Installation | GlowShift Diesel Boost Gauge In 3rd Gen 2003-2009 Dodge Ram 24 Valve Cummins

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @doyouwanttofuk
    @doyouwanttofuk 10 лет назад +13

    oooooo love that turbo spooling up at the start!

  • @bulletindiesel1548
    @bulletindiesel1548 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for making a well made and edited video. Very helpful

  • @feXomorph
    @feXomorph 11 лет назад +31

    Came for an installation video; stayed for the voiceover.

  • @MrObiwankanoobi
    @MrObiwankanoobi 8 лет назад +10

    What a great video. So professional. Well done. Thanks for sharing!

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  7 лет назад +2

      Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate it.

  • @SayWhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
    @SayWhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat 8 лет назад +1

    Such an easy install! you chose i guess MOST POSSIBLE easiest car in the world, never seen car who have such good and factory ready stuff to do this kind of job :)

  • @andriellegarcia4089
    @andriellegarcia4089 5 лет назад +3

    can you install boost line directly to the intake elbow if intake elbow has threading to do so

  • @Luckie400
    @Luckie400 3 года назад

    What is the switch at 3:30? I have that in the truck I just bought but don’t know what it is

  • @red666A
    @red666A 3 года назад +1

    Would be ok to use fuse box inside the car then outside.

  • @peeverlogging9950
    @peeverlogging9950 Год назад

    ❤ defined constant 12 volt current what fuse woukd that be

  • @jordanc7263
    @jordanc7263 4 года назад +4

    Great video. The only issue I had was you are wrapping the Teflon tape backwards. As you screw it together the tape will peel off. If it feels natural as you are putting the tape on. You are doing it wrong 😂

  • @cristobalcarmona9856
    @cristobalcarmona9856 7 лет назад +2

    does anybody know the boost bolt exact measurements? (thread and size)
    Thanks, great video!!

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  7 лет назад

      The Thread pitch of our Boost bolt is M8-1.25 with an overall length of 1.8" or 46mm

    • @cristobalcarmona9856
      @cristobalcarmona9856 7 лет назад +1

      i really appreciate your response!, now i know that the boost bolt will work even on my Crd KJ, Thanks a lot!

  • @josecruzlozano4296
    @josecruzlozano4296 9 месяцев назад

    Having an issue on a 2003 5.9 where plugged into fuses based off install guide and it remains powered even when vehicle is off and light switches

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 месяцев назад

      If the gauges stay powered on when the truck is turned off that means you switched up the constant and ignition 12 volt power sources. Yellow wire goes to constant 12 volt, Red wire goes to ignition only 12 volt.

  • @feedbrain6257
    @feedbrain6257 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing, please, which one btween Mechanical and Electrical boost controller is good?Thx for your answer

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  6 лет назад

      Both are good. It all depends on your preference and application.

  • @Rems_RyOzTrotzky
    @Rems_RyOzTrotzky 9 лет назад +2

    How Many Amps you need use on the extra fuse !!??

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 лет назад

      Raymundo Rios Each of our Expandable Circuits come included with a 4 amp fuse to use with your stock fuse. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • @jeff666p
    @jeff666p 5 лет назад

    If you tighten the compression fitting too much will it restrict the flow through the nylon hose?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  5 лет назад

      Yes, we recommend not to over-tighten.

  • @kingwolf529
    @kingwolf529 8 лет назад +1

    it should really be labeled what truck this video install is on.... also... what truck is this video based off of?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  8 лет назад

      +kingwolf529 This video is based off of a 03-09 Dodge Ram 5.9L Cummins Diesel

  • @lillnemo1
    @lillnemo1 9 лет назад +2

    my boost gauge doesnt remember the led color I chose.
    Is this normal?
    it's VERY annoying to change the color every time I start the engine

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 лет назад +6

      +lillnemo1 I am sorry about the issue you are having. If this is one of our 7 color gauges, that this issue is going to revolve around the yellow wire. Either, that yellow wire is not hooked up to a proper constant supply of power, and when the vehicle is off, the yellow wire sees less than 11 volts and defaults.
      Or, there is a voltage drop occurring. What that means, is that when your vehicle is being cranked, the battery is sucking enough power that where the yellow wired is installed to, the voltage drops below 11 volts.

  • @pamelaball5214
    @pamelaball5214 9 лет назад

    Those expandable circuits are sweet and all but what do I do when I wanna hook up like 3 + different gauges?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 лет назад

      Pamela Ball If you're looking to power 3+ gauges to one circuit, you will need to feed all the power wires to one wire, and then feed that wire in the circuit. To do this you can use our 3 or 4 gauge wiring kit. Here's a link to our site for you to check out and if you have any other questions or concerns don't hesitate to ask!

  • @cristobalcarmona9856
    @cristobalcarmona9856 7 лет назад

    question here, i got a 35 psi boost gauge, is that gauge suposed to do a needle sweep when you turn the ignition on?, i saw some 7 colors series gauges do that in some YT videos, and i wondering if there is something wrong with my unit.

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  7 лет назад

      It is possible that you have the mechanical version of the boost gauge, which does not sweep when turned on.

  • @98yoojin
    @98yoojin 5 лет назад


  • @loganellis9771
    @loganellis9771 8 лет назад +1

    Can I put these on a gas truck

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  8 лет назад

      +Logan Ellis Thanks for the interest in our product! These gauges are universal, so yes, they can be installed in a gas truck.

    • @aperson4933
      @aperson4933 7 лет назад +2

      no you can install a boost gauge on a non turbo car it just will read vacuum not boost.

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  7 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your input! Yes, a boost gauge would be for a Turbo or Supercharged vehicle. We do carry Vacuum gauges which can be installed on any vehicle.

  • @94jbmx
    @94jbmx 9 лет назад

    Just wanna make sure before I buy it, is it a 52 mm gauge cause I already have the column mount.

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 лет назад

      +Jon pillivant Thanks for the interest in our product! Yes, the boost gauge in this video is 52mm in diameter.

  • @k.c4931
    @k.c4931 8 лет назад

    Will this void the warranty of my truck?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  8 лет назад

      Please contact your dealership to confirm before attempting to install.

  • @98yoojin
    @98yoojin 5 лет назад

    can I install it to any diesel car ex) volvo v70 d5?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  5 лет назад

      Yes, our gauges are universal so as long as your vehicle has a turbo, you can use this boost gauge.

    • @98yoojin
      @98yoojin 5 лет назад

      @@GlowShift thank you :)

  • @jasonparrick8076
    @jasonparrick8076 7 лет назад

    is it the same installations for a 6.7 liter?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  7 лет назад

      Yes, the Boost Bolt Adapter is also available for a 6.7L.

  • @drexellake4051
    @drexellake4051 4 года назад

    What gauge wire?

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  4 года назад

      We recommend 18 gauge automotive wire.

  • @jonrack1977
    @jonrack1977 9 лет назад

    Is there any way to adjust zero for higher altitude? Atmospheric is 11.7 here so I'm reading about 3 psi low on boost.

    • @GlowShift
      @GlowShift  9 лет назад

      Elk Addict Which boost gauge are you running? We never heard of any issues with atmospheric pressure affecting a mechanical gauge's readings. Please contact our Technical Support at 1.888.GS.GAUGE and one of our Techs will be able to help you troubleshoot the problem you're having.

  • @sergiol6689
    @sergiol6689 9 лет назад

    very easy !!

  • @shelleyfortune1791
    @shelleyfortune1791 5 лет назад

    Still q

  • @jepperasmussen2581
    @jepperasmussen2581 6 лет назад +3

    Wierd warning intro

  • @Robert.K
    @Robert.K 7 лет назад

    Hey Jude!