It is a crown corporation and it has not received tax money since 1981. It makes its own money. Why do people continue to think it comes from tax money?
As a Canadian working a union job, I FULLY support CPC workers striking. CPC is an essential service and workers need good working conditions. These strikes create precedence that can be pointed to for other industries/companies. However! I used to deal with parcel shipping in my previous job, and CPC is WAAAY behind in terms of business services compared to other carriers. Something needs to change on a business model standpoint point. Also, these reported losses are definitely manipulated for PR. Don’t get me wrong, CPC is indeed losing money. But an external audit is required to get to the bottom of this. Not a finger pointing matchup where the one who riles up taxpayers most wins.
Could be worse. The US Postal Service's financials are absolutely dismal at the best of times but most of it was inflicted upon them by Congress by requiring them to pre-fund health benefits for retirees...*75 YEARS IN ADVANCE*. No other business (even a quasi-governmental one like USPS) has that requirement completely hamstringing their ability to have a chance at turning a profit.
They aren’t an essential service when multiple private companies do the same job more effectively & efficiently for a marginally higher cost. Break the unions and Defund these failing Crown corporations before they become an eternal burden on future generations of taxpayers.
@@adellis24 one of the main reasons why these private companies are “cheaper” is to take business away from CPC. If CPC ceases to exist, there isn’t much left to force these other companies to jack their prices back up. They also won’t guarantee shipments to rural areas. Agree to disagree. You’re entitled to your own opinion.
@ The private courier companies operating in Canada likely do not have a universal service mandate requiring them to deliver to every address. If you’re in the cities, the other companies may well be an economical alternative but if you’re several hundred km from Inuvik or Iqualuit or enduring life on Ellesmere Island…those private companies won’t bother attempting delivery without being paid the King’s ransom. The couriers in the US use USPS for “last mile” deliveries to places couriers will never go. I suspect Canada Post provides subsidised “last mile” services for couriers in the Great White North.
@Scantronimus466 yeah man, I like having robust protected public services. Any discussions about privatization around education, health and other services should have you branded as a crank.
The fact that people can get mad at someone for expressing an opinion in a completely respectful way that is just different than their own shows how out of touch society has become.
Love how the general population always loses it’s mind when a union goes on strike, but never bats an eye when politicians raise their wages and housing allowance during a time when most Canadians have to make the choice of food or rent.
Well, I mean if you're talking about how in spite of how much you might hate all politicians, you don't want to hit them in the eye with a bat because then you would probably be spending a lot of time sitting in a cage, then yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want to do that.
The public's opinion has no effect on the work disruption. Even if all Canadians hate postal workers, it won't affect negotiations. People get mad at whatever the media tells them to be mad at lol. Canada Post will never touch tax dollars unless they're in a EXTREME Bankrupt state...And Purolator's profits go into Canada Post Group of Companies(CPGC would have to be broke to get tax dollars and it will never be). Tax dollars haven't been used since 1972. Also if we get privatized, CUPW doesn't disappear. Private companies have unions too lol. Canada Post has money but CUPW pays for us to fight back. If I get terminated, I don't go to a lawyer, CUPW fights to get me back.(And they've gotten many people back who have bene wrongfully terminated) They have a lot money, (55,000 workers paying $90 a month) plus all the other incomes they have. This isn't some small union, CUPW is one of the strongest I've seen. At the end of the day, Canada Post is a service, not a for profit business. Even if flyers are thrown out, Canada Post still makes BILLIONS. Also you do have an option, look up Consumer Choice Program...Or simply put a no junk mail sign on your mailbox or in your community mail slot. We only bypass your no junk mail sign if it's a government/city or community flyer. Thanks for the updated video, cheers. Found your account randomly as I've obviously been watching how people are broadcasting the strike since I work there and know a lot more as I'm a union rep. And thanks for the Support.
At least in the U.S., it sometimes seems that for many who most hate labor unions, money is a secondary objection to power. They're not volunteering to give raises to their employees, but they could stomach it. Many give enormous sums to charities. But what they won't tolerate is being forced to do anything, even paying taxes. They believe they have a divine right to run their company how they see fit, and neither the government nor the workers should have any say whatsoever. Wanting control over a business is normal, but it can get taken to such an extreme that it becomes unreasonable.
You're strawmanning about divine rights and not wanting to pay any taxes. It's a question of effective use of resources. Here's a hyperbolic example from the other side - Imagine one day you realize you have a leaky pipe in your bathroom and instead of getting out a wrench and spending 10 minutes to fix the problem yourself, you had to make an agreement to pay $200 to have a union plumber fix it a week from next Thursday. And then that plumber doesn't actually fix it but wraps some tape around the pipe so it simply doesn't leak as bad.
@@maxfish4270 I don't disagree with you. The hypothetical about the plumber is not hyperbolic and likely does happen. I was talking about people who seem to think of themselves as aristocrats and the rest of us commoners. The most extreme of them are like toddlers with a billion dollars. Imagine two 3-year-olds are in a room with toys; the first is playing with several but starts crying because he wants the toy the second child just picked up.
I worked in healthcare for about a decade and I remember we ended up switching unions after a labour dispute because the doctors and people at the top all got big raises and we got basically nothing. We actually ended up having to work twice as hard - in a union job. Just because you're in a union doesn't mean you're going to get what's fair and when it's taxpayer dollars, they're going to blame the people at the bottom first before they blame anyone at the top. It's how it always is. People always undervalue those who work the hardest and make the whole thing possible in the first place.
Over here in the UK we have had the best part of last 3 years beset by strikes in both Public and Private sector. At my job as a biman/garbage man my depot nearly went on strike a few times over last few years. Also Royal Mail over here was Privatised about 10 years ago...the Post Office was spun off and is still Government owned is currently going through a massive accounting scandal.
I've worked several jobs that are part of a union one thing that is very common across all of them when it comes to negotiating a new collective agreement company always says we have no money.
Spend a little time looking up stats on industry average net profit margins. Also new restaurant failure rate discussions are easily found so spend some time reading about that.
It's particularly maddening when you see the hospital claiming poverty so they won't pay nurses decently ... and they're building expensive satellite hospitals all over the place and dumping million$ into the accounts of the executives. But they're supposedly going to the wall. And to make matters worse, nurses are often prohibited from going on strike by law... :(
Entertainment Guy, billionaires have been consuming the world's wealth since COVID. It's mind blowing how fast they are devouring all the money and hoarding it. There is no hope for us at this point, it's way too late. We are all going to have to get used to living paycheck to paycheck with debt piling up.
It's quite sad people are not pissed about corporate price gouge. They rather protest a virus than people making things expense so they can make a bigger profit.
@@TheBlazersfan22 In America, wealth inequality if worse now than it was in feudal Europe. That's right... Back when there were kings, wealthy landowners, and a peasant class... you were better off being a literal peasant then than you are now being in America. Lack of proper taxation or regulation, outrageous capital gains rules, and over privatization has led to a new peasant class in what is the richest country in the world.
@@pirtatejoe If Cuthbert has a slice of bread and Lord Butter has a whole loaf, whereas Joe has a a whole loaf (plus 2 baguettes and a dozen donuts) and Mr. Moneybags has a chain of bakeries, even though there is greater bread inequality between Joe and Mr. Moneybags than between Cuthbert and Lord Butter, Joe is still significantly better off than Cuthbert.
@@pirtatejoe I was literally in japan last year. Price of mcdonalds was 8 bucks for a meal. A small island where mcdonalds very likely imported . Was cheaper there than canada at 16 bucks for a big Mac meal. Seems like japan wasn't effected by the price inflation . Then there was a time I drove down vancouver. Vancouver had cheaper gas than kamloops by 10 cents. And vancouver has more taxes on fuel than kamloops. It just seems bs .
@OWlsfordshire -> Charles Bedaux. Watch the documentary and read the transcript of Bedaux points. Millions are now billions. The game of both sides against the middle isn’t new. Neither is greed and one-upping. Bosses used to say executives need high pay to give them acknowledgment. They need to feel important to fire people psychopathically. Greed emanates from fear of scarcity. Prove me wrong
Unfortunately it's not just the lawyer costs but the time and stress it takes to qualify for class action, for it to go through discovery, then trial, then appeals, then finally collecting judgement. Years, sometimes decades depending on the issue(s). The phrase "ain't no one got time for that" comes to mind. The rich get away with it because they can afford to wait it out while most of us simply can't.
Totally agree. Unfortunately CEO and corporate greed is the disease of the modern day. I think you are right, Canada Post is headed to privatization. I remember back in the day when Save on Foods had union workers in their stores. Paterson comes in rebrands the stores and union gone. Workers only get part time and less wages. Unfortunately we Canadians just seem to accept what happens and don’t stand up for our rights.
Canada Post is a crown corporation, so its operating rules are different from a private business. Is the job action actually a lockout or a layoff? Layoffs would imply a payment from CP and eligibility for UI. A lockout would imply a temporary cessation of pay. I am pretty sure the losses are more reporting tricks than true accounting. Postal jobs are good paying jobs that are supported by user fees, not taxpayers. Those wages buy groceries, cars, and other goods and services. The more money the postal workers make is good for the country. Even if the $315 million dollar loss per quarter is real, the subsidy is $10 per Canadian per quarter. Peanuts. I wish all Canadian workers would stand up and support all union actions. Screw the bosses.
If postal workers can be a loss of $10 a quarter (is your math adults or are you taking from kids?) then surely teachers are worth losing $20 a quarter and law enforcement $30 a quarter and medical workers $40 a quarter. That's only $100 a quarter or $400 more a year. But wait, they all want raised so double it to $800 a year more from every Canadian.
4 rules about strike: 1) always easier to bring them out than to bring them back in 2) there is also someone who loses their jobs before during and after 3) labour relations between the parties will always get worse not better 4) whatever you were fighting for and thought that you finally got, crunch the numbers, you are always worse off than if you hadn't gone on strike.
Effective from 27 November 2024, many postal carriers including USPS will not accept mail or packages for delivery to Canada for any mail class due to the ongoing Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike. Shipments in route may also be impacted. In order to continue shipping to Canada, please use alternate carriers such as UPS, and DHL Express.
I just bought some items for Black Friday to be shipped here and I know of 2 businesses now that just started using Purolator after I suggested it to them. Like you said in the other video, the more businesses that start using services they've never tried before, the more likely Canada Post will see less business moving forward. This is unfortunately a situation where the union could almost be considered as doing a disservice to their workers.
I'm on board with the workers in the trenches delivering in -degree weather getting raises! Its the big fat bonuses going to the management up top that i dont understand, is it normal to recieve a bonus cheque when under your management you operated at a loss of 315mil in half a year???
These videos on the ongoing Canada Post labour dispute have been interesting to say the least. I was under the impression that Canadian law was generally more labour-friendly than what we experience in the United States which is usually a variation on "you're on your own unless you're in a union and then you're hoping your union won't sell you down the river...and BTW, he who hath the gold still tends to rule". I'm not an expert on labour law by any means and I'll preface my remarks with the disclosure that I've never worked in a union job (but came close enough once to see a lot of the internal machinations of unions in the commercial aviation sector to get a feel for how it works). I live in North Carolina which has been described as one of the least union-friendly states (the last stat I saw was that only 3% of workers in NC covered by a CBA) and is a "right to fire" state which means as long as the employer isn't stupid enough to admit violating anti-discrimination laws, they can pretty much do with you as they please. Here are my thoughts (in no particular order): =================== The bit about the manager who'd fire anyone who spoke during their tirade really struck a chord with me. That's one of the first lectures at Command and General Staff College at Ft Leavenworth KS...which sort of CO you should fear. That sort of unhinged manager is a danger to themselves and others and should be feared for that reason alone. I am thankful that manager likely never saw combat much less was in command during it because their lack of discipline and control would likely have gotten most if not all of the unit killed in gruesome ways. Anyone fired by that person should offer up praises to whatever gods they might worship that they've been freed from that person's clutches. I don't care how lousy the job market or economy is, I'd imagine that begging for money has to be far more dignified and respectable than working for someone that clearly has no appreciation for basic human decency. =================== When you mentioned employers reducing hours or days of work, that sounded an awful lot like what we call "constructive termination" where an employer changes the terms of employment in such a way that the employee ends up quitting rather than being terminated. It turns out that the Canada Labour Code has a similar provision called "constructive dismissal" which might make such an employer liable for back pay and severance if not requiring the employer to rehire the employee at the original terms should a complaint go in the employee's favour. That being said, I'd be very leery of signing back on with an employer whose behaviour was already odious enough for me to want to pursue a constructive termination claim. I can't imagine their behaviour would be any better in the long-term after rehiring. If anything, I'd imagine it'd be much worse and they'd just be waiting for a reason to make me redundant in a way the government would likely ignore. Here in North Carolina, that's not particularly difficult... :( In that case, I'd go for as big a financial settlement (preferably without a gag order other than prohibiting the employer from rubbishing me with future employers) and move on with my life. =================== The reporting that Canada Post is "laying off" striking workers is more than a little bit troubling, not the least for workers who are being affected by what seems to be prima facie retaliation that may well be illegal. Normally in union workplaces in the United States, the existing CBA is deemed to continue at the existing terms past expiry until a new CBA is agreed and that the employer can't simply just walk away from it or engage in other forms of union busting without expecting complaints to the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB), lawsuits, or both. If that were the case, no new CBA would ever be agreed between the parties because even the most well-funded unions often can't outlast a determined owner/management with massive amounts of cash in their accounts. And heaven help that union if it's determined their industrial action is illegal. The union representing American Airlines pilots found that out the hard way when they staged a "sick out" that was ruled an illegal strike. The union was sued out of existence by a massive lawsuit and the pilots ended up finding a new union but at much less favourable terms than they'd previously enjoyed. To add insult to injury, American Airlines pilots got screwed during the merger with America West/US Airways when the seniority lists were merged (though in fairness, not as badly as TWA pilots got screwed when they were stapled to the bottom of the seniority list when American merged with TWA which actually prompted the change in the law to prohibit seniority "stapling" ever since). I've seen reporting on CBAs that have lasted years unchanged after expiry until management and labour finally decided to update the terms. In this case, the existing CBA between Canada Post and CUPW (I went with the urban workers agreement, I imagine the two others they have with Canada Post have similar language) does suggest the agreement survives intact unless a new agreement is signed or section 89(1) of the Canada Labour Code is triggered: ******* ARTICLE 43 DURATION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 43.03 Extension of Collective Agreement - The present collective agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the signing of a new collective agreement or until the requirements of section 89(1) of the Canada Labour Code have been met. 43.04 Period of Application - For greater certainty, the words “term of this agreement”, “duration of this agreement” and “life of this agreement”, as found throughout this agreement, include the period of time during which this agreement remains in full force and effect after its expiry date. ******* I'm not going to list all of the provisions of section 89(1) but I'll stipulate that I believe all of the reporting requirements to the agency/Minister and other documentation to make the strike action a legal one have been done which would then seem to allow Canada Post to try to walk away from the agreement. At this point, I'd imagine the union would almost certainly challenge the layoffs and Canada Post walking on the existing agreement in Crown Court where it's really going to come down to who can afford the attorneys to make the best argument and what common sense the judge may or may not have. In this case, I can't imagine that any competent judge would think it in the interest of public policy on behalf of the Government of Canada to allow a Crown Corporation to be a poster child of abusive and likely illegal labour practises that would not be tolerated were they committed by any other employer. The cost of disruptions to the lives of the employers as well as the citizenry of Canada must surely outweigh Canada Post's desire to wring massive concessions if not layoffs from the union. I don't know if Canada has a similar provision to the NLRB's ability to force the union and employers to go back to the bargaining table and workers to return to their jobs for industries that are deemed critical to the nation's infrastructure. I'd be surprised if Canada doesn't have a similar provision but I've only got so much time to go down the legalese rat hole... ;) I hope the workers and Canada Post can quickly come to the view that the strike really does no one any real favours and that Canada Post can come to agree a fair CBA...and that right soon!
Canada post is not funded by taxpayer money. They use the revenue they generate to operate. The reason why they can still operate while running a multi-billion dollar deficit the last 5 years is because they have reserve funds from previous up years. That being said they stated that they expect all of the reserve money to run out early 2025, which could mean they could be asking for bailout, which would be taxpayer funds. They would need to heavily restructure the entire corporation (from the top down) because what they have now is not working. Also, You can request to not get flyers by adding a notice to your mailbox. The only flyers they are required to deliver to everyone regardless is typically government ads (i.e notices from your MP, city, etc).
@NotTheHockeyGuy Your letter carrier is not following the correct process. Its called "consumers choice," and the LC's are supposed to update their routes for any changes to your address, such as if the residence is vacant, doesnt want flyers, etc. You would need to put a sticker/sign saying "no junkmail" on your mail box and they are required to request an update for your address via their scanner, which the supervisor would get and update the system. If you have a community mailbox compartment, the LC would need to actually put a red dot on the inside of your compartment as an indicator. If they still deliver flyers to you, regardless of your sign, they are failing at that process and you can call into customer service (or submit it online, both of which is tedious and inconvenient) and submit a "do not deliver admail" ticket/complaint, which "should" be addressed by the supervisor. This applies to all admail, with the exception of flyers from your MP, or important city updates, etc (usually government mailings). Unfortunately, this is an issue that sometimes goes unaddressed by the supervisor (or, in your case, a misinformed LC), which would create frustration for customers. I worked at Canada Post and have dealt with these issues before. P.S, I appreciate your videos on the topic. It's very interesting to hear peoples point of view on it!
Shannon, you have a right to express any opinion, no need to apologize. You speak in a polite, considerate way, I personally only have an issue with those who use bad language and are rude in the manner they express their opinion, not the opinion itself. This is my first time on your channel, and you are definitely worth listening to, whether I agree with everything you say or not. Thank you😊
I was in the post office one day and made a comment about all the junk mail. And one of the staff asked if I would like to be excluded for flyers. and I said heck ya. No junk mail for 4 years. I dont know if that only happens where I live but give it a try.
There are older citizens that pay their heating bill using canada post to receive their statements and to mail out cheque's to pay the bill. I deliver heating oil and I had a older gentleman asking me what to do and I didn't know what to tell him. We have a company policy drivers are not allowed to take cash or cheque's.
Just so you know ... Canada Post is the majority owner of Purolator. It doesn't mind losing the money as Canada Post if they pick it up at Purolater. The union is being ruined.
Exactly. The blame is trying to be placed on the union. It’s always the little guy holds the blame for the problem, and expected to be the solution I’m glad the national sentiment is still pro union
I always chuckle when I hear people talk about union negotiations and the ever famous "we are going to approve this, because you aren't going to get any better" from the Union. Every. Single. Time. Same thing from every Union. Just for perspective, my union dues are 55.00 per paycheck (per week). That doesn't cover insurance or the like either. Just the Union dues.
Looking back in Canadian history at other CUPW strikes. Gordon Campbell and the HEU contract. The Supreme Court supported the workers and still the contracting out. The bread loaf gouging. Shrinkflation started picking up steam with Reagan and Thatcher. Btw I used to like flyers and coupons. 😂
Yeah Americans totally got bamboozled by Reagan era shrinkflation after not appreciating the oil crisis stagflation misery index malaise of the Jimmy Carter years.
Former US carrier here. Slow time is actually the summer. People tend to order online more during the colder months. However your point is correct. If they get through the holidays without them then they can justify not needed them at all. Damn shame. Also your former boss would have to yell at people with a limp after his knee cap kissed the end of a barrel had I met him.
This is a big problem you can go to court to try and sue a company or former boss but it's your word against theirs and there might be lawyer or court costs as well as missing work to be in court against a company that has more morey and time then you do. I seen alot of companies treat people poorly and immorally and get away with it. Also I just want to say cost of living keeps going up rent/mortgage, groceries, gas, etc. I think the world just assumes the longer you work for a place the more money you will make. That your wages will go up. This will only happen if you have a good career job. In the 24 years I have been working jobs I have never been given one raise. Yet the cost of everything keeps going up.
The solution in IT for many years was to change jobs every other year or so. If your boss couldn't be bothered to make a spontaneous effort to keep you for doing a good job, there was always a competitor willing to pay much more in salary and bonuses to entice you to their office. Wash, rinse, repeat...worked out much better on average than the paltry $1/hr increases a year. :)
Look at the the cojones on this guy!(hockey or entertainment) He does not shy away from comments section or tough subjects(i would recommend him to avoid the rage bait comments tho). Every canadian province and region in that province has a different situation for unions vs non-unions. This guy is one of the few i've stumbled onto online(canadian or not) that is genuine and honest. Support should be put behind workers and unions( personally I have worked non and union) that ligitimately deserve and are long due for better terms. Political parties are different shade of BS, regardless of country. Well thought out changes can be good and are worth vetting. More options for health care could be good, if something has been successful in other countries wouldn't hurt to take a look. Regardless, not looking to soap box preach here. But hoping for the best and positive change for canada as well as states. No one benefits from continued economic downturn or political scandals. We could be looking at a great next term for entire north america. Why not be optimistic, does not cost anything to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. Can't get any worse I am hoping in canada, they are getting very creative with ideas for taxes(carbon? fossil fuel? travel? interpriovincial?)
I would never work for a boss like that, My whole working career I was lucky to have mostly good bosses. Also The Company I worked at was non union yet we got the same benefits as our unionized competitor and a little more money. My company waited until our competitor settled their contract and we always got the same benefits except as I mentioned a little more money to keep us at the company. We built petroleum tanker trailers and logging equipment, the company was Columbia Trailers in Burnaby, the main competitor was Willock trailers
US Postal Service - public company Canada Post - private already Crown corporation only means monopoly of essential service with government approval. CEO is a private CEO.
Do not apologize for your opinion... man... you truly are Canadian haha apologizing for "offending people" come on dude dont utter those words pleaseeee
But I hope Canada post gets sold off. They’re making us realize we don’t need them anymore. I have wayyy better experiences using alternatives and I remember seeing Canada post workers brag how we won’t get our mail and they don’t care. So, as petty as it is l, I don’t care about Canada post at all especially after those comments.
I’ve been saying since I was 12 years old over 20 years ago that a Two-Tier Hearhcare system is Canada’s only way forward and like with every other thing you predicted as a preteen, I was right. Canada’s healthcare system is no better than many third world nations at this point and is pathetic when compared to our G7 compatriots. This is what happens when you elect a Drama Teacher over an Economist, everything in the country goes to shit. Also, like the Hollywood Strike I was right, the actors screwed themselves and pulled the trigger of the gun they put to the head of the industry and now everything in the studio system is dying and honestly it is for the best. Support Indie Films, Shrink The Government & Fuck the Unions!
Provincial postal services would likely heavily favour the urban areas at the expense of the rural which I can't imagine will go over very well, particularly in the territories where they're already heavily dependent upon air post for basic necessities of life. Courier services will never completely replace a national postal service with a mandate to service *EVERY* address in the country. Here in the US, the US Postal Service provides the vast majority of "last mile" services even for the couriers (UPS, FedEx, et al) outside of the major metro areas where it would be impractical or much more expensive to run courier trucks.
Postal service is under federal jurisdiction as per Constitution. To change that, it would require a constitutional amendment. Nobody in Canada wants to reopen constitutional negotiations.
Obviously there are advantages to public and private sectors, but the more gormless immigration Canada has, the more stress the publicly funded institutions endure.
Hey Shannon, I know you don’t get political. But I would love to see a video about this coming election and government/ opposing parties. You are the king of being unbiased, you don’t have to support one or the other, just a discussion. I feel like this small community on this channel won’t take anything the wrong way. It would be nice to hear from someone who isn’t very obviously pushing one side.
I love politics and specifically discussing politics, but I don't think this is a good idea under any stretch of the imagination. People on both sides are far too hyperbolic and it only leads to dissent which could lead to a loss of viewers for something so simple.
Again, there are misrepresentations here, like the last video! Workers were receiving emails, texts and calls, (probably will be letters in mail as well) from the corporation stating layoffs while they were on the picket line, in other words after the 14th when the workers were off. This is an easy fix as you CANNOT lay someone off while you technically don't even have an employer! It sounded again like twice in this video you eluded to Canada Post being tax funded, IT IS NOT! Nor is it for profit. You state neighborhood mail (flyers) had to be delivered by the carrier, blatant misinformation, and once again, you not bothering to truly look into anything.. it's all over Canada post's site alone that you can put a no junk mail sticker on the mailbox, you will receive no more flyers. Quite simple really.
CPC this time has been training in every province and territory in Ca🇨🇦 , now cupw is facing Black ⚫️ Belts in Jujutsu, and they're tough SOB. So cupw members, get off tic toc and video games 🎮 🕹 and start swinging. You're going to be fed punches and you'll be bloodied, but don't Tap Out, fight back.
You need to actually talk to someone that works at Canada Post. You have no idea the truth about what is going on. You are repeating lies. It's pronounced C U P W not CUP W. The Union wants weekend delivery. We have been able to deliver on weekends for years but they won't. It but tax payers money. You need to get the Truth.
He literally pronounced it C U P W😅 and your counter argument to a 20 minute video full of different points is "you are repeating lies" with zero evidence, if you don't like his opinion just don't watch the video, it's pretty simple.
You have no idea how dirty and corrupt both Cupw and CPC are. They eat off of the same plate. What we are watching right now is pure theatre. Im looking forward to the day when i can retire and leave all this garbage behind me.
Most Canadians are pro union and are supporting the strike. Unions should always be supported. Collective bargaining should be an inalienable right Furthermore, like Shannon stated, being a federally funded company, the losses are eaten by the taxpayer and not a CEO or shareholders
A lot of people are complaining about the strike online because they have a parcel stuck, remember, you only see angry people online. The people I see while delivering the government cheques (We still deliver during the strike, just cheques) are all VERY supportive.
@@gohabs8918 As someone who worked for PSAC, no, unions should not always be supported. PSAC did some shady stuff before the strike in 2023, and aren't interested in anyone's well-being but their own.
You are entitled to your opinions. I think you have some excellent observations on hockey and I respect them. But in terms of labour negotiations, your opinions are not really based on more knowledge than me and I disagree with you,
Shannon you’re such a logical and empathetic person and I love it man
I wish nothing but the worst for that former boss.
And the bosses above them
"You really do have to admire the corruption around here!" LOL
You look like that guy who reviews every hockey game
It is a crown corporation and it has not received tax money since 1981. It makes its own money. Why do people continue to think it comes from tax money?
As a Canadian working a union job, I FULLY support CPC workers striking. CPC is an essential service and workers need good working conditions. These strikes create precedence that can be pointed to for other industries/companies.
However! I used to deal with parcel shipping in my previous job, and CPC is WAAAY behind in terms of business services compared to other carriers. Something needs to change on a business model standpoint point.
Also, these reported losses are definitely manipulated for PR. Don’t get me wrong, CPC is indeed losing money. But an external audit is required to get to the bottom of this. Not a finger pointing matchup where the one who riles up taxpayers most wins.
Could be worse. The US Postal Service's financials are absolutely dismal at the best of times but most of it was inflicted upon them by Congress by requiring them to pre-fund health benefits for retirees...*75 YEARS IN ADVANCE*. No other business (even a quasi-governmental one like USPS) has that requirement completely hamstringing their ability to have a chance at turning a profit.
Post office in canada is not a tax payers funded service. Its not based on profits like the cops customs or firedept. Many people still dont get it
They aren’t an essential service when multiple private companies do the same job more effectively & efficiently for a marginally higher cost. Break the unions and Defund these failing Crown corporations before they become an eternal burden on future generations of taxpayers.
@@adellis24 one of the main reasons why these private companies are “cheaper” is to take business away from CPC. If CPC ceases to exist, there isn’t much left to force these other companies to jack their prices back up. They also won’t guarantee shipments to rural areas.
Agree to disagree. You’re entitled to your own opinion.
@ The private courier companies operating in Canada likely do not have a universal service mandate requiring them to deliver to every address. If you’re in the cities, the other companies may well be an economical alternative but if you’re several hundred km from Inuvik or Iqualuit or enduring life on Ellesmere Island…those private companies won’t bother attempting delivery without being paid the King’s ransom.
The couriers in the US use USPS for “last mile” deliveries to places couriers will never go. I suspect Canada Post provides subsidised “last mile” services for couriers in the Great White North.
Excellent as always Shannon. As Canadians we have to fight to make sure our public institutions stay public.
Because the government is doing such a great job running them.
@Scantronimus466 yeah man, I like having robust protected public services. Any discussions about privatization around education, health and other services should have you branded as a crank.
@@BijanTabas an American can I write to my president to end this stuff. I'm sure he has power over this Canada post
@@folppki2256 please ask! Politely though
The fact that people can get mad at someone for expressing an opinion in a completely respectful way that is just different than their own shows how out of touch society has become.
Love how the general population always loses it’s mind when a union goes on strike, but never bats an eye when politicians raise their wages and housing allowance during a time when most Canadians have to make the choice of food or rent.
Where have you been? Its all i see in the comment sections of social media
Being anti-union makes no sense if you're a middle class person or below.
Well, I mean if you're talking about how in spite of how much you might hate all politicians, you don't want to hit them in the eye with a bat because then you would probably be spending a lot of time sitting in a cage, then yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want to do that.
I hope the government does not interfere and lets this whole scenario play out on its own
The public's opinion has no effect on the work disruption. Even if all Canadians hate postal workers, it won't affect negotiations. People get mad at whatever the media tells them to be mad at lol. Canada Post will never touch tax dollars unless they're in a EXTREME Bankrupt state...And Purolator's profits go into Canada Post Group of Companies(CPGC would have to be broke to get tax dollars and it will never be). Tax dollars haven't been used since 1972. Also if we get privatized, CUPW doesn't disappear. Private companies have unions too lol.
Canada Post has money but CUPW pays for us to fight back. If I get terminated, I don't go to a lawyer, CUPW fights to get me back.(And they've gotten many people back who have bene wrongfully terminated) They have a lot money, (55,000 workers paying $90 a month) plus all the other incomes they have. This isn't some small union, CUPW is one of the strongest I've seen. At the end of the day, Canada Post is a service, not a for profit business.
Even if flyers are thrown out, Canada Post still makes BILLIONS. Also you do have an option, look up Consumer Choice Program...Or simply put a no junk mail sign on your mailbox or in your community mail slot. We only bypass your no junk mail sign if it's a government/city or community flyer.
Thanks for the updated video, cheers. Found your account randomly as I've obviously been watching how people are broadcasting the strike since I work there and know a lot more as I'm a union rep. And thanks for the Support.
At least in the U.S., it sometimes seems that for many who most hate labor unions, money is a secondary objection to power. They're not volunteering to give raises to their employees, but they could stomach it. Many give enormous sums to charities. But what they won't tolerate is being forced to do anything, even paying taxes. They believe they have a divine right to run their company how they see fit, and neither the government nor the workers should have any say whatsoever. Wanting control over a business is normal, but it can get taken to such an extreme that it becomes unreasonable.
You're strawmanning about divine rights and not wanting to pay any taxes. It's a question of effective use of resources. Here's a hyperbolic example from the other side - Imagine one day you realize you have a leaky pipe in your bathroom and instead of getting out a wrench and spending 10 minutes to fix the problem yourself, you had to make an agreement to pay $200 to have a union plumber fix it a week from next Thursday. And then that plumber doesn't actually fix it but wraps some tape around the pipe so it simply doesn't leak as bad.
@@maxfish4270 I don't disagree with you. The hypothetical about the plumber is not hyperbolic and likely does happen. I was talking about people who seem to think of themselves as aristocrats and the rest of us commoners. The most extreme of them are like toddlers with a billion dollars. Imagine two 3-year-olds are in a room with toys; the first is playing with several but starts crying because he wants the toy the second child just picked up.
I worked in healthcare for about a decade and I remember we ended up switching unions after a labour dispute because the doctors and people at the top all got big raises and we got basically nothing. We actually ended up having to work twice as hard - in a union job. Just because you're in a union doesn't mean you're going to get what's fair and when it's taxpayer dollars, they're going to blame the people at the bottom first before they blame anyone at the top. It's how it always is. People always undervalue those who work the hardest and make the whole thing possible in the first place.
Over here in the UK we have had the best part of last 3 years beset by strikes in both Public and Private sector. At my job as a biman/garbage man my depot nearly went on strike a few times over last few years. Also Royal Mail over here was Privatised about 10 years ago...the Post Office was spun off and is still Government owned is currently going through a massive accounting scandal.
I've worked several jobs that are part of a union one thing that is very common across all of them when it comes to negotiating a new collective agreement company always says we have no money.
Spend a little time looking up stats on industry average net profit margins. Also new restaurant failure rate discussions are easily found so spend some time reading about that.
It's particularly maddening when you see the hospital claiming poverty so they won't pay nurses decently ... and they're building expensive satellite hospitals all over the place and dumping million$ into the accounts of the executives. But they're supposedly going to the wall. And to make matters worse, nurses are often prohibited from going on strike by law... :(
100% correct
Entertainment Guy, billionaires have been consuming the world's wealth since COVID. It's mind blowing how fast they are devouring all the money and hoarding it. There is no hope for us at this point, it's way too late. We are all going to have to get used to living paycheck to paycheck with debt piling up.
It's quite sad people are not pissed about corporate price gouge. They rather protest a virus than people making things expense so they can make a bigger profit.
@@TheBlazersfan22 In America, wealth inequality if worse now than it was in feudal Europe. That's right... Back when there were kings, wealthy landowners, and a peasant class... you were better off being a literal peasant then than you are now being in America. Lack of proper taxation or regulation, outrageous capital gains rules, and over privatization has led to a new peasant class in what is the richest country in the world.
@@pirtatejoe If Cuthbert has a slice of bread and Lord Butter has a whole loaf, whereas Joe has a a whole loaf (plus 2 baguettes and a dozen donuts) and Mr. Moneybags has a chain of bakeries, even though there is greater bread inequality between Joe and Mr. Moneybags than between Cuthbert and Lord Butter, Joe is still significantly better off than Cuthbert.
@@pirtatejoe I was literally in japan last year. Price of mcdonalds was 8 bucks for a meal. A small island where mcdonalds very likely imported . Was cheaper there than canada at 16 bucks for a big Mac meal. Seems like japan wasn't effected by the price inflation . Then there was a time I drove down vancouver. Vancouver had cheaper gas than kamloops by 10 cents. And vancouver has more taxes on fuel than kamloops. It just seems bs .
@OWlsfordshire -> Charles Bedaux. Watch the documentary and read the transcript of Bedaux points. Millions are now billions. The game of both sides against the middle isn’t new. Neither is greed and one-upping. Bosses used to say executives need high pay to give them acknowledgment. They need to feel important to fire people psychopathically. Greed emanates from fear of scarcity. Prove me wrong
There are attorneys who would gladly take up a class action lawsuit against Canada Post for free.
Unfortunately it's not just the lawyer costs but the time and stress it takes to qualify for class action, for it to go through discovery, then trial, then appeals, then finally collecting judgement. Years, sometimes decades depending on the issue(s). The phrase "ain't no one got time for that" comes to mind. The rich get away with it because they can afford to wait it out while most of us simply can't.
Totally agree. Unfortunately CEO and corporate greed is the disease of the modern day. I think you are right, Canada Post is headed to privatization. I remember back in the day when Save on Foods had union workers in their stores. Paterson comes in rebrands the stores and union gone. Workers only get part time and less wages. Unfortunately we Canadians just seem to accept what happens and don’t stand up for our rights.
Canada Post is a crown corporation, so its operating rules are different from a private business. Is the job action actually a lockout or a layoff? Layoffs would imply a payment from CP and eligibility for UI. A lockout would imply a temporary cessation of pay.
I am pretty sure the losses are more reporting tricks than true accounting.
Postal jobs are good paying jobs that are supported by user fees, not taxpayers. Those wages buy groceries, cars, and other goods and services. The more money the postal workers make is good for the country.
Even if the $315 million dollar loss per quarter is real, the subsidy is $10 per Canadian per quarter. Peanuts.
I wish all Canadian workers would stand up and support all union actions. Screw the bosses.
$40 bucks a year who's got that kinda money
If postal workers can be a loss of $10 a quarter (is your math adults or are you taking from kids?) then surely teachers are worth losing $20 a quarter and law enforcement $30 a quarter and medical workers $40 a quarter. That's only $100 a quarter or $400 more a year. But wait, they all want raised so double it to $800 a year more from every Canadian.
4 rules about strike:
1) always easier to bring them out than to bring them back in
2) there is also someone who loses their jobs before during and after
3) labour relations between the parties will always get worse not better
4) whatever you were fighting for and thought that you finally got, crunch the numbers, you are always worse off than if you hadn't gone on strike.
Thank you so much 😂for this, it was terrific.
Effective from 27 November 2024, many postal carriers including USPS will not accept mail or packages for delivery to Canada for any mail class due to the ongoing Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike. Shipments in route may also be impacted.
In order to continue shipping to Canada, please use alternate carriers such as UPS, and DHL Express.
You don’t need lawyers to take action against an employer who breaks labor laws, just a government that cares enough about workers.
I just bought some items for Black Friday to be shipped here and I know of 2 businesses now that just started using Purolator after I suggested it to them. Like you said in the other video, the more businesses that start using services they've never tried before, the more likely Canada Post will see less business moving forward.
This is unfortunately a situation where the union could almost be considered as doing a disservice to their workers.
Your accent gives you away you’re Canadian 😂 how would someone not know
I'm on board with the workers in the trenches delivering in -degree weather getting raises! Its the big fat bonuses going to the management up top that i dont understand, is it normal to recieve a bonus cheque when under your management you operated at a loss of 315mil in half a year???
Thank you for these clarifications! I hope the Union gets a good deal!
These videos on the ongoing Canada Post labour dispute have been interesting to say the least. I was under the impression that Canadian law was generally more labour-friendly than what we experience in the United States which is usually a variation on "you're on your own unless you're in a union and then you're hoping your union won't sell you down the river...and BTW, he who hath the gold still tends to rule".
I'm not an expert on labour law by any means and I'll preface my remarks with the disclosure that I've never worked in a union job (but came close enough once to see a lot of the internal machinations of unions in the commercial aviation sector to get a feel for how it works).
I live in North Carolina which has been described as one of the least union-friendly states (the last stat I saw was that only 3% of workers in NC covered by a CBA) and is a "right to fire" state which means as long as the employer isn't stupid enough to admit violating anti-discrimination laws, they can pretty much do with you as they please.
Here are my thoughts (in no particular order):
The bit about the manager who'd fire anyone who spoke during their tirade really struck a chord with me.
That's one of the first lectures at Command and General Staff College at Ft Leavenworth KS...which sort of CO you should fear.
That sort of unhinged manager is a danger to themselves and others and should be feared for that reason alone. I am thankful that manager likely never saw combat much less was in command during it because their lack of discipline and control would likely have gotten most if not all of the unit killed in gruesome ways.
Anyone fired by that person should offer up praises to whatever gods they might worship that they've been freed from that person's clutches. I don't care how lousy the job market or economy is, I'd imagine that begging for money has to be far more dignified and respectable than working for someone that clearly has no appreciation for basic human decency.
When you mentioned employers reducing hours or days of work, that sounded an awful lot like what we call "constructive termination" where an employer changes the terms of employment in such a way that the employee ends up quitting rather than being terminated.
It turns out that the Canada Labour Code has a similar provision called "constructive dismissal" which might make such an employer liable for back pay and severance if not requiring the employer to rehire the employee at the original terms should a complaint go in the employee's favour.
That being said, I'd be very leery of signing back on with an employer whose behaviour was already odious enough for me to want to pursue a constructive termination claim. I can't imagine their behaviour would be any better in the long-term after rehiring. If anything, I'd imagine it'd be much worse and they'd just be waiting for a reason to make me redundant in a way the government would likely ignore. Here in North Carolina, that's not particularly difficult... :(
In that case, I'd go for as big a financial settlement (preferably without a gag order other than prohibiting the employer from rubbishing me with future employers) and move on with my life.
The reporting that Canada Post is "laying off" striking workers is more than a little bit troubling, not the least for workers who are being affected by what seems to be prima facie retaliation that may well be illegal.
Normally in union workplaces in the United States, the existing CBA is deemed to continue at the existing terms past expiry until a new CBA is agreed and that the employer can't simply just walk away from it or engage in other forms of union busting without expecting complaints to the National Labour Relations Board (NLRB), lawsuits, or both.
If that were the case, no new CBA would ever be agreed between the parties because even the most well-funded unions often can't outlast a determined owner/management with massive amounts of cash in their accounts.
And heaven help that union if it's determined their industrial action is illegal. The union representing American Airlines pilots found that out the hard way when they staged a "sick out" that was ruled an illegal strike. The union was sued out of existence by a massive lawsuit and the pilots ended up finding a new union but at much less favourable terms than they'd previously enjoyed. To add insult to injury, American Airlines pilots got screwed during the merger with America West/US Airways when the seniority lists were merged (though in fairness, not as badly as TWA pilots got screwed when they were stapled to the bottom of the seniority list when American merged with TWA which actually prompted the change in the law to prohibit seniority "stapling" ever since).
I've seen reporting on CBAs that have lasted years unchanged after expiry until management and labour finally decided to update the terms.
In this case, the existing CBA between Canada Post and CUPW (I went with the urban workers agreement, I imagine the two others they have with Canada Post have similar language) does suggest the agreement survives intact unless a new agreement is signed or section 89(1) of the Canada Labour Code is triggered:
43.03 Extension of Collective Agreement - The present collective agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the signing of a new collective agreement or until the requirements of section 89(1) of the Canada Labour Code have been met.
43.04 Period of Application - For greater certainty, the words “term of this agreement”, “duration of this agreement” and “life of this agreement”, as found throughout this agreement, include the period of time during which this agreement remains in full force and effect after its expiry date.
I'm not going to list all of the provisions of section 89(1) but I'll stipulate that I believe all of the reporting requirements to the agency/Minister and other documentation to make the strike action a legal one have been done which would then seem to allow Canada Post to try to walk away from the agreement.
At this point, I'd imagine the union would almost certainly challenge the layoffs and Canada Post walking on the existing agreement in Crown Court where it's really going to come down to who can afford the attorneys to make the best argument and what common sense the judge may or may not have.
In this case, I can't imagine that any competent judge would think it in the interest of public policy on behalf of the Government of Canada to allow a Crown Corporation to be a poster child of abusive and likely illegal labour practises that would not be tolerated were they committed by any other employer.
The cost of disruptions to the lives of the employers as well as the citizenry of Canada must surely outweigh Canada Post's desire to wring massive concessions if not layoffs from the union.
I don't know if Canada has a similar provision to the NLRB's ability to force the union and employers to go back to the bargaining table and workers to return to their jobs for industries that are deemed critical to the nation's infrastructure. I'd be surprised if Canada doesn't have a similar provision but I've only got so much time to go down the legalese rat hole... ;)
I hope the workers and Canada Post can quickly come to the view that the strike really does no one any real favours and that Canada Post can come to agree a fair CBA...and that right soon!
Canada post is not funded by taxpayer money. They use the revenue they generate to operate. The reason why they can still operate while running a multi-billion dollar deficit the last 5 years is because they have reserve funds from previous up years. That being said they stated that they expect all of the reserve money to run out early 2025, which could mean they could be asking for bailout, which would be taxpayer funds. They would need to heavily restructure the entire corporation (from the top down) because what they have now is not working.
You can request to not get flyers by adding a notice to your mailbox. The only flyers they are required to deliver to everyone regardless is typically government ads (i.e notices from your MP, city, etc).
You actually can't. We talked to our mail carrier. They HAVE to put a flyer in every single box.
@NotTheHockeyGuy Your letter carrier is not following the correct process. Its called "consumers choice," and the LC's are supposed to update their routes for any changes to your address, such as if the residence is vacant, doesnt want flyers, etc. You would need to put a sticker/sign saying "no junkmail" on your mail box and they are required to request an update for your address via their scanner, which the supervisor would get and update the system. If you have a community mailbox compartment, the LC would need to actually put a red dot on the inside of your compartment as an indicator. If they still deliver flyers to you, regardless of your sign, they are failing at that process and you can call into customer service (or submit it online, both of which is tedious and inconvenient) and submit a "do not deliver admail" ticket/complaint, which "should" be addressed by the supervisor. This applies to all admail, with the exception of flyers from your MP, or important city updates, etc (usually government mailings). Unfortunately, this is an issue that sometimes goes unaddressed by the supervisor (or, in your case, a misinformed LC), which would create frustration for customers. I worked at Canada Post and have dealt with these issues before.
P.S, I appreciate your videos on the topic. It's very interesting to hear peoples point of view on it!
Shannon, you have a right to express any opinion, no need to apologize. You speak in a polite, considerate way, I personally only have an issue with those who use bad language and are rude in the manner they express their opinion, not the opinion itself. This is my first time on your channel, and you are definitely worth listening to, whether I agree with everything you say or not. Thank you😊
I was in the post office one day and made a comment about all the junk mail. And one of the staff asked if I would like to be excluded for flyers. and I said heck ya. No junk mail for 4 years. I dont know if that only happens where I live but give it a try.
There are older citizens that pay their heating bill using canada post to receive their statements and to mail out cheque's to pay the bill. I deliver heating oil and I had a older gentleman asking me what to do and I didn't know what to tell him. We have a company policy drivers are not allowed to take cash or cheque's.
Ultimately it's not about losing money/revenue. It's about the company trying to break the union
I think you hit the nail on the head. CP does not seem in the least bit motivated to get a contract negotiated.
The boss you described makes me so angry. I will always root for the underdog, the common man, the middle class.
Just so you know ... Canada Post is the majority owner of Purolator. It doesn't mind losing the money as Canada Post if they pick it up at Purolater. The union is being ruined.
Exactly. The blame is trying to be placed on the union. It’s always the little guy holds the blame for the problem, and expected to be the solution
I’m glad the national sentiment is still pro union
It's all about trying to break the union
I always chuckle when I hear people talk about union negotiations and the ever famous "we are going to approve this, because you aren't going to get any better" from the Union. Every. Single. Time. Same thing from every Union. Just for perspective, my union dues are 55.00 per paycheck (per week). That doesn't cover insurance or the like either. Just the Union dues.
Looking back in Canadian history at other CUPW strikes. Gordon Campbell and the HEU contract. The Supreme Court supported the workers and still the contracting out. The bread loaf gouging. Shrinkflation started picking up steam with Reagan and Thatcher.
Btw I used to like flyers and coupons. 😂
Yeah Americans totally got bamboozled by Reagan era shrinkflation after not appreciating the oil crisis stagflation misery index malaise of the Jimmy Carter years.
Cool. Thanks for clarifying the Canadian perspective...
Former US carrier here. Slow time is actually the summer. People tend to order online more during the colder months. However your point is correct. If they get through the holidays without them then they can justify not needed them at all. Damn shame. Also your former boss would have to yell at people with a limp after his knee cap kissed the end of a barrel had I met him.
you be sitting in jail. smart guy
Everything is certainly political, that's for sure. People seem to 1) love politics, and 2) love to say they hate politics.
As an American can I write to the president to have him end this?
This is a big problem you can go to court to try and sue a company or former boss but it's your word against theirs and there might be lawyer or court costs as well as missing work to be in court against a company that has more morey and time then you do. I seen alot of companies treat people poorly and immorally and get away with it. Also I just want to say cost of living keeps going up rent/mortgage, groceries, gas, etc. I think the world just assumes the longer you work for a place the more money you will make. That your wages will go up. This will only happen if you have a good career job. In the 24 years I have been working jobs I have never been given one raise. Yet the cost of everything keeps going up.
The solution in IT for many years was to change jobs every other year or so. If your boss couldn't be bothered to make a spontaneous effort to keep you for doing a good job, there was always a competitor willing to pay much more in salary and bonuses to entice you to their office. Wash, rinse, repeat...worked out much better on average than the paltry $1/hr increases a year. :)
In this day and age they need better service with better hours !
Look at the the cojones on this guy!(hockey or entertainment)
He does not shy away from comments section or tough subjects(i would recommend him to avoid the rage bait comments tho).
Every canadian province and region in that province has a different situation for unions vs non-unions. This guy is one of the few i've stumbled onto online(canadian or not) that is genuine and honest. Support should be put behind workers and unions( personally I have worked non and union) that ligitimately deserve and are long due for better terms.
Political parties are different shade of BS, regardless of country. Well thought out changes can be good and are worth vetting. More options for health care could be good, if something has been successful in other countries wouldn't hurt to take a look.
Regardless, not looking to soap box preach here. But hoping for the best and positive change for canada as well as states. No one benefits from continued economic downturn or political scandals. We could be looking at a great next term for entire north america. Why not be optimistic, does not cost anything to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. Can't get any worse I am hoping in canada, they are getting very creative with ideas for taxes(carbon? fossil fuel? travel? interpriovincial?)
I would never work for a boss like that, My whole working career I was lucky to have mostly good bosses. Also The Company I worked at was non union yet we got the same benefits as our unionized competitor and a little more money. My company waited until our competitor settled their contract and we always got the same benefits except as I mentioned a little more money to keep us at the company. We built petroleum tanker trailers and logging equipment, the company was Columbia Trailers in Burnaby, the main competitor was Willock trailers
Recycle flyers folks, not in the garbage olease, the earth thanks you!
US Postal Service - public company
Canada Post - private already
Crown corporation only means monopoly of essential service with government approval. CEO is a private CEO.
Its not tax payer funded and its a public service not private..its in the canada post constitution
I worked a couple of union jobs, worse jobs I ever had.
The guy who is still using a white board is talking about things needing to change.😂😂😂
hey dont pick on the whiteboard
@willyhwang1059 I'm sorry. Low hanging fruit though.
Are you going to Survivor Series?
Do not apologize for your opinion... man... you truly are Canadian haha apologizing for "offending people" come on dude dont utter those words pleaseeee
I don't even know what Canada means
In what area was your last union job in pls??
But I hope Canada post gets sold off. They’re making us realize we don’t need them anymore. I have wayyy better experiences using alternatives and I remember seeing Canada post workers brag how we won’t get our mail and they don’t care. So, as petty as it is l, I don’t care about Canada post at all especially after those comments.
time to take big brother down a notch or 2.. mistake after mistakes benefits him not us..betterstart 2 open yah 1Yes
UPS NYSE stock $price 133. Fed-Ex $198 . CPC TSE ?? Not listed. CBC CPC Service providers for Canadians.
6:02 Truer words have never been spoken.
how could someone not know you're canadian? lmmfao
"stay out of Canadian business" ... ... ... ok i gotta see the responses to that comment....
No kidding eh, maybe a new sub or living under a rock, or something in between.
Ya, how did anyone not know Shannon is Canadian? Clearly clueless
Shannon is the man, never listen to this channel. Just hockey but very well stated.
I’ve been saying since I was 12 years old over 20 years ago that a Two-Tier Hearhcare system is Canada’s only way forward and like with every other thing you predicted as a preteen, I was right. Canada’s healthcare system is no better than many third world nations at this point and is pathetic when compared to our G7 compatriots. This is what happens when you elect a Drama Teacher over an Economist, everything in the country goes to shit.
Also, like the Hollywood Strike I was right, the actors screwed themselves and pulled the trigger of the gun they put to the head of the industry and now everything in the studio system is dying and honestly it is for the best. Support Indie Films, Shrink The Government & Fuck the Unions!
Slow clap for the bootlicker
I’m in Canada tired of this stupid strike at such a time. There needs to be big changes.
Canada Post need to restructure.
How about provincial postal services instead of a national postal service? Does that make sense?
That sounds a lot less competitive outside like places in the territories
Provincial postal services would likely heavily favour the urban areas at the expense of the rural which I can't imagine will go over very well, particularly in the territories where they're already heavily dependent upon air post for basic necessities of life. Courier services will never completely replace a national postal service with a mandate to service *EVERY* address in the country. Here in the US, the US Postal Service provides the vast majority of "last mile" services even for the couriers (UPS, FedEx, et al) outside of the major metro areas where it would be impractical or much more expensive to run courier trucks.
Postal service is under federal jurisdiction as per Constitution. To change that, it would require a constitutional amendment. Nobody in Canada wants to reopen constitutional negotiations.
How was Wicked?
Did you work at Faurecia in Bradford, Ontario ?!? Sounds like a boss I had there
I still like that shirt lol
Thanks again man!
You won’t say it but I will for the benefit of Americans reading this. Trudeau is toast next year.
Trudeau is like the president of Canada
Obviously there are advantages to public and private sectors, but the more gormless immigration Canada has, the more stress the publicly funded institutions endure.
Hey Shannon, I know you don’t get political. But I would love to see a video about this coming election and government/ opposing parties. You are the king of being unbiased, you don’t have to support one or the other, just a discussion. I feel like this small community on this channel won’t take anything the wrong way. It would be nice to hear from someone who isn’t very obviously pushing one side.
I love politics and specifically discussing politics, but I don't think this is a good idea under any stretch of the imagination. People on both sides are far too hyperbolic and it only leads to dissent which could lead to a loss of viewers for something so simple.
I think you already got your video with the comment that when things are bad the incumbents take the blame.
You should listen to JJ McCullough
Again, there are misrepresentations here, like the last video!
Workers were receiving emails, texts and calls, (probably will be letters in mail as well) from the corporation stating layoffs while they were on the picket line, in other words after the 14th when the workers were off. This is an easy fix as you CANNOT lay someone off while you technically don't even have an employer!
It sounded again like twice in this video you eluded to Canada Post being tax funded, IT IS NOT! Nor is it for profit.
You state neighborhood mail (flyers) had to be delivered by the carrier, blatant misinformation, and once again, you not bothering to truly look into anything.. it's all over Canada post's site alone that you can put a no junk mail sticker on the mailbox, you will receive no more flyers. Quite simple really.
Seems like Shannon must be a ndp shill
CPC this time has been training in every province and territory in Ca🇨🇦 , now cupw is facing Black ⚫️ Belts in Jujutsu, and they're tough SOB. So cupw members, get off tic toc and video games 🎮 🕹 and start swinging. You're going to be fed punches and you'll be bloodied, but don't Tap Out, fight back.
You need to actually talk to someone that works at Canada Post. You have no idea the truth about what is going on. You are repeating lies. It's pronounced C U P W not CUP W. The Union wants weekend delivery. We have been able to deliver on weekends for years but they won't. It but tax payers money. You need to get the Truth.
He literally pronounced it C U P W😅 and your counter argument to a 20 minute video full of different points is "you are repeating lies" with zero evidence, if you don't like his opinion just don't watch the video, it's pretty simple.
You have no idea how dirty and corrupt both Cupw and CPC are. They eat off of the same plate. What we are watching right now is pure theatre. Im looking forward to the day when i can retire and leave all this garbage behind me.
I think most Canadian's are not supporting the Canada Post Employees.
Most Canadians are pro union and are supporting the strike. Unions should always be supported. Collective bargaining should be an inalienable right
Furthermore, like Shannon stated, being a federally funded company, the losses are eaten by the taxpayer and not a CEO or shareholders
A lot of people are complaining about the strike online because they have a parcel stuck, remember, you only see angry people online. The people I see while delivering the government cheques (We still deliver during the strike, just cheques) are all VERY supportive.
@@gohabs8918 As someone who worked for PSAC, no, unions should not always be supported. PSAC did some shady stuff before the strike in 2023, and aren't interested in anyone's well-being but their own.
@@boebylaybe6477 Nah, collective bargaining alone justified unions
No different than the US post office, except we are behind on trying to get rid of it
You are entitled to your opinions. I think you have some excellent observations on hockey and I respect them. But in terms of labour negotiations, your opinions are not really based on more knowledge than me and I disagree with you,