Big Brother (US) - Final Juror Rankings

  • Опубликовано: 15 апр 2022
  • In this video, I finally get around to doing my Final Juror Ranking for Big Brother US.
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  • @birks2180
    @birks2180 2 года назад +31

    JC’s impressive moves and influence are inconsequential because all of his moves were to benefit an alliance that he wasn’t in. Taking Scottie out literally worsened his position and he never once tried to target Level 6 with Foutte when he would have been better positioned within Foutte.

    • @khntou4178
      @khntou4178 2 года назад +3

      Yeah I can appreciate his manipulation if it wasn't all against his own interest. I think his position as the biggest jury threat was something he kinda lucked himself into since his locked jury votes were people he was actively trying to evict which harmed his chances in actually getting into the final 2.

    • @timothygruber2587
      @timothygruber2587 Год назад

      @@khntou4178 If he goes against a Foutte they have 4 locked in votes each, and only need 1 more. And that could come from any a large number of people he now has betrayed. I don't think trying to go with one of Angela, Brett, Tyler, Kaycee was a bad move. He beats Brett easily, he might even win unanimously against him (or loses Bayleigh's vote), and that is who he was trying to go with.

    • @khntou4178
      @khntou4178 Год назад

      @@timothygruber2587 Looking back I probably take back my statement that JC lucked himself into a jury threat position cause he was playing a decent floater game with solid relationships in both sides of the house. I don't know, I feel like siding with the level six side of things was really bad for his Final 2 chances cause he was always in the bottom of an alliance he was never even an official member of. I feel like if he just guided level 6 from making such horrible moves then he has more people actively wanting to take him to the end (especially if the Fessey-Haleigh duo is split). Then again, this probably would have jeopardized his floater positioning so I don't know.

    • @whats_holden_up
      @whats_holden_up Год назад

      @@khntou4178 JC played a pretty strong game. I get that he should've taken a shot at level 6 but he was still good with that alliance socially and was really good strategically. Also if JC gets to the end he wins. Like on one of the lists he is a top 10 one time non winning player. He had couple flaws but still played a strong game

    • @khntou4178
      @khntou4178 Год назад

      @@whats_holden_up I don't disagree and I take back a lot of what I said about JC being lucky. In actuality he was quite unlucky since the side that would fight for him and bring him to final 2 was also among the worst alliances ever. Can't really blame him for sticking to the side that had one of the best players ever. He definitely makes it to the end in almost any scenario which is a plus, but him having to win out to win in the end in the scenarios he was actively fighting for is a negative.

  • @johanhoyos2318
    @johanhoyos2318 2 года назад +26

    Janelle threw votes at her friends, she will never vote for Howie or Kaysar even though everyone knows they are getting evicted, so using it against her its not right, so is she wrong for being loyal? pls

    • @nizzle428
      @nizzle428 2 года назад +8

      the point isn’t that she didn’t know what was going on, it’s that she wasn’t getting her way and was in the minority

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao 2 года назад +1

      @@nizzle428 I feel like she was accepting of those votes happening though, and knew that voting with the majority wouldn't better her position anyway. Voting in the majority is a very overrated measure of good gameplay that plays a major factor on all of this guy's lists. Janelle is definitely a flawed player though.

  • @khntou4178
    @khntou4178 2 года назад +58

    I'm willing to give Janelle some points for being a comp beast cause winning 9 comps across 10 weeks was crazy reliable, especially with how integral comps are in big brother. Problem is that she was actively making the wrong moves with all her power, even getting blindsided during her own reign, which makes her look worst in my books tbh. At the very least she actually has winning scenarios unlike BB6 though she is adminttingly a lot better strategically since she actually saw what her best chances to final 2 were. Also convincing April to be a huge Janelle stan towards the end game was good, where apprently she was willing to vote for Janelle to win over her own alliance. I don't really believe that but she possibly would bring Janelle over someone like Ivette to final 2.

    • @raheemfielder-bey998
      @raheemfielder-bey998 2 года назад +7

      It’s not the fact that she can win comps. That’s impressive it’s the fact that comps are choosen by production and they are very random, one day it’s holding on a wall the next day it’s trying to sound out phonetic pronunciations on license plates. That is a veritable you can’t control and so shouldn’t be relied on vs using your social connections to push people to get you what you want.

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao 2 года назад +2

      @@raheemfielder-bey998 You're completely right but to be fair Janelle was good at a wide variety of comps. She doesn't use the power she gets from those wins very well, but at least she keeps Erika, someone who she came close to getting to the end with and easily winning against.

    • @whats_holden_up
      @whats_holden_up Год назад

      Janelle should've been higher. Not great strategically but a comp beast and solid socially. She's a good player and should've been higher on the list

    • @khntou4178
      @khntou4178 Год назад

      @@whats_holden_up I don't think most peole go into this list thinking Janelle would be ranked in the 20s but there's so much to harp on her on. She's won so much power and influence over the game just to make a bad move everytime except her first HoH and svaing herself with Veto. And as we see lately her comp prowess isn't even consistent. I don't agree with her being in the 20s though and at the very least her BB6 game is pretty good considering how far she made it despite being recognized as the best player of her side - she did pretty well considering the cards she was dealt.

    • @NovaContext
      @NovaContext Год назад

      @@khntou4178 you can’t hold the fact that she isn’t good at comps anymore against her because she’s literally in her 40s now and was 40 in BB22, and when you’re competing against a lot of fit young people, it’s hard to win comps because of that age gap

  • @Realitytv000
    @Realitytv000 2 года назад +25

    Diane would win against Drew. Interviews during and after the season indicate that most of the jury respected her hame and thought Drew was riding her coattails

    • @Realitytv000
      @Realitytv000 Год назад +2

      @@rolandgreen7484 the day after the finale the jury said Diane would win

    • @whats_holden_up
      @whats_holden_up Год назад

      @@rolandgreen7484 I agree with your statement. I think it is up I'm the air between Diane and Drew. Imo I think Drew played the better game between the 2. I think Diane needed Drew more than he needed her as we've even seen in all stars she played a very timid game. Drew was more well rounded than Diane.

    • @whats_holden_up
      @whats_holden_up Год назад

      @Natalie Drew was always well integrated with the house even when he was with the 4 horseman he was well liked. He did a lot of maneuvering himself, I feel like Drew did plan out who to take out when as well. They both played pretty good games but Drew to me was better positioned, he's pretty underrated. Diane is a pretty good player so I wouldn't of been mad had she won the game

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      @@Realitytv000 The twins are NEVER voting Diane, so they are locked Drew votes, despite that Drew lost both to Cowboy who the twins really liked. Cowboy is obviously a locked Drew vote, even if Drew had cut him. So Diane needs all 4 other votes. Will is pretty locked, despite that he had a crush on Drew. Nakomis is pretty locked too. Karen was super bitter at Diane and said in jury house she never votes her after she betrayed her, so she is up in the air at best. Marvin is also up in the air. Diane needs both Karen and Marvin to win, as she already has 3 locked votes against her.

    • @dougierichardson484
      @dougierichardson484 5 месяцев назад

      @holden_up I think Drew had a good chance. He only needs 1 of Karen (super bitter at Diane so good chance she votes Drew) or Marvin (toss up vote) or Nakomis or Drew. Nakomis and Drew probably both vote Diane, but the other two are very much in the air. The twins and Cowboy are totally locked for Drew, even if he evicts Cowboy. The twins only voted Cowboy over Drew since they really liked him, they also really like Drew, and they detested Diane by the end, so no way on earth they vote her over Drew or Cowboy. It isn't even sure Diane beats Cowboy when Cowboy gets the twins and Nakomis for sure.

  • @summationgathering
    @summationgathering 2 года назад +12

    I agree with the bottom two rankings but by your logic, Victoria is last because she was saved by a twist but Janelle in BB7 was also saved by bizarre circumstances. She goes home at the F9 if the HOH doesn't have to be redone and, on top of that, Janelle was eliminated before the technical difficulties even happened.

  • @lunarsrealitygameshows
    @lunarsrealitygameshows 2 года назад +1

    Great vid!

  • @rogerleblond499
    @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +12

    Saying a plus for Nicole's game is that she wins if she wins final HOH by taking Holly, then saying she made a mistake by not booting Holly at 5 is contradicting yourself. Nicole has nobody she wins over out of who was left if she booted Holly. So you can't praise her game for a win scenario she almost had, then fault her and say she made a mistake by not booting her win scenario earlier, LOL!

    • @TripleBBBBB
      @TripleBBBBB 2 года назад

      I don't even know is nicole does win against holly tbh

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +1

      @@TripleBBBBB I think she probably does only since I think in that Final 2 whoever cut Jackson wins. And that would probably be Nicole for obvious reasons.

    • @TripleBBBBB
      @TripleBBBBB 2 года назад

      I think cutting holly is a bad move for nicole but keeping christie at 6 was the better move fo both cliff and nicole

    • @NYChica23
      @NYChica23 2 года назад

      @@TripleBBBBB I disagree, because the double was the perfect time to get rid of Christie. We already saw several times that to Christie's credit, she's very good at talking her way out of eviction if given enough time, and she's got a good shot to get the jury votes because of how integral she was to the strategy part in Gr8ful/Six Shooters, so putting Christie up in a scenario where she didn't have much time to work her magic and flip the votes to keep her was the smartest move for Nicole

    • @grantgoffin4774
      @grantgoffin4774 2 года назад +1

      @@NYChica23 The problem for Nicole is she needed to get rid of Christie, Jackson, Tommy all as quickly as she could with not a lot of time to do it. And add to that while he isn't a comp threat or huge strategic threat, she probably loses in a Final 2 to Cliff as well, and isn't even sure to beat Holly while keeping Holly is a problem mainly since it empowers Jackson. Her avenue to winning was a thin one and required a lot to go just right.

  • @bencalebrod
    @bencalebrod 2 года назад +6

    lol, Adam "sided with the correct people" even though it was his LAST chance to make a big move and change the perception of him being a total floater and Jordan/Rachel were never taking him to the end and he easily loses to both if he wins out.
    Adam not using the veto at Final 5 is FAR worse than Cliff/Nicole's move or Zach's move there, and on par with Wil in BBCAN6 throwing the Final 5 veto as one of the worst moves ever there. It literally killed any remaining chance of him winning the game.

  • @glts8146
    @glts8146 2 года назад +27

    I think you’re being a bit too harsh on BB7 Janelle, setting a record for comp wins in a single season has to count for something, right? To have her at 21 is a bit too low

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +4

      winning comps doesnt mean anything

    • @nizzle428
      @nizzle428 2 года назад +5

      yeah, but one of the comps she won had technical difficulties and had to be reset. she was eliminated before the reset, but was able to win after the reset, so she would’ve lost if not for the technical difficulties and probably goes home

    • @glts8146
      @glts8146 2 года назад +2

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 But winning comps gives you power, and power is ultimately one of the most important things in the game. Competitions aren't everything, absolutely not, but if you're able to win that many it's not nothing

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +3

      @@glts8146 but if ur the target every single week and win the pov to survive your pending eviction, that just isnt an impressive game at all

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +1

      @@rolandgreen7484 this isnt the challenge. the purpose of the game isnt to win every challenge. if that was her goal she came on the wrong show. winning a hoh or pov every single round while being the target each round and you wouldve been evicted if not for that comp win is just not an impressive game

  • @patrickcallahan9206
    @patrickcallahan9206 2 года назад +1

    great video and idea and the complex is awesome

  • @Sixersszn0
    @Sixersszn0 Год назад

    Bold of you to put Victoria at 1 but that’s what I love about this channel

  • @johanhoyos2318
    @johanhoyos2318 2 года назад +36

    putting Janelle at 21 and 15, when half of these players were floaters taken to the end is pretty dilusional on your part, i guess its a constant on your channel to undermine Janelles´s again

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +16

      janelle isnt a good player at all

    • @johanhoyos2318
      @johanhoyos2318 2 года назад +6

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 she isn’t number 1, but don’t tell me that Jerry (bb10) Adam (bb13) nicole (bb21) were better players. That’s inaccurate, even Azah who was carried by the cookout

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +7

      @@johanhoyos2318 nicole bb21 definitely is, maybe not jerry, but prolly adam and azah are

    • @jeilastnamejei5831
      @jeilastnamejei5831 2 года назад

      @@johanhoyos2318 they probably aren't better players but they've played better games than probably every single Janelle game.

    • @jeilastnamejei5831
      @jeilastnamejei5831 2 года назад +1

      People like to forget that Janelle was basically a first boot in bb14

  • @joelk2575
    @joelk2575 2 года назад

    Are you going to do final juror rankings for Australian Survivor too? That would be interesting.

  • @ajbeltis8429
    @ajbeltis8429 2 года назад

    Have you thought about a “what if the final 4 boot won veto” video for your what if series?

  • @rogerleblond499
    @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +4

    Robert is a total lock to win over both Alison and Jun. Against Jun he gets Dana, Justin, Jee, Nathan easily, likely gets Erika, and could get Jack. Jun only gets Alison and maybe Jack. Against Alison he probably wins 7-0, with Nathan probably Alison's only possible vote. Jun hated Robert, but admits she would have voted him in every F2 since he was a single dad, and confirmed that post show.

  • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
    @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +2

    like or not, christmas wasnt nominated for 83 days

  • @jamincsc5099
    @jamincsc5099 2 года назад +14

    Having only seen numbers 22, 21, and 20...I can already say- I don't know where she landed on this list yet, but Azah is ranked too high.

    • @raheemfielder-bey998
      @raheemfielder-bey998 2 года назад +2

      Azah did not have to rely on luck base circumstances (comps, battlebacks & twist) to get to the end of the game. The only luck base circumstance Azah had was the fact that she was black.

  • @rogerleblond499
    @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +7

    Ami had done better in comps before F3 than Lisa. While keeping Lisa over Ami was still really stupid for Jason (for Danielle it might have made sense since Danielle and Jason were atleast both taking her, and Ami might not have taken her over Jason), there was no reason to think based on the game until then Lisa was "better in competitions".

    • @raheemfielder-bey998
      @raheemfielder-bey998 2 года назад

      Amy’s comp ones were very lucky based if you look as Lisa as a competitor she is a better competitor than Amy! And the bigger knock was them not wanting to take Amy to the end when the jury had stated multiple times they would not have voted for someone who had a second life in the game.

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +2

      @@raheemfielder-bey998 Danielle explained that. She feared the jury were so bitter they would even give Ami the win over her. And she was not ok losing with Ami. If she were going to lose she wanted to lose to someone she atleast respected and wanted to win like Jason and if not Lisa.
      I personally think she is wrong for sure. Chiarra would never vote Ami after her calling her Chi-whorea on TV many times, and going home and seeing that. Roddy would not vote the person who disrespected his girlfriend like that. Lisa and Jason obviously vote Lisa. Gerry and Josh nearly did vs Lisa, and mainly didn't due to group think, so I think they are sure Danielle votes over Ami too. That is already 6 minimum and enough. Can't see Eric not voting Danielle in that F2 too.

    • @raheemfielder-bey998
      @raheemfielder-bey998 2 года назад +1

      @@rogerleblond499 Danielle only needed five votes because I see CBs giving the audience the sixth vote and they most likely vote for Danielle

  • @the_fd_180
    @the_fd_180 2 года назад +3

    I give props to Janelle but her flaw is jury management and relying on comp wins to get her a win.

  • @bluedevils481991
    @bluedevils481991 2 года назад +4

    I know janelle was not the most strategic player and imo one of the worst social players in bb history, but winning comps is so huge in the game that her bb7 run has to be higher. So many people get picked off each season because they can’t win comps. All the social and strategic thinking means little when you can’t get power by winning comps. I also think she wins against Erika, and maybe wins against boogie (though i doubt it). People did look at boogie like will’s lap dog not making the big moves himself

    • @sallymonroejs
      @sallymonroejs Год назад

      That would be for a player ranking though. He is ranking them based off of how they played on that ONE, INDIVIDUAL season

  • @kylehassig1964
    @kylehassig1964 2 года назад +2

    You seem to super love survivor/bb, you should totally try playing a survivor or big brother ORG. I think playing one would give you a lot of different insights on why the players make these decisions that they make in these games. Definitely love your content man always happy to see a video from you, whether or not I agree with the opinions you have such a great way of going in depth about the game, and they definitely brighten my day.

    • @NYChica23
      @NYChica23 2 года назад

      Agree there, because for a long time, I never really understood why players got all emotional when voting or why they made moves that seemed completely idiotic to us watching at home, but when I started playing ORGs as a way to keep myself occupied/distracted during COVID lockdown, that's when I got more insight into why players make the moves they make, especially when you have very limited information to go on and you don't have the clearest picture of what truly is happening in the game

  • @travisstrong5389
    @travisstrong5389 2 года назад +6

    More bias here ranking Victoria at the bottom (which I agree) with yet ranking Natalie T who is essentialy the exact same as Victoria, except being a much bigger jury goat than Victoria (Natalie beats nobody for sure, she probably even loses a Final 2 to freaking Phillip, while Victoria might have won in some scenarios, particularly with the jury pact). really high. A joke.

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao 2 года назад

      She voted in the majority 🥺

    • @travisstrong5389
      @travisstrong5389 2 года назад +4

      @@drewlmao Both Natalie T and Victoria were always voting in the majority. No difference there.

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao 2 года назад

      @@travisstrong5389 I know but this channel's ranking of Natalie was propped up greatly by her voting record which is a pretty negligible statistic to me

    • @travisstrong5389
      @travisstrong5389 2 года назад +3

      @@drewlmao By that logic Victoria should be ranked just as high. She always voted in the majority, made Final 3 as well, and Natalie was an even bigger jury goat and even more clueless than Victoria. Remember there is some question Victoria might win some situation due to the jury pact rumor, and even without that she has a chance against Christine and Caleb. Natalie can't win a Final 3 out of the entire cast on Redemption Island, not even a crazy never going to happen made up one, and probably even loses a Final 2 to Philip freaking Shepherd, LOL! So no ranking Victoria at the bottom and Natalie semi high is not negligible. If you are going to rank Natalie semi high for simply "voting in the majority" than Victoria must be too, as Natalie sucks equally or most cases worse than Victoria in every single other way.

    • @junsong9581
      @junsong9581 2 года назад

      @@travisstrong5389 there’s other runner ups worse than Natalie T. lol, not to mention survivor has like many runner ups compared to final jurors in big brother

  • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
    @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

    doesnt make a difference but christmas broke her foot not her leg tho right

  • @johanhoyos2318
    @johanhoyos2318 2 года назад +5

    Erika turned on Janelle cause everyone on the jury were going to vote for J (Marcellas, Howie, James, Danielle, George), so is Janelles fault that Erika isnt stupid? Erika knew it so she decided to went with Boogie instead

    • @drewlmao
      @drewlmao 2 года назад +1

      @@rolandgreen7484 She gets 1 vote against Boogie and possibly none against Janelle. Doesn't matter though, she had equally no shot against either of them.

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      And how did that work out for her, LOL! Yeah taking Boogie wound up being so smart for Erika.

  • @rogerleblond499
    @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +1

    Joe and Frank were never voting Danielle over Ian. Her best case is 3 votes from Jenn, Dan, and Shane, but I think she probably only gets Shane. She also doesn't clearly beat Dan I think. Dan would get Britney, Ian, Frank claimed post show he votes Dan over Danielle, Ashley hated Danielle so her vote could go either way, and if she ever cut Shane for Dan somehow she loses his vote too. Danielle also wanted to go with Shane who beats her 7-0.

  • @col1054
    @col1054 2 года назад +6

    You should do “casting bb14 as if it was All Stars 2

    • @TripleBBBBB
      @TripleBBBBB 2 года назад +1

      It would have never been Allstars bb 13 would be the better season to do another all stars

  • @knicksfan9366
    @knicksfan9366 2 года назад +1

    U should rank all the survivor players who played 3 times or more

  • @itzwakk335
    @itzwakk335 Год назад +6

    I understand your points on janelle but 21 still feels disrespectful, i know she was a terrible on the other 2 pillars but being safe from 11 to 3 is insane and means SOMETHING

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      She was safe almost always only due to comp wins and was often the one going home most times otherwise, despite that she was only a mid level jury threat at best either season. That said I agree 21 is too low, 12 seems about where I would put her. I think I put her over someone like Nicole Anthony, as much as I like Nicole A far more as a person.

  • @pokemongamer3194
    @pokemongamer3194 2 года назад +4

    Keep up the great vids

  • @ryanarostegui3677
    @ryanarostegui3677 2 года назад +2

    Top 8 should be Jason, Diane, Kevin, Enzo, Spencer, Vanessa, JC, and Nicole F (not in that order)

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +2

      Nicole F does not belong that high. Her All Stars game is way overrated. She could have easily gone home at Final 8, goes home at Final 6 if literally anyone but Cody wins HOH, probably goes home at Final 5 if she doesn't win HOH herself, would have gone home at Final 4 if Cody didn't realize she was blindly loyal to him and that Xmas wouldn't take him if she won final 3 HOH, and had no win scenario at Final 3 considering she only wins by winning final HOH and taking Enzo, and she admits she was taking Cody. Enzo was taking Cody too, but even if he takes Nicole, per the jury, they were giving the win to Enzo over Nicole if he was the one to cut Cody.

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад +1

      Enzo also does not belong that high. He got into a Final 3 were both Lane and Hayden were taking each other over him, and both trounce him in a jury vote. Lane was also taking Britney over him. He had almost no win scenarios at the end, and nobody was taking him. And he goes home at Final 5 if Ragan narrowly missed beating him in the veto.

    • @TripleBBBBB
      @TripleBBBBB 2 года назад +1

      Nvm tyler was not targeting cody for some reason still nicole f played well in my opinion

  • @turtletcp1598
    @turtletcp1598 2 года назад +1


  • @devondonato4609
    @devondonato4609 2 года назад +2

    nicole needs holly to win the game so i get why she saved her

    • @frankiedelgadoes
      @frankiedelgadoes Месяц назад

      Exactly. It was a super dumb move for Cliff, but a good one for Nicole for that reason. Ironically Nicole is the one who wanted to boot Holly, and Cliff who is the one who should have kept Tommy didn't want to, so in that sense both were dumb. Nicole only had a winning chance since Cliff got his way over her, like he always did in the game.

  • @isabellaearnhardt6380
    @isabellaearnhardt6380 2 года назад


  • @yellow4648
    @yellow4648 2 года назад +7

    no shit janelle is going to be targeted if she doesn’t win the comps that she did. that’s the whole fucking point. her gameplay is bold, ruthless, and a constant power struggle. everyone knows she doesn’t have an amazing social game but she owns that shit and doesn’t give a fuck that people don’t like her.

    • @blaze4907
      @blaze4907 2 года назад +6

      and that makes her a great character, not a great player

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +3

      thats what makes her a bad player is that she would be evicted if she doesnt win comps. ur doing something wrong if ur in the position to get evicted if u dont win a comp. thats the whole point of the game

    • @yellow4648
      @yellow4648 2 года назад

      @@blaze4907 she 100% is a great character, everyone knows it. but by definition she’s one of the best physical players to ever play.

    • @blaze4907
      @blaze4907 2 года назад +1

      @@yellow4648 not denying that, but you can be a great physical player while still being a bad bb player overall.

    • @yellow4648
      @yellow4648 2 года назад

      @@blaze4907 but a player being “bad” overall is just someone’s opinion. some fans like physical gameplay and some like strategic or social gameplay. some people would say she’s a good player and some would say she isn’t. it really depends on what is important to you when watching.

  • @edenzachary454
    @edenzachary454 2 года назад +3

    Thought davonne said somewhere in an interview that Nic F was getting 5 locked votes in cody/nicole final 2. believe it was kevin,enzo(he said hed vote against the person who got him out) Ian,christmas and memphis

    • @edenzachary454
      @edenzachary454 2 года назад +4

      Which explains when julie asked davonne at the finale who she wants see she said "if they were smart itll be nicole"

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      DaVonne is a chronic liar. She also said the jurors had to be pressed to say something even slightly positive about Nicole since they almost all hated her so much, which totally contradicts the idea of Nicole ever beating Cody.
      And Ian emphatically said in interviews he would never vote for Nicole to win, except maybe vs Christmas, and that he votes even Enzo over her, let alone Cody. Kevin and Memphis claimed in interviews they vote Cody over Nicole no matter what, and in Nicole vs Enzo they vote whichever cut Cody, which means if Enzo wins final HOH and takes Nicole, Nicole doesn't even beat him (considering we know Tyler and Da'Vonne herself are never voting Nicole, so adding in Ian, Kevin, Memphis at minimum confirming they vote Enzo if Enzo cuts Cody, that is already 5 atleast). . If Nicole takes Enzo she wins, but she claims she wasn't even going to do that, so it doesn't matter. What Ian, Kevin, Memphis say themselves hold far more credence than what chronic liar and drama queen DaVonne claims on their behalf, lol!

  • @voodoomcspaghettipants4082
    @voodoomcspaghettipants4082 2 года назад +9

    Nicole Anthony is wayyyyyy too high

  • @bencalebrod
    @bencalebrod 2 года назад +9

    Also, I gotta laugh at Danielle at #10 and ESPECIALLY Christmas 1.0 at #8. They were both just total puppets of the person running the game, even in the endgame where the obvious move was to NOT blindly follow said power player. Danielle belongs in the lower middle tier at best and Christmas in the bottom tier.

  • @kmack8636
    @kmack8636 2 года назад +2

    Bruh u cant just act like comp wins don’t matter at all

  • @khntou4178
    @khntou4178 2 года назад +1

    Still think keeping Holly is better for Nicole A since Holly is the only one she reliably wins against. Keeping Tommy means she does get to final 2 more easily, but her winning chances aginst the rest of the final 4 is much harder.
    Drew was bring Diane to final 2 until she got drunk and convinced him that she was a jury threat lol
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Christmas getting totally badmouthed by the jury during the end game? She's the only condition for Paul I think.

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

      going to the final 4 with a showmance who are both better at comps than u and cliff is always the wrong move

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 You play the game to win. Nicole probably needed a Final 2 with Holly to win by that point out of who was left. I don't think she beats any of Tommy, Jackson, or Cliff.

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 are you saying that is Nicole Anthony? I doubt that.

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

      @@rogerleblond499 well then she shouldve gotten one of them out at final 6 or earlier

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

      @@rolandgreen7484 either way u cant go to the 4 with a showmance and to the 6 with 2 pairs

  • @nicholashand1507
    @nicholashand1507 2 года назад +1

    Yeah no Christmas isn’t the 8th best final juror 🤣

    • @rogerleblond499
      @rogerleblond499 2 года назад

      Yeah her game on BB19 sucked really. Her game on All Stars was better but she was still a goat who got voted out.

  • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
    @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

    i think ur quite low on monica

  • @Tcottong
    @Tcottong 2 года назад +1

    Jedi janie so disrespected lol. Lol i personally put vanessa at #1.

  • @jeremyaht2213
    @jeremyaht2213 2 года назад


    • @TripleBBBBB
      @TripleBBBBB 2 года назад

      Literally she loses if she loses any of those comps except for the first hoh or veto and she also loses had the redo hoh happens and she actively made wrong moves with power

  • @rockstar2013100
    @rockstar2013100 2 года назад +3

    I get how you look at the game but you rlly can’t invalidate comps because in big brother comps are half the battle. Janelle Beasted in all stars. Her being below Adam and Spencer YIKKKKES

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад +3

      winning comps isnt the bad thing, its being in the position to have to win comps to stay in the game

    • @NYChica23
      @NYChica23 2 года назад

      The thing is that Janelle had to rely on those comp wins to stay in the game, whereas someone like Spencer was able to position himself well without having to rely on winning out. Vanessa is someone who did also win a lot of comps, but she wasn't really in a position for most of the game where it was either win out or get evicted, unlike Janelle in All Stars

    • @gonealoof2106
      @gonealoof2106 Год назад +1

      I agree, he does this in survivor rankings as well. He ticks players down for winning competitions. Really feel like he only cares about the social aspect.

    • @badmotorfinger1706
      @badmotorfinger1706 Год назад

      @@gonealoof2106 Because Big Brother is a social game above all else. Yes comps are important and great for your resume but if your social game is bad it really doesn’t matter how many comps you’ve won because you won’t get the respect of the jurt

  • @timw7256
    @timw7256 Год назад +1

    Nope I stopped this after Janelle was 21 F THAT

  • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
    @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

    memphis should def beat jerry in the final 2, but only way jerry gets there is if he wins final hoh and he never was

    • @raheemfielder-bey998
      @raheemfielder-bey998 2 года назад

      The problem with that statement is that a lot of the people on the jury were aligned with Jerry during the game. And with people like Libra and Keisha still talking shit on Memphis I think he has a hard time winning.

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

      @@raheemfielder-bey998 jerry played a terrible game i dont see the jury voting for a 75 year old man to win the game

    • @thevenomoth3455
      @thevenomoth3455 2 года назад

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 assuming that jerry wins the final HOH and evicts dan, bringing memphis to final 2...
      - libra probably votes memphis considering she worked with him
      - april and ollie are locked jerry votes
      - renny didn't really like either of them by the time that she left but said post-season that she would've voted for jerry over memphis so there you go
      - michelle worked with both of them at some point which makes it very tough to nail down where she votes, but my gut tells me that she votes for memphis because i don't really know how much respect she had for jerry
      - i don't think memphis was ever getting keesha's vote lol
      - dan is a locked memphis vote
      so overall jerry probably takes it but it's much closer than most people give it credit for

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

      @@thevenomoth3455 jerry was never winning the hoh so why assume that lol

    • @thevenomoth3455
      @thevenomoth3455 2 года назад

      @@bigbrotherspoilers9756 because it's the only way that final 2 was happening, as memphis would've brought dan to the end (plus even if memphis wins and takes jerry the votes don't change aside from the fact that dan is less secure now lol)

  • @samlewis26
    @samlewis26 2 года назад

    sometimes i think you just be saying things 😭😭

  • @90snostalgia67
    @90snostalgia67 9 месяцев назад

    Jason Guy had no strategic mind outside of Danielle Reyes. And he was even manipulated by Roddy to keep him. Besides being the most likeable houseguest I don't see any impressive game play.

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      Keeping Roddy was better for Jason, since he was more loyal to him than he was to Danielle or to most of the others left. Booting Roddy soon was better for Danielle, not for Jason.

    • @90snostalgia67
      @90snostalgia67 8 месяцев назад

      @rolandgreen7484 I agree, but I don't think Jason even understood what his optimal move would have been after that point in the game without Danielle once again telling Jason what do. And if Jason was smart, he would have voted out Lisa instead of Amy at final 4.

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@90snostalgia67 Yes voting out Amy was dumb, not only since Lisa was a way bigger jury threat, but more importantly there is a good chance Amy takes Jason to F2 over Danielle, while Lisa would always take Danielle. Taking Amy to F3 almost guarantees Jason the win as he destroys both Danielle and Amy in a jury vote, and Danielle definitely takes him, and Amy probably takes him.

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад

      @@90snostalgia67 I think Jason, and he has admited this, was worried about Amy bieng in Final 3 since she was such a goat he was scared Danielle might betray him to take her, even with as super loyal as Danielle and Jason were to each other. I think that was a baseless concern though, Danielle literally evicted Amy only since she didn't respect her game at all and didn't want there to be any possability she would win, and didn't want to risk ever losing to Amy, so she was never taking her.

  • @OakInOasis
    @OakInOasis 2 года назад +2

    5:55 The competition wins that *she* worked for.

    • @iddiolgames
      @iddiolgames 2 года назад

      Paul and Cody dominated the game and won 1 less comp each against much higher caliber competition so it doesn’t that she won

    • @jeilastnamejei5831
      @jeilastnamejei5831 2 года назад

      he doesn't value comp wins very highly. it's what you do with those comp wins that matters to him.

    • @sallymonroejs
      @sallymonroejs Год назад

      Why did you highlight the word 'she' ?

  • @iddiolgames
    @iddiolgames 2 года назад +1

    22. Janelle BB7
    21. Jerry
    20. Monica
    19. Victoria
    18. Azah
    17. Adam
    16. Zach
    15. Nicole A
    14. Christmas
    13. James
    12. Sheila
    11. Danielle
    10. JanelleBB6
    9. Spencer
    8. Robert
    7. Diane
    6. JC
    5. Nicole F.
    4. Diane
    3. Enzo
    2. Vanessa
    1. Jason Guy

  • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
    @bigbrotherspoilers9756 2 года назад

    i think ur far too high on spencer

    • @rolandgreen7484
      @rolandgreen7484 8 месяцев назад +1

      Andy Herren defended Spencer's game bigtime on some platforms, but I take that with a grain of salt as they were friends. And he couldn't even convince Andy to bring him even though he was no threat to Andy at all (granted Gina Marie wasn't either) and Andy probably gets a perfect game vs Spencer, despite that Spencer probably beats GinaMarie in a Final 2.

    • @bigbrotherspoilers9756
      @bigbrotherspoilers9756 8 месяцев назад +1

      yea i think spencer played the better game so he took gm with him@@rolandgreen7484

  • @realityrob1951
    @realityrob1951 2 года назад +5

    I would of had Enzo #1 personally but solid list. I can't put Jason #1 when it seemed liked he wanted Danielle to win more than he wanted himself to win.

    • @nizzle428
      @nizzle428 2 года назад +4

      yeah, but he beats danielle at the end, so it doesn’t rlly matter who he wanted to win

    • @Spooky_R
      @Spooky_R 2 года назад +2

      Enzo loses to both Hayden and Lane by the end of BB12 and didn't really do much that season except form the Brigade. If anything he shouldn't even be near single digits

    • @devondonato4609
      @devondonato4609 2 года назад +2

      enzo at number 1? he doesn't beat hayden or lane and contributed probably the least of the brigade. is this that positioning bullshit

    • @realityrob1951
      @realityrob1951 2 года назад +1

      @@Spooky_R I think he would beat Lane but not Hayden. Keep in mind there is not a lot of great final jurors.

    • @realityrob1951
      @realityrob1951 2 года назад

      @@devondonato4609 Just my opinion. We all have them.

  • @brianregan5933
    @brianregan5933 2 года назад +2

    Yeah I would 100 percent but victoria over Janelle. Yes Victoria had that dumbass reset week, but Janelle had the Final 9 HOH mishap, in a position where if Erika had won (which would have been what should've happened) she almost certainly goes home in that spot. MAYBE chilltown saves her, but its gonna be hard.

  • @TyroneMcDonalds
    @TyroneMcDonalds 2 года назад +1

    Finally someone realizes how overrated janelle is, I probably would have put her all stars game a little higher but still I’m just happy to see her not be top 5 like 99% of people do

    • @TyroneMcDonalds
      @TyroneMcDonalds 2 года назад

      I also would have probably put Danielle a lot lower

  • @rogerleblond499
    @rogerleblond499 2 года назад

    Ami had done better in comps before F3 than Lisa. While keeping Lisa over Ami was still really stupid for Jason (for Danielle it might have made sense since Danielle and Jason were atleast both taking her, and Ami might not have taken her over Jason), there was no reason to think based on the game until then Lisa was "better in competitions".