivern needs that many changes just a way to deal with solo jungling. 1. don't stop his camp conversion by damage because that means any enemy can always steal his camps, 2. Let him smite untagged camps, not to kill but just to be able to heal if needed and 3. Give his W passive a massive boost against Monsters so he has a chance at drakes and herald
3:45 "They have negative DPS"
Oh gosh, I chuckled here, why was it so funny?
Make Daisy's attack speed scale off of heal and shield power, and increase her movement speed when she gets Ivern's shield. Gives good options for fighting both early and late with her.
I also feel like his passive could be changed a bit. Maybe he could smite the camp immediately after he marked it, but it would take a ton of health and mana? Then the health and mana cost could scale down with time, so camps given more time would be safer to take. This could give him dynamic jungling options, as well as counterjungling, while still imposing a serious cost and restriction.
You missed that his auto is magnified when he is in brush and he can see into his brush.
"Ivern can't be left alone very well"
Bruh, have you ever been counter jungled by an Ivern before? That shit is absolutely MADDENING! Dude gets like 400 CS in a 20 minute game effectively making it 4v5 lmao. And after looking at the replay, he wasn't even full clearing, his team were taking quite a few of his camps which helped them grow faster too!
Lastly, I get very happy when I see an Ivern on my team. Dude is so fun to play around and I barely ever lose with one. I think last year I had like a 80% win rate with them or something stupid like that. Love that guy lol
I love that tree. I am not really good with him, but i think he is one of the funniest junglers in the game.