Don't Cook Cranberries! Find Out Why. Raw Cranberry Jam.

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 205

  • @lulishomestead6767
    @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +18

    There are a few comments about the amount of sugar in this recipe. And I agree that this is a lot of sugar. I reassure you that it tastes good because the cranberries are naturally sour and the sugar counteracts that. Also, it is not meant to be consumed in large quantities. I welcome all comments and suggestions!

    • @TheWhiteRaven-1
      @TheWhiteRaven-1 7 месяцев назад

      Sugar is the number one substance that feeds cancer. Everyone knows this. So why add it to such a healing food? It just doesn't make any sense! You're trying to avoid a cancer causing substance by adding another cancer feeding substance, Why not use Organic maple syrup or raw honey? Also you don't need so much sweetness that you can't taste the bitterness. The bitterness in the mouth activates other healing processes in the body. This is just another example of people who don't know about food, teaching people about food.

    • @MarfaPavlovna
      @MarfaPavlovna Месяц назад +1

      What about using honey instead of sugar?

    • @ab_ab_c
      @ab_ab_c Месяц назад +2

      Personally, I use ~15% sugar to berries, so 1/4 cup sugar to 12 oz of cranberries. It is plenty sweet for me. I enjoy a bit of tartness from my cranberries---but then I cook my berries for 5 minutes, so there's that to consider. :-)

    • @LisaLightning
      @LisaLightning 16 дней назад

      Well when I cook them I add oranges, so I will add oranges in the blender for a bit of sweetness. Maybe some other dried fruit. And then maybe a small amount of sugar.

  • @danielleschilk9845
    @danielleschilk9845 Год назад +21

    Yes it’s taste good , but health wise. White sugar it’s a killer 😮

  • @donnann1001
    @donnann1001 2 года назад +6

    Thank you for shedding the light. Who would ever know that cranberries had cancer causing quality's in them?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад +1

      Only if cooking on high heat. Still delicious ( sour of course) fresh. I will be dehydrating some

  • @Dotalina33
    @Dotalina33 Месяц назад +4

    I love all kinds of cranberry recipes. But because of mold or bad micro organisms I would be afraid not to waterbath them. What’s your thought? I have put up jams and they produced mold under the wax I sealed them with. Not sure if that was smart but my mom used to can without lids but wax.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  Месяц назад +1

      I have seen wax covering, but never tried it.
      This “raw” jam will last for several months in a cold place simply because it has a crazy amount of sugar.

    • @MarfaPavlovna
      @MarfaPavlovna Месяц назад

      I'm surprised ​@@lulishomestead6767it lasts without spoiling for that long. We only use a woodstove for heat, and I don't have a place that's cold enough.

    • @KarlieSolomon
      @KarlieSolomon Месяц назад +1

      My mom did too, she would of been 102

  • @Lavenderrose73
    @Lavenderrose73 Год назад +3

    Also, a friend of mine had posted on Facebook these cranberry candies she had made, which is just shaking them in powdered sugar and then throwing them on a cookie sheet in the oven for only 3 minutes!

  • @joyagain4843
    @joyagain4843 2 года назад +6

    I’m curious if you could just skip the sugar and freeze the purée for smoothies, and just use one of two cubes in a smoothie blender?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад +1

      Absolutely! I am running out of freezer space 😥

    • @joyagain4843
      @joyagain4843 2 года назад

      @@lulishomestead6767 thank you❤️

    • @Aevans786
      @Aevans786 2 года назад +1

      Good idea!

  • @KacieDJ
    @KacieDJ 2 года назад +6

    I found a recipe for easy homemade cranberry fluff for Thanksgiving where I do not cook the cranberries, and it’s so yummy! Thank you for this, I will be making in the fall.💕

  • @carolinjane54
    @carolinjane54 4 года назад +6

    I don’t think I ever cooked cranberries. I love your channel!

  • @katelectraglide1794
    @katelectraglide1794 Год назад +3

    I saw a jam recipe where Chia seeds were used to thicken it

  • @marilouyrog-irog1863
    @marilouyrog-irog1863 Год назад +1

    Like the video. I will try the it myself. But can i use a brown sugar? Thank you si much.

  • @reyayediydah7521
    @reyayediydah7521 18 дней назад

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge ❤. Do I need to add lemon juice to this cranberry jam?

  • @LifeIZlife-33
    @LifeIZlife-33 2 года назад +4

    я делаю с медом! И цвет сохраняется прекрасный яркий!

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад +3

      Великолепно! Я тоже так попробую. Спасибо

  • @lolitabonita08
    @lolitabonita08 3 года назад +19

    very nice information however i wish u kill the annoying background need that when u are talking...

  • @leotakleewein7311
    @leotakleewein7311 Год назад +2

    Wondering if I could use honey instead of sugar

  • @countrygalinthecity
    @countrygalinthecity 3 года назад +8

    Yum! Would it be okay to add chia seeds for a bit thicker?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +2

      Interesting idea! Please let me know how it comes out.

  • @Lavenderrose73
    @Lavenderrose73 Год назад +1

    I learned online how to make raspberry cordial, just like was mentioned in the movie Anne of Green Gables. So because I didn't want to waste the raspberries that had diffused in the sugar water, I just put them in a jar and put them on my toast like it was jam. Dang, apparently I need to do that more often and with more kinds of berries! If I want to drink but it's not an opportune time or if I'm taking medicine that I can't have alcohol with, I could make a _cranberry_ cordial and just use less sugar, then I'll feel like I'm drinking some Cabernet or something!
    Coming up with more ideas for Christmas time! 😊🥂

  • @lucdeslauriers1021
    @lucdeslauriers1021 2 года назад +2

    Greetings from Québec, Canada! Thank you for your reciepe!

  • @alexandradeoliveira3892
    @alexandradeoliveira3892 Год назад +1

    Just did, it got just like yours. Thank you for all the info 🙏

  • @imeldaacain8815
    @imeldaacain8815 3 года назад +6

    How about the seeds? Do I have to remove it before blending?

  • @Учусьвыращивать
    @Учусьвыращивать 4 года назад +7

    I have no self-control when it comes to yummy stuff like that, and just to know that it has a health benefit! It would certainly not last long in my house at all :)

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  4 года назад +2

      You are funny! We already went through one pint in 2 days 🤣

  • @uptownlife42
    @uptownlife42 3 года назад +5

    2 years I switched over to organic evaporated cain sugar. Now I cant stand white sugar...its so delicious...

  • @AliceLopez5515mar
    @AliceLopez5515mar 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'm diabetic, thats white sugar, maybe less sugar???

  • @recepdogan963
    @recepdogan963 2 года назад +4

    Since I don't speak English, you didn't understand when I was explaining and I couldn't find it in the explanation, did you remove the seeds of the cranberries? If you did, how did you do it one by one?

  • @kateenamaria3336
    @kateenamaria3336 3 года назад +4

    Thank you so much, I love this recipe. Can I use honey instead of sugar for this recipe

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      Hmm, I never tried. It would take a lot of expensive honey. If you will make it with honey, please let me know how it works out .

    • @anastasiyasdiary
      @anastasiyasdiary 3 года назад +6

      If you’re looking for a healthier alternative I tried it with coconut sugar and also with maple syrup and I think it turned out pretty good!

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад

      Thank you! I will definitely try. I was following a Russian recipe using white sugar. We didn't even any other sugar but white beet sugar

    • @piedpiper7051
      @piedpiper7051 20 дней назад

      Cranberries can be countertop Mason jar fermented in honey for one to two weeks and then they are long term refrigerator stable.

  • @debmunsell1720
    @debmunsell1720 2 года назад +3

    I love cranberries, so I gotta try. Thank you for teaching us.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      I will be making more when cranberries are in season. Right now we are preserving blueberries and blackcurrant

  • @CottageontheCorner
    @CottageontheCorner 3 года назад +4

    I'm wondering if there's a way to thicken it so it's not so watery and is more like jam.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +4

      If you store it in a cold place it will be more thick.

    • @DaBunne
      @DaBunne 2 года назад +3

      try adding xanthan gum, or pectin, or powdered insoluble fiber like psyllium husk powder

  • @grandmamc1999
    @grandmamc1999 22 дня назад +1

    I use 1/2 cup sugar to 12 oz cranberries.

  • @lucylopz81
    @lucylopz81 3 года назад +4

    How to take them for uti??

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +5

      Drinking cranberry juice, unsweetened is a home remedy for UTI. Cranberries have phenolic acids and flavonoids, which may help treat and prevent UTIs. There are other herbal supplements that assist with UTI. Supplements such as D-mannose are popular. Most UTIs are caused by E Choli, so herbs such as garlic, Uva ursi, corn silk, couch grass, rosemary, oregano, and goldenrod are traditionally used.

  • @cletedavis5849
    @cletedavis5849 2 года назад +7

    Luli, try mixing some of your fresh chopped cranberries with orange marmalade instead of sugar to control tartness. Great taste!

  • @maydaespada9896
    @maydaespada9896 3 года назад +3

    Thank you very nice 👍 fron florida usa 🇺🇸

  • @areznitsky
    @areznitsky 2 года назад +2

    just made it -simply delicious, thank you so much! and Happy Thanksgiving!

  • @nanettewardin8603
    @nanettewardin8603 Месяц назад

    Sounds great! What about adding spice to make it a spiced jam?

  • @piyushmalik7806
    @piyushmalik7806 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great video. Can I consume the cranberries in the raw form?

  • @jadwigaulrich2103
    @jadwigaulrich2103 Год назад +1

    Love your recipe. Thank you

  • @nicoleblake9266
    @nicoleblake9266 Месяц назад

    Ya thats way too much sugar for me. Thats unhealthy for me. But I do agree that they should be eaten raw...without any heat applied. But then how would u can them or is it like freezer jam? How long will it be shelf stable in ur basement?

  • @haireyhomestead3820
    @haireyhomestead3820 4 дня назад

    So... I believe that dehydrated (dried) cranberries will not convert to benzene when cooked - My solution is to use dried cranberries to make a cooked Jam.

  • @ntinakitsou8270
    @ntinakitsou8270 8 месяцев назад

    I was making cranberry sauce, but from now on I will be only making your no cooking jam. Greetings from Southern Greece, where beautiful cranberries grow too. ((I wonder if I made a very light cornflour cream to mix it with the jam just before eating, if that would be a smart idea.)

  • @nancytowers4094
    @nancytowers4094 2 года назад +1

    I have a recipe that adds different spices and it is cooked. Hiw can I do it without cooking, also my recipie uses clear gel. Will this process work without cooking?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      That you for your question. I think that is a totally different method and recipe. The reason how this jam stays raw is because of a large amount of sugar as a preservative.

    • @nancytowers4094
      @nancytowers4094 2 года назад

      @@lulishomestead6767 Appreciate your response. Thanks.

  • @c.w.miles-cowboycookstoryt1528
    @c.w.miles-cowboycookstoryt1528 2 года назад +1

    So, you dont have to can like other stuff, just do exactly like the video and thats it? Also, once you open the jar, does it need to be refrigerated until gone? I know thats a dumb question,lol.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      Great question! Canning would make it heat treatment and that is why I had to use so much sugar to act as a preservative. After opening, store in a cool place like a fridge.

  • @cookiehome2442
    @cookiehome2442 4 года назад +7

    what??? I never heard of this before.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  4 года назад +1

      Yes, there are a lot of information on line about it.

    • @cookiehome2442
      @cookiehome2442 4 года назад +3

      @@lulishomestead6767 thank you for adding the link. Very educational., seriously, I've learned something new.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  4 года назад +2

      @@cookiehome2442 you are welcome. Glad to share!

  • @teopizreaolive778
    @teopizreaolive778 3 года назад +2

    Hi, do you mean those cooked cranberries in jars sold in thr supermarket aren't safe bcoz of benzene?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +3

      Please refer to the article I included in the description.
      Fresh always better.

  • @MsEva9470
    @MsEva9470 3 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge l never cook them l add little sugar because of sugar problems

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад

      I understand. I make fresh cranberry sauce with oranges without sugar which has to be consumed within a couple of days. This recipe will be shelf-stable in a cool place for a long time!

  • @campinkate5925
    @campinkate5925 2 года назад +1

    I’m wondering if it could be frozen without loosing nutrients.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      Definitely can be frozen. The problem is freezer space. Also, when it's in the jar like this it's easy to use in tea especially when some is sick cold/flu.

  • @lyubav.1588
    @lyubav.1588 3 года назад +3

    Благодарю за рецепт !
    Даже подпишусь ! 😊

  • @beenak841
    @beenak841 Год назад +1

    what about the seeds inside while making jam?

  • @moyrarose777
    @moyrarose777 2 года назад +1

    Thank you from Wisconsin USA

  • @jstudiokip5503
    @jstudiokip5503 3 года назад +2

    Hi, what sbout Raspberry??? Cant be heated ??

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      The best is in the raw form, always! You can apply this recipe to any berry, including raspberry.
      I am not sure if raspberry naturally contains benzoyl acid. Take a look at this article.

  • @charles1606
    @charles1606 2 года назад +1

    Sugar is probably just as deadly or more so than benzene that's heated?

  • @josephamaral7431
    @josephamaral7431 4 года назад +5

    Looks delicious

  • @anacondaeunectes1854
    @anacondaeunectes1854 2 года назад +1

    So how, exactly, does this "jam" set?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      It becomes thick and smooth. However, its a whole berry, therefore has it's seeds intact. I make a small batch every year. Lasts me through the flu/cold months.

    • @anacondaeunectes1854
      @anacondaeunectes1854 2 года назад

      @@lulishomestead6767 Thank you for the reply. Is there pectin in the berries themselves? (P.S., I'm a complete newbie to this).

  • @connectingpointss
    @connectingpointss 6 месяцев назад

    Soooo good! Thanks for sharing.

  • @mayocamargo6468
    @mayocamargo6468 2 года назад +2

    Great info. Thanks

  • @foodiesunited3814
    @foodiesunited3814 2 года назад +1

    Good juice concentrate

  • @rabiamohd8253
    @rabiamohd8253 Год назад

    Great idea

  • @gildamarini
    @gildamarini Год назад +1

    Can we freeze

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  Год назад

      Yes, of course. It can be frozen as juice or puree. I don't have freezer space left...

  • @daniellebustamante9159
    @daniellebustamante9159 3 года назад +3


  • @michaelmonaghan9226
    @michaelmonaghan9226 2 года назад +2

    Good Idea not to cook those cranberries but wow! do you think that sugar is good for you and that was a ton!

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      Probably not good. However. That sugar is the preservative in this case

  • @michaelmonaghan9226
    @michaelmonaghan9226 2 года назад +4

    Fresh cranberry in the blender with some good Russian vodka! Oh yeah that is how I eat cranberry!

  • @lindao7887
    @lindao7887 Месяц назад +1

    No can do, not with diabetes,will have to figure out a way with stevia to sweeten.

  • @rannahflores7514
    @rannahflores7514 Год назад

    thank u for sharing...

  • @MARIA-dp9ph
    @MARIA-dp9ph 3 года назад +3

    hi! is it ok to store it inside refrigerator? thanks a lot for this recipe ❤️ from🇵🇭

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      Hi!!! Yes, it may be stored in the fridge. Somewhere cool or cold is a good place.

    • @MARIA-dp9ph
      @MARIA-dp9ph 3 года назад +1

      @@lulishomestead6767 thank you ..

  • @amyreid9649
    @amyreid9649 3 года назад +1

    Does it thicken up?

  • @goddesignd
    @goddesignd 3 года назад +6

    Diabetic coma!!! Lol... How do you not know that all that sugar just destroys the benefits of the berry?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      It would be extremely unhealthy if I would consume a lot of it, but I only use one teaspoon. Those few jars last a whole year for the whole family.

    • @goddesignd
      @goddesignd 3 года назад +2

      @@lulishomestead6767 One teaspoon a year? Lol... (kidding) I'm sure most of us are not as disciplined as you. 😋

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      Lol. Normally I don't use sugar, unless baking. We use our own honey on the daily bases.

    • @goddesignd
      @goddesignd 3 года назад +1

      @@lulishomestead6767 OH. Very kool!

    • @countrygalinthecity
      @countrygalinthecity 3 года назад +1

      There are healthier sugars out there ya know ... sucinate is good or find a raw sugar, coconut sugar, ...research!

  • @g4wk
    @g4wk 3 года назад +2

    your putting twice the size of sugar from the cranberries, is that healthy?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +3

      Great question. I know it's a lot. I have tried with less 1:1 ratio in the past and unfortunately the jam had a much shorter shelf life. With this high concentration of sugar my jam sits in a cool place n my house for a year, but we consume it within 6 months 😉

    • @christinajoselyn7941
      @christinajoselyn7941 3 года назад +3

      Sugar is not healthy😭😭😭

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад

      I know.... the sugar is what preserves them

  • @allaboutmycats454
    @allaboutmycats454 3 года назад +2

    You’re worried about your health? Why do you use all the sugar?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +2

      Thank you for your comment. I know its crazy amount of sugar, I agree. My normal portion is one of two teaspoons at a time and I eat it seldom. These few jars will last my whole family for the whole year. Most processed goods and drinks have even more sugar. Most cooked jams are made with 1:1 berry and sugar. This is raw, therefore require more sugar as the preservative, since it will not be refrigerated.

  • @scarpiongirl6172
    @scarpiongirl6172 3 года назад +1

    can I use honey to blend it instead of sugar ?

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      I my honest answer is, I don't know. I never tried it using honey. My mama used sugar and i fallow the same recipe. Try a small batch and let me know, please.

  • @jerseygirl6261
    @jerseygirl6261 3 года назад

    Can I make this with dried cranberries

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      Hi, I don't believe so. This jam will only work using fresh berries.

    • @jerseygirl6261
      @jerseygirl6261 3 года назад +1

      @@lulishomestead6767 thank you 😘

  • @Sconzette
    @Sconzette 3 года назад +3

    OMG that is a lot of sugar!! Yikes!!! I could never make or eat this stuff!! UGH

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +4

      I know! The sugar is acting as the preservative. When eating I only use a spoon or two

  • @anallyjeantakeda3271
    @anallyjeantakeda3271 2 года назад +1

    You are using white sugar which is a lot of additives and chemical on it. White sugar also is an addictive.

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад +2

      I buy nongmo organic cane sugar for my canning and baking. This recipe called for so much sugar, scary. I hope that my message came across of using sugar as the preservative and storing this jam without any cooking. This jam was stored in my basement ( 55-60°F) for almost a year. This amount of jam lasted my whole family and guests. Eventhough it's a lot of sugar, it was safe on my cool shelf until next season.

  • @DaBunne
    @DaBunne 2 года назад +2

    if only you knew how much more toxic sugar is than benzene
    that being said, I'm now inspired to prepare cranberries this way, but sweeten with stevia instead, and store it in the freezer ;)

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад +1

      I know!... I have not tried with stevia. Also, I don't have any space in my freezer left for anything else. Thus method was used for many many years in my old.countey to store berries without cooking yet making them shelf stable.

    • @DaBunne
      @DaBunne 2 года назад +1

      @@lulishomestead6767 tried it raw with stevia a few days ago!! what a powerful flavor!! and SO different from cooked! Theres a certain bitterness in the cooked that's not present here, so it tastes more like fresh strawberries or raspberries :) I then used psyllium husk powder to "dilute" the flavor and make it thick like the pectiny, cooked kind. Once I perfect the recipe I'll post a video :)

    • @roodhaven
      @roodhaven 2 года назад +1

      Sugar is more dangerous!

  • @eddiedaniels1555
    @eddiedaniels1555 2 года назад +1

    Can you send me a jar :)

  • @shannongillespie5271
    @shannongillespie5271 Год назад +1

    It lost its good qualities after you added the sugar

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  Год назад

      Sadly, too much sugar is not good, however. In this case sugar is the preservative. I do not encourage to eat this jam in large amounts.

  • @chintuckyfriedchickn
    @chintuckyfriedchickn 2 года назад

    I made this with a little less sugar but it came out testing likePURE sugar, I end up throwing it out.

  • @abc_cba
    @abc_cba 2 года назад +2

    I tasted cranberries for the first time as they're not native to India.
    I'm gonna try your recipe for the jam.
    Thanks a lot. Subscribed.

  • @anitakoch
    @anitakoch 8 месяцев назад

    That music is a killer😢that sugar too😢😢😢

  • @leotakleewein7311
    @leotakleewein7311 Год назад +1

    Please don’t use sugar

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  10 месяцев назад

      Unfortunately the sugar is what preserves them to be stored without refrigeration for many months

  • @robertlombardo8587
    @robertlombardo8587 4 года назад +4

    Hey Joe made it into this video. His reflection was in the window.

  • @Momzie808
    @Momzie808 21 день назад +1

    If the benzine don’t get you the diabetes surely will! 😮

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  21 день назад

      Probably if consuming the entire jar. The there is just as much sugar in Dunkin and Starbucks specialty coffee

  • @nena3814
    @nena3814 3 года назад +1

    im really surprised and disappointed you use regular sugar being a health person and all ....t

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  3 года назад +1

      I am surprised as well 😉. We don't eat large amounts of it and not frequently. I only make 4 pint jars for the whole year! I agree with you, too much sugar is not healthy.

  • @oyeshiaodoom8237
    @oyeshiaodoom8237 2 года назад +1

    Sugar just ruined it that's tooooo much

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  2 года назад

      I know, the amount is huge, but thats how it will make it shelf stable

  • @lucynamiskowiec9242
    @lucynamiskowiec9242 Год назад

    Dllllugo Pani objaśnia kto by to wytrzymał 😅

  • @Meghism
    @Meghism 2 года назад +1

    Cooking Cranberries creates Benzene so you dont cook them 👍

  • @robertbolding4182
    @robertbolding4182 2 года назад +2

    Cranberry tea

  • @Paulina-i6n
    @Paulina-i6n 10 месяцев назад +1

    Disappointed! 👩🏻‍🦳🙄TOO Much sugar! Sugars are also cancer causing!
    I would rather flavour my cooked cranberries with fruit and only 1/2 cup of sugar!

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  10 месяцев назад

      I agree! Too much sugar, but remember sugar is acting as the preservative

    • @tailsprowerfan2729
      @tailsprowerfan2729 8 месяцев назад

      @@lulishomestead6767what about using Honey? Well that do the same or dose it have to be sugar?

  • @Angela-bu3ig
    @Angela-bu3ig 10 месяцев назад

    That's totally an insane amount sugar are you kidding!! So unhealthy really come on
    No Thanks

    • @lulishomestead6767
      @lulishomestead6767  10 месяцев назад

      The sugar is the preservative that will make this jam shelf stable for several months ( over winter) without cooking. You don’t have to make it, but we use it to make cranberry water to drink the winter.

  • @ralphsmith2683
    @ralphsmith2683 3 года назад +1


  • @LisaLightning
    @LisaLightning 16 дней назад

    I will try it but not with all that sugar, I'll add a couple oranges which is what I would do if I was cooking. Maybe some Monk fruit sweetener. Maybe a little bit of coconut sugar, but generally we don't eat processed sugar. I need to go buy more bags of cranberries now!

  • @MarieJ-o6v
    @MarieJ-o6v 4 месяца назад

    WWE.aet all wet seeds

  • @AbuelaCC71516
    @AbuelaCC71516 Год назад +1

    Does it thicken?