Murtaza Khan Confronted by Barelvis WHAT REALLY HAPPENED Asrar Rashid

  • Опубликовано: 23 мар 2012
  • This is the true and complete story of the barelvi invation in the programme of Muslims. Asrar rashid barelvi i challenge u to respond to our articles on Start responding to them one by one and i will accept Barelviyyah if proven wrong. Thats an open challenge. See the following links to be precise about the articles:
    Accept the challenge asrar rashid and i hope u dont run away now.
    Murtaza Khan Confronted by Barelvis WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Комментарии • 67

  • @I5LAM100
    @I5LAM100 12 лет назад +71

    These Brelawis causing Chaos in a Mosque. What kind of behaviour is this from muslims? Murtaza Khan sat there calmly and waited. He never got angry or anything. That how a muslim should behave in the House of Allah

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +23

    Some barelvi 'thugs' invaded a talk of brother murtaza khan and messed up the Q and A session. They had made a video of their own which was all edited and showed one side of the story and ofcourse the barelvis had to make the video appear as if they did a great job but this was the reality of all things, the unedited video with crystal clear voice.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +19

    Their Ghaus Al A'zam, Peer Abdul Qaadir Jilani (and he is free from the Shirk and kufr that they attribute to him).

  • @Mancunian786
    @Mancunian786 12 лет назад +47

    you barelvi's are the biggest innovators, you barelvi's have put your own opinions into islam.

  • @snake1mi
    @snake1mi 12 лет назад +18

    Why go through all that? Just pray to God directly. Muhammed SAW is the slave of Allah, and has no power over Allah.

  • @justnormalhuman
    @justnormalhuman 12 лет назад +25

    these guys have moved from a sect to a cult

  • @spikeyt786
    @spikeyt786 12 лет назад +17

    This is a disgrace. Muslim brothers putting so much stress on another brother. You guys should be ashamed of yourself...

  • @juss2fr3sh
    @juss2fr3sh 12 лет назад +29

    Masha'Allah... Brother Murtaza khana made very good points...

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +10

    The best source it self is Quran and Sunnah brother. Adopt the middle path but do not compromise on Haqq.

  • @mujahida26
    @mujahida26 12 лет назад +23


  • @MsYouthink
    @MsYouthink 12 лет назад +8

    wot is ya rasullallah? its meant to be ya allah! prophet (saw) has passed away.Allah is foreva.

  • @MsYouthink
    @MsYouthink 12 лет назад +10

    may allah reward murtaza khan ameen.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +12

    No problem at all. Brother my advise to you is please.. for the sake of Allah when you read quran or any hadeeth, plz plz understand it according as our righteous predecessors did. As the Sahaba did, as Rasool Allah s.a.w did. Deviance is bound to happen when some 1 gives quran or hadees a meaning that never existed before.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +9

    Its a Sect names after a place in India. Its founder was ahmed raza khan and u can very well say that the other name for Ahlul Shirk is barelvi. It came into existance after the 1850's along with Deoband which is sort of Younger brother of Barelvi in Aqeedah and Manhaj. Both these sects are not the Ahlul Sunnah according to the Scholars of Makkah and Madina.

  • @smiley78601
    @smiley78601 12 лет назад +21

    Look at the brother at 1:47 shrugs like a champ like look at these misguided fools. I luv this sheik Mashallah!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +6

    Excuse me.. can we observe some Islamic manners instead of barelvi manners?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +20

    Yes he from the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaat and a Sunni, Remember that the innovators barelvis also call themselves sunni just for name sake and all they do is do innovations and they also give false justifications to their Innovations. So they are not sunni brother. Sunni = the one that adheres to the Sunnah.. So yes Alhamdulillah Murtaza Khan is a Sunni.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    read the articles provided in the description of this video and respond accordingly instead of repeating what has already been refuted.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +13

    In Islam we are not allowed to say Assalamualykum to kuffaar and asrar rashid barelvi didnt write "Assalamualykum" (peace be on you), rather he said "Assalaamu Ala manittab'a al huda" (peace be on those that follow the guidance)" as if barelvis are the guided ones.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +6

    Its nothing new here in Pakistan. Tahir ul padri and other barelvis say Naara e haidri Ya Ali etc.. The green headed barelvis also have "Naara e Ghausiya".

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    Barak Allah feek.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +7

    I accepted the manhaj and aqeedah of Ahlul hadeeth as they blindly followed only Mohammad s.a.w.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    dont know about that, probably he was pointing at some strong words used by Murtaza khan in his talk on barelvis. Allah knows best.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +5

    indeed, he showed great Character and really i have learned from this behaviour of Murtaza Khan. Really tremendous mashAllah may Allah preserve him. ameen.

  • @K8s1m786
    @K8s1m786 12 лет назад

    wen did dis event happen

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    ok brother mashAllah u didnt greet me with Salaam in the same way that asrar rashid didnt greet Murtaza Khan. may Allah guide you, Ameen, First of All, if u think or believe that the qualities given to the prophet pbuh were from Allah and not his own then ur not a barelvi. I have the referene of Ahmed yaar naeemi to prove my case. See the article in the description of this video, "Prophet`s (pbuh) Knowledge of Unseen according to scholars" read this article from it. I am awaiting ur answer.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    what i did just now is deleted ur comments so we can deal 1 by 1, So my point no.1 to you is where did Murtaza Khan degrade Rasool Allah s.a.w? Show 1 clip.

  • @muslimah134
    @muslimah134 12 лет назад


  • @muslimah134
    @muslimah134 12 лет назад +3

    Omg, respect the sheik brother

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    agreed with u

  • @MsYouthink
    @MsYouthink 12 лет назад

    give me the full Arabic text and also the views of the scholars on this issue as I am more then sure you have taken out context.........once you have given me the Arabic text then we will reply to your comments

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    i deleted ur comment????
    I didnt do it before but i will do it now. I will just let one or 2 comments remain so we can discuss this 1 by 1, and when we are done with one point then we can move onto the other. No need to post loads of stuff all at once, no one will hardly read it.

  • @Abdullah2009
    @Abdullah2009 12 лет назад +15

    Allaahu akbar, these misguided Soofi's should fear Allaah.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +5

    Point no.2) You are probably referring to the dream of tahir ul qadri and i dont doubt that this kaafir tahir qadri saw the devil in his dream and not the prophet s.a.w. The Sahaba and Salaf saliheen laid down a criteria to judge whether 1 has really seen the prophet s.a.w or not. We have the whole seerah, ahadeeth and description of the prophet s.a.w and If it matches that, then well and good coz shaytaan cant transform himself like these descriptions. If it doesnt, then its just another lie.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +8

    Subhan Allah, you your self admitted when you said "Who are you to fear Shirk on us" and now you are asking who said it? You your self said it. One of the problems with Ahlu Shirk is that they in their valley of dreams. Now you have to show me the evidence of Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani allowing tawassul thru the prophet pbuh. Your labels dont matter to us really, mushriks of the past would label rasool Allah pbuh with many dirty titles. So i dont expect a different thing for those who follow him

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +9

    The prophet s.a.w have died. Our Lord Allah says that but barelvis have other lords besides Allah so they obey them instead of Allah.

  • @TahirUlQadri
    @TahirUlQadri 12 лет назад +11

    MashaAllah I have been following Asrar Rashid and he’s students conduct and charcters in recent months on RUclips. They clearly are from the Ahlul Bareilwi Wal jamaah. Asrar Rashid is like a tough boxer/ fighter talking he’s Trash talk before he gets into the ring to defend he’s World heavyweight Bidah title.. I mean Sunnah! Of course intimidation and threats are the first steps to conquering your religious opponent!!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    Mate, do you know when did barelviyyah come into existance? After the 1850's and brother if u claim that u dont have your own understanding of Quran and Sunnah then whoz understanding is it if its not ur own? Tell me One Muslim from the Sahaba till the taba e tabiyeen that had the aqeedah of Barelviyyah. Give just one acceptable proof. What seems insult to you is just bitter truth. I didnt abuse nor insult any one by any means, you feel it because what i said is against barelviyyah.

  • @mahdi0123456789
    @mahdi0123456789 12 лет назад +1

    is barelvi from south asia

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    It started from India just as deoband started from india.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2


  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +3

    Brother, what u r doing is mixing barelviyyah with Islam. Point no.1) When u say that the prophet pbuh had Knowledge of the Unseen of his own, then you really do not know the prophet pbuh. Whatever knowledge of the 'unseen' he had was revealed to him by Allah and that knowledge didnt remain "Ghaib" any more because its revealed. Prophet didnt have ilm e ghaib of his own nor about everything. If he did so then surely surely surely things would have been different.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    you can comment now as i unblocked u on request of DoTH2k but remember if u show characterless nature then it wont be long that i block u again so please... behave and discuss so we all can benefit.

  • @randomgirl1755
    @randomgirl1755 12 лет назад +2

    I thought Barelvi is bid'aats (innovaters) not Shiites.

  • @Recognise786
    @Recognise786 12 лет назад +11

    Murtaza should just accept why is he backing away.

  • @TahirUlQadri
    @TahirUlQadri 12 лет назад +12

    MasahAllah I am really impressed by our Bareilwi Sunni Lions. The true Defenders and representatives of the Sunnah and character of RasullAllah. Murtaza Khan just sitting there patiently and calmly.. Not getting angry and responding to our Bareilwi warriors. Is this the Sunnah of RasullAllah? Why is Murtaza Khans beard long and flowing? Is this the Sunnah of RasullAllah? Why is he’s beard not like our Bareilwi Warriors.. Grade 1 George Michael(Anasheed Artist) stubble. Ironic hey!

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +6

    Will u quit uttering this kufr or shall i block you?

  • @oldwarrior303
    @oldwarrior303 12 лет назад +7

    these guys need to learn some respect and so does this guy by the name of asrar rashid or w.e his name is. How about you learn the basic fundamentals of islam which is Adab, and then call yourself a sheikh?

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    wa iyyak

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +1

    If u say so, other wise i dont really appreciate characterless nature in any of videos.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +2

    Barelvis have their own meaning to the quran and sunnah and hence their baatil religion is full of shirk and Bidah. We will come to the correct understanding of the ahadeeth later but see How Allah made you utter the truth, :) you have admitted that you do Shirk by saying "Who are you to fear Shirk on us".

  • @kangaroo0061
    @kangaroo0061 12 лет назад +1

    ye log thu shirk kar rahey hein ju ali ky naam sey ya ali bolrha hein,shierk allah kabi b nahi maf karta hein,,

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +5

    Yep, the Sunnis i.e Ahle hadees are always the winners. Thats why sooo many people from pakistan and india that were once dwelled in the Shirk of Barelviyyah or Deobandiyyah, they are coming closer to the True Classical Islam that was back 1400 years ago. Alhamdulillah. Barelvis are Ahlul Shirk and not Sunnis so its not right to call them sunnis my brother.

  • @IMMY333
    @IMMY333 12 лет назад +14

    Well said brother murtaza mashallah forget these backward brelvi poison to islam

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад

    You were escorted? Alhamdulillah, if i were there i wouldnt have escorted you, rather kicked the living hell out of you from that place. I challenge asrar rashid, take my challenge to him and ask him to respond. Till then u r blocked for displaying Pure barelvi mannerism.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +4

    cant allow dirty mouths on my comments section. you can cry as much as u that i delete ur comments like your other brothers who come with abuses and insults.

  • @randomgirl1755
    @randomgirl1755 12 лет назад +1

    Brothers need to calm down in there.

  • @LifewithAllah
    @LifewithAllah  12 лет назад +7

    You are just plain idiot and yet another sufi that can utter any form of kufr in order to justify the innovations, kufr and shirk that you do yourself. Dont again dare to lie on my channel about rasool Allah s.a.w you stupid Sufi.

  • @Aikiaprima
    @Aikiaprima 12 лет назад +1

    I searchd this dude up on youtube. Sub7anallah these guys are very uneducated in the basic principals of islamic knowledge. They refer to themselfs as dogs when we are from bani Adam. The misguided always resemble the misguided
    ...... next they might say that they are decedents of pigs and monkeys authibillah.
    MashAllah respect to Murtaza Khan and his beautifull response