Should You Call Yourself a Feminist?

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 158

  • @camilleowen7930
    @camilleowen7930 8 лет назад +17

    That last bit about identifying with 'feminism', to show respect to all the past feminists who secured the rights for women that we enjoy today, is so on point. Love it!!

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад +9

      Glad you related! First and second wave feminists definitely had their problems, but I think they laid a good foundation for feminists today to build on and improve and I like aligning myself with that.

    • @NewCanadianTurtle
      @NewCanadianTurtle 8 лет назад

      Tell me, what kind of things are you doing to ensure women's rights in countries within the middle east?

    • @waynedeolival8778
      @waynedeolival8778 8 лет назад

      Red Walker
      Curious as to why you couldn't name a single one of those organizations. Is it possible that you haven't bothered to look it up either ?

  • @robertvdhill367
    @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад +32

    I do call myself a feminist, but I have one minor hesitation about it. Namely, I don't want to be one of those guys who claims himself a feminist, yet actually engages in all kinds of misogynistic behavior. So I guess I want to make sure I "earn" the label of feminist, perhaps by the women who know me calling me a feminist rather than the label coming from me. And even then I don't want to rest on my laurels and assume all my behavior is perfect. But I try my best to remember my various forms of privilege and amplify the voices of those without.

    • @robertvdhill367
      @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад +2

      Nothing at the moment, though my whole point is that I may not even be aware of subtle ways I treat people differently (though I try to to the best I can to be aware of the impact of my actions and words).
      But one example might be that even though I've always claimed to believe in gender equality (certainly never been against it), in the past I thought differently about men and women in regard to promiscuity. Namely that it's a good thing when a man does it and it's bad when a woman does it. Even though I may have called myself a feminist at the time, I definitely wasn't acting in the most feminist way.
      If I' ma feminist, my words and actions should reflect that. Thus, I hesitate slightly in calling myself a feminist when privilege makes it hard for me to always see the unintended negative consequences of my actions.

    • @robertvdhill367
      @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад +2

      I think you and I have different ideas of what a feminist is. A feminist, in my view, does not give women a free pass on sexist behavior. Just like men, women can be sexist (towards, men, women, and non-binary people) and a feminist would not give anyone a free pass.
      But this is a common problem with discussions of feminism: our definitions of feminism are different, and even if we agree on what is right and wrong, we spend our time arguing about what feminists believe are problems, rather than the actual problems.
      And I'm not walking on eggshells to please feminists, I'm trying to be aware of the wider impact of my beliefs and actions so that I don't hurt people. And when it comes to avoiding hurting women, it's women I listen to for advice (such as marinashutup). When it comes to race issues, I listen to POC. It doesn't mean I believe and agree with everything they say without question, but it does mean I consider their viewpoint while taking into account that there are things about being a woman or POC that I don't experience.

    • @robertvdhill367
      @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад

      ***** I'm glad you and I can have a respectful conversation over our disagreements in a way that'll allow us to listen to each other, and don't resort to pointless, pathetic tactics like name-calling.

    • @robertvdhill367
      @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад +1

      Sorry, I'm not going to discuss my sex life on the internet. But suffice it to say that in a situation where I'm out, feminism is way too heavy a topic for casual conversation, there's no way for anyone to know if I identify as a feminist or not. I definitely would not act in a non-feminist way (by which I mean, being less respectful, imposing my wishes on a woman, and treating her as a goal rather than a person) if I thought it would get me more sex cause that would just be plain wrong.
      Also, being bitter about women being attracted to men who aren't you doesn't automatically make you a "good guy", or the other men "bad guys". In fact, that jealousy would not be a good or desirable personality trait at all. And if those other guys are truly bad guys, the last thing I want to do is be like them, and treat other people like dirt. It's a really harmful myth that men have to be assholes to get laid. But it's also awful that a lot of men are willing to be assholes cause they think it'll get them laid.
      Thanks for the question!

    • @robertvdhill367
      @robertvdhill367 8 лет назад

      What you describe about your dating life sounds perfectly feminist to me. You described that you take initiative and respect getting "no" for an answer. In my books, that's a feminist way to act. The "feminist type" stereotype is just that: a stereotype. You seem to assume that I adhere to this "feminist type" stereotype. By this, don't you just mean a shy person who happens to also be respectful? Cause that's not exclusive to men. A respectful person can be either shy or forward (as you've just shown).
      As for the other part, I disagree with the premise that women (in opposite sex interactions) predominantly choose "bad guys", so it's hard to have a discussion about that. However, in your efforts to answer why that would be, have you talked to women about it? Or has it come primarily from men theorizing about the mysterious ways of women?

  • @JulieTao96
    @JulieTao96 8 лет назад +2

    Marina your makeup in this video is especially beautiful!

  • @bigmike9128
    @bigmike9128 6 лет назад +2

    I am a man and consider my self generally a feminist/ally but don't use the term because of all the hate I would get not only from anti feminist but from feminist who seem to be suspicious or contemptuous of male feminist.

  • @AnaxofRhodes
    @AnaxofRhodes 8 лет назад +1

    The problem people have with the question "Are you a feminist?" is it's loaded to work against them regardless of their "Yes" or "No" answer. (At least) Two wildly different practical definitions of feminism means people show reluctance to answer the question at all. It is a "gotcha" term rather than a helpful, convenient identifier.

  • @minimumhead
    @minimumhead 8 лет назад +1

    "isn't accessible to so many people who can give birth" love that trans inclusive discussion of abortion!!!!!! made me smile real big

  • @Highonfruit1aprivilegedvegan
    @Highonfruit1aprivilegedvegan 8 лет назад +1

    Great video. I'm downloading the app now :)

  • @XiaosChannel
    @XiaosChannel 8 лет назад +2

    interesting. a bunch of anti-feminists recommended this app too.

  • @rocketsoccer1
    @rocketsoccer1 8 лет назад +1

    I never realized how many faces feminism had. I've been on tumblr a long time but never really followed many blogs that talked politics or social issues and eventually started following people for different reasons who happened to post social issue stuff. Two people I've been mutuals with for a long time are liberal and radical feminists and it's been very interesting seeing the difference between the content they post. Through them I end up visiting other blogs of people and end up down a rabbit hole. It's been really surprising to see how much fighting there is and how nasty they get on each side. Still, it speaks more of the people than the movement.

  • @bigaback
    @bigaback 8 лет назад +9

    Serious question for feminists:
    In industries like modeling where the pay gap is in favor of women, and men make much less. Would feminists support equal pay in such circumstances??
    Please answer objectively, im open for discussion

    • @amneenja5720
      @amneenja5720 8 лет назад +4

      not a single answer.... I wonder why????

    • @emmarosestrong
      @emmarosestrong 8 лет назад +5

      of course! same work, same time, same pay.

    • @NewCanadianTurtle
      @NewCanadianTurtle 8 лет назад +2

      +AmNeenja feminists only want equality for the fun stuff, and when it only helps women.

    • @taurusteelpan
      @taurusteelpan 8 лет назад

      Being male increases your chances about over 60% more than being any other race. So being a black man is worse than being a white man. But being a black man is worse than being either a white or black woman. Also being a white man is worse than being either a white or black woman. It's the male part that's the biggest contributor.
      Get it?!!!

    • @taurusteelpan
      @taurusteelpan 8 лет назад +1

      Red Walker
      Actually despite those "contexts" men still are more incarcerated than women. So that's irrelevant. But I have a question for you.
      Why have feminists only advocated for shorter sentences for only women?

  • @xenophon5354
    @xenophon5354 8 лет назад +1

    A major issue that I think many people take with feminism, at least pop feminism, is the degree to which feminism backs up any of its claims.
    You'll often hear that women are oppressed. Well, how so? Well there's X sexism and Y stereotype. Ok, well, there's plenty of sexism that's thrown at the feet of men and there are plenty of "harmful" stereotypes about men. And then you're invariably met with "well the sexism that women face is far worse" or "men can't experience sexism because they're the dominant group". Well, ok, two issues with this.
    Firstly, every instance of sexism is an individual case (even if it's a CEO denying women jobs). There are now systematic instances of sexism where monoliths, like the government, discriminate based on gender (against the law). If you think I'm wrong, show me. I'd happily change my mind given proper evidence.
    Secondly, and this is related to the first, how on earth does lumping people into categories based on characteristics that they did not choose make sense? Treating men as a group, treating women as a group. Being a man does not make you part of a group, only a demographic. To which a feminist might say, "well men are still favored over women in society". Are they? Demonstrate that is the case. Women receive default custody of children, the father has no say in whether or not a pregnancy is terminated, men serve greater jail time for the same crime, men have no say in whether or not their genitals are mutilated at birth (in the West). These are are all things codified in law. They are tangible and immediate. Every issue that feminism takes up on the oppression of women is ephemeral and impossible to measure (aside from the wage gap, though the current papers put it at around 5-2% and this is only with the obvious variables corrected for; much more research needs to be done before we cry sexism).
    I'd absolutely love to have a conversation about this topic with people who disagree. Of all the feminist channels, this one honestly seems to be the most open to discussion with a following to match.
    Oh, and I'm not an MRA or anything like that. Just someone who disagrees with the premises and actions of feminism.

  • @Ineharnia
    @Ineharnia 8 лет назад +4

    'As you know, Amazon has literally everything you could possibly want on it' - except for shipping to most of the world. *sad face*

  • @nanasouliman
    @nanasouliman 8 лет назад

    Hi Marina, I think you're amazing and I'll watch your videos as long as u keep uploading them. Please consider to collaborate with others in your videos though. Bring people like teachers, colleagues, friends or anyone. I know u won't find anyone half as cool as u r but hey try.
    Thanks I seriously learned a lot from u.
    I'm from Saudi Arabia btw

  • @alwayshaley325
    @alwayshaley325 8 лет назад +15

    I think we should stay away from labels and just listen to what someone actually has to say

    • @Aryc11
      @Aryc11 8 лет назад +4

      As beautiful an idea as that is, people will always revert to labels, because it's easier to handle.

    • @rogersyversen3633
      @rogersyversen3633 6 лет назад

      "lets not try to be better because others wont". seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy (rooted in the tragedy of the commons)

  • @Discoursepolitics
    @Discoursepolitics 8 лет назад +1

    Interesting points about the feminist label and the person who posted that they stopped identifying as a "feminist" because it shut down debate (or at least people were less willing to listen to them). I hate when people can't see the idea instead focus on what is being said. With respect to the historical label of calling feminists crazy or the negative connotation I agree that is usually a tactic of those in power or in support of those in power as a way to try and deligitimize a movement. That being said there are sometimes when people who claim to be part of a movement do cringeworthy things that are desearve the label of crazy, or at least worth the negative stereotype ie #KillAllMen or whatever. I personally don't care about things like #KillAllMen but when that wing of the movement puts that rhetoric out there the movement as a whole is easier to mock. But since I like to end on good notes, I think it's cool how you are no longer caught up on using the label because at the end of the day the idea is more important than the package we put those ideas into.

  • @CorbiniteVids
    @CorbiniteVids 8 лет назад +1

    I looked into the app to discuss certain problems within the LGBT+ community that are uncomfortable to talk about without anonymity for personal reasons but it looks like the groups are full of people who just stalk the group to stir up trouble and would probably see my posts and anxieties and use them as support for their bigotry... :/

  • @KarolaTea
    @KarolaTea 8 лет назад +1

    4:35 Very important point there! Words and labels carry meaning, but ideas and actions are even more important :)

  • @IshanDeston
    @IshanDeston 8 лет назад +5

    You are wrong on where the name feminism comes from. Socialist Philosopher Charles Fourier coined the term in 1837 as means to describe the act of judging a society based on how it does treat their women. At that time it had nothing to do with the movement we know today as feminism.

  • @greenghost2008
    @greenghost2008 8 лет назад

    Both feminists and anti-feminists love Candid.

  • @XhumpersX
    @XhumpersX 8 лет назад +19

    I consider myself an anti-feminist, but I respect Marina a lot. If more feminists were like you and respected debate and free speech instead of the hate filled people I've met living on a college campus and on the internet we could finally move on from just calling eachother misogynists and cucks and have a real conversation about whats best way to solve our problems.

    • @TheFPSTech
      @TheFPSTech 8 лет назад +2

      she really is no different.,she makes up problems and if you watch some of her videos, or bearings livestream with her you can see she really has no idea of what she's talking about.

    • @TheFPSTech
      @TheFPSTech 8 лет назад +2

      she really is no different.,she makes up problems and if you watch some of her videos, or bearings livestream with her you can see she really has no idea of what she's talking about.

    • @TheFPSTech
      @TheFPSTech 8 лет назад +5

      she really is no different.,she makes up problems and if you watch some of her videos, or bearings livestream with her you can see she really has no idea of what she's talking about.

  • @Jessicax3lyonnss
    @Jessicax3lyonnss 8 лет назад +1

    Does the app remove harassment and abuse? When I hear anonymity, I hear the trolls coming, is all I'm saying.

  • @Jairakiss33
    @Jairakiss33 8 лет назад

    Anyways I'm new to embracing feminism on youtube. I'm probably quite different. So different that I'm super scared to talk with feminists as my views are very different. But I decided I wanted to subscribe to you because of all the 3rd wave type feminists I feel you have given me the most hope. I was out on vacation this summer and started crying cause of my concerns for women and their future and how much work it will be to get to a place of mutual understanding and had no idea how to talk with you and youtube doesn't always paint you in the most favorable light to put it mildly. But as I said I feel you have given me hope with your bearing talk. I was really impressed with both of you!
    I feel like Maybe now that I said this much I should introduce myself a little more and explain my avatar. I feel like it probably doesn't help make a good first impression here. I adopted this with just the gay confederate flag back in 2014. That was after being left wing for a long time, but getting more and more right wing and then pulled back and centered out in 2014 as the right was seeming to have another spike in anti gay rhetoric. My symbol expressed both my love and disproval of both parties. The right started becoming more lgbt tolerant again at least enough for me for now and the left started getting too weird for me so I actually am more right leaning at the moment and I do find the way I talk and present myself on certain parts of youtube does get through to some conservatives regarding lgbt um acceptance at least, I don't think I even agree with all the lgbt issues the way I used to so to move them forward on gender being completely a social construct or something, yeah not going to even try on that one.
    So yeah I actually am transgendered, I guess I called myself a gurl cause I know I'm not a real girl, though this experience has shown me a bit of what you go through, I may never completely understand but I really want and need to, not just for me and my experience but cause (even if I can be argumentive at times) I really care for women and their well being and that they are treated fairly and I get worried about the future for women so you showing that we can bridge understanding from one extreme to the next has given me hope. So I want to come hear to learn from your perspective and try to learn how to rationally accommodate to your perspective and learn how to communicate more effectively with other feminists and occasionally debate. I hope my alt feminist definition still counts as feminism as this stuff really does matter to me.

  • @commiebastard351
    @commiebastard351 8 лет назад +1

    What is your opinion of violence as a political tactic? To be more specific I will separate violence into three categories: Physical violence, structural violence (or control through the threat of violence), self defense against structural violence, self defense against physical violence (including police), property violence (damaging of corporate property, such as the luddites did, a common tactic of black bloc anarchists), general strikes, civil disobedience (violation of laws but not in a necessarily violent way).
    What do you think of anarchism, socialism, marxism, communism etc? Of course, I don't expect you to support the soviet union (in fact, I wouldn't want you to!), but what about radical socialists like Rosa Luxemburg, Peter Kropotkin, Emma Goldman, Thoreau, Antonio Gramsci, George Orwell, Proudhon, etc.
    Under capitalism there is one class of people who create a surplus that they don't need in order to continue working, and another group of people who appropriate that surplus. If there is one class of people (the working class, proletariat) who has to work or not have the means to survive, and another who reaps the benifit of that work (the bourgeoisie, the capitalist class), how can we have equality? If the capitalist class must raise profits (and therefore cut wages) in order to continue to compete and the workers need to be completely subordinate to the capitalist class in order to survive, how can we have liberty? Finally, if workers and capitalists are always in conflict over profits and wages, how can we have solidarity/fraternity?
    Also, have you read David Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 years? It's a great book. PDF links

  • @sumukhidevi3267
    @sumukhidevi3267 6 лет назад

    I usually use the word egalitarian personally but I sometimes want to call myself a feminist, I just don’t want the hate that comes with it. I think some peoples ideas of feminism has been pretty warped into something that at its core it is not. People have become so divided and it’s sad

  • @jeannesatre9045
    @jeannesatre9045 8 лет назад

    Your video and responses are awesome as always. I rather dislike the ad, though, since it does in effect take up two thirds of the video.

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад +1

      Hey, I gotta pay rent. Unfortunately, ads and sponsorships are the only way to earn money on RUclips. Patreon is an alternative but I don't make nearly enough to support myself from it alone. Freelancing is also not reliable because the hours writers and video makers put into the finished product isn't proportionately compensated. And to be fair, the end of the video was an opportunity to give subscribers free money, which is always a beneficial thing in my perspective. I definitely wouldn't post a video if I didn't think it had value or provided interesting content to spark discussion. The ad revenue model for RUclips and its sustainability is definitely an important conversation to be had though!

    • @jeannesatre9045
      @jeannesatre9045 8 лет назад

      +marinashutup I totally understand where you're coming from, and agree with you by and large. I don't want you to sacrifice your financial security for my benefit; or anyone else's. My main problem was with its obtrusiveness - but if that's what you need to make your rent, then that's what you need.

  • @madelineanderson96
    @madelineanderson96 8 лет назад

    I feel from my perspective that feminism is called fem-ininsm because the society we live in attacks or puts down things that are feminine. For example women are policed on their femininity i.e. wearing too much make up, not enough make up and being feminine is considered weak, undesirable etc etc compared to being masculine. And men who are not masculine enough and are too feminine because they say cry or enjoy feminine practices are also policed and alienated. So no matter if you are male or female or any other gender identification what is policed by our society most is femininity and though this disproportionately effects women, it is bad for us all.

  • @JudsonRadio
    @JudsonRadio 8 лет назад +3

    I've been thinking a lot about this over the past several months and I honestly don't yet know where I stand on my identity as a feminist. I agree with most of the things that most feminists stand for, so in that sense I guess I am a feminist. But on the other hand, I'm not at all a fan of the label. And it isn't that I find it emasculating, because I don't.
    For one thing, the label "feminist" brings with it a lot of baggage. Feminism has brought about a ton of good over the last century or so, but mixed in there are the sometimes very vocal minority of people who claim to be and are regarded as feminists who propagate some truly terrible ideals that I (and any reasonable feminist) can't get behind. It is because of these people (who by all right shouldn't even be labeled as feminists), that feminism often gets such a bad rap and is viewed so negatively by society at large. So even if those extremist ideologies aren't part of the feminism that I support, by labeling myself a feminist the baggage of that part of its history is automatically attributed to me.
    Additionally, I find at least the label of feminism to be rather narrow in scope. The word feminism suggests, and is often understood to mean, that the movement only supports women or at least only addresses the issue of sexism and gender inequality. I realize that this isn't true. Feminism _does_ address sexism and gender inequality for women _and_ men and can sometimes even address issues of inequality based on non-binary gender identity, sexual orientation, race, class, etc. But again, it's almost never perceived that way by people who aren't actively engaged in those types of conversations, so it carries the hindrance of being easily (and somewhat understandably) misdefined.
    Unfortunately, we don't really have a good alternative to the label. Well, technically we do. "Egalitarian" works quite nicely as a sort of umbrella term to support the equality of all people in all social situations, but it isn't aligned with a movement in the same way that "feminist" is. I think it may technically be the correct term for what many feminists stand for, but it feels like a cop out. I think it can be difficult (and to some degree hypocritical?) to align yourself with the _ideals_ of feminism without being willing to put on the _label_ of feminism. Yet, that's where I currently stand.
    I didn't mean to be this long-winded, although I think writing this all out has given me a better understanding of where I stand on the topic and why. I guess more simply, when it comes down to it, I largely support the cause of feminism, but don't at all like the inferences that come with the label.

    • @pyotrfeitser5806
      @pyotrfeitser5806 8 лет назад +1

      I agree with what you said about the baggage because I'm in the same position (agreeing with principles but no longer willing to wear the label).
      But I disagree about feminism being about focusing on both genders. In my experience, feminists have completely dropped the ball when it comes to mens issues. In fact, in a previous video, Marina herself said that feminism isn't supposed to be about mens issues.

  • @KaylaNoelle1
    @KaylaNoelle1 8 лет назад +1

    if you actually go on Candid it's 95% neckbeards though...

    • @pyotrfeitser5806
      @pyotrfeitser5806 8 лет назад +3

      Do you realize how sexist a comment that is? What if I said it was 95% PMSing women on there. Don't you think that would be considered sexist?

  • @monkofdeaths
    @monkofdeaths 5 лет назад

    Colloquially, I would say that I'm a feminist, but more academically speaking, I wouldn't say so, simply because I don't feel like I know enough feminist theory to identify myself as one. I've only read like 4 articles and a very short introduction book by some Marxist feminists but that's about it.

  • @ljmastertroll
    @ljmastertroll 8 лет назад +8

    Is there an app that will help me complete all the steps for the giveaway?
    jk I can manage

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад +10

      hahah so many steps! but i believe in you.

  • @DarkPrject
    @DarkPrject 8 лет назад

    Hey Marina. In case you read this: Have you heard of the web series "Her Story"? It's the best thing about trans-women I have seen to date and it's feminist and entertaining and I think a lot of people could profit from watching it. It'd be pretty great, if you could give it a shout out, so more people see it and confront some of their preconceptions about trans people.

  • @xTenshiko
    @xTenshiko 8 лет назад +1

    Was on this app for all of five minutes. Way too much misogyny and racism - which shouldn't be surprising given the RUclipsr who is referenced in several of the 5 star app reviews. Love your videos and glad you got a sponsorship, but I think this one's a dud.

  • @sea_hous
    @sea_hous 8 лет назад

    I tweeted but because I'm an elderly 29 year old I don't know if I did it right. Lol. Here's hoping for the best!

  • @soyouthinkyoucanread
    @soyouthinkyoucanread 8 лет назад +4

    Omg you're probably online right now...
    I love you.

    • @incognitoboy6101
      @incognitoboy6101 8 лет назад

      u could do better than this. don't u have standards?

    • @soyouthinkyoucanread
      @soyouthinkyoucanread 8 лет назад +2

      +Greg Mayhem It was my first time commenting on one of her vids and I'm a relatively new subscriber. Also, can't tell if this is a joke comment.

    • @incognitoboy6101
      @incognitoboy6101 8 лет назад

      It isn't. I hope u don't look up to her or believe any if this shit

    • @soyouthinkyoucanread
      @soyouthinkyoucanread 8 лет назад +7

      +Greg Mayhem I'm glad you've found the time in your busy activist schedule to pick apart my comment. Are you a hate watcher? And how do you know I'm not simply professing my general feelings of goodwill toward another human being who has the same basic struggles we all inevitably face, like heartache, heartbreak, mental and physical illness, economic instability, etc.
      I won't even get into how feminism quite LITERALLY saved my life, as I was raised in of the most controlling patriarchal religious systems you could possibly find, and that is fundamentalist Christianity.
      Feminism only needed in the middle east, you say? Try being a girl in literally almost any religion. Yes, including Christianity, which still holds a place of privilege (can I say privilege without hurting your feelings?) in the US, but yeah, let's just pretend that we're past all that now.
      I'm really not in the mood for an argument tonight; I've been ill lately and almost passed out at one of my two jobs yesterday from stress.
      Have a good day, sir.

    • @incognitoboy6101
      @incognitoboy6101 8 лет назад

      no i am not a hate watcher, i am just not an idiot. rofl, i don't think it is needed anywhere, no need to mess up other countries. how does being christian even disadvantage a girl? news flash, it doesn't. all the christian girls which are 90% of girls i know have great wonderful lives with no issues, what does christianity have something to do with it?

  • @lami2909
    @lami2909 8 лет назад


  • @ryan_edmond
    @ryan_edmond 8 лет назад

    i don't use the label feminist because it's too commonly associated with extremism, i just say i believe it in equal rights, which isn't incorrect to say. i just don't believe that the points you listed to use the label feminist out way the down sides and negative connotations but i'm still about equality so if people in real life could stop giving me shit for not using the label that would be great. i don't like labels or use them much anyway.

    • @ryan_edmond
      @ryan_edmond 8 лет назад

      yeah so i just came back to this to post that after watching this i watched the philip defranco show today and his first story is exactly what i'm talking about which is extremist bs

  • @Jairakiss33
    @Jairakiss33 8 лет назад

    I agree with you on the definition of feminism, I strongly disagree with you in that (black lives matter -all lives matter) is the same thing as feminism =which brings attention to specifically female issues because there is a specific need. I had a lot of friends who weren't black who were beat up by cops for no good reason, mostly white, but I asked by native friend recently "that wasn't just me making it up, you've experienced this right?" (cause it was a while ago now) so he says yes they did physically hurt me but they also beat me up a few days ago now that you mention it.
    So I feel black lives matter hijacked my movement not vice versa as I have had concerns of a rising police state and general police brutality for years before black lives matter. But maybe it's just my privilege right? Well more innocent whites are killed by cops every year . Okay but more blacks are killed per capita right? Oh absolutely no question, they are 4 times more likely to be killed than whites according to the vast majority of the stats I saw. However they also have 4 times the crime rate. Does that mean innocent black people aren't getting killed? No the science shows absolutely shows they are, that unconscious bias plays a role in that and that's terrible and even if my avatar that expresses my approval and disproval of everyone simultaneously so that why I like it, but if my avatar undermines what I am saying , I really do care about innocent black people, if one of the ones that I personally know and care about got killed I would incredibly upset, but that still doesn't take away the fact that black lives matter marginalizes all the other victims and tells them they are racist for being victims or saying that their lives matter too. And when you see all the stats and facts regarding this issue, it is incredibly insulting that they are claiming a monopoly on this issue, especially when there is such a correlation between their crime rates and their getting murdered by cops, which is NOT a 10 out of 10 on the racist scale as far as intent is concerned by any means even though that's how it is made out to be, it is a 2 out of 10 on an unconscious bias from dealing with black crime and the negative image that they have. When the real grievance against white cops (black cops kill black cops equally to whites studies suggest) when the real grievance is largely a reflex due to the image blacks have from crime and MTV thug life culture (who shouldn't get a pass AT ALL let alone be considered a champion for black people issues), the black community needs to own up to their share in the image they are portraying of themselves to keep my black friends who are angels from getting shot! I think that black lives matter makes matters worse for them, puts my black friends at greater risk and marginalizes non blacks that have been victims of police brutality and marginalizes police militization issues, which have been completely swept under the rug now. Is there a need to call attention to specifically black issues with police? Maybe , but given what I said here it is in many respects a stretch.

  • @maek234
    @maek234 5 лет назад

    Rip candid

  • @danlotroth9231
    @danlotroth9231 8 лет назад

    I would really like to understand the difference in the thoughts I write below.
    This is from what I understand from intersectionalnality and cultural appropriation, specially with the blow up from the hula girl thing, and the recent history of food n costumes being a bad thing.
    Following that thought, would not a dildo or any phallic sextoy be a form of sexual appropriation? ( or a fleshlight). So any woman who owns one (or the reverse) would be offending an entire gender for appropriating what is an obviously gendered product, expoited for personal and non respectful usage?
    And if not what is the difference to what the fem who was offended for Hawaiians for the crime of a dashboard hula girl, or those defending the world from margareta parties and inappropriate kimono wearing(etc) ?
    Of course is many examples of appropriation, so why are penis n vagina analogues exempt from appropriation narratives that seem to get so many intersectional sjw feminists quite worked up? .

  • @euphoria5678
    @euphoria5678 3 года назад

    All those dislikes are from misogynists 😂😂

  • @Appazap
    @Appazap 8 лет назад +2

    Marina have you heard about the Womanist movement. I've recently chosen to identify with womanism more than feminism. What do you think about it?

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад +2

      I don't know a ton about it. How similar is it to black feminism? I'm not sure if it's something I'm allowed to claim as a non-black WoC! I'm typically pretty comfy calling myself an intersectional feminist to avoid conflating my beliefs with white feminism or trans exclusive feminism.

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад +3

      +daniel leggett I mean, the two terms aren't mutually exclusive.

    • @josephschmoe2448
      @josephschmoe2448 8 лет назад +1

      Yes, they are.
      It's very clear from the very definition of feminism. Feminism is the advocacy of of WOMENS' rights on the grounds of equality.
      Meaning, if there's something that disadvantages women, feminists fight against it.
      If there's something that disadvantages men, feminists don't give a shit.
      Egalitarians actually want equality between the genders, unlike feminists.

    • @missylarsson3517
      @missylarsson3517 8 лет назад +1

      +Joseph Schmoe While you are right about egalitarianism you are wrong about feminism. Egalitarianism is equality for all people everywhere, but it doesn't have a specific movement to target specific problems, it has to be divided into sub categories and organizations to make a difference. That's why we have organizations working against poverty, working against racism, and feminism which work against gender inequality. However it is true that feminism as a movement has a female perspective, if it's run by women they will see it from a perspective they've experienced since the movement was started by women to get women the right to vote etc. That doesn't mean they'd work against males, that is your opinion and not the definition of feminism or the opinion of the vast majority of feminists (who some also happens to be men).

    • @josephschmoe2448
      @josephschmoe2448 8 лет назад

      Missy Larsson "That doesn't mean they'd work against males."
      Hate to tell you this, but, yes, feminists do exactly that.
      Take for instance the feminist groups who protest the establishment of "Mens' Centers." These are places where guys can go to get things like counseling for suicide prevention. Even though white men make up the vast majority of suicides in North America, feminist groups rally to have them shut down, saying "men don't need them."
      Also, NOW, the National Organization for Women, advocated against fathers having equal custody and visitation of their kids after a divorce. So, they fought for inequality.
      Plus, other feminist groups advocated for the Duluth Model, a policy for police agencies on how to handle cases of domestic violence. This policy has led to the arrest of men who were being attacked by their wife or girlfriend. Men are actually more likely to be arrested than women, even when it was the man that called police in the first place.
      Then you have the "male tears" coffee mugs and the hashtag #killallmen.
      So, feminists do work against males. Not just the violent feminazis... mainstream feminist organizations, too.

  • @IshanDeston
    @IshanDeston 8 лет назад

    So Candid is like 4Chan...

  • @kathrynbanks5531
    @kathrynbanks5531 8 лет назад

    I tried the app but there was so much hate on there :/ I hoped it would be a little more civil, but it IS anonymous so I guess people feel like they can be more awful for no reason

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад

      My group is literally hate free (for now at least!) so if you wanna have more civil conversations that's a great place to start :)

  • @ashleyjames259
    @ashleyjames259 8 лет назад

    People still talk badly about black history month and hispanic history months and lgbqia pride day. Why, is it we discredit things because we do not fit in these groups. I am white ( privelaged white person) and who usually dates men ( curious about what it'd be like to date a women.) I love your videos. I do not fit these groups but understand the historical context in which these names were created aka fighting for equal rights. Why should this term be bad. It can be good if we recognize the historical context.

  • @parkerlucas6380
    @parkerlucas6380 8 лет назад

    *zooms in on face* memes

  • @Scriptadiaboly
    @Scriptadiaboly 8 лет назад +1

    WW trailer, cool

    • @marinashutup
      @marinashutup  8 лет назад


    • @commiebastard351
      @commiebastard351 8 лет назад

      I don't like the fact that it takes place in WWI, it would be like if there was a superhero movie that takes place during the Spanish Civil War, it's a bloody conflict with a lot of nuance and ambiguity, and trench warfare is just not very visually interesting for an action movie. Plus, the framing of the central powers as absolutely bad and the allies as absolutely good is problematic, it leads to a glorification of imperialist powers no matter what perspective you take.
      I'm not opposed to having a superhero movie act as a period peace, the first half of the captain america movie was pretty good specifically because it kind of poked fun at the propaganda and culture at the time, but afterwords they depoliticized it by replacing nazis with hydra. What the fuck!? Why can't I see captain america killing fascists? I'm going to watch inglorious bastards.

  • @teddylucas5881
    @teddylucas5881 8 лет назад


  • @tizr7307
    @tizr7307 8 лет назад


  • @nemtweakelek
    @nemtweakelek 8 лет назад +1

    Isn't feminism and egalitarianism the same thing?

    • @blueturborider
      @blueturborider 8 лет назад

      it not

    • @nemtweakelek
      @nemtweakelek 8 лет назад

      then why does everyone think that? People should know the difference

    • @triggerwarningiidentifyasc725
      @triggerwarningiidentifyasc725 7 лет назад

      Not everyone only Feminists think that! The rest of the world can see theirs actions and it doesn't match their definition.

    • @aninditafarzana2773
      @aninditafarzana2773 7 лет назад

      Magyar Dénes feminism tackles specific things that egalitarianism can't (like abortion)

    • @triggerwarningiidentifyasc725
      @triggerwarningiidentifyasc725 7 лет назад +1

      le Potterhead
      Indeed, Egalitarians would not abide by this inequality like *Her choice, her body, **-her-** his responsibilities.* Feminists tackle where they can gain a privilege!

  • @lolpinkkittygaming5222
    @lolpinkkittygaming5222 8 лет назад

    can you help me my 2 Bffs and me have depression they are cutting and I put there safety over my own
    I tryed videos to see what I can do for me and them but the people don't understand not everyone with depression wants to kill themselves I gust want to stop it before it gets that far.

    • @joesal533
      @joesal533 8 лет назад

      call the police. and have them talk to your friends

    • @joesal533
      @joesal533 8 лет назад

      ***** me?

  • @robotmilker
    @robotmilker 8 лет назад

    Wahey Marina!
    - I was in the closet once....17 years ago. Shit I'm old. I didn't have any app but the world best mom and that might be even better ;-D But its good that they have some support. I will check it out and check in and see if I can spread some love on this here computer machine blipblop! phone app mobile. Im old.

  • @Polyhat_
    @Polyhat_ 8 лет назад +4