Should They Bring Back Removed Items? | League of Legends

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 386

  • @VarsVerum
    @VarsVerum  Год назад +7

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    • @krystians2016
      @krystians2016 Год назад +2

      static should be removed its only toxic and stupid for meta and for champs that are RN ppl just using it to afk and perma clearing wave thats why its so toxic

    • @krystians2016
      @krystians2016 Год назад +1

      mytics items is good idea BUT it was complitly shit executed cuz there wasnt enought of items there should be at least 5-10 items more for brusers and AP items should be rework and rabadon should be blocked so if you buy it you cant buy zhonya or if you buy zhonya you cant buy rabadon this could help

    • @Scudmaster11
      @Scudmaster11 Год назад

      17:28 because AD can already do more damage then AP... 3 auto attacks do more damage then the entire kit of a burst mage.... it doesn't diserve to come back.... AD is spoiled already... it's 125 on soul stealer... but still no...for the AD version to make an appearance... again...... it would have to be caped at 70

    • @krystians2016
      @krystians2016 Год назад +1

      abysal scepter is more like black cleaver not banshe and it would be really good and usefull but it have to be nerfed because that dmg and AP is super HIGH and magic % pen should be max 20%
      aadaptive helm was as force of nature few months ago and it was good because that was the only resist item that gave you SOME survivability
      complitly agree with boots that was soooo much more to the game you could make so much diffrent thing rn with that so usefull so good and so much potential
      atmas reckoning could be used with brusers that mostly AA AND/OR that can build guinso so they would buy those 2 items and have INSANE onhit dmg
      if this could stack with guinso because similar iote
      if you gonna do part 2 pls talk about old wits end it was sooooo good item and not just pure dmg like it is now

    • @ReXiRa787
      @ReXiRa787 Год назад

      I can't believe they made you read out "turning bosses into mounts and weapons" when monster hunter and a ton of other rpgs also do that 😭

  • @Theheadgiver
    @Theheadgiver Год назад +292

    My fav old school build was bankplank, you buy all the gold over time items and farm with q, at the end of the game Id always have 10k more gold than everyone

    • @ImRoosevelt
      @ImRoosevelt Год назад +3

      Also one of my favourites back in the day...I sure hope GP gets his mana-refund on Q back. If Riot would remove GPs lane-bullying persona with a higher mana-cost but a 50% refund if you kill a minion with it, would help the scaling playstyls again. I am sick of bullying people out of lane, let me scale so that I can come over the late-game

    • @its_xen0nn
      @its_xen0nn Год назад

      just get essence reaver@@ImRoosevelt

    • @donniedarkest
      @donniedarkest Год назад

      @@ImRoosevelt removing mana refund on Q is the worst thing they ever did to him it makes his early game so terrible

  • @KuramaTotchi
    @KuramaTotchi Год назад +271

    100% agree they need more options for extra vision. Twin Shadows was nice to scout ahead when trying to ward.

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +37

      Twin Shadows was amazing - It was cheap, gave really good stats and gave you chance to scout areas when you would normally have to face check.
      It was insanely good supportive item.

    • @sspectre8217
      @sspectre8217 Год назад +21

      I miss Twin Shadows so much. It was amazing on Bard(my main). Just use the active while I go roaming and warding to be safer.
      I do have to admit it was a bit of crutch though, I have become a lot better at managing vision without it

    • @sammigs34
      @sammigs34 Год назад +1

      Cho gath jg loved this item.

    • @Nikolai0169
      @Nikolai0169 Год назад +1

      I really just wish theyd let me buy Wardstone without having to finish a support item. (Ruby) Sightstone used to be my go-to item if I fell behind really far and still wanted to contribute to the team, not having a fallback item like than anymore makes loosing feel even worse.

    • @roozy10
      @roozy10 Год назад +1

      Brudda Ive had friends agree with me that item was op. If you played agrressive support with dmg (ex. brand) you could prod for lone ppl in river or force flashes by using it or walking into lane 😭😭

  • @noathern
    @noathern Год назад +109

    I honestly would adore a part 2 to this hearing you talk about the items lost to time is so cool and its such a refreshing history lesson for me as a wild rift player about the way things used to be

    • @gvidoje_NB
      @gvidoje_NB Год назад +3

      Here are 90% of WR items bro💀

    • @noathern
      @noathern Год назад +2

      @@gvidoje_NB hmm? I meant about the way things were for PC I may play the mobile version but its cool to know what the original game is like

    • @gvidoje_NB
      @gvidoje_NB Год назад

      @@noathern I'm playing LoL from 2017 on PC,then my pc died and I don't want to buy a new one bicase I was using it only to play LoL and study for college then WR came and I'm playing it till now

    • @noathern
      @noathern Год назад +1

      @Nikola_99 ah I'm happy you enjoy it 😊

    • @skywalkerjohn8965
      @skywalkerjohn8965 Год назад

      Still miss gunblade.

  • @sSynclare
    @sSynclare Год назад +67

    they should at least give us Zephyr in ARAM because theres only 3-4 tenacity items in current league and that one is the best one not available, LOVED it in arena i miss it so much

    • @utsubyo
      @utsubyo Год назад +4

      They should fix tenacity overall lol

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +21

      @@utsubyo Buff Tenacity fr.
      It's insane how much CC is in the game and half of it doesn't even get reduced by Tenacity (hahaha knock ups are balanced!!)

    • @kreeperkiller4423
      @kreeperkiller4423 Год назад +4

      @@walkelftexasrangerI think Tenacity should have more representation in unique items instead of runes like Legend Tenacity

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад

      @@kreeperkiller4423 Yeah we could use more items with Tenacity.

    • @MakoShiruba
      @MakoShiruba Год назад +2

      Tenacity is such an overblown stat in LoL PC. You get it in runes, in boots, in specific items that sometimes are part of your core build. You can get up to 60% Tenacity and at that point the only relevant CCs are stuff like Supressions, Sleep, Airborne and Grounding. Zephyr was cool when games could realistically go to 45+ minutes and you had so much gold you could remove your own Boots for this item, but I don't think LoL nowdays would accomodate that item, unless you tailor it as a Ranged version of a Zeal item for Ranged champs(and make it significantly weaker on Melee).

  • @ZangetsuDDC
    @ZangetsuDDC Год назад +14

    you know what item would be nice a magic resist item that has anti-healing

    • @Super_Top_Secret_Area
      @Super_Top_Secret_Area Год назад

      They could just turn Bramble Vest into a health item instead of armor and have both sides covered.

  • @polishguy8495
    @polishguy8495 Год назад +13

    There should be a separate tier for "Remove" dedicated to stop watch

  • @Hellothere-ss4jq
    @Hellothere-ss4jq Год назад +9

    9:18 it would be the AP equivalent of Black Cleaver, built it in Arena and it was wonderful for getting the resistances that AP bruisers sorely need in their builds while also getting some damage on the side. Put Bloodletters Curse in as is, Riot

    • @lillyie
      @lillyie 6 месяцев назад

      its redundant as it's only 30% pen, lower than void staff. sure it has resistances but if you need a defensive AP item, why not just build zhonya or banshee's veil instead

    • @Hellothere-ss4jq
      @Hellothere-ss4jq 6 месяцев назад

      @@lillyie I disagree, neither Zhonya's nor Banshee's are what AP Bruisers want to build because
      1) Those items (especially Zhonya's) are not allowed to be worth the gold because their effects are too good.
      2) Those effects are of no use when you're scrapping with people.
      Bloodletter's Curse is exactly what Morde,Gwen, Lillia, Gragas, Bruiser Akali and Bruiser Diana want: an item that betters their ability to fight in extended engagements by both making their damage better and improving their survivability in both physical and magical departments...all in one item.
      Onto Void Staff, is it really a mystery as to why these characters normally avoid building that item? It offers nothing else, that's why it's been overshadowed by Cryptbloom even on regular mages.

  • @Arob4343
    @Arob4343 Год назад +14

    I miss the frozen spooky ghosts. Fun for support

  • @Ashen-Crow
    @Ashen-Crow Год назад +1

    I loved the old "5 active itens, fuck it" support builds.

  • @Zedivh
    @Zedivh Год назад +2

    I remember building Frozen Mallet on Yasuo back in the day.... Wish I could give it a go now.

  • @santiagocorbo4327
    @santiagocorbo4327 Год назад +12

    miss the glp 9000 that thing was neat
    edit: Also bring back old guinso, the one that stacked into magic damage tiamat!

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +3

      Miss GLP as well.
      Insane item, superior to Luden's in every way.

  • @AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz
    @AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz Год назад +3

    there is so much untapped potential with active non-ward vision, exotic stat mixes, unique macro effects etc but no. you get the same 3 stats + a passive that deals some damage.
    and another pointless recycled jungle rework.
    and a mythic system that they needed years to figure out didn't work.
    I truly hate this game design team e.e

  • @Mike-iz6li
    @Mike-iz6li Год назад +2

    -old dusk blade whitout the scaling bonus dmg and 2900 gold
    -blackcleaver that cost 3000 gold
    -old guardian angel! 2400 gold!
    -youmuu that cost 2900 gold
    -boot upgrades !!!!!
    -mortal reminder/domminkks 2800 gold
    -old thornmail
    -abyssal scepter
    -old infinity edge +50% crit (revert the 175%to 200%)
    -old zhongya that cost 2600 gold

  • @papads-chan5119
    @papads-chan5119 Год назад +7

    i have to say, i think Mirage Blade would be a really nice way of allowing us not to take flash or have a 2nd flash in our pocket since, yea you misread it, it says you blink 350 units directly AWAY from the marked target, im sure someone could use this is some situation to gap close, but it is much more a defensive and evasive tool then a offensive one!

  • @SangoProductions213
    @SangoProductions213 Год назад +1

    Nope. Puppeteer cannot come back in any form whatsoever. Not even statted as a pure support item, or even without stats.
    Just take Senna for example. 900 range auto attack / Q, and boom, you're under turret.
    Or Ahri attacks you once, and ults under turret.
    Even without consideration of turrets, that's the equivalent of 3-4 seconds of champion movement in displacement, which is great for jungle ganks.
    Why would you give every champion much mor reliable blitz hooks, regardless of how you nerfed the item?

  • @thedarkdragon1437
    @thedarkdragon1437 Год назад +9

    Please no atmas. Hearsteel+Atmas+Titanic+Last stand is going to be the main target for any crit and autoattack reliant champion. I don't think you want 5khp 50%crit AoE yone.

    • @Sharphe
      @Sharphe Год назад +9

      Titanic and atmas should be the like hydra where you can't build them both

    • @Underworlder5
      @Underworlder5 Год назад

      heartsteel + atma + titanic on mundo. imagine the AD...

    • @mr.joesterr5359
      @mr.joesterr5359 Год назад

      ​@@Underworlder5Vayne gwen fiora camille darius sett etc...
      tanks just have too many champs and items that shit on them

  • @luckydragon6067
    @luckydragon6067 Год назад +2

    I miss mallet and twin shadows. The spooky ghosts were always fun!

  • @ignacioperez5479
    @ignacioperez5479 Год назад +5

    we need an AP items rework. AP bruisers got 2 items (3 if you want to add lich's bane)

    • @kevingriffith6011
      @kevingriffith6011 Год назад +5

      100% this. Every single mage item that isn't Deathcap or Void Staff has some combination of HP/Mana/CDR, there's no way to itemize a caster for pure damage. Someone like Kennen is forced to build HP whether they want it or not because he doesn't want to waste stats building mana. Basically every dedicated mage player complains about there being 0 build variety in mages because every single mage item gives the same stats.

    • @ignacioperez5479
      @ignacioperez5479 Год назад

      @@kevingriffith6011 if i can give my opinion, AP bruisers item should grant less AP (like, maybe the half) but AP bruisers should have better scaling. this way, if they want to go full AP, they will be squishy assasins, and if mages go with the bruiser items they will not deal that much damage

    • @kevingriffith6011
      @kevingriffith6011 Год назад +2

      @@ignacioperez5479 I kinda feel like the "nerf the items' damage, buff the ratios" approach is... dangerous (Even though that hasn't stopped AD bruisers from building lethality and doing the same thing). Better, I think, to add scaling off of other stats that the AP bruiser items would provide as well as the AP.
      Personally I think the problem is that mage items are too afraid to specialize in one direction or the other, probably because AP is too inexpensive on it's own so they have to throw on padding stats to keep mage damage sane. They can't make AP more expensive because supports need AP too, they can't buff supports' ratios to compensate because that's how we get enchanter support burst mages, and there are no other avenues to itemize mages other than AP and magic pen, once you're capped on ability haste (which mages get no option not to take) you've got nowhere else to go but HP.

    • @ignacioperez5479
      @ignacioperez5479 Год назад

      @@kevingriffith6011 true, but at the same time that would make a problem of mages building to deal damage and tanking a lot (reason why the first version of demonic embrace was nerfed)

    • @kevingriffith6011
      @kevingriffith6011 Год назад +2

      @@ignacioperez5479 Mages are already building HP anyway, because they don't really get a choice in that, especially manaless AP characters.
      Like... Compare Rumble and Kennen. Very different playstyles, Rumble's a melee AP bruiser while Kennen is a ranged AP mage. They both build the same items, the only difference is that Rumble builds Night Harvester and Kennen builds Protobelt. Morde would be in the same boat but he gets to build tank items since he gets to double-dip on HP with his shield.

  • @Otyrr
    @Otyrr Год назад +3

    I'm realizing watching this video how many options tanks had to deal with true damage and % health. It makes sense that these have become more and more of a problem since these items have been removed, but ADs have been left with these stats.
    I played an ARAM the other day where a 10k health Sion got deleted by a Kog in like 10 autos. I dont care how you feel about either champion, but an ADC dhould not be able to face tank a 10k health tank like that.

  • @Super_Top_Secret_Area
    @Super_Top_Secret_Area Год назад +3

    If Hextech Gunblade ever comes back, it should have its omnivamp removed. The mixed stats are nice, but it was too much with the heals.
    Jax and Corki have other options, so Gunblade would be almost exclusively abused by assassins, who shouldn't have sustain to begin with... And Kayle (the only "honest" Gunblade user who used to have it as a core item).

  • @wonthangsoop
    @wonthangsoop Год назад +5

    Zephyr reminds me of a time when builds could be creative. It's that one item most people wouldn't use, but it was there and I did notice it. And in some occasions I though, hey I could use this for this game. You weren't really inting if you bought the item.

  • @olianims
    @olianims Год назад +2

    Hell nah, bring back righteous glory and replace turbo shittank

  • @PasteIie
    @PasteIie Год назад +1

    as a briar enjoyer, I'd love to have atma's and frozen mallet back. it would be so much fun. :)

  • @dragonsreingsupreme1
    @dragonsreingsupreme1 Год назад +2

    Havily disagree on the adaptive helm call. It is not really an item meantfpr tanks but a defensive splash option if you are facing ALOT of burn on the enemy team. You dont take it for the mr alone but the subsequent mr passive that can really cut down on the dot from burn.

  • @douglaswalker7707
    @douglaswalker7707 Год назад +11

    Not only do I think we need a lot more items brought back, I think class separation for items would make this game easy freaking better, certain Champs or classes should not be able to build tank or ad items and still be able to 1v9

    • @gatobross1756
      @gatobross1756 Год назад +3

      I swear I fought against a yone with steelhearth 2 tank items and only titanic and pd and was unkillable

    • @xolotltolox7626
      @xolotltolox7626 Год назад +2

      that's more of a balance issue with those champions
      Champions should absolutely be allowed to build stuff outside their class, you shouldn't kill build diversity just because you have some outliers you are too incompetent to balance

    • @douglaswalker7707
      @douglaswalker7707 Год назад +2

      @@xolotltolox7626 no i mean obviously you can have some leway with your build path like isee no problem with adcs building lethality items, but i defintely see a probelm with assassings going full bruiser/tank/adc build path and still be just as viable if not more viable than their regular build path i dont think thats healthy game design

    • @xolotltolox7626
      @xolotltolox7626 Год назад +1

      @@douglaswalker7707 then that is an issue with those assasins, rather than them being able to build tank items.

    • @douglaswalker7707
      @douglaswalker7707 Год назад +4

      @@xolotltolox7626 i think its a combination of that issue, bad item design and class design, this has been going on since league first started, so me personally i think its a deeper issue than just a specific champ, buecause it keeps happening 14 years later, think class specific item could be a possible solution and just better for overall game health

  • @model84
    @model84 Год назад +4

    half of this items are event (Bilgewater), TT (3v3) or reworked items (jungle) or have the overlapping/'different' item version. But hextechgunblade, zefir, spellbinder,wota and twinshadows should come back. I liked ionic spark on irelia, mallet+atma was also fun and old warmog;|

  • @duyvukhanh4525
    @duyvukhanh4525 Год назад +3

    I think alvarice can be implemented by merging it with cult and give it some changes:
    - The bonus gold is 2 per cs and the passive is permanent
    - Gives it some sort of life steal
    - Takedowns boost the stack progress by 25 (the 100 stacks bonus can only be achieved once and only gives 150g instead of 350g)
    - Make it a starter item at the cost of 500g and disables pot purchase

  • @blacktack7918
    @blacktack7918 Год назад +2

    I want riot to bring back frozen mallet. I miss building this shit on tryndamere and olaf since my enemy top laner would call me a braindead f****t cuz their ass kept getting slowed.

  • @xolotltolox7626
    @xolotltolox7626 Год назад +4

    I think a fun video could be looking at dota items, and evaluating if they should be in league

  • @nonmagicalwitch
    @nonmagicalwitch Год назад +1

    imagine buying sword of the occult and mejais on kata, that would be kinda funny

  • @integralinsanity1641
    @integralinsanity1641 Год назад +2

    Zzrot and banner should come back. Period. But nerf Yorick and Belveth's passive.

  • @TechSuportScamer
    @TechSuportScamer Год назад +3

    Looking forward to WOTA, Spirit of the Ancient Golem/Elder Lizard/Spectral Wraith, Sword of the Divine, Mana Potion and Crystalline Flask (Also Breathstealer but that was Alpha)

    • @kodahaha
      @kodahaha Год назад

      WoTA was my fav! You could build it and gunblade on Kennen and heal for like 300 each Q because of it being single target. SUPER stupid for champs like Vlad, Kat, and Kennen because of infinite sustain. It is ridiculous that you can do a full build for lifesteal but mages only have Riftmaker, though.

  • @warnocity3633
    @warnocity3633 Год назад +1

    Hey Vars, just so you know, all of the items that gave you the Arcane mist passive were a part of Twisted Treeline before it was remade. It also had exclusive items like Wooglet's, Moonflair Spellblade and Bloodmail.
    I would also really like some more items with the Eternity passive. I think it's really underrated.
    Great video! Hope you get the chance to go through some more!

  • @rookie4582
    @rookie4582 Год назад +35

    I happy I got to try out Spellbinder before it was removed after season 10. Really great on Evelynn.
    Also, please don’t worry about long videos. Especially when it’s about old league. I like your video formats and rather learn old league from your channel. They are not boring IMO. Theses are the videos that are saved for lunch time.

    • @bavo5179
      @bavo5179 Год назад

      spellbinder rush pre rework diana was so much fun

    • @medvedik__9989
      @medvedik__9989 Год назад

      It was good on every mage assasins or burst champs

  • @Theseasonscome
    @Theseasonscome Год назад +6

    In my opinion I agree about the boots. I've always loved the enchanted boots idea and think they should bring those back but upgrades. Maybe class based upgrades that apply to all boots so that certain champs aren't locked into only building idk ionian boots + new enchantement.

    • @ja0062734
      @ja0062734 Год назад

      I think if they added a tier 3 for boots it'd be cool or maybe some ability to get two half boots that fuse together to make one boot with both the effects to be flexible like mercs and tabs together.

  • @shadetail
    @shadetail Год назад +4

    I miss innervating locket. There are still champs that want a bigger version of the RoA passive within needing the AP and I think having innervating would be good for that since the passive got removed from all other finished items.

  • @fis001r
    @fis001r Год назад +1

    Hextech Gunblade being removed is the reason Katarina now has ultimate bravery as her main build.
    Gunbale was removed
    Kat lost her main item
    Kat got on-hit on her abilitys
    Kat can now go on-hit
    So yes, bring back Gunblade and revert (or remove) Katarina

  • @MiguelKat
    @MiguelKat Год назад +1

    Omg Yes! I love your list. I also want Atma, but the version it was on PBE, it gave like a % of your hp as AD only iirc, and i do WANT Frozen Mallet back!! Specially if they bring Gunblade as you also wanted, also i advocate for counter parts of most of items, like give a zhonyas for ad or remove them both, hullbraker for tanks and ap bruisers. Idk but although a lot of those items would be broken i will still like to have more variety and see a counter part for all roles. And well for last yes zz rot should be brought back along eith Twin shadows too!

  • @TaconIStenen
    @TaconIStenen Год назад +4

    “Why do mages get Mejai’s but we can’t get Sword of the Occult?”
    *proceeds to explain why Sword was removed in the first place*

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +1

      Oh man, SotO first item rush on Draven was the good shit!

  • @walkelftexasranger
    @walkelftexasranger Год назад +10

    C'mon Vars give me back my Righteous Glory, current Chemtank is terrible and weak.

  • @woolfgangmozrt20
    @woolfgangmozrt20 Год назад +3

    i want the old jungle item ENCHANTS to be back....i miss so dearly the bloodrazor enchant on things like yi, shyvana or jax jungle , it was a 1 item power spike that was good enough to be your only damage item.

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +1

      I want Jungle items back, because it's unfair that Jungler has permanent buff with no drawback...

    • @thehalfrican1386
      @thehalfrican1386 Год назад

      Spirit stone jungle was by far the best time for junglers ever! I want it back

  • @channceyneko
    @channceyneko Год назад +1

    I don't know how you say you want more options but think abyssal scepter is the same thing as abyssal mask? Abyssal scepter gave survivability AND damage to champions like diana, akali, katarina, etc. Abyssal mask is a supportive item for tanks to, sure, makethemselves do more damage, but you only buy it if your team is AP heavy.

  • @gustavofagundes2208
    @gustavofagundes2208 Год назад +4

    bloodletter's curse is not modern day abyssal mask it would be a ap version of black cleaver with resistances, how can you just skip the fact that it gives ap and compare it to a tank item in an in deph video lol + i think they might be thinking of bringing it back into the game cause it was on arena and on the upcoming nexus blitz next week

  • @AngyPolarBear
    @AngyPolarBear Год назад

    Back when I used to hard main Xerath Spellbinder was a huge item for me.
    That was my get out of jail free card, pop that NoS and zoom away from the fight if the enemy is getting too close.

  • @xylemnguyen223
    @xylemnguyen223 Год назад +2

    I used to play the hell out of Ahri mid rushing Twin Shadows. I main support so whatever other roles I play I always focus on map control and support the other lanes. But Riot has nerfed mobility and movement speed like a lot so I only play support now.

  • @CrispyChrisCries69
    @CrispyChrisCries69 Год назад +5

    Since items will be removed next season, I hope you make a tier list of items that should go and items that should stay. And maybe use this tier list as a reference.

    • @walkelftexasranger
      @walkelftexasranger Год назад +4

      Hullbreaker, Galeforce, Everfrost, Heartsteel, Sunderer, Crown (maybe Goredrinker as well) 100% need to go.
      Degen items.

    • @Sharphe
      @Sharphe Год назад +3

      @@walkelftexasranger divine is my least favorite item in league of legends history, such an unfair one item power spike

  • @giahungnguyen6334
    @giahungnguyen6334 Год назад +1

    Do you intend to make a video discussing your own philosophy in item design? Maybe make a ranking on current items design-wise, I've seen you already made 1 but imo it wasn't so clear.

  • @Mike-iz6li
    @Mike-iz6li Год назад

    -i forget some yeah, ty for mention.
    -sword of the accult, i miss that one
    -gun blade (hybrid items)
    -old morellion and liandra yea
    -zzrot can
    -divine sword the gold income
    -old trinity force !!!
    - that light bringer so awesome! I can use that so well. Vision, crit rate and bleed effect

  • @tsap9
    @tsap9 Год назад +1

    Admittedly I only started playing the season mythics were introduced but so many of these items have neat effects as compared to what there is now. I can’t really say anything about the balance side since well I’m not good enough and don’t know how they functioned in practice but it just seemed like there were so many more options

  • @Hylofear
    @Hylofear Год назад +1

    Bloodletter's curse is more like the AP version of black cleaver, not abyssal imo

  • @Arob4343
    @Arob4343 Год назад +3

    I agree. I love the Raptor Cloak items, I want all of them back

  • @Zerostarm
    @Zerostarm Год назад +1

    I disagree with you on Gunblade. Gunblade inherently, was a bad item. Why? It had no trade off for the omnivamp. if you notice nowadays if an item has omnivamp it usually has a decent amount of health and less of a damage stat compared to other items in it's class (example: Riftmaker). Gunblade simply said you get higher damage spells from the AP, higher auto damage from the AD and then omnivamp to top it all off. This means the effective omnivamp was higher that the actual 20% (which number wise is kinda ridiculous compared to modern items). This alone is what made Gunblade so bad for low elo players, since at that time assassins were the ones abusing it, making the class that is supposed to be high risk high reward not squishy enough to be high risk. The dual stat line also emphasized that assassins should be the ones using Gunblade rather than mages since most AP assassins have some form of auto enhancer/auto attack in their combos while mages less often want to risk getting close enough to auto attack frequently. All of this without ever talking about the active!
    Then there's the added problem of the active: The active had two problems, the first is that it was just more damage (And a Slow!) that had no draw backs to using it except turning your champion towards the target, and the second is that the active basically screams that it fits perfectly into an AP assassins' combo. So on the first point if it interrupted previous orders it would have been more balanceable,. Also on the first point since it was an active, there was a definitive pro-skew to the item from the active. This meant that while the stats made the item busted in lower elos the active could very easily make it broken in higher elos if the active was over buffed in an attempt to move power from the stats. for the second point since the active had more damage and a slow this made it scream that AP assassins want the item: if you need a little extra damage, Use the Active! if you want to kep your target in range for the rest of your damage combo, Use the Active! Overall this means that again it gave to many stats that AP assassins wanted.
    These reasons are why I think Gunblade should never comeback. It was an item whose stats had no trade offs for the omnivamp it gave to a class that wants to be high risk high reward, along with being unable to be balanced for both high and low elo simultaneously due to the active.

  • @MilesJA1904
    @MilesJA1904 Год назад +1

    I still wish Anathema's wasn't changed to Helia. Helia feels so worthless, it doesn't heal anything, and the cheap damage is too small. With Anathema's I could FEEL the heals coming through, like I was slapping that health bar with every Nami W or Sona W

  • @think_potatoes4945
    @think_potatoes4945 Год назад

    it would be interesting if instead of having multiple items that gave similar functions across classes, you could choose between class-defined stat presets on the same item, like having one splitpush item but it has a stat profile for mage, assassin, adc, etc.

  • @OatsMealz
    @OatsMealz Год назад +2

    Bring back Ancient Coin... It was my favorite support starter item and there was no reason for it to be removed..

  • @lasalle48
    @lasalle48 Год назад +1

    I agreed sephyrshould come back man we need more tenacity in this dam game, theres too much cc on champs lately

  • @MineCraeper
    @MineCraeper Год назад +1

    This was really fun and interesting to watch. The nostalgia I get is strong for some of these items :D
    I do hope that some of these items find their way back into the game like Stattik Shiv did. Especially Twin Shadow and Zz'Rot portal I miss dearly.
    At the end I was really afraid you weren't going to cover Twin Shadows, but hoping you would xD

  • @mysticstelios
    @mysticstelios Год назад +1

    I have been asking for boot upgrades for soooo long😭

  • @VoidlingGeneral
    @VoidlingGeneral Год назад +2

    imagine buying homeguards when you get it for free, or it would stack together for giga movement speed to lane.
    also why does the old static shiv look like a bad ass item that people didnt complain about unlike the current one which looks booring as hell but overpowered and highly unliked

  • @TheTruestZero
    @TheTruestZero Год назад +1

    Bring Sword of the Occult back.
    If Mejai's can be kept, so the AD version of it.

    • @model84
      @model84 Год назад

      why not Leviathan also then? oh wait, we got broken version with HeartSteel..

  • @HydraneousHadokenPent-Striker
    @HydraneousHadokenPent-Striker Год назад +1

    Top row is missing deathfire grasp :)

  • @holo8955
    @holo8955 Год назад

    I miss Frozen Mallet so much. I used to buy it on any AD champ where I was kinda ahead but there was an assassin or some quick burst champ that could one tap me. It made chasing people easier, and usualy put you just over the HP threshold to survive. Abusing it on Yasuo was probably the most fun.

  • @NeuralNotes5
    @NeuralNotes5 Год назад

    New item system:
    Division into AD, AP, Attack speed relevant, Bruiser, Tank, Support/Utility types
    With each giving relevant bonuses (AD, AP, AS, Sustain, Armor, MR, Health, Gold Generation,...)
    And some having unique special effects (ones I would love to see):
    Gold generation and Stealing, All parameters infinite scaling (like Hearthsteel by which you could have infinite health, AD, AP, Cooldown reduction, and more if let unchecked for long enough) (me like big numbers), Area & target damage, Bigger Range attacks and more, Supercharged Attack(s) and more, Stasis and Invincibility, Mobility options like Teleportation & Stealth, Vision control, Area buffs and debuffs, pressure generation (Void Gate style), Crowd Control and CC mitigation effects, more ways to spend all the gold in late game, (give it to teammates,... ???...), All sorts of sustain,...
    (not sure about, but could be fun: fun useless options maybe hats, pets, special effects, tradeoffs, health for damage and otherwise, strength for mobility and otherwise (walking fortress), loosing control for big buff, more items slots, unlimited item slots?, Super items like Golden Spatula...)
    What else would you like to see for items

  • @valmontcauet9682
    @valmontcauet9682 Год назад

    One of my favorite Item is was the Hextec core.
    Yeah only Viktor was able to use it but it was awesome to have a spécifique item build specifically for one champion

  • @dragonkiller1435
    @dragonkiller1435 Год назад

    I want gunblade back so bad, even if they just remove the active, I loved the spell vamp/ omnivamp on champs, and it would be so fun to use one some of the champs in current league meta

  • @macoveisilviu1607
    @macoveisilviu1607 Год назад

    you should take in consideration that some items were only available in Aram or Twisted Treeline. LIghtbringer was aram specific and it was a must when playing against Teemo. Overlord's Bloodmail was Twisted Treeline specific.

  • @Deter872
    @Deter872 Год назад

    Man this was a walk down memory lane since I've played since season 1. My favorite itmes ot this day are Hextech Gunblade where I would play Teemo top and use it. That along with Phiosiphers stone and Heart of Gold. Gold generating items were so cool back in the day. Anyway, one way they could really shake up the meta would be to somehow work out remvoing boots from the game. Smite was able to do this and the build that can be done on Gods are crazy with that 6th spot open.

  • @Clemens-c2l
    @Clemens-c2l Год назад

    As someone who has not played before mythics i found this video to be very good and interesting hope we get part 2

  • @Yusei797
    @Yusei797 Год назад +1

    Oh god imagine yorick with zzrot and hullbreaker

  • @pikmints
    @pikmints Год назад

    In old ARAM, I loved Mana Manipulator and Eleisa's Miracle.
    Pre-mark/dash, poke Champs were unbearable until they ran low on mana, and Mana Manipulator would passively keep the assault going.
    It also wasn't too unusual to reach full-build back then, so Eleisa's Miracle just gave you virtually free stats if the game went long enough.

  • @ketaku7515
    @ketaku7515 Год назад

    I miss Maldred's Bloodrazor, og Essence Reaver (back when it was a life steal/mana vamp item), Sheen back when it was an AP/Mana item, and so many other old/changed items. :(

  • @Gringo890
    @Gringo890 Год назад

    Way back in the day I used to build malady when it gave life steal instead of ap. I built that with agma warmog and Sunfire it was stupid good for certain champions

  • @falsegood5696
    @falsegood5696 Год назад

    Jack’sho is modern adaptive helm (Referenced in TFT’s items). FON is healthier for burn damage counter than old adaptive, but I still prefer adaptive in general

    • @falsegood5696
      @falsegood5696 Год назад

      Demonic embrace replaced torment not anguish

  • @UnlimitedMotives
    @UnlimitedMotives Год назад

    I used to play klepto miss fortune and would buy 4 dblades. By 5 minutes you had 1k health and a crapton of life steal. Very fun.

  • @AlryFireBlade
    @AlryFireBlade Год назад

    9:40 This is already the hard nerfed Feral Flare the OG Version also increased the onhit Heal by +1 per Stack.

  • @zidaryn
    @zidaryn Год назад

    13:13 I'm guessing it's called Heart OF Gold as a double meaning. It's a tank item that passively gives gold. And if you're a tank support you have a heart of gold.

  • @migueldufrancioni7283
    @migueldufrancioni7283 Год назад +2

    i rlly think they should bring back some, but reajust it, and also first!

  • @realslimshaco8550
    @realslimshaco8550 Год назад

    I remember in season 3 i was bad at the game but i came up with the will of the ancients heimer / malzahar build where you would perma heal with your turret / poison dmg.. i loved it but was kinda toxic tho

  • @katu-kunchristian-castillo4857

    13:30 I'm not sure about lightbringer coming back per se, but having vision on crit strike sounds like a good niche option that can help clutch out bush fights. It would be interesting to see on Zeri.

  • @MandalorianRaider
    @MandalorianRaider 8 месяцев назад

    Innervating Locket gave mana regen on ability cast, it wasn't a catalyst clone. It single handedly made Udyr broken back in the very early days of League and its removal cast Udyr into irrelevance for years.

  • @Kiannka
    @Kiannka Год назад

    Spellbinder was one of my favorite items on evelynn, you spam Q, build stacks and then run at them full speed. You had to plan your kills ahead a little, but it was still useful when not fully stacked just a lot less than it should be. Gunblade was amazing on akali and katarina, it made the burst playstyle a little more fun with the added combat sustain but it didn't save you when you went in stupidly. We need more hybrid scaling items. And twin shadows/frostqueens claim were my favorite support items on enchanters. You see someone escape with low health or out of position? Slam your face on the item and they would be dead for sure. Oh and zzrot. When I first started playing ranked I was a poppy main. I would build zzrot and banner and just set them up in a lane opposite to the objective I wanted to take, then have the enemy team decide whether they wanna stop the push or contest the objective, if they chose the latter I would knock them away with ult and take both anyway. So many cheesy strategies are gone now and it makes me really sad. Even as a new player I never thought the items were too confusing. I liked how there were so many options you could theory craft and it wasnt super troll. Bring it back riot

  • @VaggelisIosifidis
    @VaggelisIosifidis Год назад

    Hey! What a nice video!
    Well, Twin Shadows and especially Sword of the Occult! Also Leviathan, for tanky snowball :)
    Also, how can I be bored with all this nostalgia?
    The only downside is that the list includes some items from other maps, like The Twisted Treeline

  • @hanfighter9237
    @hanfighter9237 11 месяцев назад

    i loved using will of the ancients on Ahri because of her old passive being able to heal. she healed sooooo much

  • @simplyskrypt3914
    @simplyskrypt3914 Год назад

    Depends which. Some of those items were replaced by others who accomplish the same thing. I.e. brutalizer is rlly just the haste of caufield and the lethality of serrated dirk on the same component item
    Meanwhile, others were community staples that everyone loved and we were puzzled by their removal - looking at you gunblade and twin shadows
    Lastly there are those who, as fun as they were to use, were absolutely against good game flow and broke the game in irredeemable ways - like banner and zzrot

  • @ArtDumbster
    @ArtDumbster Год назад +1

    I miss Twin Shadows, Hextech GLP and the Gunblade :(

  • @ihavenoideawhatimdoing2553
    @ihavenoideawhatimdoing2553 Год назад

    oh how i miss gunblade ekko, felt better than rocketbelt imo because the damage was consistent, the range was slightly higher than e blink range so it was good for chase, and you would heal like 50% hp with a single q on the wave. wish they brought it back again.

  • @cringemonkeys2017
    @cringemonkeys2017 Год назад

    I really like the idea of an ap-ad hybrid item, such as gunblade. It requires specific champions to work but it is such a cool idea

  • @milosmml7777
    @milosmml7777 Год назад

    Abyssal scepter is was for ap tanky champions like swain, singed and galio. It was not meant for mages!

  • @CoronaMage
    @CoronaMage Год назад +1

    It's been a long time, but back when Sword of the Divine was in the game I had a lot of fun playing it on off-meta champs.

    • @greg5435
      @greg5435 Год назад

      It was a ton of fun on Malphite. Ult+W into Divine Sunderer was just funny

  • @Darque2391
    @Darque2391 Год назад

    I missed my old build of Teemo rushing Gunblade with the Thunderlord's Decree mastery.

  • @JagorM
    @JagorM Год назад +2

    Bring back Frozen Mallet thats all i need

  • @marcuionut6319
    @marcuionut6319 Год назад

    Watched the entire thing waiting to listen about old support missions, with the coin, permashield, speed on hit. Loving the coin

  • @Hunterslammer
    @Hunterslammer Год назад

    Wriggles lantern :( RIP you’ve shown me the light in many games through the jungle.

  • @kashtrey
    @kashtrey Год назад

    Me screaming "do spooky ghosts" for the last 5 minutes straight. So glad you did it.

  • @scyther-x4903
    @scyther-x4903 Год назад +2

    Please give us a part 2.

  • @lightdrgn20
    @lightdrgn20 Год назад

    I would say that if you do want to make a part 2, I would recomend revoiving the current items from the item pool to make it easier for you to find them

  • @SeventeenGhost
    @SeventeenGhost Год назад

    Twin Shadows would be great to have back in the game, even if they nerfed the reveal to half a second and made away with the slow. I only want to know if I'm safe to ward a bush, and right now the only choice I have is the farsight trinket, which locks you out of buying oracle lens. Jungle assassins have access to a oracle-lens-ish item (Umbral Glaive), and in a game so full of high-mobility champions, getting close to a bush is basically a death sentence... I mean, Rengar can leap to you with his passive, so he still has his full kit available AFTER getting close and personal with you :/

  • @MajinCanon
    @MajinCanon Год назад

    8:43 Did he say blink dagger?!? YES, PUT BLINK IN LEAGUE. No clue why you would ever remove such a perfect creation

  • @moxrelated764
    @moxrelated764 Год назад +1

    I would love more unique items . Most feel like statsticks and the one that you can build and have something different are underwhelming