Originally released in July 1950. One of the shorts the Academy of Motion Picure Arts & Sciences produced between 1948 and '51, that explored various facets of the film industry {set designers, makeup, cameramen, sound editors, writers, directors, theaters, et.al.). All of the major studios produced at least one in the series; this one was produced by RKO-Radio (although Edith Head, profiled in this short, was exclusive to Paramount).
I love old movies and I believe Edith Head is the name I saw the most in movie credits.
She was an amazing woman
Originally released in July 1950.
One of the shorts the Academy of Motion Picure Arts & Sciences produced between 1948 and '51, that explored various facets of the film industry {set designers, makeup, cameramen, sound editors, writers, directors, theaters, et.al.). All of the major studios produced at least one in the series; this one was produced by RKO-Radio (although Edith Head, profiled in this short, was exclusive to Paramount).
Very Good. 😃👍.
“Color coordinator”? In a black and while film?
The cavemen have shoes/boots, chest pieces, dog leashes and a few haircuts & shaves.