I recently decided to purchase a second air reservoir and regulator so that I can have multiple presets for different pellet weights. Typically I shoot the H&N Baracuda Match in 21 grain getting an average of 756 fps and approximately 26ft/lb. But I had the thought that I wanted to shoot a heavier pellet for a different hunting situation, thus the additional reservoir/regulator. Getting to the point, I have been researching piledriver pellets and after watching this video, I am sold. Well done, mates!
I can't imagine being regulated on airguns. Happy I live i the United States where airguns have zero regulations. I bet you gents wish you could own an AirForce Texan SS in .45 caliber, they come from the factory with a built in suppressor & capable of taking down deer and hogs.
@@Lovingisnecessary I really hoping you're talking about an actual rifle cartridge and not an air rifle pellet. Those tiny little pellets lack the energy to actually kill a deer. Even if you shot one in the main artery in the neck or throat, it would die a very slow and painful death & you would never recover the animal. Please do not do something this stupid to a deer. Even a .17 rifle cartridge would only be good for head shots & that's only if you don't miss from the animal moving which would also result in another painful and slow death for a deer that you wouldn't be able to recover.
Nigel!! You look great/healthy!! I will be back in the groove of things shortly. My health comes and goes. So I work on my projects, a few hours at a time. I will send the pictures for the BPK's on the S200 and the M-Rod. I simply won't give up, I say... Great to see you back on. Interesting news, with these heavy weight pellets! If they are accurate in the more powerful guns, people in the US will want them. Take care Mate.
gunz-n-gadgets there not actually that bad I mean I don't actually like the idea of the average person having access to more that 12ftlb as there's some very silly and violent and just plain stupid people out there I don't think the police should be in charge of firearms certifications it should be run the same way as car licensing lessons and tests and of course safe storage were allowed all manner of crossbow bow and slingshot I've had fac certs before it's a matter of having no criminal record and a sound mind and safe installed and the cost of the paperwork to the police
My heart goes out to you Brits living under the yoke of tyranny. But I also tip my hat to you guys for squeezing out ever ounce and metric legally under those draconian laws. It’s your genius and R&D that is pushing airguns in a Great direction. We take what you learn and craft then push it further on our side of the pond.
Ridiculous. Nothing draconian about British laws- in the US, it's a free for all and it explains why there has been a mass shooting every single month so far this year in the US.
Power limits on a pellet rifle. Poor Brits. My pellet rifle fires a pellet at over 1400 fps. In England I suppose they would consider it a full blown assault rifle. My slingshot puts out more power than a pellet rifle in England.
shadowninja81500 it's not bad at all my game fires a .177 at 1250 feet per second and I can hit a beer bottle cap at 300 yards with mine dead set in the center so I think your wrong there
Wish they’d bring these back. Never got a chance to try them. My k98 pcp loves the .22 H&N rabbit magnum power rounds. Would’ve loved to try piledrivers.. unfortunately they’re not made anymore so won’t find any.
will they be making pellets any lighter at all for use in sub 12FPE rifles? i would imagine a 21 grain in .22 would be ideal for sub 12 rifles shouldnt be a vast drop in power at the muzzle but should retain the energy allot better than say 14 grain .22's over greater distance as shown on the FAC test. would be interesting to see if it pans out.
This is why We the People left England, formed our own nation and became free from oppression especially from owing a gun and being able to carry it openly. I love air rifles and I would love to try these.
Are these going to be made available in the USA? I have a AA S400 XTRA FAC that is putting out just around 20fpe with crossman 10.5. BSA Techstar is slinging 18.13 pelltes at around 38 fpe. I would love to keep the energy levels up down range for hunting.
you can't own an pistol, center fire rifle im not sure about and definitely not self loading guns. You can own with a licence a normal shot gun and a .22 air rife. You also need a gun cabinet and a locked box full of ammo inside your gun cabinet or in a different location at home. Police will inspect your house for the correct uses.
we are talking extreme ballistic coefficient for this pellet, as a matter of fact my pump up daisy 880 this makes the most power at about 9.5 ft/lbs and even if it didnt the B.C. is so high it will out perform and and conserve most of that energy down range, also people saying short range on this pellet dont know what they are talking about, a good scope or even a elevated turret should get this pellet at some good long distances, 50 yards is no problem, if you sighted in rifle with a light pellet at the middle cross hairs you simply use mill dots or elevate turret to compensate for trajectory, its not that difficult to do, if i can do it on a 9.5 ft/lbs pump rifle, then you guys in england should have no problem with 12 ft/lbs PCP rifles, so even with restricted energy laws this pellet at least will hold a lot of that energy down range, as far as accuracy ever land and grove and every crown of a rifle is different, so that test is up to you, but in america even a cheap daisy 880 rifle shows these to be freight trains of smashing power like never seen before in any pellet, it really technically not a pellet, its a boat tail bullet, they do cost bit but are a engineering marvel for shure in the pellet world and i have seen all the pellets and have bought any new type on the market, i even hunt web sites for rare pellets and hard to find ones, but this for shure is a break through in power, even got it to work with scope at 25 yards with only 4 pumps, so people saying they are short range are far from being right.
+libracory You seem to know about the laws in the UK when it comes to air rifles. Wonder what u need to do over there when you have an air rifle producing 30 ft/lbs or more? Is it as illegal as a .22lr or can you still get a permit that isn't to expensive not really hard to get?
Schwanzel Stock no limit to ft/lbs here in the usa, only limit is making shure its not loud for neighbors, do ggod deeds for neighbors and if the like you the police will not get involved unless you brandish air rifle in the streets, if you have a back yard, with out a fence police may drive by and wave at you, other wise they will ckeck you for saftey and back stop and be on their way, if you are a decent citizen and safe the police do not enforce any law on airguns, if you neighbors like you then police never visit, but enjoy after work stopping buy to shoot your air rifle LOL, any atempt by any government to disarm people of airguns or firearms will be met with lots of resistance, we fight for our rights like a mother bear robber of her cubs
Greetings from Arizona USA: I was wondering what the minimum velocity requirements are to stabilize one of these 30 grain Piledriver projectiles in 22 caliber? Given that the standard rifling twist of the typical 22 cal air rifle is about one-in-sixteen, the profile of this thirty grain projectile would need to be traveling at sufficient speed in order to stabilize in flight. This would mean that although one may achieve this "Stability" at the muzzle, at a certain distance it will become unstable just like conventional Shuttle-Cock/ Wasp-Waisted pellets. I was thinking of trying these "More Efficient" pellets but I want to make sure my air rifle is up to the task. Thanks in advance. Tim M.
should be around 720 fps with 40 grain. so that being said i would think it should be around high 600 fps. with 30 gain of lead. I'm using a 22 rimfire with CB rounds with weight of 30-40 grain bullets.
very good. But can a break barrel .177 fire this pellet at 20 yards to knock down tree rats? I have been using the JSB Monster 13.4 grains in my Spanish made Norica Tribal Basic,
Now that H&N is distributing them I tried a tin in .22. I stopped after 3 shots because they needed excessive effort to chamber in my Seneca Aspen. Some plastic skirted non-lead shots I followed up with pulled thin partial cylinders of lead out of the barrel. Not sure what’s going on, but I’m going to investigate.
in those country`s more people die with alcohol , bad food ,airpolution ,by the 100000 per year ,but id there`s a gun to be banned or regulated ,its fast done .after a few incidents
Its damn Ridiculous...i understand firearms but not pellet guns...smh,I feel bad for you guys in the uk,I'm in the US and would be Realy pissed off if there were restrictions like in the uk!Hopefully that 12 pound law can be thrown out Somehow,and imean come on 12 foot pounds!?!?!That is so crazy because I don't think thats enough energy to be humane to kill a rodent or whatever. Idk where that law came from?!Can someone please educate me on this, I'd appreciate it. Be safe everyone and have a great day.
After a long search I found two companies that did..... .one only had the .177..... .the other listed both as out of stock... "But" made by HN and due in later this year.... I will get them
Thanks for a very informative video. I'm sure a lot of people gained some good knowledge. As a matter of interest, what software was used at the factory to document the shot strings? Thanks
Great info video much appreciated! I am sorry to hear that your laws are so damned restrictive on Airgun energies! Maybe your Airgun associations should petition your legislators!
Kinda Clarky... at 12ft/lb at least. But they've got their benefits over mid-ranges, as Phil points out in his article in August 2013 issue of Airgun Shooter magazine
I don't agree that these pellets are the most energy efficient pellets. Maybe for this small test but there are more brands with heavy pellets for example samyang, eunjin, JSB monster etc. And how about accuracy at 50 yards or further? The pellet with the worst accuracy I have tested is the eley magnum. Rabbit magnum I left aside because of even worse experiences of fac shooters here around. For FAC certified airrifles the best pellet I know is the 41.5 grain RWS pellet.
In my humble opinion, the Pile-Driver and the H&N Grizzlies, are indeed "small-bore slugs", not "pellets", as most of us know them to be. I do feel that the amount of hollow cavity in the base of the Pile-Driver and the Grizzlies, are too deep. In the Pile-Driver, it does not appear that the Pile-Driver's base is going to expand enough to be effective/create a tighter seal. They should just square off the bottom of the Pile-Drivers.
This is what you get when your a subject vs a free citizen. In another 10 years The UK will be a full socialist country. The King sent his Red Coat to the US to expand his numbers of subjects. We shot them in the face.
"I said it before and I'll say it again" (David Ike) "always believe in your soul" (Spandau). "To cut a long story short" (Spandau and the first 7 inch single I bought with my own money), I've shot rabbits "on a wasteland, through the barricades" (spandau, if they'd ever shot rabbits with me, on wasteland through barricades) but mostly I've "always believed in your soul" (my mother... she wrote many of spandau's early lyric) You should come and smoke with us. PLUR
+AirgunTV maybe not this Pacific review but I'm sure in one of them was filmed behind the police station and also the road to clevdon I swear iv seen in the back ground I live in portishead and swear iv seen the legend Nigel 😊
das Video ist wirklich gut gemacht, ich denke ich muss nur mal mein altes Schul-Englisch aufbessern damit ich mir das nicht dreimal ansehen muss um es zu verstehen. Macht weiter so!!!
Forgot to say I've just started Element Customs a hydrographic dipping company. As part of this we camouflage hunting equipment. Would it be possible you could give us a mention?? We are on Facebook. :)
you sound English I know you have a 12 foot pound pellet energy law without a license, what if you put a heavier pellet in it and get above 12 foot pounds on a 12 foot pound gun
“U.K. FPS legal limit”. Thanks for your 4th of July holiday and our rights; that being said I’m sorry for the government oppression you all endure. Btw I do not even own firearms but I’m sure glad have the right to do so. Thanks for the pellet info as I do enjoy airgun target practice.
OK that may be true for boat tail pellets but not for the solids like the rws for example. So, saying that the piledriver is the most energy efficient is not true for me .....
I'm in the states; Everyone is so ignorant of guns and are always coming up with some dumbass idea of what a gun is, when it's not. So many people wallow in fear of "GUNS" because of their ignorance of them. The UKs law makers are cowardly bureaucrats, they aren't afraid to push a pen but to shoot a gun!? The states are becoming bad as well but remember this; guns help win freedoms! I wish you guys in the U.K. had much fewer restrictions! GOD BLESS YOU GUYS!!! STAY STRONG!!!
Never seen the point of FAC airguns, an integrally suppressed .22lr will do the job better than most, and if you're going into the 303 and 357 just get a centrefire rifle. But its your slot to waste so to each his own.
If they are now H&N then I guess the patent must of been sold H&N are German I use H&N but never used these before the ones I use hit exactly where I want them to be I use FTT for range and BH for midrange the BH's most rabbits I hit don't even twitch clean knock down love the pellet gods H&N I've tried nearly every pellet and H&N are with out a doubt by far the best but what makes me laugh is 200 pellets cost more than 500 ?
360 million people, and 290 million own guns, in a country where some people actually believe that the earth is 2018 yrs old and that there is a god' seems to me you’re shooting the wrong people.
I don't see the point of these at all. It seems to me you would be giving up the advantage of a flatter trajectory and greater range by using these. I really can't think of a realistic situation or quarry where the pros would outweigh the cons of these pellets at around 36 fpe.
I recently decided to purchase a second air reservoir and regulator so that I can have multiple presets for different pellet weights. Typically I shoot the H&N Baracuda Match in 21 grain getting an average of 756 fps and approximately 26ft/lb. But I had the thought that I wanted to shoot a heavier pellet for a different hunting situation, thus the additional reservoir/regulator. Getting to the point, I have been researching piledriver pellets and after watching this video, I am sold. Well done, mates!
I've tried these, impressive pellets. even in a sub 12ft rifle they make huge holes and really distort when they hit something solid.
I can't imagine being regulated on airguns. Happy I live i the United States where airguns have zero regulations. I bet you gents wish you could own an AirForce Texan SS in .45 caliber, they come from the factory with a built in suppressor & capable of taking down deer and hogs.
you can literally shoot a pigeon with a 50 bmg if u want to
My springer has 20 fpe but man I'd love to have a fx impact in 30 cal
Yeah but if you aim properly you can take out a deer with a .177
@@Lovingisnecessary I really hoping you're talking about an actual rifle cartridge and not an air rifle pellet. Those tiny little pellets lack the energy to actually kill a deer. Even if you shot one in the main artery in the neck or throat, it would die a very slow and painful death & you would never recover the animal. Please do not do something this stupid to a deer. Even a .17 rifle cartridge would only be good for head shots & that's only if you don't miss from the animal moving which would also result in another painful and slow death for a deer that you wouldn't be able to recover.
Welcome back, Nigel
Nigel!! You look great/healthy!! I will be back in the groove of things shortly. My health comes and goes. So I work on my projects, a few hours at a time. I will send the pictures for the BPK's on the S200 and the M-Rod. I simply won't give up, I say... Great to see you back on. Interesting news, with these heavy weight pellets! If they are accurate in the more powerful guns, people in the US will want them. Take care Mate.
A excellent and informative video Nigel ,keep them rolling mate .
BEAUTIFUL Rifle and scope set up you have there mate.
Such ridiculous laws regarding airguns in the U.K.
how its just dont go over 12 foot lb
goflow69 that's the law man
fordxbgtfalcon ridiculous to you not the the UK
gunz-n-gadgets there not actually that bad I mean I don't actually like the idea of the average person having access to more that 12ftlb as there's some very silly and violent and just plain stupid people out there I don't think the police should be in charge of firearms certifications it should be run the same way as car licensing lessons and tests and of course safe storage were allowed all manner of crossbow bow and slingshot I've had fac certs before it's a matter of having no criminal record and a sound mind and safe installed and the cost of the paperwork to the police
i am me is right & here's another good example the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997
No. If you make contact via the website, you can find out where else I believe.
A brilliant video Nige. Phil did a cracking job!
ATB Malc
By those regulations my Red Ryder BB gun would be over the limit 😂
My heart goes out to you Brits living under the yoke of tyranny. But I also tip my hat to you guys for squeezing out ever ounce and metric legally under those draconian laws. It’s your genius and R&D that is pushing airguns in a Great direction. We take what you learn and craft then push it further on our side of the pond.
Ridiculous. Nothing draconian about British laws- in the US, it's a free for all and it explains why there has been a mass shooting every single month so far this year in the US.
Power limits on a pellet rifle. Poor Brits. My pellet rifle fires a pellet at over 1400 fps. In England I suppose they would consider it a full blown assault rifle. My slingshot puts out more power than a pellet rifle in England.
You can buy any airgun but you need a licence to buy 12fpe+, clear?
shadowninja81500 it's not bad at all my game fires a .177 at 1250 feet per second and I can hit a beer bottle cap at 300 yards with mine dead set in the center so I think your wrong there
I meant to say GAMO
Beer bottle cap at 300 yrds ? BULLSHIT LOL.
hunter100t I'll prove it come to my house I shoot stuff all the time it's fun
Wish they’d bring these back. Never got a chance to try them. My k98 pcp loves the .22 H&N rabbit magnum power rounds. Would’ve loved to try piledrivers.. unfortunately they’re not made anymore so won’t find any.
Man.. these things took large foul down... dropped them like a bad joke...
Is there no way of making them lighter while keeping the shape?
will they be making pellets any lighter at all for use in sub 12FPE rifles? i would imagine a 21 grain in .22 would be ideal for sub 12 rifles shouldnt be a vast drop in power at the muzzle but should retain the energy allot better than say 14 grain .22's over greater distance as shown on the FAC test. would be interesting to see if it pans out.
This is why We the People left England, formed our own nation and became free from oppression especially from owing a gun and being able to carry it openly. I love air rifles and I would love to try these.
Are made for Precharge Air Guns - Originaly Higher powered
But found to give good results in some lower - Sub 12FP Rifles
Great pellet is the trajectory steep though?
I use a 25cal with 34fpe. 195 to my door. Getting the 125 in 22 next. It's incredible. For myself anyway.
excellent video. Did you calculate the B.C ?
Facts and figures, but what was the ft lbs of the FAC rifle, all important to FAC. Or did I miss that info somewhere?
What about accuracy at long range, say 150 metres ??
Are these only sold in England?
Are these going to be made available in the USA? I have a AA S400 XTRA FAC that is putting out just around 20fpe with crossman 10.5. BSA Techstar is slinging 18.13 pelltes at around 38 fpe. I would love to keep the energy levels up down range for hunting.
as many other have asked, I really want to see this pellets on FAC rifle, In particular, I want to see how it shoot on HW 100 FAC in .177 caliber.
First Britain bans guns and then trys to bans knives.
Guns are not banned in the uk. you can own a air rifle or a shotgun but you need a licence. You also can hunt in the uk with land owners permission.
you can't own an pistol, center fire rifle im not sure about and definitely not self loading guns. You can own with a licence a normal shot gun and a .22 air rife. You also need a gun cabinet and a locked box full of ammo inside your gun cabinet or in a different location at home. Police will inspect your house for the correct uses.
yes they will knock of course :D and they look to see of the right requirements are made
U can own any caliber rifle up to 50bmg as long as it is semi auto but can get semi 22lr
edec 16 Ik i was was statin' it for shotguns...
we are talking extreme ballistic coefficient for this pellet, as a matter of fact my pump up daisy 880 this makes the most power at about 9.5 ft/lbs and even if it didnt the B.C. is so high it will out perform and and conserve most of that energy down range, also people saying short range on this pellet dont know what they are talking about, a good scope or even a elevated turret should get this pellet at some good long distances, 50 yards is no problem, if you sighted in rifle with a light pellet at the middle cross hairs you simply use mill dots or elevate turret to compensate for trajectory, its not that difficult to do, if i can do it on a 9.5 ft/lbs pump rifle, then you guys in england should have no problem with 12 ft/lbs PCP rifles, so even with restricted energy laws this pellet at least will hold a lot of that energy down range, as far as accuracy ever land and grove and every crown of a rifle is different, so that test is up to you, but in america even a cheap daisy 880 rifle shows these to be freight trains of smashing power like never seen before in any pellet, it really technically not a pellet, its a boat tail bullet, they do cost bit but are a engineering marvel for shure in the pellet world and i have seen all the pellets and have bought any new type on the market, i even hunt web sites for rare pellets and hard to find ones, but this for shure is a break through in power, even got it to work with scope at 25 yards with only 4 pumps, so people saying they are short range are far from being right.
+libracory You seem to know about the laws in the UK when it comes to air rifles. Wonder what u need to do over there when you have an air rifle producing 30 ft/lbs or more? Is it as illegal as a .22lr or can you still get a permit that isn't to expensive not really hard to get?
Schwanzel Stock no limit to ft/lbs here in the usa, only limit is making shure its not loud for neighbors, do ggod deeds for neighbors and if the like you the police will not get involved unless you brandish air rifle in the streets, if you have a back yard, with out a fence police may drive by and wave at you, other wise they will ckeck you for saftey and back stop and be on their way, if you are a decent citizen and safe the police do not enforce any law on airguns, if you neighbors like you then police never visit, but enjoy after work stopping buy to shoot your air rifle LOL, any atempt by any government to disarm people of airguns or firearms will be met with lots of resistance, we fight for our rights like a mother bear robber of her cubs
Greetings from Arizona USA:
I was wondering what the minimum velocity requirements are to stabilize one of these 30 grain Piledriver projectiles in 22 caliber?
Given that the standard rifling twist of the typical 22 cal air rifle is about one-in-sixteen, the profile of this thirty grain projectile would need to be traveling at sufficient speed in order to stabilize in flight.
This would mean that although one may achieve this "Stability" at the muzzle, at a certain distance it will become unstable just like conventional Shuttle-Cock/ Wasp-Waisted pellets.
I was thinking of trying these "More Efficient" pellets but I want to make sure my air rifle is up to the task.
Thanks in advance.
Tim M.
should be around 720 fps with 40 grain. so that being said i would think it should be around high 600 fps. with 30 gain of lead.
I'm using a 22 rimfire with CB rounds with weight of 30-40 grain bullets.
I love Arizona... You're lucky to live there - the gun laws are really constitutional.
that would depend on twist rate of your barrel
Are these marketed under the H&N brand elsewhere? I have found some H&N piledrivers, wonder if they are the same
piledrivers are such a tight fit does anybody know it it will dammage the rifling in your barrel ??
it can't because they are made of lead and barrel is steel, so if the fit is very tight the pellet will deform to fit in the barrel.
Sonu Dilli I wouldn't bother explaining it to this idiot
+R G Thanks for your comment. NO NEED TO COMMENT IN CAPS
I wonder how these would do in my cheap springer?
Can you use these with a powerful springer, e.g. like a Diana Air King or Webley Patriot, or gas ram like Weihrauch HW 90?
very good. But can a break barrel .177 fire this pellet at 20 yards to knock down tree rats? I have been using the JSB Monster 13.4 grains in my Spanish made Norica Tribal Basic,
Alright Mr Bulmer
I have a mercury BSA .22 It is rather old, dispite this is it still a sufficient air gun?
Can't find them in USA
Gotta try them now. Thanks
Now that H&N is distributing them I tried a tin in .22. I stopped after 3 shots because they needed excessive effort to chamber in my Seneca Aspen. Some plastic skirted non-lead shots I followed up with pulled thin partial cylinders of lead out of the barrel. Not sure what’s going on, but I’m going to investigate.
Most wouldn't understand, but you sir are true (spandau ballet) and gold (also spandau ballet). have a good day sir, best wishes!
For the non FAC, what's the use?
hi great video. will they fit in my HW 110 mag. .22 ?
will these work in a crosman Nitro Venom Dusk Air Rifle?
Can these be found in the States?
no we have real guns ass wipe
Yes on Amazon on for sure
Any used these in a co2 rifle?
All those regulations.......for an air rifle?
They still can kill people so the government is pissing in their boots over the coming peasant uprising.
in those country`s more people die with alcohol , bad food ,airpolution ,by the 100000 per year ,but id there`s a gun to be banned or regulated ,its fast done .after a few incidents
Its damn Ridiculous...i understand firearms but not pellet guns...smh,I feel bad for you guys in the uk,I'm in the US and would be Realy pissed off if there were restrictions like in the uk!Hopefully that 12 pound law can be thrown out Somehow,and imean come on 12 foot pounds!?!?!That is so crazy because I don't think thats enough energy to be humane to kill a rodent or whatever. Idk where that law came from?!Can someone please educate me on this, I'd appreciate it. Be safe everyone and have a great day.
Great gun, nice video.
Would a pellet with the same shape as the Piledriver but with 8 to 9 gr be as effective in 12ft less air rifles!
why are these not available in the USA ?
After a long search I found two companies that did..... .one only had the .177..... .the other listed both as out of stock... "But" made by HN and due in later this year.... I will get them
Work well in my Sub 12FP AA 400
Hello guys just a quick question. What type of piledriver do you recommend for an Fac .20 Air Rifle?
Many Thanks
Thanx. (Been SO busy of late!)
Thanks for a very informative video. I'm sure a lot of people gained some good knowledge. As a matter of interest, what software was used at the factory to document the shot strings? Thanks
Great info video much appreciated! I am sorry to hear that your laws are so damned restrictive on Airgun energies! Maybe your Airgun associations should petition your legislators!
can you have black powder percussion?
What about the destroyer
Kinda Clarky... at 12ft/lb at least. But they've got their benefits over mid-ranges, as Phil points out in his article in August 2013 issue of Airgun Shooter magazine
I don't agree that these pellets are the most energy efficient pellets. Maybe for this small test but there are more brands with heavy pellets for example samyang, eunjin, JSB monster etc. And how about accuracy at 50 yards or further? The pellet with the worst accuracy I have tested is the eley magnum. Rabbit magnum I left aside because of even worse experiences of fac shooters here around. For FAC certified airrifles the best pellet I know is the 41.5 grain RWS pellet.
So! What is the bc?
I think they may be worth a try in my 21ftlb daystate!!!
Why no more videos?
where can I get these in the U.S
It's odd how cost is always a factor for people but never seems to feature in these reviews.
how come you make no more videos? i like them
it looks like its around the B.C .04 mark
So beautiful air gun
it's a Weihrauch hw100kt
were these guys bought out by H&N......hence the h&n pile driver pellets
+Duke Box You are correct - just over a year ago...
why don't u make .25 and .30 Pyle drivers
+R G Thanks for your comment. NO NEED TO COMMENT IN CAPS
Thanks nice review.
what is the first gun in your intro
what is the formula?? at 7:03 ??
In my humble opinion, the Pile-Driver and the H&N Grizzlies, are indeed "small-bore slugs", not "pellets", as most of us know them to be. I do feel that the amount of hollow cavity in the base of the Pile-Driver and the Grizzlies, are too deep. In the Pile-Driver, it does not appear that the Pile-Driver's base is going to expand enough to be effective/create a tighter seal. They should just square off the bottom of the Pile-Drivers.
I’m curious to the rationale behind UK’s power limits on air rifles.
This is what you get when your a subject vs a free citizen. In another 10 years The UK will be a full socialist country. The King sent his Red Coat to the US to expand his numbers of subjects.
We shot them in the face.
Air rifles limited to 12 pounds? These things are why we fought King George and arrived at A FREE COUNTRY! U.S.A., ALL THE WAY!
my design buddy
Pile drivers the one for me
I wish the pile driver rounds came in 25cal
"I said it before and I'll say it again" (David Ike) "always believe in your soul" (Spandau). "To cut a long story short" (Spandau and the first 7 inch single I bought with my own money), I've shot rabbits "on a wasteland, through the barricades" (spandau, if they'd ever shot rabbits with me, on wasteland through barricades) but mostly I've "always believed in your soul" (my mother... she wrote many of spandau's early lyric)
You should come and smoke with us. PLUR
Thank God i live in America jeeze
where can I shoot in west Yorkshire. Anyone help? legally.
I swear a lot of these shows are in portishead if so how do I sign up 😂😂
What makes you say that, Hiphop?
+AirgunTV maybe not this Pacific review but I'm sure in one of them was filmed behind the police station and also the road to clevdon I swear iv seen in the back ground I live in portishead and swear iv seen the legend Nigel 😊
Y'ere... t'is poss then me old mate. Up round Valley Road, p'rapz??? ;-)
das Video ist wirklich gut gemacht, ich denke ich muss nur mal mein altes Schul-Englisch aufbessern damit ich mir das nicht dreimal ansehen muss um es zu verstehen.
Macht weiter so!!!
Forgot to say I've just started Element Customs a hydrographic dipping company. As part of this we camouflage hunting equipment. Would it be possible you could give us a mention?? We are on Facebook. :)
God bless America. I could spit pellets at better than 12 ft pounds. I would go nuts with all the ridiculous limits the UK puts on air guns.
you sound English I know you have a 12 foot pound pellet energy law without a license, what if you put a heavier pellet in it and get above 12 foot pounds on a 12 foot pound gun
For me an quality springer ie any weirauch or pcp. 177 is the way to go.... Precision accuracy is king..... Do not go for body shot with a. 22
21 grains is not 2 and 1/2 times more than 8 grains.
It's 2 and 1/2 times as much, or 1 and 1/2 times more.
Bulmer ops 3 confirmed with air rifles
“U.K. FPS legal limit”. Thanks for your 4th of July holiday and our rights; that being said I’m sorry for the government oppression you all endure. Btw I do not even own firearms but I’m sure glad have the right to do so.
Thanks for the pellet info as I do enjoy airgun target practice.
when GUNS are OUTLAWED, only OUTLAWS will have GUNS ... just sayin'
We all will be criminals then. 👵
OK that may be true for boat tail pellets but not for the solids like the rws for example. So, saying that the piledriver is the most energy efficient is not true for me .....
I'm in the states; Everyone is so ignorant of guns and are always coming up with some dumbass idea of what a gun is, when it's not. So many people wallow in fear of "GUNS" because of their ignorance of them. The UKs law makers are cowardly bureaucrats, they aren't afraid to push a pen but to shoot a gun!? The states are becoming bad as well but remember this; guns help win freedoms! I wish you guys in the U.K. had much fewer restrictions! GOD BLESS YOU GUYS!!! STAY STRONG!!!
Never seen the point of FAC airguns, an integrally suppressed .22lr will do the job better than most, and if you're going into the 303 and 357 just get a centrefire rifle. But its your slot to waste so to each his own.
If they are now H&N then I guess the patent must of been sold H&N are German I use H&N but never used these before the ones I use hit exactly where I want them to be I use FTT for range and BH for midrange the BH's most rabbits I hit don't even twitch clean knock down love the pellet gods H&N I've tried nearly every pellet and H&N are with out a doubt by far the best but what makes me laugh is 200 pellets cost more than 500 ?
It's a shame these shows we're never carried on with
Those pellets are not recommended for springers at all.
are biggest concern in the uk is getting a good permission
We may be regulated in uk compared to USA, but at least our children are safer in school
360 million people, and 290 million own guns, in a country where some people actually believe that the earth is 2018 yrs old and that there is a god' seems to me you’re shooting the wrong people.
It’s people like you who are the reason people are stripped of their rights, pure ignorance
If you have a FAC PCP go on. Otherwise it's money well wasted.
I don't see the point of these at all. It seems to me you would be giving up the advantage of a flatter trajectory and greater range by using these. I really can't think of a realistic situation or quarry where the pros would outweigh the cons of these pellets at around 36 fpe.