F-35A Lightning II Demo 2021 Reno Air Races


Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @nickthestringbender6545
    @nickthestringbender6545 3 года назад +67

    How can even someone dislike this video huge respect to you lady

    • @alexboybkk
      @alexboybkk 3 года назад +4

      She is just there because of political correctness! They probably sideline 100 men in order to let her in!

    • @richardpicarelli5646
      @richardpicarelli5646 3 года назад +3

      @@alexboybkk because she out flew the other 100 MEN

    • @Poseidonios_Bellerophon
      @Poseidonios_Bellerophon 3 года назад

      @@richardpicarelli5646 No its because in 2021/22 they need to show that women are better competitive to men that's why white knight!

    • @ridwan552
      @ridwan552 3 года назад +2

      @N A This is an airshow not a scramble dumbass. The reason it took so long is because they have to wait for the other performers to finish up and for the runway to be clear. There was no rush because it's literally an airshow and every pilot takes their sweet time.

    • @user-hq2mk2eb2u
      @user-hq2mk2eb2u 3 года назад

      @@ridwan552 Спешка нужна при ловле блох.

  • @JohnsonPasaribu61
    @JohnsonPasaribu61 2 года назад +143

    in our country Indonesia, it is unimaginable, a female pilot like this. be grateful for your country.

    • @carramrod8232
      @carramrod8232 Год назад +20

      You don’t have feminists so there’s a silver lining 😅

    • @makmurjaya4907
      @makmurjaya4907 Год назад


    • @bryanjerome8534
      @bryanjerome8534 Год назад

      ​@@phillipbanes5484she's got more balls than you will ever have

    • @joshua3630
      @joshua3630 Год назад

      @Phillip Banes Why? Their brains and skills are just as capable of hours. Men are only physically superior to women.

    • @НекалайМихойлвич
      @НекалайМихойлвич Год назад +5

      ​@@carramrod8232 2⅔¹¹уцуууууууцц3цййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййцййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййййццйййййййййййййййййййййййцйййй²²²2²³⁵³²ц²ц

  • @johnsmith-gt3po
    @johnsmith-gt3po 3 года назад +37

    Just getting to fly F-35 is a BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT by itself. Congrats to her. 👍😁

  • @JohnMailau-w5l
    @JohnMailau-w5l 6 дней назад +2

    Thank you for your service from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬

  • @jimmiefarris4218
    @jimmiefarris4218 3 года назад +45

    A very special young lady.THANK YOU FOR YOUR OUTSTANDING SERVICE.

    • @sidv4615
      @sidv4615 3 года назад +2

      what's her name?

    • @SultonmurodBulbuli
      @SultonmurodBulbuli 2 месяца назад

      Это леди собирается убить мусульман

  • @TheKentaurion
    @TheKentaurion 2 года назад +56

    Superb flying! Very cool and beautiful fighter too. Happy tthat we will soon get 62 of these to Finland. :D

    • @병극유
      @병극유 2 года назад +4


    • @mrbenlian8851
      @mrbenlian8851 2 года назад

      @@병극유 ddddddddddddddddddddd_ddd(d/-eee3344:desa(g)olok kkkkl"llllllk"lllklllllllllllllkkllllllkllllkllllllkkkkkkkkk

    • @mehmet33333
      @mehmet33333 2 года назад +2

      Then percent 100 addicted to us, god bless you then🤣🤣

    • @kjsytnmbcz003
      @kjsytnmbcz003 2 года назад +2

      Female fighter pilot.. what if she is on a period???

    • @SethOmegaful
      @SethOmegaful 2 года назад

      @@kjsytnmbcz003 pilots wear diapers. What a silly question.

  • @JamesAlbright-y8l
    @JamesAlbright-y8l Год назад +19

    This is the second video I watched of this demonstration team. Different ground crew same pilot. I am trying to understand how they allow the number two Crew Chief to approach, stand and inspect the main landing gear tire for Foreign objects. I'd like to explain that after landing, the brakes produce 1500-plus degrees of heat, which takes a lot of time for that heat to dissipate. Their job guides state that approaching the main landing gear tire during recoveries means approaching from the front or rear. Because of the tremendous heat, there is a 45-degree cone shape on both sides of the main landing gear tire that if the tire explodes most of the debris will exit in that direction; thus, approach from the front or rear of the tire and don't stand within that cone shape. I was an FTD instructor for 4 years, and we had to weave some safety instructions for each hour of instruction. I have witnessed a tire explode from heat even after 30 minutes after the aircraft was recovered and the engine was shut down. I am trying to understand why the supervision or Quality Assurance has not dealt with this hazardous activity. Furthermore, I can't believe they removed that safety warning from the F-35 recovery job guide. All current and retired flight line maintainers can understand where my concerns come from, and if someone out there who is still on active duty works on the F-35 Demonstration Team, review the job guide, and if I am correct, please bring this to your supervision before someone gets injured or killed.

  • @Youcef-xe4hg
    @Youcef-xe4hg 2 года назад +38

    This demo absolutely one my favorite top 10.great job pilot !!! More hours & minutes of skill and flying to come for you keep getting better at what you love.... definitely making a lot of people's proud include your organization and your family. thanks for your service. you are a superhero and a good role model !!! Respect.

  • @moe3259
    @moe3259 3 года назад +13

    Who is this Major, I'm proud of her. As an team engineer at Northrop Grumman, we engineered and built 712 F-14 Tomcats to defend our freedom and I'm obsessed with it.

    • @koobvaj8237
      @koobvaj8237 3 года назад


    • @ivanguerrero6852
      @ivanguerrero6852 3 года назад

      A such advanced piece of equipment super loaded with technology and still requires a side ladder to have access to the pilots cabin..???

    • @ЙошоИванов
      @ЙошоИванов 3 года назад


    • @ЛехасУрала
      @ЛехасУрала 3 года назад +1

      От кого вы все время защищаете вашу свободу, кто на неё претендует??кто пытается ограничить её? Самолёт действительно красив, но их все же делают не для красоты не так ли? И важнее все таки тактико-технические возможности этого самолёта. А вот это шоу с этими двумя мужчинами - это что то очень смешное))) устроили какой то цирк. Похоже на обряд поклонения человека железу....если на вашу свободу будут нападать, вы тоже будете вокруг самолёта полчаса вышагивать?? Бесполезное шоу

    • @kil1914
      @kil1914 3 месяца назад

      Really!! Who prevented you from your freedom? In fact, America is the one that attacks the freedoms of peoples and their countries and steals their resources.

  • @stemmentor9700
    @stemmentor9700 2 года назад +21

    May God look over each and all of them. Dedication and honor. This retired vet salutes you all

    • @kimserey1737
      @kimserey1737 2 года назад


    • @dmac2899
      @dmac2899 2 года назад

      May the Lord Jesus bless you! Thank you for your service!

  • @marcvivori1561
    @marcvivori1561 2 года назад +12

    I’m so proud of her. What a great Country we live in. ❤️🙏🏻

    • @MrRizwanzaka
      @MrRizwanzaka 3 месяца назад +1

      Your proud problem for innocent Palestinian civilan

  • @edwardturner1282
    @edwardturner1282 Год назад +1

    A superb ritual to the spirit of aviation. Skill, precision, teamwork. This has it all. I found delightful.

  • @haraldweidemann225
    @haraldweidemann225 3 года назад +12

    Great Demo and great Video !! 👍 Hello from Germany ! 🇺🇲🇩🇪

  • @sventube1000
    @sventube1000 2 года назад +13

    I rewatched the first 3 seconds because it was so awesome made me smile!!

  • @IronMan-xm3lg
    @IronMan-xm3lg 3 года назад +23

    The air plane and the lady impressed me God bless America...........!

  • @young_spear21
    @young_spear21 Год назад +13

    Thank you for your service from South Korea 🇰🇷

  • @ColonelJohnmatrix1000
    @ColonelJohnmatrix1000 3 года назад +15

    Great aviator, serving her country at the highest level.

    • @kiabtoomlauj6249
      @kiabtoomlauj6249 3 года назад +1

      It's just a strange world we live in. For most of us folks --- who like to think we're living at the dawn of the Age of Quantum Computation --- we see this F-35 pilot and we say, "That's cool. She's excelling at some thing most of us could never do, would never be allowed to do. But she's our sister, aunt, girl friend, teacher, colleague," etc
      For some people, like the Taliban, however.... they see the pilot & immediately TWO things must immediately come to mind:
      "That is just not right! She is not supposed to do that; it's not permitted, in our way of life; our sacred, divine, holy law prohibits it." Or, "That's for them, stupid & ignorant people who don't know any thing important; but for us and our righteous women, we just don't allow that, for the love of our girls and women."
      Again, very, very strange world we live in, even at the second decade of the 21st century.

    • @jackmoore9039
      @jackmoore9039 3 года назад

      @@kiabtoomlauj6249 fu.ck the Talibans. I am glad I got a piece of them.

    • @Repomam2000
      @Repomam2000 3 года назад

      She looked bored.

    • @ColonelJohnmatrix1000
      @ColonelJohnmatrix1000 3 года назад +2

      @@Repomam2000 get down to the airbase so she can admire how handsome you are then.

    • @Repomam2000
      @Repomam2000 3 года назад +1

      @@ColonelJohnmatrix1000 on my way Sir!

  • @Trajano1952
    @Trajano1952 3 года назад +6

    Beautiful! Brazil here! Congratulations!

  • @EndTimeDreams
    @EndTimeDreams 3 года назад +10

    Greetings from New Zealand, great F-35 demo loved it.

  • @edwardturner1282
    @edwardturner1282 Год назад +24

    Can you see the confidence in the pilot. Patient and unhurried like the true professional she is. Nice.

    • @taximyungeon
      @taximyungeon Год назад +1

      It's really, really cool that a woman pilots an F-22 fighter jet...

    • @Pawantudu.
      @Pawantudu. Год назад

      @@taximyungeon t4^6*,?$&&*

  • @kk-1979
    @kk-1979 2 года назад +35

    The way she prepares... Awesome 🔥

  • @bernardanderson3758
    @bernardanderson3758 3 года назад +28

    Thank you for Major Kristin callsign BEO Wolfe for your service and flying in the United States Airforce

    • @AS-iq7sx
      @AS-iq7sx 3 года назад +1

      She is a beautiful pilot too

    • @AS-iq7sx
      @AS-iq7sx 3 года назад

      @Alfred Churchill right but when I said " beautiful " meaning 1st is beautiful inside and 2nd is outside.
      In my life I never or often not said or wrote " beautiful " if the female is bad / very bad even that female is so pretty and instead of said " beautiful " I often said / called " whore "

    • @johnmoss6631
      @johnmoss6631 3 года назад

      @Alfred Churchill Shut up.

    • @daaqua1439
      @daaqua1439 3 года назад


    • @mireyaestrada8821
      @mireyaestrada8821 2 года назад

      33 información lo

  • @matthewb1973
    @matthewb1973 3 года назад +8

    That smoke was crazy! We must have been right by you when you were filming this. Seemed like the best place to be was down by the military display area, especially when she did the high speed pass from right to left. 👍

  • @christopherloh936
    @christopherloh936 2 года назад +2

    It's a tremendous privilege for any pilots to fly this 100 million dollar stealth sophisticated fighter jet!

  • @richardbilovus1651
    @richardbilovus1651 3 года назад +21

    USA. Best neighbors in the world.
    I totally respect our Canadian service people and the USA forces as well.

  • @1kermodebear839
    @1kermodebear839 3 года назад +33

    Simply 1 of the best! (Major Kristin Wolfe)

    • @hamadacheikh5645
      @hamadacheikh5645 2 года назад

      Major Christine is one of the best pilots in the world 🎉🎉❤

  • @amarylessimmons8778
    @amarylessimmons8778 2 года назад +7


    • @OasisPeru1596
      @OasisPeru1596 2 года назад

      GOD DOES NOT BLESS any country that brings chaos, destruction, murders, suffering, poverty to defenseless countries, one day your country will taste its own medicine and it will learn in the end.

    • @ravichnadranv2230
      @ravichnadranv2230 2 года назад +1

      Super mam u r fantastic hero

    • @ppdy5784
      @ppdy5784 2 года назад +1

      We Indian also like very much such brave lady.

    • @kumaraperera9460
      @kumaraperera9460 3 месяца назад

      Super MAM,,❤
      GOD BLESS YOU....
      MORE THANKS.....

  • @tapankumarsarkar3648
    @tapankumarsarkar3648 Месяц назад +3

    God bless you sister. Excellent performance. Lot of thanks.

  • @bettylouwalker6427
    @bettylouwalker6427 3 года назад +13

    That is soo cool, and one bad ass Lady, Love to watch them fly those amazing jets like they do.

    • @kelvintan9219
      @kelvintan9219 2 года назад +1

      China j-20 is the best in the world,usa is 👎👎👎👎👎😭😭😭😭😵😵😵😵😵😵👎👎

  • @elwingy
    @elwingy 2 года назад +17

    i feel like being a demo pilot for a fighter jet is the best job ever tbh... you get to fly these things on the limit and not have to worry about certain military aspects of them.

    • @lhhg454
      @lhhg454 2 года назад


    • @MadX8
      @MadX8 2 года назад

      I don't think you can be a "F35 demo pilot". Could be wrong but pretty sure you have to be part of the USAF/NAVY to be allowed to fly these. Again i could be wrong, but i don't see the USAF (since it's the A model, i guess it's someone from the Air Force who's flying the jet) spending money on someone who can only fly these jets for Demo. So she's probably flying the aircraft to protect her country as well.

    • @elwingy
      @elwingy 2 года назад

      @@MadX8 you are probably right. My message wasnt referring specifically to the F35 but in general. But I do also believe that you cant be strictly a demo pilot for an F35 atm. Could be wrong tho.

  • @machspeed8153
    @machspeed8153 3 года назад +12

    Those are some proud parents. Awesome show

  • @ingridrobertshaw2283
    @ingridrobertshaw2283 4 месяца назад

    My husband flew the F86 in Korea. So proud of our American Flyers

  • @jenysandu2701
    @jenysandu2701 3 года назад +22

    Impecabil, spectacol, curaj, pefecțiune! Felicitări!👍

  • @ademir1964able
    @ademir1964able 2 года назад +20

    Everything very well organized! Nice pilot! Incredible aircrafter F - 35A!

    • @jianli4770
      @jianli4770 2 года назад

      ຂນັ່ງ ໂປໄທ

    • @jianli4770
      @jianli4770 2 года назад +1

      ສາມ ມຶກອນหยง

  • @toddgreenwell9568
    @toddgreenwell9568 2 года назад +29

    💯Outstanding video guys awesome pilot and crew a pleasure to watch her fly like that 👍👍her parents must be so proud of their little girl

  • @AbuJahed5tk
    @AbuJahed5tk Месяц назад +2

    Wonderful video of you playing

  • @РРА-з4з
    @РРА-з4з 3 года назад +24

    Красавица, супер молодец. Привет из России Сибири Красноярске😘👍❤🤝

    • @Kingaimpupok
      @Kingaimpupok 3 года назад +3

      @@АлексейБоклыков Интересно, а Русскими Витязями, или пилотами Стрижей тоже нельзя восхищаться? их же тоже учат убивать.

    • @user-hq2mk2eb2u
      @user-hq2mk2eb2u 3 года назад

      @@АлексейБоклыков Мишенью будет автобус в Воронеже ? Если свои раньше не успеют.

    • @christopherciciarelli7555
      @christopherciciarelli7555 2 года назад

      I hope your President stops the attacks on the Ukraine... If not soon u may see them flying over your country and then I will see what the Lighting is really capable of... 🇺🇸

    • @fatimahf9848
      @fatimahf9848 2 года назад


    • @ИгнатМордоворот
      @ИгнатМордоворот Год назад

      Тебя ублюдок ещё не взяли?

  • @nasirmahmood1521
    @nasirmahmood1521 3 года назад +25

    What a great people what a great progress my many many blessings for this lady flyer and great air force,

  • @Capo51
    @Capo51 3 года назад +17

    What a heck of a pilot✌️. Skill, courage, balls, and beauty. Great demo flight for Finnish future F-35 Pilots. The deal is accepted soon, 64 new F-35 to replace the Hornets. Good choice.

    • @blocksterz
      @blocksterz 3 года назад +2

      10 billion euros to fight who exactly ?lol

    • @LauriLevola
      @LauriLevola 3 года назад +4

      @@blocksterz 10B to not have to fight

    • @JampaB
      @JampaB 3 года назад

      @@blocksterz "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" -Theodore Roosevelt

    • @blocksterz
      @blocksterz 3 года назад

      Well .. that's has a point especially if you have one grumpy neighbor :)

    • @equaliser2265
      @equaliser2265 3 года назад

      Less balls I hope ,,,!

  • @PicklesofRedemption
    @PicklesofRedemption 2 года назад +1

    Videos make it seem so much more quiet then when you go to see it in person it's SO LOUD lol

  • @barretol.m.r.9333
    @barretol.m.r.9333 3 года назад +9

    Nunca subestimar uma mulher porque Elas são verdadeiras Guerreira, Parabéns.

  • @theexplorer9905
    @theexplorer9905 3 года назад +11

    Wow! Confident, Daring, Perfection and Style!

  • @amitagnihotri6374
    @amitagnihotri6374 3 года назад +33

    02:04 in this fighter plane small rubber band's role is also important

    • @chizzo73napoli56
      @chizzo73napoli56 3 года назад +1

      En el minuto 8:32 se ve reflejado en el domo del avión un ovni ,si observan bien no es otro avión no es una ave tampoco creo q sea un insecto,ni tampoco un drone

    • @TheKhitab
      @TheKhitab 3 года назад

      Indians dirty herw

  • @jerryruiz1245
    @jerryruiz1245 2 года назад +1

    Congratulations first take off! Awesome I wish I was you!🎉🥳

  • @larrypoeschel6871
    @larrypoeschel6871 3 года назад +24

    Simply awesome thanks Larry

  • @kc1fan2012
    @kc1fan2012 3 года назад +10

    I know this is for demonstration purposes, but I hope they move a lot faster in a combat situation. Love it!

    • @orlock20
      @orlock20 3 года назад

      There are a certain number of aircraft in the air at any one time with other planes set to go in high alert areas such as Alaska and South Korea.

    • @mikedoyle7300
      @mikedoyle7300 3 года назад +2

      I was thinking the same thing.

    • @thanhdatvan
      @thanhdatvan 3 года назад

      If you learn to fly F35, you can study in the US! As for the real battle, you should go to Vietnam to learn about battle strategies and tactics!

    • @mikedoyle7300
      @mikedoyle7300 3 года назад

      van good because you're going to need them against the Chinese someday.

    • @thanhdatvan
      @thanhdatvan 3 года назад

      Mike Doyle ! Vietnamese pilots discussed the tactics of each battle in detail. They had clear goals and solutions, so they weren't surprised by the big battle!

  • @carlosjuliopreciado108
    @carlosjuliopreciado108 3 года назад +20

    Espectacular la maniobravilidad de la capitana. Con el avión de combate. 👍👏👏👏

    • @HappySoraya
      @HappySoraya 2 года назад

      Stop bip evercost need batery did angry didnt attack me by stop truck

    • @Марина-о8у9м
      @Марина-о8у9м 2 года назад

      m.ruclips.net/video/zmZ623j_t_I/видео.html 👊

    • @carlosberrio2206
      @carlosberrio2206 2 года назад

      Major as she stated.

  • @victormary592
    @victormary592 3 месяца назад

    That initial salute is everything to me 😁😂, very professional 💪💥💫🌹

  • @pigybak
    @pigybak 3 года назад +9

    How did you get on the ramp? VIP pass?

    • @spencerhughes2255
      @spencerhughes2255  3 года назад +4

      This was in the normal air show crowd line by the statics.

  • @csisalesbasics673
    @csisalesbasics673 3 года назад +14

    Nicely done , Major, nicely done. Bravo

    • @tzackaria7
      @tzackaria7 3 года назад

      how many more qualified men had to step aside for her to get this spot

    • @Poseidonios_Bellerophon
      @Poseidonios_Bellerophon 3 года назад

      @@tzackaria7 Unfortunately a lot. She didn't do something special by flying it. USA nowadays is full of soyboys and white knights!

  • @FourMaxK1
    @FourMaxK1 3 года назад +16

    Power, Precision, and absolutely the Best! Respect! USA!

  • @ArmandoWilliams-qh7jr
    @ArmandoWilliams-qh7jr 9 месяцев назад +3

    This is a new fan of yours from Hollywood Hills California you are Awesome!!

  • @agneskatumbikavoi5990
    @agneskatumbikavoi5990 10 месяцев назад +7

    Excellent performance congratulations , respect and proud of you lady fighter.

  • @55Reever
    @55Reever 3 года назад +7

    Great demo. Watched from the VOS.

  • @rickarra1833
    @rickarra1833 2 года назад +47

    A pilot during WWII told the story of going home on leave and his parents wouldn't let him drive the newer family car because they weren't sure he could drive well enough

  • @الاعصار-م4ز
    @الاعصار-م4ز 2 года назад

    Excellent and beautiful, I am a friend from Saudi Arabia, and I wish my country to own this attack plane. Thank you for the offer

  • @hermiloagawa179
    @hermiloagawa179 3 года назад +23

    What a live video of this aircraft, amazing pilot

  • @gloryhalleluiah
    @gloryhalleluiah 3 года назад +40

    Amazing video and interesting air show. May God bless USA.....and everyone else.

    • @HappySoraya
      @HappySoraya 2 года назад

      I stop germany need never marsekal tni didnt germany but still seeing make cockpit ne didnt periodik unsur angry my department or tsnk if truck. Stop terorist will stoll my nane card i didnt irak at bush stop ciburuy

    • @tamrattamrat8735
      @tamrattamrat8735 2 года назад

      She was so brilliant infantry Philpot

  • @vodgeee
    @vodgeee 2 года назад +11

    Kudos to the female pilot - major SWAG ! Great video Spencer !!

  • @AbhishekK-hn4gd
    @AbhishekK-hn4gd 5 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing..young pilot lady performed really excellent dribbling of F 35..so confident n smartly she maneuvered the aircraft..
    Infact F35 itself one of an excellent state of Art technology fighter jet ever designed n built by Lockheed Martins..!!

  • @ShukokaiStu
    @ShukokaiStu 2 года назад +17

    Wow! Now thats just pure class from start to finish!

  • @johnkuhn7835
    @johnkuhn7835 3 года назад +13

    Excellent job despite the challenges! 👍😎

    • @MrIdasam
      @MrIdasam 3 года назад

      And what challenges would those be?

    • @johnkuhn7835
      @johnkuhn7835 3 года назад

      The challenges listed in the video description

    • @MrIdasam
      @MrIdasam 3 года назад

      @@johnkuhn7835 There are none listed. Smoke?

  • @mikecastro7117
    @mikecastro7117 2 года назад +6

    Wow! That'$ a real badass, kickass pilot!!!👏👏👏

  • @vijaygadhvi1111
    @vijaygadhvi1111 2 года назад +16

    Well done Kristin Beo Wolfe!You are an amazing pilot and a true inspiration for women who want to become a fighter pilot 👏
    This is real women empowerment!🙏

  • @dodymorengdodymoreng1879
    @dodymorengdodymoreng1879 2 года назад +32

    Beautiful pilot 👍
    Amazing skill

  • @schatzhipayoexplorer9362
    @schatzhipayoexplorer9362 3 года назад +18

    Wow i like her so much good job major bio I salute you. Take care always.

  • @mariarrossi32
    @mariarrossi32 2 года назад +23

    Que lindo! Parabéns! Sinto orgulho onde nós mulheres chegamos

    • @ياعليياحيدره
      @ياعليياحيدره 2 года назад

      مرحبا ماريا هل انتي متواجده في فلندا

    • @le4ndro150
      @le4ndro150 2 года назад

      Ela chegou. No Brasil seu gênero está em decadência.

  • @frincuivan7798
    @frincuivan7798 Год назад +4

    Это очень круто. Респект.😮😊❤✈️🛫🇦🇩🇺🇸

  • @jorgerusso5243
    @jorgerusso5243 3 года назад +29

    Tremenda piloto, me quito el sombrero ante ella, mis mas grande respeto

    • @daengasi4483
      @daengasi4483 3 года назад


    • @anterocalda668
      @anterocalda668 3 года назад

    • @thanhnguyenvan9349
      @thanhnguyenvan9349 3 года назад

      @@anterocalda668 .

    • @luisvazquez6192
      @luisvazquez6192 3 года назад +1

      Yo no me arrodillo ante nadie

    • @jorgerusso5243
      @jorgerusso5243 3 года назад +3

      @@luisvazquez6192 nadie se esta arrodillando, se esta admirando la capacidad de la mujer piloto, la proxima vez LEA Y ENTIENDA EL.MENSAJE

  • @rayperez9126
    @rayperez9126 3 года назад +13

    Wow she's Amazing 👏 😍 👍I'm So proud of her 🥇🏆

  • @BionicRusty
    @BionicRusty 2 года назад +5

    Deadly beauty.
    Same can be said of the plane 🥰

    @SATLOKXPRESS 2 месяца назад +2

    God bless you all ❤

  • @rubengomezkow3604
    @rubengomezkow3604 2 года назад +28

    que mujer tan valiente un ejemplo para muchos . y el avion tambien es hermoso

  • @raimundovitalino4741
    @raimundovitalino4741 3 года назад +8

    Thank you for existing.(Brasil)

    @DERAVAX 3 года назад +10

    Brazil here 🇧🇷
    Excelente aeronave, pilotagem precisa 👌

  • @erikdebruyne229
    @erikdebruyne229 2 года назад

    Met her yesterday at the sanicole airshow. What a lovely Lady.

  • @kashifhaleem4503
    @kashifhaleem4503 3 года назад +10

    The magnificent super sonic fighter jet ever produce by USA , amazing invention !

  • @foxxwhite1544
    @foxxwhite1544 3 года назад +12

    "wait a minute guys, I'm arranging my hair"
    Take-off cancelled, war is over...

    • @paulcallen6129
      @paulcallen6129 3 года назад +2

      I came here looking specifically for this comment... lol- thanks.

    • @triple466
      @triple466 5 месяцев назад +1

      Jealousy not good

    • @luckystone2293
      @luckystone2293 2 месяца назад

      This is an airshow not war and you can't stand the fact this woman has a job you can only dream of in your wildest dreams.

  • @Jose_Jimenez
    @Jose_Jimenez 3 года назад +12

    The Major is outstanding!

  • @YieYie-d7b
    @YieYie-d7b 6 дней назад +1

    Awesome pilot lady pretty 😮😊🤙🏻🇺🇸👩🏼‍✈️💪🏻🇺🇸💪🏻

  • @churitos12
    @churitos12 3 года назад +18

    Es una Mujer jóven, que maravilla, pilotear un (avioncito) como ese, Genial, Felicito a la Piloto....Que Gran espectáculo...Que DIOS cuide siempre su vida.....

  • @SirScottland
    @SirScottland 3 года назад +38

    Can’t wait to see them next month in Loveland, CO!!!

    • @JB-rt4mx
      @JB-rt4mx 3 года назад

      Me too..I live in Kelum

    • @aandc2005
      @aandc2005 3 года назад +2

      I saw them at pease in NH...they flew around for about 1 mins then landed....😡 yes I know it cost 1000's to fly them but that's what tax dollars are for..

    • @othmanbenchiha2174
      @othmanbenchiha2174 3 года назад +1


    • @devarajmarudevarajmaru5634
      @devarajmarudevarajmaru5634 3 года назад


    • @chhengsary6342
      @chhengsary6342 3 года назад


  • @muradik.23
    @muradik.23 2 года назад +26

    Женщинам всегда восхищает а летчики особенно. Было очень замечательно.

    • @sinisaparlic2741
      @sinisaparlic2741 6 месяцев назад

      Педеру бугарски!

    • @rezahadinezhad5614
      @rezahadinezhad5614 6 месяцев назад

      زنده باد اوکراین ❤ لعنت به روسیه متجاوز 😊

  • @wscaff
    @wscaff 2 года назад +6

    You go girl! You make your family and country proud of you!!!! Nothing you can't do, wonderful role model!!!

    • @davidcrawford5259
      @davidcrawford5259 2 года назад +3

      I would fly with this pilot anytime. She is truly a professional. Thank you for your service, continue to always " AIM HIGH" . From an Airforce Veteran.

    • @mayimunnur8010
      @mayimunnur8010 2 года назад

      @@davidcrawford5259 q1

    • @DaRa-hb4fk
      @DaRa-hb4fk 2 года назад

      @@davidcrawford5259 and a half

  • @itzikhokhberg2199
    @itzikhokhberg2199 3 года назад +17

    Красавица, героическая женщина! Миллион похвал.

    • @rezahadinezhad5614
      @rezahadinezhad5614 6 месяцев назад

      زنده باد اوکراین ❤لعنت به پوتین روانی ❤

  • @roberttomyn1599
    @roberttomyn1599 3 года назад +13

    WOW What a demonstration!

    • @DrWhom
      @DrWhom 3 года назад

      of a shit airplane

    • @alexkor380
      @alexkor380 3 года назад

      circus show.

    • @alexkor380
      @alexkor380 3 года назад

      Ow it can fly? Impressive. Can F-35 repeat this: ruclips.net/video/dDsK6RQjwxA/видео.html

  • @roblockhart6104
    @roblockhart6104 3 года назад +13

    Now that's not something you see everyday. Talk about gawk factor times a million. Love how she carries herself too with such noticeable swag and confidence. And talk about an overachiever -- she only has a BS in chemical engineering, attended the University of Alabama, flown both the F-22 and F-35, worked her way up to major, team commander, senior pilot, list goes on.

    • @dalemclean5254
      @dalemclean5254 3 года назад +3

      she only got that high because she is a woman

  • @theboywhodroveaway7954
    @theboywhodroveaway7954 2 года назад +1

    First female pilot I've seen. Very nice video!

  • @luciam3910
    @luciam3910 3 года назад +13

    Super! Удачи и крепкого здоровья всем. Спасибо.

  • @moherr1
    @moherr1 2 года назад +7

    Imagine that noise in the sky of a small territory like Switzerland.... poor people

  • @Lee-70ish
    @Lee-70ish 2 года назад +24

    The 35 seems to be a very capable aircraft.
    Obviously all kit is not really proven until used in anger but if it performs anywhere near with the 15s record it will be great.
    Nice display by the aviator.

    • @kege8388
      @kege8388 2 года назад

      america u.s bad guy killer the world u.s. american harmful harm the world devil evil hell poop shit bull shit vc

  • @RKSamdhyan
    @RKSamdhyan 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for 1.75 lakh subscriber 🙏🏻🥰best wishies

    @RCBIGFLYER1 3 года назад +7


  • @ruthborgesalves9563
    @ruthborgesalves9563 3 года назад +9

    Q coisa mais linda do mundo, dá até arrepios, wow!!! ISSO Q É SER UMA MULHER EMPODERADA ‼🔝🔝👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

  • @MrJan123an
    @MrJan123an 3 года назад +6


    • @sixstringedthing
      @sixstringedthing 3 года назад

      一架好飛機和一個熟練的飛行員。 :)
      遺憾的是,這麼多人不了解這台機器的真正功能。 我很高興你這樣做。

    • @MrJan123an
      @MrJan123an 3 года назад

      @@paul_jmr8022 Thank you...

    • @quicogutierrez2838
      @quicogutierrez2838 3 года назад


  • @A.B.C.58
    @A.B.C.58 8 месяцев назад +1

    wonderful, heartening to see a courageous lady officer. congrats. God bless you all for a very beautiful and peaceful life with longevity.❤

  • @stevegibson3391
    @stevegibson3391 3 года назад +8

    She did Awesome😊🙏🔥 well done

  • @balkrishnalamichhane8344
    @balkrishnalamichhane8344 3 года назад +9

    Awesome performance,so sweet 👏👏🙏🙏

  • @alexcool6857
    @alexcool6857 2 года назад +13

    Great pilot and a nice person
    I'm in love!😃🇨🇦

    • @kelvintan9219
      @kelvintan9219 2 года назад +2

      F-35 Only for show, not for fight, only china j-20 is the best 👍👍👍👍👍.

  • @tropicjam7343
    @tropicjam7343 Год назад +5

    it is very nice that we see everything beside the flight in itself;it helps making everything very lively and realistic.The checking procedure is executed in a very robotic manner,kind of arty and modern unexpected ballet or happening;i enjoyed frankly this great vid!thanks!