The Left Wing Podcast: Brave beyond words but fallen at the quarters once again

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 600

  • @hineahuone
    @hineahuone Год назад +133

    The Irish media can't seem to accept that they were outplayed. They didn't 'give this away', they were nullified by the ABs game plan. The penny hasn't dropped..

    • @SuperEdge67
      @SuperEdge67 Год назад

      They think they have a god given right to win the World Cup because they’re Number 1. Overconfident and arrogant.

    • @asnieres32
      @asnieres32 Год назад +6

      They repeatedly said they just weren't good enough.

    • @81raylor
      @81raylor Год назад +10

      Spot on bro there in denial

    • @HerbalTee29
      @HerbalTee29 Год назад

      They are sore losers like sexton

    • @cobusbrits2
      @cobusbrits2 Год назад +4

      ​@@asnieres32not really because as soon as they say that, excuses follow like the ref for instance...

  • @peterjacobs5115
    @peterjacobs5115 Год назад +52

    Iam a South African very proud of All blacks. Your program is so biased you all were saying that Ireland will win. Thank you once again All black for showing them that you dont count your chickens before they hatch.

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +4

      Well said my friend see you in the final❤

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад +1

      Ireland were favs, its not bias, you should have made alot money if you think different. Was based on form last couple years, ireland chocked but france will beat you africans, you cant kick for shit.

    • @simamkelemesani6224
      @simamkelemesani6224 Год назад +2

      Be prepared to eat some humble pie.

    • @cobusbrits2
      @cobusbrits2 Год назад +1

      ​@@antonellaluque4532we will see tonight, wont we..?

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад

      @@cobusbrits2 yes

  • @neilmontgomery3470
    @neilmontgomery3470 Год назад +36

    I don't agree with the negative attitude of the panel. This is different to previous exits at the world cup. We were only two point favorites for this game and we were playing the three times champions. Ireland could have won it, we just weren't good enough on the night. No need for people to be fired or secretive performance reports. No one has a right to win and sometimes good teams lose. The draw was a farce and neither of these two teams should be going home this early. It was probably unlikely from a pure statistical viewpoint that we would beat New Zealand three times on the trot when you think about it.

    • @atapene
      @atapene Год назад +6

      You're right. These pundits are more entitled than the team (and i do think there was some of that as well)
      Humble pie

    • @conchronic
      @conchronic Год назад +2

      We always lose in QFs and didn't bring our best game and choked again

    • @jbrassic5434
      @jbrassic5434 Год назад +6

      @@conchronic Nah bro, your lads DID NOT choke. They brought the heat, but our boys showed up a little more ready. That easily could've gone the other way. Absolutely stunning rugby. Massive respect Ireland, you have the formula to get to semis still. Respect from NZ 🖤💚

    • @jzkramer
      @jzkramer Год назад +1

      When the real money is on the line the real champions stand up. End of story.

    • @neilmontgomery3470
      @neilmontgomery3470 Год назад +1

      @@jzkramer I cant disagree. Congratulations.

  • @Lawless2401
    @Lawless2401 Год назад +34

    Sam Cane got the last laugh 😂

    • @edwardkaggwa4856
      @edwardkaggwa4856 Год назад +6

      3 men of the match, Sam Cane, Ardie Savea and Jordie Barrett. What a try save 🤗🤗

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад

      ​@@edwardkaggwa4856I bet OMahoney regrets calling Cane a shit McCaw 😂

    • @brandonstclair898
      @brandonstclair898 Год назад +3

      Definitely. Where’s Mahony now?😊

  • @muddhutter
    @muddhutter Год назад +29

    Blaming the ref lol, on the day Ireland were not good enough. I cannot believe how arrogant some Irish folk in the media were leading up to this game. The former Irish international who said they preferred that Ireland play NZ instead of the French. I wonder what they are thinking now. What happened last year or leading up to the World cup means nothing. This is knock out rugby and the All Blacks were promising to produce something special. I am surprised nobody saw this performance coming. We have been a world class team for 120 years. The favourite going into the previous nine World cups. The number one ranking and co-favourite for this World cup. This is new territory for Ireland. They are a very good team. But two years wasn't enough.

    • @happybru4757
      @happybru4757 Год назад +8

      The saffas saw this coming.....being on the back of many defeats to nz.......Irish.....counted their chickens before they hatched....way to cocky....we were for months regularly reminded of the series win in nz....did not help much now did it. Let's remind Ireland of yet another quarter final exit......for the next four years....thankyou nz for great performance and reminding the world who nz really are and who Ireland really are.....

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +4

      4 more years Ireland 4 more years.

  • @kajunbrookingcomedian171
    @kajunbrookingcomedian171 Год назад +41

    AB had 2 yellows and a penalty try. Ireland had the rub of the green and still couldn’t beat the AB

  • @NingazTU
    @NingazTU Год назад +37

    Wow blaming officiating when NZ got 2 yellow cards?! It's safe to say that the refs did everything they could to keep Ireland in the game. No yellow card for the professional foul against Jordie Barrett and no penalty from coming in from the side. TMO went extremely quiet in the last passage of play when there were neck rolls especially on Rieko Ioane. So I'd say NZ had more calls against them or no calls for them when there should've been. Best team won on the day end of story!

    • @center__mass
      @center__mass Год назад

      ROFL at his comment tu meke

    • @edwardkaggwa4856
      @edwardkaggwa4856 Год назад +4

      You got it accurately, they were holding on in those 37 phases, even the winning call, ref took an eternity to say Sam Whitlock had it.

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад +3

      yes the cheek to blame the ref when NZ got it worse

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад

      ​​@@edwardkaggwa485634 phases

    • @ajnz2420
      @ajnz2420 Год назад +3

      ​@@Lawless2401I think the worst call was the penalty against Whitelock for not rolling away when the NZ winger got his hands on the ball. Whitelock was clearly to the side making no impact to the ruck. That should have been penalty NZ instead of a pen try and sin bin against NZ (following play).

  • @oliverleigh9854
    @oliverleigh9854 Год назад +56

    The amount of excuses is hilariously🤣, any rugby nerd knew exactly what the ABs must do to win and did exactly that. Ireland turned up for this and they were outplay and tactically out thought. The ABs won this contest fair and square even playing for 20 mins with 14 men.

    • @nox6885
      @nox6885 Год назад +4

      It's the arrogance of being number 1. Everyone is trying to take the kings place. Some countries fair well with being number 1. The Boks for instance love being written off.
      Have to say that I didn't call this game. ABs had a lot to proof and they did.
      So much for an all northern hemisphere semi. I just think some people are delusional. Well done NZ.
      France ge will be difficult and who ever wins that will likely (again likely but not set in stone) win the whole thing

    • @oliverleigh9854
      @oliverleigh9854 Год назад +5

      @@teddydavid1026 Oh please the majority of the players are born in NZ. Go do some research before saying something factually wrong. Go Cry Some More

    • @xSubutai
      @xSubutai Год назад +3

      @@teddydavid1026 Is that why Fiji made it just as far as you guys? lol

    • @cmarsh9988
      @cmarsh9988 Год назад +5

      ​@@teddydavid1026interesting excuse to make when the only tries ireland could manage were done by kiwis😂😂

  • @olwethu2424
    @olwethu2424 Год назад +87

    Performance is temporary but class is permanent.
    Irish media and fans had already written off the All black even before the game had started.
    Congratulations to New Zealand 🎉

    • @MobBarley00
      @MobBarley00 Год назад +15

      They were “happy” to “only” get the ABs in the QF. 😂

    • @asezangozo1914
      @asezangozo1914 Год назад +4

      Funny thing is it's the same pattern for 8 years. Beautiful rugby enough to win the 6 nations and hog the number 1 rankings in between the world cups. The world cup is different period.

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад +6

      ​@@MobBarley00I bet they wished it was France now 😂

    • @t.bozmkw3562
      @t.bozmkw3562 Год назад +11

      It's madness to write off the Allblacks.

    • @woelag027
      @woelag027 Год назад +3

      Nobody wins the world cup till they win the world cup but one thing is for certain come the hour come the team.Its normally England ,New zealand or the Springboks one must ask why and determination is a massive factor

  • @maluakamu6120
    @maluakamu6120 Год назад +24

    Eat the humble pie you had 37 phases at the end and got done. Write about it 🤣

    • @victordastile5204
      @victordastile5204 Год назад +3

      Man, that pie tastes great😂😂

    • @keithcomyn8159
      @keithcomyn8159 Год назад +6

      And we never looked like scoring in those last few minutes of 30 phases new zelands defense was really good we should have kicked for corner there

    • @sandilemfeka4658
      @sandilemfeka4658 Год назад +1


    • @ajnz2420
      @ajnz2420 Год назад +3

      ​@@keithcomyn8159I think it got a bit easy to read. NZ left the winger free and assigned him to the covering center. Ireland needed to be brave and kick to the winger. Once the D line was set Ireland were never going to score.

  • @center__mass
    @center__mass Год назад +54

    The Irish fans let the rankings go their head

    • @Camcolito
      @Camcolito Год назад +1

      How? They played like shit and lost by 4. Bottled it.

    • @HerbalTee29
      @HerbalTee29 Год назад +5

      They won’t humble either, they didn’t learn about 2019 either… just clowns

    • @weekend_sports
      @weekend_sports Год назад +1


  • @mnothokhuluse1853
    @mnothokhuluse1853 Год назад +22

    “In your head, in your head…Zombie Zombie, eh eh eh” 😂😂😂😂

    • @MrH4N0
      @MrH4N0 Год назад +4

      "Going hoooome, going hoooome... Ireland, Ireland, eh eh" 😂😂😂

    • @mnothokhuluse1853
      @mnothokhuluse1853 Год назад +1

      @@MrH4N0 😂😂😂😂

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +3

      Hahaha love it😂😂😂😂

    • @Trajan2401
      @Trajan2401 9 месяцев назад

      That song doesn't suit big crowds surely they could come up with something better

  • @Jase1000-p2f
    @Jase1000-p2f Год назад +21

    Couldnt happen to a better group of media

  • @benkay1390
    @benkay1390 Год назад +43

    It’s interesting that the narrative is that Ireland didn’t play well. Pretty disingenuous - you can only play as well as your opposition allows

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад

      Cuz we looked nervous first 20 mins till we got 3 points and half time we had man extra and sid nothing, we def choked it, france will beat nz easy.

    • @sagamauga8074
      @sagamauga8074 Год назад +3


    • @geoffnelson6756
      @geoffnelson6756 Год назад

      I disagree, Ireland were just 'off', in reality they needed a fast start, instead 2 penalties and the fatigue took its toll when chasing the game. NZ got their tactics right, but it was made possible by Ireland over playing and still could have easily nicked it with the held up try, it's not excuses, it's just fine margins.

    • @waynerockman1242
      @waynerockman1242 Год назад +1

      ​@@antonellaluque4532So you just discount the boks??

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад

      @@waynerockman1242 yes

  • @stephen.oreilly-nugent8293
    @stephen.oreilly-nugent8293 Год назад +23

    The margins between winning and losing can be so small. Since 2016 Ireland have gone from average to excellent but it blows my socks off that the NH rugby media just dismiss the AB’s so easily. For years they took great pleasure in calling the AB’s chokers but after 8 attempts and Ireland not going past the 1/4’s and these 3 are blaming the ref. Think they just need to accept that Ireland were beaten by a better team. Heartbreaking for the boys but the media can just suck it up.

    • @neillscan
      @neillscan Год назад +1

      Take no notice of them. Pick ourselves up dust off and get back at it. Time to get Crowley and his generation into battle.

  • @TheBuildKingR
    @TheBuildKingR Год назад +31

    Amazing how you blame the ref for NZ players on the wrong side and the scrum issues. Not rolling away is an Irish thing, you did that against South Africa and also holding on to players on the ground. I'm happy Porter got hammered in the scrums and his cheating didn't work.

    • @geoffnelson6756
      @geoffnelson6756 Год назад

      How was Porter cheating, if he was he wouldn't keep doing it every scrum, he is incredibly powerful, but it's likely the ABs had a tactic to suck him into giving away penalties, Ireland chances definitely took a downward turn with the continuous scrum penalties, but really they seemed to lose their composure and not able to correct things as the game went on.

    • @LeRobusier
      @LeRobusier Год назад

      ⁠@@geoffnelson6756He was getting owned by Lomax so he resorted to boring in. He’s handy in the loose but scrummaging is bread and butter for props.

    • @geoffnelson6756
      @geoffnelson6756 Год назад

      @@LeRobusier don't think so, if he was 'getting owned' then Porter would be going backwards, instead the NZ scrum was going backwards from the getgo and it was the same every scrum, clearly clever play by the ABS as they had the ref calling the same play every time.

    • @LeRobusier
      @LeRobusier Год назад +3

      @@geoffnelson6756 Sorry that you think that but coming in on the angle is an illegal tactic and he was rightly pinged for it.

  • @Fletcher806
    @Fletcher806 Год назад +23

    After just getting rolled by the Mighty AB's, I was thinking this lot would be a little bit more measured, truthful and honest with their review. I guess I was wrong. Both teams had chances, both teams had calls go against them. The AB's had a game plan to counter Ireland's contingencies all game. The number 1 team had a man advantage for 20 minutes and played against 21 players (DMac and Christy didn't get on). That should tell you just how good the AB's were. Most weren't playing career best form, they just played for each other, for their people and for their country. They didn't just talk it, they walked it!
    The better team won.

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад

      Mighty shit v france

    • @Jinskii762
      @Jinskii762 Год назад +2

      100% agree. Thought some calls against the ABs were sus. But it was honestly a final worthy game from both sides. Well done to our boys, that was the best game they played for a long, long time. Especially defensively. Next game, let's go.

    • @Fletcher806
      @Fletcher806 Год назад +2

      If the player who took Ardie high was yellow carded, I'm not sure Ireland would have been able to hold the AB's out. They were starting to get into their work. Ireland were looking tired.

  • @thetalentedmrfitz
    @thetalentedmrfitz Год назад +23

    These guys saying that was the ABs final lol nope, their best is yet to come. I picked NZ to beat Ireland in that quarter as they have been peaking nicely for the finals whereas Ireland had already blown their load. It was as clear as day that was going to happen. Ireland got caught up in their own hype. Inflated egos were well and truly put in their place by the greatest rugby playing nation in the history of the game. Underestimate them at your own peril.

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад

      Did you put some money on the all black how much were they paying

    • @rodeo4786
      @rodeo4786 Год назад +2

      Wow you didn't hold back 😂

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +3

      @@rodeo4786 good eh

    • @shanowilliams9851
      @shanowilliams9851 Год назад +1

      great call..and correct..bad luck Ireland..........pressure in most aspects of the game...won it for us..juz my opinion

  • @KO.....
    @KO..... Год назад +60

    CHOKERS!!!!! I can't believe that joker said all 4 NH teams would go through 🤣 the arrogance and cockiness 😂😂😂 especially from a team that's never been beyond a single QF. Choking is literally when you can't even do one better than your previous best, so yes they choked.

    • @garyoak-q7m
      @garyoak-q7m Год назад +5

      Ireland don’t mix in semi’s 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @paulnash5500
      @paulnash5500 Год назад +1

      Brave words behind your phone.

    • @KO.....
      @KO..... Год назад +6

      @@paulnash5500say's the one leaving brave words behind their phone. oooohhhh, like if I was in front of you it would be different.

    • @Andrew-fn9xx
      @Andrew-fn9xx Год назад +5

      You should watch soccer ... Rugby is about respect. Great game we lost to the better team. A classic match. Enough said. Please keep your negativity to yourself the world has plenty already...

    • @ConservativeCapitalist
      @ConservativeCapitalist Год назад +1

      that happens if you to arrogant

  • @murraydunn6704
    @murraydunn6704 Год назад +12

    The Irish are saying the AB’s didn’t have to work very hard for their tries? The AB’s played 25% of the game with only 14 men!

  • @JT-oo7sd
    @JT-oo7sd Год назад +8

    It was only a day ago that they were talking this Irish team up as the greatest, you could almost believe that they could walk on water. Now they suddenly have all these flaws and should have done this and that. Then on top of that to blame Wayne Barnes, when NZ got two yellow cards and were a man down for 20 minutes.

  • @pinuri69
    @pinuri69 Год назад +49

    Remember guys. Your dealing with the best team over the last 30 years, not just the last year or 2.

    • @tonyalways7174
      @tonyalways7174 Год назад +8

      Exactly. NZ have done it year after year for decades and no doubt will continue to do it for years to come.

    • @MrH4N0
      @MrH4N0 Год назад +5

      30 years? 😅

    • @muddhutter
      @muddhutter Год назад +20

      30 years? Try 120 years bud.

    • @center__mass
      @center__mass Год назад +3

      Lol 30

    • @jackkain3970
      @jackkain3970 Год назад +8

      30 years LoL, try a 100 + buddy

  • @Lawless2401
    @Lawless2401 Год назад +37

    If it wasn't for the yellow cards Ireland would've got smashed 😂

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад

      At that fucking penalty try thats bulshit

    • @gerrymcgowan9749
      @gerrymcgowan9749 Год назад

      Where watching d game pal

    • @HerbalTee29
      @HerbalTee29 Год назад +1

      Yeap, 2 yellows and a penalty try lol…. Kept them alive, not once did they lead.

  • @altazuma
    @altazuma Год назад +16

    Oh I’m glad for the Irish that they won the post game song competition. Hope that keeps them happy 😂

  • @MeiA-h9r
    @MeiA-h9r Год назад +9

    Irish punditry is so hypocritical
    They criticised SA for missing crucial kicks and making errors but when Ireland do it, they are team that should be so proud of itself
    This is EXACTLY WHY, We have 3 WCs and Ireland have 0 and will continue to have 0 if Irish media keep accepting these quater final exits like it doesn’t hurt

    • @wewhofly
      @wewhofly Год назад

      Irish pundits and Irish fans don't play the game. You have 3WCs because your players played a bunch of 80minute games. The ABs had four points and oceans of sweat to get their win. They know what the Irish team are and pundits and fans mean nothing in that equation.

  • @victordastile5204
    @victordastile5204 Год назад +38

    Well done to the ABs! Humbled the left wing podcast😂😂😂

    • @HerbalTee29
      @HerbalTee29 Год назад

      You can’t humble these clowns… they are disrespectful just like sexton

  • @donnypillay1924
    @donnypillay1924 Год назад +24

    Was surprised before the game that 60 % of fans pundits, where convinced Ireland would beat New Zealand, I felt it would be alot closer, also surprised at the arrogance from some Irish Supporters and players and the disrespect towards the ABs and Same Cane in particular,the Irish came across as really arrogant, really happy to see them lose

    • @ConservativeCapitalist
      @ConservativeCapitalist Год назад +5

      cant agree more with you, happy this arrogant team is out

    • @AlT-bi9sp
      @AlT-bi9sp Год назад +5

      Totally right , succes goes to their head and it always finish the same way .But they never learn and they will repeat the same mistakes. They talk too much

  • @neilstanley5565
    @neilstanley5565 Год назад +15

    Come on guys,
    yesterday you were crowing how many points you were going to beat NZ , the kiwis were playing with 14 men for 20 minutes, Give credit where it was due, no excuses you were beaten by a better team on the day..

  • @oldman774
    @oldman774 Год назад +11

    If you are going to bring up Wayne Barnes then you need to question Ireland cleaning past the ruck on numerous occasions. And were never warned never mind penalised

    • @oldman774
      @oldman774 Год назад +2

      Porter also needs to acknowledge the fact that he bored in significantly. That was on him, Barnes refereed the match as he saw it

    • @SuperEdge67
      @SuperEdge67 Год назад

      @@oldman774 Exactly. The overhead shot made it obvious.

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад

      and the amount of forward passes ireland got away with

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад

      ​@@Lawless2401forward passes being missed is Wayne Barnes forte

  • @Rugbyrumble
    @Rugbyrumble Год назад +52

    Oh man I was so looking forward to these guys after their shocking one-sided prediction in the preview! And here's the kicker - anyone with true rugby acumen knew NZ would be incredibly tough to beat here. Really poor preview and a big learning curve for these guys - especially the guy on the left.

    • @BigBoyGames-ke1hq
      @BigBoyGames-ke1hq Год назад +19

      Arrogance is the word you're looking for. There has been a lot of that coming from Irish fans and players in recent weeks. A little humility and a health dose appreciation for your opponents would have had you approach the game in a more balanced manor. We had two players sent off and you still bottled it, its as simple as that !!!!

    • @BassmentProductions
      @BassmentProductions Год назад +7

      @@sollyharr saying the scrum penalties were unfair.. how many scrums in the match? 4. How many NZ knock ons which gave Ireland scrum feed? Zero.. Ireland had zero put ins

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +3

      I'm a kiwi and I had no dealt the all blacks would win this game none not since the vast improvement when they thrashed Italy and then Namibia they were different team that went down to France And now the rest of the world are shitting themselves because the all blacks are back and unbeatable

    • @Rugbyrumble
      @Rugbyrumble Год назад

      @@markvegar1442 France are the only team we need to worry about. HGA is a huge, huge factor phychologically. Africa don't have a chance against France, but if Africa and England can bang them up and break up their cohesion and combinations with injuries we have a chance. But make no mistake, we're not unbeatable against France at home

    • @RiazAbrahams-zp8ek
      @RiazAbrahams-zp8ek Год назад +5

      This whole panel is and was arrogant! They were so cockahoot about beating us (on a ref that was completely blind to Aki coming in from the side of a mall and lifting a players leg not giving us a penalty try) .. so they became arrogant and deluded in that win and being number one. We as South Africans know full well you remain humble knowing any team on their day can beat the world number one ranked. And you were too drunk of the high.. and now? Now u came crashing down to earth CHOKING under pressure that your guy couldn't even kick the points, or win lineouts etc. You were out classed and out played by a team that know how to win when it counts! Congrats to my Kiwi brothers for doing us a favor and putting these Irish out.. go bokke

  • @81raylor
    @81raylor Год назад +10

    Sour potatoes 😂 you got beaten fair an square

  • @KO.....
    @KO..... Год назад +51

    very funny the same people who were saying to South Africans don't do the if's and but's about missed opportunities are now doing it. Even after playing 20 minutes against 14 🤣

    • @nxtlvltraining
      @nxtlvltraining Год назад +3

      Exactly what i was thinking

    • @edwardkaggwa4856
      @edwardkaggwa4856 Год назад +7

      20 minutes of 15 vs 14 men is a proper loss.

    • @naidoo307
      @naidoo307 Год назад +1

      Exactly fickle bunch of fans them Irish all closely related Irish ,Aussies ,kiwis ,poms all like to have a very good whinge ! 😮🤣🤣

    • @Flatlikeme
      @Flatlikeme Год назад

      Ireland always trash talking :)) hahahaaa they suck !

  • @sibzism
    @sibzism Год назад +25

    So happy to see this particular podcast eat some humble pie!😂 🤷🏽‍♀️ Next time wait until youve won it before crowning yourselves the winners!!
    Just the other day one of you said: "Ireland are preparing for a performance, the All Blacks are searching for a performance" 😂😂😂 what a difference a day makes...Looks like Ireland are preparing for their flight and the All Blacks found what they were searching for! 🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿

    • @simamkelemesani6224
      @simamkelemesani6224 Год назад +1


    • @cobusbrits2
      @cobusbrits2 Год назад

      Was looking for this video. I guess that when you surround yourself with like minded journos, you brainwash yourself in believing you are the best and hubris sets in. Enjoy the humble pie...

  • @josephharley9448
    @josephharley9448 Год назад +5

    It went to their heads

  • @jamesm9995
    @jamesm9995 Год назад +38

    The most annoying and arrogant team in history are going home, I’m overjoyed

  • @Johnnyboy-192
    @Johnnyboy-192 Год назад +27

    You can say Ireland were off today but how much of it was due to the All Blacks being so clinical and snuffed them out of the Irish game?
    Awesome game nonetheless, hands down best game yet!

    • @antonellaluque4532
      @antonellaluque4532 Год назад

      Shut up, france show nz are very beatable

    • @ajnz2420
      @ajnz2420 Год назад +1

      I think NZ got used to the second man play. They gave up ground on the flanks but it never felt like Ireland would score from open play. When NZ got into the backfield you thought they would score.
      When NZ make a break they play what's in front of them, when Ireland make a break they revert to team structure.

    • @joshsmith3598
      @joshsmith3598 Год назад

      @@ajnz2420 actually if you watch the game back? New Zealand basically ignored Sexton. At first I wondered WTF they were doing but then as game went on it began to make sense. Sexton is not a running threat. So why target him? Instead New Zealand doubled up on players Sexton passed to and as a result; were able to dominate the break down by having 2 players there before Ireland could get anyone to clean.
      Ireland's usual ruck speed they rely on so much slowed to a crawl. By the end of the game Ireland as we clearly saw despite 37 phases never looked like scoring. NNZ had them bottled up and patiently waited for the chance to exploit that and did.

  • @jamesbond8191
    @jamesbond8191 Год назад +4

    This result reminds me so much of the attitude some had before the 2019 WC Final … England were already crowned champs due to past results … and then match day arrived ….

  • @t.bozmkw3562
    @t.bozmkw3562 Год назад +12

    You lads were arrogant. I expected you to be more humble.

    • @olwethu2424
      @olwethu2424 Год назад +1

      Too much arrogance from Ireland fans and Media

    • @t.bozmkw3562
      @t.bozmkw3562 Год назад +1

      ​@@olwethu2424they beat the Boks and thought they'd won the worldcup.

  • @Taniwhadragon
    @Taniwhadragon Год назад +6

    What a clueless rugby panel

  • @garyoak-q7m
    @garyoak-q7m Год назад +10

    No semi’s 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 bye 👋 bye Ireland 😂😂😂😂

    • @karlosdeevs
      @karlosdeevs Год назад

      No quarters for your hide, lass. Never forget it..

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад

      4 more years 🤣😂🤣😂

    • @karlosdeevs
      @karlosdeevs Год назад

      @@Lawless2401 so be it, i'm still a young fella. I'll wait the wait..

  • @center__mass
    @center__mass Год назад +8

    Hahaha tu meke at this joker saying the ref didn’t give Ireland the rub of the green

  • @riyaadrhoda3990
    @riyaadrhoda3990 Год назад +22

    As a Saffa I must say I felt sorry for Ireland. They played incredible rugby and deserved to go further than the QF. They had two monstrous games against SA and the AB's and almost pulled it through. Just one mistake maybe in hindsight was playing their first team in every game. They were out on their feet in the last 20 minutes. Nevertheless the Irish can be proud of their team.

    • @tilmanvondelft7461
      @tilmanvondelft7461 Год назад

      Yes that was THE mistake and a massive one.

    • @tkf1627
      @tkf1627 Год назад

      Mu h respe t to all SA fans, I've noticed such a difference in humility between SA and NZ. All this disrespecting the haka bull. The haka should done away with, it's become a bore.

    • @neilmontgomery3470
      @neilmontgomery3470 Год назад +2

      Close game.maybe game time and injuries had something to do with it. But I think New Zealand was just a bit better on the night. If that try had not been held up we would have said Ireland had got it right. Tiny margins sometimes go your way and sometimes don't. Not much between these two teams but NZ deserves the win.

    • @conchronic
      @conchronic Год назад +1

      Ireland did what they always do in a QF that's lose so we are chokers like previous 7 times even with our best team we lack mental fortitude

    • @riyaadrhoda3990
      @riyaadrhoda3990 Год назад +1

      @@conchronic wouldn't call it a choke. Don't be so hard on your team. They played their hearts out. It was always going to 50/50. NZ were just better on the night.

  • @coffeine1924
    @coffeine1924 Год назад +13

    If we are talking about wayne barnes. In what world does a player get taken out in the air and the ref dosent look at it on the tmo for any mitigating factors? A head high from lowe and again dosent get looked at on the tmo for any mitigating factors. A clear as day turnover by savea to win the game that wayne just looks at. An offside turnover that goes 22 to 22 for ireland. I think ireland played amazing and put some real pressure on us and should be proud of the performane they put on. But cmon since when did refs not look at dangerous plays on the tmo??

    • @benjamindewes2345
      @benjamindewes2345 Год назад +3

      Definitely feels like a heavy Northern Hemisphere bias by the officials, Fiji shafted against Wales, Samoa majorly shafted against England, ABs shafted on all those things you mentioned,(Barnes was literally standing right there when James Lowe made that head contact and it only got pulled up by the touch judge after Barnes was obviously going to turn a blind eye to it), be really interesting to see if Fiji/Springboks get whistled out of the tournament. Barnes kept Ireland in that game

  • @MobBarley00
    @MobBarley00 Год назад +8

    Ultimate Choke that.
    All started with making that silly 8 during the Haka. Predicted their 8th QF exit?
    Farrell should resign for poor management. Didn’t rotate team and they ran out of steam. Good thing Sexton is retiring too. Too old and has always been overrated he also choked missing that easy pen.
    Lastly, the fan’s disrespect for the Haka was poor and so well deserved loss to the Irish. Perhaps time to dish out a few more ancestral visas and get a few more kiwis?

    • @sandilemfeka4658
      @sandilemfeka4658 Год назад

      That #8 was silly, they deserved to lose. Disrespecting the All Blacks will always end in tears.

    • @sandilemfeka4658
      @sandilemfeka4658 Год назад +1

      @@jonny8930 It was just silly they did it during the HAKA, that was disrespectful . 8÷2=4more years

    • @MobBarley00
      @MobBarley00 Год назад +1

      @@jonny8930 while the Irish fans shouted down the Haka. Yeah. Very respectful.

    • @MobBarley00
      @MobBarley00 Год назад

      @@jonny8930 you do realise the Haka is performed at many types of events including weddings right? You may want to do research before posting next time. It’s a rugby tradition that most nations ( other than the likes of England and Ireland) respect. But not surprising I guess at the lack of class from those two.

  • @brucepeters9231
    @brucepeters9231 Год назад +3

    They should re-cast this as a Comedy. I went back to watch their pre-game show, and the only thing they forgot to mention then was the phase of the moon being in their favour. Too funny.

  • @olwethu2424
    @olwethu2424 Год назад +6

    Too much arrogance from Ireland fans. Good that there are going home and are out of the world cup.
    This is a world cup or some European tournament. The players looked tired and there is not too much depth on that Ireland team ,lack of circulation within player

  • @jackkain3970
    @jackkain3970 Год назад +5

    Oh well 4 more years. Note to self (Ireland) stay humble and never write off the Mighty All Blacks 💪

  • @BigBoyGames-ke1hq
    @BigBoyGames-ke1hq Год назад +7

    Bottled it, plain and simple...We had two players sent off and you still couldn't deliver, not good enough and bottled it...4 more years, 4 more years !!!!

  • @mojohansen8933
    @mojohansen8933 Год назад +24

    Their win streak started with nz and nz ended it LOL

    • @markvegar1442
      @markvegar1442 Год назад +1

      Thats funny you right abs won the first 1 and the last 1

  • @gosekinz
    @gosekinz Год назад +7

    Best game of the world cup - someone had to lose. No shame in that. See you in Australia in 4 years

  • @2foleyquarry
    @2foleyquarry Год назад +4

    Ireland had 2 yellow cards and a penalty try in their favour yet were unable to exploit that massive advantage, they were simply not the best team on the day. The All Blacks took their points when they could and defended like their lives depended on it at the death. With the possession and phases Ireland had at the end of the game they would have breached most other teams defenses, but on the day the team in Black defended like Andy Farrell’s Wigan team from the early 90’s.

  • @matthewfisher-u6l
    @matthewfisher-u6l Год назад +8

    typically over confident Irish all mouth blame it on the ref

  • @charliebannon5489
    @charliebannon5489 Год назад +4

    Im so proud of Ireland's efforts. They gave us so many great moments over the past two years. They tried so hard last night and came so close to a win. Well done Ireland, Roll on 2027.
    Well done to New Zealand. You earned your win.

  • @janniemeyer9951
    @janniemeyer9951 Год назад +5

    Still arrogant after their loss. “Best defence in the world” Springboks are the best. Next time more humility and focus on the ball.

  • @patrickfarrell5092
    @patrickfarrell5092 Год назад +5

    Have to say the best team won on the night but I'm immensely proud of this Irish squad.
    Unfortunately there were fans last night in the stadium that didn't show respect at the start, both for the 1 minute silence and the Haka.
    Finally this "Zombie" narrative was becoming a bit weird and of course fueled by the media even at the press conferences. This pissed people off on many levels.
    It should be exciting to see Ireland rebuild, I thought young Jimmy O'Brien did well on the wing, Hansen in retrospect should have been on the bench.
    Proud of the team and management.
    Thank you for all your podcasts 👏👏

    • @ConservativeCapitalist
      @ConservativeCapitalist Год назад +1


    • @MrH4N0
      @MrH4N0 Год назад +4

      I respect this comment. I felt they kept poking the bear a bit too much and this is the result.

  • @kiddywood1
    @kiddywood1 Год назад +5

    Athleticism, speed, physicality, the ABs are a different level. Savea ended the number 8 debate with Doris, Cane was incredible and out to prove a point. Ireland were brave and should be proud, but there are levels to sport.

    • @richardmitchell5369
      @richardmitchell5369 Год назад

      That's why we beat you so often, last time you guys were so busy running around in disbelief that we beat the mighty ab on their home turf😂😂😂

    • @kiddywood1
      @kiddywood1 Год назад

      @@richardmitchell5369 I’m not from NZ and Irish players would take 1 semi final over a 100 victories over the ABs in between world cups. This is the problem - 8 quarter finals, 8 losses. Levels.

  • @brandonstclair898
    @brandonstclair898 Год назад +3

    Only got 17 in a row which will be forgotten soon. Only ABs and Springboks have 18 in a row.

  • @user-Ezekiel
    @user-Ezekiel Год назад +2

    Dont ever write the All black off, people are so used to seeing the All blacks win, whenever we get a lose countrys think we are done.
    Kia kaha All Blacks.

  • @IainHirons
    @IainHirons Год назад +3

    Free tickets for the semi and final…….pick up outside the Clover pub in Paris

  • @matthewfisher-u6l
    @matthewfisher-u6l Год назад +4

    the upper hand for most of the game? wot game was johnny watching?

    • @atapene
      @atapene Год назад

      Ire got dominated let's be honest

  • @garyoak-q7m
    @garyoak-q7m Год назад +15

    Yes Yes Yes Yes 🙌 Ireland is out😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @karlosdeevs
      @karlosdeevs Год назад

      No No No No -another consecutive exit in the pools hence you forgot. Scotland are nowhere near the bare minimum🤔

    • @sandilemfeka4658
      @sandilemfeka4658 Год назад


    • @wasteoftimehere
      @wasteoftimehere Год назад +1

      I know this guy Gary (gary oak the ireland troll)
      He failed his school exams and was refused entry into college
      He lives alone with his mom in a council house (I won't say where)
      He was bullied in school (which is never nice)
      He is beyond shy (or embarrassed about his looks)and so never had a girlfriend
      The reason why he trolls about Ireland is because the girl he fancied rejected him in school and she was Irish
      Scorn not Gary's Simplicity but rather try to love him all the more
      As a troll,he is ineffective as he lacks wit (he said Scotland would demolish Ireland proving that the poor chap knows nothing about sport)
      His mother was in tears recently telling me how he refuses to leave his room or get offline (the only time he leaves the house is to collect his dole and buy chips and coke)

  • @bernieflynn4803
    @bernieflynn4803 Год назад +3

    Knock out rugby is just different.
    In 99 we in Nz were just like the Irish today - best team in the world, beaten everybody and expected to beat anybody.
    Took us 12 more years to work it out and have a team capable enough to win it.

    @JOATMOFA Год назад +4

    RWC rankings .... means *F-ALL* !!!

    • @kerrylass2
      @kerrylass2 Год назад

      In fairness the irish players themselves have always dismissed the world ranking system as have many other players .

  • @BigBoyGames-ke1hq
    @BigBoyGames-ke1hq Год назад +4

    Ireland got bullied at the breakdown, Ireland aint used to that and therefore were playing re-active rugby as opposed to pro-active rugby..You got done by a better team, not that Ireland let themselves down. Get over it, you bottled it....time to pack your bags !!!

  • @Mikel-hc7fe
    @Mikel-hc7fe Год назад +4

    History always repeats itself,,,Ireland is the biggest Chockers since peanut butter,,Southern Hemishpere Rugby rules

  • @janniemeyer9951
    @janniemeyer9951 Год назад +9

    Johny was part of the legacy of previous WC chokers. In the end he is the captain and he took wrong decisions. 39 phases and the formula and well drilled moves did not work. There really was no plan B.

  • @tonyalways7174
    @tonyalways7174 Год назад +5

    NZ once again proved they were the better team when the chips were down.

  • @Gorilladome4664
    @Gorilladome4664 Год назад +3

    Ireland looked exhausted and tired in the second half...the only team to start and or play all starters in pool games....coaching error for sure, and it showed in the second half. Great game, two great teams but Farrell did a poor job managing player load.

  • @konefesa
    @konefesa Год назад +1

    This is heartbroken but the reality is the ABs came to this game with a real game plan, not like the other times. Our kicking game was top-shelf. And the boys have been working hard on it for a while.

  • @aea8753
    @aea8753 Год назад +4

    World number 1 quarter final exiters 🤣

  • @taurangatalk207
    @taurangatalk207 Год назад +11

    The Irish played to the best of their abilities AGAINST the ABs.

  • @jsfasia2007
    @jsfasia2007 Год назад +1

    You guys have been awesome all tournament following Ireland. Your knowledge and love for the game is what I appreciate. AB’s just too defensively strong as phase after phase nearly won Ireland the game. God bless Johnny Sexton❤

  • @MartinBraonain
    @MartinBraonain Год назад +2

    Do you think the fans and media adoration of the team by some outlets was ultimately negative? Did they start to believe that showing up and playing well was good enough? You only have to check the titles on your recent videos to see a dangerous smugness creeping in. One comment made in your conversation was that this was NZ's cup final - well it should have been your cup final as well. You can be sure that the ABs will know they are underdogs against the Boks (if they beat their respective teams) and won't go into the game with it in the bag.

  • @skurkz6084
    @skurkz6084 Год назад +4

    Humble yourself. They choked 14 men for 20mins and you still lost. Irish media annoying as fek this last week so disrespectful eat the pie mate.
    Kudos to Ireland the team not the media. Great team

  • @seanfahy606
    @seanfahy606 Год назад +4

    Its very simple, our arrogance in not taking easy points in the beginning. Kicking for touch constantly with a poor lineout makes no sense. As much as he has given to irish rugby i think Sexton really dropped the ball . Enough about Sexton for christsake, he missed valuable points and made poor decisions, we will be better off with out him. Good luck to him

  • @Lawless2401
    @Lawless2401 Год назад +10

    Chokers 😂 and you overrated the NH sides saying it will be a NH whitewash 😂 SH 2 NH 0 😂 you can't blame the ref the ABs got two cards and you got a penalty try 😂

  • @Darren_S
    @Darren_S Год назад +3

    Ireland was the biggest pain in my ass because of their cocky fans and the permanent smirks on their team's faces. Thank God whe don't have to endure that anymore. 😂

    • @tkf1627
      @tkf1627 Год назад

      "Permanent smirks", how observant you are😂

  • @donalobrien7582
    @donalobrien7582 Год назад +3

    Thank You IRELAND
    For the Incredible Effort at this Years Rugby World Cup.
    Yesterday was one of those Games that could have gone Either Way.
    The Whole set up from ALL Attached to the Crusade was a Mighty EFFORT & More.
    Thank YOU & ONWARDS.

  • @Gumboot_City_NZ
    @Gumboot_City_NZ Год назад +3

    Ireland don't have players of any caliber to replace the current departing and non deserving players that will be leaving. It be hard to rebuild but 4 more years boys!! Maybe New Zealand can send you afew more average Super Rugby players. May the Quarter final curse continue!!

  • @patrickyoung3503
    @patrickyoung3503 Год назад +2

    Congratulations to New Zealand . Ireland played there hearts out . Nobody can tell me that a brake wasn't on right up to the end .It's a pity nobody told the team it was a hand brake that was on . A game worthy of a final .

    @JOATMOFA Год назад +4

    "The Left Wing is coming to the 3Olympia Theatre on Thursday 19th October ahead of the World Cup semis and *with Ireland potentially playing for a World Cup final place* , it promises to be a great night of rugby discussion and banter with Luke Fitzgerald and Will Slattery being joined by Bernard Jackman and Stephen Ferris."

    • @tkf1627
      @tkf1627 Год назад

      "Potentially "

      @JOATMOFA Год назад

      LOL - I'm going out on a limb here and say there is *NO* potential ....

    @BOZENIX Год назад +2

    Guys, admit defeat to a better team. Porter was not scrumming straight, He was told and he continued to do the same thing. Well done AB's.

  • @jzkramer
    @jzkramer Год назад +1

    That was a par for course performance by the ABs when they've put out their best team this year; they are undefeated 5-0. Ireland on the other hand hung tough, which surprised me, I thought a top flight NZ would put them to the sword by more. Credit to Ireland, but the Kiwis showed why, when the pressure is on and the championship is on the line, the best of the best stand up.

  • @lindsayj56
    @lindsayj56 Год назад +7

    The ball definitely wasn't out when Porter took that ball from the ruck with NZ hot on attack, those things evened out.

  • @monwabisihenisi3877
    @monwabisihenisi3877 Год назад +3

    I've watching you guys for months with the arrogance you had about Ireland. Here is the advice for you left wingers, the game is not played on paper

  • @ally9427
    @ally9427 Год назад +3

    My goodness, what a journey! This has been the best World Cup podcast ever. You guys provided the most excellent, level-headed, and tactical analysis of the game. I admire your dedication to Ireland and the fantastic team Andy Farrell has assembled over the years. I learned a lot about the Ireland team and its players, and it is impossible not to fall in love with them given the passion you all have for the team.
    You were gracious in triumph and always respected the opposition. This can only help Ireland grow. Please keep providing us with such excellent coverage of the World Cup. Love from a South African fan.

    • @garyoak-q7m
      @garyoak-q7m Год назад +3

      Bye Bye Ireland 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @karlosdeevs
      @karlosdeevs Год назад

      @@garyoak-q7m You're one to talk, Wain. You guys didn't even get out of the pools for the 2nd straight time, and the 3rd in the last 4 WCs. Enjoy the all too early homecoming, midget. The knockouts are where it's at😜

    • @ianbermingham9047
      @ianbermingham9047 Год назад +2


    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад +1


    • @bertrand727
      @bertrand727 Год назад

      😂 😂

  • @ConradStrauss-g8n
    @ConradStrauss-g8n Год назад +1

    Hard luck boys, was rooting for you guys, chin up my fellow urc rivals, you did your country proud, much love from SA!

  • @MayjahFlavaz69
    @MayjahFlavaz69 Год назад +2

    4 QFs.....4 defeats.....You get judged at World Cups, not the three years before it. Unlucky Ireland.

    • @Lawless2401
      @Lawless2401 Год назад

      I thought it was 8 chokes out of 8

    • @MayjahFlavaz69
      @MayjahFlavaz69 Год назад

      @@Lawless2401 was being nice lmfaoooo

  • @ramondrongonui1024
    @ramondrongonui1024 Год назад +2

    The noise during the HAKA absolutely thundering I didn't expect that in France 🇫🇷. However in South Africa the crowd always let's us know this is there backyard and you suck ! but I think the Irish war cry in response to our challenge was the best I've ever heard, loving it.
    AB fan ❤

    • @naidoo307
      @naidoo307 Год назад

      Cry a big river of hatred u mind must be very tormented and twisted ……….too much outside influence toying with your confidence !😂😂

    • @shanowilliams9851
      @shanowilliams9851 Год назад +1

      agree its awesome tro challenge the haka..ABS would of eaten that up..acknowledging..and challenging the haka..yeha..loved it....

  • @charliebannon5489
    @charliebannon5489 Год назад

    Also, well done The Left Wing. Please keep it going for the URC, the ERC, the 6 Nations etc
    💚🤍🧡 🇮🇪

  • @Lawless2401
    @Lawless2401 Год назад +5

    All im hearing is excuses 😂

  • @arnocilliers5324
    @arnocilliers5324 Год назад +2

    I feel so sorry for the Irish😢 the draw made you play the final last night. S. A . supporter..🇿🇦🇿🇦

  • @gideontladi
    @gideontladi Год назад +1

    IRE can be proud of their performance. I do not feel sorry for them though because I find IRE graceless and lacking sacred honour. So, goodbye.

  • @at7512
    @at7512 Год назад +4

    Saw a statistic.. NZ had 1 player who had played 240 minutes or more and was on the bench.. Ireland had 8 players.. reckon they got their squad rotation wrong and it showed.. some big names appeared a little flat

    • @Tuhoeterra
      @Tuhoeterra Год назад

      True but they had a man advantage for 20 minutes, that has to count for something.

    • @at7512
      @at7512 Год назад +1

      @@Tuhoeterra helped keep them in the game but not enough to win..

  • @SpaceMonkeyGVTV
    @SpaceMonkeyGVTV Год назад +1

    NZ are on another level; it's not only their speed and skills, but they have jackals across the park when it comes to the breakdown.

  • @Killlajulz
    @Killlajulz Год назад +4

    Arrogance well rewarded🤣 Ireland going home to learn how to play with the big boys. Dropped to 3rd in the ranking already (which is probably still a bit too high for what they deserve) the end of tonights games they could be 4th if SA win which is probably where they truly belong

  • @marrsdave
    @marrsdave Год назад +2

    Pity Sexton has the emotional intelligence of a newt. Spoilt an otherwise fantastic game.

  • @wotajoker4802
    @wotajoker4802 Год назад +4

    Useless 😂 waste of number 1 spot

  • @bjornvonduring5967
    @bjornvonduring5967 Год назад +5

    NZ played like this was their final, IRE played as if they were thinking of their final. NZ had a grudge match in them. 14 men for 20 min... Lineouts was a problem again.

  • @thippawanyoolek
    @thippawanyoolek Год назад +2

    🎶and the All Blacks eyes are smiling 🎶