Stonewall thinks having Transwomen(men) in a male ward is " humiliating and dangerous" but it's OK for Women to be humiliated and be in danger with having a MAN(transwomen) on a female ward. Stonewall is great with anything that goes against women's privacy, modesty, religious beliefs, safety, and embarrassment?
@rogershore3128 Stonewall is like an organized crime extortion racket. "Nice business, job, organization, political career, you got there. Wouldn't want anything to happen to it. Here's the deal, you give us your unquestioning support. Support us, let us wet our beak and tell your friends, we will contact you with some stuff you will buy, merchandise, consulting services, trainers, books, and pamphlets." "We have eyes and ears everywhere. Our social media presence is powerful. Our fanatical followers are relentless. We can ruin your good name, get you fired, bankrupt you..." "Or as we like to say we're inclusive and Love wins."
I worked in nhs maternity and had to go on this expensive bullshit training and bite my lip, tow the party line, pronouns on emails (I never did), and the number of brainwashed sorts did my head in to the point I quit and would never return to the public sector. It's outrageous these woke grifters are extracting public money from services that are grossly understaffed to the point it's dangerous.
Lady boys or transvestites not women they cannot be women by science the pelvic bones are different along with many other things. Men and women are not the same so cannot be interchangeable.
We can mate. As far as I'm concerned, I'll always call a grown man mincing about in a dress a Transvestite. Or a homosexual is a gay to me, or a rear gunner!!
Women are born with totally different anatomy to males, they will always be female no matter what they do to themselves. How on earth did we get to this madness? It’s bloody madness.
The NHS declares the word ‘mother’ cannot be included in maternity literature. I’d like to ask what ‘trans’ people call THEIR MOTHERS ?? Who do they send a birthday or Christmas card to ??
Any husband whose wife has gone into hospital where she might be sleeping on a ward with a man in the bed next door would be rightly mortified! NHS might and should face a string of court cases depending on what could happen here. The utter stupidity of letting men sleep in a ward with women!
@@stephnewman1357 Are you developmentally impaired? You never heard of a "maternity ward"? Or, you thought those are mixed sex, because "men can totally have babies, too", right? Hospitals have ALWAYS has single-sex wards, going back centuries (and mixed-sex wards AS WELL, depending on the conditions being treated, size of the hospital, and other factors). Many hospitals have "mens wards", but virtually ALL hospitals have "women's wards" for conditions unique to women, AS WELL as "maternity wards" that are obviously women-only. There's also a crazy thing called "A WOMEN'S HOSPITAL" which all large cities have had for centuries, which USED to have only women for patients... up til the last few years, when this fad for men pretending to be "women" (and using authoritarian laws and corporate policy, to force everyone else to play along), which has (like ALL aspects of evidence- free "gender" ideology) harmed women, both physically and in terms of rights, safety, and self-determination, in order to indulge the evidence-free fantasies of men. [A hospital even actively sabotaged police investigation of a raape, in a women's ward, a year or two ago; Cops asked hospital staff if there were any men in the ward, and the hospital said "no", because they had a policy to pretend to believe men who claimed to be "women". So the hospital had admitted a man into the "women's" ward, he'd assaulted an immoblile, elderly woman. Then hospital told police there WEREN'T any men in the ward (a lie), and the guy escaped, while police were investigating under the assumption a man had come in off the street, to commit the assault. But hey, WHO REALLY CARES if a bunch of women get raaped, and if ALL women and girls lose their right to safety, privacy, and self-determination? What REALLY matters is the universal, eternal VALIDATION of the all-important gender-feeels, of 0.5% of men!!! As long as that 0.5% of men get their undetectable gender-feeels affirmed, then ANY AMOUNT of harm to girls and women, is a trivial price to pay, right? The 0.5% of men who self-ID as "trans-women" MUST be validated, at ANY COST!!! (coz it's only women and girls who pay that cost, so why would anyone care about THEM?!?)
@@stephnewman1357one quick google search proves your statement incorrect. You would think that you would know this especially with this statement “ pretend women are now allowed in female only wards”. And now they are not.
When we finally return to sanity, anyone who advocated for this lunacy should be banned from holding any positions of power. I would go further and and send them to the newly opened insane asylums, along with those they advocated for.
This fight back by government isn't real. It is just to hush the nation and gain votes. THIS IS NOT OVER. Keep pushing back and protecting your children.
@@andrewcheadle948 I don’t agree it will take as long to dismantle as it took to set up, I reckon once it starts crumbling it will do so quickly. It won’t help if Labour win the next election though. A shame we have a weak, cowardly Tory party who didn’t put a stop to this when they could.
Actually Orwell did predict this James. It is little know that the complete list of Big Brother's propaganda mantras were: "War Is Peace," "Love is Hate, Ignorance is Strength," and "Trans-women ARE Women." : / You really couldn't make this stuff up. According to gender-ideology the "most oppressed women" in the world are those that were - wait for it - born with a penis! It's all quite barking-mad!
Do people really not care or is it that every time a group express their dislike about something, somebody like yourself turns up to tell them not to care because nobody else does ??
Had a discussion with a woman on the opposite side of the argument about transwomen on female wards and she said that she would be more than comfortable with having a transwoman in the bed next to her but I honestly think that she still believes that all transwomen will have had their genitals removed, so I think there is a naivety and ignorance about what is actually happening here and that you just have to state that you are a woman and that means you are one.
@lav4891 You say most people don't care? What a narrow minded ignorant assumption to make. It affects us all- we all have a duty of care to protect ourselves and each other and this should always be the case.
@@anneaylmer1655 Exactly how will it affect us all? In what way? I've never yet encountered any of these very confused and very silly people or their supporters. There's really not that many of them around, not enough to make an issue out of it. Only the media is exaggerating the size of the problem: that's what they always do, just to make a good story.
It's compelled RELIGIOUS observance. The 100% evidence-free claim that a man can become "a woman" (through the power of WISHING) is a 100% "taken on faith" RELIGIOUS belief. The claim that "woman" and "man" are defined by evidence-free "gender", and NOT by evidence-based biological sex, is a RELIGIOUS belief... The claim that some people can be "non-binary", and "neither male OR female (in some mystical, pseudo-spiritual sense, 100% unrelated to evidence-based reality, which says that """non-binary folx""" are EXACTLY as female, or less often, male, as a normal person)" is a 100% faith-based RELIGIOUS belief... Even just the existance of "gender"(as something independant of biologcal sex, and which you can just "identify as", at will) is a purely RELIGIOUS belief, with literally ZERO basis in physical, real-world evidence. The above claims can ALL only ever be believed by "taking it on faith", to the exact same extent as belief that "Jesus died for your sins", or that "Mohammed was the final prophet of Allah", or ANY other faith-based claim, from any traditional religion. (which is fine; If people WANT to believe in "gender", or any other religion, I say let them... But the problem is, when governments and the law, and the medical sector, and universities etc all promote that religion as if it was "truth", and start COMPELLING us all, to pretend we believe it... We need "gender" to be treated the same as ANY religion, since it uses the same evidence and standard of belief as those religions)
@charleswhite758 Of course, self identifying lets you change your paperwork, no questions asked, no proof required. ??? Is that you Wellington? Causing me problems again? 🙂
I'm a women. Gave birth. Breastfed and will always be a women. Full stop. I have 2 xx chromosomes. Anyone who has a y chromosome is a male and he can stay away from me and my daughters and granddaughters . Keep our female xx chromosomes safe spaces
People conventionally classify men and women by their anatomy. Some women actually have Y chromosomes where the Y chromosome activity has been suppressed and would only know this through medical testing. For most purposes, they are still regarded as women. That’s all most of us have to go on, as we can’t see chromosomes. Of course, that does leave the question of people who have physically transitioned. The only pragmatic course seems to be to keep to that rule, but with safeguards against the hopefully rare event that that someone who has physically transitioned proves to be a threat to women. The main threat to women seems to be from male (with intact genitalia) predators who manipulate the existing confusion for their own purposes. We shouldn’t forget that transvestites and cross-dressers are themselves at risk - from other men.
Deleting vital healthcare for women eg cervical cancer from of the nhs website is abhorrent and very irresponsible to their legal duty of care, every woman should sue them for it.
Is there an election looming in the not too distant future... Next the socialist tories will be doing radical things like cutting taxes, and securing our borders.... Well let's be reasonable here, cutting taxes a bit..... Maybe!?
In the recent appeal in supreme court the Scottish Government lawyers stated that many countries have self ID with no problems. That was an outright lie. Just read the gender critical bloggers and read about the terrible things that happen to them in what should be their safe spaces.
Rishi Sunak has now clearly said it at the Tory Part Conference: "We shouldn't get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want -they can't. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. That's just common sense."
The nature of my work took me to the wards/units in a busy hospital. Years ago they signed off on a mixed sex ward despite the protests from staff. Long story short, there were 2+ episodes whereby two male patients had attempted to get into the beds of female patients. Safe spaces were needed then, even more these days.
It’s all so absurd this nonsense has transpired but yes the TORIES omg what have they done to this Country since 2010…apart from Andrew Bridgen of course… Debate in Parliament 20th October concerning the injur£d. . Well done. Thankyou Julia Helen and Kellie J. and Andrew💜⚖️💜
This has not just crept into society through niceness though. For people in leadership positions this has been seen as a top-down command of sorts. After all when women and girls complain they’re typically told they must just manage. If this very guided by kindness then a meeting and discussion might be scheduled to reconcile. Rather there is a big stick behind the minority interests here.
@@9395gb some are like glinner and mark dolan, laurence fox, Calvin Robertson. But very few others that I have seen sadly. Some joke yt ubers are mocking them too. This year .any have been piqued. The million march for kids in Canada for eg ( 2nd one is today 21. 10. 23) has a lot of fathers attending. Have hope! The good men are beginning to awaken.
I'm a woman. A real one. 65 years old. In a private hospital awaiting a knee replacement. Pre-surgery, a gent comes in to do various checks, accompanied by a young girl on work experience, who struck me as looking quite uncomfortable. Gent was 6 ft, broad-shouldered, deep voice, dressed in black polo shirt, black trousers, black Doc Martens. Long black hair tied in a ponytail, but shaved short on one side. A pink plastic stud in one nostril and a blue one in the other and a smudge of eyeliner and shadow. Name of Ariel or similar. Weird enough that a private institution would allow someone to dress like a giant Goth to fill in paperwork, but then I noticed the multicoloured lanyard and the plastic square announcing his pronouns as She/Her. My first ever experience of that which I have read so much about. But as it was just paperwork, I acquiesed. I did give him side-eye when he suggested that I start taking statins as my blood results indicated they may benefit me. I thought looking to his own medication first might be more useful. Did not expect to encounter him again. But on being returned to my room post-op I found myself sitting in a puddle of my own urine. Luckily for me, Ariel was close at hand and merrily rolled me around, stripped off my gown and mopped my nether regions. If I hadn't been in a warm fug of drugs,still disabled from the waist down and entirely vulnerable I think I might have had more to say. Horrible. Shame on the corporations who have collapsed like warm jelly under the pressure of the woke bullies and actually allow these chimeras to dress how they wish and announce their sexual mores to the unsuspecting world.
I’m so sorry that happened to you when you’re post op, in a vulnerable state. If you’d initially said you didn’t want intimate care by Ariel ie a man, I have no doubt they’d have prioritised his feelings and possible cancelled your operation, which puts us in a no-win situation. You should contact your MP, complain to the hospital management, ring Terf Talk Tuesday and tell your story, we have to publicise these situations so they can’t pretend they never happen. You didn’t consent to intimate care by a man.
Also we're there male doctors? Lots of people your age don't trust women doctors and think male doctors are better. You don't get to choose a female doctor or a male doctor. Or female nurse or male nurse. There are male midwives. Male gynecologists. Female surgeons. Female prostate surgeons. I shouldn't worry about a male nurse tending to you. You were lucky to have a nurse at all. Many do not. Don't worry about their pronouns.
Everybody gay in media is blackmailed by stonewall via this ridiculous nonsense. That's the gatekeeper for their career - and it is why you will not find a SINGLE dissenting voice from that quart. They don't want to risk their careers. Just like with Savile. People knew but never said.
I'm sure Stonewall started out with good intentions, to protect gay rights. Like everything else they have been hijacked by extremists with their own agenda. You , I and every tax payer are funding this madness because they receive millions upon millions in government funding.
Had a pre op phone call and one question was have you had gender re assignment surgery, in nearly 60 years i have never been asked such a stupid question. Blooming ridiculous.
One problem is that freely identifying which spaces to use protects and enables those with ulterior motives. I heard an account about a summer camp in California that had a problem with this in their girls section. Furthermore often nobody in organizations will want to address these issues because they will be accused of direct prejudices and perpetuating supposed stereotypes.
Yes. And how is it that with every other category of crime, let's say financial crime, the enforcement of standards is _always_ based on the assumption that any opportunity to commit a crime *will* eventually be exploited? Even it only happens once, or very few people are likely to be affected, the safeguards are taken seriously..
Sexual assault should be dealt with no matter what the gender of the perpetrator..down to groping Unfortunately I don't think voyerism could be charged but taking pictures could Just get males out of female spaces would be best
When did we as voters ever get any choice in deciding anything around any of this ? What is kind about allowing those who are delusional, with mental health problems to be something they are clearly not, more kinder and compassionate to help get those the help needed. What you think, feel and believe are your own generated reality in your head it does not change your biological sex, if we all have to accept as fact and are told to abide by that then surely all those in psychiatric hospitals or treatment centres who believe they are Jesus Christ or who have many different identities/personalities should be believed who are we to say they are not what/who/they say they are. If we do not accept the 'woke' narrative who are we actually discriminating against people who have psychological problems, who are given frightening drugs or having surgeries that disfigure both males and females. It has long been accepted that lobotomy is inhumane and that better tratments are used in mental health facilities. If we accept that being delusional suffering from mental health issues that believing, thinking or feeling you are the opposite biological sex is reality and is absolute, the indisputable truth and should be accepted across the board surely we need to be looking at releasing all those many many people (non criminal) across the world who believe they are God, Jesus Christ, Lucifer aswell many multiple different people that are being held in psychiatric hospitals or facilities because if it is that a male because he believes, feels, thinks or wants to be a women and that is absolute then those forced to live away from society who believe with all there heart they are whatever then those people are being discriminated against far far worst than anybody else.
If women can have a male member and men can have breasts or menstruate or get pregnant . Then why do we have to change things like the term breastfeeding?
Yeah makes zero sense since men also have breast tissue. If a male is feeding a baby via their chest they are doing so with breast tissue. My male friend started lactating when his wife gave birth to their first child. Males can produce milk. He was overweight which affected his hormones I believe ..normally that wouldn't happen..but it can. Because males have breast tissue capable of producing milk if the hormones are there. So it's always bbreast feeding.a. chest or pectoral muscle which women also have, cannot produce milk. Nobody can chest feed with a rib cage and a no breast tissue.
Men do not have mammory glands They can have a secretion from their nipples (usually due to hormone imbalance or some medications) but it is not the same composition as breast milk and cannot actually nourish a baby
@vicklen51 that's not true dear. They have mammary glands in the breast tissue under their doesnt develop into a large mass such as a womans do..but if their hormones are right it will develop into a mass ..and a mass of breast tissue is a breast to my mind..not a chest..nobody is feeding a baby with a chest..not somone who used to be a female...and not somone who has had hormones and has breasst tissue. The man who has no breast tissue is not feeding a a baby ...
@@Padraigp men do not produce breast milk. Period. If a man has some kind of discharge coming out of the nipples it is still not breast milk and cannot nourish a baby.
Keep going Ladies, you are saying what we think and fighting for what we need. This is vital for the safety of our children and women, it's a battle we can't lose.
Little Britain had a whole series of skits about “being a lady” and the inevitable revelation of being a man by their demeanour. Jokes from saner times.
There's an aspect of this that I haven't seen discussed but which I've just experienced. I'm a man who has just had a health-related consultation; a copy of the follow-up report was sent to me. It refers to me not as "he, him or his" but as "they, their" throughout. Where is my right to not be categorized, by default, as genderless?
They've muddied the waters They're after your daughters... Your sons are a target as well. So please take a stand And ensure it's all banned 'Fore these psychos create living hell!
Don’t forget in ten years when looking at the stats and budgets they will see all of a sudden females have a prostate.. this goes for grape as well, sudden spike in female grapists. Truly abhorrent.
It is MORE THAN IMPORTANT!!!! It is paramount and must be brought to the top of all political agendas!!!! Challenge at every opportunity and do not be fobed off!!!
There are far more important things going on in the world at the moment rather than worrying about hurting a few people feelings that are clearly messed in the head
A friend of the family had a baby girl and the midwife didnt say congratulations a baby girl but showed the baby to her mother fir her to say what the baby girl was, insanity
A close female friend of mine had a very serious mental health breakdown. A neighbour of hers called both the police and an ambulance, who then then also called in social services. My friend went into a secure NHS mental health unit (voluntarily, she was not sectioned). In that locked, secure unit were three large and physically intimidating trans women. My friend estimated two of them to be around 6’3”/6’5” and as broad as they were tall. One was extremely violent and had to be locked up in the padded cell much of the time the other was occasionally violent and when the staff couldn’t restrain “her” they would sometimes switch ‘her’ out with the more consistently violent patient, until the more consistently violent patient needed to be locked up again. The staff of the “women’s” secure unit struggled to keep both of these very large, physically domineering patients under control. The third trans patient wasn’t as tall but was still much larger and stronger than my friend. Though ‘she’ wasn’t physically violent ‘she’ was verbally aggressive so still intimidating. My friend was terrified and her mental health worsened. Thankfully because she wasn’t sectioned and her parents have financial resources she was able to transfer to a non-secure private mental health facility. Having a mental health crisis requiring a secure unit is terrifying enough. Coping with being locked up with male bodied people who could probably kill you with one punch when you’re in that vulnerable state is unimaginable.
It's simple. Until we have a man who menstruates ( without a womb or any reproductive organs that'll be impossible obviously ) and is able to have a baby naturally or with IVF is he ever ever going to be a woman? No. It's as ridiculous and only that. In the future if they ever manage that he still will be a man. Just a man who had surgery. I live in Scotland and the snp government here said some time ago that's not important. If I was a pervert/predator ( as long as I didn't say that ) it wouldn't be against the law for me to wander into any private place like a primary school toilet or changing room saying I'm a woman and not be criminal! The whole discussion is still ongoing of course with the usual denials from them but so stupid! What happened to common decency? If any adult apart from female family wished to enter any woman or young girls safe space surely that would be at the least very suspicious? People speaking about freedoms should remember the rest of us have them too!
They obtain their power via the main stream establishment of government, media, corporations and public bodies. People soon learn what not to say if they know what's best for them, and it would seem that a lot of people are very easy to train. It takes a brave person to speak up for truth, and as many of those are quickly made an example of, it adds to the further training of the masses. Stay true, stay free.
So in those other countries, I wonder what happens if a boy who identifies as a cat falls seriously ill and his mother, out of respect of his identity, takes him to a vet instead of a doctor. If he dies, does she go to prison or is she hailed by the media for not being a bigot?
Stonewall thinks having Transwomen(men) in a male ward is " humiliating and dangerous" but it's OK for Women to be humiliated and be in danger with having a MAN(transwomen) on a female ward. Stonewall is great with anything that goes against women's privacy, modesty, religious beliefs, safety, and embarrassment?
Stonewall need to be destroyed.
I would like to know how Stonewall were allowed to dictate policies at Government level without the consent of the people. Who allowed this?
Stonewall is like an organized crime extortion racket.
"Nice business, job, organization, political career, you got there.
Wouldn't want anything to happen to it. Here's the deal, you give us your unquestioning support. Support us, let us wet our beak and tell your friends, we will contact you with some stuff you will buy, merchandise, consulting services, trainers, books, and pamphlets."
"We have eyes and ears everywhere. Our social media presence is powerful. Our fanatical followers are relentless. We can ruin your good name, get you fired, bankrupt you..."
"Or as we like to say we're inclusive and Love wins."
@@acerrubrum5749 Scary.
@@acerrubrum5749absolutely bang on. A cult that has managed to dictate policy.
Get stonewall shut down. Just cancel them
I worked in nhs maternity and had to go on this expensive bullshit training and bite my lip, tow the party line, pronouns on emails (I never did), and the number of brainwashed sorts did my head in to the point I quit and would never return to the public sector. It's outrageous these woke grifters are extracting public money from services that are grossly understaffed to the point it's dangerous.
Jail them:..
why can't we get back to calling transwomen, cross dressers and transvestites
Yep, after all that is what they are.
or pervs
Lady boys or transvestites not women they cannot be women by science the pelvic bones are different along with many other things. Men and women are not the same so cannot be interchangeable.
We can mate. As far as I'm concerned, I'll always call a grown man mincing about in a dress a Transvestite. Or a homosexual is a gay to me, or a rear gunner!!
Women are born with totally different anatomy to males, they will always be female no matter what they do to themselves. How on earth did we get to this madness? It’s bloody madness.
The NHS declares the word ‘mother’ cannot be included in maternity literature. I’d like to ask what ‘trans’ people call THEIR MOTHERS ?? Who do they send a birthday or Christmas card to ??
..... but the word dad is still used in men's health?
Trans people don't have "mothers". They reproduce by laying eggs inside a living host, then when the young hatch, they eat their way free.
@@MiniT-x8qbecause trans rights are men's rights. The movement is misogynistic at its heart.
"Birthing parent"
@@nikobellic570burping parent 😅😂
Any husband whose wife has gone into hospital where she might be sleeping on a ward with a man in the bed next door would be rightly mortified! NHS might and should face a string of court cases depending on what could happen here. The utter stupidity of letting men sleep in a ward with women!
It's a hospital there have never been male or female only wards!!!!
@@stephnewman1357 Are you developmentally impaired? You never heard of a "maternity ward"? Or, you thought those are mixed sex, because "men can totally have babies, too", right?
Hospitals have ALWAYS has single-sex wards, going back centuries (and mixed-sex wards AS WELL, depending on the conditions being treated, size of the hospital, and other factors).
Many hospitals have "mens wards", but virtually ALL hospitals have "women's wards" for conditions unique to women, AS WELL as "maternity wards" that are obviously women-only.
There's also a crazy thing called "A WOMEN'S HOSPITAL" which all large cities have had for centuries, which USED to have only women for patients... up til the last few years, when this fad for men pretending to be "women" (and using authoritarian laws and corporate policy, to force everyone else to play along), which has (like ALL aspects of evidence- free "gender" ideology) harmed women, both physically and in terms of rights, safety, and self-determination, in order to indulge the evidence-free fantasies of men.
[A hospital even actively sabotaged police investigation of a raape, in a women's ward, a year or two ago; Cops asked hospital staff if there were any men in the ward, and the hospital said "no", because they had a policy to pretend to believe men who claimed to be "women".
So the hospital had admitted a man into the "women's" ward, he'd assaulted an immoblile, elderly woman. Then hospital told police there WEREN'T any men in the ward (a lie), and the guy escaped, while police were investigating under the assumption a man had come in off the street, to commit the assault.
But hey, WHO REALLY CARES if a bunch of women get raaped, and if ALL women and girls lose their right to safety, privacy, and self-determination? What REALLY matters is the universal, eternal VALIDATION of the all-important gender-feeels, of 0.5% of men!!!
As long as that 0.5% of men get their undetectable gender-feeels affirmed, then ANY AMOUNT of harm to girls and women, is a trivial price to pay, right?
The 0.5% of men who self-ID as "trans-women" MUST be validated, at ANY COST!!! (coz it's only women and girls who pay that cost, so why would anyone care about THEM?!?)
@@stephnewman1357one quick google search proves your statement incorrect. You would think that you would know this especially with this statement “ pretend women are now allowed in female only wards”. And now they are not.
Yes there have.@@stephnewman1357
@@stephnewman1357 yes there have I have several times during a long illness.. stayed in WOMENS MEDICAL WARD./..
What was point of kicking up a stink about jimmy saville and his kind when we now allow men to frequent female only spaces.
Saville would have been the trans rights movement’s most outspoken celebrity activist
Saville would have been running marathons for Mermaids and Stonewall.
When we finally return to sanity, anyone who advocated for this lunacy should be banned from holding any positions of power. I would go further and and send them to the newly opened insane asylums, along with those they advocated for.
This lunacy has been decades in the making, and will be decades before it's gone.
This fight back by government isn't real. It is just to hush the nation and gain votes. THIS IS NOT OVER. Keep pushing back and protecting your children.
@@andrewcheadle948 I don’t agree it will take as long to dismantle as it took to set up, I reckon once it starts crumbling it will do so quickly. It won’t help if Labour win the next election though. A shame we have a weak, cowardly Tory party who didn’t put a stop to this when they could.
Absolutely well said.
This is being pushed by the UN and WHO..
Even Orwell did not predict this nonsense.
Actually Orwell did predict this James. It is little know that the complete list of Big Brother's propaganda mantras were: "War Is Peace," "Love is Hate, Ignorance is Strength," and "Trans-women ARE Women." : / You really couldn't make this stuff up. According to gender-ideology the "most oppressed women" in the world are those that were - wait for it - born with a penis! It's all quite barking-mad!
Yes he did, he predicted 2 + 2 = 5. This is what we are actually being subjected to here.
Spinning in his grave
@@Aurora-uq5hm Clown.
"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". (That man Orwell again).
Two wonderful adult human females having a reasoned discussion.❤
It was bound to happen.
But ARE they females? They COULD be transitioned males.
@@owenorders5202You obviously have no idea what the definition of what a woman is. Just for you …. An adult human female. Sorted.
@@owenorders5202 very few pass and those that do seem to be aiming for a much cheaper look
The problem is most people don't care about this really, they don't think it affects them until it does.
Do people really not care or is it that every time a group express their dislike about something, somebody like yourself turns up to tell them not to care because nobody else does ??
Had a discussion with a woman on the opposite side of the argument about transwomen on female wards and she said that she would be more than comfortable with having a transwoman in the bed next to her but I honestly think that she still believes that all transwomen will have had their genitals removed, so I think there is a naivety and ignorance about what is actually happening here and that you just have to state that you are a woman and that means you are one.
If this is allowed to get out of hand, it will affect us all.
@lav4891 You say most people don't care? What a narrow minded ignorant assumption to make.
It affects us all- we all have a duty of care to protect ourselves and each other and this should always be the case.
@@anneaylmer1655 Exactly how will it affect us all? In what way? I've never yet encountered any of these very confused and very silly people or their supporters. There's really not that many of them around, not enough to make an issue out of it. Only the media is exaggerating the size of the problem: that's what they always do, just to make a good story.
Complain and stand up for your rights - and your children's safeguarding.
Helen is a brilliant, brave and beautiful woman, always enjoy her informed take on these issues.
England's lucky to have this Irishwoman.
It’s compelled speech. It’s sinister.
Welcome to the brave new world
It's compelled RELIGIOUS observance. The 100% evidence-free claim that a man can become "a woman" (through the power of WISHING) is a 100% "taken on faith" RELIGIOUS belief.
The claim that "woman" and "man" are defined by evidence-free "gender", and NOT by evidence-based biological sex, is a RELIGIOUS belief...
The claim that some people can be "non-binary", and "neither male OR female (in some mystical, pseudo-spiritual sense, 100% unrelated to evidence-based reality, which says that """non-binary folx""" are EXACTLY as female, or less often, male, as a normal person)" is a 100% faith-based RELIGIOUS belief...
Even just the existance of "gender"(as something independant of biologcal sex, and which you can just "identify as", at will) is a purely RELIGIOUS belief, with literally ZERO basis in physical, real-world evidence.
The above claims can ALL only ever be believed by "taking it on faith", to the exact same extent as belief that "Jesus died for your sins", or that "Mohammed was the final prophet of Allah", or ANY other faith-based claim, from any traditional religion.
(which is fine; If people WANT to believe in "gender", or any other religion, I say let them... But the problem is, when governments and the law, and the medical sector, and universities etc all promote that religion as if it was "truth", and start COMPELLING us all, to pretend we believe it...
We need "gender" to be treated the same as ANY religion, since it uses the same evidence and standard of belief as those religions)
I’ll never comply. I’ll call them men which is what they are
Keep it up ladies. You two give me hope that these ludicrous policies polluting our way of life will soon be reversed. Common sense must prevail.
Good on HELEN JOYCE. Grateful for women like her. Very courageous. God bless you madam
I identify as Napoleon, I should be in charge of the French military!
Anything less and I'm being discriminated against.🎉
Of course, self identifying lets you change your paperwork, no questions asked, no proof required.
??? Is that you Wellington? Causing me problems again? 🙂
Helen Joyce is indefatigable. Always brilliantly pertinent.
The Geneva Convention considers imprisoning women with men a violation of human rights.
What an amazing and intelligent conversation between two real women 👏
Thank God this conversation is taking place in the media.
I'm a women. Gave birth. Breastfed and will always be a women. Full stop.
I have 2 xx chromosomes.
Anyone who has a y chromosome is a male and he can stay away from me and my daughters and granddaughters . Keep our female xx chromosomes safe spaces
People conventionally classify men and women by their anatomy. Some women actually have Y chromosomes where the Y chromosome activity has been suppressed and would only know this through medical testing. For most purposes, they are still regarded as women. That’s all most of us have to go on, as we can’t see chromosomes. Of course, that does leave the question of people who have physically transitioned. The only pragmatic course seems to be to keep to that rule, but with safeguards against the hopefully rare event that that someone who has physically transitioned proves to be a threat to women. The main threat to women seems to be from male (with intact genitalia) predators who manipulate the existing confusion for their own purposes. We shouldn’t forget that transvestites and cross-dressers are themselves at risk - from other men.
Deleting vital healthcare for women eg cervical cancer from of the nhs website is abhorrent and very irresponsible to their legal duty of care, every woman should sue them for it.
It’s a huge issue! Protect women’s rights! Also we URGENTLY need to protect our children from forced ideology❗️Ban Stonewall!
I'm in Scotland and I really hope this lunacy turns around.
been a LOOOOONG time since I said this, but well done tories and great coverage ladies, great chat.
Is there an election looming in the not too distant future... Next the socialist tories will be doing radical things like cutting taxes, and securing our borders.... Well let's be reasonable here, cutting taxes a bit..... Maybe!?
By saying what he did, sunak has secured a win. Loads of left leaning women over 40 will vote conservative because labour won't tell the truth
In the recent appeal in supreme court the Scottish Government lawyers stated that many countries have self ID with no problems. That was an outright lie. Just read the gender critical bloggers and read about the terrible things that happen to them in what should be their safe spaces.
Rishi Sunak has now clearly said it at the Tory Part Conference: "We shouldn't get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want -they can't. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. That's just common sense."
Helen Joyce is fabulous
well said ladies! Keep up the fight - the majority of the public stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
It's just fuckin common sense, not hard is it? Why was this ever even a thing.
The nature of my work took me to the wards/units in a busy hospital. Years ago they signed off on a mixed sex ward despite the protests
from staff. Long story short, there were 2+ episodes whereby two male patients had attempted to get into the beds of female patients.
Safe spaces were needed then, even more these days.
It’s all so absurd this nonsense has transpired but yes the TORIES omg what have they done to this Country since 2010…apart from Andrew Bridgen of course…
Debate in Parliament 20th October concerning the injur£d.
. Well done. Thankyou Julia Helen and Kellie J. and Andrew💜⚖️💜
This madness has to stop
It’s not healthy for all concerned
This has not just crept into society through niceness though. For people in leadership positions this has been seen as a top-down command of sorts. After all when women and girls complain they’re typically told they must just manage. If this very guided by kindness then a meeting and discussion might be scheduled to reconcile. Rather there is a big stick behind the minority interests here.
Or they’re told to shut up for the sake of diversity in certain places…..
People are sacked for speaking against it. Even if only on their social media. Its coercive control of our thoughts and words.
@patduffyforever why aren't biological men speaking up on this too?
@@9395gb some are like glinner and mark dolan, laurence fox, Calvin Robertson. But very few others that I have seen sadly. Some joke yt ubers are mocking them too.
This year .any have been piqued. The million march for kids in Canada for eg ( 2nd one is today 21. 10. 23) has a lot of fathers attending. Have hope! The good men are beginning to awaken.
I'm a woman. A real one. 65 years old.
In a private hospital awaiting a knee replacement. Pre-surgery, a gent comes in to do various checks, accompanied by a young girl on work experience, who struck me as looking quite uncomfortable.
Gent was 6 ft, broad-shouldered, deep voice, dressed in black polo shirt, black trousers, black Doc Martens. Long black hair tied in a ponytail, but shaved short on one side. A pink plastic stud in one nostril and a blue one in the other and a smudge of eyeliner and shadow. Name of Ariel or similar.
Weird enough that a private institution would allow someone to dress like a giant Goth to fill in paperwork, but then I noticed the multicoloured lanyard and the plastic square announcing his pronouns as She/Her.
My first ever experience of that which I have read so much about.
But as it was just paperwork, I acquiesed. I did give him side-eye when he suggested that I start taking statins as my blood results indicated they may benefit me. I thought looking to his own medication first might be more useful. Did not expect to encounter him again.
But on being returned to my room post-op I found myself sitting in a puddle of my own urine. Luckily for me, Ariel was close at hand and merrily rolled me around, stripped off my gown and mopped my nether regions.
If I hadn't been in a warm fug of drugs,still disabled from the waist down and entirely vulnerable I think I might have had more to say.
Horrible. Shame on the corporations who have collapsed like warm jelly under the pressure of the woke bullies and actually allow these chimeras to dress how they wish and announce their sexual mores to the unsuspecting world.
I’m so sorry that happened to you when you’re post op, in a vulnerable state. If you’d initially said you didn’t want intimate care by Ariel ie a man, I have no doubt they’d have prioritised his feelings and possible cancelled your operation, which puts us in a no-win situation. You should contact your MP, complain to the hospital management, ring Terf Talk Tuesday and tell your story, we have to publicise these situations so they can’t pretend they never happen. You didn’t consent to intimate care by a man.
@@kayjay9516 👍🏽
I am so sorry. complain retrospectively
There are male nurses and orderlies who clean patients bottoms when they wet themslves. Nothing wrong with a male nurse doing your bum.
Also we're there male doctors? Lots of people your age don't trust women doctors and think male doctors are better. You don't get to choose a female doctor or a male doctor. Or female nurse or male nurse. There are male midwives. Male gynecologists. Female surgeons. Female prostate surgeons. I shouldn't worry about a male nurse tending to you. You were lucky to have a nurse at all. Many do not. Don't worry about their pronouns.
Ian McKellen I never knew he was part of stonewall. Ffs this is ridiculous
Everybody gay in media is blackmailed by stonewall via this ridiculous nonsense. That's the gatekeeper for their career - and it is why you will not find a SINGLE dissenting voice from that quart.
They don't want to risk their careers. Just like with Savile. People knew but never said.
James Dreyfus has spoken out against the trans ideology and I’m sure, Stonewall too, and he’s gay.
I'm sure Stonewall started out with good intentions, to protect gay rights. Like everything else they have been hijacked by extremists with their own agenda.
You , I and every tax payer are funding this madness because they receive millions upon millions in government funding.
And they’ve tried to cancel James, he supported the father ted writer and the mob went after him!
@@jaynewelch218 Yes, that’s true. That’s terrible news. James is a good man.
The world has literally gone mad.
Had a pre op phone call and one question was have you had gender re assignment surgery, in nearly 60 years i have never been asked such a stupid question. Blooming ridiculous.
As a man I stand with feminists on this trans issue.
As a man I’ll never stand with any group who claim to be oppressed but are not.
@jimsim8736 im a REAL WOMAN and Definitely NOT OPPRESSED...😊
@charleswhite758 Absolutely..Feminist back in the day wanted Equal pay..Now they just hate men full stop...
@@mandychadwick9262the feminists of the Sixties are not represented by the fourth wave loonies who claim to be feminists now. We didn’t hate men.
@@mandychadwick9262 you are if men can take your rights
How the HELL have we got to this!!!?
how can 0.01% tell the rest of us what we should do and think and to pander to them
Stonewall should be shut down.
There used to be special wards for these people. The local mental hospital.
Too right!
One problem is that freely identifying which spaces to use protects and enables those with ulterior motives.
I heard an account about a summer camp in California that had a problem with this in their girls section. Furthermore often nobody in organizations will want to address these issues because they will be accused of direct prejudices and perpetuating supposed stereotypes.
Yes. And how is it that with every other category of crime, let's say financial crime, the enforcement of standards is _always_ based on the assumption that any opportunity to commit a crime *will* eventually be exploited? Even it only happens once, or very few people are likely to be affected, the safeguards are taken seriously..
Sexual assault should be dealt with no matter what the gender of the perpetrator..down to groping
Unfortunately I don't think voyerism could be charged but taking pictures could
Just get males out of female spaces would be best
How on earth can a baby latch onto a chest to feed?
When did we as voters ever get any choice in deciding anything around any of this ? What is kind about allowing those who are delusional, with mental health problems to be something they are clearly not, more kinder and compassionate to help get those the help needed. What you think, feel and believe are your own generated reality in your head it does not change your biological sex, if we all have to accept as fact and are told to abide by that then surely all those in psychiatric hospitals or treatment centres who believe they are Jesus Christ or who have many different identities/personalities should be believed who are we to say they are not what/who/they say they are. If we do not accept the 'woke' narrative who are we actually discriminating against people who have psychological problems, who are given frightening drugs or having surgeries that disfigure both males and females. It has long been accepted that lobotomy is inhumane and that better tratments are used in mental health facilities. If we accept that being delusional suffering from mental health issues that believing, thinking or feeling you are the opposite biological sex is reality and is absolute, the indisputable truth and should be accepted across the board surely we need to be looking at releasing all those many many people (non criminal) across the world who believe they are God, Jesus Christ, Lucifer aswell many multiple different people that are being held in psychiatric hospitals or facilities because if it is that a male because he believes, feels, thinks or wants to be a women and that is absolute then those forced to live away from society who believe with all there heart they are whatever then those people are being discriminated against far far worst than anybody else.
Depressing madness
Unbelievable how things have turned out ,why should women in hospital have a bloke on the ward
Follow the money... Stonewall!
"Women = an adult female human." Kellie-Jay Keen has been fighting this fight for years. She should be honoured.
We are certainly in strange times when we are actually debating this. Male and female is what you entered the world as, you don't get a choice.
Great conversation both speak with common sense.
My cat is now identifying as a dog so he can go in pubs…..
There is an optical illusion not only in art but in psychology too...
If women can have a male member and men can have breasts or menstruate or get pregnant . Then why do we have to change things like the term breastfeeding?
Yeah makes zero sense since men also have breast tissue. If a male is feeding a baby via their chest they are doing so with breast tissue. My male friend started lactating when his wife gave birth to their first child. Males can produce milk. He was overweight which affected his hormones I believe ..normally that wouldn't happen..but it can. Because males have breast tissue capable of producing milk if the hormones are there. So it's always bbreast feeding.a. chest or pectoral muscle which women also have, cannot produce milk. Nobody can chest feed with a rib cage and a no breast tissue.
Men do not have mammory glands
They can have a secretion from their nipples (usually due to hormone imbalance or some medications) but it is not the same composition as breast milk and cannot actually nourish a baby
@vicklen51 that's not true dear. They have mammary glands in the breast tissue under their doesnt develop into a large mass such as a womans do..but if their hormones are right it will develop into a mass ..and a mass of breast tissue is a breast to my mind..not a chest..nobody is feeding a baby with a chest..not somone who used to be a female...and not somone who has had hormones and has breasst tissue. The man who has no breast tissue is not feeding a a baby ...
@@Padraigp men do not produce breast milk.
If a man has some kind of discharge coming out of the nipples it is still not breast milk and cannot nourish a baby.
Stonewall do need to be officially 'checked out' for harm to humanity.
Great news why should women put up with men in there ward's well done the tories i expect it will be reversed when labour get into power
Keep going Ladies, you are saying what we think and fighting for what we need. This is vital for the safety of our children and women, it's a battle we can't lose.
Little Britain had a whole series of skits about “being a lady” and the inevitable revelation of being a man by their demeanour. Jokes from saner times.
The voices of common sense
If I had young children in the UK today I don't think I would be sending them into state education.
I like the idea of parliamentary candidates being asked for their views on trans issues and having it published online.
Is the term MOTHER nature still ok ? Or are they unhappy about that too ?
we should be treating them not humouring them
Rebellion !!!!!!!!!
A Male is a Male and a Female is a Female…None of us are interchangeable Barbie and Ken Dolls FGS GET A GRIP ADULTS.
As a gay man I fully agree and support Julia. These people are delusional and are ignoring scientific fact
There's an aspect of this that I haven't seen discussed but which I've just experienced. I'm a man who has just had a health-related consultation; a copy of the follow-up report was sent to me. It refers to me not as "he, him or his" but as "they, their" throughout. Where is my right to not be categorized, by default, as genderless?
They've muddied the waters
They're after your daughters...
Your sons are a target as well.
So please take a stand
And ensure it's all banned
'Fore these psychos create living hell!
Can NHS doctors not treat “trans”women for prostate problems?
Don’t forget in ten years when looking at the stats and budgets they will see all of a sudden females have a prostate.. this goes for grape as well, sudden spike in female grapists. Truly abhorrent.
@@Julieoscar1it's a mess
This is how it should be, women and men are totally different and should be in separate ward's
Substitute the word TRANS with NOT
so the phrase Trans Woman
Becomes Not Woman
Confusion removed, you're welcome
Q: How many sex change operations ended in failure? A: All of them; it's impossible to change sex.
It is MORE THAN IMPORTANT!!!! It is paramount and must be brought to the top of all political agendas!!!! Challenge at every opportunity and do not be fobed off!!!
There are far more important things going on in the world at the moment rather than worrying about hurting a few people feelings that are clearly messed in the head
Why are some of JHB"s videos blocked from responses?
Talk TV do it quite a lot. Dunno why.
@@gooshie3 It's so you don't influence people with your opinion and upset the puppet masters.
@@TJ-vt6rtAbsolutely 👏👏👏
Let women speak
Nice to see the comments section hasn't been switched off. It's demeaning to all of us when you do that!
A friend of the family had a baby girl and the midwife didnt say congratulations a baby girl but showed the baby to her mother fir her to say what the baby girl was, insanity
I wanted to be identified as a Budgie but hated the taste of Cuttlefish bone.
Weak government and politicians.
A close female friend of mine had a very serious mental health breakdown. A neighbour of hers called both the police and an ambulance, who then then also called in social services. My friend went into a secure NHS mental health unit (voluntarily, she was not sectioned). In that locked, secure unit were three large and physically intimidating trans women. My friend estimated two of them to be around 6’3”/6’5” and as broad as they were tall. One was extremely violent and had to be locked up in the padded cell much of the time the other was occasionally violent and when the staff couldn’t restrain “her” they would sometimes switch ‘her’ out with the more consistently violent patient, until the more consistently violent patient needed to be locked up again. The staff of the “women’s” secure unit struggled to keep both of these very large, physically domineering patients under control.
The third trans patient wasn’t as tall but was still much larger and stronger than my friend. Though ‘she’ wasn’t physically violent ‘she’ was verbally aggressive so still intimidating.
My friend was terrified and her mental health worsened. Thankfully because she wasn’t sectioned and her parents have financial resources she was able to transfer to a non-secure private mental health facility.
Having a mental health crisis requiring a secure unit is terrifying enough. Coping with being locked up with male bodied people who could probably kill you with one punch when you’re in that vulnerable state is unimaginable.
Seriously if my auntie had ball's she'd be my uncle.
It's simple. Until we have a man who menstruates ( without a womb or any reproductive organs that'll be impossible obviously ) and is able to have a baby naturally or with IVF is he ever ever going to be a woman? No. It's as ridiculous and only that. In the future if they ever manage that he still will be a man. Just a man who had surgery. I live in Scotland and the snp government here said some time ago that's not important. If I was a pervert/predator ( as long as I didn't say that ) it wouldn't be against the law for me to wander into any private place like a primary school toilet or changing room saying I'm a woman and not be criminal! The whole discussion is still ongoing of course with the usual denials from them but so stupid! What happened to common decency? If any adult apart from female family wished to enter any woman or young girls safe space surely that would be at the least very suspicious? People speaking about freedoms should remember the rest of us have them too!
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
We should not upset anybody ...let's abolish the military.
😂😂😂 yes, worlds gone mad.
It's tiny anyhow. It wouldn't fill a stadium these days. Nato is key.
The British Navy is preaching pronouns and gender woo hoo!
They obtain their power via the main stream establishment of government, media, corporations and public bodies. People soon learn what not to say if they know what's best for them, and it would seem that a lot of people are very easy to train. It takes a brave person to speak up for truth, and as many of those are quickly made an example of, it adds to the further training of the masses. Stay true, stay free.
All part of the Big plan
It's been reported that Stone wall was at the Conference this year in Bournemouth.
Noncewall needs forcibly closing down.
Tories did all this, what a uturn, trust them to correct this MESS! THEY MADE
Surely a pelvic bone transplant would be needed as it's the only gender specific bone in the human body.
They should have their own wards. It's not rocket science.
Top girl Julia 👍👍
So in those other countries, I wonder what happens if a boy who identifies as a cat falls seriously ill and his mother, out of respect of his identity, takes him to a vet instead of a doctor. If he dies, does she go to prison or is she hailed by the media for not being a bigot?
Its an inverted world. The evil ones are rubbing their hands together.
You would get this under a Labour government
Great. private rooms for Trans patients
This is ridiculous I'm totally out of hand i don't want this. I don't want men on womens wards.