I'm wondering if they're including the 4x4 capability to make it easier to go down dirt/muddy roads, as a lot if not most class b's that I've looked at are only front or rear wheel only drive. /shrug
Drew Merkley that's a great suggestion! We have our affiliate link on our blog, but haven't thought about putting it in here along with recommendations. We'll look into it! Thanks!
The problem is that there's very few places that can work on that diesel engine if you break down they say your looking 3 to 6 weeks at most places just for them to look at it... So If your a full timer your screwed.... Now if you got a Ram or GM you can get them worked on just about any where... As for a Ford diesel they have bad oil pumps big money to fix. Fords big down fall...
I'm wondering if they're including the 4x4 capability to make it easier to go down dirt/muddy roads, as a lot if not most class b's that I've looked at are only front or rear wheel only drive. /shrug
Are there anymore American based chassis in class B?
roadtrek purchased by hymer - looking forward to the merging of design concepts!
just a suggestion, but could you put your amazon affiliate link on your youtube videos and possibly links to products you'd recommend? thanks.
Drew Merkley that's a great suggestion! We have our affiliate link on our blog, but haven't thought about putting it in here along with recommendations. We'll look into it! Thanks!
The problem is that there's very few places that can work on that diesel engine if you break down they say your looking 3 to 6 weeks at most places just for them to look at it... So If your a full timer your screwed.... Now if you got a Ram or GM you can get them worked on just about any where... As for a Ford diesel they have bad oil pumps big money to fix. Fords big down fall...
How much solar? Generator? Any propane for water heat? Space heat?
Alde Deisel water and furnace.
Camera man... learn to pan down and show everything, not just the top half.
No propane is a bit of a downer.
Derek Ferguson holy!!!!
Another sellout to the europeans.....depressing.
And so are you.