Google regrets firing me over memo: James Damore

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Fired Google employee James Damore on the fallout over his memo criticizing Google’s diversity policies and Rupert Murdoch's calls for Facebook to pay news publishers for content.

Комментарии • 58

  • @ClearVista
    @ClearVista 6 лет назад +29

    Fox should hire Damore.

    • @chunkyMunky329
      @chunkyMunky329 6 лет назад

      Nah. The guy has balls but he's got no charisma. He's a boring interviewee and would make an even more boring host

  • @JamesCarmichael
    @JamesCarmichael 6 лет назад +18

    Good luck James.

  • @shivakella
    @shivakella 5 лет назад +9

    Isnt his opinion diverse too?

  • @oilhammer04
    @oilhammer04 6 лет назад +21

    Fight back . . . . use other search engines, like duckduckgo.

  • @jwoolf55
    @jwoolf55 5 лет назад +4

    he should have whistle blower laws on his side.

  • @paulhorn5890
    @paulhorn5890 5 лет назад +5

    May GOD BLESS you sir. You are doing the right thing.

  • @josephpearson7164
    @josephpearson7164 3 года назад +2

    This child is naive. When you work in a Stalinist environment, you must comply if you want to keep your job.

  • @jwoolf55
    @jwoolf55 5 лет назад +3

    James watch your back, you might get billionaire boys clubbed.

  • @MattysModernLife
    @MattysModernLife 6 лет назад +8

    The fact that he now can't find work means Google are going to have to pay out a huge number.

    • @RubbinRobbin
      @RubbinRobbin 5 лет назад +4

      Blacklisting is a very real and immoral practice, this is just one account of many.

    • @ascensionblade
      @ascensionblade 4 года назад

      my understanding is that he was able to obtain a job. it's a secret where for obvious reasons.

    • @adityag485
      @adityag485 4 года назад

      Nah they didn't pay anything since they won the lawsuit

  • @veggiegiant
    @veggiegiant 6 лет назад +12

    Looks like the people at GOOGLE messed with this video as it is running in very fast playback mode. I guess it’s a bunch of adolescents working at GOOGLE

    • @ClearVista
      @ClearVista 6 лет назад +5

      When I watched it on my iPad, the same thing happened. On my laptop, it's normal. I've downloaded it and will mirror it if it's taken down. Fuck Google.

    • @veggiegiant
      @veggiegiant 6 лет назад +3

      This was done on purpose for certain. Google always has done what it wants and this is no different. We are supposed to take it with a smile!

    • @valeriavagapova
      @valeriavagapova 5 лет назад

      What? It plays perfectly fine. Maybe it's your Apple device that's messed up? idk

  • @AZ.BOT.
    @AZ.BOT. 4 года назад +1

    Didnt Google say "Dont Be Evil"..... bwahahahahahahahahah
    yeah sure

  • @avinashjagdeo
    @avinashjagdeo 6 лет назад +2

    Who in their right mind would not hire James.

  • @buddhaAl
    @buddhaAl 5 лет назад

    Shame on you google. You got to get your act together before you make total fools of yourselves! I wish we had an independent person looking over thw illegal actions of google to keep them honest! Your law suit will help a bit! Thanks James!

  • @shashikumarboruti8758
    @shashikumarboruti8758 4 года назад +1

    Don't forget CEO Sundar Pichai

  • @TesterBoy
    @TesterBoy 5 лет назад +2

    The bean counters at google go wild. Yet another reason why I use DuckDuckGo!

  • @dkzonehusle9548
    @dkzonehusle9548 6 лет назад +2

    No its not plitically toxic its islam toxic!!!! That what u got from a company that have muslim who want islam to be agressively defended.

  • @ThatsDickedUp
    @ThatsDickedUp 5 лет назад +1

    Rupert Murdoch doesn't need to be worried about ever being considered a "trusted publisher" by Facebook or anywhere.

  • @Dani-th6cl
    @Dani-th6cl 6 лет назад +4

    The only thing he regrets is hiring James Damore in the first place.

  • @thecompletedluigitwat4827
    @thecompletedluigitwat4827 5 лет назад

    This is just belittling.....

  • @manifestmyreality2025
    @manifestmyreality2025 4 года назад

    James Damore playing his role as the "slaughtered lamb"

  • @jackgold8382
    @jackgold8382 6 лет назад +3


    • @antbran1916
      @antbran1916 6 лет назад

      First verbal fart!!!From the first S..t for brains troll!!!

  • @brownlawgirl
    @brownlawgirl 6 лет назад

    No one regrets hiring you James...soon you will be yesrterdays news.

  • @slofool
    @slofool 6 лет назад +3

    Please, google regrets nothing. The whole reason they are taking this to court is that they know it will cost them less then if they just payed the terd off. Let him get his 15 min of fame then let history forget his ass..

    • @chunkyMunky329
      @chunkyMunky329 6 лет назад +1

      You do realise that LAWYERS decide when to fight and when to settle a case? What the lawyer decides to do has nothing to do with what on the Google's CEO mind

    • @slofool
      @slofool 6 лет назад

      yes and google has a bunch of lawyers helping the decide the best coarse of action. to settle or go with the case

    • @DarthBalsamic
      @DarthBalsamic 6 лет назад +2

      @slofool Well actually this really will cost them more in the grand scheme of things. Of course the court fees are one aspect, but consider their reputation being damaged which can directly affect their stock value; not to mention that other conservatives will also be keeping an eye on them since it's been suspected already that they filter out conservative views; which can also lead to more(since some are pending) lawsuits. I could keep going but stuff like this is a big deal. Google has received many lawsuits both here and abroad recently for alledged, and in some cases proven, bias in a variety ways. This puts even greater of a spotlight on them and damage control costs money and time. DaMore in fact is just one of three lawsuits. The other two consist also of former Google employees.

    • @slofool
      @slofool 6 лет назад

      I don't think so. Google is global with massive amount of user on all their platforms web and hardware. Im sure hardcore trump supporters will leave and that may hurt google a bit bu again it would be a small hit to their user base. Secondly its been found google is going to benefit massively from the new lower repatriation tax. The reason this case is big is that it could affect hiring and firing of people in other companies. You do know their are two google stocks

    • @DarthBalsamic
      @DarthBalsamic 6 лет назад

      slofool Ok first of all nobody is disputing whether or not they are global, nor is anyone disputing the benefit they'll receive from the tax bill. Also, I am fully aware of there being two stocks (Alphabet and of course Google). Google is of course a utility at this point so I'm not necessarily arguing it from a usage standpoint; also throw out that silly Trump supporter comment. That has no bearing here. Not every conservative is some sort of Trump sycophant, and if you think that than you're just being intellectually lazy.
      Now I've been on top of the news in regards to tech in general, but also Google specifically. They may be global but the EU is hammering them overseas with lawsuits. They've already lost one which costed them billions, and has another one pending concerning their shopping ads I believe; not to mention direct, and in some cases, preferable search engines used in Europe that are direct competition to Google. Furthermore, it's been a running subject as of late concerning Google and whether or not they should be regulated due to their level of control over the web. Again, getting sued over content, sociopolitical and ethical stuff is a big deal. I read the other day about travel agency websites being upset about Google acquiring site visits from them by upholding a double standard.
      All I'm saying is that Google has to shape up. They aren't going anywhere obviously--and I like them--but they've got to clean it up.
      Also, quickly, telling a content maker to go somewhere else is not a good idea since Google basically runs everything on the web. If they say that against PragerU, and the aforementioned travel agency websites(should they decide to sue) in court, they'll surely lose. Lol