Mike L I think in that case you should have the option of whether to use the premade deck or not because I'd be pissed if they didn't let me make my own
Mike L On the other hand, it's easier for most people to get through Naxx than to buy and pray on packs. So you could have a constructed brawl that doesn't immediately wreck f2pers...
I swear to God this happened to yesterday 6th turn im playing rogue, enemy druid has 5/5 mana worm on field and i have patient assasin I topdeck assasinate and use it, get Mymiron head. Then everything became clear in my head, i saw the play. _Stars aligned_ so i shadowsteped my patient assasin twice in hope of getting 2 target dummies, and I did. 1 mana left, exaxtly for my conceal. Next turn druid could only watch and cry how my Voltron pounds his face :D
Mirza Ajanovic Similar story, much shorter: Played Flamestrike, RNG'd Antonidas, free fireball from Antonidas from the Flamestrike, opponent nopes right on out of the game.
Sir iMeh I would, if I'd ever bothered spending dust on Hunter cards. It's the only class I've not used, outside of (very) occassional Arena runs, since closed beta. It does look like fun, though, I'll give you that!
woobmonkey I destroyed druids with my mage and priest decks. I was actually shocked to watch this and hear everyone thought Druid was the best. I thought priest was unstoppable.
***** Well, any class can beat any class. All I know is I went 18 straight wins with Malfurion; it took a Paladin with a god-draw to break the streak. Priest is okay, in my experience; I think Anduin's gone maybe 60-65% for me. Other than counterspell, Jaina has played like shit for me; I've yet to be beaten by anyone running her, either. Your mileage may (and has, it seems!) vary.
woobmonkey everyone loves this brawl, but i literally ran a near exact copy of face hunter and crushed somebody. that just made the brawl un fun for me
woobmonkey wow really? Were you using minions? Mostly all the highest and lowest cost spells, no minions (cept one northshire on priest), only secrets were vaporize and ice shield, shadowform, and never lost.
I agree Kripp. I had a lot of fun with this brawl. I played Mage with it, but I could see Priest, Pally, and Druid also being strong. The look on your face when the Turtle came out... hilarious. Also when Mogor came out. lol
Totally agreed, best Tavern Brawl so far. I can't stop playing it. I tried all classes except Warrior. And I also made mistake with Loatheb. It's a shame Twisting Nether doesn't work because the summon happened before it destroy all minions.
Yu Sun Twisting nether is actually playable. You can get ashbringer from tyrion, and sneeds. I won a game like that, tiswting nether summoned sneeds wich summonned ragnaros, 8 dmgs to face -> won.
This is definitely the best tavern brawl, so far. I've had a lot of fun with it. It actually made me want to play more games than just winning for the first time for a card pack. The only reason I've played more in other ones were to experience both Rag and Nefarian and to complete some daily quests with the webspinner decks, for classes that I am lacking cards. Also, Druid can be crazy OP, if you go second and get a coin/innervate/soul of the forest combo.
I went against a guy that got a Lorewalker Cho out of a 2 mana spell, then next turn got a Nat Pagle out of a 2 mana spell, and then got a Summoning Portal out of a 4 mana spell...... Simply the funniest 0/4 stat minion group in the game o,o
narutoviz2 me: turn 5 i play unstable portal and i get jaraxxus. I have 10 hp, that guy has like 25. Next turn i play jaraxxus he concedes.. And again, me on warlock: turn 2 kinfe juggler turn 3 knife juggler voidwalker turn 4 2 squires and elven archers,=> oponent concedes; best moment of my life
LUCI ALEX my best ever moment was when I killed a Sneed's, that dropped a Sneed's, which I killed as well....guess what that Sneed's dropped....Kel'Thuzad....I simply lost that game :)
I LOVE this brawl. Rogue is my favorite to play. Not saying it's the strongest, but it's the most fun for me. I loved the 3-mana minion generator with headcrack
I think Rouge is very good, just because he has a lot of remove spell can return minion back to the hand, but in this mode, no one want to use crystal on minion if there is decent spell in hand. Assassinate, Sprint and Vanish works super well in this mode, and also the headcrack Krip mentioned.
Robotputty It is a solid minion that you can have since it can delay some mass spell users, but it can get removed pretty quickly. Now if you put in a lorewalker Cho it can get interesting. I usually only have room for either a Kezan Mystic or 4 mana Trog as a Druid deck
Best thing I've done is have a discounted pyroblast from a sorcerer's apprentice and get Malygos and hit face for 15 and won. I was laughing so hard, it was so fun
Super Wispajin- "I am the hope of the krippverse, i am the answer to all kappas that cry out for peace, i am the protector of the balance, i am the light in the darkness, i am value.... ally to good, nightmare to you!"
this brawl is fantastic, the best by far since it got introduced. I had a lot of fun with mage and priest. my priest wins against everything except other priests and some druids with perfect draws and perfect rng. I am happy about this brawl, finally this format shows its full potential.
Such a good feeling today. Tavern brawl. Mage vs mage. Basically on the defensive all game. Feeling like if this guy has a pyroblast (Unless it was their last card they didn't have one) I was going to lose. Multiple times I was in lethal range if they drew a second fireball. I topdeck a flamestrike. Then next turn topdeck pyro blast. Fight for another 3 turns trying not to get too low, but I'm now down to 6. I get my second flamestrike. I drop opponent to 2 hp and go to ping for 1 damage, then realize of all the 7 drops, who do I get? Prophet Velen, ftw. Now I need to go play priest to return the favor.
The best class for me has been Palli. Between the low cost secrets that can be played for value on an empty board, all the heals to keep you ahead, the massive amount of card draw mechanics, and a great catch up mechanic in equality+consecration, its really the best.
Added venture co to my rogue to up spell cost, if it stays alive allows you to get some bigger bodys on the board that help late game where rogue tends to fall off.
just1Duncan well i think that is the idea behind it, if u make all of the enemy spells cost 0 he wil only be able to summon 0 creatures even if he uses an 6 mana spell u know (sorry for the bad english) peace
I'm surprised there was no mention of Clockwork Gnome. For decks like Warlock and Priest that have trouble getting early board, you get out a quick 2/1 to help your tempo, force your opponent to respond, and get a 1-cost spell out of it, so it's like getting 3 1-cost effects for 2 mana split up over two turns. Also, Mind Control Techs and Kazan Mystics are good filler for your non-spell slots.
Curious, I played as shaman first and it went pretty well... Bloodlust is often pretty awesome as you have lots of minions on the field (and once it spawned Leeroy :D)
I thought the summoned creature was based on the base value of the spell first go around, put loatheb in my deck. Opponent played 6 mana mirror image plus sylvanas lol
I got Prophet Velen when using Flamestrike playing in this Brawl, TWICE. Boosts the damage to 8 instantly and I had frost novas as well so I could keep him alive too. Needless to say I won those games lol.
I can't say I agree with Kripp's opinion on Shaman in this mode. Shaman has a lot of low cost spells with strong effects and they become all the more powerful with the added effect of a free minion. Since the spells are so cheap, you can fill up the board very quickly and be very aggressive. The only problems are that, like Warlock, a lot of the early spells need to be played reactively. Secondly, you have to be careful not to play too many Overload cards in one turn if it means you won't be able to play anything from your hand next turn. Some examples of the plays that you can make? -The Hero Power is stronger with more minions on the board, since the Healing Totem heals more and the Taunt totem protects more targets. Even the Spell Damage totem can give your other spells the damage they need to kill a bulky minion on the opponent's board. -Rockbiter and Lightning Bolt remove most 1 and 2 drops and even some 3 drops while also giving you a minion, making them 2 for 1 trades in most cases. -Lava Shock is now much better since a lot of Shaman's spells have the Overload drawback. -Ancestral Spirit can help keep your minions on the board or let you double dip on a Deathrattle. -Reincarnate can act as a pseudo silence on an enemy minon, a full heal on your own minions, or like Ancestral Spirit, double dip on a Deathrattle. -Feral Spirit gives you two 2/3's AND an extra 3 drop. Where's that hype about Muster for Battle now? -Lightning Storm clears the board for much less mana than most other AoE spells. -Finally, Bloodlust is amazing with all of the minions you'll have on the board from flinging spells at your opponent's hapless creatures. If you don't have enough spells in your collection for a full deck, I feel some good creatures to put in would be Cult Master, Unbound Elemental, or Flametongue Totem. Also, make sure you skip the spells Ancestor's Call, Ancestral Healing, and Totemic Might, as those spells are still very weak in this format.
Here are some tips (I guess you could call them tips): Don't use Loatheb because it makes their spells cost 5 more meaning they could play an 8 mana Frostbolt and get Kel'Thuzad or something crazy like that. Sorcerer's Apprentice might not be good because it makes your spells cost less but make the minions you get worse, Preparation because again it makes your minions worse, Kirin Tor Mage ^, Emperor Thaurissan ^, Far Sight^. Mindgames because basically everyone is just running spells maybe like 5 minions tops. Don't play Wild Pyromancer because it just hurts your minions that are high cost and if it's a 1-2 mana spell it might just kill the minions you summon. King Mukla because it gives them buffs and two one mana minions. I wouldn't play Shaman or Warrior this tavern brawl just because overload is so harsh and then Warrior because...Warrior... Minions that might be cool: Faerie Dragon, Arcane Nullifier X-21, Spectral Knight, Wee Spellstopper if mage, Stonesplinter Trogg, Burly Rockjaw Trogg, Troggzor the Earthinator, Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, Trade Prince Gallywix if Rogue, Headcrack if Rogue, Anima Golem if Warlock, Mana Wyrm if Mage, Flame Waker if Mage, Mana Addict, Flesh Eating Ghoul, Cult Master, Violet Teacher, Kezan Mystic, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Gnomish Experimenter, Mind Control Tech, Questing Adventurer, Enhance-o Mechano, Venture Co. Mercenary, Illidan Stormrage, Mogor the Ogre, Sea Giant, Deathlord might be cool since hardly anyone runs minions and Nozdormu because it makes turns super quick and neither play will be able to take there time to see what minion they get from there spells since they only have 15 seconds.
i made an aggro deck with druid in this tavern brawl, just get a lot of creatures out with innervate and power of the wild (the latter can give you two 2-drops for 1 card) or if the game went on for a bit, which it rarely did, i did a few combo's with violet teacher to spawn tokens (the only 2 creatures in the deck) so i could then soul of the forest all of my minions and checkmate my opponent because of savage roar. i had A LOT of games where i just won turn 3-5.
I would like a Tavern Brawl with premade decks like this: You become a random Naxxaramas or Blackrock hero with their deck and face others :D (maybe not from all heroes (emperor thaurrisan OP), but it would be fun to see something like Nefarian vs Cromaggus)
Shaman can get big minions, and it can get them faster than other classes. You can abuse the fact that other classes won't play minions and use Ancestor's Call to get a free 4 drop + Big minion to Turn 4.
I noticed card text not activating several times, like your broken 50/50 on attack target. Seems some cards break or something...not consistent, but I had numerous dragon buffs fail, cards gained through Thoughtsteal fail, etc.
you actually won seven coin flips Kripp. The ogre had to either attack the right target or not then get affected by the other ogre again I believe, unless the 7/6 cancels the 4/4 ability
11:23 "how rekt can you get?" Well Kripp, maybe as rekt as you're gonna be when everyone notices your lipsynching! Kappa KappaPride Kappa KappaPride (ditto) (ditto) ditto Kappa
Currently on 40 wins and Priest is definitely the second best class, right behind Druid. Mage, Hunter and Rogue are ridiculously easy to beat. Paladin can be a bit tough but I've only faced about 3 of them. I have not encountered any of the other classes.
Preparations is pretty decent card in my opinion in this game. You draw enough card so preparations counts as almost free 2 cheap minion + you get the spells effect. You might want to get some spell damage though.
Hello Kripp! I know this is completely unrelated but are you gonna play the new expansion of Path of Exile? :3 I would love to see what build you would make out of all the new stuff. ^-^
About the only thing I find a bit annoying is the fact that the creature summon happens before the spell effect. Ex. Twisting nether, gets Kel'thuzad, and then he gets wiped out by it.
Personally I thought that one of the best cards hands down for this tavern brawl was lay on hands. The heal, the draw, not to mention the 8 mana cost has some incredible minions with the two weakest being the iron ark protector and the force tank. Every other potential card is legendary and also none of them have battle cry effects which are wasted when summoned. The reason I stay away from the 9 cost spells is because you can run into the disaster that is majordomo
You can really tell by your cheerfulness that you are truly enjoying this tavern brawl. So cute to see Kripp get gitty over HS again!
Here's a fun Tavern brawl: "All deathrattle effects now trigger as a Battlecry instead"
Stefan de Jong Sorry, what?
Rogier van den Berg I fucked my sentence. Fixed ._.
Mike L I think in that case you should have the option of whether to use the premade deck or not because I'd be pissed if they didn't let me make my own
Mike L On the other hand, it's easier for most people to get through Naxx than to buy and pray on packs. So you could have a constructed brawl that doesn't immediately wreck f2pers...
Mike L You still need one of these two dead or it will not trigger.
This is the most fun I've seen Kripp have in a long time.
I swear to God this happened to yesterday
6th turn im playing rogue, enemy druid has 5/5 mana worm on field and i have patient assasin
I topdeck assasinate and use it, get Mymiron head. Then everything became clear in my head, i saw the play.
_Stars aligned_ so i shadowsteped my patient assasin twice in hope of getting 2 target dummies, and I did. 1 mana left, exaxtly for my conceal.
Next turn druid could only watch and cry how my Voltron pounds his face :D
Mirza Ajanovic such a beatiful story
Mirza Ajanovic A better love story than Twilight
Fedarik 3troll3me
Mirza Ajanovic I got gallywix twice in a row, gg
Mirza Ajanovic Similar story, much shorter: Played Flamestrike, RNG'd Antonidas, free fireball from Antonidas from the Flamestrike, opponent nopes right on out of the game.
I love my lay on hands - summon chromaggus - draw 6 cards - combo!
Well you are going to burn 2 cards or more depending on how many cards you have. So...i'll pass.
No you can have all six no problem
Tadeo Palafox Lay on Hands draws 3 cards (6 cards after Chromaggus). There's no problem.
Ah i thought he meant lay on hands gave him 6 cards then doubled by Chromaggus. That would've been insane.
This week's Brawl:
1: Play Druid
2: ???
3: Profit.
Sir iMeh
I would, if I'd ever bothered spending dust on Hunter cards. It's the only class I've not used, outside of (very) occassional Arena runs, since closed beta.
It does look like fun, though, I'll give you that!
woobmonkey I destroyed druids with my mage and priest decks. I was actually shocked to watch this and hear everyone thought Druid was the best. I thought priest was unstoppable.
Well, any class can beat any class. All I know is I went 18 straight wins with Malfurion; it took a Paladin with a god-draw to break the streak.
Priest is okay, in my experience; I think Anduin's gone maybe 60-65% for me. Other than counterspell, Jaina has played like shit for me; I've yet to be beaten by anyone running her, either.
Your mileage may (and has, it seems!) vary.
woobmonkey everyone loves this brawl, but i literally ran a near exact copy of face hunter and crushed somebody. that just made the brawl un fun for me
woobmonkey wow really? Were you using minions? Mostly all the highest and lowest cost spells, no minions (cept one northshire on priest), only secrets were vaporize and ice shield, shadowform, and never lost.
I agree Kripp. I had a lot of fun with this brawl. I played Mage with it, but I could see Priest, Pally, and Druid also being strong.
The look on your face when the Turtle came out... hilarious. Also when Mogor came out. lol
"This wisp has the strength of 10 wisps!" xDD
This week's tavern brawl is INSANE. I love the combo of rng and strategy in building a deck.
I literally cannot stop playing this Brawl, it's so much fun.
Best one yet. Unlike spiders it involves skill as much as RNG.
***** yep, it is indeed close to perfection.
Геннадий Даценко I know right? I will actually miss this game mode once it's over..
True fact.
Геннадий Даценко don't forget money for cards...or gold, so you need RNG in the arena to get good cards to make gold to buy packs :)
DarkLeviathan8 It will be back..RIP
This was the best fun so far I've had in hearthstone yet. Blizz did a great job with this brawl.
Totally agreed, best Tavern Brawl so far.
I can't stop playing it.
I tried all classes except Warrior. And I also made mistake with Loatheb.
It's a shame Twisting Nether doesn't work because the summon happened before it destroy all minions.
Sir iMeh Yeah I learned that.. the hard way q_q
Just get sneeds with twisting nether. Warrior is actually good. Warsong commander and cleave are so broken
Twisting nether - Sneeds - Kel thuzad from sneeds - get everything back...
Yu Sun Warrior was actually quite fun, Charge, Rampage, etc on a windfury minion, win everything.
Yu Sun Twisting nether is actually playable.
You can get ashbringer from tyrion, and sneeds.
I won a game like that, tiswting nether summoned sneeds wich summonned ragnaros, 8 dmgs to face -> won.
This is definitely the best tavern brawl, so far. I've had a lot of fun with it. It actually made me want to play more games than just winning for the first time for a card pack. The only reason I've played more in other ones were to experience both Rag and Nefarian and to complete some daily quests with the webspinner decks, for classes that I am lacking cards.
Also, Druid can be crazy OP, if you go second and get a coin/innervate/soul of the forest combo.
I hope they archive some of these modes so they're playable later on.
I went against a guy that got a Lorewalker Cho out of a 2 mana spell, then next turn got a Nat Pagle out of a 2 mana spell, and then got a Summoning Portal out of a 4 mana spell......
Simply the funniest 0/4 stat minion group in the game o,o
mage, uses unstable portal, gets lorewalker cho on board and on hand(I were the mage) my opponent conceded
TheAwkwardGuy One of my games, mage's unstable portal summoned a Cho, added portal to my hand, then that portal made another Cho...
narutoviz2 me: turn 5 i play unstable portal and i get jaraxxus. I have 10 hp, that guy has like 25. Next turn i play jaraxxus he concedes..
And again, me on warlock: turn 2 kinfe juggler turn 3 knife juggler voidwalker turn 4 2 squires and elven archers,=> oponent concedes; best moment of my life
LUCI ALEX my best ever moment was when I killed a Sneed's, that dropped a Sneed's, which I killed as well....guess what that Sneed's dropped....Kel'Thuzad....I simply lost that game :)
ended up playing a match in this tavern brawl with three lorewalker cho on the battlefield, absolutely crazy.
I just loved it when an awesome burst of druid spells ended with a summoned doomsayer..
I think these three days, wisp was seen more often on board then in the entire lifespan of Hearthstone.
My demonlock deck with this brawl was INSANE, Bane of Doom into a doomguard summoned, then malganis = win game for 5 mana
I LOVE this brawl. Rogue is my favorite to play. Not saying it's the strongest, but it's the most fun for me. I loved the 3-mana minion generator with headcrack
"K, what do we got? Oh we got lethal, how 'bout that."
Hahaha, what a King.
I think Rouge is very good, just because he has a lot of remove spell can return minion back to the hand, but in this mode, no one want to use crystal on minion if there is decent spell in hand. Assassinate, Sprint and Vanish works super well in this mode, and also the headcrack Krip mentioned.
Are troggzors good this week?
I was thinking about the same thing that's the only minion I or in my deck
*Put in my deck
I don't think any minions are just because all spells have so much more value.
Robotputty It is a solid minion that you can have since it can delay some mass spell users, but it can get removed pretty quickly. Now if you put in a lorewalker Cho it can get interesting.
I usually only have room for either a Kezan Mystic or 4 mana Trog as a Druid deck
Robotputty they are just don't put many minions in if at all
11:03 skiparino the kripparino
Best thing I've done is have a discounted pyroblast from a sorcerer's apprentice and get Malygos and hit face for 15 and won. I was laughing so hard, it was so fun
That happened to me like an hour ago lol
It wasn't against Eazy was it? xD
"I hope you're wondering why i gathered you both"
Toaster Nipps Profit Velen flamestrikes are fun too
My friend and I were playing for fun and I had 3 Prophet Velen's and my pyroblast did 80 damage
I played so much Tavern Brawl this week that when I went into Ranked I was like "What the heck? Where is my minion?!" After casting a spell :)
Super Wispajin- "I am the hope of the krippverse, i am the answer to all kappas that cry out for peace, i am the protector of the balance, i am the light in the darkness, i am value.... ally to good, nightmare to you!"
I came to see the Warlock v Druid game again but it wasnt here. :( It was epic.
this brawl is fantastic, the best by far since it got introduced. I had a lot of fun with mage and priest. my priest wins against everything except other priests and some druids with perfect draws and perfect rng. I am happy about this brawl, finally this format shows its full potential.
Such a good feeling today. Tavern brawl. Mage vs mage. Basically on the defensive all game. Feeling like if this guy has a pyroblast (Unless it was their last card they didn't have one) I was going to lose. Multiple times I was in lethal range if they drew a second fireball. I topdeck a flamestrike. Then next turn topdeck pyro blast. Fight for another 3 turns trying not to get too low, but I'm now down to 6. I get my second flamestrike. I drop opponent to 2 hp and go to ping for 1 damage, then realize of all the 7 drops, who do I get? Prophet Velen, ftw. Now I need to go play priest to return the favor.
the flamestrike troggzor summon is a nightmare cant wait for this weeks tavern brawl
You fight with a strength of many men, sir wisp!
That game where you got really unlucky vs Druid is what happened to me every single game minus one.
The best class for me has been Palli. Between the low cost secrets that can be played for value on an empty board, all the heals to keep you ahead, the massive amount of card draw mechanics, and a great catch up mechanic in equality+consecration, its really the best.
Frostnova is awesome! If you freeze their board when it's full, they won't gain creatures from their spells next turn.
My priest beat every mage deck it played against, which was about 70% of all the decks at the time. Loved it!!
My favorite part of this week's Brawl is playing Priest vs. Priest Mind Control wars. Basically fighting over Deathwing ownership.
Added venture co to my rogue to up spell cost, if it stays alive allows you to get some bigger bodys on the board that help late game where rogue tends to fall off.
Best one yet, you can troll really hard with millhouse
"I think every single druid I have played against has had coin"
> First two matches against Druid Kripp has coin.
This may be old news, but Mistress of Pain + Auchenai Soulpriest is hilarious.
Millhouse :) here all your spells cost 0
Magnus Bekkengen doesnt work
if spell costs 0 then you get a creature that costs 0 mana
just1Duncan I think he meant using it against your opponent.
just1Duncan yes. your opponent turn is basically wasted
just1Duncan well i think that is the idea behind it, if u make all of the enemy spells cost 0 he wil only be able to summon 0 creatures even if he uses an 6 mana spell u know (sorry for the bad english) peace
Magnus Bekkengen And if playing a mage absolutely hope that his hand doesn't contain enough damage to outright kill you.
wait...this was 6 months ago? it feels like it was last month...time sure goes fast damn
I'm surprised there was no mention of Clockwork Gnome. For decks like Warlock and Priest that have trouble getting early board, you get out a quick 2/1 to help your tempo, force your opponent to respond, and get a 1-cost spell out of it, so it's like getting 3 1-cost effects for 2 mana split up over two turns. Also, Mind Control Techs and Kazan Mystics are good filler for your non-spell slots.
I got very Lucky as a shaman . Had a full board. Dropped Heroism and got a leeroy with heroism on.
I bough a lotto ticket.
Fuck the alliance, its bloodlust!!!
Raid leader: "Lust in 3 seconds!"
God I missed being yelled when to lust in raids
Jaime Grey Thank you for translating. Never heard of Heroism before.
Tamere Enshort btw cool nom bro, jdisais tout le temps ça quand j'étais jeune hahahha
4 years later and we still have 1 deckslot for tavern brawl
Helloooo 11:03 Skipp da Kripp
Crodo hero
Crodo saviour of this planet
Love you
Crodo no
I loved this weeks brawl.
Curious, I played as shaman first and it went pretty well... Bloodlust is often pretty awesome as you have lots of minions on the field (and once it spawned Leeroy :D)
I thought the summoned creature was based on the base value of the spell first go around, put loatheb in my deck. Opponent played 6 mana mirror image plus sylvanas lol
Twisting nether an entire board while you have a few bigass minions out and you know you're gonna lose, then getting kel thuzad >>>
My funniest moment was having a mind control war over Gallywix.
I got Prophet Velen when using Flamestrike playing in this Brawl, TWICE. Boosts the damage to 8 instantly and I had frost novas as well so I could keep him alive too. Needless to say I won those games lol.
Priest is by far the best hero for this brawl. I find both Mage and Warlock very good to, but Priest really has done it for me.
Anyone else notice the loatheb not work when he was using priest going aginst a druid? Idk but good vid kripp!
That druid match was the funniest.
Kidnapper:"I usually wear cologne"
Paladin with Bolvar and muster is pretty insane with the amount of minions being killed. Managed to get out a 17/7 bolvar on turn 6 XD
I can't say I agree with Kripp's opinion on Shaman in this mode. Shaman has a lot of low cost spells with strong effects and they become all the more powerful with the added effect of a free minion. Since the spells are so cheap, you can fill up the board very quickly and be very aggressive. The only problems are that, like Warlock, a lot of the early spells need to be played reactively. Secondly, you have to be careful not to play too many Overload cards in one turn if it means you won't be able to play anything from your hand next turn.
Some examples of the plays that you can make?
-The Hero Power is stronger with more minions on the board, since the Healing Totem heals more and the Taunt totem protects more targets. Even the Spell Damage totem can give your other spells the damage they need to kill a bulky minion on the opponent's board.
-Rockbiter and Lightning Bolt remove most 1 and 2 drops and even some 3 drops while also giving you a minion, making them 2 for 1 trades in most cases.
-Lava Shock is now much better since a lot of Shaman's spells have the Overload drawback.
-Ancestral Spirit can help keep your minions on the board or let you double dip on a Deathrattle.
-Reincarnate can act as a pseudo silence on an enemy minon, a full heal on your own minions, or like Ancestral Spirit, double dip on a Deathrattle.
-Feral Spirit gives you two 2/3's AND an extra 3 drop. Where's that hype about Muster for Battle now?
-Lightning Storm clears the board for much less mana than most other AoE spells.
-Finally, Bloodlust is amazing with all of the minions you'll have on the board from flinging spells at your opponent's hapless creatures.
If you don't have enough spells in your collection for a full deck, I feel some good creatures to put in would be Cult Master, Unbound Elemental, or Flametongue Totem. Also, make sure you skip the spells Ancestor's Call, Ancestral Healing, and Totemic Might, as those spells are still very weak in this format.
I did a 30-spell Mage deck, and won every game I played with it. I figured that having 30 spells would equal having 60 cards in the deck.
Last week was great for people that don't have expensive cards. This week... Less so. Still, two awesome tavern brawls!
easily best brawl yet
>Tree of life from 10->30
I feel for that Druid in the first game, almost all of mine were like that
Here are some tips (I guess you could call them tips):
Don't use Loatheb because it makes their spells cost 5 more meaning they could play an 8 mana Frostbolt and get Kel'Thuzad or something crazy like that. Sorcerer's Apprentice might not be good because it makes your spells cost less but make the minions you get worse, Preparation because again it makes your minions worse, Kirin Tor Mage ^, Emperor Thaurissan ^, Far Sight^. Mindgames because basically everyone is just running spells maybe like 5 minions tops. Don't play Wild Pyromancer because it just hurts your minions that are high cost and if it's a 1-2 mana spell it might just kill the minions you summon. King Mukla because it gives them buffs and two one mana minions. I wouldn't play Shaman or Warrior this tavern brawl just because overload is so harsh and then Warrior because...Warrior...
Minions that might be cool: Faerie Dragon, Arcane Nullifier X-21, Spectral Knight, Wee Spellstopper if mage, Stonesplinter Trogg, Burly Rockjaw Trogg, Troggzor the Earthinator, Lorewalker Cho, Millhouse Manastorm, Trade Prince Gallywix if Rogue, Headcrack if Rogue, Anima Golem if Warlock, Mana Wyrm if Mage, Flame Waker if Mage, Mana Addict, Flesh Eating Ghoul, Cult Master, Violet Teacher, Kezan Mystic, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Gnomish Experimenter, Mind Control Tech, Questing Adventurer, Enhance-o Mechano, Venture Co. Mercenary, Illidan Stormrage, Mogor the Ogre, Sea Giant, Deathlord might be cool since hardly anyone runs minions and Nozdormu because it makes turns super quick and neither play will be able to take there time to see what minion they get from there spells since they only have 15 seconds.
i made an aggro deck with druid in this tavern brawl, just get a lot of creatures out with innervate and power of the wild (the latter can give you two 2-drops for 1 card) or if the game went on for a bit, which it rarely did, i did a few combo's with violet teacher to spawn tokens (the only 2 creatures in the deck) so i could then soul of the forest all of my minions and checkmate my opponent because of savage roar. i had A LOT of games where i just won turn 3-5.
I would like a Tavern Brawl with premade decks like this:
You become a random Naxxaramas or Blackrock hero with their deck and face others :D
(maybe not from all heroes (emperor thaurrisan OP), but it would be fun to see something like Nefarian vs Cromaggus)
I loved playing Priest and Mage in this mode with only 4 creatures each, and I even had fun with Shaman I didn't do well with Shaman at all though.
Won 28 games as a druid with spells only. Few games as a priest with spells only, every card is an answer + a creature.
I like this gamemode. i play warlock. and the card "Twisting nether" have given me "Tirion Fordringer" whenever i used it. It was awesome
That moment when you realize that the target dummy at 32:34 has more game then you....
Shaman can get big minions, and it can get them faster than other classes. You can abuse the fact that other classes won't play minions and use Ancestor's Call to get a free 4 drop + Big minion to Turn 4.
I noticed card text not activating several times, like your broken 50/50 on attack target. Seems some cards break or something...not consistent, but I had numerous dragon buffs fail, cards gained through Thoughtsteal fail, etc.
11:03 to skipperino kripperino.
Mind control deathwing combo FTW!!!
Greedy Priest deck is op, double mind control has never been so great xD
you actually won seven coin flips Kripp. The ogre had to either attack the right target or not then get affected by the other ogre again I believe, unless the 7/6 cancels the 4/4 ability
11:23 "how rekt can you get?" Well Kripp, maybe as rekt as you're gonna be when everyone notices your lipsynching! Kappa KappaPride Kappa KappaPride (ditto) (ditto) ditto Kappa
I have an unusually high chance of Cho appearing in my games. One game he appeared 3 times even!
Path of Exile expansion is out, will you be playing it and uploading on your channel? Perhaps a build video with the new spell gems (5)
Currently on 40 wins and Priest is definitely the second best class, right behind Druid. Mage, Hunter and Rogue are ridiculously easy to beat. Paladin can be a bit tough but I've only faced about 3 of them. I have not encountered any of the other classes.
Preparations is pretty decent card in my opinion in this game. You draw enough card so preparations counts as almost free 2 cheap minion + you get the spells effect. You might want to get some spell damage though.
damn, the one week I'm away from any computer the TB is finally fun to play
Nobody's talking about Trade Prince Gallywix. He was my shining star in my rogue deck
Hello Kripp! I know this is completely unrelated but are you gonna play the new expansion of Path of Exile? :3
I would love to see what build you would make out of all the new stuff. ^-^
Best Tawern Brawl since it started. :) Keep it up Blizzard
Recycle, Soul of the Forest, Dark wisperers, Tree of Life, emergency poison seeds. Value
Make sure you put Millhouse manastorm in all your decks.
About the only thing I find a bit annoying is the fact that the creature summon happens before the spell effect. Ex. Twisting nether, gets Kel'thuzad, and then he gets wiped out by it.
I've gone like 23-2 with Druid in this weeks Brawl, it's so good
my Druid opener was coin, innervate, innervate, mark of the wild and Soul of the Forest. Turn 1 concede. That was fair.
The problem with tree of life is you get Domo sometimes. Or in my case, every single time...
Kripp are you going to play Magic Origins? Seems to be like the hearthstone model.
I got prophet velon when i played flame strike a few times. That was insane.
I would love to be able to save multiple decks. Druid is probably the best in my opinion, but rouge is much more fun :)
best brawl so far
Personally I thought that one of the best cards hands down for this tavern brawl was lay on hands. The heal, the draw, not to mention the 8 mana cost has some incredible minions with the two weakest being the iron ark protector and the force tank. Every other potential card is legendary and also none of them have battle cry effects which are wasted when summoned. The reason I stay away from the 9 cost spells is because you can run into the disaster that is majordomo