@@preciousnomfundo2710 Thanks for the question! I am not 100% sure what you exactly mean by an "accommodative support lens" because it could mean either a progressive lens or a "anti-fatigue lens" Both are pretty similar to each other. An anti-fatigue lens or what i think you mean by an accommodative support lens, is a very weak progressive style lens that has a small amount of plus power at the bottom of the lens (usually +0.25 to +0.75) that helps reduce the accommodative demand when looking up close. It can be helpful for some people and I personally do like them, they make my phone look almost 3d in my hand. But with stronger power, you may notice more distortion with the lenses and may take some time to adapt to the lens.
Have you done a video on safely using SAD lights?(brief search came up empty) I hear "do not use with certain eye conditions"(but which?) "may effect eyes" and "make sure UV light is filtered out" but how do I tell which are safe and if it's not stated which have no UV? (I was gifted an off brand one)And what is a safe (not just comfortable) way to use them? Thanks.
I’d love to see a video talking about actual no-line bifocals, like the Duo or DAL lenses. I tried some (very expensive) progressives from my optometrist’s office. After two weeks of “swimming” down the hall at work, they remade me single-vision sand I take my glasses off for up-close. I have some lined bifocals… but I really do not love that line. I have some Zeiss Officelens glasses for the computer, and they don’t seem to have the horrible distortion the full-strength progressives do. Actually, you may be the only person with the resources to shoot a video I’d love to see: shot with FIXED focus, I’d love to see a view of checkerboard-pattern through various types of glasses at different distances, e.g. “cheap” and “premium” progressives at 12” (with 8.5x11 checkerboard), 1M, 3M, 10M. Everyone just saying “ooh, they’re better” doesn’t really help me. Just a thought. Thanks, doc, your videos are great.
Hi Dr. I have myopic degeneration, severe swollen dry eyes. My eyeballs are big and round and use restasis. My problem is my eyelids are like suction cups. I have not seen anyone talk about this. Makes eye drops difficult to keep in eyes but do try to hold them is for 20 seconds. Is there anything I can do regarding the suction? I have started the massages. Please help!!!
I tried progressive or multi-focal lenses for over a year, but I just could not get used to them. I tried to get tri-focal lenses, but they had been phased out. So I ended up getting two standard bi-focal glasses. Though I make sure that there is a straight line between the two correction factors. One pair of glasses I call my “social glasses”. The top portion is set to correct for distant vision correction, and the reading portion is kept fairly small in order to minimize the blind spot at the bottom of my field of vision. The second pair of glasses is what I call my “computer or office glasses”. The top portion is optimized for the distance and size of my computer monitor setup, and the bottom part is raised quite a bit so that I can have a significant part of my work surface in focus without having to peer through a tiny bi-focal inset peep-hole.
I was introduced to computer glasses 3 years ago as a suggestion from my neighbor. You are 110% correct in that those are my favorite pair of glasses. It took several adjustments but it was well worth the wait! I happened to stumble upon your videos. Thank you so much for making them. They are so very useful and educational.
I am nearsighted. At work they decided to be nice to the people that wear glasses and had to wear safety glasses over them, so they bought us prescription safety glasses. Maybe because of the prescription change I had to do as you demonstrated, head all the way back and spread my legs to read the monitor of the equipment. (They should of bought more chairs too.) Anyway, I went back to the Doc and told her my problem. She made a correction of the progressives, and I couldn't thank her enough (she was my personal doc). I am glad you made this video because I need to get new personal glasses. I really don't care about distances except for driving.
Thank you! I have progressive lenses and work at a computer all day, so I find myself looking at the computer screen just like you demonstrated putting a strain on my neck and shoulders. Also, the optometrist I saw last did not even offer to try to adjust my glasses to fit me at all and as a result they have never been comfortable. My previous optometrist always adjusted my glasses to fit me, but he retired. I can see the computer better without my glasses but cannot see print on paper so I'm constantly in a battle with my eyesight and my glasses.
Thank you. You nailed it. I just received my first pair of prrogressive lenses and hate them. Sore neck, constant straining to find the sweet spot when trying to work at the computer with dual monitors. I had no idea computer glasses or office glasses exist. So thank you for your videos and for the informative videos. Off to the optometrist I go.
My experience exactly ... constantly tilting my head up to find the sweet spot and getting a sore neck, bought a thick seat cushion get a higher angle. Saw this video and went and found an old pair of "readers" to watch this video and then the doctor talked about head tilting and sore necks using progressives like he was speaking to me. Next visit to the optometrist will include "computer glasses" or at least a wider section in progressives for computers if that is possible.
Thank you so much for your very informative and useful videos. I'm retired now, but when I worked at a desk with a dual screen computer up to a year and a half ago, my bifocals were for the computer at the top of the lenses, and for seeing my desk work papers at the bottom of my lenses. That worked very well for me. Then when someone came into my office I would remove those glasses for conversing. I liked that a lot. I had cataract surgery in both eyes a year ago, and need only a little bit of correction. (One of my eyes is still cloudy though.) My bifocals are for distance and reading. Driving is great, however the front panel of my vehicle is a bit of a challenge, but I no longer drive daily so I'm not too bothered. I use no correction for my laptop.
You have synthetic lenses now so the cataracts can't come back. But sounds like you have Posterior Capsular Opacification where the lens capsule gets cloudy when cells grow on the inside of the capsule. A few minutes with a laser will fix that mate.
I just bought new glasses - my first bifocals, plus separate computer glasses. I am turning 70 this year. The computer glasses have a +1.25 diopter add to my distance prescription, and that is very comfortable for my use at the computer and for reading music at the piano. The bifocals have a +2.25 diopter add for reading, and I'm finding that's too much for most reading situations; it gives me clear vision all the way down to about 22cm, which is closer than I need. Next time, I will ask for just +1.75 diopter add.
I've been wearing progressives for a few years. With my newest prescription I am no longer able to use them for the computer. Luckily both eyes are the same and +3 readers work fine. This video was very useful for giving me some questions to ask my eye doctor the next time I go in. I'm not happy with my most recent progressives. You've convinced me that one pair is not best for all situations. Ty
I have three sets of glasses - 1. Computer glasses - their best focus is arm's length to arm's length + 4" beyond. Perfect for the computer screen. 2 & 3. Day (tinted) and night (clear) driving glasses. They are bifocals with the dividing line at the TOP of the dashboard - allowing me to read the dashboard stuff and see long distances. The awesome optician lady actually came out to my car and had me make a mark on the lens of test glasses with a Sharpie marker at the point where the dashboard ended. That's where the bifocal transition is. Awesome!
Good video. As a fellow eye doc, I recommend (and wear) the "Office Progressive" for patients over 50 on the computer. It is also great for painters, or mechanics in which most work takes place at arm's length or closer... And... In most "office progressives," there is a small area at the very top of the lens to see about room distance.
@@mohammedfayaazkhan1441 Marc the eye doc is gone, so I will give it a stab. I am not a doctor of any kind. I approach this from the "experienced user" perspective (of glasses). I am a heavy computer user, spending 8 to 12 hours a day staring at a computer screen for several decades. I managed to log this number of hours because it was my main task at work, and then I go home and it is my main hobby. 😁 I am also extremely near sighted since I was a child, and now have hyperopia to boot, because it seems the lens in our eyes are only good for 3 or 4 decades, and I have outlived them. Your problem is probably the same as mine. We are simply getting old. The older we get, the less elastic the lens in our eyes get, and the less we are able to focus. Until the day come when we can wear cameras with integrated projectors that beam an image into our eyeballs like in Star Trek, the only solution is corrective lenses. I had high hopes for Google Glass, but unfortunately, it failed. Most people have 2 eyes. Using just single vision lenses, we get 3 focusing distances. By selecting the proper corrective power, we get a different distance for each eye, and a third distance by removing our glasses. This is what I do. It is sufficient for my hyperopia. For most people, both eyes are at nearly the same power. If your two eyes are of wildly differing power, then lucky you. You get 4 distances. If you want more than that, the only choice is to add more focusing distances to one or both of your lenses, or using multiple glasses like the video say. You might occasionally find advertisements for glasses with adjustable focus levers or dials. I don't believe the mechanism they use could work well.
As I got older my prescription "reading" glasses got stronger. I found that my oldest/lowest power glasses are now great for TV, my middle power glasses are great for my desktop computer, my highest power for books or Kindle, and I use my progressive lenses for things that involve frequent distance changes. That's a lot of glasses, but I dislike the progressives for extended reading, computer, or TV use.
I've had cataract surgery resulting in the same problems. I do use progressives for watching TV though and most everything else except for reading and computer use.
I've been working as an Optician since May of last year and there is sooo much to learn. I really appreciate your videos. I can't always get advice from my colleagues and I always want to learn as much as possible because I love to pass that knowledge on to,my patients so they're better informed about their vision!
i am unable to read anything frm a distance and frm my books when placed more than 8cm away ...what should i do now and what kind of prescription glasses r best for my eyes ...i am 21 years old...
@@Maria-123..You need a prescription for distance, and when you go to the Optician ask for the "anti fatigue lenses" at 70%. The top half of the lenses will be for distance and the bottom half will have a 70% power boost for up close reading.
Thank you so much for informing me about the “office lens”! I wish my optometrist recommended this, knowing my complains of my progressives always creating eye strain and neck pain when I work with desktop computers and paperwork all day.
Have computer glasses, reading glasses and progressives. My eye care program gives me new glasses every year. I pay a little extra to get Oakley glasses with their lenses. Be aware that just because you order an Oakley does not mean you are getting Oakley lenses.
When I last tried to get non-Oakley Lenses in various different opticians, for my Oakleys, I was told that Oakley do not allow anyone other than themselves to make your prescription lenses, so I had to shell out £600 for them. I got the ones that change into sunglasses or clear depending on the light, as I need them for all year around mountain biking. Cant afford to get the prescription done again now though, out of date by 6 years now but just about good enough to make do. You say orderring Oakleys doesnt mean you are getting Oakley Lenses, has this now changed in recent years?
With my Myopic, Astigmatic eyes, I also had the misfortune to have Cataracts early, I did have cataract surgery that was very successful. I had the focal range set so that my reading vision was good. My astigmatism is pretty much as was beforehand though. I have a reading add of +2.25 over my distance so office glasses are great for the computer. Great video!
I am really enjoying your videos. The content is the perfect level for me. I've found some professionals glance over the details to provide the options available or if pushed for more info, go into clinical, technical language. Neither of which has helped me learn. I wish I could make an appointment with you in person! My main job is 80/10/10 people contact/computer/reading & writing tasks. My other role is 70/20/10 computer/desk/people. I am struggling with my 1.75 optometrist + 2.0 off the rack reading glasses. On off on off all day. Trying to educate myself towards a better solution.
Hey thanks Chris! Yeah I have been fortunate that some people have come to see me at the clinic. Otherwise a prescription computer pair of glasses may be the best option. Hopefully having a a measurement for the needed distance will help the doctor.
One of the most important and useful videos on RUclips. I was looking into a problem of not seeing maps while driving and this video gave me ideas about possible solutions.
I just got a regular pair of progressives for the exact issue I was facing as you. Though not perfect, it definitely substantially helped driving and seeing the maps and my dashboard. On day 4 now, still finding the sweet spots for the maps.
50s and just started contacts! I love them. I just use 1.25 reading glasses for computer and I can read my phone and anything on my desk easy. I actually use the Clic Readers with contacts. Was a progressive lens wearer for three years. I loved them but I am active and lose them once a year. Contacts were just a cheaper option.
I didn't know about the Office option. I have the same problems mentioned with progressive, so I have a single vision pair just for the computer. Thank you for continuing to educate us!
Thank you Doctor. Im 73 and have just lived with distance blur and using magnification glasses from drug store for years and years. So now I have progressive glasses and its very weird. You say 2 + weeks to adjust and have given me lots of info. We shall see.... no pun intended lol
I like the progressives. I am sitting in an easy chair with my laptop on my lap 14 inches away. The progressives work fine at this distance. Without my glasses, the type is blurry. For reading a magazine, I hold it a little closer and take off my glasses. I just had cataract surgery (choosing to remain nearsighted), and I don't think I will need a new prescription, but my eye surgeon says otherwise. I will be rechecked next month.
thank you for this. been struggling with progressive for two years now. three monitors and my eyes were killing me. got an apt with my optician. I am surprised most many opticians don't share this information. your videos have helped me immensely. I hope the computer glasses she prescribes are not some over priced reading glasses as the receptionist said it is expensive. 27 inch from monitor so 1/66 = 1.5 reading?
I've not heard of Office lenses before, but that sounds like a great option. I wear progressives and with 3 computer monitors on my office desk it can get crazy trying to keep everything in focus. Definitely something I'm going to look into!!
Office or 'Workplace' lenses place most of the focal area for the arms'-length, or desktop monitor focal distance. There's a tiny bit of distance at the top, and a small area of reading power at the bottom, but this lens IS aimed for those with heavier monitor use. Depending on your distance prescription, you may also be just fine with a single-vision intermediate (16"-30") focal length lens. Anywhere you look through that lens at your monitors will be in focus, though you'll give up any distance or near power at all. (near is usually 14"-18", intermediate is usually 16"-30", and distance beyond that. It's all about focal length. I wear single-vision intermediates for most of my day.
@@blairtaylor9552 Thinking of having an intermediate that is only just weak enough that I can read close up stuff again. Eventually that may break down and I need seamless bifocals.
I had lasik done years ago so I don’t need glasses for distance, but I have an astigmatism. Getting computer glasses that correct for my age as well as my astigmatism are super helpful because it crisps up the smaller fonts on the computer that would otherwise be fuzzy due to my astigmatism.
I was just prescribed some progressive lenses but they’re office and supposed to be meant for my dual monitor. I’ve never used progressives as I’ve always just done regular computer glasses, but as someone who works in the IT field and can be constantly up and down but also working on a computer screen all day, I think I’ll get accustomed to them quickly. I can always use my computer glasses for when I’m at home and working on things there since I won’t be up and down all the time.
This is the first I've heard of Office Glasses. I've have computer glasses for years and recently have just been using stronger reading glasses. However, as a dry eye sufferer this option no longer works well for me. I plan to check into Office Glasses ASAP!
I wear bifocals, but as I got older I found the distance half was too strong to see the computer screen and the reading half was too weak. I also found this to be true in certain non-computer applications. For instance, I play the piano, and when sitting at the piano the music is about the same distance away as the screen when working on the computer. I was no longer to read either from the computer screen or from the sheet music. I ended up getting a pair of glasses just for the computer/piano and that solved the problem.
I wondered why my pre-surgery glasses didn't work too well for my computer screen after my cataract surgery. I have to deliberately focus, instead of it being just natural. Now I know! Thank you.
Dr. Allen, Thank you! Here is what I do. Plus reading gasses. +2 Diopters. Low cost, $15. No arguments. When reading at 20 inches, ( Stress = -2 Diopters), I wear a +2 Diopters. When reading at 13 inches, ( Stress = -3 Diopters) I wear a +3 Diopter lens for reading on my Cellphone.
I have a light-sensitive retina due to my retina being bruised years ago in a near-fatal car crash. Back then, I was told to "man-up" & "nothing we can do to help" (a polite way of saying I deserve what I get for crashing a car as a teenager). Also, that damaged eye doesn't track in when I'm reading/focusing. I suggested to my optometrist about prism lenses & due to my age he was able to magnify it enough; oh how much better I see & my eyes are no longer in pain. Got myself tint-changing lenses with my new pair of glasses due to LEDs being used in more electronic devices. I wear prescription glasses with tin-change & blue light filtering for driving now also, as car headlights & street lights have LEDs which burn my retina. LEDs are a terrible light for our vision, they emit a blue-white wavelength & being a diode they also pulse rapidly like a projection (picture tube) TV. So with LEDs we're not just getting the UV-spectrum blue-white wavelength of light into our eyes, but we're also being pulsed as a diode cuts the sinewave; LED= Light Emitting Diode. Dr. Allen, if people are having their vision dazzled at night, it's because of auto manufacturers using LEDs to "save energy"..... SunSync XT's worked great for me, they not-only did a great job reducing the Australian sun, but cut-down the LED lights going into my eyes. LEDs should not be used in cars, domestic lighting, general lighting & stadium floodlighting, they are unhealthy for our eyes. We should go back to natural halogen.
6:29 I don't get this point. I've been wearing glasses with an additional diopter on both lenses for everyday use and I didn't even remember they added +1 diopter to my lenses and I wear it for the computer and outside all the same. How many diopters is Doctor Eye Health recommending to add? Cause his computer glasses seem to make things blurry once you look away from the screen.
Thanks for a useful video. I used to have a very high prescription for short sight and so I ended up using a dedicated computer/reading bifocal which worked very well for me.
I am happy to have normal glasses for far sight like outdoor/traffic and computer glasses for nearer sight to computer screen and typical room distances (0,5 .. 5 m), both are prescription glasses but I had to pay extra for the varifocals glasses with reading focus area (2000€ for both). After 2 medical eye surgeries (age 2 and 5 years) correcting my squinting (strabismus) before visiting school, I always needed prescription glasses for the far and the near sight distances specialized for my two different eye sight strongnesses. Today local shops sell normal glasses up to 3 dioptrin, which does help me as my eyes require 4,5 to 6,5 dioptrins.
Great vid, first time glasses person. Got a light prescription for progressives. I think I will start with the computer glasses as I am on a computer day in and day out with several screens.
This is a great video. With -2.25 D, I have found the progressives are useful for "out and about", not at a desk IOW. At a computer, they are subpar. I can use the distance top part or the intermediate no problem but there is too much distortion either side for me to be happy. I don't want to use my distance correction and take off my glasses for close work though. In my mid 40s, if I take off my glasses I see near really well. But I note that the reading part of the progressives is substantially less blurry at infinity than my naked vision. I am thinking I just get a single vision that is just enough to help out my near at the expense of infinity, which I won't notice at work or at the home office. I should still be able to make out PPTs. I would need a new pair every couple years, and eventually the lack of distance may be annoying, and without the neuroplasticity my aging brain may not adapt well. The alternative is a seamless bifocal (yeah I'm vain), or one of the "extended reading glasses" that is basically a progressive with the intermediate at the top. Not 100% sure what to do.
Operating systems today have built in font sizing and zoom tools so computer/reading glasses are seldom needed, You can usually set the font size at a level to where its readable. No one ever needs to squint to read tiny text so the usual solution is to set the font size to make the text legible. If that’s not enough, a built in magnifier/zoom can be used to enlarge text for comfortable reading. These will be found in the accessibility menu of whatever computer/os you’re on.
Dear Eye Doc, please remember there exist people even over 70 & 80, who need tips and recommendations for eyes and glasses. My OTC blue blocking reading glasses I'm using as computer glasses are 3,5 and work well. Thank You for your very informative videos into "The Eye's Wonderland" & it's miracles. Learning All Ages is nice. Curiously anything. Only time runs short.
thank you. about to have cataract implants with extreme myopia. need prescription computer glasses and reading glasses,, maybe progressive over the monofocal distance implants.
I’ve had for years (10+) what you’re calling Office Glasses, basically dedicated computer lenses with bifocals. Couldn’t live without them. I’ve found one other use, I shoot handguns competitively and my Office Glasses work great.
I make my glasses with the computer section of the progressive just 1-1.5 mm higher. It works well to keep me from raising my chin creating issues with posture. All my glasses are progressives. I did get a pair of office glasses over 5 years ago, but rarely use them.
I have seen "half-moon" reading glasses advertised on line. These are designed to sit further down your nose when reading / using a computer. How does the power of these lenses compare to the usual reading or computer lens given that the half-moon lens is sitting further away from the eye ?
Hello just got a pair of computer glasses only,But don't like the ideal of having to look over the glasses if someone walks in the door.... Just wondering is they an option for the very top half of glasses for distance and the bottom half for the computer?? Tried the progressive's ,AND HATE lol
Hello doctor! I recently did laser treatment for my right eye due to eye floaters but, I am again see the eye floaters it was so much irritating to me... What should I do.... Please reply to me doc...
Dr.allen, i wear glasses of -2.5d on both eyes but i wont wear specs frequently usually when i go out and now my eyes are turning yellow due to straining i guess.is there any cure for this yellow eyes.?
I have a question: If my prescription reads +2.25 for additional magnification what would be the intermediate measurement for a pair of basic computer glasses? I was told I need to adjust the ADD.
Where does eyezen fall into the categories you mentioned? Also I’m new to glasses, should I be storing them at night or are they fine be set over a microfiber cloth
Good video. I just got a 2nd pair of glasses, same prescription as a backup. They are bifocals. Everything seems fine except looking at the computer! I have to get much closer to the screen than my main pair! Will this resolve after an adjustment period?? Thanks for your help.
Is it safe and comfortable for my eyes if I use seperate prescription reading glasses and prescription distance glasses alternately instead of progressives. My eyes are very sensitive.
Do you have videos on toric lenses ??? I have astigmatism and I need a multi focal lense. My eye Dr had me try monovision. Are there dailies for people with my issue?
I am 37. I can see far away really well. I work in an ICU where we chart on computers, and look at ventilator screens all day. I feel like I’m just this last year, I’m starting to have issues seeing up close. Very slightly! That doesn’t seem to bother me as much as it feels like me eye muscles are straining more often. Should I wait it out a few more years? I haven’t ever been to an eye Dr haah. (I know, healthcare workers are the worst at this!) Thank you!
I had cataract eye surgery last year. I have to carry 2 pairs of glasses around when I am outside which is very annoying because I have to keep switching - over the counter sunglasses and over the counter reading glasses. Can I have distance, reading, and sunglasses in one? Thanks.
Thanks for the video! So... it is still unclear to me if I need a specific prescription for computer glasses that is different from distance glasses. If I get a full prescription pair (so no bifocals nor progressive) with my Sphere, Cyl and Axis measurements, I will clearly see far (such as when walking and driving), but they are not what you are describing as a 'full prescription pair' ideally for the computer (min 5:44). Is that correct? I have a prescription with Sphere, Cyl and Axis (OD: -2.00, nothing, nothing; OS -0.75, -0.25 and 065). I also have a +1 for each eye under 'Add' but I truly only need to read in an arm's distance just before going to bed when I read a book, the rest of the time I am 31-34 inches (80-86 cm) away from a 2 screen computer (8 h per day Mon to Fr), or walking and driving (evenings and weekends). Should I go back to my optometrist and get measurements for computer glasses, or my prescription is descriptive enough for the optician to make those? MANY thanks
Thanks for the good question! For a lot of people, they may not need a specific computer pair of glasses. It depends on how much accommodative range (eye muscle focusing range) and the eye fatigue you may experience, most people can get by with a distance only pair or perhaps a bifocal such as you describe, but if experiencing excessive fatigue or frustration over having to look through a bifocal or progressive lens, then a computer pair of glasses works the best. The bifocal reading power is unfortunately meant for around 40cm reading distance (usually) unless your doctor specifically measured it for another distance. So another Rx would have to be written. Hope that helps
@@DoctorEyeHealth do you know the sum to get computer lenes from a prescription. my optician told me but i forgot. he told me i had to minus my H near with something on the prescription i completely forgot.
My eyes have been killing me lately. I work on a computer all day looking at numbers and then I have college online and I look at letters all day. I also read ebooks on my phone I’ve tried the blue light filter. I’ve tried blue light filter glasses. What do you recommend my eyes hurt a lot. Especially recently. Btw I’m 20 years old so should I just go to an eye doctor?
I am a new glass user and got a progressive and reading prescription lenses. Progressive confused me especially with the sidewaards distortion and I thought the lens maker messed up the lens.
Here is my long story. I went to Ocala eye here in Dunnellon. They have a good reputation. I went because I had like a blood image happen in my eye. But I also needed new prescriptions. I asked for "reading glasses when I have my contacts in." which I meant what strength I would need to read while wearing contacts, for OTC glasses. They NEVER mentioned computer glasses. I thought I had two copies of my bi-focal main prescriptions. Take it to Sams and they say $300. I thought great. But instead of cheap bi-focal high index glasses, I got $300 computer glasses. So I am still saving, a year later, for high index bi-focals. The worse thing is they could never get my prescription correct for contacts. I cannot read small street signs near what I should, like what I can if I squeeze my nine year old glasses tight. During 4 attempts to get correct prescription, I could not tell between some of the choices. That has always happened. Aren't the doctors trained to be able to figure the right prescription out?
Since having cataract surgery it has been a lot of adjustment for me. My vision is corrected for distance/driving, but anything as close as my computer screen is a little difficult to see. I use a pair of Foster Grant reading glasses +1.25 to see the screen clearly. I have progressive lenses too but bobbing my head up and down at the computer got to be a pain. The reading glasses sit next to the computer for whenever needed.
@@sanaSana-bv4jx When you have cataract surgery, your artificial lens only sees distance. The artificial lenses that are multifocal and are usually extremely hard to place properly in the eye. Most people who get them are often unhappy and they cost more. So if you ever get cataract surgery, you will lose the ability to see close to read a book or a computer and will need readers, just as you do when you age. I hope this explanation helps make clear what you will likely eventually experience.
Can I get more information on the difference between regular computer glasses vs Office Lenses. Are they the same as progressives.. I recently got prescribed office lenses, when I just wanted computer glasses and I am afraid they'll be the same as progressives. I had progressive lenses in the past and I hated them. I could never get use to them. My far sighted vision is ok, but have astigmatism.
I am 25 and need to use my computer >10 hours a day on a regular basis. My eye doctor suggests that I use +0.75 reading glasses to reduce strain on my eyes. He says this can theoretically avoid Myopia. How true is this?
I have an Rx for progressives and one for computer glasses. Can I use my computer glasses as regular reading glasses when I’m not using the computer? I’m having a hard time with the progressives, and I’m trying to figure out if I should think about having different glasses for each function.
I have had 4 pairs of glasses made now by two different stores. I cannot see out of them! I have been wearing Progressives for years and that's what they keep making but the areas of which to see in seem to always be in the wrong place. I am frustrated out of my mind! The pair I brought home today, I can see distance and looking down but my computer isn't clear. Please help! I don't know what to do. You mentioned an office lens. Is that for distance and reading and leaves out the mid point? Do I need a bifocal? What will help me see?
One major difference between "reading" glasses and prescription glasses is the lens quality! I am extremely particular and find that computer glasses work well for me but I do use over the counter stuff in a pinch.
Im going crazy, i used progressive for all my activities but i work in front the computer almost every day so my reading glasses (single vision) work perfect when i only use laptop monitor but as soon as i switch to my second 24" monitor the magic dissappear and I have to switch between my reading and progressive if somebody come to my office. To fix that I ordered a computer glasses and my question is: should this computer progressive lenses let me see the whole screen 24") without blurry areas? Cause mines no, I still have blurry areas. I don't want to move my head up, down, left right to find a clear spot. Should I return this and ask them to do my glasses again?
I have a prescription on my left eye that is SPH 0.00 CYL -1.25 AXIS 15, the right eye is slightly different but i find that reading text on a computer with the left eye is easier with them off, i can see better overall at a distance with them on and can focus with the right eye fine on text at 1mtr from computer and at a distance. I would expect that the eye with SPH 0.00 should be fine at any distance, am i wrong about this? have lost faith in the optician as they first made the lens to Axis 115 by mistake
Please, I live in Egypt, and I want to ask you about my medical condition. I am 49 years old. My eyes were good and my vision is almost excellent, but I started to feel long-sighted. I cannot see close objects. I went to a doctor who prescribed me reading glasses. At first, I found the glasses wonderful. Everything is fine up close and he told me that I do not need glasses for walking because my eyesight is largely normal. The problem is that after using the glasses for about a month, I feel that my vision is deteriorating very significantly (all the deterioration occurs within one month). Now I can almost not see at a distance of one and a half meters except With these glasses, I cannot read at all without them, and I feel that my distance vision is deteriorating quickly as well, because almost my job is to sit at the computer for a very long period of time a day. I feel that I am no longer normal without them, and I wear them in order to see everything that is close, but when I take them off, I find distraction.. Do you have any? Tips and thanks
I'm trying to find a multifocal contact that will work well for computer use. The first lens I tried (cooper vision daily multifocal, BC 8.6, Dia 14.1, Pow +1.50 "low add") really only works well for me at "in the hand" distance and despite being multifocal my distance vision is far worse with them than without. Should I try other contacts? Or am I likely to just find more of the same?
Ask your optometrist/eye doctor to try other multifocal contact lenses. There are numerous brands available and they're all unique, so some may have optics that better suit your eyes.
Hi doc I hope you are doing well thank you for making this type of vedio Coming to the point I have a cylinder 3 in left eye and cylinder 4 in right eye which type of glass I need blue cut or computer glass plz help me
I currently use contacts daily and am considering computer glasses. Ive read that getting computer glasses with a lower power to wear on top of my contacts is a possible solution. My contacts are -3.00 and I am staring at a computer for 8+ hours a day, wondering if there is any benefit to considering a .50 power pair of computer glasses. Appreciate any insights :)
Thank you so much. Is it possible to have the top half prescribed for perfect vision at 24" away ie computer screen and the the bottom half of the glasses be prescribed for perfect vision for reading my kindle or smartphone exactly at 18" away? I've tried explaining this request but optometrist keeps giving me progressives. I used to have the perfect pair for smartphone (they got damaged) but then the computer was just a bit blurry. Am I being unreasonable? :) I'm ok 3 ft and beyond. Just need something for PC 24 inches and reading 18 inches. Thank you again
Yes I think so, just two settings, top and down. Don't think I would mind a line between the two as long as its crystal clear at 24" and just as clear looking down at 18". I'll reach out to opto again and explain my request once again, thanks so uch @@DoctorEyeHealth
I’m short and 47 and just starting to feel I might need readers. I tried the 1+ and still think they are too strong. Amazon has a listing as 0+? Is that just for fashion? Maybe I should try .25 or .50 but those are hard to find. I don’t want to become reliant on them that’s my concern. My distance vision is 20/20 though.
I am 55 and have had bilateral cataract surgery. I have mono vision lens implanted and can see distance and close-up really well. I just need computer correction. What are your thoughts? Thanks for all the helpful info!
Thanks for the great question Mary! First of all, happy to hear you are doing well with the mono vision lenses! If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, getting a dedicated computer pair may work the best, but depending on how you respond and the difference between your two eyes, there is a chance your glasses will be so lopsided in strength you may see double vision. If you were in my clinic I would put your Rx in a trial frame and show you in the clinic. But if you can handle it, that would likely give you the most comfort.
I'm 69, near sighted, and have been wearing glasses since 6th grade. My glasses are progressives. When I read a book I just take my glasses off. But I spend many hours each day at a computer, distance to the ultra-wide screen 34 inches, give or take. And I move my head a LOT to get that sharp view of the spot I'm reading. When I got my last new prescription, besides the (expensive!) pair I got from the same place as my exam, I took the prescription to a generally well respected discount optical store, where I bought a second pair to the same specifications. That pair stays in my car so I can drive if something happens to the first pair. I also had the discount place make a third pair that I asked to be computer glasses. Boy, do I wish I'd watched this video first! If anything, the "window" of sharpness is smaller than my first pair! I have to move my head even more. Live and learn. I suspect what I want is progressives, with the top optimized for around 36", the middle 34", and the bottom maybe 22 to 24 inches (keyboard distance. I'm not sure the discount place will understand that, or be able to provide it. One more point... Many years ago I got a new pair that were made wrong. One night, tired, driving home on an interstate, I found I could not read the big green signs! But the dust on the dashboard was absolutely sharp! I took them back, and they tested the prescription. It was exactly right! But the interpupillary distance was wrong, much closer together than my eyes. But I can't forget how sharp the dust on the dashboard was. It makes me wonder if glasses for close work shouldn't be set up so that when the eyes converge at, for example, 34", they aren't each looking through that ideal spot on their respective lenses, rather than those ideal spots being directly in front of each eye, which is only optimal for long distances.
Hello. Love your video. I am confused and need your help please. Just got my eye test for the very first time. I started to have problem seeing small letters like reading the instructions from a medication bottle. This prompted me to get my eyes check. I am 45 years old and my work requires me to be looking at computer screen for about 7 hours a day for 5 days a week. One prescription says: Final spectacle Rx (reading) RT +2.00, cylinder -0.50, axis 074, dist PD 31 LT +1.50, cylinder -0.25, axis 142, dist PD 31. Another prescription says: Final spectacle Rx RT +1.00, cylinder -0.50, axis 074, add +1.50, dist PD 31. LT +0.50, cylinder -0.25, axis 142, add +1.50, dist PD 31 Is it better to get a separate computer glasses and reading glasses or get the office progressive? Is the office progressive have the computer glasses and the reading prescription on the bottom? Also, would I need to get new prescriptions if I get a separate computer glasses, reading glasses or the progressive glasses? The doctor also did not ask me the distance from my eyes to the computer.
I have to see the full screen for large dual monitors. Progressives don't work as they cut off the sides and I constantly have to swivel my head to see documents. I'm interested in trying office lens, where the top of the lens is for computer. My question though: is the computer part of the lens go all horizontally across the lens, like single vision, or do they cut off at the edges like Progressives? I'd really appreciate an answer as have new prescription that isn't working out and want to have them switched out before my return window expires.
Hello! I just left my eye doctors for my annual, I have contacts for distance and he told me to get +2.25 for reading. I work most all day on the computer so could I get a pair of the computer glasses in the +2.25 and also wear them to see my phone? Btw, I’m meaning, WITH my contacts in. Thank you ❤
Please let me know of any eye questions you have or would like to see a video about! Thanks for watching!!
Hii. I want to know how accomodative support lense look like or are
@@preciousnomfundo2710 Thanks for the question! I am not 100% sure what you exactly mean by an "accommodative support lens" because it could mean either a progressive lens or a "anti-fatigue lens" Both are pretty similar to each other. An anti-fatigue lens or what i think you mean by an accommodative support lens, is a very weak progressive style lens that has a small amount of plus power at the bottom of the lens (usually +0.25 to +0.75) that helps reduce the accommodative demand when looking up close. It can be helpful for some people and I personally do like them, they make my phone look almost 3d in my hand. But with stronger power, you may notice more distortion with the lenses and may take some time to adapt to the lens.
Have you done a video on safely using SAD lights?(brief search came up empty) I hear "do not use with certain eye conditions"(but which?) "may effect eyes" and "make sure UV light is filtered out" but how do I tell which are safe and if it's not stated which have no UV? (I was gifted an off brand one)And what is a safe (not just comfortable) way to use them? Thanks.
I’d love to see a video talking about actual no-line bifocals, like the Duo or DAL lenses. I tried some (very expensive) progressives from my optometrist’s office. After two weeks of “swimming” down the hall at work, they remade me single-vision sand I take my glasses off for up-close. I have some lined bifocals… but I really do not love that line. I have some Zeiss Officelens glasses for the computer, and they don’t seem to have the horrible distortion the full-strength progressives do.
Actually, you may be the only person with the resources to shoot a video I’d love to see: shot with FIXED focus, I’d love to see a view of checkerboard-pattern through various types of glasses at different distances, e.g. “cheap” and “premium” progressives at 12” (with 8.5x11 checkerboard), 1M, 3M, 10M. Everyone just saying “ooh, they’re better” doesn’t really help me. Just a thought. Thanks, doc, your videos are great.
Hi Dr. I have myopic degeneration, severe swollen dry eyes. My eyeballs are big and round and use restasis. My problem is my eyelids are like suction cups.
I have not seen anyone talk about this. Makes eye drops difficult to keep in eyes but do try to hold them is for 20 seconds. Is there anything I can do regarding the suction? I have started the massages. Please help!!!
I tried progressive or multi-focal lenses for over a year, but I just could not get used to them. I tried to get tri-focal lenses, but they had been phased out. So I ended up getting two standard bi-focal glasses. Though I make sure that there is a straight line between the two correction factors. One pair of glasses I call my “social glasses”. The top portion is set to correct for distant vision correction, and the reading portion is kept fairly small in order to minimize the blind spot at the bottom of my field of vision. The second pair of glasses is what I call my “computer or office glasses”. The top portion is optimized for the distance and size of my computer monitor setup, and the bottom part is raised quite a bit so that I can have a significant part of my work surface in focus without having to peer through a tiny bi-focal inset peep-hole.
I was introduced to computer glasses 3 years ago as a suggestion from my neighbor. You are 110% correct in that those are my favorite pair of glasses. It took several adjustments but it was well worth the wait! I happened to stumble upon your videos. Thank you so much for making them. They are so very useful and educational.
Question: can you see clear if somebody come to your office with your computer glasses?
I am nearsighted. At work they decided to be nice to the people that wear glasses and had to wear safety glasses over them, so they bought us prescription safety glasses. Maybe because of the prescription change I had to do as you demonstrated, head all the way back and spread my legs to read the monitor of the equipment. (They should of bought more chairs too.) Anyway, I went back to the Doc and told her my problem. She made a correction of the progressives, and I couldn't thank her enough (she was my personal doc). I am glad you made this video because I need to get new personal glasses. I really don't care about distances except for driving.
Thank you! I have progressive lenses and work at a computer all day, so I find myself looking at the computer screen just like you demonstrated putting a strain on my neck and shoulders. Also, the optometrist I saw last did not even offer to try to adjust my glasses to fit me at all and as a result they have never been comfortable. My previous optometrist always adjusted my glasses to fit me, but he retired. I can see the computer better without my glasses but cannot see print on paper so I'm constantly in a battle with my eyesight and my glasses.
Thank you. You nailed it. I just received my first pair of prrogressive lenses and hate them. Sore neck, constant straining to find the sweet spot when trying to work at the computer with dual monitors. I had no idea computer glasses or office glasses exist. So thank you for your videos and for the informative videos. Off to the optometrist I go.
My experience exactly ... constantly tilting my head up to find the sweet spot and getting a sore neck, bought a thick seat cushion get a higher angle. Saw this video and went and found an old pair of "readers" to watch this video and then the doctor talked about head tilting and sore necks using progressives like he was speaking to me. Next visit to the optometrist will include "computer glasses" or at least a wider section in progressives for computers if that is possible.
Thank you so much for your very informative and useful videos.
I'm retired now, but when I worked at a desk with a dual screen computer up to a year and a half ago, my bifocals were for the computer at the top of the lenses, and for seeing my desk work papers at the bottom of my lenses. That worked very well for me. Then when someone came into my office I would remove those glasses for conversing. I liked that a lot. I had cataract surgery in both eyes a year ago, and need only a little bit of correction. (One of my eyes is still cloudy though.) My bifocals are for distance and reading. Driving is great, however the front panel of my vehicle is a bit of a challenge, but I no longer drive daily so I'm not too bothered. I use no correction for my laptop.
You have synthetic lenses now so the cataracts can't come back. But sounds like you have Posterior Capsular Opacification where the lens capsule gets cloudy when cells grow on the inside of the capsule. A few minutes with a laser will fix that mate.
@@Opti-Mystic Thank you. I'll mention this to my eye doctor.
I just bought new glasses - my first bifocals, plus separate computer glasses. I am turning 70 this year. The computer glasses have a +1.25 diopter add to my distance prescription, and that is very comfortable for my use at the computer and for reading music at the piano.
The bifocals have a +2.25 diopter add for reading, and I'm finding that's too much for most reading situations; it gives me clear vision all the way down to about 22cm, which is closer than I need. Next time, I will ask for just +1.75 diopter add.
I've been wearing progressives for a few years. With my newest prescription I am no longer able to use them for the computer. Luckily both eyes are the same and +3 readers work fine. This video was very useful for giving me some questions to ask my eye doctor the next time I go in. I'm not happy with my most recent progressives. You've convinced me that one pair is not best for all situations. Ty
Thanks for sharing that! Yes, usually people benefit from having a dedicated computer pair of glasses.
I have three sets of glasses -
1. Computer glasses - their best focus is arm's length to arm's length + 4" beyond. Perfect for the computer screen.
2 & 3. Day (tinted) and night (clear) driving glasses. They are bifocals with the dividing line at the TOP of the dashboard - allowing me to read the dashboard stuff and see long distances. The awesome optician lady actually came out to my car and had me make a mark on the lens of test glasses with a Sharpie marker at the point where the dashboard ended. That's where the bifocal transition is. Awesome!
Good video. As a fellow eye doc, I recommend (and wear) the "Office Progressive" for patients over 50 on the computer. It is also great for painters, or mechanics in which most work takes place at arm's length or closer... And... In most "office progressives," there is a small area at the very top of the lens to see about room distance.
@@mohammedfayaazkhan1441 Marc the eye doc is gone, so I will give it a stab. I am not a doctor of any kind. I approach this from the "experienced user" perspective (of glasses). I am a heavy computer user, spending 8 to 12 hours a day staring at a computer screen for several decades. I managed to log this number of hours because it was my main task at work, and then I go home and it is my main hobby. 😁
I am also extremely near sighted since I was a child, and now have hyperopia to boot, because it seems the lens in our eyes are only good for 3 or 4 decades, and I have outlived them.
Your problem is probably the same as mine. We are simply getting old. The older we get, the less elastic the lens in our eyes get, and the less we are able to focus. Until the day come when we can wear cameras with integrated projectors that beam an image into our eyeballs like in Star Trek, the only solution is corrective lenses. I had high hopes for Google Glass, but unfortunately, it failed.
Most people have 2 eyes. Using just single vision lenses, we get 3 focusing distances. By selecting the proper corrective power, we get a different distance for each eye, and a third distance by removing our glasses. This is what I do. It is sufficient for my hyperopia.
For most people, both eyes are at nearly the same power. If your two eyes are of wildly differing power, then lucky you. You get 4 distances.
If you want more than that, the only choice is to add more focusing distances to one or both of your lenses, or using multiple glasses like the video say.
You might occasionally find advertisements for glasses with adjustable focus levers or dials. I don't believe the mechanism they use could work well.
As I got older my prescription "reading" glasses got stronger. I found that my oldest/lowest power glasses are now great for TV, my middle power glasses are great for my desktop computer, my highest power for books or Kindle, and I use my progressive lenses for things that involve frequent distance changes. That's a lot of glasses, but I dislike the progressives for extended reading, computer, or TV use.
There is a lot of money in eye research. I hope we all get the benefit of it in our lifetime.
I've had cataract surgery resulting in the same problems. I do use progressives for watching TV though and most everything else except for reading and computer use.
I agree with the number of glasses needed as we "become more mature". I love my glasses and am grateful to have them.
I've been working as an Optician since May of last year and there is sooo much to learn. I really appreciate your videos. I can't always get advice from my colleagues and I always want to learn as much as possible because I love to pass that knowledge on to,my patients so they're better informed about their vision!
i am unable to read anything frm a distance and frm my books when placed more than 8cm away ...what should i do now and what kind of prescription glasses r best for my eyes ...i am 21 years old...
@@Maria-123..You need a prescription for distance, and when you go to the Optician ask for the "anti fatigue lenses" at 70%.
The top half of the lenses will be for distance and the bottom half will have a 70% power boost for up close reading.
I've dealt with eye problem issues my whole life, this video revealed what some possible options are! Thank you!
Thank you so much for informing me about the “office lens”! I wish my optometrist recommended this, knowing my complains of my progressives always creating eye strain and neck pain when I work with desktop computers and paperwork all day.
Glad it was helpful!
Have computer glasses, reading glasses and progressives. My eye care program gives me new glasses every year. I pay a little extra to get Oakley glasses with their lenses. Be aware that just because you order an Oakley does not mean you are getting Oakley lenses.
Oakley is owned by Luxottica..... Oakley's lenses are LensCrafters lenses.
When I last tried to get non-Oakley Lenses in various different opticians, for my Oakleys, I was told that Oakley do not allow anyone other than themselves to make your prescription lenses, so I had to shell out £600 for them. I got the ones that change into sunglasses or clear depending on the light, as I need them for all year around mountain biking. Cant afford to get the prescription done again now though, out of date by 6 years now but just about good enough to make do.
You say orderring Oakleys doesnt mean you are getting Oakley Lenses, has this now changed in recent years?
With my Myopic, Astigmatic eyes, I also had the misfortune to have Cataracts early, I did have cataract surgery that was very successful. I had the focal range set so that my reading vision was good. My astigmatism is pretty much as was beforehand though. I have a reading add of +2.25 over my distance so office glasses are great for the computer. Great video!
I am really enjoying your videos. The content is the perfect level for me. I've found some professionals glance over the details to provide the options available or if pushed for more info, go into clinical, technical language. Neither of which has helped me learn.
I wish I could make an appointment with you in person!
My main job is 80/10/10 people contact/computer/reading & writing tasks.
My other role is 70/20/10 computer/desk/people.
I am struggling with my 1.75 optometrist + 2.0 off the rack reading glasses. On off on off all day.
Trying to educate myself towards a better solution.
Hey thanks Chris! Yeah I have been fortunate that some people have come to see me at the clinic. Otherwise a prescription computer pair of glasses may be the best option. Hopefully having a a measurement for the needed distance will help the doctor.
@@DoctorEyeHealth Thanks so much for the personal reply. Really appreciated.
One of the most important and useful videos on RUclips. I was looking into a problem of not seeing maps while driving and this video gave me ideas about possible solutions.
Hey thanks! Glad you found it helpful!
I just got a regular pair of progressives for the exact issue I was facing as you. Though not perfect, it definitely substantially helped driving and seeing the maps and my dashboard. On day 4 now, still finding the sweet spots for the maps.
You still read maps?
50s and just started contacts! I love them. I just use 1.25 reading glasses for computer and I can read my phone and anything on my desk easy. I actually use the Clic Readers with contacts. Was a progressive lens wearer for three years. I loved them but I am active and lose them once a year. Contacts were just a cheaper option.
I didn't know about the Office option. I have the same problems mentioned with progressive, so I have a single vision pair just for the computer. Thank you for continuing to educate us!
Thank you Doctor. Im 73 and have just lived with distance blur and using magnification glasses from drug store for years and years. So now I have progressive glasses and its very weird. You say 2 + weeks to adjust and have given me lots of info. We shall see.... no pun intended lol
I like the progressives. I am sitting in an easy chair with my laptop on my lap 14 inches away. The progressives work fine at this distance. Without my glasses, the type is blurry. For reading a magazine, I hold it a little closer and take off my glasses. I just had cataract surgery (choosing to remain nearsighted), and I don't think I will need a new prescription, but my eye surgeon says otherwise. I will be rechecked next month.
You educate on all the things my optometrist is too busy to mention. Thank you for filling in this massive educational gap.
thank you for this. been struggling with progressive for two years now. three monitors and my eyes were killing me. got an apt with my optician. I am surprised most many opticians don't share this information. your videos have helped me immensely. I hope the computer glasses she prescribes are not some over priced reading glasses as the receptionist said it is expensive. 27 inch from monitor so 1/66 = 1.5 reading?
I've not heard of Office lenses before, but that sounds like a great option. I wear progressives and with 3 computer monitors on my office desk it can get crazy trying to keep everything in focus. Definitely something I'm going to look into!!
You’ll love it
Office or 'Workplace' lenses place most of the focal area for the arms'-length, or desktop monitor focal distance. There's a tiny bit of distance at the top, and a small area of reading power at the bottom, but this lens IS aimed for those with heavier monitor use. Depending on your distance prescription, you may also be just fine with a single-vision intermediate (16"-30") focal length lens. Anywhere you look through that lens at your monitors will be in focus, though you'll give up any distance or near power at all. (near is usually 14"-18", intermediate is usually 16"-30", and distance beyond that. It's all about focal length. I wear single-vision intermediates for most of my day.
@@blairtaylor9552 Thinking of having an intermediate that is only just weak enough that I can read close up stuff again. Eventually that may break down and I need seamless bifocals.
I had lasik done years ago so I don’t need glasses for distance, but I have an astigmatism. Getting computer glasses that correct for my age as well as my astigmatism are super helpful because it crisps up the smaller fonts on the computer that would otherwise be fuzzy due to my astigmatism.
I was just prescribed some progressive lenses but they’re office and supposed to be meant for my dual monitor.
I’ve never used progressives as I’ve always just done regular computer glasses, but as someone who works in the IT field and can be constantly up and down but also working on a computer screen all day, I think I’ll get accustomed to them quickly.
I can always use my computer glasses for when I’m at home and working on things there since I won’t be up and down all the time.
As someone who works on a computer and paper all day, is 54 and starting to need reading glasses all of a sudden, this video was great.
This is the first I've heard of Office Glasses. I've have computer glasses for years and recently have just been using stronger reading glasses. However, as a dry eye sufferer this option no longer works well for me. I plan to check into Office Glasses ASAP!
Are you happy with the office glasses?
@@brendareed5050 Very much so! Wish I knew about them sooner.
Prescription computer glasses have been fantasic, my favorite!
I wear bifocals, but as I got older I found the distance half was too strong to see the computer screen and the reading half was too weak. I also found this to be true in certain non-computer applications. For instance, I play the piano, and when sitting at the piano the music is about the same distance away as the screen when working on the computer. I was no longer to read either from the computer screen or from the sheet music. I ended up getting a pair of glasses just for the computer/piano and that solved the problem.
I wondered why my pre-surgery glasses didn't work too well for my computer screen after my cataract surgery. I have to deliberately focus, instead of it being just natural. Now I know! Thank you.
Dr. Allen,
Thank you!
Here is what I do.
Plus reading gasses.
+2 Diopters.
Low cost, $15.
No arguments.
When reading at 20 inches,
( Stress = -2 Diopters),
I wear a +2 Diopters.
When reading at 13 inches,
( Stress = -3 Diopters)
I wear a +3 Diopter lens for
reading on my Cellphone.
Hi I can not see from far so I have wear - glasses. Could I read with + diopters? Or they are different for people with - eyesight number?
I have a light-sensitive retina due to my retina being bruised years ago in a near-fatal car crash. Back then, I was told to "man-up" & "nothing we can do to help" (a polite way of saying I deserve what I get for crashing a car as a teenager). Also, that damaged eye doesn't track in when I'm reading/focusing. I suggested to my optometrist about prism lenses & due to my age he was able to magnify it enough; oh how much better I see & my eyes are no longer in pain. Got myself tint-changing lenses with my new pair of glasses due to LEDs being used in more electronic devices. I wear prescription glasses with tin-change & blue light filtering for driving now also, as car headlights & street lights have LEDs which burn my retina. LEDs are a terrible light for our vision, they emit a blue-white wavelength & being a diode they also pulse rapidly like a projection (picture tube) TV. So with LEDs we're not just getting the UV-spectrum blue-white wavelength of light into our eyes, but we're also being pulsed as a diode cuts the sinewave; LED= Light Emitting Diode. Dr. Allen, if people are having their vision dazzled at night, it's because of auto manufacturers using LEDs to "save energy"..... SunSync XT's worked great for me, they not-only did a great job reducing the Australian sun, but cut-down the LED lights going into my eyes. LEDs should not be used in cars, domestic lighting, general lighting & stadium floodlighting, they are unhealthy for our eyes. We should go back to natural halogen.
6:29 I don't get this point. I've been wearing glasses with an additional diopter on both lenses for everyday use and I didn't even remember they added +1 diopter to my lenses and I wear it for the computer and outside all the same. How many diopters is Doctor Eye Health recommending to add? Cause his computer glasses seem to make things blurry once you look away from the screen.
Thanks for a useful video. I used to have a very high prescription for short sight and so I ended up using a dedicated computer/reading bifocal which worked very well for me.
That makes me very happy to hear Ian! Thanks for sharing!
I just got my dedicated computer glasses!! its amazing how much more productive I am being!
I am happy to have normal glasses for far sight like outdoor/traffic and computer glasses for nearer sight to computer screen and typical room distances (0,5 .. 5 m), both are prescription glasses but I had to pay extra for the varifocals glasses with reading focus area (2000€ for both). After 2 medical eye surgeries (age 2 and 5 years) correcting my squinting (strabismus) before visiting school, I always needed prescription glasses for the far and the near sight distances specialized for my two different eye sight strongnesses. Today local shops sell normal glasses up to 3 dioptrin, which does help me as my eyes require 4,5 to 6,5 dioptrins.
Great vid, first time glasses person. Got a light prescription for progressives. I think I will start with the computer glasses as I am on a computer day in and day out with several screens.
This is a great video. With -2.25 D, I have found the progressives are useful for "out and about", not at a desk IOW. At a computer, they are subpar. I can use the distance top part or the intermediate no problem but there is too much distortion either side for me to be happy. I don't want to use my distance correction and take off my glasses for close work though.
In my mid 40s, if I take off my glasses I see near really well. But I note that the reading part of the progressives is substantially less blurry at infinity than my naked vision.
I am thinking I just get a single vision that is just enough to help out my near at the expense of infinity, which I won't notice at work or at the home office. I should still be able to make out PPTs. I would need a new pair every couple years, and eventually the lack of distance may be annoying, and without the neuroplasticity my aging brain may not adapt well.
The alternative is a seamless bifocal (yeah I'm vain), or one of the "extended reading glasses" that is basically a progressive with the intermediate at the top. Not 100% sure what to do.
Operating systems today have built in font sizing and zoom tools so computer/reading glasses are seldom needed, You can usually set the font size at a level to where its readable. No one ever needs to squint to read tiny text so the usual solution is to set the font size to make the text legible. If that’s not enough, a built in magnifier/zoom can be used to enlarge text for comfortable reading. These will be found in the accessibility menu of whatever computer/os you’re on.
That is a good point. Unfortunately, some computer programs don’t always allow for this feature, but most do.
This is so, very, very, wrong. "Font sizing" and "zoom tools" are a productivity killer in the workforce. So, just no.
Your videos have the absolute best information about how eyes and eyewear work. Thank you so much for bringing clarity and helpful info to this topic.
Very well explained video...I learned a lot from it, Thank you!
Glad it was helpful, Mike!
You're welcome!!
Amazing video. You explained so many things in such a short time. 😎 thank you for posting such a high quality information in a very friendly way. 🙂🙃🤩
Dear Eye Doc, please remember there exist people even over 70 & 80, who need
tips and recommendations for eyes and glasses. My OTC blue blocking reading
glasses I'm using as computer glasses are 3,5 and work well.
Thank You for your very informative videos into "The Eye's Wonderland" & it's miracles. Learning All Ages is nice. Curiously anything. Only time runs short.
I like this blogger very much. I benefit a lot from his recommended items and experience sharing
thank you. about to have cataract implants with extreme myopia. need prescription computer glasses and reading glasses,, maybe progressive over the monofocal distance implants.
Wish you the best of luck with the surgery!
This was VERY helpful. Thank you!
Please what kinda glass should I use when animating
5:43 computer specific glasses, fixed distance, most clear, 7:40 office lens helps data entry- intermediate and close, no longer distance
Really appreciate it! Thank you!
I’ve had for years (10+) what you’re calling Office Glasses, basically dedicated computer lenses with bifocals. Couldn’t live without them. I’ve found one other use, I shoot handguns competitively and my Office Glasses work great.
I make my glasses with the computer section of the progressive just 1-1.5 mm higher. It works well to keep me from raising my chin creating issues with posture.
All my glasses are progressives. I did get a pair of office glasses over 5 years ago, but rarely use them.
I have seen "half-moon" reading glasses advertised on line. These are designed to sit further down your nose when reading / using a computer. How does the power of these lenses compare to the usual reading or computer lens given that the half-moon lens is sitting further away from the eye ?
Hello just got a pair of computer glasses only,But don't like the ideal of having to look over the glasses if someone walks in the door.... Just wondering is they an option for the very top half of glasses for distance and the bottom half for the computer?? Tried the progressive's ,AND HATE lol
Thank you this explained so much.
Hello doctor! I recently did laser treatment for my right eye due to eye floaters but, I am again see the eye floaters it was so much irritating to me... What should I do.... Please reply to me doc...
Very enlightening, thank you!
Great information, especially about "office progressives".
Dr.allen, i wear glasses of -2.5d on both eyes but i wont wear specs frequently usually when i go out and now my eyes are turning yellow due to straining i guess.is there any cure for this yellow eyes.?
I have a question: If my prescription reads +2.25 for additional magnification what would be the intermediate measurement for a pair of basic computer glasses? I was told I need to adjust the ADD.
Where does eyezen fall into the categories you mentioned? Also I’m new to glasses, should I be storing them at night or are they fine be set over a microfiber cloth
Good video. I just got a 2nd pair of glasses, same prescription as a backup. They are bifocals. Everything seems fine except looking at the computer! I have to get much closer to the screen than my main pair! Will this resolve after an adjustment period?? Thanks for your help.
Hey, have you considered doing a video about LIRIC eye procedure in the future ? :) That would be very interesting
Hi, Great video. I wear Clear Cone contacts but still need reading for computer. Usually 1.5 or so changes as my stigmatism changes. Thanks
Is it safe and comfortable for my eyes if I use seperate prescription reading glasses and prescription distance glasses alternately instead of progressives. My eyes are very sensitive.
Do you have videos on toric lenses ??? I have astigmatism and I need a multi focal lense. My eye Dr had me try monovision. Are there dailies for people with my issue?
I am 37. I can see far away really well. I work in an ICU where we chart on computers, and look at ventilator screens all day. I feel like I’m just this last year, I’m starting to have issues seeing up close. Very slightly! That doesn’t seem to bother me as much as it feels like me eye muscles are straining more often. Should I wait it out a few more years? I haven’t ever been to an eye Dr haah. (I know, healthcare workers are the worst at this!) Thank you!
*EYE* appreciate it! Ty Doctor!
I had cataract eye surgery last year. I have to carry 2 pairs of glasses around when I am outside which is very annoying because I have to keep switching - over the counter sunglasses and over the counter reading glasses. Can I have distance, reading, and sunglasses in one? Thanks.
Thanks for the video!
So... it is still unclear to me if I need a specific prescription for computer glasses that is different from distance glasses.
If I get a full prescription pair (so no bifocals nor progressive) with my Sphere, Cyl and Axis measurements, I will clearly see far (such as when walking and driving), but they are not what you are describing as a 'full prescription pair' ideally for the computer (min 5:44). Is that correct?
I have a prescription with Sphere, Cyl and Axis (OD: -2.00, nothing, nothing; OS -0.75, -0.25 and 065). I also have a +1 for each eye under 'Add' but I truly only need to read in an arm's distance just before going to bed when I read a book, the rest of the time I am 31-34 inches (80-86 cm) away from a 2 screen computer (8 h per day Mon to Fr), or walking and driving (evenings and weekends).
Should I go back to my optometrist and get measurements for computer glasses, or my prescription is descriptive enough for the optician to make those?
MANY thanks
Thanks for the good question! For a lot of people, they may not need a specific computer pair of glasses. It depends on how much accommodative range (eye muscle focusing range) and the eye fatigue you may experience, most people can get by with a distance only pair or perhaps a bifocal such as you describe, but if experiencing excessive fatigue or frustration over having to look through a bifocal or progressive lens, then a computer pair of glasses works the best.
The bifocal reading power is unfortunately meant for around 40cm reading distance (usually) unless your doctor specifically measured it for another distance. So another Rx would have to be written.
Hope that helps
@@DoctorEyeHealth You have no idea how much your answer helps me! THANKS!!
@@DoctorEyeHealth do you know the sum to get computer lenes from a prescription. my optician told me but i forgot. he told me i had to minus my H near with something on the prescription i completely forgot.
My eyes have been killing me lately. I work on a computer all day looking at numbers and then I have college online and I look at letters all day. I also read ebooks on my phone I’ve tried the blue light filter. I’ve tried blue light filter glasses. What do you recommend my eyes hurt a lot. Especially recently. Btw I’m 20 years old so should I just go to an eye doctor?
I am a new glass user and got a progressive and reading prescription lenses. Progressive confused me especially with the sidewaards distortion and I thought the lens maker messed up the lens.
Here is my long story. I went to Ocala eye here in Dunnellon. They have a good reputation. I went because I had like a blood image happen in my eye. But I also needed new prescriptions. I asked for "reading glasses when I have my contacts in." which I meant what strength I would need to read while wearing contacts, for OTC glasses. They NEVER mentioned computer glasses. I thought I had two copies of my bi-focal main prescriptions. Take it to Sams and they say $300. I thought great. But instead of cheap bi-focal high index glasses, I got $300 computer glasses. So I am still saving, a year later, for high index bi-focals. The worse thing is they could never get my prescription correct for contacts. I cannot read small street signs near what I should, like what I can if I squeeze my nine year old glasses tight. During 4 attempts to get correct prescription, I could not tell between some of the choices. That has always happened. Aren't the doctors trained to be able to figure the right prescription out?
Since having cataract surgery it has been a lot of adjustment for me. My vision is corrected for distance/driving, but anything as close as my computer screen is a little difficult to see. I use a pair of Foster Grant reading glasses +1.25 to see the screen clearly. I have progressive lenses too but bobbing my head up and down at the computer got to be a pain. The reading glasses sit next to the computer for whenever needed.
Hi, there do you cannot see from a distance? And use +1.25 for computer and reading?
@@sanaSana-bv4jx When you have cataract surgery, your artificial lens only sees distance. The artificial lenses that are multifocal and are usually extremely hard to place properly in the eye. Most people who get them are often unhappy and they cost more. So if you ever get cataract surgery, you will lose the ability to see close to read a book or a computer and will need readers, just as you do when you age. I hope this explanation helps make clear what you will likely eventually experience.
Can I get more information on the difference between regular computer glasses vs Office Lenses. Are they the same as progressives.. I recently got prescribed office lenses, when I just wanted computer glasses and I am afraid they'll be the same as progressives. I had progressive lenses in the past and I hated them. I could never get use to them. My far sighted vision is ok, but have astigmatism.
Can you make a video on optometrist Student career in abroad such as a Canada, USA, Australia....
Please guide us!
I am 25 and need to use my computer >10 hours a day on a regular basis. My eye doctor suggests that I use +0.75 reading glasses to reduce strain on my eyes. He says this can theoretically avoid Myopia. How true is this?
I have an Rx for progressives and one for computer glasses. Can I use my computer glasses as regular reading glasses when I’m not using the computer? I’m having a hard time with the progressives, and I’m trying to figure out if I should think about having different glasses for each function.
I have had 4 pairs of glasses made now by two different stores. I cannot see out of them! I have been wearing Progressives for years and that's what they keep making but the areas of which to see in seem to always be in the wrong place. I am frustrated out of my mind! The pair I brought home today, I can see distance and looking down but my computer isn't clear. Please help! I don't know what to do. You mentioned an office lens. Is that for distance and reading and leaves out the mid point? Do I need a bifocal? What will help me see?
One major difference between "reading" glasses and prescription glasses is the lens quality! I am extremely particular and find that computer glasses work well for me but I do use over the counter stuff in a pinch.
Im going crazy, i used progressive for all my activities but i work in front the computer almost every day so my reading glasses (single vision) work perfect when i only use laptop monitor but as soon as i switch to my second 24" monitor the magic dissappear and I have to switch between my reading and progressive if somebody come to my office. To fix that I ordered a computer glasses and my question is: should this computer progressive lenses let me see the whole screen 24") without blurry areas? Cause mines no, I still have blurry areas. I don't want to move my head up, down, left right to find a clear spot. Should I return this and ask them to do my glasses again?
what can i change on my RX to strengthen the reading portion of my progressive lenses?
I have a prescription on my left eye that is SPH 0.00 CYL -1.25 AXIS 15, the right eye is slightly different but i find that reading text on a computer with the left eye is easier with them off, i can see better overall at a distance with them on and can focus with the right eye fine on text at 1mtr from computer and at a distance. I would expect that the eye with SPH 0.00 should be fine at any distance, am i wrong about this? have lost faith in the optician as they first made the lens to Axis 115 by mistake
Please, I live in Egypt, and I want to ask you about my medical condition. I am 49 years old. My eyes were good and my vision is almost excellent, but I started to feel long-sighted. I cannot see close objects. I went to a doctor who prescribed me reading glasses. At first, I found the glasses wonderful. Everything is fine up close and he told me that I do not need glasses for walking because my eyesight is largely normal. The problem is that after using the glasses for about a month, I feel that my vision is deteriorating very significantly (all the deterioration occurs within one month). Now I can almost not see at a distance of one and a half meters except With these glasses, I cannot read at all without them, and I feel that my distance vision is deteriorating quickly as well, because almost my job is to sit at the computer for a very long period of time a day. I feel that I am no longer normal without them, and I wear them in order to see everything that is close, but when I take them off, I find distraction.. Do you have any? Tips and thanks
I'm trying to find a multifocal contact that will work well for computer use. The first lens I tried (cooper vision daily multifocal, BC 8.6, Dia 14.1, Pow +1.50 "low add") really only works well for me at "in the hand" distance and despite being multifocal my distance vision is far worse with them than without. Should I try other contacts? Or am I likely to just find more of the same?
Ask your optometrist/eye doctor to try other multifocal contact lenses. There are numerous brands available and they're all unique, so some may have optics that better suit your eyes.
Hi doc. Is it okay if i (someone who have an ok eye health) wear a reading glasses???
Hi doc I hope you are doing well thank you for making this type of vedio
Coming to the point I have a cylinder 3 in left eye and cylinder 4 in right eye which type of glass I need blue cut or computer glass plz help me
I currently use contacts daily and am considering computer glasses. Ive read that getting computer glasses with a lower power to wear on top of my contacts is a possible solution. My contacts are -3.00 and I am staring at a computer for 8+ hours a day, wondering if there is any benefit to considering a .50 power pair of computer glasses. Appreciate any insights :)
Thank you so much. Is it possible to have the top half prescribed for perfect vision at 24" away ie computer screen and the the bottom half of the glasses be prescribed for perfect vision for reading my kindle or smartphone exactly at 18" away? I've tried explaining this request but optometrist keeps giving me progressives. I used to have the perfect pair for smartphone (they got damaged) but then the computer was just a bit blurry. Am I being unreasonable? :) I'm ok 3 ft and beyond. Just need something for PC 24 inches and reading 18 inches. Thank you again
They should be able to accommodate that….are you just wanting a flat top bifocal?
Yes I think so, just two settings, top and down. Don't think I would mind a line between the two as long as its crystal clear at 24" and just as clear looking down at 18". I'll reach out to opto again and explain my request once again, thanks so uch
I’m short and 47 and just starting to feel I might need readers. I tried the 1+ and still think they are too strong. Amazon has a listing as 0+? Is that just for fashion? Maybe I should try .25 or .50 but those are hard to find. I don’t want to become reliant on them that’s my concern. My distance vision is 20/20 though.
I am 55 and have had bilateral cataract surgery. I have mono vision lens implanted and can see distance and close-up really well. I just need computer correction. What are your thoughts? Thanks for all the helpful info!
Thanks for the great question Mary! First of all, happy to hear you are doing well with the mono vision lenses! If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, getting a dedicated computer pair may work the best, but depending on how you respond and the difference between your two eyes, there is a chance your glasses will be so lopsided in strength you may see double vision. If you were in my clinic I would put your Rx in a trial frame and show you in the clinic. But if you can handle it, that would likely give you the most comfort.
I'm 69, near sighted, and have been wearing glasses since 6th grade. My glasses are progressives. When I read a book I just take my glasses off. But I spend many hours each day at a computer, distance to the ultra-wide screen 34 inches, give or take. And I move my head a LOT to get that sharp view of the spot I'm reading. When I got my last new prescription, besides the (expensive!) pair I got from the same place as my exam, I took the prescription to a generally well respected discount optical store, where I bought a second pair to the same specifications. That pair stays in my car so I can drive if something happens to the first pair. I also had the discount place make a third pair that I asked to be computer glasses. Boy, do I wish I'd watched this video first! If anything, the "window" of sharpness is smaller than my first pair! I have to move my head even more.
Live and learn. I suspect what I want is progressives, with the top optimized for around 36", the middle 34", and the bottom maybe 22 to 24 inches (keyboard distance. I'm not sure the discount place will understand that, or be able to provide it.
One more point... Many years ago I got a new pair that were made wrong. One night, tired, driving home on an interstate, I found I could not read the big green signs! But the dust on the dashboard was absolutely sharp! I took them back, and they tested the prescription. It was exactly right! But the interpupillary distance was wrong, much closer together than my eyes. But I can't forget how sharp the dust on the dashboard was. It makes me wonder if glasses for close work shouldn't be set up so that when the eyes converge at, for example, 34", they aren't each looking through that ideal spot on their respective lenses, rather than those ideal spots being directly in front of each eye, which is only optimal for long distances.
Hi, I use prescription glasses, and I just wanna try reading glasses can i, which strength is best ? Thanks
Hello. Love your video. I am confused and need your help please. Just got my eye test for the very first time. I started to have problem seeing small letters like reading the instructions from a medication bottle. This prompted me to get my eyes check. I am 45 years old and my work requires me to be looking at computer screen for about 7 hours a day for 5 days a week.
One prescription says:
Final spectacle Rx (reading)
RT +2.00, cylinder -0.50, axis 074, dist PD 31
LT +1.50, cylinder -0.25, axis 142, dist PD 31.
Another prescription says:
Final spectacle Rx
RT +1.00, cylinder -0.50, axis 074, add +1.50, dist PD 31.
LT +0.50, cylinder -0.25, axis 142, add +1.50, dist PD 31
Is it better to get a separate computer glasses and reading glasses or get the office progressive? Is the office progressive have the computer glasses and the reading prescription on the bottom? Also, would I need to get new prescriptions if I get a separate computer glasses, reading glasses or the progressive glasses? The doctor also did not ask me the distance from my eyes to the computer.
I have to see the full screen for large dual monitors. Progressives don't work as they cut off the sides and I constantly have to swivel my head to see documents. I'm interested in trying office lens, where the top of the lens is for computer. My question though: is the computer part of the lens go all horizontally across the lens, like single vision, or do they cut off at the edges like Progressives? I'd really appreciate an answer as have new prescription that isn't working out and want to have them switched out before my return window expires.
Hello! I just left my eye doctors for my annual, I have contacts for distance and he told me to get +2.25 for reading. I work most all day on the computer so could I get a pair of the computer glasses in the +2.25 and also wear them to see my phone? Btw, I’m meaning, WITH my contacts in. Thank you ❤
I have a Reading/Computer glasses prescription with OD and OS listed in negative numbers. Is this normal or an oversight?