the problem with this argument (and I have used it myself) is that the people you're talking to don't even own fire extinguishers, because they don't have any concept of disaster prep
I want to hear more from Logan - he seems like he always has something to say but is so polite that he lets others go first second third & then they’re on to another topic...
Evan has brought up one of the best points of all time. How do we preserve the press that will maintain factual content and let the people decide what to do with the content, with them being in charge of the big button that says you can’t revoke the press like that. I thank Evan for putting that out there because that is, in my opinion, the root of most of our problems in the U.S.
Shut down all main stream with obvious evidence of their bs. Then put fact based independent media in their play. Will never happen but would def change things.
This line of fascistic thinking is the dumbest thing I have ever heard coming from this community. You can't regulate free speech, even when you think it's lies, because who decides what is true? The ENTIRE problem with the media right now is not that the mainstream news and social media is full of lies, it's that they are shutting down people they think are lying or disagree with. Use your heads for something other than holding up your Goddamned helmets.
@Alex Glassman Twitter, Facebook, Instagrahm all have fact checkers. Do you know who they are? People like the MSNBC and CNN, and ADL, SPLC, Cair... You can't regulate free speech and expect it to be anything other than propaganda for who ever gets there first
1:12:40 we have this system here in switzerland, and it does work like how you predict id would. At least every male here has to do some kind of service, military or other social work. for example, during the covid crisis here i was one of the 4000 military medics/personell who supported civilian healthcare services and safed these workes from burn outs. sending much love from switzerland! rock on!
Free Range American podcast is one of America's best kept secrets! Being able to listen to a conversation between level headed veterans without an agenda, no spin is refreshing and absolutely needed in society today! Keep up the great work and without a doubt, this will be one of the biggest podcasts in the world within the next 18 months!
My daughter tested positive for covid on Dec 18. My enployer gave me 14 days mandatory fun time as a result. I came across FRA and you guys have helped keep me sane. Love all you guys. Thanks for keeping this old guy sane.
In Idaho there was an article the other day by a nurse from here that went to NY to volunteer to help. This article stated that she would go to work and see semi trucks full of dead bodies leaving the hospital. I got shit for questioning this narrative. “So your just calling her a liar?” Not exactly calling her a liar, but I don’t necessarily believe there were semi truck after semi truck stacked with dead covid patients leaving the hospitals...
So I work at a Hospital in Texas and I asked around to see how many people have passed from Covid-19 on my unit and the number is 2 since the whole thing started. Just wanted to share this info. Most of our patients are unstable and are transferred to ICU, once they are transferred there we never get to find out what really happened to them though since they are technically not our patients anymore so I don’t have access to that info.
In no specific order 1. Police need to be held accountable for their actions. Both the police officer in the video but also the police officers that stood around and let it happen. The officers that stood there doing nothing should have stepped in and told the officer to stop applying pressure. 2. Police departments need to fire bad cops. No matter how stringent the selection process is in any organization or how effective the training process is at developing individuals for a specific job, there are going to be “bad apples” that make it into an organization. Many times the police officer or officers that are involved in these horrific incidents already had a long history of misconduct. 3. Police need more training. Both in escalation of force, CQB, gun training, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, etc. People would be surprised how little training they get before they are put on duty. This training needs to be on going not just in the selection process. 4. Police should NOT be used as a revenue stream for the city. All cops will say there are no quotas. However we all know that police are pressured to write tickets and the department needs to be at a budgeted revenue amount each year by writing tickets. This puts the public and the police in unnecessary conflict with each other on an almost daily basis. Writing frivolous tickets in order to provide revenue to the city is not why we have police departments. These are just my thoughts. It might be a place to start.
Agreed, although I would also add to point 3 that de-escalation of situations and managing individuals in stress/panic/mental health episodes should also be included in that training.
BoddickerOCP I did not hear that they are trying to defund the Police. I do not see how that will help the situation. I heard 2 of the Police Officers were on their first week of duty. Do you know if that is true?
@@jda671 MN guy here, I don't believe any of the 4 were noobies. Several other gov't organizations have decided to NOT use MPD for their events (Parks dept, will not use MPD for events, neither with Minneapolis Public Schools. I hope they put some caveats to that, like "pending further training" or "until the rest of the officers are charged" or something...
This is a great podcast I listen to every episode, but I was really excited to hear Evans take on this. As always he didn't disappoint lol. Great episode!
But after several months of so many people being in a very restricted mode of life without the healthy aspect of gainful employment, is it any wonder that the killing touched off a powder keg of pent up emotions? Acting on raw emotions is such a dangerous thing, and those who exploit those emotions and fuel them for nefarious purposes either do not understand what they're playing with or, they genuinely don't care, thinking the ends justify their means. Either possibility is equally unsettling. Especially so during an election year with many voters not realizing that government can only recognize the rights of people, it doesn't create rights. Because what the government gives, it can take away. To quote Gunning Bedford at the Constitutional Convention, "I do not, gentlemen, trust you!"
i was 2yo watching a historic space flight (Apollo 17) with my father in the SF bay area surrounded by civil unrest, race riots and protests. last week my 2yo son and i watched a historic space launch while civil unrest, race riots and protests unfold across America, again... Thankfully this time from a cabin about 9000' in the Rocky Mountains. Y'all Stay Safe down there.
Glad I stuck around till the hour mark, cause JT and Evan spoke up with the voice of reason! Respect gents, yes we should be upset, tell it like it is.
Born and raised Minnesotan here. I've been watching this incident since it began with the death of Floyd, and I honestly still have a hard time believing everything that's going on. I, like the vast majority of people, saw the initial incident as an absolutely abhorrent act and wanted to see the officer brought to justice.... Then my state was set on fire with riots. Not just in Minneapolis, but in Mankato, less than 30min from my home. The local Target was completely trashed for reasons that still haven't been explained. The most terrifying thing though is seeing people I know, and thought were friends turning on each other. I've wound up deleting most social media off of my devices because I was tired of people telling me that my state, MY HOME, being burned to the ground was not only justified but good. People I've known for years applauding the violence and destruction. Not just here in MN, but from all around the world (particularly Australia, for some reason, I know people from all over) telling me to shut my mouth, because how dare I take issue with the land I love being torn apart. Vultures circle overhead, and I still can't quite believe this is all happening. Until this ends, I've got mags loaded, and an eye on the horizon. Sorry for the rant. Love what you guys do; keep it up.
Evan; The Reason we want your Opinion, is because we're Proud Americans who pride ourselves on hard work, being a good Parent, Spouse, Human. We Dont have the voice you do and its Bolstering to know we're not alone when you speak out with conviction and Honesty from the heart. I'm not looking for an Echo Chamber, I'm looking for the Opinion of an Individual whom I respect based on the direction they took in life. If your Opinion contradicts mine, I'll take a good look at my side of the coin and see if its worth changing, if your Opinion is similar, then I'll smile and go about my day knowing I cant be too far off because other Good, hard working Americans have a similar opinion. Dont ever think your Rants are worthless, keep bring them, please.
Great show! It's good that you guys were just being yourselves. I can't imagine the pressure you all must be under to jump on a side, a hashtag, a protest campaign, or whatever. I can see from this that you guys are thinkers. You have chosen to analyze. That takes patience and much courage nowadays. I understand this podcast as four guys trying to make sense of this, but still keeping focus on being decent American human beings. Cheers!
ATMs were exploded in Philadelphia and someone was arrested on WMD charges. A city near where I live (same state) had 3 small scale IEDs, one of which detonated.
I just watched a video yesterday explaining why the video feed cuts out when the rockets land. It's because the 'boat' that the rocket lands on uses directional satellite technology to transmit the signal to the satellite in orbit which then transmits it back to earth. As the rocket lands, it's shakes the 'boat' so much that it disrupts the signal between the 'boat' and the satellite.
I love you guys and everything you represent. I am a BRCC exclusive member not just for your amazing coffee but because of what you guys stand for and how you have built your entire business model to reflect those principles. What we have going on right now is large elements of our government and our political leadership at the local, State, and federal levels as well as our main stream media/entertainment industry are actively and openly committing sedition in an attempt to overthrow the United States of America and replace our constitutional republic with a mob rules Marxist system of government. Its a bad time for the sheepdogs of this country to take a nap because these cultural Marxist are well funded and highly organized and they are on the move and operating unchallenged in cities all over America. That tree of liberty is getting very parched and gonna need some watering real soon. Standby....
21:00 The reason the camera feed stops for a couple seconds is technical. The Video Feed gets transmitted to a sattilite from the drone ship. To get the signal from the ship up to the satilite, it has to have a lot of energy, which it gets by focusing it to a narrow beam. The beam emitter has enough stabilisation, to keep track of the satilite with the narrow beam, while it is floating around on the sea. When the rocket is landing, it is using its engines to reduce its speed, until its lands. The engines induce so much vibration into the drone ship, that the beam emitter can´t keep track of the satilite. When the rocket lands, the engines shut off and the vibration stops, which enables the beam emitter to track the satilite again.
Good stuff. Y’all need to give yourselves more credit. Stop discrediting yourselves as idiots and writing off your opinions just because you didn’t do the normal college bs so many of us do. You’ve got the ability to use logic, and your experience in the service and in business have put you in touch with reality in a much more complete way than 99% people who can only point to college as the foundation for their “intelligence.”
When are you guys going to have the security detail guy for the film crew covering the riots that disarmed 2 of the rioters that were carrying AR15s stolen from the patrol cars? At least I thought I heard one of you guys saying that was going to happen... If so, I very much look forward to his perspective that day... You guys are all awesome... Btw are you still hiring at BRCC?
17 yrs active and Guard service, 35yrs Law Enforcement I have never seen color other than od green or cammies or Green florida Sheriffs Office uniforms. I have served with the best in all facts of life no color. Airborne All The Way!
i watched drinking broettes with matt best and they commented to his emotional maturity i would say after watching this they were spot on about him. very mature way of talking
The SPACE-X camera feed cutting issue; It is caused by the coms signal being completely knocked off of the sat feed that it is keying into as the rocket closes in on the ship due to being a very "directional signal". It does make sense but, it will always be a point of contention obviously.
Not to sound like a nerd but the reason the SpaceX landing video cuts out is the rocket gets in the way of the invisible line between the ship to the satellite in space.
Hop on JT's, Mat's or Eli's next stream on twitch they link it all the time in the chat. Should even be able to watch the last stream and it'll still show in the chat too.
@free range american podcast The reason that the feed cuts out for the rocket landing is much much simpler than that. to put it in its simplest terms. the video is satalite uplink. when the rocket motors impact the ship, it starts shaking the ship and can break the link from the vibration.
Is there a reason they cut out the part where Evan talks about antifa being designated as a terrorist group? I listened to it this morning on audio on the way to work and it was my favorite part. I wanted to watch it when I got home and that part was clipped out.
I don't know if you'll see this, but here's my take on the mandatory service. I believe that it should be mandatory MILITARY service for a minimum of 4 years starting a month after your high school graduation. We allow them to pick their branch and MOS based off of their ASVAB scores, then send them to basic. Not only would this help strenghten our military (enven if everyone went into support roles), but it would help solve the problem of obesity and people screaming for "free" tuition at colleges. At least they'll have done something to EARN their tuition money. Edit: This would go for both men AND women.
The camera feed from the drone ship, cuts out due to the returning rocket disrupting the feed from the ship......To transmit the footage they use a directional signal from the ship to the satellite..The turbulence from the rocket moves the ship which interrupts the feed.
Yes Matt the US landed on the moon, you can see remnents of equipment with the right telescope. Evan there is no systematic oppression in this country, yes in the past but it's not 1950 dude.
+1 Did I hear 50/50, 70/30 chance we landed on the moon 6 times? I suppose 50/50 earth is flat next. You know your coffee and you are much appreciated patriots, but good grief. Oh and BTW our country is being dismantled in front of our eyes. That is MY one person opinion.
@@incredulouskirk Roger that. I had to re-watch this to see why I even became involved. I'm usually quiet as a mouse on these threads. Now that I've become reacquainted and the fact our election is just days away, I remember what triggered me and can honestly say nothing has really changed. I feel our country is teetering on a very thin edge and if we fall off that edge, we may not get back. Of course the moon landing conspiracy stuff just bewilders me. All that being said, I have the greatest respect for our 4 host and probably most folks on the thread. Take care.
Evan: "I don't think I could do a farming simulator, that sounds boring as shit-" JT: "You can farm Coffee beans." ... Evan:"Alright, so in this field I've got some Honduran gold, the trick is to make sure they get double the water because as you saw in the other field with the Colombian beans.."
go to spacex's youtube you can see the launch. Also they posted a video of them crashing all of them. the reason it cuts out is because of the camera signal
You guys could easily make that shot. In an LAV-25 25 mm m242 bushmaster chaingun you can shoot out to 2,000m w TPDS-T and roughly 1,800 to 2,000 with TP-T. TPDS-T mimicking ballistics of sabot rounds and TP-T mimicking HE-IT rounds. Thats obviously a turret mounted system and a lil bit bigger caliberbut it can be done while the vehicle is moving with a turret gyro and stabalizers. If I were to guess the rifle is going to be relatively as accurate as a SASR, so if you have the proper ammunition that is going to fly the straightest and not lob like HE its going to be easier to shoot a point target. Set up a stable platform to shoot off of and put your best shooter behind the gun. I think you guys got it.
Last year of high school should be National Service, Civil or Military. That would cut down on gvmt expenditure and promote social cohesion. ( noncombat MOS only).
I'll get fire for this. But I just had a guy pinned on the ground who literally said "I can't breathe". I am just a security guard. The hospital staff who assisted me changed nothing due to his stating that. Police on an escalated scale deal with the same thing. People complain that they are dying, it's an "emergency" that the hand cuffs are too tight. Et cetera... I do NOT justify nor attempt to give verdict. But if you are at all an individual, consider the following few points: 1. The individual was sick. 2. The individual had heart problems. Due to his abuse of illegal drugs 3. The individual stated that his D*** hurt, his knees hurt, his stomach hurt along side and in the same sentence as "I can't breathe". 4. The individual had a history of violence both on and off record. I will not be responding to any replies. This is food for thought. I will in turn read replies as I continue to cultivate a proper understanding.
About the SpaceX live feed going out when the boosters land it's because the booster is vibrating the vessel which Fucks up the signal to the satellite hence why video of them landing typically comes out a day or two later
About the launch when the falcon 9 lands, the reason the feed cut out is that the vibration from the rocket causes the feed to be lost. Now sometimes they get lucky and the data transfer is uninterrupted, so no matt, it’s not to preserve trade secrets. We know most of what happens and why, it’s just the mathematical portion they keep secret. You can go watch several previous landing attempts and see the rocket land. And there’s a bunch of RUclips videos that do a better job explaining than I did. But it’s really cool either way we can land rockets. You don’t see Russia or China doing that shit, so go USA.
The guy from Airplane did it and he had a drinking problem. Giggity. No worries, guys. Donut Operator started a petition to have Mat Best become a COD character. Go f**kin' sign it.
Guess what they are fighting for ? Or protesting for ? The fucking rights they already have!!!!! History is going to repeat itself civil war! I wouldn't be surprised but im gonna be fucking ready for it
If you compare the downfall of all the greatest societies in history you will likely notice patterns. At every point in the history of civilization that the technology of the day resulted in people having to do less work to survive on the level to which they were accustomed they spent more time pondering life. This inevitably resulted in opinions that tested that society, some of the better known societies survived these challenges by getting back to the business of individual responsibility and the cycle passed until the next big technology breakthrough. Also, if you examine other lesser societies that had excess time to ponder the day-to-day life of individuals but just embraced unsustainable lifestyles were eventually conquered by other, not necessarily better societies with a more fundamental survival based mindset.
I know this might be off topic, since yall were talking about the 2nd amendment yall should check out what's going on in West Palm Beach, FL the mayor is decided to ban selling firearms and ammo. For the riots in the 60s were alot worse then than it is now. Police have non lethal arms than lethal arms, then you had anti war with Kent St. So let's just putting it out there.
When 9/11 happened they pulled the footage and said it would cause drama. Why can we still watch a human die, why are they not pulling the footage to help calm the anger??
People are only doing what some politicult owned gaming industries have told, prepared, and trained them for. If Strong told the whole truth, humans heads would implode from incomprehensible language.
I think the biggest reason people are wanting to see your guys’ opinions is they’re just looking for rationality and an opinion that if not agrees with them then at least is a reasonable opinion with well thought out points and information because so much of the internet is just simply insane.
When people say we dont need gun because we have police, i tell them we don't need fire extinguisher because we have firemen.
Funny, because now they have went even more extreme and city council in Minneapolis is deciding wether or not to defund the police! SMH!
And your racist if you call the police when your garage is broken into.
the problem with this argument (and I have used it myself) is that the people you're talking to don't even own fire extinguishers, because they don't have any concept of disaster prep
I love it when Even goes on his rants, its the best lol. These are the best episodes when y'all just sitting around chatting.
Anthony Middaugh I know I’m like yes you tell them Evan
See if DemoRanch can get Robert Oberst to shoulder fire the 20mm
This would be amazing
He made that 308 look like a normal ar
Demolita request that the 20mm and Mat appear on DemolitionRanch. I would go from 6 to midnight
Mat and Lunkers! Just saying:)
mark Roper Nick Irving too
There was a lot of fantastic points made here. Y’all need to have the broadcasted nationally
Did you America today ?
Hit the thumbs up if you did.
I want to hear more from Logan - he seems like he always has something to say but is so polite that he lets others go first second third & then they’re on to another topic...
Been waiting for the podcast. Glad these guys are on.
Evan has brought up one of the best points of all time. How do we preserve the press that will maintain factual content and let the people decide what to do with the content, with them being in charge of the big button that says you can’t revoke the press like that. I thank Evan for putting that out there because that is, in my opinion, the root of most of our problems in the U.S.
Shut down all main stream with obvious evidence of their bs. Then put fact based independent media in their play. Will never happen but would def change things.
This line of fascistic thinking is the dumbest thing I have ever heard coming from this community.
You can't regulate free speech, even when you think it's lies, because who decides what is true? The ENTIRE problem with the media right now is not that the mainstream news and social media is full of lies, it's that they are shutting down people they think are lying or disagree with.
Use your heads for something other than holding up your Goddamned helmets.
@Alex Glassman Twitter, Facebook, Instagrahm all have fact checkers. Do you know who they are? People like the MSNBC and CNN, and ADL, SPLC, Cair... You can't regulate free speech and expect it to be anything other than propaganda for who ever gets there first
20mm=anti everything rifle
1:12:40 we have this system here in switzerland, and it does work like how you predict id would. At least every male here has to do some kind of service, military or other social work. for example, during the covid crisis here i was one of the 4000 military medics/personell who supported civilian healthcare services and safed these workes from burn outs. sending much love from switzerland! rock on!
Free Range American podcast is one of America's best kept secrets!
Being able to listen to a conversation between level headed veterans without an agenda, no spin is refreshing and absolutely needed in society today!
Keep up the great work and without a doubt, this will be one of the biggest podcasts in the world within the next 18 months!
My daughter tested positive for covid on Dec 18. My enployer gave me 14 days mandatory fun time as a result. I came across FRA and you guys have helped keep me sane. Love all you guys. Thanks for keeping this old guy sane.
When Papa Evan goes off on a rant, you listen
Hell yeah you do! Never disappoints!
I work on a covid unit and they have me on call tonight because we don’t have enough covid patients to be fully staffed.
In Idaho there was an article the other day by a nurse from here that went to NY to volunteer to help. This article stated that she would go to work and see semi trucks full of dead bodies leaving the hospital. I got shit for questioning this narrative. “So your just calling her a liar?” Not exactly calling her a liar, but I don’t necessarily believe there were semi truck after semi truck stacked with dead covid patients leaving the hospitals...
In New York it’s true about the semi trucks full of dead bodies. There is video proof of it.
So I work at a Hospital in Texas and I asked around to see how many people have passed from Covid-19 on my unit and the number is 2 since the whole thing started. Just wanted to share this info. Most of our patients are unstable and are transferred to ICU, once they are transferred there we never get to find out what really happened to them though since they are technically not our patients anymore so I don’t have access to that info.
Thanks for all the great content guys - really enjoy watching and listening! Please continue to fight the good fight!
God I love how openly Passionate Evan gets at the 1 hour mark. Amen brother!
In no specific order
1. Police need to be held accountable for their actions. Both the police officer in the video but also the police officers that stood around and let it happen. The officers that stood there doing nothing should have stepped in and told the officer to stop applying pressure.
2. Police departments need to fire bad cops. No matter how stringent the selection process is in any organization or how effective the training process is at developing individuals for a specific job, there are going to be “bad apples” that make it into an organization. Many times the police officer or officers that are involved in these horrific incidents already had a long history of misconduct.
3. Police need more training. Both in escalation of force, CQB, gun training, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, etc. People would be surprised how little training they get before they are put on duty. This training needs to be on going not just in the selection process.
4. Police should NOT be used as a revenue stream for the city. All cops will say there are no quotas. However we all know that police are pressured to write tickets and the department needs to be at a budgeted revenue amount each year by writing tickets. This puts the public and the police in unnecessary conflict with each other on an almost daily basis. Writing frivolous tickets in order to provide revenue to the city is not why we have police departments.
These are just my thoughts. It might be a place to start.
All good points. Though Minneapolis city council seems to be moving towards defunding the police.
Agreed, although I would also add to point 3 that de-escalation of situations and managing individuals in stress/panic/mental health episodes should also be included in that training.
Thomas Gilby Yes. You are correct
BoddickerOCP I did not hear that they are trying to defund the Police. I do not see how that will help the situation. I heard 2 of the Police Officers were on their first week of duty. Do you know if that is true?
@@jda671 MN guy here, I don't believe any of the 4 were noobies. Several other gov't organizations have decided to NOT use MPD for their events (Parks dept, will not use MPD for events, neither with Minneapolis Public Schools. I hope they put some caveats to that, like "pending further training" or "until the rest of the officers are charged" or something...
You should take the 20mm to Demo Ranch
Everyone like thus. BRCC goes DemolitionRanch.
This is a great podcast I listen to every episode, but I was really excited to hear Evans take on this. As always he didn't disappoint lol. Great episode!
Magpul did leave Colorado they moved manufacturing and fulfillment to Wyoming and they moved they're HQ to Austin, Tx.
But after several months of so many people being in a very restricted mode of life without the healthy aspect of gainful employment, is it any wonder that the killing touched off a powder keg of pent up emotions? Acting on raw emotions is such a dangerous thing, and those who exploit those emotions and fuel them for nefarious purposes either do not understand what they're playing with or, they genuinely don't care, thinking the ends justify their means. Either possibility is equally unsettling. Especially so during an election year with many voters not realizing that government can only recognize the rights of people, it doesn't create rights. Because what the government gives, it can take away. To quote Gunning Bedford at the Constitutional Convention, "I do not, gentlemen, trust you!"
i was 2yo watching a historic space flight (Apollo 17) with my father in the SF bay area surrounded by civil unrest, race riots and protests. last week my 2yo son and i watched a historic space launch while civil unrest, race riots and protests unfold across America, again... Thankfully this time from a cabin about 9000' in the Rocky Mountains. Y'all Stay Safe down there.
Glad I stuck around till the hour mark, cause JT and Evan spoke up with the voice of reason! Respect gents, yes we should be upset, tell it like it is.
This was a great conversation to hear. Great job!
Born and raised Minnesotan here. I've been watching this incident since it began with the death of Floyd, and I honestly still have a hard time believing everything that's going on. I, like the vast majority of people, saw the initial incident as an absolutely abhorrent act and wanted to see the officer brought to justice.... Then my state was set on fire with riots. Not just in Minneapolis, but in Mankato, less than 30min from my home. The local Target was completely trashed for reasons that still haven't been explained. The most terrifying thing though is seeing people I know, and thought were friends turning on each other. I've wound up deleting most social media off of my devices because I was tired of people telling me that my state, MY HOME, being burned to the ground was not only justified but good. People I've known for years applauding the violence and destruction. Not just here in MN, but from all around the world (particularly Australia, for some reason, I know people from all over) telling me to shut my mouth, because how dare I take issue with the land I love being torn apart. Vultures circle overhead, and I still can't quite believe this is all happening. Until this ends, I've got mags loaded, and an eye on the horizon.
Sorry for the rant. Love what you guys do; keep it up.
Excellent discussion guys, love these podcasts and all things black rifle!
They start talking about it at 35:10
Yeah a lot of s**t talking before they come to talk about the actual subject, that's Military Vets for ya.
Evan; The Reason we want your Opinion, is because we're Proud Americans who pride ourselves on hard work, being a good Parent, Spouse, Human. We Dont have the voice you do and its Bolstering to know we're not alone when you speak out with conviction and Honesty from the heart. I'm not looking for an Echo Chamber, I'm looking for the Opinion of an Individual whom I respect based on the direction they took in life. If your Opinion contradicts mine, I'll take a good look at my side of the coin and see if its worth changing, if your Opinion is similar, then I'll smile and go about my day knowing I cant be too far off because other Good, hard working Americans have a similar opinion. Dont ever think your Rants are worthless, keep bring them, please.
Probably won’t happen, but I want to see Steven Crowder on one of these
I think that would be awesome
As always, great content/conversation.
RUclips doesn't let me like this more than twice but this vid easily warrants x10, z100, x1000, x=infinity.
Great show! It's good that you guys were just being yourselves. I can't imagine the pressure you all must be under to jump on a side, a hashtag, a protest campaign, or whatever. I can see from this that you guys are thinkers. You have chosen to analyze. That takes patience and much courage nowadays. I understand this podcast as four guys trying to make sense of this, but still keeping focus on being decent American human beings. Cheers!
ATMs were exploded in Philadelphia and someone was arrested on WMD charges. A city near where I live (same state) had 3 small scale IEDs, one of which detonated.
Just checked it out and that is crazy dude.
DAMN! this shit is out of hand.
Love these.
I just watched a video yesterday explaining why the video feed cuts out when the rockets land. It's because the 'boat' that the rocket lands on uses directional satellite technology to transmit the signal to the satellite in orbit which then transmits it back to earth. As the rocket lands, it's shakes the 'boat' so much that it disrupts the signal between the 'boat' and the satellite.
@Louise Cilliers I just think it's funny that I watched that random video 12 hrs before watching another video that asked the exact question.
Enjoyed the podcast. Keep up the good fight and stay safe.
I love you guys and everything you represent. I am a BRCC exclusive member not just for your amazing coffee but because of what you guys stand for and how you have built your entire business model to reflect those principles. What we have going on right now is large elements of our government and our political leadership at the local, State, and federal levels as well as our main stream media/entertainment industry are actively and openly committing sedition in an attempt to overthrow the United States of America and replace our constitutional republic with a mob rules Marxist system of government. Its a bad time for the sheepdogs of this country to take a nap because these cultural Marxist are well funded and highly organized and they are on the move and operating unchallenged in cities all over America. That tree of liberty is getting very parched and gonna need some watering real soon. Standby....
"There is no racist in a fox hole, I don't care what you look like I'm going to cuddle with you as it is 32 degrees out there." Got to love Matt Best
21:00 The reason the camera feed stops for a couple seconds is technical.
The Video Feed gets transmitted to a sattilite from the drone ship. To get the signal from the ship up to the satilite, it has to have a lot of energy, which it gets by focusing it to a narrow beam. The beam emitter has enough stabilisation, to keep track of the satilite with the narrow beam, while it is floating around on the sea. When the rocket is landing, it is using its engines to reduce its speed, until its lands. The engines induce so much vibration into the drone ship, that the beam emitter can´t keep track of the satilite. When the rocket lands, the engines shut off and the vibration stops, which enables the beam emitter to track the satilite again.
Good stuff. Y’all need to give yourselves more credit. Stop discrediting yourselves as idiots and writing off your opinions just because you didn’t do the normal college bs so many of us do. You’ve got the ability to use logic, and your experience in the service and in business have put you in touch with reality in a much more complete way than 99% people who can only point to college as the foundation for their “intelligence.”
yall have the best customer service.
Enjoyed every moment!!!!
Sports and the military both provide that experience of working together
Wow, I think Logan and mat live together. He has thankyou for my service in the background. Logan did mat decorate your room. 🙃
"Go P = plenty and give everybody TBIs" Thats a good attitude right there!
When are you guys going to have the security detail guy for the film crew covering the riots that disarmed 2 of the rioters that were carrying AR15s stolen from the patrol cars? At least I thought I heard one of you guys saying that was going to happen... If so, I very much look forward to his perspective that day... You guys are all awesome... Btw are you still hiring at BRCC?
Garand thumb has a good interview with him,on his channel
Can these guys do a brcc vets play series? The modern warfare series, battlefield, whatever. Watching Evan play would be hysterical
17 yrs active and Guard service, 35yrs Law Enforcement I have never seen color other than od green or cammies or Green florida Sheriffs Office uniforms. I have served with the best in all facts of life no color. Airborne All The Way!
Thanks for making badass coffee
i watched drinking broettes with matt best and they commented to his emotional maturity i would say after watching this they were spot on about him. very mature way of talking
The amount of times even made me say hell yeah during this podcast
How do we find out about get an invite to the BRCC game discord or clan for Warzone?
Love this podcast
Great discussion you guys!! Gotta paint a mermaid pinup girl on the 20mm
Release the cut! Great episode
The SPACE-X camera feed cutting issue; It is caused by the coms signal being completely knocked off of the sat feed that it is keying into as the rocket closes in on the ship due to being a very "directional signal". It does make sense but, it will always be a point of contention obviously.
Not to sound like a nerd but the reason the SpaceX landing video cuts out is the rocket gets in the way of the invisible line between the ship to the satellite in space.
I would unravel knots for fun any day of the week. I’d totally steal this idea and make a twitch for it.
Can I get BRCC from Office Depot? I would like to support you guys, but my corperate office limits our providers for products, and price points.
Mark Landers Locations selling BRCC
Been waiting for you guys to talk about this
I liked Logan's idea about everyone having to serve the country in some capacity.
Where do I find the discord?
Hop on JT's, Mat's or Eli's next stream on twitch they link it all the time in the chat. Should even be able to watch the last stream and it'll still show in the chat too.
1:12:25 The novel of Starship Troopers has this theme. Interesting read.
How do i join the discord server?
@free range american podcast The reason that the feed cuts out for the rocket landing is much much simpler than that. to put it in its simplest terms. the video is satalite uplink. when the rocket motors impact the ship, it starts shaking the ship and can break the link from the vibration.
Is there a reason they cut out the part where Evan talks about antifa being designated as a terrorist group? I listened to it this morning on audio on the way to work and it was my favorite part. I wanted to watch it when I got home and that part was clipped out.
Great video! We need to educate ourselves and work together. At the end of the day, we rock!!
These guys need to play Insurgency Sandstorm
That would be sick!!
LMFAO 😂 1:00:00 Evan goes off I love it
In my area a local city Camden nj had chief of police walk with protesters
Weres the FRA companion ya I wanna hear Logan’s interview
How can we hop on the discord?
I don't know if you'll see this, but here's my take on the mandatory service. I believe that it should be mandatory MILITARY service for a minimum of 4 years starting a month after your high school graduation. We allow them to pick their branch and MOS based off of their ASVAB scores, then send them to basic. Not only would this help strenghten our military (enven if everyone went into support roles), but it would help solve the problem of obesity and people screaming for "free" tuition at colleges. At least they'll have done something to EARN their tuition money.
Edit: This would go for both men AND women.
Just took my FSC review test!!!
The camera feed from the drone ship, cuts out due to the returning rocket disrupting the feed from the ship......To transmit the footage they use a directional signal from the ship to the satellite..The turbulence from the rocket moves the ship which interrupts the feed.
Holy crap guys, this is Alien. Ripley tries to enforce quarantine, Ash breaks it and unleashes the “perfect organism”.
Yes Matt the US landed on the moon, you can see remnents of equipment with the right telescope. Evan there is no systematic oppression in this country, yes in the past but it's not 1950 dude.
+1 Did I hear 50/50, 70/30 chance we landed on the moon 6 times? I suppose 50/50 earth is flat next. You know your coffee and you are much appreciated patriots, but good grief. Oh and BTW our country is being dismantled in front of our eyes. That is MY one person opinion.
@@zumalot of the 4 of them, jt seems to be the closest to getting it.
@@incredulouskirk Roger that. I had to re-watch this to see why I even became involved. I'm usually quiet as a mouse on these threads. Now that I've become reacquainted and the fact our election is just days away, I remember what triggered me and can honestly say nothing has really changed. I feel our country is teetering on a very thin edge and if we fall off that edge, we may not get back. Of course the moon landing conspiracy stuff just bewilders me. All that being said, I have the greatest respect for our 4 host and probably most folks on the thread. Take care.
Evan: "I don't think I could do a farming simulator, that sounds boring as shit-"
JT: "You can farm Coffee beans."
Evan:"Alright, so in this field I've got some Honduran gold, the trick is to make sure they get double the water because as you saw in the other field with the Colombian beans.."
Get ian amd karl from forgotten weapons and inrangetv on here, you know those guys have some gun stories
@Phillip Mullis Really??? Didn't see that coming...
go to spacex's youtube you can see the launch. Also they posted a video of them crashing all of them. the reason it cuts out is because of the camera signal
You guys could easily make that shot. In an LAV-25 25 mm m242 bushmaster chaingun you can shoot out to 2,000m w TPDS-T and roughly 1,800 to 2,000 with TP-T. TPDS-T mimicking ballistics of sabot rounds and TP-T mimicking HE-IT rounds. Thats obviously a turret mounted system and a lil bit bigger caliberbut it can be done while the vehicle is moving with a turret gyro and stabalizers. If I were to guess the rifle is going to be relatively as accurate as a SASR, so if you have the proper ammunition that is going to fly the straightest and not lob like HE its going to be easier to shoot a point target. Set up a stable platform to shoot off of and put your best shooter behind the gun. I think you guys got it.
Last year of high school should be National Service, Civil or Military. That would cut down on gvmt expenditure and promote social cohesion. ( noncombat MOS only).
I'll get fire for this. But I just had a guy pinned on the ground who literally said "I can't breathe". I am just a security guard. The hospital staff who assisted me changed nothing due to his stating that. Police on an escalated scale deal with the same thing. People complain that they are dying, it's an "emergency" that the hand cuffs are too tight. Et cetera... I do NOT justify nor attempt to give verdict. But if you are at all an individual, consider the following few points: 1. The individual was sick. 2. The individual had heart problems. Due to his abuse of illegal drugs 3. The individual stated that his D*** hurt, his knees hurt, his stomach hurt along side and in the same sentence as "I can't breathe". 4. The individual had a history of violence both on and off record.
I will not be responding to any replies. This is food for thought. I will in turn read replies as I continue to cultivate a proper understanding.
Who is the bearded musician in the opening sequence? Looks a little like Ward Davis
Heavy Deadlift and Overhead Press will develop the back, shoulders, and core to provide the strength and stability needed to shoulder fire the cannon.
Amen Evan, preach!
Effective range is 5500 meters on the 20mm
About the SpaceX live feed going out when the boosters land it's because the booster is vibrating the vessel which Fucks up the signal to the satellite hence why video of them landing typically comes out a day or two later
What is the BRCC discord
About the launch when the falcon 9 lands, the reason the feed cut out is that the vibration from the rocket causes the feed to be lost. Now sometimes they get lucky and the data transfer is uninterrupted, so no matt, it’s not to preserve trade secrets. We know most of what happens and why, it’s just the mathematical portion they keep secret. You can go watch several previous landing attempts and see the rocket land. And there’s a bunch of RUclips videos that do a better job explaining than I did. But it’s really cool either way we can land rockets. You don’t see Russia or China doing that shit, so go USA.
you can find the full video of it landing
Yes, you have great CS. Now you just need to fix your phone app so it doesn't log people out(after logging in) when they go to checkout.
The guy from Airplane did it and he had a drinking problem. Giggity. No worries, guys. Donut Operator started a petition to have Mat Best become a COD character. Go f**kin' sign it.
I have feeling history is repeating itself, cause it does. I dont really know what its repeating tho...
Guess what they are fighting for ? Or protesting for ? The fucking rights they already have!!!!! History is going to repeat itself civil war! I wouldn't be surprised but im gonna be fucking ready for it
If you compare the downfall of all the greatest societies in history you will likely notice patterns. At every point in the history of civilization that the technology of the day resulted in people having to do less work to survive on the level to which they were accustomed they spent more time pondering life. This inevitably resulted in opinions that tested that society, some of the better known societies survived these challenges by getting back to the business of individual responsibility and the cycle passed until the next big technology breakthrough. Also, if you examine other lesser societies that had excess time to ponder the day-to-day life of individuals but just embraced unsustainable lifestyles were eventually conquered by other, not necessarily better societies with a more fundamental survival based mindset.
I know this might be off topic, since yall were talking about the 2nd amendment yall should check out what's going on in West Palm Beach, FL the mayor is decided to ban selling firearms and ammo. For the riots in the 60s were alot worse then than it is now. Police have non lethal arms than lethal arms, then you had anti war with Kent St. So let's just putting it out there.
When 9/11 happened they pulled the footage and said it would cause drama. Why can we still watch a human die, why are they not pulling the footage to help calm the anger??
People are only doing what some politicult owned gaming industries have told, prepared, and trained them for. If Strong told the whole truth, humans heads would implode from incomprehensible language.
I think the biggest reason people are wanting to see your guys’ opinions is they’re just looking for rationality and an opinion that if not agrees with them then at least is a reasonable opinion with well thought out points and information because so much of the internet is just simply insane.
Sending my Christmas lights to Jarred now. Expect them back by Thanksgiving.