Your timing, something I noticed is you have to press crMP a bit sooner than you think, all while holding down back as long as possible in between StHK and CrMP, which has been hard for someone like me who doesn't play charge characters
I fkcing hate advance 5,4hk should be in 6hk,is to annoying to do and literally there is no move in there,literally with only that change the combo is more natural to do,capcom,whyyyyyyy
These trials are fucking stupid. Advance 4 im fuckinh hold back back even when doing the medium punch but still its not long enough. Proper disabled mechanics
how the f intermediate 9 i cant do super 1????
Ive realised aswell not many pro are even using psycho crusher. I guess i know now why.
The fact we didn’t get a giant attack for bison like akuma irritated me a little
Dude I was just thinking bout that, like his super psycho crush from alpha 3 in his shin form.
Advanced 4 is stupid why is charging a HP psychocrusher from a CHP so strict now lol
Thats how I felt about Advance 5, getting the charge in between 5HK into Cr.MP feels so weird to me.
@Infinite147 glad I'm not alone
Feel you guys
on the advanced 5 i cant get the low medium puch to link after the jump in why?
Your timing, something I noticed is you have to press crMP a bit sooner than you think, all while holding down back as long as possible in between StHK and CrMP, which has been hard for someone like me who doesn't play charge characters
I fkcing hate advance 5,4hk should be in 6hk,is to annoying to do and literally there is no move in there,literally with only that change the combo is more natural to do,capcom,whyyyyyyy
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think its because 4HK can't link into Cr.MP
Dont play bison so I could be wrong
These trials are fucking stupid. Advance 4 im fuckinh hold back back even when doing the medium punch but still its not long enough. Proper disabled mechanics
Yep, definitely not the player.
Charge in this game is 40 frames of holding. Turn on input history and you'll see how short you were.
Psycho crusher in this game when usedwith a combo is very strict. And very hit and miss and this is with timer on