It doesn't matter what we do, we are the problem no matter what to these psychopaths. Outgroup preference is bad ingroup preference is bad. They are completely out of touch with reality.
White liberals & leftists are always the greatest enemy as they are inherently traitorous, preferring to champion minority rather than majority rights. They side with groups that are, through their militant vanguards, actively trying to take down the White race in whose image the Western civilisation was formed. Anti-White racism is a kind of intra-class war between upper elite liberal Whites and ordinary, apolitical but socially conservative lower Whites. The former will use minorities and their grievances to attack the latter.
Zimbabwe ethnically cleansed its White population in 2001, and plenty of politicians in South Africa talk about doing the same thing. It's amazing that it is never spoken about.
@@tam1641 they're boiling white 8-year olds alive in South Africa but you're still asking for sources? TF is wrong with you? Just because you're too scared to look at the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@@tam1641 You clearly have internet access, this wasn't some secretive event that happened. There is plenty of documentation to be found of it online, but I'm guessing you'd rather tell yourself facts aren't true than to just look into it yourself.
There's clearly a double standard growing in the West with this issue and resentment is building no doubt ... But I wouldn't just say it's in America only ...
Wrong. I am prepared to concede that anti-non-white racism in the English-speaking Western world has plummeted. However, beyond that, the anti-Black racism is still as raw as the 1950s. Italy and Spain spring to mind.
If you’ve seen the elected leaders on stage dancing and singing “ (censored) the Boars” you’ll know where it will go. Plus breadbasket to starvation in one generation.
The fact that it's controversial merely means it's furthering someone's political agenda. Political agendas are certainly real, and are rarely to promote the common good.
Exactly the same thing is happening in the UK and Europe driven by EU equalities legislation and found in corporate DEI policies. In practice this also becomes a war on merit as it almost always requires a compromise on experience or technical ability.
Asians as a proxy end up being targeted by the effects of DEI, affirmative action and equity policies because they are seen as "White adjacent" and in most cases Asians tend to out perform most so-called "Whites" anyway.
Anti white racism is only controversial because platforms like yours refuse to just address it. You're worried about the bbc dismissing it as nothing and so even though you know for a fact it is true and happening, you tiptoe around it, giving it the air of controversy. It is not controversial, it is a fact. Stop downplaying such a problem by calling it controversial, which only diminishes it's importance.
What is the problem detail it. You say anti-whiteness but then you can't even describe what it is and how it affects white people. A bad economy is not anti-whiteness. What this looks like is that white folks feel they are entitled to a particular lifestyle and that everyone else just exists for their benefit. Its that what you're saying? What are you saying?
Here's a helpful translation of modern Left-Wing "anti-racist" terminology: _White Supremacy_ - Anywhere or anything in which white people are a majority. _White Privilege_ - Any positive effect of being part of a white demographic majority. _Racism_ - White people having any ingroup preference at all, or any shared sense of self-preservation. _Whiteness_ - All of the above, plus anything that has origins in Europe or other white-majority societies. Taken as a whole, "anti-racism" as modern Left-Progressives practice it is little more than demographic envy and an attempt to guilt or browbeat whites out of their majority status everywhere they are currently still a majority.
Saw a video on Twitter today of a Chinese restaurant owner that finally got tired of black people not paying after eating there. Almost like there's a reason small businesses used to "turn them away".
It's been in the media for decades, but it was just more subtle in the past. Remember "Smart Black/Stupid White" TV commercials? You've probably seen dozens in your lifetime, but just never noticed the subliminal message.
@@HaleyChain-vw8rrcorrect, blacks have a ton of privileges yet they still can’t accomplish much. So you’re astute seeing how blacks feel insecure and inferior even when they have the wind to their back.
Trump is not going to save anyone. The US is too far gone. Its up to us to circle the wagons, reconnect with our kin and provide our own economy and communities, fight like hell to keep our way of life.
Around what? White Americans do not abide White Europeans because "you dont speak the right language". what way of life? Living off of credit and debt while your birthrates continue to plummet? Maybe some more American invasions will turn things around.
@@sharde8581 Its a reference to a maneuver used by settlers when wagon trains heading out west were attacked by Indians. This provided cover and allowed them to fend off their attackers. This is what families need to do to.protect their heritage.
It's been obvious in the UK since the early 2000s. Anyone who has served in the military overseas and witnessed how corrupt a state can become could see this coming a mile away. The only way this is stamped out is going to be very painful culturally, economically and socially and if it means booting the US out of Europe to resolve this then people will have to swallow a hard pill. If you think keeping you're head down and mouth shut then it will pass you by with no consequence then you are kidding yourself.
That was the right wing argument against brexit. United Europe can unshackle itself from the global American empire. That being said as the U.K. are effectively the us’ man in Europe brexit may instead increase that possibility. That being said I wouldn’t have expected Germany to so willingly demolish their manufacturing industry through Russian sanctions on behalf of the US (let alone the destruction of their pipeline).
We are seeing it massively in hiring across the spectrum of jobs. In Canada, we’re still a majority. Great way to win hearts and minds of people that were probably on their side to begin with, but now are fighting their opportunities or even worse their male children.
You're still a majority here in the US. Truth is the majority doesn't want to admit wrong and don't want to share, the same problem the Israelies are experiencing because of their belief they are the chosen people. Get over it were are here to stay and we're going to continue to demand equality.
Oh please! Don't turn this into a white male pity party. The pro-male bias is so strong, men in dresses are beating out women in their own competitions, thanks to the enduring preference for men
Im black and i think White people need to rally together for their rights just like other groups have. I think white people have been conditioned to think that just by rallying together they would be viewed negatively as some sort of white supremacist activity. Its not and you all should feel free to mobilize and push for things fair treatment.
A more powerful message is being sent by white men disconnecting from society and also not joining the military. Just look at recruitment rates. Why defend a government or other citizen that hate you?
a black person doesn't say 'I'm black' on platforms like this. Your comment can be perceived as troll and you achieve nothing. Just be constructive and make your point clear.
@@eduar2971 I have read many comments black people have made saying I'm black, so I'm pretty sure you're the troll here, if there is one, or maybe you're just confused
I am a Canadian and during the peak of COVID when the vaccines were first coming out our provincial government decided that aboriginal people 65+ with pre-existing conditions that left them especially at risk in isolated communities should go to the front of the line. Realistically given the time constraints of getting people from those communities to hospital that made a certain sense. THEN they extended that vaccine priority to ALL aboriginal people over age 65 including those in the big city. THEN they further extended it to all aboriginal people in the province over age 18. In other words it started reasonable then went incredibly against everyone else. I was outraged since as an age 65+ white Canadian who was an insulin dependent diabetic (one of the main conditions that put them especially at COVID risk, my age being another) since it meant I got my first shot 4-6 weeks later that I could have. Note that those aged 18-30 regardless of ethnicity were considered a VERY low risk group. For the next two months I became extremely paranoid particularly since my work put me constantly at risk but it was that or semi-permanently close my store - and when I knew vaccines WERE available I took great issue with the government's decision since they specifically put my health at risk for political ends. We go to the polls in October and no question that is going to be a big part of my voting decision. Putting my health unnecessarily at risk for "racial justice" (their words) ends is something I shall not forget soon!
20 of the 20 people I knew, whom were the only Covid vaccinated people I knew?! Are all dead. I didn’t say why or how they died. I didn’t even hint or suggest. All I said is that all 20 people I know whom are Covid 19 vaccinated ; are dead people now.
The health of your body was never at risk anyways in the first place, only your mind. Hysteria is dangerous, mass formation psychosis is dangerous. Look into those shots now, most of them have been pulled from market and several of the companies are being sued by various governments. Trust me, you didn't want that nonsense in your body anyways.
So you will have to go check it out and do some research but basically a white lady, Clark, has come into the league and is really kicking butt. Actually dominating. And in doing so she is getting the accolades and attention, and endorsements, that come along with that kind of thing. There are some black players who aren't too happy about it. There are some cheap shots, vile comments and rhetoric, and some physical, if not quite violence, then it is close to it. They seem to be offended that some white girl would dare to come into what they consider their space and succeed. I'm not a WNBA fan, I've never even met a WNBA fan, but she seems to be bringing some new fans in to that particular sport and some of the players have a problem with it. In a racial kind of way.
With the help of quite a few Republicans. George H.W. Bush, for example, who signed the "Civil Rights Act of 1990," which enshrined into law "disparate impact equals discrimination."
Their is Affirmative Action that benefits Afghanistan refugees in the form of scholarships, their is housing for migrants only,their's even AA on the Supreme Court. , where Trump said he would nominate a woman while not even considering men. The point is whites are only against AA if it is perceived as benefiting blacks.
But y'all didn't have a problem with Affirmative Action when it was exclusively for Europeans. The Homestead Act, New Deal, WPA, Wagner Act, FHA loans, GI Bill & other gov't goodies & handouts catapulted millions of Euro families into the middle class. Oh & White women benefited more from 1960s Affirmative Action than Black people. Even though it was supposed to exclusively benefit Black people.
#1 beneficiary of Affirmative Action was the caucasian female. Any other BS Republican talking points fomr late 2000's you want to bring up? Also, The Asians complained about affirmative action and got it cancelled in some academic settings. Result? They are now complaining that it harmed them.
When you say 'You can't be racist against white people' then you are taking it to the next level. And it's not just minorities vs. whites. I worked at a company where 22 of the 25 people were from India even though I lived in a smaller city. Half the people were brought in from India,. The manager, leads, sr devs were all form India. The three white guys were all at level 2. The only reason they weren't able to get rid of me, though they tried, was because HR was afraid of getting rid of *another* white person and replacing them with an H1B visa Indian might give a reasonable appearance of discrimination. But Indians can do this because the view is that white people can't be discriminated against. If we are so worried about equality, why don't we train the people who want better jobs rather than brining in H1B visas workers by the boatload.
@@JohnBickner Not when they start bringing in untrained relatives with fake degrees...Pakistani doctors are the worst for that. Running Irish hospitals... another act f genocide. Details available.
Derrick Bell wrote, "Racial Realism, the father of CRT, states racism is permanent in the American framework, so resistance must also be permanent. Bell took his lead from late 19th century legal progressives who believed "LAW" and "The Constitution" should be viewed through the lens of "contextualism" and not "literalism". Meaning changes based on context, and so should the rule of law. This is the foundation of legal relativism and the framework of our post-truth culture.
@@DenisValentine-vx9ys Derrick Bell On October 5, 2011, Bell died at the age of 80 from carcinoid cancer at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City.
I 'd love to explore the concept of Privilege. I am deeply worried by it as a white person: rebasing privilege as the new word for normal life is deeply worrisome, as privileges can be taken away. It's the vague and subjective individualisation of wealth inequality and can be applied to anything and any relationship by anyone, such that property rights become privileges instead of the consequence of hard work, and can be subjectively removed by social pressure as easily as they are currently protected by law. It's a semiotic insertion that seems so innocuous but is inherently extremely dangerous. The UK Institute of Economic Affairs may agree and I'd be interested, should the Spectator decide to do a piece specifically on this. Freddy Gray might be an interesting agent in this space. I welcome any other views on this, as am currently in debate with a female black ( British ) CEO of an ethnic/privilege charity who fully embraces her privilege, while I immediately reject the normalisation of this use of the word in a social justice context.
So-called "White Privilege" is a result of demographic majority. Look up Peggy Macintosh's list of examples in "The Invisible Knapsack" (where the White Privilege concept comes from in Critical Race Theory) and you'll see it's mostly just a list of things that come from being part of a majority somewhere. One example she uses is being able to walk into a music store and easily find your own culture's music represented. This is described as a "privilege." The reason the "social justice anti-racists" (as they self-identify) attack it is they want to end white majorities - by that I don't mean something murderous, I mean they want to diversify the population with immigration so much that the majority is made into a minority. They believe white demographic majorities are fundamentally unjust. I don't think most white people have realized this yet. They still think it's all just about making sure the police don't kill black people, or employers don't racially discriminate, or things of that nature. When CRT-inspired "anti-racists" speak of "systematic racism" they mean any "system" (place, institution) in which white people are a majority, as demographic differences lead to unequal outcomes, and unequal outcomes are said to be "racist" by default (Ibram X Kendi).
My understanding is the idea of privilege came from early feminism relating to male privilege vs female oppression. Later, it was co-opted. In order to maintain the precepts of feminism, white feminists capitulated to their black counterparts who accused them of privilege by association with white men. Throwing white men under the bus was the only way to save themselves within the framework of their own cherished movement. Deference to black women, even black men and other cultures over ones own, is now the spirit of our time.
How do we measure or quantify "privelege"? How can we possibly apply such a vague, intangible concept to our human experience in any practical, realistic or credible way? They use these sneaky linguistic tricks to bully us into submission. Capturing language is a manipulative tactic that seems innocuous, but it's actually a clever, dangerous & destructive weapon; it's been used by tyrannical regimes to control the masses since "divide & conquer" first reared it's ugly head, centuries ago. It was trotted out again by activists & professors, when postmodernism hit campuses in the 60's. The ideology is a calculated contagion that's spread it's infection to every one of our institutions, globally & here we are.
Also; "privelege" is just one of the weapons they use against us; they have a lot more in their arsenal. Our best defense is to highlight their glaring flaws & to trip up the traps they set. We aren't above using ridicule & mockery to expose their nonsense. They have no sense of humor; unless they're laughing at you; not with you. They don't allow humor; they can't handle being the butt of a joke; clear signs of an authoritarian. It's hard; we're constantly silenced; but we can upset the algorithm; it's not so hard to outsmart them. They believe they're morally & intellectually superior. That smug certainty is their downfall. Let 'em think it; they're too comfortable to notice that their opposition isn't just a wave, washing up on shore; we're becoming a tsunami.
Entitled to what? What has been denied to them? You can start the conversation with "REDLINING" If anyone is entitled, it is indeed white folks. Change my mind.
Well done to The Spectator for the courage to host this vital discussion. I am not right wing. I am politically homeless. But sometimes you conservatives just hit the spot.
I’m not conservative either. I’ve always voted democrat and considered myself liberal. However, now as a white man I find myself conflicted. I truly feel like the Left hate me for my skin color and my sex. So why on earth would I vote for a party that I feel despises me?
@@ario2264 I said races have been created by continents. If you know how continents influence biology, you have a solid basis for race. You will note that Asia and Africa are by far the largest continents, and were the first to be inhabited by Homo Sapiens. There is a population in Central-West Africa that is, unlike most Africans, able to digest cow milk. Obviously, this population is a race from an advanced civilisation, that returned to Africa from outside. Races came out of continents into other continents, which created, like I said, hybrids of the continental groups at the edges of the continental groups. So I already said continents create more than 1 group each, because they create hybrids. Nice reading comprehension. The African races (Bushmen and Mandela's tribe) of the South are different then the Sub-Saharan, and are different than the Northern ones which are much more European, Canarian (Barbarian) and Semitic. See how the continent is the ultimate referential factor in all that? You think the race names of Europeans, Africans, Asians (biblical Semites), Oceanians, Australians, Americans are not mostly socially constructed?Well, that must mean you're a racist like me, then. Just because the modern age denies races and made us all mix with eachother, than doesn't dispute that racialisation is a pre-condition of speciation.
GB and France are very f'd. On top of the Islamist crisis they already had a large number of Africans in the country. Germany did not even have that and it is more than severely fkd. Civil war seems unavoidable already.
Equality often feels like oppression to the privilege. You had hundreds of years discrimination but want to gripe about 60 years advancing equality. Typical😅
Saying "antiwhite racism" is a tactical blunder. Instead, you should say antiwhitism. "Racism" is an antiwhite concept that means (not in the dictionary, but in the minds of 100% of everyone) white people inflicting harm on non-whites. This is understood to be a condition that's intrinsically linked to being white. When antiwhites use the phrase "all whites are racist," they admit that "white" and "racist" are interchangeable, so it's an antiwhite slur. You can't gotcha by using an antiwhite slur for non-whites, instead, invalidate the slur by calling it out for what it is. It's not antiwhite racism, it's just antiwhitism. And the word racism itself is antiwhite.
Correct. Wts are way behind in Racial politics, always on the back foot, always apologetic. Zero organizations private or Governmental that advocate for Wts. Even suggesting such Wt representation is considered an outragious offence to Blks. Antiwhiteism is strong in every aspect of USA society today. +
I disagree, it's a bad idea to concede that only white people can be racist. For one it's not true, and secondly language matters. It also discounts racism between Asians, Black, and Latinos (who can be just as horribly racist towards each other) by agreeing only white people can be racist. Conceding the definition of racism will only further demonize white people. By allowing a universal term like racism only to apply to one race is discriminatory in itself.
No, they value the term so much as a weapon that they've tried to redefine its meaning and claim that only whites can be racist. There's almost nothing they hate more than being called racists themselves.
No actually, since white was the dominant culture, racism is a perfectly viable descriptor. In fact, this is better called prejudice against white people rather than racism because white is still the dominant race.
It's more anti-western than anti-white, or maybe the two are synonymous. I've just noticed that if are against things like affirmative action or trans ideology and you are not white you are still firmly placed within the group.
I think the issue is that everyone should have equal rights; But, its almost impossible to have that when there can still be discrimination against minorities if we don't have policies in place to make everything equal; And if we do have these policies in place, then there's discrimination against whites. Read the book "When Affirmative Action Was White." Also read "By the color of our skin."
As an American I can see that would be frustrating but I think it may be due to the fact that the first african slaves imported here to the us happened during the time we were still a British colony.
@@Gdhdjdjdjs Pretty much every nation in history has kept slaves at some point. Some still do. We were the only nation in history to actively police the world to stop slavery while you guys continued, at a great expense to us both financially and in peoples lives.
We did have slaves. The British Empire was heavily involved in the slave trade (though we started later than our European neighbours). Not that I care either way.
@@Paddehj I’m not denying it my point is about importing US history to the UK culture war. I used this as an example. Another one would be immigration. The UK statistically being an ethnostate until the late 90’s, only having any non European immigration from the 60’s. US on the other hand being defined by being a nation of immigrants.
I worked for the US Government. I saw Indians selected for high positions where they had general knowledge, but were selected over local whites with 30+ years of intimate knowledge of the problems being addressed. I assumed they were selected preferentially over some Polish guy to make up for some Irish guy holding an African as a slave 150 years earlier. Our government may have been trying to make up for some Englishman in Delhi getting the top job when a local Indian was actually better prepared also 150 years earlier. I personally witnessed this several times and it led me to having a boss who knew nothing of the work we were doing, but who was mostly unintelligible. He did tell us he could never learn what we were doing, but to be certain to give him a heads-up if anything happened that would cause trouble.
I know you didn't just accuse the Irish of holding African slaves. That confirms your first sentence, about being a US government employee. Completely oblivious.
No. The idea that one race is superior to others is. Because people arent having it anymore. So its not only causing fear amongst people who feel others are inferior, its causing resentment towards them from people who have sacrificed something for the dream.
When I was 5 our numbers were at 89%. When we are less than 50 then the fun will really start; anyone who thinks otherwise has no clue about human nature.
If the pendulum swings the other way you could say that's just balance. But I will say that at the end of Apartheid everyone predicted a massacre, and frankly the black Africans would have been within their rights to take some revenge. But thanks to Mandela this never happened. I mean the country is fcked now but at least its equally fcked for everyone. So it doesnt have to be rivers of blood (I lived in RSA from 84 to 2002 and still have family there)
@@willumbermarchant5510 I have seen a few news reports that suggest that white South Africans are some of the poorest people in RSA today, especially the younger whites.
@@willumbermarchant5510 not sure what you are trying to say here. There is no such thing as balance with populations, that’s multi culti fantasy. I don’t know much about SA, since I discovered how awful celebrities are underneath it all I don’t trust the narrative of it now. I do see a lot of vicious murders of whites over there and find it difficult to believe it isn’t revenge motivated.
All developed countries deal with alleviating economic disadvantage typically via targeted measures that lift spending such as education and welfare and remove barriers that disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups. The problem in the US is that many of these measures, or even the intent of the policy, are vehemently rejected by the right as "socialism" and so taken off the table. But the problem remains, and it has been more permissable- historically - to frame the problem of economic disadvantage in racial terms, and enact measures such as affirmative action programs. What matters is tackling economic disadvantage wherever you find it, and tone down the racial sensibility.
It’s not equality when you decide a cultural or racial group gets medical intervention above older people with high risk medical conditions when these two factors place people in the highest risk category such as COVID vaccines.
As a 3rd generation Christian who did some hard years in the world I was taught as a child thinking is the first act of worship Romans 12:1. So, the 'racism' idea seems to be a new idea apart from the biblical tradition. This is a new way of thinking about ourselves and our world. It appears that Kant wins the day.
Just look at public and private bus and motorcoach discrimination. Black male Americans domina te the bus operator field. job interviewers higher accordingly only 3% of DC Wmata drivers were women when I applied for bus operator job with nearby transit and was turned down, even though I already had my CDL and experience driving. I was at the intersection of white and female. The transit group was willing to hire white males, black females, but heaven forbid not white females. We were seen as competition with black females...I finally did get hired as a bus operator, but lost out on a year of work credits I appealed to county human rights group which was a mistake that local group had its bias the head of the group preferred to show off her social justice, caring bone fides and turned down my discrimination complaint. I was hired a year later by an African woman interviewer, who apparently didn't have the prejudices. It was not easy to work 14+ years in a mostly male, different racial group. I somewhat understand what Caitlyn Clark is going thru. I tried not to let the nastiness affect me because it was a small group, but there was nastiness nevertheless and the county democratic run government was no help. Sometimes discrimination appears as just being ignored by one's supervisor when trying to get job done. I've had some black coworkers support me, but only in private.
In my state, you literally can't get a job in most addiction treatment facilities unless you are black. Also all of our states case managers for food stamps are black.
He had the nerve to use the objective of Dr Martin Luther King jr to justify what he's trying to do. I would love to know the percentage of black allies
@spectatortv --- You should interview the authors of the following books: "Go Free" and "Born Guilty" (Jason Kohne), "What Happened to America?" (Joseph Cotto), and "Equal Training" (Student X).
I mean, there's definitely a high level of tolerance in America for anti-white sentiment, and a few laws and policies don't really honor the spirit of equality in favor of equity, and I think it's fair to talk about how we can address those things. But when he starts talking about how immigration is to blame for anti-white sentiment when he just spent the last 20 minutes complaining about how it's actually elite white Democrats, and how plenty of Latino folks are ready to vote Republican, it really makes it clear that the dude is just preaching great replacement theory, and that his primary concern is really about "preserving the white race" and preserving it's voting majority.
Exactly. I've been working with latinos the past year and a half and they are vastly inferior to the non-hispanic whites in how they act and conduct themselves. Their work compared to mine and my white colleagues is generally worse.
@@JohnBickner Of course. But the media thinks showing whites in luxury cars is racist, so you won’t ever see that. Whites are persona non grata in America today.
I am totally a freedom of association absolute on the issue of discrimination. discrimination is a ubiquitous feature of daily life trying to outlaw it means being micro managed by the state are we going to start sacking people or sent them to prison if they don't want to date outside there race ?
Some "social justice" types actually do describe that as "Sexual Racism." Do a search for the term. It will show a bunch of non-whites in academia and the media complaining that whites aren't very interested in dating them. It would be funny if it weren't so creepy. It's like they see white people's bodies, affections, and attention as public utilities they should have equal access to.
It's important to note that the term "white" is applied now to anyone who belongs to people of any color who are successful and tend to align with those who are against a victim ideology - it's not only applied to people who are Caucasian
Racism is different then antiwhiteism. Racism comes from cultured and civilized people seeing and being repulsed by backwards, barbaric and savage behaviors and habits and can be slowly erased by widespread demonstrations of civilized and moral behavior by the groups who are the victims of it. Antiwhiteism comes from the envy and spite groups feel because they see themselves as failures when compared to White culture and society and its end goal is the erasure and replacement of Whites.
Henry Kissinger, who outdid Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler as a war criminal because he outlived them and put their kill tally to shame en masse, should always be recognized and remembered as a blight on humanity. A more treacherous freak of nature with his longevity and influence is currently unmatched and should be front and center in high school history EVERYWHERE. J'ACCUSE!!
Do white Americans with a strong outgroup preference risk exacerbating racial tensions?
Yes, it legitimizes and encourages. Such a preference often follows from the prevailing messages of our education system.
Universalism is not universal. The paradox of the white cosmopolitan id that
Universalism is not universal. The paradox of the white cosmopolitan id that
It doesn't matter what we do, we are the problem no matter what to these psychopaths. Outgroup preference is bad ingroup preference is bad. They are completely out of touch with reality.
White liberals & leftists are always the greatest enemy as they are inherently traitorous, preferring to champion minority rather than majority rights. They side with groups that are, through their militant vanguards, actively trying to take down the White race in whose image the Western civilisation was formed.
Anti-White racism is a kind of intra-class war between upper elite liberal Whites and ordinary, apolitical but socially conservative lower Whites. The former will use minorities and their grievances to attack the latter.
Zimbabwe ethnically cleansed its White population in 2001, and plenty of politicians in South Africa talk about doing the same thing. It's amazing that it is never spoken about.
Any source to back up these claims ?
@@tam1641 "We are not talking about killing all the white least not yet"
-Julius Malema
@@tam1641 they're boiling white 8-year olds alive in South Africa but you're still asking for sources? TF is wrong with you? Just because you're too scared to look at the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@@tam1641 You clearly have internet access, this wasn't some secretive event that happened. There is plenty of documentation to be found of it online, but I'm guessing you'd rather tell yourself facts aren't true than to just look into it yourself.
An Obama secret.
There's clearly a double standard growing in the West with this issue and resentment is building no doubt ... But I wouldn't just say it's in America only ...
True. Uk 🇬🇧 also. Somebody said recently that ‘everyone being an equal individual despite colour’ was now ‘out of date’.
In the UK jobs are advertised not available to white people. This is institutional racism
Spare a thought for us in South Africa.
In Canada too
@@s.j.bluewater908 It will never be out of date, the person who said that just chooses to go with the intellectual radical fad of the moment.
Antiwhiteism is the dominant moral ethos in the West today.
Perpetrated by an elite that don’t consider themselves white even if everyone else does. Because of their religion that most don’t evenly practice.
Wrong. I am prepared to concede that anti-non-white racism in the English-speaking Western world has plummeted. However, beyond that, the anti-Black racism is still as raw as the 1950s. Italy and Spain spring to mind.
It is literally the only consistent principle. Everything else is flip flopped on .
Plus minorities worshipping.
White supremacy is finally being handled.
You just need to look at South Africa and Zimbabwe to see the future that awaits us when we give up power and become a minority...
I have been wondering where the kids will go when this all goes wrong.
@@grahamt5924 Ever wonder why an African like Elon Musk is scoping out Mars?
@@grahamt5924Have you seen the slaughters that happen in African countries? That’s where it could easily go.
If you’ve seen the elected leaders on stage dancing and singing “ (censored) the Boars” you’ll know where it will go. Plus breadbasket to starvation in one generation.
@@planegoodmusic Born in Salisbury, I understand intimately where this will go
The fact that it's controversial is proof that it exists.
I have ET living in my loft and controlling the world. Also controversial.
Except that isn't controversial, since it's nonsense, so no one cares. @themossad
@@jdg9999 What race owns 98% of the land in America
The fact that it's controversial merely means it's furthering someone's political agenda. Political agendas are certainly real, and are rarely to promote the common good.
@@KemetledAfrica races don't own land. people do.
Exactly the same thing is happening in the UK and Europe driven by EU equalities legislation and found in corporate DEI policies. In practice this also becomes a war on merit as it almost always requires a compromise on experience or technical ability.
Asians as a proxy end up being targeted by the effects of DEI, affirmative action and equity policies because they are seen as "White adjacent" and in most cases Asians tend to out perform most so-called "Whites" anyway.
When was meritocracy a thing in America and England
Anti white racism is only controversial because platforms like yours refuse to just address it. You're worried about the bbc dismissing it as nothing and so even though you know for a fact it is true and happening, you tiptoe around it, giving it the air of controversy. It is not controversial, it is a fact. Stop downplaying such a problem by calling it controversial, which only diminishes it's importance.
Well said.
Cuckservatism has been backpeddling for decades, it's not a new thing.
What is the problem detail it. You say anti-whiteness but then you can't even describe what it is and how it affects white people. A bad economy is not anti-whiteness. What this looks like is that white folks feel they are entitled to a particular lifestyle and that everyone else just exists for their benefit. Its that what you're saying? What are you saying?
It's not anti-white, it's anti-colonization. Get real with yourself!
thank you! speak up folks!!! white people are being exterminated and forced to thank them for it
Is being racist towards any other group "controversial"?
Got it on the button
only racism against white kids is a controversial conspiracy theory
they're obsessed with white children and their reproductive process
The person who invented White Guilt should be recognised as the greatest military strategist in history
Well it’s a person who is a minority when it suits and a “fellow white man” when it suits.
They were probably white
I was never stupid enough to fall for this obvious propaganda tool. I call myself a person of color because that is what I am. Beige is a color.
.... (-(-(- People -)-)-) ...
Communists probably did. All part of the Ideological Subversion of the West.
It's there everywhere in the West, and we let it happen.
It's being made to happen. It's all deliberate.
@@mr.mayhem7402nothing happens without compliance.
@@handyfix2952The french revolution happened because they didn't WANT to comply.
At one time the “Whites” are the triumphant colonial masters of the world, and the next they get be the shivering chickens on this planet‼️
@@mr.mayhem7402 Soo? Is that all you have? And your laying down to this and give your land to these hordes??? Jeez! Did you have a father?
Thank you for talking about this.
Here's a helpful translation of modern Left-Wing "anti-racist" terminology:
_White Supremacy_ - Anywhere or anything in which white people are a majority.
_White Privilege_ - Any positive effect of being part of a white demographic majority.
_Racism_ - White people having any ingroup preference at all, or any shared sense of self-preservation.
_Whiteness_ - All of the above, plus anything that has origins in Europe or other white-majority societies.
Taken as a whole, "anti-racism" as modern Left-Progressives practice it is little more than demographic envy and an attempt to guilt or browbeat whites out of their majority status everywhere they are currently still a majority.
Great conversation, let the pushback continue and intensify.
Saw a video on Twitter today of a Chinese restaurant owner that finally got tired of black people not paying after eating there.
Almost like there's a reason small businesses used to "turn them away".
When group averages differ, discrimination has a rational basis .
@jdg999 We know you are talking nonsense
You actually believe what you see on twitter 😂🤣😂
Maybe they do not understand the nuance of the term Chinese takeaway.
It goes without saying that no tipping was involved.
It's been in the media for decades, but it was just more subtle in the past. Remember "Smart Black/Stupid White" TV commercials? You've probably seen dozens in your lifetime, but just never noticed the subliminal message.
I'm also a dramatist and occasional screenwriter... I see EXACTLY the motivies and modus operandi.
Its also known as jealousy, or inferiority complex.
I suppose that's understandable when you don't have privilege
@HaleyChain-vw8rr "privilege" as in being naturally better at many things on the average?
@@HaleyChain-vw8rrcorrect, blacks have a ton of privileges yet they still can’t accomplish much. So you’re astute seeing how blacks feel insecure and inferior even when they have the wind to their back.
@@HaleyChain-vw8rr zits not privilege ,.We are just better .Sirrynif you dont like it
@@HaleyChain-vw8rrJust better than you ,its that simple 😂
What you expect when you vilify and promote discrimination on the largest ethnic group in your country? I am not white and I see it.
Thomas Sowell is the most under rated academic of our time. He is an American treasure
A lot of Caucasians folks think so.
BBC SKY ITV and LBC must be livid. Germany V Scotland … 22 players on the pitch 20 of them are white
and all taking the knee 4 years on
@@just_another32really are they still ?
Che Adams, Antonio Rudiger, Jamal Musiala, Ilkay Gundogan, Jonathan Tah. 17 out of 22. For Germany, 4 of 11.
17 out of 22 white. 4 of 11 non-white.
Gundogan is the captain
Trump is not going to save anyone. The US is too far gone. Its up to us to circle the wagons, reconnect with our kin and provide our own economy and communities, fight like hell to keep our way of life.
Around what? White Americans do not abide White Europeans because "you dont speak the right language". what way of life? Living off of credit and debt while your birthrates continue to plummet? Maybe some more American invasions will turn things around.
Circle wagons? Reconnect with kin, Europe is that way.
@@sharde8581 Its a reference to a maneuver used by settlers when wagon trains heading out west were attacked by Indians. This provided cover and allowed them to fend off their attackers. This is what families need to do to.protect their heritage.
@@evilchaperone whilst the indigenous heritage was simultaneously being eroded...
It's this attitude, that makes life miserable for ethnic people.
It's been obvious in the UK since the early 2000s.
Anyone who has served in the military overseas and witnessed how corrupt a state can become could see this coming a mile away.
The only way this is stamped out is going to be very painful culturally, economically and socially and if it means booting the US out of Europe to resolve this then people will have to swallow a hard pill.
If you think keeping you're head down and mouth shut then it will pass you by with no consequence then you are kidding yourself.
That was the right wing argument against brexit.
United Europe can unshackle itself from the global American empire.
That being said as the U.K. are effectively the us’ man in Europe brexit may instead increase that possibility.
That being said I wouldn’t have expected Germany to so willingly demolish their manufacturing industry through Russian sanctions on behalf of the US (let alone the destruction of their pipeline).
@@James-sk4db "Unshackle" lol, as if Europe isn't leeching off American money and protection
We are seeing it massively in hiring across the spectrum of jobs. In Canada, we’re still a majority. Great way to win hearts and minds of people that were probably on their side to begin with, but now are fighting their opportunities or even worse their male children.
You're still a majority here in the US. Truth is the majority doesn't want to admit wrong and don't want to share, the same problem the Israelies are experiencing because of their belief they are the chosen people. Get over it were are here to stay and we're going to continue to demand equality.
Oh please! Don't turn this into a white male pity party. The pro-male bias is so strong, men in dresses are beating out women in their own competitions, thanks to the enduring preference for men
Im black and i think White people need to rally together for their rights just like other groups have. I think white people have been conditioned to think that just by rallying together they would be viewed negatively as some sort of white supremacist activity. Its not and you all should feel free to mobilize and push for things fair treatment.
A more powerful message is being sent by white men disconnecting from society and also not joining the military. Just look at recruitment rates. Why defend a government or other citizen that hate you?
a black person doesn't say 'I'm black' on platforms like this. Your comment can be perceived as troll and you achieve nothing. Just be constructive and make your point clear.
@@eduar2971 I have read many comments black people have made saying I'm black, so I'm pretty sure you're the troll here, if there is one, or maybe you're just confused
Cool bruh
@@janelliot5643 Didn't know you could know someone by just reading their comments.
I am a Canadian and during the peak of COVID when the vaccines were first coming out our provincial government decided that aboriginal people 65+ with pre-existing conditions that left them especially at risk in isolated communities should go to the front of the line. Realistically given the time constraints of getting people from those communities to hospital that made a certain sense. THEN they extended that vaccine priority to ALL aboriginal people over age 65 including those in the big city. THEN they further extended it to all aboriginal people in the province over age 18.
In other words it started reasonable then went incredibly against everyone else. I was outraged since as an age 65+ white Canadian who was an insulin dependent diabetic (one of the main conditions that put them especially at COVID risk, my age being another) since it meant I got my first shot 4-6 weeks later that I could have. Note that those aged 18-30 regardless of ethnicity were considered a VERY low risk group.
For the next two months I became extremely paranoid particularly since my work put me constantly at risk but it was that or semi-permanently close my store - and when I knew vaccines WERE available I took great issue with the government's decision since they specifically put my health at risk for political ends. We go to the polls in October and no question that is going to be a big part of my voting decision.
Putting my health unnecessarily at risk for "racial justice" (their words) ends is something I shall not forget soon!
but how the non compatible tribe ended up a majority in canada?why cant you go home to Europe?
20 of the 20 people I knew, whom were the only Covid vaccinated people I knew?! Are all dead.
I didn’t say why or how they died. I didn’t even hint or suggest.
All I said is that all 20 people I know whom are Covid 19 vaccinated ; are dead people now.
The health of your body was never at risk anyways in the first place, only your mind. Hysteria is dangerous, mass formation psychosis is dangerous. Look into those shots now, most of them have been pulled from market and several of the companies are being sued by various governments. Trust me, you didn't want that nonsense in your body anyways.
WNBA... is going to possibly piss away the opportunity to gain a sustained fanbase because of what is happening to Caitlin Clark.
Ghetto gonna ghetto is all I can say of her "team mates"! Act like trash & get thrown in the trash!
What *is* happening to her?
That's vague
So you will have to go check it out and do some research but basically a white lady, Clark, has come into the league and is really kicking butt. Actually dominating. And in doing so she is getting the accolades and attention, and endorsements, that come along with that kind of thing. There are some black players who aren't too happy about it. There are some cheap shots, vile comments and rhetoric, and some physical, if not quite violence, then it is close to it.
They seem to be offended that some white girl would dare to come into what they consider their space and succeed.
I'm not a WNBA fan, I've never even met a WNBA fan, but she seems to be bringing some new fans in to that particular sport and some of the players have a problem with it. In a racial kind of way.
What do you want another welfare system called White Supremacy....
Voting Democrat did this. Making “affirmative action” legal legitimized anti White discrimination. Where else could that lead?
Wow there are alot of you out there, that is why Trump, a truly malevolent humanbeing is you're leader.
With the help of quite a few Republicans. George H.W. Bush, for example, who signed the "Civil Rights Act of 1990," which enshrined into law "disparate impact equals discrimination."
Their is Affirmative Action that benefits Afghanistan refugees in the form of scholarships, their is housing for migrants only,their's even AA on the Supreme Court. , where Trump said he would nominate a woman while not even considering men. The point is whites are only against AA if it is perceived as benefiting blacks.
But y'all didn't have a problem with Affirmative Action when it was exclusively for Europeans. The Homestead Act, New Deal, WPA, Wagner Act, FHA loans, GI Bill & other gov't goodies & handouts catapulted millions of Euro families into the middle class. Oh & White women benefited more from 1960s Affirmative Action than Black people. Even though it was supposed to exclusively benefit Black people.
#1 beneficiary of Affirmative Action was the caucasian female. Any other BS Republican talking points fomr late 2000's you want to bring up? Also, The Asians complained about affirmative action and got it cancelled in some academic settings. Result? They are now complaining that it harmed them.
When you say 'You can't be racist against white people' then you are taking it to the next level. And it's not just minorities vs. whites. I worked at a company where 22 of the 25 people were from India even though I lived in a smaller city. Half the people were brought in from India,. The manager, leads, sr devs were all form India. The three white guys were all at level 2. The only reason they weren't able to get rid of me, though they tried, was because HR was afraid of getting rid of *another* white person and replacing them with an H1B visa Indian might give a reasonable appearance of discrimination. But Indians can do this because the view is that white people can't be discriminated against. If we are so worried about equality, why don't we train the people who want better jobs rather than brining in H1B visas workers by the boatload.
Crazy how Indians, a group numbering over a billion can be considered a "minority"
Hiring Indian workers is cheaper. That's the whole motive.
Indians are known for replacing everyone else with other Indians.
@@JohnBickner Not when they start bringing in untrained relatives with fake degrees...Pakistani doctors are the worst for that. Running Irish hospitals... another act f genocide. Details available.
@@JohnBickner Finally - someone can do math.
racism is racism, not anti black or anti white. just call it what it is
That's a fair point. But the word "racism" carries with it an inherent assumption that's it directed at racial minorities.
@@etchedinstone7562 well he said pretty much the same thing as I did about a minute in. I should have just listened for a bit longer haha
@@just_another32 Don't worry. You still rule.
@@etchedinstone7562 Lol
And what proportion of Scottish and German footballers are non-white?
Derrick Bell wrote, "Racial Realism, the father of CRT, states racism is permanent in the American framework, so resistance must also be permanent. Bell took his lead from late 19th century legal progressives who believed "LAW" and "The Constitution" should be viewed through the lens of "contextualism" and not "literalism". Meaning changes based on context, and so should the rule of law. This is the foundation of legal relativism and the framework of our post-truth culture.
Oh yeah, Doesn’t Derrick Bell’s shit stink?
Derrick Bell
On October 5, 2011, Bell died at the age of 80 from carcinoid cancer at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York City.
I’m American and I like this guy and support his position. Count me in.
Excellent Discussion, long overdue. I fear both political parties benefit, hence things will only get worse.
Watching TV advertisements you would get the impression that the advertiser is only interested in reaching black people.
Does this count as "being oppressed?" Buy products from whites only marketers and move on.
Laughable. The commercials are definitely not depicting the blacks in my neighborhood! What a joke!
which is funny because the black population is not growing.
I 'd love to explore the concept of Privilege. I am deeply worried by it as a white person: rebasing privilege as the new word for normal life is deeply worrisome, as privileges can be taken away. It's the vague and subjective individualisation of wealth inequality and can be applied to anything and any relationship by anyone, such that property rights become privileges instead of the consequence of hard work, and can be subjectively removed by social pressure as easily as they are currently protected by law. It's a semiotic insertion that seems so innocuous but is inherently extremely dangerous. The UK Institute of Economic Affairs may agree and I'd be interested, should the Spectator decide to do a piece specifically on this. Freddy Gray might be an interesting agent in this space. I welcome any other views on this, as am currently in debate with a female black ( British ) CEO of an ethnic/privilege charity who fully embraces her privilege, while I immediately reject the normalisation of this use of the word in a social justice context.
So-called "White Privilege" is a result of demographic majority. Look up Peggy Macintosh's list of examples in "The Invisible Knapsack" (where the White Privilege concept comes from in Critical Race Theory) and you'll see it's mostly just a list of things that come from being part of a majority somewhere. One example she uses is being able to walk into a music store and easily find your own culture's music represented. This is described as a "privilege."
The reason the "social justice anti-racists" (as they self-identify) attack it is they want to end white majorities - by that I don't mean something murderous, I mean they want to diversify the population with immigration so much that the majority is made into a minority. They believe white demographic majorities are fundamentally unjust. I don't think most white people have realized this yet. They still think it's all just about making sure the police don't kill black people, or employers don't racially discriminate, or things of that nature. When CRT-inspired "anti-racists" speak of "systematic racism" they mean any "system" (place, institution) in which white people are a majority, as demographic differences lead to unequal outcomes, and unequal outcomes are said to be "racist" by default (Ibram X Kendi).
My understanding is the idea of privilege came from early feminism relating to male privilege vs female oppression. Later, it was co-opted. In order to maintain the precepts of feminism, white feminists capitulated to their black counterparts who accused them of privilege by association with white men. Throwing white men under the bus was the only way to save themselves within the framework of their own cherished movement. Deference to black women, even black men and other cultures over ones own, is now the spirit of our time.
How do we measure or quantify "privelege"? How can we possibly apply such a vague, intangible concept to our human experience in any practical, realistic or credible way? They use these sneaky linguistic tricks to bully us into submission. Capturing language is a manipulative tactic that seems innocuous, but it's actually a clever, dangerous & destructive weapon; it's been used by tyrannical regimes to control the masses since "divide & conquer" first reared it's ugly head, centuries ago. It was trotted out again by activists & professors, when postmodernism hit campuses in the 60's. The ideology is a calculated contagion that's spread it's infection to every one of our institutions, globally & here we are.
Also; "privelege" is just one of the weapons they use against us; they have a lot more in their arsenal. Our best defense is to highlight their glaring flaws & to trip up the traps they set. We aren't above using ridicule & mockery to expose their nonsense. They have no sense of humor; unless they're laughing at you; not with you. They don't allow humor; they can't handle being the butt of a joke; clear signs of an authoritarian. It's hard; we're constantly silenced; but we can upset the algorithm; it's not so hard to outsmart them. They believe they're morally & intellectually superior. That smug certainty is their downfall. Let 'em think it; they're too comfortable to notice that their opposition isn't just a wave, washing up on shore; we're becoming a tsunami.
Rights are Rights. Basic. Privilege is something else.
This can, and will, only end one way.
Amen to that! And hopefully soon so we don’t have to leave our descendants with the mess!
I feel like that we've pandered so much to these people to the point where they are feeling entitled now almost like a spoiled brat.
Just like the student immigrants who demand the right to stay in Canada and just use the system and refuse to respect our ways. Taking over Canada.
Entitled to what? What has been denied to them? You can start the conversation with "REDLINING"
If anyone is entitled, it is indeed white folks. Change my mind.
Thank you Jeremy Carl.
As a White man, I have lived and worked abroad for a number of years because the countries where I work still hire on merit.
USA absolutely does not hire on merit and the snti-white hatred has been growing ever since I was born 70 years ago.
It's not like that in USA
Well done to The Spectator for the courage to host this vital discussion.
I am not right wing. I am politically homeless. But sometimes you conservatives just hit the spot.
I’m not conservative either. I’ve always voted democrat and considered myself liberal. However, now as a white man I find myself conflicted. I truly feel like the Left hate me for my skin color and my sex. So why on earth would I vote for a party that I feel despises me?
Very interesting discussion.
I've read Jeremy Carl's book. It is well worth reading.
Race is BioCulture, which is what the pre-postmodern idea of race was anyway.
Races are continental groups. Continents created races, and mixed races at the borders of continents.
@@mariussielcken No there's at least three different indigenous races in Asia and two in Africa.
@@ario2264 I said races have been created by continents. If you know how continents influence biology, you have a solid basis for race. You will note that Asia and Africa are by far the largest continents, and were the first to be inhabited by Homo Sapiens. There is a population in Central-West Africa that is, unlike most Africans, able to digest cow milk. Obviously, this population is a race from an advanced civilisation, that returned to Africa from outside. Races came out of continents into other continents, which created, like I said, hybrids of the continental groups at the edges of the continental groups. So I already said continents create more than 1 group each, because they create hybrids. Nice reading comprehension. The African races (Bushmen and Mandela's tribe) of the South are different then the Sub-Saharan, and are different than the Northern ones which are much more European, Canarian (Barbarian) and Semitic. See how the continent is the ultimate referential factor in all that? You think the race names of Europeans, Africans, Asians (biblical Semites), Oceanians, Australians, Americans are not mostly socially constructed?Well, that must mean you're a racist like me, then. Just because the modern age denies races and made us all mix with eachother, than doesn't dispute that racialisation is a pre-condition of speciation.
This is not an American problem. Its global.
GB and Europe are even more screwed
GB and France are very f'd. On top of the Islamist crisis they already had a large number of Africans in the country.
Germany did not even have that and it is more than severely fkd.
Civil war seems unavoidable already.
lots of places in Europe not as much as GB and US because in a lot of Countries the terminus "White" as in US or UK simply doesn´t exist.
@@MarcoSteiner-n5jit exists in Italy, and the more immigrants that come the more it happens in the rest of Europe.
Equality often feels like oppression to the privilege. You had hundreds of years discrimination but want to gripe about 60 years advancing equality. Typical😅
Robin DiAngelo wrote White Fragility. She perpetuated so much of this.
I'm white and it's all right
The Bible is correct, a house divided cannot stand. And we’re seeing division on an Epic scale.
Saying "antiwhite racism" is a tactical blunder. Instead, you should say antiwhitism. "Racism" is an antiwhite concept that means (not in the dictionary, but in the minds of 100% of everyone) white people inflicting harm on non-whites. This is understood to be a condition that's intrinsically linked to being white. When antiwhites use the phrase "all whites are racist," they admit that "white" and "racist" are interchangeable, so it's an antiwhite slur. You can't gotcha by using an antiwhite slur for non-whites, instead, invalidate the slur by calling it out for what it is.
It's not antiwhite racism, it's just antiwhitism. And the word racism itself is antiwhite.
Correct. Wts are way behind in Racial politics, always on the back foot, always apologetic.
Zero organizations private or Governmental that advocate for Wts. Even suggesting such Wt representation
is considered an outragious offence to Blks. Antiwhiteism is strong in every aspect of USA society today.
I disagree, it's a bad idea to concede that only white people can be racist. For one it's not true, and secondly language matters. It also discounts racism between Asians, Black, and Latinos (who can be just as horribly racist towards each other) by agreeing only white people can be racist. Conceding the definition of racism will only further demonize white people. By allowing a universal term like racism only to apply to one race is discriminatory in itself.
No, they value the term so much as a weapon that they've tried to redefine its meaning and claim that only whites can be racist. There's almost nothing they hate more than being called racists themselves.
No actually, since white was the dominant culture, racism is a perfectly viable descriptor. In fact, this is better called prejudice against white people rather than racism because white is still the dominant race.
@@janelliot5643 Racism has nothing to do with who is the 'dominant race'.
It's more anti-western than anti-white, or maybe the two are synonymous. I've just noticed that if are against things like affirmative action or trans ideology and you are not white you are still firmly placed within the group.
I think the issue is that everyone should have equal rights; But, its almost impossible to have that when there can still be discrimination against minorities if we don't have policies in place to make everything equal; And if we do have these policies in place, then there's discrimination against whites. Read the book "When Affirmative Action Was White." Also read "By the color of our skin."
Freddy has the best guests and is always way ahead of the curve, needs to have BAP on next! hahaha
We are not at the beginning of this. I've been warning people about this since the 90's. You have a lot of catching up to do.
I’m tired of American history being conflated/imported into British history regarding blacks. We never had slaves in the Uk or apartheid.
As an American I can see that would be frustrating but I think it may be due to the fact that the first african slaves imported here to the us happened during the time we were still a British colony.
@@Gdhdjdjdjs Pretty much every nation in history has kept slaves at some point. Some still do. We were the only nation in history to actively police the world to stop slavery while you guys continued, at a great expense to us both financially and in peoples lives.
@@hankchinaski4075 I know but the delusional people don't care.
We did have slaves. The British Empire was heavily involved in the slave trade (though we started later than our European neighbours). Not that I care either way.
@@Paddehj I’m not denying it my point is about importing US history to the UK culture war. I used this as an example. Another one would be immigration. The UK statistically being an ethnostate until the late 90’s, only having any non European immigration from the 60’s. US on the other hand being defined by being a nation of immigrants.
I worked for the US Government. I saw Indians selected for high positions where they had general knowledge, but were selected over local whites with 30+ years of intimate knowledge of the problems being addressed. I assumed they were selected preferentially over some Polish guy to make up for some Irish guy holding an African as a slave 150 years earlier. Our government may have been trying to make up for some Englishman in Delhi getting the top job when a local Indian was actually better prepared also 150 years earlier.
I personally witnessed this several times and it led me to having a boss who knew nothing of the work we were doing, but who was mostly unintelligible. He did tell us he could never learn what we were doing, but to be certain to give him a heads-up if anything happened that would cause trouble.
I know you didn't just accuse the Irish of holding African slaves. That confirms your first sentence, about being a US government employee. Completely oblivious.
"Disparate impact makes pretty much everything illegal."
Its cultural Marxism, all of this critical theory, snd antiwhitism falls under that
Oy vey
America is dying a death of 1000 cuts.
No. The idea that one race is superior to others is. Because people arent having it anymore. So its not only causing fear amongst people who feel others are inferior, its causing resentment towards them from people who have sacrificed something for the dream.
When I was 5 our numbers were at 89%. When we are less than 50 then the fun will really start; anyone who thinks otherwise has no clue about human nature.
The nature of non-whites
Pathetic. People who use the term 'human nature' to justify shiity behaviour towards other human beings. That's a bullshit argument
If the pendulum swings the other way you could say that's just balance. But I will say that at the end of Apartheid everyone predicted a massacre, and frankly the black Africans would have been within their rights to take some revenge. But thanks to Mandela this never happened. I mean the country is fcked now but at least its equally fcked for everyone. So it doesnt have to be rivers of blood (I lived in RSA from 84 to 2002 and still have family there)
@@willumbermarchant5510 I have seen a few news reports that suggest that white South Africans are some of the poorest people in RSA today, especially the younger whites.
@@willumbermarchant5510 not sure what you are trying to say here. There is no such thing as balance with populations, that’s multi culti fantasy. I don’t know much about SA, since I discovered how awful celebrities are underneath it all I don’t trust the narrative of it now. I do see a lot of vicious murders of whites over there and find it difficult to believe it isn’t revenge motivated.
It exists in the workplace but they try to cover it up with slogans like Diversity Equity and Inclusion.
What is a liberal someone who is to broadminded to take his own side in fight Robert frost 1952
Whiteophobia . There are a lot of -phobias in the media mentioned except this one...
Like this fella
All developed countries deal with alleviating economic disadvantage typically via targeted measures that lift spending such as education and welfare and remove barriers that disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups. The problem in the US is that many of these measures, or even the intent of the policy, are vehemently rejected by the right as "socialism" and so taken off the table. But the problem remains, and it has been more permissable- historically - to frame the problem of economic disadvantage in racial terms, and enact measures such as affirmative action programs. What matters is tackling economic disadvantage wherever you find it, and tone down the racial sensibility.
All over western nations actually
We all know it
I'm an American, a fairly saavy, current, media consumer, and yet I've never heard of neither Jeremy Carl nor the Claremont Institute.
When you are accustomed to privilege, equality seems like oppression.
What rights do non-whites lack?
It’s not equality when you decide a cultural or racial group gets medical intervention above older people with high risk medical conditions when these two factors place people in the highest risk category such as COVID vaccines.
As a 3rd generation Christian who did some hard years in the world I was taught as a child thinking is the first act of worship Romans 12:1. So, the 'racism' idea seems to be a new idea apart from the biblical tradition. This is a new way of thinking about ourselves and our world. It appears that Kant wins the day.
Just look at public and private bus and motorcoach discrimination. Black male Americans domina te the bus operator field. job interviewers higher accordingly
only 3% of DC Wmata drivers were women when I applied for bus operator job with nearby transit and was turned down, even though I already had my CDL and experience driving. I was at the intersection of white and female. The transit group was willing to hire white males, black females, but heaven forbid not white females. We were seen as competition with black females...I finally did get hired as a bus operator, but lost out on a year of work credits I appealed to county human rights group which was a mistake that local group had its bias the head of the group preferred to show off her social justice, caring bone fides and turned down my discrimination complaint. I was hired a year later by an African woman interviewer, who apparently didn't have the prejudices. It was not easy to work 14+ years in a mostly male, different racial group. I somewhat understand what Caitlyn Clark is going thru. I tried not to let the nastiness affect me because it was a small group, but there was nastiness nevertheless and the county democratic run government was no help.
Sometimes discrimination appears as just being ignored by one's supervisor when trying to get job done. I've had some black coworkers support me, but only in private.
@Christine-eb1sc you are making a ton of assumptions. You are probably not that good.
In my state, you literally can't get a job in most addiction treatment facilities unless you are black. Also all of our states case managers for food stamps are black.
He had the nerve to use the objective of Dr Martin Luther King jr to justify what he's trying to do. I would love to know the percentage of black allies
@spectatortv --- You should interview the authors of the following books: "Go Free" and "Born Guilty" (Jason Kohne), "What Happened to America?" (Joseph Cotto), and "Equal Training" (Student X).
I mean, there's definitely a high level of tolerance in America for anti-white sentiment, and a few laws and policies don't really honor the spirit of equality in favor of equity, and I think it's fair to talk about how we can address those things.
But when he starts talking about how immigration is to blame for anti-white sentiment when he just spent the last 20 minutes complaining about how it's actually elite white Democrats, and how plenty of Latino folks are ready to vote Republican, it really makes it clear that the dude is just preaching great replacement theory, and that his primary concern is really about "preserving the white race" and preserving it's voting majority.
Exactly. I've been working with latinos the past year and a half and they are vastly inferior to the non-hispanic whites in how they act and conduct themselves. Their work compared to mine and my white colleagues is generally worse.
All I know is that blacks are the only ones who drive new luxury SUV’s on TV.
You know that fiction on TV is fictitious don't you?
And all blek blokes have huwite wives, according to commercial adverts.
@@JohnBickner Of course. But the media thinks showing whites in luxury cars is racist, so you won’t ever see that. Whites are persona non grata in America today.
@@JohnBicknerI think they are being cheeky about seeing predominantly black people in television commercials.
Yes, it is just "racism" however, it is the only brand of racism in present day that is simultaneously encouraged and denied.
Just reserved this book at my local library, super important work (it's on hold due to demand!). Equality, not equity!
I am totally a freedom of association absolute on the issue of discrimination. discrimination is a ubiquitous feature of daily life trying to outlaw it means being micro managed by the state are we going to start sacking people or sent them to prison if they don't want to date outside there race ?
Some "social justice" types actually do describe that as "Sexual Racism." Do a search for the term. It will show a bunch of non-whites in academia and the media complaining that whites aren't very interested in dating them. It would be funny if it weren't so creepy. It's like they see white people's bodies, affections, and attention as public utilities they should have equal access to.
It's important to note that the term "white" is applied now to anyone who belongs to people of any color who are successful and tend to align with those who are against a victim ideology - it's not only applied to people who are Caucasian
Culture blind v colour blind is spot on. Great probing questions Freddy
Is this real? Anti what? This is basically the wolf claiming victim after biting everyone‼️😒
He is 100% right
I've spent years trying to figure out eternity. I've given up and moved on to infinity
Show me the white version of Emmet Till and the black family shielded from justice by the DOJ for 68 years.
Emmet Till got what was coming to him.
@@CheeseTheAnimator_onGoAnimate ...says the devil
Grew up in Detroit and racism does not discriminate. No one gets a pass.
racism is racism is racism.
Racism is different then antiwhiteism.
Racism comes from cultured and civilized people seeing and being repulsed by backwards, barbaric and savage behaviors and habits and can be slowly erased by widespread demonstrations of civilized and moral behavior by the groups who are the victims of it.
Antiwhiteism comes from the envy and spite groups feel because they see themselves as failures when compared to White culture and society and its end goal is the erasure and replacement of Whites.
this is the issue of our time. It may be too late for Canada.
"May be?" JT disarmed your people and made it clear he'll take your money if you complain too much.
Spoken like a true Racists.
Also, it's not the phenomenon itself that is controversial, it's talking about it that's controversial.
What a bunch of blah blah blah bull shit.
People are sick of it. Too many people of high moral standing have been ruthlessly attacked by these radicals. The shoe will drop.
Here's my immigration policy. I call it the Sword of Gryffindor: Take in only that which makes you stronger
Stop being a victim!!!!!
Pull yourself up by your boot straps....
Henry Kissinger, who outdid Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler as a war criminal because he outlived them and put their kill tally to shame en masse, should always be recognized and remembered as a blight on humanity. A more treacherous freak of nature with his longevity and influence is currently unmatched and should be front and center in high school history EVERYWHERE. J'ACCUSE!!
Remember amerindian genocide the worst in human history
The answer is yes, yes it is.
The 3 Ws..White, Wealthy and Western. Period.
If there was no disregard for the truth written about the forefathers in the beginning, there would be no need to divulge it now.
Sierra Club cancelled JOHN MUIR??! I will never give them anything!
interesting and noteworthy, although also concerning and really important to understand...