There was a WWII German night fighter named after it, The He 219 "Uhu". Was supposed to be a war winner, but was too complex to be made in large numbers.
If you are not already familiar with it, there is a RUclips channel called "Yoll the Eagle Owl," that features a lady who owns a captive bred one. Yoll has an interesting personality, to say the least!
There is nothing quite like seeing a snowy owl in the wild. Two years ago, I spotted a snowy owl on a mountaintop in Acadia National Park in Maine. I have been hooked since and make every effort to see them while winter hiking.
I love owls so much. I still couldn't believe how they looked without any feathers 🪶... Lol 😆 I live in Oregon and there are great horned owls all over the place where I live. I love them. I found a mini owl the other day when night hiking. It had bright yellow eyes and and big head, tiny body, and it was striped. It was so cute. I got it on video and it came out and just hung out with me for like 5 minutes. It was like finding a pokemon lol
Greta horned owls have a very poor sense of smell which is one reason why they sometimes prey on skunks. They will also tackle porcupines which can end in death for both animals.
That's a lie no animal hunts a skunk you are full of crap making up stuff like that trying to con someone you don't know what you're talking about zip it 🤐
@@T69873No Animal is stupid enough to go after a porcupine and eat it that's an absolute lie you're telling us just a ridiculous made up BS someone always have to go and make up such nonsense and complete rubbish total BS
I saw a Great Gray Owl from about six feet away. I was walking down our wooded road, and turned to look into the woods and there he was at eye level right at the edge of the gravel road. It sent chills down my spine. We have lots of owls here, but I never saw one of these before. Unfortunately I looked away because a red tailed hawk screeched, and when i turned back the owl was at least 100 feet away in the woods then disappeared behind the trees. Never heard a thing when he left, and have not seen another since. 😑
Love owls. I watched a horned owl build a nest, hatch and raise its chick. It makes sense now that I think about it they lived on the greenway in a thicket of trees next to a river. On the other side of the path is a field of wild flowers. I have seen all types small animals so there's a food source. I have heard them hooting in my neighborhood on several occasions.
Snowy owls breed within the Arctic Circle but they migrate a bit farther south for the winter. In North America they favor flat grasslands similar to the tundra up north, but they'll also overwinter in dune areas near beaches. I've seen a couple at beaches on Long Island, NY, and I once spotted one in a tree within a residential area of Queens, NYC near a highway.
@@J242D the one in Queens was literally a drive-by. I was heading for the highway on-ramp when I spotted a guy pointing his cell phone up towards a nearby tree. I took a quick look and there was the owl, only 15 feet up and unmistakeable. I wish I could have stopped for my own photo. The ones on Long Island were alerted to me by birders. I got some really nice shots of one.
Saw my first one on Eastern of last year on Plum Island in Newburyport, Massachusetts. This one hung around well after all the others had gone back north, and I found it dining on a rat on the roof of someone’s house!! It was truly amazing to see such a gorgeous animal 🥰
I'm no owl expert but I have had quite a bit of experience with Barn Owls. I was surprised to see you didn't even mention Barn Owls. I live in Southern California near a lake. Barn Owls are fairly common here. We've had them form a nest in the top of our chimney. On a few occasions, they have fallen down into our fireplace. I had to reach up there to help them out - of course wearing a glove the whole time. A few years back, two baby Barn Owls fell out of their nest and into our yard. We rescued them and put them in our guest bathroom. Once they could catch and eat a live mouse that we provided, we let them go.
When i was a young boy, i remember seeing a white owl perched on a tree in front of my house at the time. It was so big with its wingspan. Not to mention beautiful. I dont know what kind of owl it was but thats the first and only owl encounter I've ever had. Ive been interested in them, fascinated even. They're so majestic, well hidden and unique to me. Amazing avians.
Love videos like these about various species. My daughter and I watch your videos every morning. She really gotta kick out of the size comparisons to the celebrities. Keep up the great work! Thank you again for all the vids! ❤
@@TsukiCove can you do a 5 animals that can’t be found anywhere else outside of their range 1) fossa 2) black wildebeest or white tailed gnu 3) proboscis monkey 4) takin 5) bontebok
Very interesting. Thank You. I have seen Great Gray Owls in Central Idaho. This is the southern limit of their range. You cannot hear them when they fly directly over your head. They are ghostlike, magnificent creatures. Thanks again.
saw an owl in the woods in Illinois, I saw it swoop in, I heard nothing, we just sat there and looked at it for about a minute before it took off, it felt like you were looking at something special, love owls
Living in Canada I have seen most of the large owls, but have never seen an owl as big as the Great Grey that moved into our area, it was on a fence post and was easily over 30 inches in overall length.
I have an owl story. I was in 4th grade and I told the teachers that there was a black spotted owl near a tree. We went over and she had made a nest on the ground. A kid who bullied me found out and tried to destroy the nest but got expelled for the rest of the year. The owl trusted me and let me check her eggs making sure that they were ok afterwards
Love owls and always did! There is a great horned owl living in the woods where I live and sometimes I hear him or her hoo-hoo in the morning. Only seen him a couple of times, but glad he is there! Your comparison to people is hilarious, and gives a great idea of how big these owls are! thanks for sharing!
I am very thankful to have encountered over a dozen wild Snowy Owls in my short lifetime and I will say where I'm from, they go after much larger prey. One of the ones I found was eating a White-winged Scoter.
When I was about 13 years old living in Wilmington, NC, I saw a huge owl. It was night when I spotted it. The owl landed on the branch of a tree in my front yard less than 20ft away from me. I froze in fear. The owls body had to be at least 4ft long. When it landed , the branch could barely support the owls weight. It held on as the branch leaned over. The owl sat there and stared at me for over a minute. Then, it hopped off the branch, spread its wings, and attempted to fly. It did not take off like a normal bird. The owl struggled to get lift. The flap of its wings was slow, and I remember hearing the wind being pushed. It finally got itself in the air, where it then seemed to do much more gliding than flapping. The wing span was massive. At least 10ft across. I followed it down the street until it flew out of sight. The owl could have definitely lifted a small child. I've searched online over the years for something that is close to what I saw. Your largest owl on this video doesn't come close to what I saw. Over 30 years later, I still remember that owl.
Contact Miguel at Sasquatch Theory. He saw one as well. It is not impossible that it simply grew larger than others. Sometimes animals travel very far from their native areas and most people simply won't believe. What a wonderful experience you had.
You can see snowy owls much further south, but only in the winter i believe... on georgian Bay we see them in quite a lot and they're often even seen as far south as Toronto... probably even the northern states as well... just saying you don't have to book a flight to Nunavut to see such a beautiful bird in the wild!
I was very exsited to hear more about the great horned owl. We have one- Maybe two but we aren't completely sure- That lives in our yard. (There is a woods right behind us). We always knew we had owls since we would here the owls in the morning or just late at night, but recently we actually saw them flying around. It was an amazing sight.
LOVE owls!!! It was good to have the 5 largest compared and described. We had resident great horned owls on our 40 acre farm in eastern Colorado and rescued a young one (about 1/2 grown) who had been pummeled by a storm and couldn’t fly. We called the State Wildlife office who said they would come to get him. In the meantime we fed him several strips of raw beef steak which he eagerly accepted. The U.S. Fish and Game agent took him to raptor rehab and asked if they could return him to the farm after his was fit. We agreed to the offer and about a month later, after dark one evening they brought him back. Thank you for your channel - so happy to have found you! 🥰🐅
I am happy you chose owls, I've had enough of listening to normal birds that just sing and make weird sounds. I had to listen to a corn crake for an hour straight whilst fishing and I've had enough lol
I loved the winter nights in Germany 🇩🇪 on snow-covered nights 🌙, enshrouded magically under moonlit and starlit skies, as white colored eagle owls, drift from snow ❄️ covered tree to snow covered tree, within the quiet forest, and the inspiration takes flight, as my mind is at a peaceful place and moment with my heart. 🌲🦉🌲🇩🇪🤹♂️🤸♂️🤹♂️🤸♂️🤹♂️🤸♂️
Anybody visiting the South of England, there is a falconry and conservation charity called the Hawk Conservancy, not far from Stonehenge! It has a collection of birds of prey including the following owls; great grey, Eurasian and Siberian eagle owls, barn, tawny, burrowing, long-eared, spectacled and others. Also eagles, kites, falconry and vultures. I love it!
All owls have round heads. But I get what you are saying because they have a much larger rounder head with those little yellow eyes. Well I mean their eyes aren’t like that’s how big their head is lol.
the great grey owl should have been replaced with the 2.2kg powerful owl from Australia, they weigh more on average and are heavier at maximum weights too, they also have larger wingspans than great grey owls
These large owls are such beautiful birds. Several horned owls inhabit the ski resort I oversee at night. When they call I call back to them imitating their call: "Whoo ... Whoo-whoo!" And they answer me !!
My friends and I use to booze cruise a long country road back where I grew up in small farm town Illinois called 700north. One day before passing this owl eating road kill on the side of road sprung up and took flight. It looked like earth opened up and a winged demon flew away into the sunset. That's what it made me think of. The wing span had to be as wide as the front windshield of my truck. Biggest bird I've ever seen. Great horned owl.
I just read an interesting book about owls ("What an Owl Knows") and one of the scientists interviewed said they now think that snowy owls are much more of a generalist and focuses almost entirely on lemmings only during mating season. Interesting new owl news!
Owls are the coolest birds around, period!!! They very rare to see outside and they awesome raptor like carnivores, high IQ and very rare sightings of large owl like the Barn Owls up to 3 feet tall or even taller. Saw Barn owl in Wi. Never forget the sight. Coolest birds around.
Very cool and informative. Love your dog too. I bet his favorite pastime is running, eating everything he sees and leaving 12lbs of fur at every corner of the house 10 minutes after you finished vacuuming lol. GS’s are the biggest goofballs.
I grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The town is called the Snowy owl capitol of the state. ❤ Before I moved I used to see them pretty much every winter.
Great video, but the map for the distribution of tge eurasian eagle owl is wrong. How do I know? I have one in front of my window keeping me from sleeping every once in a while...
I love owls and what they do for us. The bubonic plague was brought on by rodents. Owls could have helped but cities probably isn't where you'd find them even then.
The black plague was brought on by fleas which in those unhygienic days travelled on just about any warm blooded creature around including humans. Rats and other rodents got attributed to being the cause because they were already seen as unclean pests, they are, and they carry many diseases but the black plague wasn't really a rodent specific thing. The main cause of the plague was lack of good hygiene practices, people at that time literally thought bathing was bad for you. Owls are awesome though, they are like sky cats
The eurasian eagle owl is just magnificent
There was a WWII German night fighter named after it, The He 219 "Uhu". Was supposed to be a war winner, but was too complex to be made in large numbers.
The old world form of the Horned Owl. It's one of the birds I would love to see in my lifetime
Thank you! Well said.
Full disclosure: I’m a Eurasian Eagle Owl.
If you are not already familiar with it, there is a RUclips channel called "Yoll the Eagle Owl," that features a lady who owns a captive bred one. Yoll has an interesting personality, to say the least!
There is nothing quite like seeing a snowy owl in the wild. Two years ago, I spotted a snowy owl on a mountaintop in Acadia National Park in Maine. I have been hooked since and make every effort to see them while winter hiking.
snowy owls are one of my favourite birds due to their beautiful plumage
love this approach. would love to see more of these largest and smallest type videos
I love owls so much. I still couldn't believe how they looked without any feathers 🪶... Lol 😆 I live in Oregon and there are great horned owls all over the place where I live. I love them. I found a mini owl the other day when night hiking. It had bright yellow eyes and and big head, tiny body, and it was striped. It was so cute. I got it on video and it came out and just hung out with me for like 5 minutes. It was like finding a pokemon lol
Did it have ear tufts?
No they didn't.
You can Google it and see for yourself.
Warning! It's quite bizarre to see.
Also, Great Horned Owls are one of the few predators to active hunt Skunks. That's all you need to know that they are truly an apex predator
Also, porcupines, I think.
Greta horned owls have a very poor sense of smell which is one reason why they sometimes prey on skunks.
They will also tackle porcupines which can end in death for both animals.
That's a lie no animal hunts a skunk you are full of crap making up stuff like that trying to con someone you don't know what you're talking about zip it 🤐
@@T69873No Animal is stupid enough to go after a porcupine and eat it that's an absolute lie you're telling us just a ridiculous made up BS someone always have to go and make up such nonsense and complete rubbish total BS
Wow. They're nuts
I saw a Great Gray Owl from about six feet away. I was walking down our wooded road, and turned to look into the woods and there he was at eye level right at the edge of the gravel road. It sent chills down my spine. We have lots of owls here, but I never saw one of these before. Unfortunately I looked away because a red tailed hawk screeched, and when i turned back the owl was at least 100 feet away in the woods then disappeared behind the trees. Never heard a thing when he left, and have not seen another since. 😑
Love owls. I watched a horned owl build a nest, hatch and raise its chick. It makes sense now that I think about it they lived on the greenway in a thicket of trees next to a river. On the other side of the path is a field of wild flowers. I have seen all types small animals so there's a food source. I have heard them hooting in my neighborhood on several occasions.
Snowy owls breed within the Arctic Circle but they migrate a bit farther south for the winter. In North America they favor flat grasslands similar to the tundra up north, but they'll also overwinter in dune areas near beaches. I've seen a couple at beaches on Long Island, NY, and I once spotted one in a tree within a residential area of Queens, NYC near a highway.
Must’ve been amazing what a lucky encounter
@@J242D the one in Queens was literally a drive-by. I was heading for the highway on-ramp when I spotted a guy pointing his cell phone up towards a nearby tree. I took a quick look and there was the owl, only 15 feet up and unmistakeable. I wish I could have stopped for my own photo. The ones on Long Island were alerted to me by birders. I got some really nice shots of one.
Saw my first one on Eastern of last year on Plum Island in Newburyport, Massachusetts. This one hung around well after all the others had gone back north, and I found it dining on a rat on the roof of someone’s house!! It was truly amazing to see such a gorgeous animal 🥰
The wingspan comparisons were great 🤣👍🏾
A pair of horned owls migrates through my yard twice a year in south central Alaska, beautiful!
Owls are amazing,magical birds.The have an aura that is both mystical and magnificent.
Owls are the most gorgeous raptor! I love every owls.
I'm no owl expert but I have had quite a bit of experience with Barn Owls. I was surprised to see you didn't even mention Barn Owls. I live in Southern California near a lake. Barn Owls are fairly common here. We've had them form a nest in the top of our chimney. On a few occasions, they have fallen down into our fireplace. I had to reach up there to help them out - of course wearing a glove the whole time. A few years back, two baby Barn Owls fell out of their nest and into our yard. We rescued them and put them in our guest bathroom. Once they could catch and eat a live mouse that we provided, we let them go.
I guess Barn Owl aren't tall enough to make it into the "5 biggest Owls" list.
This video was about the biggest owls.
Maybe they'll do barn owls later. Fwiw, I think they're amazing and beautiful birds.
When i was a young boy, i remember seeing a white owl perched on a tree in front of my house at the time. It was so big with its wingspan. Not to mention beautiful. I dont know what kind of owl it was but thats the first and only owl encounter I've ever had. Ive been interested in them, fascinated even. They're so majestic, well hidden and unique to me. Amazing avians.
Love videos like these about various species. My daughter and I watch your videos every morning. She really gotta kick out of the size comparisons to the celebrities. Keep up the great work! Thank you again for all the vids! ❤
man this just reminds me how beautiful owls are. such amazing birds
Great idea & direction for the channel would love to see this in smallest as well as both for many other species !
What a great video! You gave so much good information with excellent photography.
I’d like to see a list of the smallest crocodilians. I’d be an interesting one since there are so many species.
Great. I am just starting to get the metric system, now I have to memorize Natalie Portmans? lololol😅
Thank you for using units of measurement that we here in the states understand
No worries :) Do You guys Measure all your stuff in Natalie Portmans?
That and cheeseburgers, freedom units are quite popular though
@@TsukiCove That and Gary Colemans.
I imagine a better world where we measure in devitos
I love the comparisons! Owls are awesome! ❤
Honestly I’d love for you to cover the River Dolphins. They are such cool underrated animals and I’d love for you to talk about them. Even the Baji.
I would love to see a shark species video, I don't have a subject suggestion but most facts about sharks are interesting and unique 🙏
Very true i'll see what i can do :)
@@TsukiCove can you do a 5 animals that can’t be found anywhere else outside of their range
1) fossa
2) black wildebeest or white tailed gnu
3) proboscis monkey
4) takin
5) bontebok
Very interesting. Thank You. I have seen Great Gray Owls in Central Idaho. This is the southern limit of their range. You cannot hear them when they fly directly over your head. They are ghostlike, magnificent creatures. Thanks again.
very informative love the actor’s comparisons too ❤
saw an owl in the woods in Illinois, I saw it swoop in, I heard nothing, we just sat there and looked at it for about a minute before it took off, it felt like you were looking at something special, love owls
I'm So Glad You Did A Video On Owls! They Are Interesting Birds, Good For The Ecosystem Too
Much Love From Massachusetts, USA
Living in Canada I have seen most of the large owls, but have never seen an owl as big as the Great Grey that moved into our area, it was on a fence post and was easily over 30 inches in overall length.
I have an owl story. I was in 4th grade and I told the teachers that there was a black spotted owl near a tree. We went over and she had made a nest on the ground. A kid who bullied me found out and tried to destroy the nest but got expelled for the rest of the year. The owl trusted me and let me check her eggs making sure that they were ok afterwards
I saw a snowy owl once when I was young.It was standing on a stump, by a bridge on the Wapsi River in Buchanan co. In Iowa.I have never forgotten it.
love your videos ... always very interesting great work man keep pumping the kickass videos out 👍🏻👍🏻🍻🍻😎
Love owls and always did! There is a great horned owl living in the woods where I live and sometimes I hear him or her hoo-hoo in the morning. Only seen him a couple of times, but glad he is there! Your comparison to people is hilarious, and gives a great idea of how big these owls are! thanks for sharing!
What a lovely video. Thank you bud.
I am very thankful to have encountered over a dozen wild Snowy Owls in my short lifetime and I will say where I'm from, they go after much larger prey. One of the ones I found was eating a White-winged Scoter.
Loving these new units of measurement
When I was about 13 years old living in Wilmington, NC, I saw a huge owl. It was night when I spotted it. The owl landed on the branch of a tree in my front yard less than 20ft away from me. I froze in fear. The owls body had to be at least 4ft long. When it landed , the branch could barely support the owls weight. It held on as the branch leaned over. The owl sat there and stared at me for over a minute. Then, it hopped off the branch, spread its wings, and attempted to fly. It did not take off like a normal bird. The owl struggled to get lift. The flap of its wings was slow, and I remember hearing the wind being pushed. It finally got itself in the air, where it then seemed to do much more gliding than flapping. The wing span was massive. At least 10ft across. I followed it down the street until it flew out of sight. The owl could have definitely lifted a small child. I've searched online over the years for something that is close to what I saw. Your largest owl on this video doesn't come close to what I saw. Over 30 years later, I still remember that owl.
Contact Miguel at Sasquatch Theory. He saw one as well. It is not impossible that it simply grew larger than others. Sometimes animals travel very far from their native areas and most people simply won't believe. What a wonderful experience you had.
You can see snowy owls much further south, but only in the winter i believe... on georgian Bay we see them in quite a lot and they're often even seen as far south as Toronto... probably even the northern states as well... just saying you don't have to book a flight to Nunavut to see such a beautiful bird in the wild!
I like great horned owl's i love how they look so angry and its cool that they are known as the most aggressive owl
I was very exsited to hear more about the great horned owl. We have one- Maybe two but we aren't completely sure- That lives in our yard. (There is a woods right behind us). We always knew we had owls since we would here the owls in the morning or just late at night, but recently we actually saw them flying around. It was an amazing sight.
Hi ~ if you're in the US, it's probably a great horned. So glad there are lots of them, but rat poison kills too many these days.
LOVE owls!!! It was good to have the 5 largest compared and described. We had resident great horned owls on our 40 acre farm in eastern Colorado and rescued a young one (about 1/2 grown) who had been pummeled by a storm and couldn’t fly. We called the State Wildlife office who said they would come to get him. In the meantime we fed him several strips of raw beef steak which he eagerly accepted. The U.S. Fish and Game agent took him to raptor rehab and asked if they could return him to the farm after his was fit. We agreed to the offer and about a month later, after dark one evening they brought him back. Thank you for your channel - so happy to have found you! 🥰🐅
I am happy you chose owls, I've had enough of listening to normal birds that just sing and make weird sounds. I had to listen to a corn crake for an hour straight whilst fishing and I've had enough lol
The talon strength of a great horned owl is said to equal that of the much larger golden eagle.
I loved the winter nights in Germany 🇩🇪 on snow-covered nights 🌙, enshrouded magically under moonlit and starlit skies, as white colored eagle owls, drift from snow ❄️ covered tree to snow covered tree, within the quiet forest, and the inspiration takes flight, as my mind is at a peaceful place and moment with my heart. 🌲🦉🌲🇩🇪🤹♂️🤸♂️🤹♂️🤸♂️🤹♂️🤸♂️
Anybody visiting the South of England, there is a falconry and conservation charity called the Hawk Conservancy, not far from Stonehenge! It has a collection of birds of prey including the following owls; great grey, Eurasian and Siberian eagle owls, barn, tawny, burrowing, long-eared, spectacled and others. Also eagles, kites, falconry and vultures. I love it!
Outstanding video ! 👍
Owls are my favorite birds. So pretty. You cannot hear them as they fly. Quiet and stealthy.
😊 owls are my favourite animal!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😮😮😮😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm fascinated by Owls, my favorite is the Verreaux’s Eagle Owl 🦉
The great grey owl is now my new favourite because of the round head
All owls have round heads. But I get what you are saying because they have a much larger rounder head with those little yellow eyes. Well I mean their eyes aren’t like that’s how big their head is lol.
The bigger the owls facial disc, the more it uses hearing for hunting.
the great grey owl should have been replaced with the 2.2kg powerful owl from Australia, they weigh more on average and are heavier at maximum weights too, they also have larger wingspans than great grey owls
Thank you! I honestly measure everything in Danny Devitos so this was very easy to understand!
owls blow my mind: thanks for descripion
I love owls 🦉 ❤
These large owls are such beautiful birds.
Several horned owls inhabit the ski resort I oversee at night.
When they call I call back to them imitating their call:
"Whoo ... Whoo-whoo!"
And they answer me !!
Wonderful - any more about owls - especially those from West Africa would be great.
My friends and I use to booze cruise a long country road back where I grew up in small farm town Illinois called 700north. One day before passing this owl eating road kill on the side of road sprung up and took flight. It looked like earth opened up and a winged demon flew away into the sunset. That's what it made me think of. The wing span had to be as wide as the front windshield of my truck. Biggest bird I've ever seen. Great horned owl.
How about a video on the smallest owls in the world? I most certainly give a hoot about owls!
Thank u! Liked subscribed and belled. Thanks for the donation sites!
0:52 sounds like Jack Black pretending to be an owl.
I just read an interesting book about owls ("What an Owl Knows") and one of the scientists interviewed said they now think that snowy owls are much more of a generalist and focuses almost entirely on lemmings only during mating season. Interesting new owl news!
Love it. Pressed don't like by accident. Love your narration
Thank you i appreciate it :)
Love the wingspan comparisons with heights of celebrities
The Natalie Portman Joke caught me off guard!!! 😂
the nutsack joke
Convergent evolution examples would be good 👍
The Hollywood people perspective is hilarious 🤣
Love your videos
Thanks i appreciate it :)
Owls are the coolest birds around, period!!! They very rare to see outside and they awesome raptor like carnivores, high IQ and very rare sightings of large owl like the Barn Owls up to 3 feet tall or even taller. Saw Barn owl in Wi. Never forget the sight. Coolest birds around.
I'd like all measurements to be given in DeVitos from now on, thanks
Right, sand cats. Just your everyday run of the mill thing of comparison. I weigh about 100 sand cats 🐈
Very cool and informative. Love your dog too. I bet his favorite pastime is running, eating everything he sees and leaving 12lbs of fur at every corner of the house 10 minutes after you finished vacuuming lol. GS’s are the biggest goofballs.
Damn the great horned owl is beautiful
Excellent comparison of wingspan to celebrities. Very funny.
You should make a similar video on the 5 largest eagle species.
Beautiful! Thank you.
Great video
I love all owls great and small
I love ❤️ Owls 🦉 !!!
I grew up in a small town in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The town is called the Snowy owl capitol of the state. ❤ Before I moved I used to see them pretty much every winter.
Owls are truly a magnificent bird worth giving a hoot. But please don't wonder in their territories as these birds can be vicious. 🦉
I only care that they can deliver mail...😉 Beautiful specimens!
Hedwig was not on the list...what a shame...
A pair of great horned owls lives down the street from me. I hear them at night, and see them once in a while.
Always good to keep up to date on my Natalie Portman facts
Hey Tsuki! How are your snake heads doing? Do you still have them??
I just like how you measured an owls wing span with celebrities.
Thank you. This was very interesting!
Beautiful video and explanations 🎉
Beautiful doggo at the end.
Great video, but the map for the distribution of tge eurasian eagle owl is wrong. How do I know? I have one in front of my window keeping me from sleeping every once in a while...
I was hoping you could cover the jaguarundi. 🧡
Haha Natalie Portman! I would love a video about bird intelligence rankings from dumb to smart
Owls are some of the most magnificent birds ❤❤
I love owls and what they do for us. The bubonic plague was brought on by rodents. Owls could have helped but cities probably isn't where you'd find them even then.
The black plague was brought on by fleas which in those unhygienic days travelled on just about any warm blooded creature around including humans.
Rats and other rodents got attributed to being the cause because they were already seen as unclean pests, they are, and they carry many diseases but the black plague wasn't really a rodent specific thing. The main cause of the plague was lack of good hygiene practices, people at that time literally thought bathing was bad for you.
Owls are awesome though, they are like sky cats
A video on the fish of Michigan would be cool
i like how a horizontal natalie portman just gets inserted outta nowhere xD 2:00
Amazing video!! Thanks a lot 🙏😊
UTO! My cat Ludo always reminded me of an Eagle Owl, he was 38lbs at his peak.
Asio Clamator. The most beautiful one, I love them❤️