The many strict but interesting laws of Singapore

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @walfredlim2081
    @walfredlim2081 Год назад +92

    We are allow to chew gum in Singapore as long as not for sales. It is not ridiculous for banning. The reasons are 1) cleanliness. That's why SG Street are so clean.
    2) to prevent gum sticking on the transportation seat and MRT Door because the mrt door is sensitive. Any blockage of the door will result the train will go into stall.

    • @jinhuakuek5351
      @jinhuakuek5351 Год назад +11

      And gum is allowed for medicinal purposes such as quitting smoking

    • @Pekkooooooo
      @Pekkooooooo Год назад +15

      Ngl I kinda annoyed w this type of Singaporean that have an opportunity like this to address the wild misinformation like that every single person that chew gum go jail but no they just join in and spread more misinformation.
      Like literally what’s so hard to give context and say “yea lah these rules existed cuz the Govt wanted to make sure we were third to first world in 50 years and that it’s quite crazy but it’s not like heavily regulated over these small matters”

    • @dubu007
      @dubu007 Год назад

      @@Pekkooooooo this shows how ignorant she is. If you want to talk about these, at least do some homework.

    • @pigz2pigz
      @pigz2pigz Год назад +5

      Most of our population live in HDB flats and the issue was that people stick gum on the elevator buttons... I say that's a good ban~

    • @GuyWithAnAmazingHat
      @GuyWithAnAmazingHat Год назад +1

      When I visited my friend in the US for the first time I noticed there's a lot of black spots every where on the streets, pavements, in side buildings etc., so I asked my friend what are those spots. She told me that it is chewing gum, basically dried up and collected so much dirt they solidified and are stuck on the floor forever.

  • @j.g.h.9257
    @j.g.h.9257 Год назад +54

    대부분 필요한 법이네요 데이브 말처럼 지키면 되는거니까

  • @syairaxx
    @syairaxx Год назад +131

    I gotta confess, as a Singaporean I am so used to how our society works here that whenever I visit another country, I get stressed out over rubbish bins 😂 I know it sounds stupid but in Singapore, you literally find rubbish bins everywhere (even on a random street in the middle of nowhere) and I'm so used to not littering. So when I'm in another country that does not have any rubbish bins at the corner of every street, it kinda kills me inside to have to 'litter' because I can't find a rubbish bin nearby. Lol

    • @nurulhanizasamsudin8422
      @nurulhanizasamsudin8422 Год назад

      im so jealous.
      i hate people smoking, spitting, littering etc2.

    • @xjwqj1907
      @xjwqj1907 Год назад +11

      for real! i remember going to korea a few years back and bought eomuk from a street stall. after finishing it, i wanted to throw the cup but to my surprise, i could not find any rubbish bin nearby and was like :O how do i throw this? end up i had to hold the cup LOL bc i didn’t have plastic bag on me rip

    • @Syn741
      @Syn741 Год назад

      bin anxiety LOL

    • @edwincheng8682
      @edwincheng8682 Год назад

      @@xjwqj1907 Just 2 weeks ago, I faced the same dilemma at Myeongdong after consuming my food. I was like regretting getting the food and having to hold onto the packaging for the next hour to have it disposed of back at the hotel. Just refused to dump it along the sidewalk or even the empty storefront which there is already rubbish there.

    • @sickntired6197
      @sickntired6197 10 дней назад

      This is SOOOOO TRUEEEE!!! singaporean too.

  • @lingth
    @lingth Год назад +19

    Those ppl who are younger never understood why chewing gums are banned, back in the 80s there were many instances where ppl stuck chewing gums on the MRT doors, and causing MRT breakdowns because when the door cannot close or open properly, the train wont be allowed to depart, thereby causing the whole train system to be stalled, and also some ppl put chewing gums on lift buttons, making them sticky, and also under the bus seats or train seats, and getting stuck on clothes.
    the worst cases of pranks involve chewing gums dropped from above on ladies hair as they walk past.
    in thr year 2000, China had thousands of police officers and cleaners scrapped off chewing gums stuck on the floor throughout Beijing before the Olympics to clean up the image also.

  • @aprilluvsshow
    @aprilluvsshow Год назад +34

    So slight explanation about gums.. many years ago, when gum was still legal, we had a lot of problems with vandalism and people simply spitting them on the ground. Not only were they hard to get off the ground when they are dried, it was problematic when people started pushing the gums into keyholes of mailboxes and houses. The owners had to engage the locksmith to change the locks, in many cases. The government issued warnings and signs, but they didn't work. So, in the end, the restriction of purchase and sale of gum was simply enforced.
    Long story short, I see Singapore government as a strict parent. You can't deal with the priviledge of having something, it will be taken away, and punishment will be dished out.

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Newsflash, you can do the same thing with superglue.

    • @Jx0592
      @Jx0592 Год назад

      No one just brings around super glue though
      There's not really any ill intent, unless you do have those ideas - hence the banning fo chewing gum works

  • @PrograError
    @PrograError Год назад +14

    1:33 Technically you can smoke outside of the box, but that's in like the suburbs, the residential. Or otherwise at home 😂, if ya SO allowed...
    Also about the smoking anywhere being banned, you will still find those "jay-smokers". Tho it's more cos of the "brainless" and the older gens...
    Same with the spitting for older gens, those uncle will clear throat and spit... But some at least have the half mind to spit somewhere where "no-one will walk".
    Anyway, just follow the Law and be a good tourist, everything will be Fine.

    • @itscheyenne2196
      @itscheyenne2196 Год назад +5

      the smoking in the yellow box is only implemented in town area aka Orchard area. we dont have suburbs tbh lol we call it towns.
      you can smoke anywhere (apart from orchard where you gotta smoke in yellow boxes) as long as it's not in sheltered areas like at the void deck of hdbs, bus stops, etc - homes and staircases of hdbs are not allowed either actually, like people can call the police on you ahah.

  • @DragonBonder
    @DragonBonder Год назад +7

    many things stated are not enforced that strictly. e.g. the smoking thing, irl people are smoking while walking. the yellow boxes only apply to some places. I feel Singapore was shown in a negative light in this video. the police aren't that free to catch every little thing
    i saw the disclaimer at the end of the video, but for the most part of the vid you made it sound like the moment you do this, you're gonna get fined, go to jail and get caned, lol. THIS IS NOT THE CASE!
    Do come to Singapore and see for yourself! as long as you're not being a nuisance you are more or less fine

  • @BlackCatBCB
    @BlackCatBCB Год назад +30

    She’s seems to be lots of fun! I want her to appear more in your videos! 🎉✨❤️

  • @amelietan5146
    @amelietan5146 Год назад +4

    its NOT illegal to eat gum, its only illegal to BUY and SELL chewing gum. Eating it and disposing it properly without sticking it/spitting it anywhere is perfectly OK

  • @Syn741
    @Syn741 Год назад +8

    the act of chewing gum is not prohibited and you are allowed to bring in gum for personal consumption and not sale. so a few individual packets of gum is perfectly fine to bring in the country. but you're not allowed to bring like a 3 full packs with 30 individual packets in there. only the selling and bringing in of huge quantity of gum is illegal

  • @julrmyana
    @julrmyana Год назад +4

    I miss Dave videos, is so good to see him

  • @violincello5993
    @violincello5993 Год назад +15

    싱가포르 법률이 엄격하다는것인 나도 익히 들어서 알고 있습니다.정말로 황당하게 생각이 되는 법률도 많은데, 그래도 거리에 침뱉는것하고 거리에서 담배피우는것은
    정말로 단속을 잘한다는 생각이 드네요.... 정말로 우리나라는 거리에 침을 뱉는것은 물론이고, 특히 실내에서 담배를 못태우니깐, 가게앞 거리에서 담배를 태우다보니,
    담배꽁초만 수백개가 떨어져있을 정도로 엄청나게 태우는데 , 그것은 정말로 잘한듯 하네요..... 우리나라에서 싱가폴처럼 그렇게 단속을 했다가는 아무리 본인이 잘못을
    했더라도 난리가 날텐데, 싱가폴은 그런것은 없는듯해서 정말로 대단한 나라인듯 합니다..... 저의 집주변에도 옆에 공영주차장이 있음에도 불법주차와 담배꽁초때문에
    정말로 몸살을 앓을정도인데, 싱가폴의 경우에 불법주차를 하다가 걸리면 어떻게 되나요?

    • @wangyoorim
      @wangyoorim Год назад +2

      불법주차 걸리면 벌금 있어요. 초범 벌금은 5만원 ~ 12만원 까지 있고요, 근데 벌금은 주차 장소는 따라 다름니다. 우리도 벌점 시스템 있어요, 운전자는 일년안에 24개 벌점 쌓으면 면허는 12주 동안 정지될 수 있음니다. 예를 들어, 횡단보도 안내에 주차 걸리면 초범의 처벌은 벌금은 12만원 그리고 3개 벌점 입니다.

    • @cherrypocco
      @cherrypocco Год назад +1

      ​@@wangyoorim 와 이나라는 좋은 법이 엄청 많네요!👍

  • @goulissh
    @goulissh Год назад +3

    헤이븐님 되게 표정이 다채로우시네 다른 세계 사람 느낌.....?

  • @prettyfast-original
    @prettyfast-original Год назад +45

    It would have been nice to hear a short explanation of why these strange laws exist. A little history lesson is good every now and again. In my experience, the cleanliness of a location tends to indicate whether it upholds individual freedom and the rule of law. Too clean = draconian authoritarianism. Too dirty = lawless chaos. Singapore strikes me as falling into the former category. By comparison with a country in the same region, after visiting Taiwan, it seems to me to fall in the "goldy-locks" zone. It is far from perfect, but it is an economic powerhouse where people are generally free and don't live in fear of minor infractions.

    • @jieqiiii
      @jieqiiii Год назад +38

      A proud Singaporean has descended upon this comment to clarify that most of these laws are actually not strictly enforced!
      1. It's illegal to import gum into Singapore but it's not illegal to actually consume gum in Singapore. Say you're returning from a country that sells gum. You can actually bring a justifiable amount in. However, the authorities have the power to confiscate such "souvenirs" as there're gums out there that are not just gum(nicotine gum for example). The rationale for the ban is due to an incident that happened in the late 90s where some idiot paralyzed the entire train system in Singapore by sticking gum on the train doors.
      2. Smoking in public places is not entirely illegal. It's only illegal at certain tourist spots and it's entirely illegal to smoke under any shelter. This is to help better the country's image as well as protect the non-smokers' health. FYI cigarettes are ridiculously expensive in Singapore. A pack of 20 sticks cost at least US$9. Vapes are banned due to the lack of research on its harms and how difficult it is to regulate it. However it's still extremely easy for an underage teen to purchase it on illegal websites that fall through the net.
      3. The ban of feeding of pigeons is largely due to the bird flu pandemic sometime in the early 2000s.
      4. Singapore is a small tropical country so residential buildings are closely built and tend to have many windows that are opened most of the time. We're also a multiracial country with various communities of different conservative beliefs so out of consideration, being naked at home is illegal too. But honestly no one's gonna know you're naked if your curtains are drawn lol. It's not like we have cops patrolling outside our houses peeking in to ensure we're clothed.
      A lot of these laws are actually put in place to either protect Singapore's image which in turn boosts tourism and/or to give the government more power to control the citizens albeit to a reasonable justifiable extent.
      We're a small country so narcotics being strictly condemned is to protect us from being manipulated by large drug-dealing organizations such as the mafia.

    • @prettyfast-original
      @prettyfast-original Год назад +3

      @@jieqiiii I mean no disrespect to Singaporeans. However, many of the points you make are still confusing to me. From an admitted outsider's perspective, it seems as though the transformation of Singapore in the last 20 years is mostly due to the expanding of economic freedoms along with certainty and security provided by the rule of law. Why should Singaporeans not be given those personal and social freedoms as well? You say these laws exist to "protect Singapore's image," but as an outsider, going to prison or being fined for selling gum sounds ridiculous to me. Also, restricting the rights of all Singaporeans b/c of one idiot sounds like the government thinks all Singaporeans are idiots. You say these laws also exist "to give the government more power to control the citizens albeit to a reasonable justifiable extent." Caning someone for committing a petty non-violent crime does not sound reasonable or justified to me, but instead makes the government look like one of those violent "organizations such as the mafia" you mentioned.

    • @Gamber63
      @Gamber63 Год назад

      ​​@@prettyfast-original clearly u dun understand how tough the things will be if not controlled.
      First, gum, u wanna imagine Singapore keep spending millions on sending the whole 6 carts size of mrt train back to Japan manufacturer to fix it, only to find out it was caused by a tiny piece of gum that cost few cents is stucked on train door?
      Second, smoking, obviously u haven't see how bad the place is when there is always a smoker at every single corner of ur neighborhood. It is the norm for second n' third world countries, ironically almost every country near Singapore is, if u don't factor there is more foreign smokers than local smokers, there r more illegal vapes around that not even government can do bcz it runs too deep to unroot them by now.
      Last, pigeons, same issue as mrt trains, government doesn't have much spare money to spend on fixing overpopulated pigeons problem caused by someone feeding them some few dollars bread.
      Here to show u, Singapore government can do much even with these rules, with the tendencies of human action that wants to be an idiot, hence the rules they must be done to avoid their economy bleeding outs nonstop.

    • @Alasterius41
      @Alasterius41 Год назад +19

      These things only sound ridiculous to you because you have been raised in a different worldview. There are things that might seem to you to be extremely uncivilized to be perfectly normal in other countries - like how spitting or children peeing openly on the streets in public in China used to be a norm, and few would consider that there is anything wrong with it. Or how in some countries cheating on your spouse is considered a huge social and moral taboo while in others it matters not. It’s really all just a matter of perspective. Giving up such small ‘freedoms’ in exchange for safety and security is more than a good deal for some. What does it really cost me to not be able to consume gum in exchange for a transport system that is convenient and reliable, which will in turn facilitate other aspects of my life? What does it really cost me to not litter or not be able to spit in exchange for a clean and healthy environment to live in?
      Everybody has to sacrifice something to get something else - any measure of safety and security will demand compromises on one’s freedom (e.g. the installation of security cameras will inevitably infringe upon some measure of a person’s privacy). The scales of balance are different for everyone and you may not know what it’s really like to live under standards different to yours unless you’ve actually experienced it before for some amount of time. Proof is that many people WANT to live in and migrate to Singapore, so much so that the government has tightened the rules around getting permanent residency and citizenship in Singapore.

    • @prettyfast-original
      @prettyfast-original Год назад +1

      @@Alasterius41 Thanks for your perspective, and I do understand some of your points, despite being raised under different circumstances. However, I am simply basing my 'worldview' on individual freedom and the rule of law, something I think any person should agree with regardless of where they live or come from. To argue otherwise is to support slavery and tyranny, to one degree or another. The existence of arbitrary laws like those previously mentioned shows that there is in fact no rule of law, and the law is just whatever those who are currently in power dictate it should be.
      Most developed areas have decency laws, meant to curb acts like public urination, for example. But most places do not cane you for it. Most places do not cane you for vandalism, or b/c a judge doesn't like that you appealed a case, or b/c you are a criminal who happens to be male (women cannot be caned).
      Every nation has its own challenges based on geography, culture and history, but I do not agree that its people must sacrifice freedom for security. My original comparison was with Taiwan, which is under constant threat from the second largest military in the world (China), and yet they thrive without these type of overbearing laws.

  • @milksomecows
    @milksomecows Год назад +19

    Singapore has a lot of laws and the laws have strict punishments. But the police are not always around to catch you. They are too busy catching snakes and finding out who stole someone's flower pots.

    • @TheSylfaein
      @TheSylfaein Год назад +1

      Stealing flower pots?! 😧
      What a disgrace to humanity... This act should be penalized with caning!

  • @chinwei87
    @chinwei87 Год назад +10

    unwritten rule: do anything just don't get caught

  • @xjwqj1907
    @xjwqj1907 Год назад +11

    today i learned that not flushing toilet is banned in sg as a singaporean. damn. good thing i do it, but shouldn’t everyone?

    • @unadormilona
      @unadormilona Год назад

      What happens if the toilet is broken?? 💩

  • @lingth
    @lingth Год назад +23

    I find it even more ridiculous when ppl go on videos to talk how ridiculous Singapore laws is without researching why it was implemented.
    Vaping or e-cig is banned because while its as addictive as cigarettes and also bad for health, the taste and smell makes its attractive for teens to want to pick up, they use frutty flavors or smell to make "smoking" seems like no longer a "smelly thing" with cigarette smoke lingering to you.
    and because of it, vaping if not banned can eventually cause a rise in addiction to such devices among the young, as some nations are grappling with an increase in youth addicted to e-cig and these youths eventually develop health issues later in life, and puts a burden on the health system.

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад +1

      It is banned because liquid is one of the easiest to smuggle..

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      You can flavor your cigarette with any flavour if u know how

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Dont come and correct me, i have smoke and etc for 26 years, probably longer than you are alive.

    • @lingth
      @lingth Год назад

      @@jessicaregina1956 it still smell bad to those standing near the smoker.. i dun smoke so i dun care if the smoker dies from it.. as long as he dun affect the ppl he stands near and smoke..

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Excellent, you should look up the case of Winston Churchill.
      He smoke and drink until cigar and champagne is named after him.
      He lived until 90 plus.

  • @이찬우-d5w
    @이찬우-d5w Год назад +6

    확실히 코로나 바이러스가 잠잠해져서 우리도 못다한 외출, 소풍을 즐길 수 있게 되었어요.

  • @zoefung8542
    @zoefung8542 Год назад +9

    You can connect to other's wifi if they allow you to. It's illegal to hack into someone else's wifi without their permission and leech on theirs. Is that not the case in other countries??

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Its not illegal to go around town and log in to all of the wi-fis...... Zzzzzz

  • @오공본드-w9i
    @오공본드-w9i Год назад +2

    다수만을 위한 좋은 법도 '가까운 정치'(간섭, 통제, 독재)로 가게 하기때문에 예를들면 짧은치마금지, 장발금지, 8시이후 통행금지 (이것이 영상에서 말하는 것은 안좋은 것으로 어떻게 비교하겠냐 하겠지만 독재자 취향에 따른 결과물은 어디서든 나타날 수 있음)

  • @malaparte1145
    @malaparte1145 Год назад +2

    태형이나 사형제도는 반대하지만 대부분의 법들은 맘에 드네요.
    한국은 음주운전, 사기, 길빵, 이 세가지는 확실히 엄벌했으면...

    • @cherrypocco
      @cherrypocco Год назад +1

      게다가 우리나라도 점점 마약하는 사람들이 늘어나니 문제잖아요. 진짜 저런 강력한 처벌이 필요한 것 같아요!

  • @ECWM3322
    @ECWM3322 Год назад +1

    What happen to this channel?
    I remember I followed your channel for a long time
    But it never appeared in my feed quite some time already, and I totally forgot about it
    4 days since uploaded but only less than 10k views
    Is RUclips censoring this channel?

  • @Forest_1016
    @Forest_1016 Год назад +1

    북한처럼 공산국가이자 북한과 동맹국 ㄷ 거기에 탈북자 강제북송환하는 국제법도 위반하는 나라…

  • @bigbob5103
    @bigbob5103 Год назад

    Loved the vid Dave!

  • @scarletrider6942
    @scarletrider6942 Год назад +4

    That’s maybe why Singapore look so clean

  • @MissLarissa21
    @MissLarissa21 Год назад

    great video!!

  • @Jazz-bt1ql
    @Jazz-bt1ql Год назад

    Hello! Dave! Long time no see~~

  • @jessicaregina1956
    @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

    I also find it hilarious that the entire main tourist area is now non smoking, that includes all the financial area....
    But you never see any bankers or whatever being cited....😅

  • @김예정-y9y
    @김예정-y9y Год назад +2

    서서담배피는거? OK.. 근데 제발 걸어다니면서 피지좀 마세요. 애들도 지나다니고 다른 사람들 호흡기에도 다 들어가는건데 진짜 이기주의 중에서도 진짜 상이기주의인 것 같음

  • @이경은-i7v
    @이경은-i7v Год назад +4

    싱가포르 갈 때 텀블러, 장바구니, 지퍼백 들고 가야겠다

  • @-hulove4658
    @-hulove4658 Год назад

    데이브님 슈퍼마리오 영화보셨어요 영화보다가 데이브님 생각났어요 ㅋㅋ

  • @바보야문제는습기야
    @바보야문제는습기야 Год назад +8

    특히 저 공공장소에서 거리낌 없이 침 뱉는 년/놈들 처벌하는 법은 빨리 도입했으면 좋겠음.
    최소 하수구라도 찾아서 거기에 뱉으면 그나마 이해라도 하겠는데... 그냥 도로에 뱉는 것들은 그 자리에서 최소 20만원 이상 벌금을 때려야 한다고 봄!

  • @bartholomewkuma8418
    @bartholomewkuma8418 Год назад +1

    여자분 개웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 텐션 좋네요

  • @safirasnh
    @safirasnh Год назад +1

    oh my i love her energy

  • @LucasS541
    @LucasS541 Год назад


  • @시라소니-e2p
    @시라소니-e2p Год назад +1

    싱가포르법 존경합니다 그렇게해야됩니다 특히 무단횡단 사고시 보행자가 부담해야되는거

  • @TheSylfaein
    @TheSylfaein Год назад +1

    Her clean english is a treat for the ears - as is the laughter for the eyes. ☺
    One note, though: At 6:58 you vehemently state to not do drugs - but what if it's due to medicinal necessity?
    That is part of the reason why Thailand now allows selling of CBD weed.
    I know there are a few substances based on it one can use for treatment legally even in SKorea...while smoking marihuana is still a crime.
    And yet drinking Maekju/Soju/whatever alcohol till you collapse is perfectly okay. 🤔

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      That's cute, considering that tobacoo is a drug.... And lets not bring the whole vaccine into the picture

  • @mav7079
    @mav7079 4 месяца назад

    singapore is the cleanest city i ever been. hope every countries to apply the same law to each countries. then, the world would be much better places.

  • @iamotaru
    @iamotaru Год назад +1

    gum is not ridiculous because its extremely hard to clean and the country is very particular about clean environment.
    How will you feel if the tech machines like escalator, lifts and other items get disrupted if the machinery gets gum all over it over the years?
    You going to pay for the cleaning services?
    Yourself knew how clean SG is, it didnt just appear because someone rubbed a genie bottle. Its decades of maintenance and efforts.
    If you are using someone's else wifi without permission, aka stealing. Just because other places ppl are doing it, doesnt meant its ok. Thief is Thief.
    Be nice and ask for permission to "borrow" someone's else property.
    You're an adult, be responsible in making your remarks and do your own research before claiming the regulation is "ridiculous". It is more ridiculous to us that, you are not aware of the repercussion of not having it in place.
    This is the age of information, just read.
    If you dont like the laws, no one is stopping you from leaving. Or just don't come.
    We prefer to be clean and can live without gums.

  • @user03685
    @user03685 Год назад +1

    싱가폴에서 산지 12년인데 맨날 나갈때마다 길거리에서 담배피는 사람 넘쳐납니다^^

  • @planetwasabi
    @planetwasabi Год назад +3

    the caning thing reminds me of super olden days when emperors/royalty could give that official punishment of getting whacked in the butt with plank for a certain number of times

  • @Sgscouser
    @Sgscouser Год назад

    In Singapore there is a saying "You can do anything as long as you are not caught by the authorities"

  • @twodimensionsjhr
    @twodimensionsjhr Год назад

    I was in Singapore for the first time 2 weeks ago.. I saw this old man spit into the bushes... I was actually shocked about that lol.. I thought it was illegal. For the most part, I had no problems in Singapore. Though I did see if you drink or eat on the MRT (train station) that is illegal too. There are no garbage bins around.

  • @jngdstdnt4357
    @jngdstdnt4357 Год назад

    I like how she said, marijuana is FINALLY legalised in Thailand.

  • @amrisleepy
    @amrisleepy Год назад

    here i thought she was from US or something, but SG yo lets goooo. remember seeing a cover of her in tiktok, she got a pretty amazing vocals ngl. but yeah canned is pretty common i guess in asia, malaysia has it too for some punishments. some say ur ass cheeks will tear piece by piece every time u get hit.

  • @강성민-g2r
    @강성민-g2r Год назад +1

    싱가폴이 길거리담배 못피운다는건 아닌거같은데 거리에넘쳐나던데

  • @cara9648
    @cara9648 Год назад +1

    I don't do any of these things, so I guess I'd be good in Singapore.

  • @jessicaregina1956
    @jessicaregina1956 Год назад +1

    Also also, best anti+drink law ever.
    No alcohol after 10.30 pm except in nightlife establishment.

    • @edwincheng8682
      @edwincheng8682 Год назад

      This law was unfortunately established because of a riot that took place in 2015 due to public disorder caused by excessive drinking.

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Yes, and im sure there has been no further drunk violence ever.....

  • @졍안-w6y
    @졍안-w6y Год назад +3

    와 껌 금지는 상상도 못했네

    • @PrograError
      @PrograError Год назад +1

      It's mostly for public health and the general smooth running of the public transit (rumour had it, that the gum was jamming up the 1st MRT line with delays, so LKY banned it)
      Tho you could get medical gum these days... But ... Bless your wallet...

  • @zhenhaoguo4599
    @zhenhaoguo4599 Год назад

    Lol theres definitely a lot of floating poop in the public toilets here and practically everyone's wifi is password protected now. Shes definitely exaggerating to some extent.

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      Lol there's definitely plenty of people who's one job is to break passwords

  • @edwincheng8682
    @edwincheng8682 Год назад

    No kidnapping too... The highest punishment could also be the death penalty. No joke...

    • @jessicaregina1956
      @jessicaregina1956 Год назад

      The difference is how fast u exit the area and go to other countries

  • @tsf1769
    @tsf1769 Год назад +2

    smoking one is great; cigs smell like absolute dogshit

  • @FHK_88
    @FHK_88 Год назад +1

    Those are no problem though

  • @San-em7ve
    @San-em7ve Год назад

    데이브 hi long time no see

  • @DragonBonder
    @DragonBonder Год назад +1

    what? people are walking and smoking all the time...

  • @saralee8996
    @saralee8996 Год назад

    I wonder how much cleaner NYC would be with these bans 😂

    • @unadormilona
      @unadormilona Год назад

      It would turn into a war zone if any of these laws got passed. Don't underestimate the fighting spirit of New Yorkers. 😂

  • @diamondbackhide4877
    @diamondbackhide4877 Год назад

    이거 보다가 갑자기 데몰리션맨이라는 영화가 생각났음.

  • @Fuzzy_Llama
    @Fuzzy_Llama Год назад

    No mention of Michael Fay?

  • @tylercollins9323
    @tylercollins9323 Год назад

    hold on so what if it was free wifi (like if it was provided by your network company) and what if the medication was prescribed?

  • @aceplunder
    @aceplunder Год назад

    I smoke and am totally onboard with people not smoking just out and about when im eating food outside at a restaurant i dont want to smell it people can be so rude

  • @musiciankh
    @musiciankh Год назад +1

    음주운전은 어떤벌받는지 궁금하네

  • @JAPAN110
    @JAPAN110 Год назад


  • @CDS닭다리
    @CDS닭다리 Год назад

    I strongly need some of them. And actually most of them seem quite good. There are so many irritating people smoking, spitting in public here in Korea and it's really disgusting. They even throw away cigarette butts on the street. Those laws are things that a common sense person has nooooo problem with. Let's do it in Korea, too!

  • @claudemonet9210
    @claudemonet9210 Год назад +2

    좋네 엄청 맘에 든다 대부분 우리나라에도 필요하다!

  • @Ultraman_Justice_2003
    @Ultraman_Justice_2003 2 месяца назад

    한국도 폭력, 절도, 사기, 성추행, 성폭행, 살인, 마약 밀거래 및 운반 등의 강력범죄 및 학교폭력, 교권침해 등에 대해선 태형까지 선고해야 합니다.

  • @julrmyana
    @julrmyana Год назад

    Is it that terrible for tourism? I don't do all this staff, expect the last one but hahahahah I would be afraid

    • @Silverizael
      @Silverizael Год назад

      I certainly wouldn't want to go to a place that murders people for doing any form of drugs, including marijuana. Disturbing murderous populace.

  • @mrThorleifsen
    @mrThorleifsen Год назад

    She's so cute lol

  • @김파워-m9c
    @김파워-m9c Год назад

    제목이 싱가로프네요 오타난거 같습니다

  • @sharairodriguez3388
    @sharairodriguez3388 Год назад

    i spot a sega game gear!👀

  • @unadormilona
    @unadormilona Год назад

    The caning discussion reminded me of a case in the mid-90s when a US citizen was caned in Singapore. It was all over the news in the US. (Frankly, I always thought he had it coming.)
    But "no indoor nudity" is a deal breaker. Is the problem that there isn't much room between houses? Otherwise, why don't they just learn to not look in others' windows?? 😅

    • @RaymondChia_Silaqui
      @RaymondChia_Silaqui Год назад

      I think you are talking about Micheal Faye. Well that saga also give Clinton the nickname of the 2 stroke president. Because Faye's punishment was reduced by 2 stroke after Bill had a talk with the Singapore government. But yeah, do NOT vandalize, do NOT sumggle drugs (for some nacotics, 500gm would warrent the death penalty.)

  • @dayul112
    @dayul112 Год назад

    근데.. 괜찮은데? 껌 매매금지 자체를 금지시킨 건 좀 너무하단 생각드는데 그 외는 당연히 지켜야하는 것들뿐

  • @rjf7023
    @rjf7023 Год назад +2

    that hair and the shirt-buttoned ALL the way up.. this is the most korean emo looking white dude ever

  • @hanbando_kr0622
    @hanbando_kr0622 3 месяца назад

    엿시 깨끗한 싱가포르 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @goulissh
    @goulissh Год назад

    와 마약은 사형? 우리나라도 하자

  • @piggieluv92
    @piggieluv92 Год назад

    Is not pigeon basically birds

  • @stacieeeeee
    @stacieeeeee Год назад

    idk your life but you probably did not get caned. i'm latina and am not a stranger to beatings and getting hit with all sorts of things. caning is something else entirely. even as a joke i wouldn't say caning is ok. i've thought i was gonna be killed from being beaten and would still prefer that to the skin of my ass being completely split open in multiple places by a cane.

  • @parkmason
    @parkmason Год назад

    담배피는 사람이 길빵하면서 침뱉고 꽁초버리고
    입가심으로 껌씹으면 벌써 전과 4범되는거네

  • @JiMoMin
    @JiMoMin Год назад

    Not 100% accurate. About 95 I'd say.

  • @yorshigol85
    @yorshigol85 4 месяца назад

    법 집행을 엄격하게 하는 건 그래 뭐 충분히 수긍할 수 있다 치자
    태형은 대체 뭐냐
    회초리 매질 곤장 이거 말하는 거 맞지?
    모욕적이라는 생각 안 드나 정말 ㅋ
    굳이 다 큰 성인한테까지 매질을 해야 사회가 굴러간다면
    그 법 없어지면 다시 정글 되는 것이여?
    싱가폴이 그렇게 허약한 나라였을 줄이야

  • @Neverender6
    @Neverender6 Год назад

    I don't even do drugs but I have an irrational fear that if I ever went to Singapore, I would get reverse pickpocketed at the airport or something and a bag of drugs would somehow mysteriously end up in my luggage and I'd get straight up executed by the Singaporean police.

    • @sophia9012
      @sophia9012 Год назад +3

      Just remember if anyone ever approach you at the airport asking you to help them hold on to their luggage and meet them outside the checkpoint, please never. Inside the luggage might be drugs. Also just remember to always keep your belongings close to you! This is just to prevent anyone putting drugs into your belongings.

  • @エリ-y6n
    @エリ-y6n Год назад +2

    뭐가 엄격한거지? 다 좋은데? 우리 나라도 이렇게 했음 좋겠다, 길에서 침뱉는거 특히! 더러워 죽겠어 증말...

  • @SwannieC
    @SwannieC Год назад

    침뱉는거 한국도 사지말아라~😊

  • @emalejack
    @emalejack Год назад +1

    Don’t come to Singapore they will jail you, go yo America where you can do drugs buy guns and even looting any shops below a certain amount is not a crime! Best you can walk free if you commit any crime if you have a good lawyer

  • @willgeorge794
    @willgeorge794 Год назад

    Why's she kinda cringe

  • @kobugikobugi
    @kobugikobugi Год назад

    I was so ready to drop my stereotype but nah IT'S REAL

    • @DragonBonder
      @DragonBonder Год назад +1

      honestly many things stated are not enforced that strictly. e.g. the smoking thing, irl people are smoking while walking. the yellow boxes only apply to some places. I feel Singapore got misrepresented in this video. the police aren't that free to catch every little thing you know

    • @DragonBonder
      @DragonBonder Год назад

      ok there was a short little disclaimer at the end of the video but damage is done

  • @Silverizael
    @Silverizael Год назад +3

    Corporal punishment is pretty f'ed up and wrong, both enacted for law reasons or by your relatives. Especially since actual caning can cause permanent injury and disfiguration. Furthermore, there's decades of science showing that physical punishment of children does actually cause harm to their growth and development (and if you think it's okay because you were physically punished as a child, that is just an example of the developmental damage that already did to you).
    And the whole idea of "just don't break the law then" for the rest is pretty ignorant as well, because that's how dictatorial governments then enforce improper laws because they use wrong mentalities like that to their advantage.
    And death for doing drugs is ridiculous. If any of you are religious people, I can say that killing someone for doing drugs is going to send everyone involved in that death to hell. Which is why it's funny that it's often the most religious that call for death penalties.

    • @xueying4370
      @xueying4370 Год назад

      As a Singaporean, I would say most laws are for deterrence.
      At the same time, I shall also give you an insight on death penalty for drug trafficking in Singapore… :)видео.html (hope it will be an interesting take away for you)

    • @coldcole
      @coldcole Год назад +3

      In my opinion, I think that the death penalty for drugs is justified. There is a LOT of warnings before you enter into Singapore. It might not work in your country but it works here.
      It is the same concept as bringing your own food and drinks to a restaurant. Some of them will turn a blind eye to it, while some will charge you for bringing them. Others will just straight up ask you to leave or throw away your food if you want to continue consuming them.

    • @Silverizael
      @Silverizael Год назад +2

      @@coldcole I don't think there's any sort of defense for there to be the death penalty for any kind of drug, honestly, let alone marijuana which is honestly equivalent to smoking.

    • @casebenz2691
      @casebenz2691 Год назад

      ​@@Silverizael Sorry dude, but I love that there's a death penalty to deter drug traffickers. The punishment is so clearly stated yet if you wanna risk your life drug trafficking here, I think you deserve to die no matter which God you believe in. Religion matters not at all. Stop your crusade spreading idealogy.
      Funny how you thnk that killing a drug dealer means we all gotta go to hell, because I wonder if you ever considered whether a person who does drug trafficking, who WILL ruin the lives on others on a larger scale, all for their own profit, will have a place in the heaven you believe to exist.
      We aren't ignorant. We are a lawful country because we know how to abide by the rules. Which country are you from sir? If you wanna preach, I suggest you try America to reduce their gun violence where innocent people are dying instead of the perpetrators, before you come comment on our laws which deals with such criminals in order to protect our society

  • @kasthuri97
    @kasthuri97 Год назад +1

    This is a v politically correct and honestly bland representation of Singapore - it would be interesting to get in someone like preetiple/subhas nair to talk about singapore's truly outrageous laws like like how a police permit is required for a public assembly/procession or how capital punishment is enforced on those found carrying even less than a gram of drugs... it's not all rainbows and sunshines here

    • @kasthuri97
      @kasthuri97 Год назад

      chinese privilege is also a thing here so ofc we get the pretty version of singapore from an influencer who is chinese. interviewing someone from a minority race will paint a different picture.

    • @Silverizael
      @Silverizael Год назад

      It's an oligarchic dictatorship. In short, one of the worst countries in the world, beaten out by only the absolute worst like North Korea.

    • @milksomecows
      @milksomecows Год назад +6

      ​@@kasthuri97 How do you know she is Chinese?

    • @cocaineminor4420
      @cocaineminor4420 Год назад +2

      ​@@kasthuri97 she doesn't look Chinese to me
      And Chinese privileged?
      Sounds like your copying USA by saying white privilege

    • @cocaineminor4420
      @cocaineminor4420 Год назад +1

      ​​@@kasthuri97 and that privilege doesn't exist lol
      Chinese just work hard and get the success

  • @songes3058
    @songes3058 Год назад +1

    One of the bad things about Singapore is that Singaporeans are not allowed to criticize their government freely. I read in Straight Times that a Singaporean was arrested after they wrote something bad about the government on their social media. I was shocked! Also, international media can be sued by the Singaporean government if they report anything bad about the city state. There is little freedom of speech in Singapore. If anyone doubts about it, google, "freedom of speech by country" and check out the rank of Singapore.

    • @sapphire2640
      @sapphire2640 Год назад

      yes its called guided democracy. but most of the times we singaporeans are happy as long as we get the wages. at least our singpore government gives us lowkey normal and privileged lifestyle

    • @songes3058
      @songes3058 Год назад

      ​​@@sapphire2640 If you think Singaporeans are happy with the system, it'd be fine. But, I heard that quite many young Singaporeans decide to leave Singapore because of that. TRUE democratic countries widely allow their people to criticize the government. Also, as everyone knows, the thing that a lot of Singaporean companies are owned by a certain family makes me doubt if Singapore is a guided "democratic" country.
      How the hell is Singapore a democratic country? The country doesn't even allow freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the most basic as well as the most important right of the people. Besides, there is only one media in Singapore. (I mean there are more than one, but they actually belong to the same company.) Many people know how the politics work in SG. I'm not saying that SG is a bad country or something, SG has many positive things but it sounds funny that it's a democratic country, you added "guided" though.

    • @sapphire2640
      @sapphire2640 Год назад

      @@songes3058 I do not represent the entire singapore population nor the asian population but i'll just offer my two cents here. I think singapore has its disadvantages and i would love to move out one day if i had the courage. what i meant was most of the older generations who have already put down roots here are content with life since they get their wages already. but i still do think we should be happy because singapore is in a much better state than most other countries. We are safe most of the time, with an uncorrupted government and laws to protect us. we have no natural disasters either. but for most younger generations, yes we do feel some dissatisfaction including me but of course, the grass is greener on the other side. in exchange for freedom, you have to suffer the dangers that too complement it. so if we were to hate singapore's restrictiveness, we would move to the US and risk getting shot in school or getting displaced because of a typhoon or tornado or something.
      I dunno if ur Singaporean so I'm gonna assume you're not and im giving my unbiased opinion as a Singaporean student/teenager because trust me sometimes Singapore irks me so much i'd rather move to the USA. Regarding the 'guided' democracy, the epitome of Democracy is having free speech and elections. Singapore is not a fully democratic country because we do not really have free speech but we do have General elections every 4 years means we have fulfilled half the democracy requirements thus the 'guided democracy'. We arent fully democratic but we aren't communist either so there's nothing else to call us really. its just a vague term used to label our way of governing. and so far i would say it's been working well enough to keep up alive and thriving i suppose. Mental health and other stuff apart, i'd say Singapore is doing quite well under guided democracy.
      And yes i do i agree freedom of speech is important, there are many people who have differing ideas and it is impossible to be able to implement all to satisfy 5.5million people. this is why we have elections to vote parties who represents all our ideals the best, so i believe that elections are just as important as they also kind of represent free speech.
      But i'll have to ask you to embrace the restriction of speech here. There really isnt a strict way to govern your country really. One should not stick by their ideology just because of some pride like the USA or China sticking to their silly democracy or communist ideals so strictly like a bunch of stick in the muds. Personally i find it really weird to have a SINGLE way to do something. You need to mould your way of governing to suit your country and citizens' needs. Singapore is a small country and if we were to completely allow freedom of speech, it would most likely lead to riots and protests because well humans dont exactly do the most sensical things when they are mad and as a country with a limited labour force, population, resources and a very interconnected economy, any disturbance will cause a great impact on our growth and development. And as you know humans....aren't exactly great at thinking rationally when they are mad so they need some kind of law to restrict them from doing stupid things in the heat of the moment that will negatively impact others in the long run. In the US, they would probably call this violating the rights and freedom of a human to express themselves. Though in theory, I agree because i have been stopped from expressing my anger toward my parents many a time because of their unreasonable curfews and stuff, however in reality, things must be sacrificed for the greater good and especially so when it not only affects your family but your entire community and possibly your country. Look at some countries with the protests and rioting affecting people's daily lives. Singapore really really can't afford to mess up that bad. it would take a lot to recover from such a disaster. Typhoons are easy to clean up but when the stigma stems from your own people, the effects last generations.
      Singapore used to experience riots back in the day which disrupted lives so bad they saw the need to put an end to this. also Singapore is made up of a majority of asian people so we are considered an asian society and asian operate different from westerners who are a bit more...wild and free in my opinion and asians are more conservative. we value discipline and order more thus also implement more restrictive laws and regulations to keep daily life running as normal and as a deterrence.
      The laws might seem suffocating to those who arent used to them but as i have mentioned before, we need to adapt to being in a small country. like a machine where every cog and gear is equally important and one malfunctioning one could leave to an entire engine failure. we cant put the whole country to a standstill because of that handful of malfunctioning cogs.
      But overall of course these has the downsides. shunning of LGBTQ (though the government is trying to be more acceptive they recently repealed 377A), the mental health problems that comes along with such a competitive society and the inability to really express free speech. however i feel that we're really lucky to have such a good government compared to other countries who respect us and tries to heed our opinions. and even if the rules and regulations are not savoury, most of us just get used to it. as i said earlier asians are mostly more conservative. we would rather mind our own business and find that there's no reason to kick up that big of a fuss if it does not impact us too badly. after all, we voted the current government into the parliament. it's our duty to stick by it and trust them not to mess up big time. The PAP has been in power since forever and if people really did have a MAJOR problem with them we would have already voted the opposition.
      While sometimes, we singaporeans do shake our heads and question the acts of our government, we are just thankful it isnt something worst you know? gotta be grateful for what we already have acheived in 50 plus years. and after all nobody is perfect, especially if they are politicians.

    • @sapphire2640
      @sapphire2640 Год назад

      @@songes3058 sorry for the long reply. im a history student so ways of government and politics makes me rant a lot 😅

    • @cocaineminor4420
      @cocaineminor4420 Год назад

      ​@@sapphire2640 china ain't even communist
      It's a name but their system is actually capitalism in a socialist country.

  • @kwangwonlee
    @kwangwonlee Год назад +2

    난 싱가포르 법이랑 잘 맞는듯

  • @daons2105
    @daons2105 Год назад

    싱가폴 민주주의아닌 그렇다고 공산주의도 아닌 사회민주주의?? 저나라도 독재자로 알고 있는데 ㅎㅎㅎ