When my mother gave birth to me, the midwife didn’t say to her, ‘congratulations Mrs R, a beautiful baby. Now, what sex would you like it to be?’. I was a female at birth (and before) and I’m a WOMAN now. Not a ‘cis’ woman........a WOMAN.
@@benfurbank Quite right. Never grant these people the right to change our language and never give their idiotic terms of reference the time of day. I am a man, not a 'cis' man.
I'm a straight man. When I was little, my mother taught me to knit and sew. When I went to school I liked drama and music and was called names for preferring that to games and other more traditionally male activities. The last thing I would have needed was some idiot teacher with a degree in gender studies asking me whether I was gay or non binary or trans.
Exactly! I too was creative and liked girls as my friends more. Luckily I was not bullied for it because I was tall and confident in myself. But I saw other boys bullied for being camp, the boy in question then turned out to be a butch normal guy who married a girl, but pay off me thinks he d pushed to be more masculine to push away the haters. Either way, his life was not helped by having sexuality suggestions thrust on him.
It just goes to show. This new liberal transgender trend is actually quite retrograde in ascribing certain behaviours to either boys or girls (and men and women).
Gender doesnt appear to be very fluid here on the farm. I can't persuade my rooster to lay eggs. Nor will my bull have a calf. What's a farmer to do???
@@SomeGuyFromWales 😅😅😅 I have witnessed this technique. It appears to be very effective with some weaker bulls. But, my bull has huge balls and rebels. I think he must be a republican? When i call my bull names, he doesn't seem to care. I was thinking of locking him down to make him dependant on me. That should intimidate him into submission.
@@bamasher4384 Then we are left with only one option......we need to cancel this bull and try and get it fired from its job or kicked off Twitter at least. >:D
@Dazz Hughes No it isn't, and that's the problem. Biological sex is not binary. It is bi-modal. That means the vast majority will fall into one side or the other, but there is also that awkward blurry bit in the middle. Intersex people sometimes need to be assigned biological sex at birth. What would you call someone born with the body of a female but with XY chromosomes? Or with testes in place of ovaries? Or with both sets of genitals? Life is rarely black and white, it's messy and complicated.
It is a shame we cant recognise mind asociated desease at birth, oh wait, we already know how that happens. It is growing up listening to fruitcakes talking shite twenty four seven.
This is the problem other people are trying to take away our identity and reality just to suit their narrative calling us cis what kind of nonsense is this
@@thequeenofswords7230 I'm not OP but I'm an agender woman. People like me do exist, people who obviously have a sex but doesn't have any gender identity at all. Any. Never followed gender roles/stereotypes unless forced to by society when joined the school system.
That term should never be a thing in the first place. We need to abolish these non-nonsensical words that are being shoved down our throats by an insignificant minority.
The people pushing this ideology will one day need to be held to account for their crimes. Any ideology that ruins a persons life is not something 'noble' - it is evil.
Trust me. They will be held to account and they will suffer for all eternity. We will face eternity sooner than you think. Our world is coming to an end thanks to the 1%, thanks to Joe Biden and the Washington regime. The NATO vs Russia war is World War 3.
Indeed it's time to draw the line and make the point that your self-identifying is your personal thing - a you problem, NOT a we problem. It's part of your free speech rights to self-identify as whatever whenever but it does NOT grant you legal rights of the thing you identify as whether it's a woman or anything else.
it's not part of rights to identify as something you are not and never will be!! talk like yours is exactly the problem, it's the same as religion being a right, its not it's a belief the same way this issue is, based in belief not fact. facts for clarity not fantasy!!
Yep..I was in school the 70s. Never was any trans person ever in school that anyone knew. Boys fancied the girls and girls fancied the boys. There was nothing else and it was good!
Nope. Had some school kids who ended up being gay or lesbian but they were all well rounded enough to know that preferring trousers, sports and short hair doesn't automatically make you a man.
I was a Tom boy and when I was in elementary school wished I was a boy, because…. Boy Scouts or brownies… no competition. Thank God my parents never imagined taking me seriously. I grew up, studied music, worked construction, got married had children, love being a mom and don’t mind being the handyman in our family. I love being a woman which has everything to do with biology and nothing to do with color or sport preferences
As a male qualified carpenter/joiner/roof plumber who became a handyman in the twilight of my working years I am deeply offended by your misappropriation of the label 'handyman' lol
This is not about what a woman is; this is as per usual lefties eating their own. Which is common place. As you had the Bolsheviks; ironically translates to 'majority', which were a pretty radical fringe minority of ideological zealots actually that picked up the baton against other marxists. inherent to the doctrine I'm afraid; as is mental illness and trying to redefine definitions coz you know, once you have vague. terms like equality that nobody really can define; you are quite vulnerable for people that use logic and reason; so you need to invent all this 2+2=5 wackado. MSM is particularly good in the latter and even GBN are guilty of it. They are all marxist scum at the core. The BBC has a marxist pedo figure on their HQ in the UK which goes back to the early 1900's, so al this lefty mental illness crazy wackado stuff isn't something of the last 6 years.
My experience too. I wanted so badly to be a boy, simply Because I enjoyed the activities toys and sports available to them in the 80’s As soon a puberty hit I embraced being a woman and never looked back, It was a natural progression. I shudder to think of what would have happened if adults gave me the option before I was emotionally and biologically ready to make that decision.
Yeah, I can't understand why any adult with half a mind would think it appropriate to discuss sexuality with pre-schoolers. Obviously "the talk" has to be had at some stage. In the case of my kids i gave just the factual answer to just the question asked and no elaboration. This caused a, go and think about it, and follow up questions. I never discussed other matter unless asked. I did this with any question. Both of my sons are avid researchers. They still now come to me with well thought out questions.
@@stephenbrookes7268 As a parent it is important your boys come to you NOT a outsider and the fact they came to you shows a lot about you as a dad That's my kind of parent Good on you. It's time fathers were given the respect and courtesy they merit. WE are their fathers NOt the teacher in the class rooms
Over the course of 15 years, I’ve attended/assisted thousands of births and basically, yes, you are either male or female at birth. What happens between your 2 ears as you grow up is another thing. Not ridiculing or knocking anybody as I well know that people are different for numerous reasons but this has gone way too far. Great interview.
Except some of us are not male or female at birth. We're a mixture of both, and then professional people like you, happy to present yourselves as some kind of expert or authority, make a decision and perform surgery on our genitalia to 'fix' us. In my case, they got it wrong as they have done with a great many other intersex people, but no one wants to talk about the *reality* of surgical interventions on babies. You're all too busy with your moral panic about trans people, whom none of you understand either. I've had six more corrective surgeries since I was first operated on and I have been in chronic pain for my entire life as a result. I am due to have yet another corrective surgery this year and all because stupid, ignorant people like you think you know what a baby is and if you're not sure then you'll just make a decision on our behalf. A decision that we have to pay for, not you. And this is still going on. Intersex babies are still mutilated on the basis of what 'looks right' and you can say what you like but experience teaches intersex people that in reality none of you care what pain and misery you cause and none of you ever own up to it.
Agree wholeheartedly! I find it offensive when people suggest that midwives “assign” sex at birth, as if this is based on a whim or fancy. At birth, sex is observed and recorded, not assigned.
@@Breasail When you've been 'observed and recorded' as a boy, then surgically altered to fit that observation, despite you're being an intersex girl, then you most certainly have been assigned a sex according to the whim of the people who were present at your birth and subsequent surgery
@@moif_velocita Intersex is extremely rare and if there is any indication that a newborn may be intersex, they are immediately referred to a paediatrician. Transgenderism and intersex are two very different things. Do not try to confuse and obfuscate things in order to fit a particular narrative as it helps nobody.
@@Breasail We're not that rare that we don't matter, and a great many of us are both intersex and trans, so no, they're not very different at all. Both face the same ignorance and indifference you display here. Many intersex children are assigned the wrong gender and face years, if not decades, of abuse and marginalisation by people like you and the other ignorant people posting in this channel's comments sections.
I remember being a gay boy in the 90s and trying on my grandma's jewelry and mom's shoes, just for fun. I can't imagine what could've happened to me doing that same stuff in the 2020s. Scary times.
It's not hard to see there is a strong strain of homophobia in this movement. That is evident when we witness the enthusiasm of many parents who 'discover' their child is 'trans' and are unable to wait to see if perhaps their child is gay. Also evident in repressive Middle East countries where being gay can get you executed, but turning yourself into the opposite gender is perfectly fine.
She’s spot on about the initial reaction you get from certain trans folk if you step out of line in the slightest. I’ve always been supportive of trans women & valued their safety in this world as much as my own (cis woman). One day I tweeted that I don’t want to be referred to as a ‘uterus owner’ or anything like it; woman is the word I want to continue being referred to as. Immediately I was attacked, called a terf and a Nazi who should f**k off and die. I use people’s chosen pronouns cos I’m not rude & don’t want to hurt someone without cause, but apparently I have no say in the language used to/about me.
@@hed2410 You’re as bad as the trans activist extremists who insult and belittle anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same thing they do. If you’re not capable of dealing with nuances re. controversial topics or that other views but yours can be valid, you should shut up and let the grown ups talk.
Unfortunately, your natural kindness, or agreeableness, allowed a pernicious ideology to enter your consciousness. They certainly will not extend the same courtesy to you. They play on people's basic good will, but ultimately they demand complete submission and compliance. It's a totalitarian mindset that needs to be resisted. I wish you luck.
This issue is not a “left/right” issue. Generalizing it as such is disingenuous and confuses the reality. Most people, regardless of whether they lean left or right politically, know that gender theory is absurd and objectively - garbage. Extremists on the left certainly do embrace gender cultism. So do many right wing followers. No one is more aligned with the facistic views shared by gender theory than extreme right wing voters who are also proudly racist and determined to strip women of control over their own bodies. Gender cultism is a human rights debacle that serves the interests of the powerful - period. It seeks to sterilize a generation of children, obliterate the very existence of women from language and law and dismantle parental rights so that government can grant itself the right to groom and mutilate children as its own discretion. This isn’t left/right. We ALL need to stand together and realize that the entire civilian population and our most fundamental human rights are under attack and the weapon of our destruction is gender theory.
@@paulmuaddib3470 When I was 6 I was wearing a T shirt and swimming trunks in a park on a sweltering hot day. I fainted and I could hear a woman say "Is it a boy or a girl?" (I had nice hair) Another woman replied "boy" as I felt the waistband of my trunks snap back to my belly. This question has always been a simple one until now.
@@jeffcarroll6553 No Jeff, and I believe the correct term would be carotenemia babies, that goes away eventually. Now, gingers on the other hand, they truly have it rougher than anyone, having to face a lifetime of ginger oppression and discrimination without a soul, I pity the ginger. And one last thing Jeff, a non sequitur reply containing the word “orange” is a common symptom of TDS-so I just have one question for you: Do you happen to have an orange man squatting in head rent free?
Great interview. There are some bullies trying to force their ideology by silencing any opposing view and like she said, those people need to be beaten (in debate, not physically). An ideology that can't be challenged is very dangerous especially when children are being targeted.
There is a very strong case for the child mutilation clinics to be closed and their mutilation surgeons to be arrested pending trial. And for teachers who have groomed children to be the mutilation surgeons' victims to share the mutilation surgeons' fate: disqualification and and imprisonment. For life.
Listen to yourself. You're advocating the execution of innocent people just because you don't like or understand what they do. You people act so hurt when you're called nazis, but here you are, talking like nazis. Hypocrisy, thy name is Paul Worthington
@@davidadiwego4608 Not a moral case - a LEGAL case. If you administered cyanide or arsenic to a person, you would be charged with murder. Puberty blockers to a child IS a slow murder. They have lack of bone development, lack of brain development, lack of growth, vastly increased risk of cancer and/or coronary heart disease, they CANNOT 'transition' after this as in the case of boys, for example, the penis does NOT develop enough to invert to make a vagina so part of the intestine has to be used. They then suffer chronic pain and the fake vagina has to be kept open with implements as the body considers this to be a wound. Then, putting people on hormones that do NOT belong in the body in a person - well, this is harmful for Adults who 'transition' - cancer/coronary again - putting this on TOP of the puberty blockers kids have been forced to take by Mengele-like 'adults' and STILL not addressing any problems mentally that some kids have, or even those that don't and are just victims of virtue-signalling adults, you are in a World of pain here. Hopefully, a World of future law-suits and jail-time for these enablers too.
@@davidadiwego4608 Funny because the Karolinska institute in Sweden actually decided to stop prescribing puberty blockers after the Keira Bell case. The Swedish institute know their science.
I've heard Helen before and she's so passionate about her work and conveys her thoughts so eloquently and with great clarity. She needs to be listened to by so many people.
I know, if I was in primary school and the teachers were telling me I could be anything other than my born sex, I would be very confused and most likely upset because I was very immature and innocent back then. It would confuse me terribly, and I would not know how to handle the information responsibly.
About time woman started to stand up to this sexism, it never made any sense and never will. Men competing against woman in sport was the thing that got me can't believe it actually happened.
So what? It serves them right. Are you telling me that I, as a six foot, three inch black man, can't identify as a Swedish lesbian, and compete in women's sports? This is the situation they have created by their complete and utter stupidity.
They need to stop indoctrinating kids with all this crap. Let the kids grow up and find out naturally who they will be attracted to. Teachers shouldn't be telling children about their own sexuality. Just TEACH the subjects keep your personal life to yourself.
@@stephenbrookes7268 No that pedantic leap is yours dingo. But if you wish to name said athority you might call it genetics or mother nature or biological confluence or god if that's your cup of tea. Have a nice day biggle bop.
Well. No. At conception and until about 6 weeks the embryo has no assigned sex. Only later do the chromosomes take over. For all intent purposes the embryo is female until the female sex organs morph into male organs and begin their journey to outside the trunk.
@@jeffcarroll6553 Be careful there Jeff! What you are doing there is stating a biological fact. The point is that the sex occurs. It is not assigned. The word assigned is being used to suggest some authority figure (other than God if you believe that) is deciding on what gender the foetus will be. It is completely random and here is a weird thing, it just so happens that with the exceptions of incredibly rare anomalies, a tiny fraction of 1%, about half the births are male the other half are female. This is not assigned, it occurs in nature. The word assigned is only applicable to authoritarianism. Nature is not authoritarian.
You should have this woman on more, a person who is brave enough to not bow down to the woke mentality, and tells it how it really is. I am so sick of politicians or people being afraid to define what a woman is when we have been doing it for thousands of years or saying that a person can be born not male or female but either one of 72 different genders. She also spoke the truth when she said that these influencers are posting the ideology of trans as a one size fit all.
I shudder to think how different my life would be if I was going through school right now. I always got along with girls more than boys and was actually told that I was probably gay by multiple people outside of my family throughout my life. My father even told me that he thought I was probably gay and only changed his mind when I got married and started having kids. But my mother who raised me let me be who I was and never pushed anything on me. My wife was on the other side. She played with boys and was a tomboy and would probably be classified as a nonbinary child if she was in school now. But we are both very happy in our skin and know who we truly are as individuals and yet I'm a straight man that is madly in love with a straight woman who likes me on most days 😉 and we haven't looked back in 15 years of marriage. There is going to be generations of sad, depressed and abused people. I fear for the people who will be so confused about who they are (because they weren't left alone to figure that out for themselves) and how they are going to be able to navigate this life. We've all but guaranteed the biggest mental health crisis the likes that have never been seen.
This woman is correct. My grand daughter was perfectly happy with herself before she went to secondary school. Then within a year she declared she was a lesbian! A little while later she declared she was a boy trapped in a girl's body, and even started binding her breasts which can cause harm. Children are actually being pressurised to give up who they are, and live as something they are not. It's an agenda, and it's sick. I feel so terribly sorry for the children today. Adults have let them down badly.
I’m gay, and transgenderism is the single most homophobic idea I’ve dealt with in my lifetime. I hope. One day your granddaughter learns to accept herself for who she is. It’s difficult, but the best thing you can do is refuse to affirm her internalized hate.
@@CarlosRodriguez-jz3eu - I'd like to try and understand what you wrote, if you can help me out, please? Would you explain a) "transgenderism is the single most homophobic idea I’ve dealt with in my lifetime", and b) "refuse to affirm her internalized hate".
@@Jomanka100 if you had paid attention to the interview the lady here in the video clearly talks about it. Among adolescent those who have been most penalized by this "gender ideology" and consequently wrongly medicalised are mostly young homosexuals or young people who for other reasons don't conform to the restrictive social rules associated with their biological sex. Buy this book if you really care about this subject and don't settle for an anonymous answer on RUclips. This is a really complex issue and the book explains quite well the problem between "gender ideology" and the homophobia , sexism and misogynia that is the root of this regressive ideology.
@@liv0003 - You're confusing me with someone who cares about this fake subject. I don't. I care about my grand children being infected by this mass hysteria. It's not a complex issue at all. It's what happens when we are forced to tolerate something that we disagree with - then shamed into silence.
@@Jomanka100 it was you who wrote that you wanted an explanation. It seemed to me that you wanted to know more about this subject since it concerns your niece badly. Getting informed is not a bad thing. If you don't care ok, I certainly don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do LOL. It's not even a "false subject "as many young people / children have been sucked into this absurd ideology.
@@imachunt653 uhhhh trans people are aware of biology, two are talking about gender here, people can be a different gender to their sex, it’s two separate things…
The problem is many acting as if biology doesn’t play a role in many things , including medicine (look at some trans women seeing gynecologists) or athletic performance (look at some openly trans women Mixer Martial-Arts performers that have exposed bone in their oppenents.
Good god. A transgender identifier in every classroom in urban areas? My heart goes out to them. I see a host of prosecutions brought by young adults against their teachers and parents on the horizon.
I’m an irony - a crossdresser who strongly disagrees with the trans ‘movement’ especially influencing young people and putting young children in danger.
Speaking as a gender critical feminist, (a.k.a. evil TERF, by trans activists' standards), I don't find that ironic at all! In fact, a huge part of being a GC feminist..? Is acknowledging that sex is real, and has inescapable consequences, but also rejecting imposed social gender roles! So in my mind, you should feel free to wear whatever the hell you like! Guys like Harry Styles wearing dresses, for instance..? Is 100% fine by me! And in fact, I think he rocks it! Plus I love seeing people challenge strict, arbitrary gender norms, that are obviously harmful and repressive! But also, a big part of that..? Is: YES, he can wear all the dresses and frills he likes, but that still does not change his sex, or make him biologically FEMALE! Plus vice versa for women who like to dress in very masculine clothes, and perhaps shave their heads, etc! So basically..? Reject oppressive social norms, but still accept the inescapable, unchangeable reality of your biological sex, and work towards loving and accepting your sexed body as it is! If that makes sense. I also see (gender) dysphoria as a real thing, that some people experience. BUT..? It's a very complex phenomenon, that develops for different reasons and in different ways for different people! Plus it doesn't mean: " born in the wrong body". I see it more as a mental health issue, of certain people rejecting and disassociating from their bodies. But that's not because their bodies are "wrong". It's because they're mentally ill / struggling, in that specific way! Much like the people who have body dysmorphia, anorexia nervosa, or body integrity identity disorder. Although for some weird reason, just about everyone in society agrees that those three are mental illnesses, rather than people somehow inherently being in the "wrong body". And that we should be trying to help them accept their bodies, rather than surgically and medically change their bodies in risky, harmful ways, to match up with their mental illness / distorted view of themselves! Yet we don't with "trans", for some reason. It's a really dangerous and hypocritical double standard.
You are not such an irony. Wanting to wear clothes of the opposite sex doesn't mean that you want to have had irreversible drug and surgery treatment as a child and not be able to change it now because of the way you were counselled and put on programmes before you ever got anywhere near puberty.
Being a crossdresser isn't the problem in my opinion, the problem is "self gender identity" , erasing biological reality and dangerous medicalization/hormones therapy pushed on minors and vulnerable young people
No one is forcing anyone to do anything… I didn’t choose to put my self through all this hate and so I would never wish it upon anyone, especially children!
Sex is absolutely determined at birth i was born a male and will forever remain so much like my sister was born female and will forever remain so you can't change your basic biological functions.
It does appear that adults educating children over sexual identity is not that far removed from paedophilia. Why aren't young girls who are anorexic offered liposuction to deal with the difficulties of their 'self image'. Because it seems to me, that offering young girls the opportunity to have breasts removed and homone blockers is not that dissimilar to offering liposuction to anorexic young girls.
Bulaemic, but yeah understand the point. It's an extremely damaging precedent to set, especially when children aren't even fully conscious of what the physical sensations they already go through are.
@@arsenalfanrichi Chldren, as you state, are not aware of pgysical sexual sensations at a young age. To me what is going on with gender ideology is on a not disimilar to appalling actions carried out by adults on children
My favourite part is how you all sit on youtube and complain instead of doing something about it. Its great to see you living up to the expectations of you, which is nothing.
@Elite xxxx yeah, because this is where i find you all, instead you should be breaking down the systems that are destroying our society, but instead you just watch it go by like its a movie on the internet.
@Top Lobster, 'zoom' over to many other places in the World and, there is no consideration of Women at all! We should consider it a point of pride that we are trying to work on these 'tricky' topics, no?
I’m a gay man. As a young child I’d say to my parents “I wish I was a girl”. It had nothing to do with being trans. I just wanted to play with Barbies and My Little Pony without judgment. Glad I came of age before the trans-kids stuff entered the discourse.
It's mad that people can't get timely treatment for serious health conditions yet there is resource to give young people sex changes and educate them that they might not be what they think they are
'As a child, when adults used to ask me "What would you like to be when you grow up?" they meant it as a profession!' Frankie Boyle is absolutely right!
I am currently reading Helen's book and highly recommend it. No matter what you already know about this issue, you will learn more from her investigation. Helen is absolutely right: we have to go through this because the alternative just doesn't bear thinking about.
I would like to identify as a gorgeous 30 year old, size 12 millionairess, I live in hope as I am a 77 year old quite ordinary woman, glad to have been born as a woman.
I'm a straight male in my 70s. I work in musical theatre, take dance classes, never got good at sports, have female friends, male friends, gay friends, lesbian friends, two trans aquaintences, and bi friends, and have been with my wife for forty years. Never had any doubt as to what sex attracts me, but also appreciate beauty in men. I know there are some (a relative few) who find themselves psychologically at odds with their biology and, if they make the decision as adults to go through the change, I cheer them on. What courage it must take! But I don't think a child is mature or experienced enough to make such a consequential decision. Too impressionable. It's an irreversible decision, isn't it?
As a young lad at school 64 years ago I was part of a teenage 'gang' and we played the usual rough games of football, rugby, climbing over high walls etc. We had as part of our gang a 'Tomboy' who we happily accepted because she was tough, strong, quite plain and masculine, and a faster runner, than all of us. Years later after leaving school, I was hailed from across the road by an extremely attractive young lady pushing a pram. She was so good looking that I had difficulty in believing that she was actually waving to me and I certainly didn't recognise her at first. We reminisced and she told me that the only reason she became part of our school gang was that she once fancied me. She laughed in a very sexy and ladylike way about it and I remember feeling quite confused.
Actually, and ironically, that is exactly how the trans activists define 'woman'. As a woman, ie. whoever 'identifies' as a woman is a woman. It is entirely circular, making no reference to objective reality.
Reality, can sometimes be harsh & uncomfortable. Pandering to someone's imagined version of reality - doesn't help them. Neither does allowing the vulnerable and unwell, minus any health related qualifications - to self diagnose. Dysphoria is real. Modern trans activists' narrative, isn't. People with dysphoria need support. Trans activists need to recognise they're doing way more harm than good.
I'm a transwoman and I feel like debates need to happen. I'm transsexual as they referred to in the video. It took a decade of self reflection if I really felt wrong in my own skin, or if I'm simply liked traditionally female things. Finally, I actually consulted a physician and therapists and I'm still on that long path. Gender is not something you can simply decide on a tuesday. Gender isn't something any teacher can help decide in a single term at school. These are serious issues with long lasting consequences. Transitioning before adulthood is a mistake in my opinion. Simply agreeing for the sake of diversity or inclusivity is harmful. Doctors and psychologists need to challenge and question the feelings of people like me. It's only when someone is asked hard questions can they really know if they are truly transsexual or just going through a phase. It's a hard road that I wouldn't wish for myself to be honest, let alone a child.
Cornelia, You have my compassion for your struggles and my respect for speaking so intelligently and rationally about this issue. I wish your voice was louder in this debate and I hope you achieve the contentment you seek.
Cornelia a very good summing up. I think that there's always a time in a young person's life say puberty, when there's confusion feelings being the gender they were born into. I don't think any discussion let alone surgery ought to be considered before the age of 21.. I think like you, this is a very difficult long road as you say. Decision making is different to indoctrination. Changing gender is not a fashion statement for a short period of time
I think it is time to reclaim transsexual as a term for yourself. Transgender is meaningless. Putting a dress on if you're a man doesn't make you a woman. At least you have had gender reassignment surgery so it is something you had to do. It takes a lot of commitment and compunction to do that and I respect you for it.
There's girlie boys and Tom boys, that's just the way of the world. But this insane pressure on children to decide their sexuality years before puberty should be criminalised. WTF is going on, how is this even acceptable in a sane society?
It has such profound implications that it should not be in any way be a 'subject' for learning/training of children in schools. Surely to heaven common sense must be allowed to rule in such an instance?
It's incredibly important that more people of the standing and education of Joyce push back and stand up. Academics in general need to be braver when they see things being pushed that are at best nonsense, and at worse existential threats to our society and way of life. Easy to say of course when you don't have the sword of Damocles, that's been so expertly crafted by leftists, hanging over your head, but at the very least the academics of means who needn't worry about being fired need to speak out.
There are variations where individuals have three chromosomes XXY for example, so not always as simple as we think. However gender is different to biological sex. What’s confusing the issue is that individuals are trying to make them the same thing, which is why -especially when it comes to some aspects of being a biological female, we can’t even be specific when talking about ‘female/womens’ functions/body parts, we are to say ‘people who menstruate; chest feeders, people who are pregnant, etc..’
@@kp7032 that is very, very rare. Saying we should change the whole of society for them is wrong. Secondly, do they have a vagina or a penis? Your statement about gender makes no sense. For example, can a man express milk to feed a baby? No, they cannot. Men who try are suffering from an illness and should be treated for body dysphasia. No, it is no complicated its just stupid, narcissists who want to make it so.
That's the crazy point in my opinion . Every time I've asked this question to someone that supports the "woman feel/gender identity" they have never been able to give me a rational and logical answer except by associating being a woman with extremely regressive sexist stereotypes🤦
This is the crux of it all. There's no way to describe what being female 'feels like'. Boys who want to be girls inadvertently grab some wildly misogynist feminine stereotypes (e.g. liking make-up, being passive, skirts, sparkly pink things) and present this as evidence that they feel female. It's horrendous.
Sex is assigned to you at birth I'm sorry for people who have gender dysphoria who think that they are really the opposite gender but this is no excuse to groom our young children into believing they can change their gender. If children were not introduced to this subject they would not be thinking about it or talking about it. It is normal for adolescents to feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Telling them they could be trans is wrong.
No one tells you you're trans. Stop listening to lies. When you go to a gender specialist, they don't tell you who you are. They ask you to reflect on what you're saying. They ask you to explain it. They talk and listen and then ask you to consider what you're saying long and hard. If they hear inconsistencies in your account, then they point these out. It takes years. And whilst all you awful self righteous people are so busy with your moral panic about trans children - who are not being given hormones and surgeries as liars like Helen Joyce claim - at the same time, you all completely ignore intersex babies who *are* subjected to genital surgery, whose gender *is* assigned at birth by a doctor making a guess on what looks right. I know, because I was an intersex baby and I was assigned a gender at birth, and I am still paying for that mistake five decades later.
Hang on a moment! What about people like me!? I identify as a mahogany wardrobe at weekends, but during the working week I'm an antique oak table. So what about MY rights? Or are people now so woodist that they refuse to acknowledge people/trees like me?!
I think rather than using assigned we should be using the word “identified”, because it makes it clearer that the nurse and doctor saw the genitalia and identified the gender of the newborn.
I don't have kids, and I'm 38. Sometimes I feel sad because I'd love to be a father, but then, I watch videos like this one, and I feel so relieved that I don't bring anyone to this world so they must deal with this bs.
I used to feel the same. I was 37 when we had our first child. Now I’m about to turn 44 and I’ve got 3 kids. I cried when all of them were born. The love you have for your kids and the unconditional love you get can’t be described.
since the world started, since the first baby was born, it was declared a he or a she because of the different body parts. that’s been called out since the beginning of time. This insane idea that has been brought up in the past year, it’s a conspiracy against humanity. I’m so sick and tired of these crazies, if they want to go around saying that he is she when there is she is he fine, but don’t Intrude in my life.
In the 50’s there were teddy boys, the 60’s there were hippies, the 70’s the punk movement, the 80’s New Romantics, the 90’s the grunge movement. Nowadays, there is no musical, or cultural revolution for kids to jump into, in order to be different. Enter LGBTQ, for kids that don’t fit in, it’s an easy way for them to be part of something.
This lady is absolutely brilliant. I am just a boring normal old mum. I grew up accepting everyone! However, things have gone to far! I am relentlessly reasonable, however, my limits are being tested!
I actually think now the Trans lobby need to be reclassified as a religion, their perspectives would be recognised in law and they could assign pronouns to themselves and call each other whatever they want in their own circles but the rest of society can carry on from a place of secularism... If people want to 'transition' that can be compared to religious practices of circumcision or religious body modification. This would probably solve numerous problems but I doubt the trans lobby would take up this idea.
@@JaneA544 Exactly. Trans/gender studies nonsense now is effectively something of a religion, it certainly moving further and further away from reality by the day.
@@andyhulme2274 Andy in all seriousness what reality are you living in where you think that is an actual possibility? We have to be somewhat pragmatic as to how best to deal with this mindset, we can't invent a time machine, go back 80 years and revert the clock and to be perfectly honest I think if you thought about it you'd probably agree. No, I think the best way forward is to reclassify the movement as a neo-religion and move on from there.
@@B-26354 no far from a religion which is about disciplined faith this is perverted deviency, manufactured breasts, fake vaginas, hormone therapy, make up, women's clothes, wigs, and paid militant groups formed from the deep state cabal of child molesters who promote this embarrassing ideology, fact 49% of trans inmates are inside for sexual assault look it up...
I’ve despaired at the incoherence of this sinister movement but Helen’s calm and clear reason gives me hope. ‘The only way to fight this is to go through it’ indeed, with people like Helen steadfast in the fray, we may just make it to the other side.
When my mother gave birth to me, the midwife didn’t say to her, ‘congratulations Mrs R, a beautiful baby. Now, what sex would you like it to be?’. I was a female at birth (and before) and I’m a WOMAN now. Not a ‘cis’ woman........a WOMAN.
I will never refer to men or women as cis, except when mocking the fragile egos of those who believe it a worthwhile desctiptor
Borley Boo! Spot on, there is no such thing as CIS that's them labelling you. I hate the term cis, I'm a man, end of. Born a man, will die a man.
well said,like helen reddy said.i am woman hear me roar......tell it loud and tell it proud
@@benfurbank Quite right. Never grant these people the right to change our language and never give their idiotic terms of reference the time of day. I am a man, not a 'cis' man.
Clues in the name womb man
I'm a straight man. When I was little, my mother taught me to knit and sew. When I went to school I liked drama and music and was called names for preferring that to games and other more traditionally male activities. The last thing I would have needed was some idiot teacher with a degree in gender studies asking me whether I was gay or non binary or trans.
Exactly! I too was creative and liked girls as my friends more. Luckily I was not bullied for it because I was tall and confident in myself. But I saw other boys bullied for being camp, the boy in question then turned out to be a butch normal guy who married a girl, but pay off me thinks he d pushed to be more masculine to push away the haters. Either way, his life was not helped by having sexuality suggestions thrust on him.
It just goes to show. This new liberal transgender trend is actually quite retrograde in ascribing certain behaviours to either boys or girls (and men and women).
@@benfurbank I too preferred the company of girls when I was a kid, didn’t mean I wanted to be one.
Homosexuals making an attack on Heterosexuals. And male Homosexuals leading the charge on Woman, using the Transgender banner to make their point.
Boys and girls have always been like that. Some are more feminine or masculine than others. Some are less. So what.
Gender doesnt appear to be very fluid here on the farm. I can't persuade my rooster to lay eggs. Nor will my bull have a calf. What's a farmer to do???
have you tried getting the heffers to shag the bulls , thats were you are going wrong 🙂
Have you tried calling the Roosters or the bull Tranphobic fascists?
If you can get the bull to 💩 then your halfway there 😉
@@SomeGuyFromWales 😅😅😅
I have witnessed this technique. It appears to be very effective with some weaker bulls. But, my bull has huge balls and rebels. I think he must be a republican? When i call my bull names, he doesn't seem to care. I was thinking of locking him down to make him dependant on me. That should intimidate him into submission.
@@bamasher4384 Then we are left with only one option......we need to cancel this bull and try and get it fired from its job or kicked off Twitter at least. >:D
Sex or Gender is not _"assigned_ -at-birth". It is *"RECOGNISED-at-birth"*
"It's a boy"! or "It's a girl"
its "confirmed"?
@@snapperjessen Counter terrorists win
@Dazz Hughes No it isn't, and that's the problem. Biological sex is not binary. It is bi-modal. That means the vast majority will fall into one side or the other, but there is also that awkward blurry bit in the middle. Intersex people sometimes need to be assigned biological sex at birth. What would you call someone born with the body of a female but with XY chromosomes? Or with testes in place of ovaries? Or with both sets of genitals?
Life is rarely black and white, it's messy and complicated.
It is a shame we cant recognise mind asociated desease at birth, oh wait, we already know how that happens. It is growing up listening to fruitcakes talking shite twenty four seven.
Something we understood to be true for all of history, that is, until 10 minutes ago. Thank you self-serving gender ideology for setting us straight!
Exactly! I'm not 'cis' - I'm a WOMAN!
They use the word cis as an insult. Todays socially acceptable prejudice is against straight people.
This is the problem other people are trying to take away our identity and reality just to suit their narrative calling us cis what kind of nonsense is this
Are you a trans woman?
@@thequeenofswords7230 I'm not OP but I'm an agender woman. People like me do exist, people who obviously have a sex but doesn't have any gender identity at all. Any. Never followed gender roles/stereotypes unless forced to by society when joined the school system.
That term should never be a thing in the first place. We need to abolish these non-nonsensical words that are being shoved down our throats by an insignificant minority.
The people pushing this ideology will one day need to be held to account for their crimes.
Any ideology that ruins a persons life is not something 'noble' - it is evil.
“Evil will become good and good will become evil”
Very well said 🙏👍🙏
Trust me. They will be held to account and they will suffer for all eternity. We will face eternity sooner than you think. Our world is coming to an end thanks to the 1%, thanks to Joe Biden and the Washington regime. The NATO vs Russia war is World War 3.
Retired pensioner, can I just thank that WOMAN for talking a lot of common sense,well said
Pensioners are the generation who allowed socialism to take hold. So thanks for this bullshit
Indeed it's time to draw the line and make the point that your self-identifying is your personal thing - a you problem, NOT a we problem. It's part of your free speech rights to self-identify as whatever whenever but it does NOT grant you legal rights of the thing you identify as whether it's a woman or anything else.
spot on
Bend it and shove it .....!
it's not part of rights to identify as something you are not and never will be!! talk like yours is exactly the problem, it's the same as religion being a right, its not it's a belief the same way this issue is, based in belief not fact. facts for clarity not fantasy!!
exactly , i woke up today and identified as a millionaire , just checked my bank account, am very fed up :-(
@@nickedwards2904 I self-identify as a supermodel. I feel it, deep within my psyche.
People over age 20- can you remember even ONE "trans" kid growing up? Me neither.
Yep..I was in school the 70s. Never was any trans person ever in school that anyone knew. Boys fancied the girls and girls fancied the boys. There was nothing else and it was good!
Nope. Had some school kids who ended up being gay or lesbian but they were all well rounded enough to know that preferring trousers, sports and short hair doesn't automatically make you a man.
I was in school from the early 60's to the early 70's in London, never ever came across a trans person, funny that.
@@prudderham - Exactly. Even people now in their 20s never heard of a "trans" kid, growing up. It's a recent creation of the satanic media.
nope. Never met one, ever.
I was a Tom boy and when I was in elementary school wished I was a boy, because…. Boy Scouts or brownies… no competition. Thank God my parents never imagined taking me seriously. I grew up, studied music, worked construction, got married had children, love being a mom and don’t mind being the handyman in our family. I love being a woman which has everything to do with biology and nothing to do with color or sport preferences
As a male qualified carpenter/joiner/roof plumber who became a handyman in the twilight of my working years I am deeply offended by your misappropriation of the label 'handyman' lol
This is not about what a woman is; this is as per usual lefties eating their own. Which is common place. As you had the Bolsheviks; ironically translates to 'majority', which were a pretty radical fringe minority of ideological zealots actually that picked up the baton against other marxists. inherent to the doctrine I'm afraid; as is mental illness and trying to redefine definitions coz you know, once you have vague. terms like equality that nobody really can define; you are quite vulnerable for people that use logic and reason; so you need to invent all this 2+2=5 wackado. MSM is particularly good in the latter and even GBN are guilty of it. They are all marxist scum at the core. The BBC has a marxist pedo figure on their HQ in the UK which goes back to the early 1900's, so al this lefty mental illness crazy wackado stuff isn't something of the last 6 years.
You are so right. The boy scouts got to go camping while we made stadium seats out of old newspapers. I wanted to be in the boy scouts too.
My experience too.
I wanted so badly to be a boy, simply
Because I enjoyed the activities toys and sports available to them in the 80’s
As soon a puberty hit
I embraced being a woman and never looked back,
It was a natural progression. I shudder to think of what would have happened if adults gave me the option before I was emotionally and biologically ready to make that decision.
@@ekah1234 Thanks for your important input in this discussion
In the past we called people who talk about sex with children, perverts. We still do.
Well said.
Grooming is another term for it in my opinion
Next up, MAPs.
Yeah, I can't understand why any adult with half a mind would think it appropriate to discuss sexuality with pre-schoolers. Obviously "the talk" has to be had at some stage. In the case of my kids i gave just the factual answer to just the question asked and no elaboration. This caused a, go and think about it, and follow up questions. I never discussed other matter unless asked. I did this with any question. Both of my sons are avid researchers. They still now come to me with well thought out questions.
@@stephenbrookes7268 As a parent it is important your boys come to you NOT a outsider and the fact they came to you shows a lot about you as a dad That's my kind of parent Good on you. It's time fathers were given the respect and courtesy they merit. WE are their fathers NOt the teacher in the class rooms
Over the course of 15 years, I’ve attended/assisted thousands of births and basically, yes, you are either male or female at birth. What happens between your 2 ears as you grow up is another thing. Not ridiculing or knocking anybody as I well know that people are different for numerous reasons but this has gone way too far. Great interview.
Except some of us are not male or female at birth. We're a mixture of both, and then professional people like you, happy to present yourselves as some kind of expert or authority, make a decision and perform surgery on our genitalia to 'fix' us. In my case, they got it wrong as they have done with a great many other intersex people, but no one wants to talk about the *reality* of surgical interventions on babies. You're all too busy with your moral panic about trans people, whom none of you understand either.
I've had six more corrective surgeries since I was first operated on and I have been in chronic pain for my entire life as a result. I am due to have yet another corrective surgery this year and all because stupid, ignorant people like you think you know what a baby is and if you're not sure then you'll just make a decision on our behalf. A decision that we have to pay for, not you.
And this is still going on. Intersex babies are still mutilated on the basis of what 'looks right' and you can say what you like but experience teaches intersex people that in reality none of you care what pain and misery you cause and none of you ever own up to it.
Agree wholeheartedly! I find it offensive when people suggest that midwives “assign” sex at birth, as if this is based on a whim or fancy. At birth, sex is observed and recorded, not assigned.
@@Breasail When you've been 'observed and recorded' as a boy, then surgically altered to fit that observation, despite you're being an intersex girl, then you most certainly have been assigned a sex according to the whim of the people who were present at your birth and subsequent surgery
@@moif_velocita Intersex is extremely rare and if there is any indication that a newborn may be intersex, they are immediately referred to a paediatrician. Transgenderism and intersex are two very different things. Do not try to confuse and obfuscate things in order to fit a particular narrative as it helps nobody.
@@Breasail We're not that rare that we don't matter, and a great many of us are both intersex and trans, so no, they're not very different at all. Both face the same ignorance and indifference you display here. Many intersex children are assigned the wrong gender and face years, if not decades, of abuse and marginalisation by people like you and the other ignorant people posting in this channel's comments sections.
‘A social contagion’. Great summing up by this eminently sensible lady. Great interview GB News.
I remember being a gay boy in the 90s and trying on my grandma's jewelry and mom's shoes, just for fun. I can't imagine what could've happened to me doing that same stuff in the 2020s. Scary times.
It's not hard to see there is a strong strain of homophobia in this movement. That is evident when we witness the enthusiasm of many parents who 'discover' their child is 'trans' and are unable to wait to see if perhaps their child is gay. Also evident in repressive Middle East countries where being gay can get you executed, but turning yourself into the opposite gender is perfectly fine.
@@beedoox5613 Yes, absolutely. I was thinking more from the pov of the parents' fear.
They would label you trans most likely.
Speaking of gays, i think a lot of them become gay because of trama from dealing with there family.
She’s spot on about the initial reaction you get from certain trans folk if you step out of line in the slightest. I’ve always been supportive of trans women & valued their safety in this world as much as my own (cis woman). One day I tweeted that I don’t want to be referred to as a ‘uterus owner’ or anything like it; woman is the word I want to continue being referred to as. Immediately I was attacked, called a terf and a Nazi who should f**k off and die. I use people’s chosen pronouns cos I’m not rude & don’t want to hurt someone without cause, but apparently I have no say in the language used to/about me.
People who use "their " "pronouns " are weak and cowardly, and only enabling the continuation of this rabid nonsense .
@@hed2410 You’re as bad as the trans activist extremists who insult and belittle anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same thing they do. If you’re not capable of dealing with nuances re. controversial topics or that other views but yours can be valid, you should shut up and let the grown ups talk.
'Cis woman' is non existent. There are men, there are women.
I don't want to be referred to as a cis woman either. I am a woman. They are attacking women with this.
Unfortunately, your natural kindness, or agreeableness, allowed a pernicious ideology to enter your consciousness. They certainly will not extend the same courtesy to you. They play on people's basic good will, but ultimately they demand complete submission and compliance. It's a totalitarian mindset that needs to be resisted. I wish you luck.
Thank God a “woman” who is just speaking the TRUTH 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ah, but whose truth? Truth is relative these days, don't you know? 🤣😂🙂
No, she is not. It violates biology and science. Everything she says is opinion, not fact.
@@crawford1083 So was newtonian physics!
Wow. What a great woman. So nice, solid, normal, intellectual, passionate and compassionate......
The Left's worst nightmare !!
Rubbish. Joyce is a liberal feminist, with left of centre social views.
Wait until they get on the same page again, they'll blame everything on biological men.
This issue is not a “left/right” issue. Generalizing it as such is disingenuous and confuses the reality.
Most people, regardless of whether they lean left or right politically, know that gender theory is absurd and objectively - garbage.
Extremists on the left certainly do embrace gender cultism. So do many right wing followers. No one is more aligned with the facistic views shared by gender theory than extreme right wing voters who are also proudly racist and determined to strip women of control over their own bodies.
Gender cultism is a human rights debacle that serves the interests of the powerful - period.
It seeks to sterilize a generation of children, obliterate the very existence of women from language and law and dismantle parental rights so that government can grant itself the right to groom and mutilate children as its own discretion.
This isn’t left/right.
We ALL need to stand together and realize that the entire civilian population and our most fundamental human rights are under attack and the weapon of our destruction is gender theory.
Sex is noted at birth, sometimes and more commonly during a scan. It's all very simple.
Absolutely right, the ideologically obsessed that bend and ignore science are lost .
@@paulmuaddib3470 When I was 6 I was wearing a T shirt and swimming trunks in a park on a sweltering hot day. I fainted and I could hear a woman say "Is it a boy or a girl?" (I had nice hair) Another woman replied "boy" as I felt the waistband of my trunks snap back to my belly. This question has always been a simple one until now.
Exactly right. Sex is determined at conception. It is discovered through scans or birth. Nothing is assigned by any third party at any point.
@@paulmuaddib3470 it's not just its fact , a man is a man and forever will be a man
I used to be a man trapped in a woman’s body…
Then I was born
oh wow your poor mother must have suffered during your birth to be so large
@@queengoblin Are you “large baby” shaming me? You have no idea the oppression large babies face living in America.
@@612southside oh i'm sorry i didn't realize i'd offended your people
@@612southside And Orange babies
@@jeffcarroll6553 No Jeff, and I believe the correct term would be carotenemia babies, that goes away eventually. Now, gingers on the other hand, they truly have it rougher than anyone, having to face a lifetime of ginger oppression and discrimination without a soul, I pity the ginger. And one last thing Jeff, a non sequitur reply containing the word “orange” is a common symptom of TDS-so I just have one question for you: Do you happen to have an orange man squatting in head rent free?
We need more people like her to speak up about this. Thank you.
Great interview. There are some bullies trying to force their ideology by silencing any opposing view and like she said, those people need to be beaten (in debate, not physically). An ideology that can't be challenged is very dangerous especially when children are being targeted.
no beaten physically
The trouble with bullys is if you fight back they either back down as the cowards they ,or become hypocrites and accuse you of being the bully
@@LOTPOR0402 in my experience, i would agree
What these people need is to be mocked in public and held up for ridicule. There is no need for polite debate.
I can a few reasons why beating physically is necessary
Thank you GBNews for the courage to approach this issue. The amount of cowardly journalism is astounding.
There is a very strong case for the child mutilation clinics to be closed and their mutilation surgeons to be arrested pending trial. And for teachers who have groomed children to be the mutilation surgeons' victims to share the mutilation surgeons' fate: disqualification and and imprisonment. For life.
a moral case, yes. however, a high court judge recently sided with medicine in the case of tavistock clinic vs the transition regret girl
Listen to yourself. You're advocating the execution of innocent people just because you don't like or understand what they do.
You people act so hurt when you're called nazis, but here you are, talking like nazis.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Paul Worthington
@@davidadiwego4608 Not a moral case - a LEGAL case. If you administered cyanide or arsenic to a person, you would be charged with murder. Puberty blockers to a child IS a slow murder. They have lack of bone development, lack of brain development, lack of growth, vastly increased risk of cancer and/or coronary heart disease, they CANNOT 'transition' after this as in the case of boys, for example, the penis does NOT develop enough to invert to make a vagina so part of the intestine has to be used. They then suffer chronic pain and the fake vagina has to be kept open with implements as the body considers this to be a wound. Then, putting people on hormones that do NOT belong in the body in a person - well, this is harmful for Adults who 'transition' - cancer/coronary again - putting this on TOP of the puberty blockers kids have been forced to take by Mengele-like 'adults' and STILL not addressing any problems mentally that some kids have, or even those that don't and are just victims of virtue-signalling adults, you are in a World of pain here. Hopefully, a World of future law-suits and jail-time for these enablers too.
Is that you, Vladimir Putin?
@@davidadiwego4608 Funny because the Karolinska institute in Sweden actually decided to stop prescribing puberty blockers after the Keira Bell case. The Swedish institute know their science.
Ms. HELEN JOYCE'S voice on this matter is the one that will get us through.
I've heard Helen before and she's so passionate about her work and conveys her thoughts so eloquently and with great clarity. She needs to be listened to by so many people.
I know, if I was in primary school and the teachers were telling me I could be anything other than my born sex, I would be very confused and most likely upset because I was very immature and innocent back then. It would confuse me terribly, and I would not know how to handle the information responsibly.
The "teachers" are confused.
About time woman started to stand up to this sexism, it never made any sense and never will. Men competing against woman in sport was the thing that got me can't believe it actually happened.
So what? It serves them right. Are you telling me that I, as a six foot, three inch black man, can't identify as a Swedish lesbian, and compete in women's sports? This is the situation they have created by their complete and utter stupidity.
Can you clarify that you are 6’3” tall or are you 6’ tall with a 3” something? 😄
@@Rtt-d5m Why do you require clarification? What exactly is the nature of your interest in the precise dimensions of my genitalia?
No interest whatsoever, I didn’t even mention genitalia.
@@Rtt-d5m I see. So when you mentioned a "three inch something..." you were referring to my big toe? LOL.
They need to stop indoctrinating kids with all this crap.
Let the kids grow up and find out naturally who they will be attracted to.
Teachers shouldn't be telling children about their own sexuality. Just TEACH the subjects keep your personal life to yourself.
The three Rs.
Sex is not assigned at birth. That is absolutely true. It's assigned at conception and verified a couple months later.
Assigned? I am assuming that you believe in some authority that has this capability!
@@stephenbrookes7268 No that pedantic leap is yours dingo. But if you wish to name said athority you might call it genetics or mother nature or biological confluence or god if that's your cup of tea. Have a nice day biggle bop.
@@richardshortall5987 King said assigned at conception.
See what I did there?
I read what is written.
Well. No. At conception and until about 6 weeks the embryo has no assigned sex. Only later do the chromosomes take over. For all intent purposes the embryo is female until the female sex organs morph into male organs and begin their journey to outside the trunk.
@@jeffcarroll6553 Be careful there Jeff! What you are doing there is stating a biological fact. The point is that the sex occurs. It is not assigned.
The word assigned is being used to suggest some authority figure (other than God if you believe that) is deciding on what gender the foetus will be. It is completely random and here is a weird thing, it just so happens that with the exceptions of incredibly rare anomalies, a tiny fraction of 1%, about half the births are male the other half are female. This is not assigned, it occurs in nature.
The word assigned is only applicable to authoritarianism. Nature is not authoritarian.
My child will be given full permission to laugh at and ridicule any teacher who tries to instill this garbage on his class
You should have this woman on more, a person who is brave enough to not bow down to the woke mentality, and tells it how it really is. I am so sick of politicians or people being afraid to define what a woman is when we have been doing it for thousands of years or saying that a person can be born not male or female but either one of 72 different genders. She also spoke the truth when she said that these influencers are posting the ideology of trans as a one size fit all.
Helen Joyce’s book “Trans“ is excellent; the only non-fiction book I couldn’t put down.
Good for you Joanne Cherry .Nicola Sturgeon must not know what her own mother was a thing .
Thank you Helen Joyce for challenging the insanity. I think tens of millions of us are with you.
Thank you to an intelligent articulate lady who says it as it is. Others who disagree are in need of serious psychiatric help.
Excellent book written by a brilliant mind. Thank you Helen Joyce.
This lady is brilliant and very brave 👏🏽👏🏽
She's totally correct. Sex is assigned 9 months earlier, at the moment of conception.
"determined" NOT "assigned" Nature determines things; only bureaucrats can assign.
@@DieFlabbergast Semantics. The point is that sex is fixed at moment of conception.
Not assigned but observable
@@cymruisrael hardly semantics. It’s these vagaries that empower people to use words that inappropriate. The devil is in the details!
Observed, don’t play along with the gender industry’s linguistic propaganda.
I shudder to think how different my life would be if I was going through school right now. I always got along with girls more than boys and was actually told that I was probably gay by multiple people outside of my family throughout my life. My father even told me that he thought I was probably gay and only changed his mind when I got married and started having kids. But my mother who raised me let me be who I was and never pushed anything on me. My wife was on the other side. She played with boys and was a tomboy and would probably be classified as a nonbinary child if she was in school now. But we are both very happy in our skin and know who we truly are as individuals and yet I'm a straight man that is madly in love with a straight woman who likes me on most days 😉 and we haven't looked back in 15 years of marriage. There is going to be generations of sad, depressed and abused people. I fear for the people who will be so confused about who they are (because they weren't left alone to figure that out for themselves) and how they are going to be able to navigate this life. We've all but guaranteed the biggest mental health crisis the likes that have never been seen.
Loved your post. Being happy and content is everything.
This woman is correct. My grand daughter was perfectly happy with herself before she went to secondary school. Then within a year she declared she was a lesbian! A little while later she declared she was a boy trapped in a girl's body, and even started binding her breasts which can cause harm. Children are actually being pressurised to give up who they are, and live as something they are not. It's an agenda, and it's sick. I feel so terribly sorry for the children today. Adults have let them down badly.
I’m gay, and transgenderism is the single most homophobic idea I’ve dealt with in my lifetime. I hope. One day your granddaughter learns to accept herself for who she is. It’s difficult, but the best thing you can do is refuse to affirm her internalized hate.
@@CarlosRodriguez-jz3eu - I'd like to try and understand what you wrote, if you can help me out, please? Would you explain a) "transgenderism is the single most homophobic idea I’ve dealt with in my lifetime", and b) "refuse to affirm her internalized hate".
@@Jomanka100 if you had paid attention to the interview the lady here in the video clearly talks about it. Among adolescent those who have been most penalized by this "gender ideology" and consequently wrongly medicalised are mostly young homosexuals or young people who for other reasons don't conform to the restrictive social rules associated with their biological sex. Buy this book if you really care about this subject and don't settle for an anonymous answer on RUclips. This is a really complex issue and the book explains quite well the problem between "gender ideology" and the homophobia , sexism and misogynia that is the root of this regressive ideology.
@@liv0003 - You're confusing me with someone who cares about this fake subject. I don't. I care about my grand children being infected by this mass hysteria. It's not a complex issue at all. It's what happens when we are forced to tolerate something that we disagree with - then shamed into silence.
@@Jomanka100 it was you who wrote that you wanted an explanation. It seemed to me that you wanted to know more about this subject since it concerns your niece badly. Getting informed is not a bad thing. If you don't care ok, I certainly don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do LOL. It's not even a "false subject "as many young people / children have been sucked into this absurd ideology.
Excellent talk, thank you Helen and Andrew.. gb news really is essential for freedom and sanity in the U.K..
She's right, it's not assigned at birth, it's assigned at conception, and never changes. This is Settled Science.
The sexes of my children were noted before birth during ultrasound sooooo...science.
Good point well made.
Their feelings trumps your science
Their version of science also confirms the existence of unicorns. But the unicorns can only be seen by "special" people
@@imachunt653 uhhhh trans people are aware of biology, two are talking about gender here, people can be a different gender to their sex, it’s two separate things…
The problem is many acting as if biology doesn’t play a role in many things , including medicine (look at some trans women seeing gynecologists) or athletic performance (look at some openly trans women Mixer Martial-Arts performers that have exposed bone in their oppenents.
"I treat them like I would treat toddlers" . Excellent, bravo Helen Joyce!
Oh it’s wonderful to hear common sense and a proper argument. Oh what a beautiful surprise 😂❤
Good god. A transgender identifier in every classroom in urban areas? My heart goes out to them. I see a host of prosecutions brought by young adults against their teachers and parents on the horizon.
It's already started in the US
@@TheFiddle101 Good
NOT well done Helen = she needs to quit talking fantasy, ideological' Leftist, woke B/S and face the scientific FACTS.
Helen Joyce is just fantastic!
I’m an irony - a crossdresser who strongly disagrees with the trans ‘movement’ especially influencing young people and putting young children in danger.
Speaking as a gender critical feminist, (a.k.a. evil TERF, by trans activists' standards), I don't find that ironic at all! In fact, a huge part of being a GC feminist..? Is acknowledging that sex is real, and has inescapable consequences, but also rejecting imposed social gender roles! So in my mind, you should feel free to wear whatever the hell you like! Guys like Harry Styles wearing dresses, for instance..? Is 100% fine by me! And in fact, I think he rocks it! Plus I love seeing people challenge strict, arbitrary gender norms, that are obviously harmful and repressive! But also, a big part of that..? Is: YES, he can wear all the dresses and frills he likes, but that still does not change his sex, or make him biologically FEMALE! Plus vice versa for women who like to dress in very masculine clothes, and perhaps shave their heads, etc! So basically..? Reject oppressive social norms, but still accept the inescapable, unchangeable reality of your biological sex, and work towards loving and accepting your sexed body as it is! If that makes sense.
I also see (gender) dysphoria as a real thing, that some people experience. BUT..? It's a very complex phenomenon, that develops for different reasons and in different ways for different people! Plus it doesn't mean: " born in the wrong body". I see it more as a mental health issue, of certain people rejecting and disassociating from their bodies. But that's not because their bodies are "wrong". It's because they're mentally ill / struggling, in that specific way! Much like the people who have body dysmorphia, anorexia nervosa, or body integrity identity disorder. Although for some weird reason, just about everyone in society agrees that those three are mental illnesses, rather than people somehow inherently being in the "wrong body". And that we should be trying to help them accept their bodies, rather than surgically and medically change their bodies in risky, harmful ways, to match up with their mental illness / distorted view of themselves! Yet we don't with "trans", for some reason. It's a really dangerous and hypocritical double standard.
You are not such an irony. Wanting to wear clothes of the opposite sex doesn't mean that you want to have had irreversible drug and surgery treatment as a child and not be able to change it now because of the way you were counselled and put on programmes before you ever got anywhere near puberty.
Being a crossdresser isn't the problem in my opinion, the problem is "self gender identity" , erasing biological reality and dangerous medicalization/hormones therapy pushed on minors and vulnerable young people
No one is forcing anyone to do anything… I didn’t choose to put my self through all this hate and so I would never wish it upon anyone, especially children!
So refreshing to watch a sensible, candid discussion about this issue!
Sex is absolutely determined at birth i was born a male and will forever remain so much like my sister was born female and will forever remain so you can't change your basic biological functions.
You are probably a Trans .....😆😁'
It’s not determined at birth, it’s determined at conception.
It's observed and recorded at birth, not determined. It's determined at conception.
@@chall7211 So?
@@ericdelf Well, if you don't get that and what it means, there is no hope for you!
It does appear that adults educating children over sexual identity is not that far removed from paedophilia. Why aren't young girls who are anorexic offered liposuction to deal with the difficulties of their 'self image'. Because it seems to me, that offering young girls the opportunity to have breasts removed and homone blockers is not that dissimilar to offering liposuction to anorexic young girls.
Bulaemic, but yeah understand the point. It's an extremely damaging precedent to set, especially when children aren't even fully conscious of what the physical sensations they already go through are.
@@arsenalfanrichi Chldren, as you state, are not aware of pgysical sexual sensations at a young age. To me what is going on with gender ideology is on a not disimilar to appalling actions carried out by adults on children
My favourite part is how you all sit on youtube and complain instead of doing something about it. Its great to see you living up to the expectations of you, which is nothing.
@Elite xxxx yeah, because this is where i find you all, instead you should be breaking down the systems that are destroying our society, but instead you just watch it go by like its a movie on the internet.
The definition of a woman is an adult human female. The poisonous dwarf can get lost… 🙂🏴🇬🇧
And the only person who can transition into one is a juvenile human female.
@Top Lobster What if the baby is male? 🤔 Infanticide, is no different to any other form of homicide.
@Top Lobster, 'zoom' over to many other places in the World and, there is no consideration of Women at all! We should consider it a point of pride that we are trying to work on these 'tricky' topics, no?
@@samson97ful No we should not! It’s a personal choice end of. The world has far more pressing concerns at the moment!!!
The definition of woman is "Out of man." Gen 2:23
Give this woman a medal!
I’m a gay man. As a young child I’d say to my parents “I wish I was a girl”. It had nothing to do with being trans. I just wanted to play with Barbies and My Little Pony without judgment. Glad I came of age before the trans-kids stuff entered the discourse.
My little Ponies are cool!
It's mad that people can't get timely treatment for serious health conditions yet there is resource to give young people sex changes and educate them that they might not be what they think they are
There's men & women , there's nothing else
Transes ......
Men, women & sideshow freaks.
100% of transsexuals would agree!
Thank you Helen.. Common sense at last.
A brilliant woman ! Very intelligent and very personable !
'As a child, when adults used to ask me "What would you like to be when you grow up?" they meant it as a profession!' Frankie Boyle is absolutely right!
I am currently reading Helen's book and highly recommend it. No matter what you already know about this issue, you will learn more from her investigation. Helen is absolutely right: we have to go through this because the alternative just doesn't bear thinking about.
I’m glad my daughter is grown. I have a few brainwashed nieces and nephews with little kids. I do fear for them.
OMG Helen is such a breath of fresh air!!!
I would like to identify as a gorgeous 30 year old, size 12 millionairess, I live in hope as I am a 77 year old quite ordinary woman, glad to have been born as a woman.
I hear you sister!😅
Keep doing the lottery.
Any adult that talks a child into being trans should be sterilized and locked up for child abuse and never allowed near a child again
I'm a straight male in my 70s. I work in musical theatre, take dance classes, never got good at sports, have female friends, male friends, gay friends, lesbian friends, two trans aquaintences, and bi friends, and have been with my wife for forty years. Never had any doubt as to what sex attracts me, but also appreciate beauty in men. I know there are some (a relative few) who find themselves psychologically at odds with their biology and, if they make the decision as adults to go through the change, I cheer them on. What courage it must take! But I don't think a child is mature or experienced enough to make such a consequential decision. Too impressionable. It's an irreversible decision, isn't it?
It's impossible.
A, woman is a woman a man is a man. Simple there is nothing else
Tell that to prince Charles ......
CPB probably comfusing him, could be woman, man or hourse.
Only my toddler gets this confused, and even he knows better!
As a young lad at school 64 years ago I was part of a teenage 'gang' and we played the usual rough games of football, rugby, climbing over high walls etc. We had as part of our gang a 'Tomboy' who we happily accepted because she was tough, strong, quite plain and masculine, and a faster runner, than all of us.
Years later after leaving school, I was hailed from across the road by an extremely attractive young lady pushing a pram. She was so good looking that I had difficulty in believing that she was actually waving to me and I certainly didn't recognise her at first. We reminisced and she told me that the only reason she became part of our school gang was that she once fancied me. She laughed in a very sexy and ladylike way about it and I remember feeling quite confused.
Actually, and ironically, that is exactly how the trans activists define 'woman'. As a woman, ie. whoever 'identifies' as a woman is a woman. It is entirely circular, making no reference to objective reality.
Reality, can sometimes be harsh & uncomfortable.
Pandering to someone's imagined version of reality - doesn't help them. Neither does allowing the vulnerable and unwell, minus any health related qualifications - to self diagnose.
Dysphoria is real.
Modern trans activists' narrative, isn't.
People with dysphoria need support.
Trans activists need to recognise they're doing way more harm than good.
Self diagnosis seems better than allowing the "health qualified" to do it.
I'm a transwoman and I feel like debates need to happen. I'm transsexual as they referred to in the video. It took a decade of self reflection if I really felt wrong in my own skin, or if I'm simply liked traditionally female things. Finally, I actually consulted a physician and therapists and I'm still on that long path. Gender is not something you can simply decide on a tuesday. Gender isn't something any teacher can help decide in a single term at school. These are serious issues with long lasting consequences. Transitioning before adulthood is a mistake in my opinion. Simply agreeing for the sake of diversity or inclusivity is harmful. Doctors and psychologists need to challenge and question the feelings of people like me. It's only when someone is asked hard questions can they really know if they are truly transsexual or just going through a phase. It's a hard road that I wouldn't wish for myself to be honest, let alone a child.
Cornelia, You have my compassion for your struggles and my respect for speaking so intelligently and rationally about this issue. I wish your voice was louder in this debate and I hope you achieve the contentment you seek.
Cornelia a very good summing up.
I think that there's always a time in a young person's life say puberty, when there's confusion feelings being the gender they were born into.
I don't think any discussion let alone surgery ought to be considered before the age of 21..
I think like you, this is a very difficult long road as you say.
Decision making is different to indoctrination.
Changing gender is not a fashion statement for a short period of time
I think it is time to reclaim transsexual as a term for yourself. Transgender is meaningless. Putting a dress on if you're a man doesn't make you a woman. At least you have had gender reassignment surgery so it is something you had to do. It takes a lot of commitment and compunction to do that and I respect you for it.
There's girlie boys and Tom boys, that's just the way of the world. But this insane pressure on children to decide their sexuality years before puberty should be criminalised. WTF is going on, how is this even acceptable in a sane society?
You don't know what you're talking about. You have never been a woman so you are just guessing and I don'-t believe you.
Great interview. Ringing true such common sense, if only Helen Joyce could get on more mainstream news. I must read this book.
I love her attitude, just be relentlessly reasonable and let the other side show how crazy they are. Brilliant!
Great interview with a normal, sensible woman.
It has such profound implications that it should not be in any way be a 'subject' for learning/training of children in schools.
Surely to heaven common sense must be allowed to rule in such an instance?
It's incredibly important that more people of the standing and education of Joyce push back and stand up. Academics in general need to be braver when they see things being pushed that are at best nonsense, and at worse existential threats to our society and way of life. Easy to say of course when you don't have the sword of Damocles, that's been so expertly crafted by leftists, hanging over your head, but at the very least the academics of means who needn't worry about being fired need to speak out.
They get hounded out of their jobs, it's difficult
🙋♂ Listening to Helen Joyce makes me feel like there is a glimmer of hope. 😊
I really hate seeing sex assigned at birth on collage websites. It pisses me off to no end !
There are variations where individuals have three chromosomes XXY for example, so not always as simple as we think. However gender is different to biological sex. What’s confusing the issue is that individuals are trying to make them the same thing, which is why -especially when it comes to some aspects of being a biological female, we can’t even be specific when talking about ‘female/womens’ functions/body parts, we are to say ‘people who menstruate; chest feeders, people who are pregnant, etc..’
@@kp7032 that is very, very rare. Saying we should change the whole of society for them is wrong. Secondly, do they have a vagina or a penis? Your statement about gender makes no sense. For example, can a man express milk to feed a baby? No, they cannot. Men who try are suffering from an illness and should be treated for body dysphasia. No, it is no complicated its just stupid, narcissists who want to make it so.
@@kp7032 the variations are anyway ALWAYS male or female. For example xxy is male, xxx is female.
I hear people can "feel" like they're the other sex. I've yet to hear any of them describe what being a woman "feels like".
That's the crazy point in my opinion . Every time I've asked this question to someone that supports the "woman feel/gender identity" they have never been able to give me a rational and logical answer except by associating being a woman with extremely regressive sexist stereotypes🤦
This is the crux of it all. There's no way to describe what being female 'feels like'. Boys who want to be girls inadvertently grab some wildly misogynist feminine stereotypes (e.g. liking make-up, being passive, skirts, sparkly pink things) and present this as evidence that they feel female. It's horrendous.
@@liv0003 Exactly. So sexist and regressive. And yet it's being portrayed as progressive.
Sex is assigned to you at birth
I'm sorry for people who have gender dysphoria who think that they are really the opposite gender but this is no excuse to groom our young children into believing they can change their gender. If children were not introduced to this subject they would not be thinking about it or talking about it. It is normal for adolescents to feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Telling them they could be trans is wrong.
No one tells you you're trans. Stop listening to lies. When you go to a gender specialist, they don't tell you who you are. They ask you to reflect on what you're saying. They ask you to explain it. They talk and listen and then ask you to consider what you're saying long and hard. If they hear inconsistencies in your account, then they point these out. It takes years.
And whilst all you awful self righteous people are so busy with your moral panic about trans children - who are not being given hormones and surgeries as liars like Helen Joyce claim - at the same time, you all completely ignore intersex babies who *are* subjected to genital surgery, whose gender *is* assigned at birth by a doctor making a guess on what looks right.
I know, because I was an intersex baby and I was assigned a gender at birth, and I am still paying for that mistake five decades later.
Sex is observed at birth.
Sex is determined at the moment of conception, depending on the genetic information carried by the successful sperm.
It's an absolute lie.
womanhood and manhood are not costumes to be worn when people feel like it.
This woman is brilliant!! More please!!
It's all bollocks or no bollocks it's easy
LOve it! 😂
Hang on a moment! What about people like me!? I identify as a mahogany wardrobe at weekends, but during the working week I'm an antique oak table. So what about MY rights? Or are people now so woodist that they refuse to acknowledge people/trees like me?!
We should all take a leaf outta your book...
Do you know what "rights" you want.
This lady is amazing and speaks common sense. 👏
@@1fluffypuss you are so correct. It's sad what humanity has become with wokeness.
She’s right, sex isn’t assigned at birth, it’s assigned at conception.
I think it takes a few weeks, but yeah, XX and XY are irrefutable
☝🏼what he said.
I think rather than using assigned we should be using the word “identified”, because it makes it clearer that the nurse and doctor saw the genitalia and identified the gender of the newborn.
@@bernie4268 And you don't have to be a doctor or a nurse to "identify" the gender
I don't have kids, and I'm 38. Sometimes I feel sad because I'd love to be a father, but then, I watch videos like this one, and I feel so relieved that I don't bring anyone to this world so they must deal with this bs.
I used to feel the same. I was 37 when we had our first child. Now I’m about to turn 44 and I’ve got 3 kids. I cried when all of them were born. The love you have for your kids and the unconditional love you get can’t be described.
What a wonderful woman.
people are losing their patience
since the world started, since the first baby was born, it was declared a he or a she because of the different body parts. that’s been called out since the beginning of time. This insane idea that has been brought up in the past year, it’s a conspiracy against humanity. I’m so sick and tired of these crazies, if they want to go around saying that he is she when there is she is he fine, but don’t Intrude in my life.
Biology is assigned at birth. How you feel about yourself, how you love yourself and who you choose to love is a whole different thing
Biology is not assigned at birth... its is assigned at conception... small but significant point
Sex is observed and recorded at birth, not assigned. As Helen said - it's not a sorting hat.
The only way out of this is through it. We've got to defeat them. Thanks to Helen Joyce for this positive message. We will win!
In the 50’s there were teddy boys, the 60’s there were hippies, the 70’s the punk movement, the 80’s New Romantics, the 90’s the grunge movement. Nowadays, there is no musical, or cultural revolution for kids to jump into, in order to be different. Enter LGBTQ, for kids that don’t fit in, it’s an easy way for them to be part of something.
Gender is 'assigned' at conception just like everything else, hair colour, height, etc
Good on you lass .. exposing the child grooming that's going on in all class rooms..secret morning lessons..
This lady is absolutely brilliant. I am just a boring normal old mum. I grew up accepting everyone! However, things have gone to far!
I am relentlessly reasonable, however, my limits are being tested!
This Lady is a complete legend. 👏 👏 👏
Thank You for your contibution.
I actually think now the Trans lobby need to be reclassified as a religion, their perspectives would be recognised in law and they could assign pronouns to themselves and call each other whatever they want in their own circles but the rest of society can carry on from a place of secularism... If people want to 'transition' that can be compared to religious practices of circumcision or religious body modification.
This would probably solve numerous problems but I doubt the trans lobby would take up this idea.
Also theybwould not be allowed to brainwash children or indeed be anywhere near children with this cult or enter into womens spaces ever
Trans/gender studies nonsense now is effectively something of a religion, it certainly moving further and further away from reality by the day.
No we class them as perverts
Andy in all seriousness what reality are you living in where you think that is an actual possibility?
We have to be somewhat pragmatic as to how best to deal with this mindset, we can't invent a time machine, go back 80 years and revert the clock and to be perfectly honest I think if you thought about it you'd probably agree.
No, I think the best way forward is to reclassify the movement as a neo-religion and move on from there.
@@B-26354 no far from a religion which is about disciplined faith this is perverted deviency, manufactured breasts, fake vaginas, hormone therapy, make up, women's clothes, wigs, and paid militant groups formed from the deep state cabal of child molesters who promote this embarrassing ideology, fact 49% of trans inmates are inside for sexual assault look it up...
So, are we the only species on earth that has this problem or do I have to be wary of my goldfish 😂
As far as I'm aware, there aren't any animals who appear to act as if gender is a social construct.
Just don't offend them.
More people like this on TV,very refreshing
Thank you Helen, keep up the good work.
I’ve despaired at the incoherence of this sinister movement but Helen’s calm and clear reason gives me hope. ‘The only way to fight this is to go through it’ indeed, with people like Helen steadfast in the fray, we may just make it to the other side.