capitalism brainwashed you, sorry (capitalism bad) | stillnotcorry

  • Опубликовано: 26 июл 2024
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Комментарии • 309

  • @danitotd
    @danitotd 2 года назад +146

    As always, excellent video 👏
    It’s important to note something else: the power dynamic between “developed” countries and “developing” countries within Capitalism.
    Here, in Perú, the minimum wage (which most people make, some make even less due to informality) is 1.43€ per hour. Just to put things in perspective: in Lima (Perú’s capital), one gallon of gasoline is 3.44 €. You can rent a room (just a room) at an average of 221€ a month (without taking into consideration the most expensive districts).
    Why am I telling you all of this? So you can understand what one of Perú’s most influential intellects, Carlos Mariátegui, said in the 1930’s: Capitalism needs the existence of countries living in poverty to work. If Capitalism has worked for Western countries, that’s because they were (and still are) able to exploit “developing” countries.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      Take that moment to also say all the people in "developing countries" that most people in what they call "developed country" don't have any privilege over them. Rich need exploitation everywhere

  • @galactic-rose
    @galactic-rose 2 года назад +46

    if prisoners were able to earn minimum wage and save money while stuck in there for years, I'm willing to bet the reoffending rate would go down dramatically. just having a decent amount of money waiting for you so you can get access to housing, food and other basic necessities would prevent a lot of people from going back to crime just because they don't have the means to live otherwise

  • @johndoe4110
    @johndoe4110 2 года назад +215

    I love this video! As a trans guy who's been in psych wards, struggled with legal issues, and been homeless on and off since I was 17, I appreciate that you're speaking on how capitalism affects those of us at the bottom socioeconomically. Most people just view people like me as worthless and I hope with people like you who have a platform speaking up, there can be a cultural shift in the way people treat us and think about us. Amazing video as always!

    • @crashhdoll6606
      @crashhdoll6606 2 года назад +13

      I'm wishing you all the best :// I'm a closetted trans guy and 16 rn. I'm really scared that one day my parents will just stop paying for my education and they very much believe being trans is just a mental disorder so they think trans people can be "fixed" , I'm scared that they'll send me to a coversion therapy. I'm so sorry life has treated you so badly. I hope you have a nice meal later and the next days after that

    • @Fionacle
      @Fionacle 2 года назад +3

      Wishing good things for both of you

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад +2

      I hope you are doing okay now!

    • @dannygibson977
      @dannygibson977 2 года назад +1

      Hey my friend! I went through a really similar experience, sending some love your way 🤟🏼

    • @mistymoooooor
      @mistymoooooor Год назад +1

      @@tomsnowden6201 ???

  • @lazypanda6023
    @lazypanda6023 2 года назад +30

    You're are right 100% and let me just say this has gotten me fired up.
    Just a day ago in English class, we were talking about the Russian Revolution ( we are currently reading a satire of the Russian Revolution) and we were talking about communism and capitalism. While we (me and a couple of other students) were beginning to point out capitalism's flaws, the rest of the class (including the teacher) was quick to say that capitalism may have its flaws but that doesn't mean the whole system is corrupt. (For background I am from America -specifically rural Pennsylvania- and am a high school student)
    One of my friends, who takes the same English class but different period, said that communism had its benefits because everyone is given what they need to survive and was vocally bombarded just for stating communism isn't all bad.
    It must be noted that everyone in these English classes is middle class (or higher) and living comfortably.
    In my school being a socialist or a communist is more frowned upon than being racist or homophobic.
    It amazes me how much middle-class and upper-class Americans worship the capitalistic system as if it doesn't destroy so many lives.
    We value money over our neighbors
    We value money over health
    We value money over family
    We value money over the Earth
    We value money over personality
    We value money over truth
    We value money over morals.
    What is money exactly
    Money is a slip of paper
    Money is a piece of metal shaped and stamped
    Money can also come in the form of land with valuable elements
    Money is what determines if you live or die
    In the end of the day we are all going to die because in the end
    Money will not save you from Global Warming.
    Money will not save you from war
    Money will not save you from anxiety or depression.
    We view money as God and yet it is really the devil in disguise
    Money in the end will fail all of us.
    Money in the end will betray us
    Money will destroy us and if we continue with capitalism we won't be able to stop it.

    • @saint-1466
      @saint-1466 2 года назад

      I can agree with you that capitalism has its flaws, there’s no denial, every form has its pros and cons and every form has its bad blown. But there can’t be any denial that communist countries have committed extreme genocide. The Russians didn’t care when Stalin allowed and supported us Jews being shoved into ovens. Nor do the Chinese care about Muslims currently. The modern CCP is a huge human trafficker in todays age selling young girls practically as young as they get as sex slaves. They fly their flags under the name of communism. As much as certain concepts in theory are great, in practice it doesn’t hold up with
      Larger societies. I would also like to implore with you that most people who make videos about capitalism being bad are in fact benefiting and using capitalism the thumbnail is a major one. If capitalism is so bad why is Cory using it for his own advantage and not telling you guys to use it to your own advantage.

  • @mirthe2908
    @mirthe2908 2 года назад +67

    I had a conversation with a friend who said that ceo's should earn much more because they have the responsibility of the whole company, and I tried to explain to him that that doesn't make sense at all and it angered me. Because people who aren't poor wil never understand how bad it is to live in poverty, it is stressfull en tiring and as a poor person you barely get the oppertunity to earn more money. (Im Dutch btw so sorry for my english haha) Also i love your video's!

    • @tomsnowden6201
      @tomsnowden6201 2 года назад +1

      That is a nice load of bullshit and defeatist attitude if I've ever heard of one..I grew up poor af, didn't like it much so I decided to LEARN and didn't even get my HS degree but rather a GED so that I could WORK to get some money, then I started to LEARN SKILLS to make more money, and just like that no more ramen noodles or bologna sandwiches every day. It's not magic, it's not privilege it's determination and desire, which cost you absolutely nothing and help you gain anything.

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal 2 года назад +7

      @@tomsnowden6201 how does this have anything to do with pulling yourself out of poverty? The point is it is more difficult for a poor person that a rich person. We can have equity, you're just stubborn. There's no way in hell CEOs should make that much money

    • @Klara_S.
      @Klara_S. Год назад +6

      @@passionate_possum_pal no one deserves a billion dollars. Especially not people who exploited others to get it.

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal Год назад +6

      @@Klara_S. I agree. Even in a "ideal" capitalistic society where people are paid based on labor, it's impossible to work a billion dollars worth of money. And especially considering that anyone who does have a billion dollars has worked their way up from.... Their parents money to exploiting all of the poor people who are now stuck in a cycle of poverty if they were already.

    • @Klara_S.
      @Klara_S. Год назад +1

      @@passionate_possum_pal then they villainize socialism like it isn't our best bet out of this shithole country.
      Einstein, Helen Keller, Nikola Tesla, and Martin Luther King Jr are all, *gasp*, SOCIALISTS?!?!?! Yes. The smartest people and the person who pretty much singlehandedly led an extremely racist country toward being less discriminatory (with others like booker t obviously)
      Oh wait wasn't mark twain also socialist or Marxist? Weird.
      I'm not experienced in politics but when Fidel fucking Castro is speaking a million times more reasonably than I've ever heard a capitalist, we might have an issue. I recommend Michael Parenti's speeches. They're great.

  • @superdrwholock
    @superdrwholock 2 года назад +28

    One thing that I find really sad is the 'it is what it is' attitude that so many of us have. Lots of people don't actually like the current system, but they believe they don't have the power to change it or have an impact in any way. Fair enough, it's impossible to change the system on your own if you're not a billionaire or something, but if all of us have this 'it is what it is' attitude then of course things aren't going to change. Another problem is people being too overworked to even want to think about this kind of stuff, they just want to go home and enjoy the little time they have before they have to clock in again. Whenever I try to discuss this with my parents, they always say how they don't want to talk about it and they don't want to waste their leisure time thinking about this sort of stuff, which is fair enough really because they're so exhausted from working and they deserve some time to relax. And I can relate to how they feel sometimes because uni do be hard lol

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад +3

      Really well said, it’s an unfortunate , but very common loop to be stuck in :/

  • @iquestionexistence8730
    @iquestionexistence8730 2 года назад +46

    I've had these sorts of discussions with my cousin about how I'm not a fan of capitalism but he always says 'well when you think of a better system I'll hear you out' lol and he does have a point I guess because I really don't have the solution. I can't think of a way to organize a better system, I worry that I'm just an idealistic teenager

    • @Tranzrights
      @Tranzrights 2 года назад +3

      bro just research alternatives their are a tonne

    • @cowboylikeana
      @cowboylikeana 2 года назад +1

      i got something for ya: communism

    • @stillnotcorry
      @stillnotcorry  2 года назад +62

      you’re a teenager… why would you be able to come up with a better system by yourself? i’d recommend you do some reading on the issues & alternatives. ellen miekskin’s “the origin of capitalism” was really interesting imo.
      ofc you could absolutely start on wikipedia & youtube just to get to grips with the topics, of course you need to be careful to avoid misinformation & propaganda. look for lectures from respected & reliable professors etc!

    • @iquestionexistence8730
      @iquestionexistence8730 2 года назад +17

      @@stillnotcorry Thanks Corry, I'll definitely look in to it more :)

    • @alexcossey7537
      @alexcossey7537 2 года назад +19

      You're not an "idealistic" teenager, you're just acknowledging the shitty economic system you live under. The idea that wanting better for people is idealistic is just a way to keep people complacent

  • @AntoineM1312
    @AntoineM1312 2 года назад +9

    Another reason I can't stand billionaires is how wasteful they are. I once saw a graph comparing the amount of waste produced by the average person vs billionaires and it enraged me. I try to be very environmentally conscious and it can cause a lot of guilt at times but after seeing that graph it made me realize where the real problem lies. Idk why it never occurred to me before that private jets and large mansions produce way more waste than I ever could with my bus pass and small 2 bedroom apartment.

  • @sbadapple3473
    @sbadapple3473 2 года назад +7

    capitalism bad and complicated, rad comrade etc

  • @tara8004
    @tara8004 2 года назад +7

    one of the most difficult things about changing opinion on capitalism are the negative connotations of extremist communism and the default view that: if not capitalism, only communism

  • @mossballus
    @mossballus Год назад +4

    I live in the southern United States and it's scary how a large majority of people here think that punishment should be a much bigger part of a prisoners experience than rehabilitation. A lot of people think that the rehabilitation part should be done away with completely. I don't understand it it's wacky

  • @deadlymelody27
    @deadlymelody27 2 года назад +13

    🤣 reminds me of my comment on sci guys "capitalism bad"
    I agree, capitalism bad

  • @jlbeeen
    @jlbeeen 2 года назад +4

    I have an invisible disability, and some days are worse than others, so I'm glad that my family can support me as I've been taking my degree much longer so I can get a job where I don't have to worry about access barriers. It's really hard when people take away important things just because they want more money. Like benches, public water fountains, clean washrooms, seating in malls, etc. A lot of those were removed or limited due to social distancing, which, I stayed home anyway, but now that restrictions are being lifted, a lot of those still aren't back. Another big issue in my area is the police destroying tent kitchens and volunteer made shelters. We have people being evicted due to renovation costs to turn affordable housing into luxury housing, people living in tents covered in snow, and you have to have an address to get a job, healthcare, and other important services like wellfare and CERB (money for those laid off due to the pandemic). It doesn't make any sense, you can't always sell to the highest bidder, or else everyone will be outbid by people who already have more. Especially when disability benefits are less than half of what the government says is minimum living wage...

  • @deadlymelody27
    @deadlymelody27 2 года назад +7

    So i legitimately had an argument with someone.... on a leftist page/group on Facebook, and they were saying that prison isn't slavery (i was talking about american ones because despite being british i know more about the american prison industrial complex than our own) and he said "well we legally dont have to pay them so its good we pay them anything. Also they can choose not to work in prison" 🙃🙃🙃 he then said because i cared about the america prison system, that i must not care about actual slavery happening in africa and the middle east (he listed some countries, i dont remember which). Like.... i feel like that was the biggest strawman ever.
    I literally dont understand people who think like that.

    • @SusanOnTVShows
      @SusanOnTVShows 2 года назад

      Ummm, your friend knows that slivery used to be legal too, right?

    • @deadlymelody27
      @deadlymelody27 2 года назад +1

      @Susan Stanko ohhhh not my friend at all. Yeah all of that was discussed. Literally it was clearly someone masquerading as left wing to then have arguments..... or a liberal...

    • @SusanOnTVShows
      @SusanOnTVShows 2 года назад

      @@deadlymelody27 Ahhh

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +1

      Your friend be like, not slavery, it's good for me!

  • @cowboylikeana
    @cowboylikeana 2 года назад +9

    i’m a rad comrade ‼️

  • @SusanOnTVShows
    @SusanOnTVShows 2 года назад +4

    I had a convo on reddit about the Canada convoy and they literally said that we should capitulate to a minority because they were blocking the supply chain because "The economy affects lives too".

  • @lu-cp8co
    @lu-cp8co 2 года назад +6

    i’m a rad comrade

  • @xRiriRebel
    @xRiriRebel 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for speaking up about all of this, and doing it in exactly the way you did! Staying super calm and neutral and emotionless while talking about such things has been so normalized and rewarded (while, sadly, in turn, being emotional about anything, even - or especially - if it's really important and/or affects you personally, has such a history of being looked down upon, being used against the person speaking out, etc, especially with marginalized groups) that it's really refreshing to see someone legitimately and unabashedly pissed off at the system, as we all should be.

    • @caterpillarkaty
      @caterpillarkaty Год назад

      This this, a thousand times this! He says it all so well. I struggle so much to remain calm when trying to explain to people why capitalism bad. And I know that really undermines my stance but I get so frustrated and exhausted fr. Thinking about how the system works makes me physically ill, how do people stomach trying to defend it?? You make a really good point about how being passionate is seen as a bad thing. Honestly I just need to send people to his channel and say listen to calm handsome man explain to you why YOU should be outraged bc even middle class folks are suffering in this system. If few rule the world then many will suffer.

  • @MrsLia-em7nr
    @MrsLia-em7nr 2 года назад +9

    Thank you Corry for your vids!! I'm a t girl and I've been struggling with my life and also with my non-accepting parents. Your videos always make me smile, laugh and help me get through the day. Your opinions and views also are so entertaining and interesting to watch. They always keep me from thinking dark thoughts or worrying about my problems. Tysm and stay healthy Corry 💞🥺

    • @anonymousarmadillo9800
      @anonymousarmadillo9800 2 года назад +2

      I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, that sucks. I really hope things will get better for you in the future, good luck with everything 💕

    • @tomsnowden6201
      @tomsnowden6201 2 года назад

      Your non-accepting parents? Sounds like you live at home, in which case, sounds like they accept you. Otherwise they'd throw your ass out. And if they did they good, wouldn't you want them out of your life anyway? You kids being taught that not growing up is an option is the damaging part in all this.

    • @Abekiel
      @Abekiel Год назад

      @@tomsnowden6201 you know what you said is kinda illegal

    • @tomsnowden6201
      @tomsnowden6201 Год назад

      @@Abekiel You think that stops most people who abandon their kids?

  • @phoenixfeathers2914
    @phoenixfeathers2914 2 года назад +3

    Capitalism bad. I'm a rad comrade!

  • @hungrytroodontid
    @hungrytroodontid 10 месяцев назад

    That’s why I want to leave WalMart.
    One of my Maintenance teammates died at work at the start of a shift. I’m the only Maintenance taht stayed (because I start a lill later than the rest of the team). And I wasn’t told until after that brutal shift that I (and everybody else) actually was allowed to go home. But management kept quiet because ✨profit✨.
    Apparently, when a coworker realised the guy wasn’t breathing, management forbade anyone from giving him CPR, saying that if any associate touches him, they will be automatically fired. Instead, they called over customers to preform CPR until the emergency medics showed up. A lot of coworkers couldn’t help but wonder if he would still be alive if people noticed sooner or could have helped.
    Also during that, my coworkers and I were initially told he still had a heartbeat when he was rushed to the hospital. When I received a text telling me he was dead, management told me I had to keep it a secret.
    This happened a month and a half ago, but it’s still messing with my brain.

  • @alyx2781
    @alyx2781 2 года назад +8

    The argument to move somewhere else is actually debunked entirely not just around the sentiment that things should improve where I’m at but also because capitalism and the US have hegemony over the whole world, and they have a foot in every market across the globe. It’s essentially world domination achieved. Moving somewhere else will not solve the issue that capitalism has created for you because you will likely still suffer from the system in one way or another no matter where you live.

    • @alyx2781
      @alyx2781 2 года назад

      I love your commentary. you are so passionate, articulate, and intellectual. Thank you for sharing!

    • @mistymoooooor
      @mistymoooooor Год назад +1

      @@alyx2781 lmao did you mean to switch accounts or what

    • @dark_attribute
      @dark_attribute Год назад +1

      @@mistymoooooor i think they were adding onto their comment and complimenting corry

    • @mistymoooooor
      @mistymoooooor Год назад +1

      @@dark_attribute Ohhh

  • @Theyfwbailey
    @Theyfwbailey 2 года назад +1

    I just watched a video on the prisoner thingy!!! Ppl are trying to do things abt it, by getting rid of private prisons, but they’re failing, bc the owners of them find new loopholes

  • @bruce8443
    @bruce8443 2 года назад +3

    Thanks, Corry. Let's have more videos on topics related to this one. Also, you might consider seeing which of your friends would agree with you enough that you could do a discussion or interview or dialogue with one or another of them, to flesh out these ideas. I think that would be helpful.

  • @rebelkallus
    @rebelkallus 2 года назад +9

    capitalism bad

  • @roniemacaroni864
    @roniemacaroni864 2 года назад +3

    Wait so ppl have enough money to put benches up all over the country but not enough to set up homes for the homeless

  • @DillonExner
    @DillonExner 2 года назад +1

    The irony of getting ads in this.
    “If there are any issues with this, please contact THE BATMAN!”

  • @reloreo2899
    @reloreo2899 2 года назад +9

    This point is made very apparent when looking at the American healthcare system. Capitalism has made American healthcare workers sacrifice their well-being and lives for the good of the companies they work for. Our compassion and caregiving nature is used to guilt us into working in unsafe conditions and putting our jobs ahead of our well-being and our families. I lost two coworkers to suicide last year and their deaths were directly related to the stress and trauma they endured working in the covid units. The management at our hospital responded by sending us a chaplain for a few days and reminded us we had one free therapy session though their employee "assistance" program. They treated both deaths as outlier occurrences that had nothing to do with our work conditions.

    • @mistymoooooor
      @mistymoooooor Год назад

      that is horrifying oh my god i can't believe that this is what you and your coworkers have to go through, and it's disgusting that our healthcare system has become this

  • @Aspensauce64
    @Aspensauce64 Год назад +1

    2:48 it’s genuinely appealing how instead of trying to solve the route causes of homelessness governments just go “out of sight out of mind”

  • @e_xxtm
    @e_xxtm 2 года назад +3

    im a rad comrade

  • @Colbones7
    @Colbones7 Год назад +1

    I agree with everything you’ve said other than the capitalist system is broken. It’s not broken, it’s working fully as intended, and that’s the problem

  • @strangerscience3659
    @strangerscience3659 2 года назад +1

    Ireland I think in my opinion is a country where every generation think they have to work in one job and that it's so hard to have a creative job something which more risk than other . We are a country that works until we die the leaving cert is live or die , college is live or die . Yet I've a friend who is going against those things and it's succeeding.

  • @p_b2000
    @p_b2000 2 года назад +1

    The fact that prisoners in the US can work in jobs (like firefighting) while in prison but can't work in that same career after they get out is so bizarre

  • @samharrington641
    @samharrington641 Год назад +1

    What’s the alternative?

  • @datfatrat7135
    @datfatrat7135 2 года назад +5

    Capitalism complicated. I think it is bad and generally keeps lower class people from ever moving up and that is bad but also I don’t think capitalism will go away for a very long time so the government should provide free healthcare or at least give some options for cheaper healthcare for poorer people, the same for education to change that aspect of capitalism

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад +1

      On the education front, while I agree that the current college system in the US, for example, needs to be seriously more affordable, another consideration is that not all important jobs require traditional education. For example, we need people to be mechanics, plumbers, and electricians, and we also need people to make food, care for children, and transport people and goods from one place to another. These are all very important jobs that need to be done and don’t require a lot of formal education, but the issue is that they are undervalued and under appreciated. So in my opinion, the goal shouldn’t be to “increase the value” of individuals by them getting a 4-year degree, the goal should be to “increase the value” of what are currently considered lower/ middle class jobs so that all people in society can live a decently comfortable life, regardless of their level of education.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      @@coralovesnature And why would we do those knowing we will get underpaid ans overworked to the point of not being able to work anymore? Who wins?

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 my whole point is that people who do those jobs are currently being exploited and that’s not right. My point is that people who do anything that enriches society should feel appreciated and valued and at the least have their basic needs met without having to majorly stress about finances.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      @@coralovesnature So no capitalism

  • @scoopsd1221
    @scoopsd1221 2 года назад

    are you gonna restock your merch? I wanted some for my birthday but we just missed it

    • @stillnotcorry
      @stillnotcorry  2 года назад +3

      probably not! but there may be a new design dropping soon!

  • @nicothenecromancer
    @nicothenecromancer 2 года назад +4

    Your friendly neighbourhood ancom abolitionist and liberation homeless person reporting that I completely agree, capitalism bad indeed

  • @strangerscience3659
    @strangerscience3659 2 года назад +2

    People think that homeless people are homeless from bad reasons either their faking and their just con artists or they were drug users . Though rent is high everywhere towns are expanding into cheaper villages making their house prices rise and people's mental health has a price to fix . And surprise surprise alot of people's parents / grandparents we're not smart with money in the Celtic tiger so they were born poor .

    • @strangerscience3659
      @strangerscience3659 2 года назад

      Also I'm not mentioning council houses since I don't know enough about the system

  • @datfatrat7135
    @datfatrat7135 2 года назад

    Ur points about prison are really good I’d never really thought about that before

  • @dandelionmel
    @dandelionmel Год назад

    I’ve got the book Sedated by James Davis on my current to read pile. I’m looking forward to getting into it

  • @dannygibson977
    @dannygibson977 2 года назад +2

    This is why I can’t see myself moving up in capitalism, and why I continue to work at the bottom of the capitalism food chain to survive. I refuse to put myself in a situation where my JOB is to send an email that insensitive to death and to enforce an ideology that flawed.

    • @TJ-rf3my
      @TJ-rf3my 2 года назад

      You don’t have to be that guy who sends that email. Why would you hold yourself back just because one person sent a crappy email.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +1

      @@TJ-rf3my because if you go up you are issue. Especially if you think you're helpful why underpaying people

    • @TJ-rf3my
      @TJ-rf3my 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 if that is truly your opinion I assume you have your own business?

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +1

      @@TJ-rf3my no I got trained and having a brain I could visibly see that you cannot succeed in capitalism without abusing everyone around you. So I obviously don't and just starve

    • @TJ-rf3my
      @TJ-rf3my 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 so you have zero income then?

  • @craigcoupe4728
    @craigcoupe4728 2 года назад +2

    Capitalism is the best option as long as it’s not completely unrestricted capitalism. Yes, there’s bad employers out there and I feel certain loopholes should be closed but a well regulated capitalist society is the best option we have. Without capitalism we wouldn’t have the easy access to the products we consume because they’d be no motivation to mass produce or mass supply things. Meaning food, gas and electricity wouldn’t be as easily available as it is now.

    • @stillnotcorry
      @stillnotcorry  2 года назад +2

      Is it possible to reach a point where we don’t have exploitation in capitalism?
      It’s been around for about 300 years and we still have sweatshops, forced labour, dangerous work environments, poverty, and an incredibly poor distribution of resources.

    • @craigcoupe4728
      @craigcoupe4728 2 года назад +1

      @@stillnotcorryOh yeah, corruption and exploitation didn't exist before 300 years ago. Every system will have some form of corruption or exploitation, humans are flawed and you'll get some people that will take advantage of any system that's in place. Capitalism has allowed for more people to live a meaningful life than what we would have in any other form of society. The world's population grew immensely during the industrial revolution because it allowed for mass production in the food industry. I'm definitely not saying capitalism is perfect but it's the best option we have.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      That is a part of capitalist propaganda people work more when not forced. Because they can actually work unlike in that system where you get more if you do less

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal 2 года назад

      @@craigcoupe4728 no it's not. It's something that was effective for a period of time, but now it's led to almost irreversible damage to the planet and endless exploitation of the land and the people. It needs to go, and it needs to go soon

  • @rosegriffin2038
    @rosegriffin2038 2 месяца назад

    many of things he says in all the videos where he even mentions the U.S, is a reason i am GOING to move to another country once i do some research on which country to move to

  • @cronchybo
    @cronchybo Год назад

    capitalism bad but also complicated.
    it definitely worked at the beginning and it does have some pros, like a lot of options for products, but it definitely isn't good today.

  • @patmccarthy7907
    @patmccarthy7907 2 года назад

    wonder if theyre corry, or mayhap a tory

  • @ello_5297
    @ello_5297 2 года назад +1

    I'm a rad comrade

  • @jackdonahue8961
    @jackdonahue8961 2 года назад +1

    Capitalism complicated

  • @Doleryn
    @Doleryn 2 года назад +2

    Yes, thank you for this video.

  • @jochenknochen69
    @jochenknochen69 Год назад

    i found this by searching “capitalism bad” and i was not disappointed

  • @Jglabel262
    @Jglabel262 Год назад +1

    Free market Capitalism is the best. Only government intervening in the market turning it into corporatism and causing less free market capitalism which is hurting people.
    It’s government intervention that’s the problem.

    • @cronchybo
      @cronchybo Год назад

      do you count regulations, like environmental and workers rights, as "government intervention"?

  • @szaahhh
    @szaahhh 2 года назад

    Whoa some radical views there Corry *sarcasm*. Brilliant video, totally agree.

  • @nathaliecarluccio7559
    @nathaliecarluccio7559 Год назад

    Yes and powerty is a trigger for the young to go to the military because they will get the food they needed, so why change it!?! This world is just disgusting!

  • @Carrotcake_52
    @Carrotcake_52 Год назад

    I'ma rad comrade
    Ya I read the description 💪💪

  • @Mdb19
    @Mdb19 2 года назад +1

    Marx and Foucault are typing…….

  • @QuirkyCubane
    @QuirkyCubane 2 года назад +3

    Amazing video. Really got me questioning some of my ingrained beliefs. Thank you for also giving me the language and concepts I needed to clarify in my head why capitalism is a bit cringe.

  • @ratk1ng.0
    @ratk1ng.0 2 года назад

    Capitalism void of sadness

  • @coralovesnature
    @coralovesnature 2 года назад

    I agree capitalism as it currently stands is bad. I think hypothetically a very reformed way of capitalism or a system which has some capitalistic features, but doesn’t look like too much like our current system could potentially be pretty good.
    My critique of the economic shutdown issue, is that it actually impacts the people who already the worst off the most. For example, if you are already living paycheck to paycheck, then your job no longer exists due to shutdown, and you don’t have access to any government safety net, you now have no money and will become homeless. Granted, I think for this exact reason we should have safety nets and people should have access to a baseline of basic things that humans need to survive; however, we don’t exactly have that right now and what we hypothetically should have doesn’t help people in in this situation irl right now. I just think we focus too much on the rich investor’s stock value decreasing, when the real issue is that the millions of people who are already being exploited by the rich investor now may not have access to the basic things they need to survive anymore.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      No matter how much you reform it it always gets that bad. It's the natural state of capitalism. As someone who is terribly poor. You don't refuse reform for us, just for you

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 actually, I am perfectly comfortable with the idea of a different economic system, I hold no particular love for capitalism, lol. But I’m also a realist and living in the US, I feel that a completely different system will simply not happen any time soon, especially not in my lifetime (barring some cataclysmic event). I would love to live in some Star Trekkian type system, but the chances of that actually happening worldwide are so extremely minute that it’s basically zero. “Expect the least and you’ll never be disappointed,” as they say.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      @@coralovesnature You're not suppose to expect but to actively work on it

    • @coralovesnature
      @coralovesnature 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 that’s good and well, but that’s literally what I suggested in my original post to which you basically replied, that’s not good enough, all or nothing. This is why us on the left aren’t making any meaningful progress, because we are too busy in fighting and splitting hairs about specifics, and true believers want all or nothing even though any directional progress is helpful and good for the overall mission. If our coalition was half as united as the right is, we’d be so much further along.

  • @Fern_Tull
    @Fern_Tull 2 года назад

    capitalism complicated

  • @tedthepumpkin8805
    @tedthepumpkin8805 2 года назад +3

    Capitalism awful. Marxist communism good!

  • @jackalope03
    @jackalope03 2 года назад +1

    video good, capitalism bad.

  • @theocanavan651
    @theocanavan651 2 года назад +1

    Capitalism B*A*D*

  • @pocketsizedcg
    @pocketsizedcg 2 года назад

    This! Yes! 👏🏼

  • @Abigael_Zed
    @Abigael_Zed 2 года назад +2

    Well stated, well explained! Thank you!

  • @jacksy3693
    @jacksy3693 Год назад +1

    Capitalism bad capitalism very very very very bad

  • @caliowiel
    @caliowiel 2 года назад

    i think capitalism is bad and alsi very complicated lol good video

  • @nanatoto5994
    @nanatoto5994 2 года назад

    Where is the conservative smash or pass vid?

  • @3v1l73ddy
    @3v1l73ddy Год назад +1

    This is why Universal Basic Income should be a thing across the board. I currently live on disability pension because I can't work and I'm desperately fighting that disability to make a YT channel in the hopes of getting some sort of income outside the pension because the pension could be taken away at any time and YT feels like the only thing I could even tangentially do. And YT is not a good plan b to get out of this issue. I am so stressed all the time and capitalist pressure does not remotely help. And I'm in a fucking privileged situation compared to so many, most even, cause I was lucky enough to get disability pension and am lucky enough to have a mother who won't kick me out of the house. I'd be dead if not for the string of lucky circumstances that have kept me alive. Having enough money to live shouldn't be down to luck...

  • @onyxbones2525
    @onyxbones2525 2 года назад


    @GFRNEWS 2 месяца назад

    Capitalism rewards the smart. Homeless people are homeless for a reason - they aren't smart. Black people going to prison has nothing to do with capitalism. Billionaires are billions for a reason as well. Capitalism is the only system that takes into account the human nature.

  • @AmeliaBAAA
    @AmeliaBAAA 2 года назад +1

    Capitalism bad

  • @orionblue98
    @orionblue98 2 года назад +1

    Captitilism bad

  • @Aima952
    @Aima952 2 года назад +1

    It's definitely 'capitalism complicated'. I'd like a better system but also don't know of any alternatives that don't require taking everyone's standard of living down to that of the current bottom 20%'s

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +1

      Lol correction you are afraid to live like the middle class even tho it would make most people's life easier

  • @zakbrand7354
    @zakbrand7354 2 года назад +2

    Capitalism is complicated there's pros and cons

  • @pokemonfanthings4444
    @pokemonfanthings4444 2 года назад

    Capitalism = not the best system but not the worst

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +2

      Arguable. I don't know any other system that make people so unhappy, always gets unlivable and encourage selfishness

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal 2 года назад

      Capitalism is a tool that was useful for some time but due to the progression of society and the fact that it does give so much power to rich people so inevitably rich people will be the only ones profiting from a capitalist society, the only ones that are guaranteed to have the government work in their interests, it's a tool that is outlived its use.

  • @certainlysomethinggrass
    @certainlysomethinggrass 2 года назад +1

    capitalism bad :[

  • @Tranzrights
    @Tranzrights 2 года назад +1


  • @levibruh1139
    @levibruh1139 2 года назад

    Capitalism bad, but socialism worse

    • @tedthepumpkin8805
      @tedthepumpkin8805 2 года назад +1


    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      🤣🤣🤣 socialism is capitalist idiot

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal 2 года назад

      Workers owning the means of production is somehow worse than people who directly profit off of others labor just by owning the means of production?

  • @Jglabel262
    @Jglabel262 Год назад

    Read some mesis , Friedman, Hayek and you’ll realize why capitalism is the best system known to man to help people.

  • @samharrington641
    @samharrington641 Год назад +1

    How are you so blind?

  • @tomsnowden6201
    @tomsnowden6201 2 года назад +1

    This guy Immediately engages in capitalism, but his argument is that we need to engage in capitalism to survive. LMFAO there are so many examples as to why that's false that it's almost insulting to have to point them out. He's so ignorant that I can't get enough, he's confidently ignorant in fact which is my favorite kind of ignorance. I doubt very much that he'd give half of his merch sales to homeless people, hell not even 1/4..Also homeless people in general bring with them lots of drug use and crime to fix their drug habits. It's not on society to fix these broken people, it's not up to us to babysit adults unless they prove they need looking after in which case you have prison..But until you little privileged kids experience the downsides of having homeless people in your community you'll never know. You'll never help, you'll only criticize from the safety of your middle class neighborhood.

    • @stillnotcorry
      @stillnotcorry  2 года назад +8

      the idea that capitalism is coercive and engaging in the market is essentially a necessity for survival in a capitalist system isn’t something you can just write off as “false”. my opinions don’t come from ignorance, the more i learned about capitalism & how it originated & functions, the less i agreed with it.
      not that it matters, (briefly explained why in the video) but we actually donate a portion of the profits from the merch to charity. i would happily donate more, but as i said in the video - the money from the merch goes to my food and rent & the margins aren’t huge.
      you’re making a ton of assumptions here… y’know I actually grew up in a city with some pretty serious drug problems - i’m aware that addiction is something that we shouldn’t just leave people to their own devices to deal with & prison (as it exists today) isn’t terribly conducive to creating a society with lower crime rates. could i be doing more? almost definitely, but that applies to everyone that isn’t devoting their entire lives to every cause they believe in. i try to help where i can & don’t exactly expect more from anyone else.

    • @tomsnowden6201
      @tomsnowden6201 2 года назад

      @@stillnotcorry Engaging in the market is not "essentially a necessity for survival" Plenty of people get out of the system or survive just fine not being born into it. You just want the toys and privileges that come a long with it because taking care of your own food is less fun (and is a hell of a lot harder) than complaining on twitter and youtube for some good ol' fuckin' money.
      Could you maybe at least sell something that isn't a t-shirt? Like every single youtuber who's trying to make money does? And don't grandstand about donating to charity, do you really? Like every single person who runs any kind of business? That's so noble, what percentage goes to which charity? How much did you guys donate to charity out of what you took in say in February? Since you're so anti-capitalist you shouldn't have a problem being transparent in this matter.

    • @notcorry
      @notcorry 2 года назад +4

      @@tomsnowden6201 Right... You need to engage in the market to reasonably be able to disengage and live off-grid. Even then, it's not terribly easy because the system makes it difficult. In the UK for example, you'd be hard pressed to live on land that you don't own. Not to mention how you'd be able to learn how to live off grid without engaging with the market. You can't honestly say that choosing to disengage from the market is actually a feasible option for most people. I need glasses to see, for example, how can I reasonably accommodate that without engaging in the market? What if I get ill? How do I pay for medication in England? Even if I could - it's not exactly possible for a significant number of people to do it... I genuinely don't think you really understand what I'm talking about here...
      I would grow a ton of my own food if I had the garden space to do so - we grew food when I had a garden, but I don't have one anymore. I think you vastly overestimate the money I make from posting on RUclips.
      I do make things that aren't t-shirts... I mostly sell hats hahaha. I also don't really think you can compare the clothes I sell to your standard RUclipsr trying to make money, given that I sell them with a relatively small margin & only ever sell designs that I want to wear myself lol. I'm not grandstanding; you made a comment about me not giving away profits of my merch to those that might benefit from it & so I told you that I do in fact give away some of the profits. How is it grandstanding to respond to a baseless accusation with a very simple fact? I'm not making a big deal of it, you're just wrong about your assumption lol. Now that you've found out you're wrong, you're saying that it actually doesn't matter that we give money to charity - which I've actually already said. So yes. I agree. I'll repeat: it doesn't matter that we give money to charity, but you were wrong when you implied we wouldn't. Please point to the part of my comment where I even remotely imply I'm doing something noble lol.
      The last donation was made in October. It was £520. It went to Mermaids. You can find all of this information on my Twitter because I don't need to be prompted to be transparent about donations hahaha.
      Before you get your knickers in a twist, we don't donate monthly because we're a small business so it makes more sense to do it annually (or when we hit a certain threshold). The exact percentage donated varies between items, but the range is usually somewhere between 5-15%. These percentages (along with the specific charity) are usually available on each product page. I removed them just before the previous drop as the business was slightly restructured (I now work directly in the LLP rather than work outside of it) and so the specifics of the donations had to be streamlined. Money is still being set aside, but I've yet to decide on a new charity & I don't want to include potentially incorrect information on the product pages as it may influence someones decision on whether or not to buy the item.
      Again, you're making baseless assumptions because you disagree with me on capitalism. Instead of deflecting and accusing, why not actually engage & try to understand why we disagree? Right now it seems like you're denigrating me to validate the difference of opinion, but literally every assumption you've made has been wrong.

    • @tomsnowden6201
      @tomsnowden6201 2 года назад

      @@notcorry No way I'm reading all that. I just had to get to the first part of you rationalizing your gleeful participation in something you pretend to despise..."oh but my glasses and medication"..Good thing you live here and now then eh? And at the end here I see you say you haven't decided on a charity to donate your whole 15% to, so you're just gonna sit on that for awhile eh? And yes I will denigrate anybody who whines about the system as they try to suckle a little more from the tit. You couldn't at least sell something original? T-shirts? You think we need more youtuber t-shirts? You are what you claim to hate, that's the truth of the matter and your novel of rationalizations that I read 15% of proves that fact...Good luck finding a charity, I'm sure it's very very hard.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад

      We'd do it it wasn't a suicide

  • @reemibrahim8687
    @reemibrahim8687 2 года назад +1

    The freer the market, the freer the people 💛💛

    • @superdrwholock
      @superdrwholock 2 года назад +25

      Yes we are free to starve if we can't work for whatever reason or if we're on a wage that we can't support ourselves on while billionaires pump carbon in to the atmosphere and use child laborers to maximize profit 💛💛

    • @nikkialkema1032
      @nikkialkema1032 2 года назад +2

      @@superdrwholock yeah love that

    • @SusanOnTVShows
      @SusanOnTVShows 2 года назад +3

      You might want to learn history before making such a stupid comment Reem.

    • @reemibrahim8687
      @reemibrahim8687 2 года назад

      Solitaire loool I was state school educated and used to work for £5.35 an hour, you don’t know my life!

    • @reemibrahim8687
      @reemibrahim8687 2 года назад

      Solitaire 😂 ffs it was a part time job to get through school, I was there for 3 years (not that it’s any or your business). Instead of trying to attack who I am or what I’ve experienced, criticise the ideas I’ve put forward. If you attack my character or my life, I’m just going to assume you have no arguments!

  • @juniorqindes8335
    @juniorqindes8335 2 года назад +1

    Channel is homophobic.

    • @draalttom844
      @draalttom844 2 года назад +1


    • @juniorqindes8335
      @juniorqindes8335 2 года назад

      @@draalttom844 aren’t you the guy I helped? You know, the one who immediately twisted my words and accused me of picking a fight for trying to make your point clearer? I wasn’t even rewording. I asked and then said “if that’s the case you should have done this, it works better for you for this reason.” You clearly have no intention on an actual conversation. You dropped the whole thing and made accusations. I didn’t accuse you of anything or insult you. You did. But yes, I was clearly the one picking a fight

    • @passionate_possum_pal
      @passionate_possum_pal 2 года назад

      Um how

    • @juniorqindes8335
      @juniorqindes8335 2 года назад

      @@passionate_possum_pal because he’s telling gay people what beliefs they can hold. Telling someone how they should be based on their sexuality is homophobic.

  • @reemibrahim8687
    @reemibrahim8687 2 года назад +2


    • @penguin_boy_
      @penguin_boy_ 2 года назад +6

      please explain why

    • @johndoe4110
      @johndoe4110 2 года назад +4

      Did you even listen to the video? Lmfao

  • @MrNathanieljd
    @MrNathanieljd 2 года назад

    Wow... Not for sure why i was recommended this. I hope you can get your life sorted out a bit man. Quit doing the gay thing, find yourself a respectable woman, have yourself children, give your life meaning, focus on your inner circle of friends and family as apposed to trying to comprehend how to fix civilizations as a whole and spread an honorable way of life to your next generation. If more people would do this society would sort itself out quite a bit. Life is not fair or equitable no matter what ideology you are living under.... Or you can continue down your current path of trying to push degeneracy and equity for a small group of people that wish to see populations divided, conquered , and enslaved. This isn't about capitalism. Its about good and evil. And before you assume.. I am not racist. A communist is a communist no matter what they look like. In the end their blood is all the same color when it is spilt by the population they inevitably destroy.

    • @nicothenecromancer
      @nicothenecromancer 2 года назад +13

      Damn dude I think you need to take a moment and wonder why you care so much, might do you some good /genuine

    • @MrNathanieljd
      @MrNathanieljd 2 года назад +1

      I care because my children have to live in the world I leave them. It would probably be pretty hard for someone without that responsibility to understand. ahem... Quinn the Queer....

    • @joy7367
      @joy7367 2 года назад +14

      you're contradicting yourself... on the one hand you say that one should focus on their own inner circle and care about the way they live their own life rather than trying to change people as a whole in society, but then you go on to tell corry (who i'm pretty sure isn't included in your direct circle) how to live his life?
      why do you care if people are gay? you claim this is "about good and evil". how can loving someone be evil? "doing the gay thing" doesn't hurt anyone so in what regard is that evil?
      exploiting others for profit on the other hand....

    • @SusanOnTVShows
      @SusanOnTVShows 2 года назад +3

      @@MrNathanieljd Wow! You seriously are equating being gay with communism? Bet you can't even define either of those terms Let alone socialism. Know be a good troll and fuck off and improve your life and those in your inner circle and get off the internet. Since you obviously don't care about anyone outside your cave.

    • @MrNathanieljd
      @MrNathanieljd 2 года назад +1

      In all honesty I think I responded because I was surprised it was recommended to me. I think it is knowing that in a few years my kids will have to see these type of videos and I hope by focusing on my family I will have made them strong enough to see past the noise and lies and weaponized compassion. Younger people are pretty susceptible to being told that life should be fair for everyone, even if they didn't do anything to deserve what they have. But, hey man, just because I am focused on my inner circle doesn't mean I can't try to show lost people a little bit of direction when they pass by me in life. It's not like I'm screaming my views through a megaphone and vilifying anyone who opposes them as evil like Corry does. I don't think Corry is evil. I don't think gay is evil. I think the people using Corry and any other gullible mind to further their destructive, regressive agenda are the evil.

  • @foreverAGandmore
    @foreverAGandmore 2 года назад +5

    capitalism bad

  • @noahuisman8848
    @noahuisman8848 Год назад

    i’m a rad comrade

  • @TheLizardKing140
    @TheLizardKing140 2 года назад

    Capitalism complicated

  • @nikkialkema1032
    @nikkialkema1032 2 года назад +5

    capitalism bad

  • @nightburststudios2142
    @nightburststudios2142 2 года назад

    Capitalism complicated

  • @Tranzrights
    @Tranzrights 2 года назад +8

    capitalism bad

  • @mailyak442
    @mailyak442 2 года назад +1

    capitalism bad

  • @charliethesock7960
    @charliethesock7960 2 года назад +1

    capitalism bad