Prophet or Decoy? - Victor Houteff, David Koresh and the Shepherd's Rod

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @NicholasPOGM
    @NicholasPOGM 14 дней назад +1

    The speaker on the video is in error. And yes, Houteff was a false prophet. But for the speaker to claim Sister White never stated the Father, SOn and Holy Ghost were THREE separate persons is a lie of omission. Proof? See this...
    "Those who proclaim the third angel's message must put on the whole armor of God, that they may stand boldly at their post, in the face of detraction and falsehood, fighting the good fight of faith, resisting the enemy with the word, "It is written." Keep yourselves where the *three great powers* of heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, can be your efficiency. These powers work with the one who gives himself unreservedly to God. The strength of heaven is at the command of God's believing ones. The man who takes God as his trust is barricaded by an impregnable wall.--The Southern Watchman, Feb. 23, 1904, p. 122.
    "Our sanctification is the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is the fulfillment of the covenant that God has made with those who bind themselves up with Him, to stand with Him, with His Son, and with His Spirit in holy fellowship. Have you been born again? Have you become a new being in Christ Jesus? Then co-operate with the *three great powers* of heaven who are working in your behalf. Doing this you will reveal to the world the principles of righteousness. -Signs of the Times, June 19, 1901 par. 4
    I have MANY MORE quotes like this from Sister White. Contact me through my youtube page and I will send them to you.

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 14 дней назад

      While I disagree with your view on Victor Houteff, I do agree with your view on EGW's statements on the Trinity. But don' t expect Vasko or any of his ministry to respond back as we see he totally ignores the solid points already made about VTH by DSDA Adventist in the comment section. A lack of the love for the Truth will be many a false teacher's downfall.

  • @davidiansdaadventist5190
    @davidiansdaadventist5190 2 месяца назад +2

    PART 2 of our rebuttal ( 30 min. mark to 40:00 mark) -- (will be pick up more in part 3)
    9) At the 34:35 mark, you begin to quote a pioneer JN Loughborough (QSM, p.21.1) and put great emphasis on his interpretation of the sealing of the 144,000. However what manner of Bible error and confusion is this? The Bible specifically say NO PROPHECY (the 144,000 teaching is a prophecy teaching) is of any private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). Unless you want to call JN a prophet , which nearly every Adventist would not do, you are promoting PRIVATE Scripture interpretation. He may be attempting to explain SOP but that is not his job nor is he qualified, neither are you as a teacher authorized to promote private interpretations as truth.
    As disclosed we as DSDA do indeed believe that God sent Victor Houteff to our church fulfilling the promise of Mal. 4:5. But before hastily jumping to judgment let all those with a yearning heart for truth read infomation on -- WHAT IS THE SEAL.
    "Question No. 21:
    What is the seal of God upon the foreheads of the 144,000 (Rev. 7:3)? Is it the Sabbath seal or something else? { ABN2: 31.3 }
    Being sealed in Christ “with that Holy Spirit of promise,” after having “heard the word of truth” (Eph. 1:13; 4:30), the saints are consequently sealed by Present Truth-the truth preached in their own day.
    “The seal of the living God,” the Truth, by which the 144,000 are sealed (Rev. 7:2), is a special seal, being the same as “the mark” of Ezekiel 9. (See Testimonies to Ministers, p. 445; Testimonies, Vol. 3, p. 267; Id., Vol. 5, p. 211). It demands one’s sighing and crying over the abominations which defile him and which desecrate both the Sabbath and the house of God, especially against selling literature and raising goals during Sabbath services. As the saints have this seal or mark on their foreheads, the angels will pass over them, not slay them. It is equivalent to the blood on the door post on the night of the Passover in Egypt. The angel is to place a mark upon the foreheads of all who by sighing over their own sins, and over the sins in the house of God, show fidelity to the Truth. Then the destroying angels will follow, to slay utterly both old and young who have failed to receive the seal. (See Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 505.)
    So, the former seal enables the receiver to rise from the dead in the resurrection.of the just, while the latter seal enables the sighing-crying one to escape death and forever to live for God." (Answerer, vol. 2, p.31-33)
    Take very close attention that "Present Truth" is truth preached in our day. What was EGW's truth preached in her day? The Sabbath truth. But not only that, they were instructed to "sigh and cry for all the abominations done in the church" ( Testimonies, vol. 3, p.267). so up to 1929 that present truth seal was in effect. But as the scroll unrolled and Mal. 4:5 information came to light, then THAT message was now to be present truth. Thus today we are sealed by the message of Elijah and all its instructions.
    "In every age there is a new development of truth, a message of God to the people of that generation. The old truths are all essential; new truth is not independent of the old, but an unfolding of it. It is only as the old truths are understood that we can comprehend the new. When Christ desired to open to His disciples the truth of His resurrection, He began “at Moses and all the prophets” and “expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Luke 24:27. But it is the light which shines in the fresh unfolding of truth that glorifies the old. He who rejects or neglects the new does not really possess the old. For him it loses its vital power and becomes but a lifeless form." (COL, p.127)
    10) You say "he procliamed to be the sealing angel" (at the 38:30 mark) can you give a reference where he proclaimed he personally was the sealing angel of Rev. 18? You conviently left out that Rod quote. The people want to see your evidence.
    11) Once again you are sprewing falsehood as you say VTH was trying to draw to himself followers. God's angels are recording your words brother, keep that in mind. There are many witnesses who lived with brother Houteff during his days on Mt. Carmel, Texas. And many provided testimony and were there and knew him, unlike you (read the Symbolic code newsletters). For just one example in the book "Davidian Testimony" written by Don Adair, who lived on the grounds with Houteff, he recalls a brother giving praise to VTH and was rebuked by him and said to look to Jesus instead.. You know NOTHING of the character of that man and your attempt to disparage him will come back to you like a boomerang lest you repent. In fact there is a LIVING witness who can talk to you personally about VTH's character and we can get you in touch with him, to help you stop sprewing lies.(mark 39:40)
    "I saw that the very spirit of perjury, that would turn truth into falsehood, good into evil, and innocence into crime, is now active. Satan exults over the condition of God’s professed people. While many are neglecting their own souls, they eagerly watch for an opportunity to criticize and condemn others. All have defects of character, and it is not hard to find something that jealousy can
    interpret to their injury. “Now,” say these self-constituted judges,“we have facts. We will fasten upon them an accusation from which they can not clear themselves.” They wait for a fitting opportunity and then produce their bundle of gossip and bring forth their tidbits." ( 5 Testimonies, p.94-95)

  • @ZrinkaObratov
    @ZrinkaObratov 6 месяцев назад +3

    I am so happy that the TRUTH is komming back through people like you again

  • @davidiansdaadventist5190
    @davidiansdaadventist5190 Месяц назад +2

    Final PART 3 --
    (12) -- At the 39:40 mark you begin to dissect the explanation of Victor Houteff's Ezek. 4 prophecy. You make fun of the year 1500 as the starting point of the 430 years. In reviewing the factual history, Luther enrolled in the university of Urfort in 1501 AD where he had access to the Bible. While there is a one year difference, the study makes plain "around the year 1500" as you mockingly pointed out.
    (13) -- at the 46:35 mark you show the "summary chart of types" and make mention of the 1931 year and it's beginning of the Loud Cry. To understand Houteff's point we should know that the "message" of the Loud Cry began in that time, not neccessariy the later full development of the Loud Cry to all the world in 1931. It begins to the SDA church to prepare it. The Rod declares --
    "What is the message? The eleventh hour message is none other than Revelation 18 -- the loud cry of the Third Angel... this message is the last that will ever be given to the world; and it will accomplish its works." (SRod, vol. 2, p.230)
    "..if he does not now quickly repent and accept the additional message which is to begin the Loud Cry, then not only will he not help proclaim it but he will even be “spued out.”(Answerer, vol.1, Q-10)
    "How do I know that the great day of the Lord is almost here? -- I know it because the announcement of it is here already, and because the message of the marking that is foretold in Ezekiel's chapter nine, the work of the Judgment, is already making its way throughout the Adventist world. I know it also because the material for the glory that follows immediately thereafter (the material that is to lighten the earth with the glory of the angel, the Loud Cry -- Rev. 18:1) is all ready and waiting.
    And what happens then? -- the cry goes out to the whole dominion of Babylon, "saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18:4. God's people come out of Babylon to join His purified sin-free church, His guileless servants, the 144,000, the first fruits of the mountain of the Lord's house." (TG, vol. 1, no. 5, p.12-13)
    The above quotes were directed to the SDA church, not the world. Thus the 1931 date must be seen as intended and not misconstued to personal slants and distortions.
    Further, Ellen White clearly spoke of a message to come, let us read --
    "Prophecy must be fulfilled. The Lord says: "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah and when he appears, men may say: "You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the proper way. Let me tell you how to teach your message."
    There are many who cannot distinguish between the work of God and that of man. I shall tell the truth as God gives it to me, and I say now, If you continue to find fault, to have a spirit of variance, you will never know the truth. Jesus said to His disciples, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now." They were not in a condition to appreciate sacred and eternal things; but Jesus promised to send the Comforter, who would teach them all things, and bring all things to their remembrance, whatsoever He had said unto them." (Testimonies to the Ministers, p. 475-476)
    There is a message from this Elijah the church MUST hear. Also we should note that some of the past and current leaders of the church proclaimed that in that reference EGW was talking of herself! In other words the "he" to come is to be a she (??).
    Houteff addressed the specific question -- "Sister White wrote in 1892 that the Loud Cry of the Third Angel’s Message had already begun; please explain why others claim that it is yet future. And what makes it “loud”? You can find the answer in Answerer, vol. 1, p. 82.
    You also continued to say we should not look at the whole prophecy interpretation as explained by Houteff, the lesson in other words. That's like saying "Ah eat the desert and skip the meal, it will be much better for you"-- wow!
    14) at the 49:00 mark you talk of the idea Houteff said that " a year from now half of you are going to essentially lose your lives.." Implying that the Ezek. 9 church judgment was prophesied by Houtef to commence in 1931. False. Give us that reference. Of course you will not and cannot . Much of what you have exposed is slander and falsehood. You are doing well brother, with your false narrative, just as the enemy of Truth would have you to do!.
    Houteff addresses this misunderstanding in Answerer, vol. 4, p.34-35.
    For those interested the Answerer was a compilation of 5 books VTH made that addressed many questions that the SDA had on the message. Vasko is bringing out some of those controversial concerns that were addressed way back in VTH's time.
    15) At the 50:35 mark you attempt to say EGW is exposing VTH as a false time setter. Again, in order to save time and space those who would like to see how the message addresses these points , see Answerer, vol. 1, p.94.
    16) At the 58:00 mark you then begin to say that VTH had bad character, bad fruit. Specifically you delve into his marriage to Florence Houteff. As we all controversies there is TWO sides, and as you have already been exposed as a promoter of falsehood, VTH explains the truth of what was his marriage to Florence. That can be found in Symbolic code, volume 3, no. 5 - 6, p. 7. A quick note , it was LEGAL in Texas to marry a much younger wife in the 1930's and VTH had Florence's mother's blessings 100%. To link Koresh once again to Houteff shows the desperation you have to slander VTH.
    "Thous shall not bear false witness"(9th Commandment)
    15) at the 59:30 mark you attempt to say Florence continued VTH's message by proclaiming that 1959 would commence the Ezek. 9 church judgment. False. First, VTH never gave any such prophetic date for that, and you once again show you have not studied the history properly. FH prophesied ON HER OWN that prophecy and unfortunately exposed herelf as a private interpreter and caused disruption in the message. A fact that many SDA today, including you take out of context and attribute it to VTH. In fact VTH prophesied that this "knockout blow:" would come into the message by someone close and people should prepare for it.
    "Everything that can be done against God’s message of today will be done with even a greater vengeance than was manifest against Heaven’s message in the days of Christ’s first advent, for the Devil knows that if he loses now, he loses forever - that he is to have no other chance. Unparalleled, therefore, is the urgency that every eleventh-hour church member now quickly and solidly brace himself against the Enemy’s effort to deliver a knockout blow. We must be alert, too, to realize that the blow is to come from surprisingly unsuspected foes - from professed friends of the gospel, who are no less pious than were priests in Christ’s day. It is, moreover, but to be expected that the Adversary will employ every agency possible to prevent the Lord from disclosing to view His now obscure 144,000 first-fruit servants, who are to go gather in the second fruits (Rev. 7:9). The Enemy will try everything conceivable to confuse, becloud, and cover up the Truth, especially on the subject of the 144,000." (White House Recruiter, p.33)
    Of course after being found out as a false prophet Florence chose to quit the message, although it was her own doing , not VTH's that led to that. STUDY the history brother lest God soon step in Himself and correct you. In this presentation you have taken out of context many things, slandered falsely and generally worked for the enemy of truth. May God forgive you!
    Bring on your next presentation and we shall expose your lies further.
    "The LORD'S voice crieth unto the city, and the man of wisdom shall see thy name: hear ye the rod, and who hath appointed it." (Micah 6:9)
    The LORD's cry to "hear" a message called the "rod" is falling on deaf ears to people like Vasko, pray for him.

  • @sheilafeazell82
    @sheilafeazell82 6 месяцев назад +4

    As with Sister White, if one is biased to believe a certain thing, one can find statements in her writings to support it. Many have used statements made by Sister White to support the fact that they believe her to be a trinitarian. Indeed, I believe that God allows these stumbling blocks as tests. My brother, if you have not read Brother Houteff's writings for yourself I caution you about steering others away from them. When you have read and studied them for yourself, then you can make a positive statement that you know that he is not a servant of God. Bro. Houteff, as with Sister White does not make any statement directly addressing the issue and the statements you have included in your presentation would lead one to believe that he was a trinitarian. You are a firm believer that Sister White believed that Jesus is the begotten Son of God and that the Holy spirit is of the Father and the Son. Yet there are many statements I could produce in which she uses trinitarian language. I pray you will reconsider your position and take into consideration that you will be held accountable for leading others away from truth.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 6 месяцев назад

      Well you see William Miller was a false teacher, Ellen White a false prophet and Houteff a false prophet as well.
      You will not find clear teaching and consistency among such.

    • @davidiansdaadventist5190
      @davidiansdaadventist5190 2 месяца назад

      True, the Scriptures tell us to "study to show oursleves approved unto God..." (2 Tim. 2:15) Obviously this man Vasko has NOT studied well the writings of Victor Houteff, and further he has not studied the history of our movement. We are doing a thorough rebuttal and please see our above comments. Bearing false witness is a serious crime, which he seems to not care about in this report.

  • @deniseneumann6140
    @deniseneumann6140 3 месяца назад +1

    Never heard of these guys, YIKES!. I've heard people calling SDA a cult because of EGW. I do believe if she were alive today, she'd be sad with some of the changes in the SDA as a whole.

  • @stickyo9528
    @stickyo9528 6 месяцев назад +3

    One may hear the reason why another may have concerns about a message, but one must not stand in the way of others on investigating for themselves any messages coming in the name of the Lord. That is the great danger with our people, thrusting others to investigate light which are to be placed before the people of God. And if they themselves reject that light, they bar it from reaching others.🙏🙏🙏

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 6 месяцев назад +2

      It is up to individuals to not follow man but research for themselves with prayer for guidance.
      You can actually give this channel credit for putting attention on the Shepherds Rod, so people can check it out for themselves.

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 14 дней назад +1

      @@thenowchurch6419 Good point. They serve God one way or another

  • @danijel9121
    @danijel9121 5 месяцев назад +4

    A biased and prejudiced person would start his presentation by coming up with a conclusion before proving it. A true examiner and searcher of Truth would prayerfully study for himself and compare scriptures with scriptures before coming to a conclusion. Teach the truth, and let everyone decide for themselves. You are not called to be a taskmaster or the conscience of others. Prove the Shepherd's Rod wrong and you don't have to worry who studies it....Besides, David Koresh has nothing to do with the Shepherd's Rod literature. You are only feeding your own biases when you lump unrelated topics together. Instead, focus on the substance of the argument and address it with facts and reasoning. Remember, the pursuit of truth requires humility and openness, not preconceived judgments.

    • @davidiansdaadventist5190
      @davidiansdaadventist5190 2 месяца назад

      Exactly! Pray for this deceiver. The horror that will come to these people when they see the future SDA Ezek. 9 ( see also Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, p. 260) church purification oh my!

  • @floswick4728
    @floswick4728 6 месяцев назад +3

    Very good presentation! Can relate to a lot of what you presented! Thank you and God bless.

  • @Blessings-b2x
    @Blessings-b2x 6 месяцев назад +2

    Other denominations kept the Sabbath before SDAs could not the sealing have started earlier then the date you mentioned; 1848.

  • @wallyarias419
    @wallyarias419 8 дней назад

    You need to study Eze 4 Brother. The 430 year prophecy that begins in 1500 when Luther was called. 1500+430=1930.

  • @Fred-sy5sg
    @Fred-sy5sg 6 месяцев назад

    my brother can you point out one of sister white prophecy?

  • @Upa7NIGERIA
    @Upa7NIGERIA 6 месяцев назад +2

    Brother Hauteff never claimed to be the sealing Angel. The work of sealing is clearly the work of the Angels as stated in ezkiel 9:4
    And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.

  • @sharonwiseman5490
    @sharonwiseman5490 2 месяца назад +2

    I would first like to say that you need to study the Rod message and the history of Br. Houteff as well as that of the Shepherds Rod movement before you make accusations like you do. You are taking two separate divisions of Shepherds Rod and making them as one. What happened in Waco with Koresh has nothing to do with Br. Houteff. Get your facts straight before you start spouting lies and deception.

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 14 дней назад

      Amen. This guy doesn't care what is truth or error. Working for the enemy of Truth, sadly.

  • @Upa7NIGERIA
    @Upa7NIGERIA 6 месяцев назад +2

    Prophecy must be fulfilled. The Lord says: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” Somebody is to come in the spirit and power of Elijah, [See Appendix.] and when he appears, men may say: “You are too earnest, you do not interpret the Scriptures in the proper way. Let me tell you how to teach your message.” Testimony to ministers page 475 .
    I listen to you and i am amazed that you have what you suppose the prophet should teach as though you are the one that called and sent him. The quote from Ellen white is to teachers like you.

    • @davidiansdaadventist5190
      @davidiansdaadventist5190 2 месяца назад

      Also let us remember that the asterisk in that quote was added by the SDA in the THIRD publication of Testimony to Ministers (after VTH died), and was left alone during the first two publications. The SDA added in the back of the book that EGW was talking of herself! Ok so when it says "when he appears" we are to think "when she appears"? Unbelievable

  • @babiyarnazarismaily6207
    @babiyarnazarismaily6207 5 месяцев назад

    If you dont know koresh is an ancient bulgarian martial art,wrestling techniques probably there is connection between the name of this man and the wrestling i say......there is also another ocult teachings that came from bulgaria,the so called bogomils,or as they are known in western europe the katars,or quatars,i dont know wich is correct,this cult comes from the 9th century bulgaria and was percecuted,by the government and the church

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 6 месяцев назад

    Triune. Elohim, YHWH Elohim, YHWH. Figure it out folks.

  • @watchndatube1
    @watchndatube1 Месяц назад

    Part of what you are saying is true, the other part is false! You are not accepting all of what the bible and SOP teaches.

  • @ChrisMusante
    @ChrisMusante 6 месяцев назад

    Yup. Numbers and metals. Wake up already.

  • @ZrinkaObratov
    @ZrinkaObratov 6 месяцев назад

    Considering the truth Sabbath, you are still quite

  • @zerksepraga
    @zerksepraga 3 месяца назад

    Verdict: Houteff is a decoy😂😂😂👎👎👎