Build Alternative Dewalt 18V Li-ion Battery | DCB200

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 145

  • @Eden_M
    @Eden_M 3 года назад +67

    It's good you're including clips of your fails, it shows that even experienced battery pack builders do mistakes too, and as always, I enjoyed this video thank you!

    • @r.griffin7941
      @r.griffin7941 4 месяца назад +1

      One mistake was charging cells to full voltage before building pack. That's just asking for trouble compared to working with cells at the lower storage voltage.

    • @Eden_M
      @Eden_M 4 месяца назад

      @@r.griffin7941 I agree buddy but let's be honest, we want to see that a cell holding 4.20v and when it does, you let it rip and build a pack that is already balanced and fully charged.

  • @kret63
    @kret63 3 года назад +10

    Wow, that was sparkly :D First time I saw someone short the batteries, hopefully last. Take care!

  • @lolcec81
    @lolcec81 3 года назад +2

    Комментарий в поддержку канала и ролика, а также труда мастера.

  • @greengohm
    @greengohm 3 года назад +6

    Great safety practices! Cutting towards yourself, so you won't cut someone else! :D

    • @CheapHomeTech
      @CheapHomeTech 7 месяцев назад

      I noticed that too but the way you expressed it was classic. I've got to try using that method in the future!

  • @DD-DD-DD
    @DD-DD-DD 3 года назад +14

    Glad you're ok. I'm looking at battery spot welders. Would you buy the Sunkko 709AD again, or something else? I need a wand for my application (large motorcycle sized packs).

    • @hexidev
      @hexidev 5 месяцев назад

      I see this is 2 years old but anyone that sees this: Get a big capasitor spot welder as the sunkko is still not powerful enough

  • @thebeast7690
    @thebeast7690 3 года назад +2

    it's okay. we as human will learn from our mistakes 👍

  • @Khalid81751
    @Khalid81751 10 месяцев назад

    I swatched from craftsman
    dewalt now all my power tools dewalt 20v I love it

  • @abyr-abyrwalg
    @abyr-abyrwalg 3 года назад

    Отлично! Спасибо! Просто готовая видео инструкция.)))

  • @황외수-l2b
    @황외수-l2b 3 года назад +1

    오우 큰일날뻔 하셨네요 다행입니다 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @ThaDIY
    @ThaDIY 3 года назад

    ฉันชอบการสร้างแบตเตอรี่ คุณกรุณาทำวีดีโออีก ขอบคุณ ฉันติดตาม

  • @itzmejai...9755
    @itzmejai...9755 3 года назад +1

    Love from kerala 😍😍😍

  • @supiyanto6168
    @supiyanto6168 3 года назад +1

    Good battery pack bro🔌🔌🔋🔋🔋👍👍👍👍

  • @Austeration
    @Austeration 3 года назад +1

    Nice job 👍 love your little extraction fan.
    Battery turned out great.

  • @mavi89092
    @mavi89092 3 года назад +3

    Elinize emeğinize sağlık

    • @sobaborusu
      @sobaborusu 3 года назад

      Aha türk buldum ldsğsg

  • @leoprepper6544
    @leoprepper6544 2 года назад +1

    i have doen my first by your videos. Thank you.

  • @justarideout
    @justarideout 3 года назад

    Excellent sorry about the injuries.

  • @RobertCranmer-up2fm
    @RobertCranmer-up2fm Год назад +40

    My partner has a lot of tools, so when he needed a circular saw, I ordered this one for him as a Christmas gift. He is incredibly happy with the purchase. He stated that he likes that it is powerful, but still easy to use and cuts very well. He mentioned that it is important to know the right tools for the job at hand, and this compact saw has been exactly what he needed for a variety of projects at his rental properties and renovations. He also appreciates the battery packs, as stated, he owns a lot of DEWALT tools, so he is able to always keep batteries charged as needed.

  • @rabk5702
    @rabk5702 3 года назад +1

    Scary how easy you make building them battery packs great video 😀

  • @yeagerxp
    @yeagerxp 3 года назад +1

    Nicely done 👍👍👍Thanks for sharing

  • @valmirramos4195
    @valmirramos4195 3 года назад +4

    Valeu Gear Show! Muito bom mesmo

  • @BrothersRestorationIndustry
    @BrothersRestorationIndustry 3 года назад +3

    Good job

  • @scott9877
    @scott9877 3 года назад +6

    Is this a special battery kit? And if so, is it sold by Dewalt since it has their branding on it?

    • @LilasTools
      @LilasTools 3 года назад +2

      No this is not sold by DeWalt.

    • @bigpig187
      @bigpig187 2 года назад +2

      Where do you see any Dewalt branding ?

    • @bobsoft
      @bobsoft Год назад

      Its a China clone kit.

  • @simonebuono_aw
    @simonebuono_aw 3 года назад +7

    It happened to me while I was spot welding, the cells burned 🤦

  • @حسين-ج9ط7ي
    @حسين-ج9ط7ي 3 года назад +4

    Great job, thank you brother. You are so talented

  • @Pablo-mu5yl
    @Pablo-mu5yl 3 года назад +3

    Hi can you do a video how to make a battery when we don't have spot welder?!?!

    • @waterboy540
      @waterboy540 День назад

      ive seen cheap ones on ali express

  • @nelchan2421
    @nelchan2421 Год назад

    2:19 this is one of the most dangerous work in world

  • @RestoredChannel
    @RestoredChannel 3 года назад +1

    I really enjoy these videos. Nice work!👌

  • @eone2345
    @eone2345 3 года назад +2

    2:20 is a process you must experience once for a while 😄

    • @Eden_M
      @Eden_M 3 года назад +2

      It happens to the best of us

    • @eone2345
      @eone2345 3 года назад +1

      @@Eden_M Journey To The Best

    • @Eden_M
      @Eden_M 3 года назад +1

      @@eone2345 West

    • @mattex3396
      @mattex3396 3 года назад +1

      Once i did this. The nickel strip soldered itself to the battery shorting, i had to grab some pliers to remove it

    • @eone2345
      @eone2345 3 года назад

      @@Eden_M 😁

  • @pachecoCardososilva
    @pachecoCardososilva 3 года назад +3

    Da pra fazer uma adaptação caseira e usar essa bateria em uma parafusadeira Makita?

    • @Mellaroch
      @Mellaroch 3 года назад +1

      Só comprar direto o kit da makita

  • @startcherif
    @startcherif 7 месяцев назад

    Very nice video

  • @lgm8114
    @lgm8114 3 года назад +1

    Is there a kit for flexvolt batteries?

  • @indianrailnature5365
    @indianrailnature5365 3 года назад +2


  • @SY_Vlog24
    @SY_Vlog24 3 года назад +2

    The - and + cable i think too thin to handle that much current.. change to a bigger one 🙏

  • @Kamidashi77
    @Kamidashi77 3 года назад +4

    После такого КЗ стало интересно, сколько же там ампер? 🤔

  • @nutechniciandiy1742
    @nutechniciandiy1742 3 года назад

    Nice​ job.👍👍👍

  • @handle1004
    @handle1004 3 года назад

    Good 👍👍👍

  • @lightbatmen
    @lightbatmen 3 года назад +3

    2:19 Оу! 😱

    • @slavioparush
      @slavioparush 3 года назад +1

      не зря там все эти пропилы и дырки в пластинках предусмотрели

  • @johnclarke6647
    @johnclarke6647 3 месяца назад

    A question. If I read you right. The B1 wire goes to the 4.2 tap, the B2 wire goes to the 8.4 volt tap, the B3 wire goes to the 12.6 volt tap and the B4 wire goes to the 16.8 volt tap. Is this correct? Everybody on UTube just waltzes through the complete explanation that you gave by combining tap name with its voltage. Thanks.

  • @yufadanpratama4011
    @yufadanpratama4011 3 года назад +1

    Sangat luar biasa

  • @ivanjuca7598
    @ivanjuca7598 3 года назад

    Thanks 👍👌🔝

  • @МаксимДенисеня
    @МаксимДенисеня 3 года назад +1

    Балансировка покинула чат.

  • @UpinkProduction
    @UpinkProduction 3 года назад

    I love it good
    Keep uploading videos like this

  • @ErnieSesameStreet
    @ErnieSesameStreet 9 месяцев назад

    Is it ok to charge new batteries to full of 4.2v for spot welding? Because another is saying not to charge it full for welding, charge it to store voltage instead, is it so? I received my new batteries between 3.2v to 3.4v, is it ok or shall I return? Thank you

  • @juanvelasquez9114
    @juanvelasquez9114 9 месяцев назад

    are that kind of bms safe?

  • @МихаилКандауров-п3ь
    @МихаилКандауров-п3ь 3 года назад +1

    Береги пальцы!

  • @AndreaV89
    @AndreaV89 3 года назад

    I like your videos but I've always wondered if you've ever short-circuited cells by mistake. I'm glad nothing happened luckily.
    Greetings, Andrea from Italy

  • @scroogeH
    @scroogeH 10 месяцев назад

    What is the circuit board called and what is that part number?and where to get it?

  • @edivaldosilva3974
    @edivaldosilva3974 3 года назад +1


  • @NamNguyen-ic4dn
    @NamNguyen-ic4dn 3 года назад +2

    Anh đóng pin Bosch 14,4 trượt Đi anh

  • @JMArtsandCrafts
    @JMArtsandCrafts 3 года назад +1

    hello, what happened. it cooked!. wrong connection or tapping on metal strip?

    • @E-hab
      @E-hab 3 года назад +1

      Wrong connection

    • @dungufed349
      @dungufed349 3 года назад +1

      He shorted the 4 cells.

  • @tekwojtekwoj6157
    @tekwojtekwoj6157 Год назад

    Hello my friend
    Where can you get such stickers for the battery housing?

  • @yeshecan7
    @yeshecan7 3 года назад

    Wonderful job....thank U!

  • @vintilis1
    @vintilis1 11 месяцев назад

    this 18650 litokala ?

  • @wo0416
    @wo0416 Год назад

    spot welder model ?

  • @waiyanhtet2022
    @waiyanhtet2022 8 месяцев назад

    Where can I buy such battery case?

  • @1badpete999
    @1badpete999 2 года назад

    We all learn to be more autonomous and creative by doing mistakes the ones that complains all the time it's because they never do nothing good with their own hands !

  • @ahmedali-cd2kh
    @ahmedali-cd2kh 3 года назад +1

    أحسنت مرحبا

  • @coachronald
    @coachronald 2 года назад

    My Dewalt 12V 1.3mah battery is not anymore working and they have stopped the production. Is there a way for me to rebuild it? Can you teach me how? Thank you.

  • @CheapHomeTech
    @CheapHomeTech 7 месяцев назад

    I want spring loaded compartments for the batteries. Not something I have to spot weld or solder.

  • @orlatris96
    @orlatris96 2 года назад

    Hello good afternoon. Please help me. I have a Parkside 20V 2A battery, with damaged 18650 cells, and I have another 4A battery that I only use the box. Can I use the 2A battery bms and put it in the 4A box and make a 4 or 8A battery? If you can answer me I will be grateful. Compliments

  • @juanvelasquez9114
    @juanvelasquez9114 3 года назад

    sir, you sell your refurbished tools?

  • @ngoctraiblack6412
    @ngoctraiblack6412 3 года назад

    you in cambodia ?

  • @tomn5413
    @tomn5413 Год назад

    Nice jobs., by the way where I can order the parts ? Seem like the link is not working. Thanks

    • @bobsoft
      @bobsoft Год назад

      Amazon or Ali Express

  • @bulutkeles3592
    @bulutkeles3592 3 года назад

    Geçmiş olsun

  • @dennisyoung4631
    @dennisyoung4631 3 года назад

    Note to self: make *absolutely* certain you do *NOT* short the cells! (Color-code with dots of Red Paint?)

  • @MrXyzasdf
    @MrXyzasdf 2 года назад

    Dear Friend, would you please be so kind as to show us how you print the decals? Thank you

    • @bobsoft
      @bobsoft Год назад

      The Dewalt clone battery kit comes with all you see except the cells

  • @kemoomotivation9266
    @kemoomotivation9266 2 года назад

    Does this model board have a low cut off voltage????

    • @bobsoft
      @bobsoft Год назад +1

      Yes a BMS is included.

  • @baldeagleApiaries
    @baldeagleApiaries Год назад

    So how does the home build compare with a real Dewalt pack?

  • @creative8029
    @creative8029 3 года назад

    Hello, how can I get in touch with you

  • @anasaliyarkunju6746
    @anasaliyarkunju6746 3 года назад

    Link to purchase this product

  • @abdiomar269
    @abdiomar269 3 года назад

    hello I would like to know if I could send you an old screwdriver to restore.

  • @patrickmorrissey2271
    @patrickmorrissey2271 3 года назад


  • @Poppy-ib2hb
    @Poppy-ib2hb 3 года назад +1


  • @aidilashraf8928
    @aidilashraf8928 3 года назад

    Can someone explain why it shorted?

  • @emmanouelchatzinikolaou1687
    @emmanouelchatzinikolaou1687 3 года назад

    Can we find this kit at Amazon or aliexpress ?

  • @antalyaynselektrik9974
    @antalyaynselektrik9974 3 года назад

    Gercekten kaliteli videolar yapıyorsun başarılar

  • @MeilyFoodie
    @MeilyFoodie 3 года назад


  • @vyaire
    @vyaire 3 года назад

    New DeWalt power stack build please.

  • @whereitallhappens784
    @whereitallhappens784 3 года назад

    would it be nice to add a background music like ncs or something

  • @dishahotwani8124
    @dishahotwani8124 3 года назад

    Pls make a video on your workshop tour if u will will make so pls give a heart ! Will u make ?

  • @solomonshv
    @solomonshv Год назад

    i feel like if you go through all this trouble then you may as well spend a little bit more money and build a battery with samsing 30T cells or those high output molicels

  • @emmettturner9452
    @emmettturner9452 Год назад

    Love how it says “CE” when it’s neither the European certification nor the fake “China Export” CE since you made it yourself. ;)

  • @powertoolsrepair
    @powertoolsrepair 3 года назад

    I made same mistake about year ago and trow all pack out of window and then watched how it burns 🙈

  • @tomnewtnt5718
    @tomnewtnt5718 3 года назад

    Za cienkie dałeś kable + ,-

  • @anhtho5168
    @anhtho5168 3 года назад


  • @saadmughal8089
    @saadmughal8089 5 месяцев назад

    Brother can u send me buy link of this case

    • @gear_show
      @gear_show  5 месяцев назад

      I bought it from china store. But you can see it

  • @coolmonkey619
    @coolmonkey619 3 года назад

    Why the fire happened

  • @jneo4
    @jneo4 3 года назад +1

    2:20 🙃😳

  • @rafal5863
    @rafal5863 3 года назад

    2:20 That belongs on electroboom channel.

  • @elvector7401
    @elvector7401 3 года назад

    foi foda naquela hora q ele queimou o dedo ave Maria doido kkkk

  • @Ale98375
    @Ale98375 3 года назад

    Where is bsm?

  • @ipgaming894
    @ipgaming894 3 года назад +1

    I want to this

  • @albertoone3663
    @albertoone3663 3 года назад


  • @awishkaakalanka7751
    @awishkaakalanka7751 3 года назад +1


  • @arvys28
    @arvys28 5 месяцев назад

    link not work :(

  • @mrmemoo4483
    @mrmemoo4483 3 года назад +2

    what happed at 2.21

    • @eone2345
      @eone2345 3 года назад +1

      Short circuit it

  • @petrolredmi6857
    @petrolredmi6857 3 года назад

    Those cells that you have short circuited are damaged and won't last long.

  • @valentino_govoni_official
    @valentino_govoni_official 3 года назад +2


  • @MJUWEL123
    @MJUWEL123 2 года назад +1

    Oh may got shot circit

  • @hardyanpajero69
    @hardyanpajero69 3 года назад +1
