If you go down to the woods today...........!

  • Опубликовано: 11 мар 2022
  • A scene from 'Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of The Fourth Reich'.
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Комментарии • 85

  • @goontroopz9047
    @goontroopz9047 2 года назад +4

    Something's stirring mate - and though I can't see the woodz for the trees, I sense battle-hardened Goonz are responsible for that discharge at 0:05 and will show themselves in the end. Seano's got previous Goon-form of course; it's hard now to think of him butchering troopz in the WW1 trenches as Young Jones, but this is a different baw game. The lad still looks match-fit though and his Peaky-Boy wing man is defo fit for purpose. Naturally I fkn love the opposition's early showing - not least the sharp as f**k Hauptsturmführer and the big Goon grunts muscling in with heavy MG. Awwwmate. The SMG's death rattle, the claret spray and thud of cratering impacts; those first Goonz die like troopers - esp the bullet-spun centre forward at 0:50 and Ugh! 0:59 KO'd by a vicious load. Los! Los! los!! 1:03 makes all the right noises and leaves a lurid discharge and It's ace to hear the bassline beat, and see the Goonz' big gun throbbing in the capable hands of those top-troops at 1:05 (and full-frontal at 1:07). I feel it most for 1:15 thus far as he chests one and buckles (and is that Slacko's cuz with the chevrons moving in at his rear? lol) and that's a cracking result from Peaky-Boy's full toss at 1:21. Scally lad defo catches the eye loosing off the heavy stuff at 1:24 and it's ace to glimpse the Goon Rifles on the job at 1:49. It's exceptionally hard to take Seano's brutal 1:55 handling of that crack Goon MG crew though; the gunner still hard at it and oblivious to his feed getting battered to death behind, then. stunned out-muscled and taken down by the Y-straps. Pinned and powerless - he knows what's coming when he hears the rasp of drawn, cold steel. The ferocity of the punched blows mate and the way that Goon sounds off and bares his sole. It's so fkn intense - and the immediate and devastating impact that captured hardware has on the pack of Goon Rifles is audio/visual Himmel. You got me on the fkn ropes here A - and that's before you stick in boot at 2:20 (just look at them spattered shafts lol)!! After those heavy losses, I'm amazed the Goonz are taking prisoners; but they're being played with of course.
    I was planning another visit to Sarajevo mate, but the bell at my end (I allude to YT's notification service of course lol) is in full working order and I could not resist a detour here. You always deliver the goods mate - and this is another elite, all-consuming deployment. You do your following SO proud mate - and I fkn love being in thick of it again. Thank you A!!!!

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      There was definitely a lot of discharge at my end on this one mate and battle hardened Goonz as usual are at the root of it lol. Other than your classic upload from Young Jones J I've never seen that one but it sounds like I should be seeking that one out for perusal one day if Seano is "butchering troopz in the WW1 trenches" - that's my kinda action!!!!
      The MG team in particular look the part don't they? Solid, built like brick shithouses and spraying their loads with aplomb - the classic Goon action for me! I of course like a Peaky Blinder and the Hauptsturmführer defo fits the kit nicely - mean, moody and magnificent. "The SMG's death rattle, the claret spray and thud of cratering impacts; those first Goonz die like troopers" - it's what they're there for mate, and boy, do they take it with aplomb, not least 1:15 (fuck yeah!) but mentioned in dispatches (posthumously of course!) are the pair at 0:50, 0:59 (a vicious load!) and 1:03 and his lurid discharge are not alone in that, nor the grunts (😈). That MG duo are the fucking biz ain't they J (full frontal and big weapon throbbing lol)? Good spot on Slacko's cuz at 1:15 (brilliant!) and the tosser sure gets the result we all wanted at 1:21 (10/10 from me!). 1:24 nearly made the thumbnail (but it just had to be the MG team!) and the troopz at 1:49 sure as hell look the part don't they? The demise of my pair on the big throbber at 1:55 is epic ain't it mate, and so is this class prose from yourself "the gunner still hard at it and oblivious to his feed getting battered to death behind, then. stunned out-muscled and taken down by the Y-straps. Pinned and powerless - he knows what's coming when he hears the rasp of drawn, cold steel. The ferocity of the punched blows mate and the way that Goon sounds off and bares his sole. It's so fkn intense" - intense doesn't do this passage justice mate! I love the second one's acceptance of defeat in the end, but he put up one hell of a fight. I do like to see Goonz being offed by their own weaponry so the turning of that MG on the Goon Rifles ticks all my boxes of course. I did wonder myself what was that spatter at 2:20 (!) and for once the Goonz seem to be on top with a win. But don't fret J, we both know what's liable to ensue!!!!
      I'm glad you got to see this one J. I've had this movie for years and of course still have that one 'Grey on Grey' from this movie up, but when I originally tried to get this scene uploaded they blocked it, so there's hope yet. The kill count is MASSIVE in this movie and of course it's almost all the Goonz on the receiving end, so hopefully (copyright police allowing!) there should be more from this one soon.
      I'm sorry for the delay in replying mate, but I've only just discovered this in my spam folder AGAIN along with some other comments of yours! Wtf is going on with RUclips?! I would have hated to have missed this one J, and you've done me proud again!

    • @goontroopz9047
      @goontroopz9047 2 года назад +1

      @@foreverblueclassics I may have slightly over-emphasised the impact Young Seano had on the WW1 era Goon troopz, but he got stuck into a couple at least. I definitely recall a hard Goon grunt who tried to top him mouthing-off as he feels Seano's steel length slide in lol.
      He defo takes a few more scalps here mate and that passage of play where he tw*ts 'n' guts the muscle-Goon MG crew and shreds the Goon Rifles (yeah there's nothing better than seeing Goon troopz taking Goon loads - esp from a "big-throbber" [brilliant m8]) is an outstanding watch. It hits so hard A and I'm esp chuffed my post-match analysis of that seminal action meets with your approval. And there's so many more top sights 'n' sounds - not least the razor sharp Hauptsturmführer martialling the troopz in his spattered boot leather (Goonz are mucky lads at the best of times lol - and cheers for giving us that in 'slow' btw) and Scally-Mann 1:24 loosing off the heavy rifle grenade loads like a good 'un. He got me thinking of those scally troopers who witnessed the glory of that ultimate 'Grey on Grey' spectacle you deployed back in the day. That had a massive impact on me A and this is a rock-solid follow-up. It 's a long time since I've seen the movie but I'm already getting wound-up at the prospect of seeing the troopz at the sub-base get hammered here on the Goon-Central.
      Like I said earlier mate I'm sorry my comments are causing an issue here. Those YT mugs are defo on a hiding to nothing if they are trying come between me 'n' my Goon bro lol. You are the best m8!!

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      @@goontroopz9047 No need for you to apologise mate on comments, it's RUclips being at it that's the problem. This one got through OK so it just shows you how hit and miss they are. I'll defo be keeping an eye on my spam folder from now on though as there's no way I want to be missing anything for my top man!
      The more I hear of young Seano in WW1 action the more I want to see of it. I do recall your sterling upload from that one a few years back and it hit all the right spots and more and "I definitely recall a hard Goon grunt who tried to top him mouthing-off as he feels Seano's steel length slide in" is right up my particular Straße 😍!
      I love the way he takes down the MG crew here J, especially the second (his facial expressions are so "hard" to take!) and you're damn right your analysis meets with approval! I thought the boot focus might go down rather well (there's muck on them thar boots lol) and I remember the very scally trooper who grabbed your attn in the previous clip (a cuz of our F10 slacker I think eh?!) and there's so much more to come from this one if I can get it by the copyright hammer (so much of it is like a video game it's not true - I love it!). I watched it again a couple of nights ago for the first time since that last upload and it got me wound up and more!!!
      I've just been working on a project that I hope to put up soon, the tunnel scene in 'Von Ryan's'. I've had to cut it to the bare minimum (the initial blast of hot lead that rips into the vanguard) but as that's the best bit I'm happy with that. So far (touch wood) it's got by with a "copyright claim" but no block, which is more than I got the last time I tried it a few weeks back. I'll give it a few days just to let it settle (and me to calm down after watching that particular slaying of The Goonz , some of my all-time favourite troopz mate 😈), but keep an eye out for it!
      No way will YT come between us fella, they don't have a chance! Thanks again J for the input - you have made me VERY happy!

    • @goontroopz9047
      @goontroopz9047 2 года назад +1

      Awwww those elite MG muscle Goonz A!! Supreme Alpha-type gruntz bested and taken out so emphatically by one man; Dave V Goliathz - it's such a solid watch. The WW1 'kill' I alluded to is on my current Channel . It's a tad dark unfortunately, but you'll get the idea and I've bookmarked the link (hopefully lol). See Goon lad's own muscular momentum prove to be his downfall, hear the noises he makes as he feels the entry of Seano's steel and sink to boot level at the death lol.😈 ruclips.net/video/esMBXX7Yhdw/видео.html
      Slacko's cuz's are everywhere - I'd have got the Goon who gives us the eye at the Kelly's railhead to provide a dna sample (in a bucket lol) if he'd survived. Another Valkyrie muscle Goon I recall was on guard duty/patrol (possibly at the Sub base). He had the swagger mate and looked fit 'n' proud as fuck at his post - until he got strafed or an SMG load made a mess of his puffed-out barrel chest lol.
      I'd been thinking of taking a punt on VRE myself mate but I'm more than happy for you to put in the hard graft lol (I've not got the DVD at any rate so I'd have been robbing online). I saw a quality cut (just a few days ago) of the tunnel sequence that ran up to the closing titles virtually but that had foreign language subtitles on it. Awwwmate - you ain't wrong that the first wave of Goon troopz getting riddled to f**k in the tunnel is the big draw. I also like to see the few survivors going back to join their mates on their bellies in the ballast at the Goon end; Goon bodies rocked by their mates' grenade blasts as the second wave advance and the vanguard of the troopz who shin up the ladder to attack from the top of the tunnel torn apart by blasts. Fkn ace - I will DEFO be joining you for that one mate!!
      I found a comment from a lad in my 'Comments For Review' section last night that couldn't have been more innocuous. I find tech that's supposed to 'simplify' users' lives often proves to be a right pain in the a**e; "Alexa: send in the Goonz to trash YT HQ FFS" lol. Hopefully this one will penetrate the scrote shield mate but I know you'll be on the case if not. I'm stoked you're happy with the situation otherwise A; you truly are the best!!!

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      @@goontroopz9047 They are the 'effin biz mate and then some! And I've just watched that link you sent and the kill is indeed awesome, with all the sound effects we could hope for and more (plus the epic boot focus, what is there not to like?!). I defo recall that from one of your old channels but I didn't know Seano was the lad in it. This was made for kids btw? Oh to have had that kind of action on kids telly back in the day (instead of 'Black Beauty' and 'Lizzie Dripping' lol!). Oh man, just talk of Kelly's Eye Guy is almost giving me palpitations mate, and he was on screen for all of 2 seconds!! Defo a cuz or bro of Slacko for sure. There were so many at the dockside finale J that it's "hard" for me to recall the one you're thinking of here - another excuse to get it back out and slaver over, if an excuse were needed 😈! The kill-count is fucking massive, and just as they're getting on top for once!
      I've tried doing a longer sequence from VRE a couple of months ago, the scene where they take out the guards on top of the train (mostly by garrote) but it was instantly blocked so for the finale I'm going to have to split in two to make sure. I've got the initial ambush ready to go in a day or two (Sinatra giving it "fire fire" and the vanguard buckling as bullets rip through the ranks - some top Goonz leading the way to doom in that one mate!) and the follow-up fight will be in a subsequent edit. There's a couple of lads behind the point in that initial salvo that are definitely so "hard" to take, not that the supporting cast are in any way shabby!!! I have the troopz on their bellies in the edit I have ready btw, so I think you'll like it. Everything after that (and you've described it perfectly here!) will be in part two!
      Your reply to my comment on your Nxt MIssion vid was fine mate but this one here is another that went into the spam folder. I have no idea why it's happening coz it's not me setting the filters. I am also not getting notified when you upload a video so you might have to prod me next time when you do. I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun J!!!

  • @stephenreynolds6239
    @stephenreynolds6239 2 года назад +5

    The first thing you do when coming under fire is stand up

  • @SSSoldat
    @SSSoldat 2 года назад +9

    Mein Gott! Those spies are as ferocious as wolves in the forest! Luckily, we finally hunted them! We'll make them pay!

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад

      Yes, they are demons for sure!!!! Look at all our glorious troops that lie slain at their hands, many of them cut down from behind with our own machine gun! Are there no depths these bastards will not stoop to? They have information that we need, but once we get it we will make them pay!!!!!

    • @SSSoldat
      @SSSoldat 2 года назад

      ​@@foreverblueclassics Scheiße! These bastards killed more than half of us! I can't wait to join the firing squad that will execute them!

  • @thesixshooter6506
    @thesixshooter6506 Год назад +1

    Kinda brings new meaning to the phrase "barking up the wrong tree." Perfect spot for an ambush though.

  • @francopioromano
    @francopioromano 2 года назад +3

    Stopped the German Soldiers. SHOOOOOOOT

  • @brianh2159
    @brianh2159 2 года назад +2

    Better to not surrender at this point.

  • @user-kr6oe2ox2w
    @user-kr6oe2ox2w 2 года назад +2


  • @rikaweimann6063
    @rikaweimann6063 2 года назад +3

    Buongiorno foreverblueclassics :)☺ Un altro bel film come sempre con eroismo e azione ✨💯 Mi è dispiaciuto che i patrioti fossero stati arrestati 😞, almeno ne hanno uccisi molti 🔥Grazie e complimenti ❤🍷

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      Buongiorno amico mio, spero che tu stia bene oggi 💜😃? Sono contento che il video ti sia piaciuto 😍🍷. Non preoccuparti, escono da questa situazione nella scena successiva e le perdite sono di nuovo pesanti per il nemico 🥂❤❤!

    • @rikaweimann6063
      @rikaweimann6063 2 года назад

      @@foreverblueclassics Ciao amico mio :) sono contento che siano scapati e voglio vedere il nemico perdere😄 Se non fosse per questi patrioti , il mondo non sarebbe libero!!!✨ Grazie e complimenti per mostrato questi film perché oltre ad essere beli , sono anche informativi 🔝💙 Ti auguro un buon fine settimana in salute 😍💗🍷

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      @@rikaweimann6063 E grazie per averli visti e per essere stato così gentile 😍. Buon fine settimana e rilassante 🙂💙🍺!

    • @rikaweimann6063
      @rikaweimann6063 2 года назад

      @@foreverblueclassics Sto aspettando il prossimo bel video per divertirmi 😎❤🍻🍻

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      @@rikaweimann6063 😍😎🍷🧡

  • @veva9490
    @veva9490 2 года назад +3

    Nice upload

  • @harrystallone2855
    @harrystallone2855 2 года назад +1

    How can this movie be taken seriously...

  • @Marcel-fm7yc
    @Marcel-fm7yc 2 года назад +1


  • @necefeliyev477
    @necefeliyev477 Год назад

    Ağır söhbəttir

  • @trainsofsouthwestmichigan03
    @trainsofsouthwestmichigan03 Год назад

    Why are they using a Maximum Machine gun not like a MG34 or MG42

  • @zywiec3405
    @zywiec3405 2 года назад

    Name of movie pls?

  • @bernarddelacruz795
    @bernarddelacruz795 2 года назад

    Name of the movie please

    • @badgoiserer
      @badgoiserer 2 года назад

      Lie film.....🤣🤣

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      'Beyond Valkyrie: Dawn of The Fourth Reich'.

    • @tanktank3874
      @tanktank3874 2 года назад

      @@foreverblueclassics I haven't seen the movie since 2016! Hmmm...Perhaps I will consider ordering it from the library!

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад +1

      @@tanktank3874 It's great fun!

  • @CarlosGarnierVilchis
    @CarlosGarnierVilchis Год назад +1

    ¡Que gran mentira!, no puede ser que los de la resistencia tengan más valor que los soldados alemanes, los alemanes ya habían estado en batallas como kiev, y tenían mucha experiencia en combate, no es creible que unos civiles con rifles les causaran tantas bajas, de haber sido así porque perdieron los franceses la guerra en el 39

  • @subarunatsuki4145
    @subarunatsuki4145 2 года назад +1

    This players are using hack!
    They have embedded a codr to make the enemy shots misses forever!

  • @maladetts
    @maladetts 2 года назад

    Can you cut off the black stripes on this, please?

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад

      Black stripes? You mean at the top and bottom, because it's widescreen?

    • @maladetts
      @maladetts 2 года назад

      You don't see what your own video looks like? These are tiny black stripes, not the huge kind as in widescreen. You just cut them off, why keep this annoyance.

    • @foreverblueclassics
      @foreverblueclassics  2 года назад

      @@maladetts If it's those top and bottom they don't annoy me and no one else is bothered by them either. It's a video on RUclips, not a Hollywood extravaganza ffs 😁

    • @maladetts
      @maladetts 2 года назад

      Then do all of your videos that way, with such I-couldn't-care-less approach. You can even post them upside down or half black, if no one cares. But try to speak less on behalf of "everyone else".

    • @maladetts
      @maladetts 2 года назад

      I for one need this specific scene stripeless, and am super annoyed I can't find any scenes from this movie anywhere at all besides your channel. Whose content is great, don't get me wrong. But not the form.

  • @bill.carson
    @bill.carson 2 года назад

    Maxim Machine gun....II. World War? 😆

    • @khoroshoigra8388
      @khoroshoigra8388 Год назад

      yes it's exist watch the pacific John Basilone

    • @konmaj
      @konmaj 2 месяца назад

      It looks quite funny here, but could get you full of lead as well as newer models 😁

  • @georgegrigoriades4284
    @georgegrigoriades4284 2 года назад

    Wtf, how many germans? 😂

  • @idirhamidouche8926
    @idirhamidouche8926 2 года назад

    Azoul.je ne comprends pas tout ces commentaires ,ki sont content k on tut des allemands.mais Kand ce sont des militaires de votres familles cela ne vous plaît pas. Alors ke certains pays coloniaux on fait la même chose ou pire.vietnam,algerie ,dans d autres pays ki ne vous appartient pas . aujourd'hui on fera des films sur les russes et l Ukraine ,ki se feront decendre comme les allemands.un peut d humanité svp.pour tout ces soldats ki n'ont rien demandé et sont morts .aller visiter les cimetières militaires cela vous fera réfléchir.votre cerveau est loin du compte.penser a tout ces mères ki se demandent ou sont passer leurs fils ou leurs enfants. Allez bonne nuits car cela porte conseil.

  • @user-ks2qv8tg9l
    @user-ks2qv8tg9l Год назад

    ถ้าของจริงพวกนี้ตายหมดแล้ว ปืนเยอรมันไม่กากขนานั้น

  • @markob7967
    @markob7967 2 года назад


  • @badgoiserer
    @badgoiserer 2 года назад +2

    So ein unrealistischer Schwachsinn.....🤦🏼‍♂️🤮