PARCHMENT PAPER not WAX PAPER !!! Decoupage Tissue Paper w/an Iron and Dixie Belle Top Coat Sealer

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @jrubybowman
    @jrubybowman 5 лет назад +161

    Thank you so much! I tried this with gloss finish Mod Podge and plain bond paper with a design printed from my printer. I put 2 layers of Mod Podge, let it dry overnight. Then I laid down my design on the painted wood, used some parchment paper over the design, used a HOT DRY iron. Took about 10 seconds and the design adhered beautifully. No bubbles, no slipping, no wrinkles, just wonderful. After it cooled, I then coated the whole thing again with another two coats of Mod Podge, letting it dry in between coats and my craft is perfect. I was nervous about getting small pieces of paper wet with the Mod Podge and feared wrinkling or slipping, but this technique is wonderful. It turned out beautiful.

    • @anneslinger2189
      @anneslinger2189 5 лет назад +8

      Thanks so much for posting this! I was wondering if this would work with other paints, or if it was something special about the paint that was used in the video.

    • @ritaholmes6962
      @ritaholmes6962 5 лет назад

      Will this work if I print on regular paper in pieces and put the pieces back together?

    • @teresahaven9222
      @teresahaven9222 5 лет назад +10

      I was curious about this. I wanted to make an anniversary gift for my daughter and her husband with the longitude and latitude and date of their wedding. (February 29, 2012). Their 2nd anniversary is coming up this coming February. They got married after being together 10 years, their slogan was "10 years long, 10 years strong". I want to add all these things to a picture of their kiss. I am truly excited!!!

    • @susannaclemente3899
      @susannaclemente3899 5 лет назад

      Ann Eslinger l

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +5

      when it comes to printing pictures, I've only used Laser printers so I can't answer with 100% certainty that the ink will not smear. It worked great with the Laser copies. Piecing them together would work but you'd have to be really precise to get it all to line up seamlessly. @@ritaholmes6962

  • @MrMrspeterson08
    @MrMrspeterson08 Год назад +1

    I have 4 woodenTV trays a customer wants decoupaged. My first attempt was horrible, as the paper (very thin tissue) simply shredded when applying topcoat of modge podge. Thank you so much for this tutorial. It worked like a dream, no wrinkles, no bubbles. Made my life much better!!

  • @jaytee2642
    @jaytee2642 5 лет назад +7

    I clicked the link for zazzle....
    💞❤ 💞 ❤💞
    Where have I been all my life? 😲
    I had NO IDEA such gorgeous papers existed!
    Now I want to decoupage my nightstand. 😁👍🏻
    Thank you for explaining your method so clearly.

  • @DianaRodriguez-tx9ol
    @DianaRodriguez-tx9ol Год назад

    Thank you for sharing this technique. Making things prettier makes everybody happy! 😃

  • @rubiobrandi
    @rubiobrandi 4 года назад +6

    I love how this project turned out and your tutorial was easy to follow amd understand, and is the only tutorial I found online that clearly showed each process, step by step. Very helpful for beginners trying to learn more techniques like myself! Thank you for showing us your work! You are talented and I look forward to watching more of your videos.
    As for all the rude, mean, unnecessary and unrelated comments, just BRUSH IT OFF GIRL!! I always try to remind myself that someone else's opinion is none of my business and refuse to let their opinion affect me, especially if that person is not someone I value respect. THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS VIDEO OR YOU CHANGING YOUR MIND.. NOTHING. AGAIN, GREAT TUTORIAL!!! Thank you again!!

  • @gigles0927
    @gigles0927 5 лет назад +2

    Wow, so many can not pay attention to the video, asking the same questions, you have more patience than I to keep answering the same question over and over. Anyone could have followed this video, the corrections were made, I think it was well done. Thank you so much for taking the time to teach us all a new (to me anyhow) technique of doing this. Your tray looks beautiful. Please never mind the naysayers and cyber bullies who pick on anyone less than perfect, there are many who love the fact that someone would take the time to do a video to teach. Am going to hit the subscribe button now!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you :) That is so sweet of you and I really appreciate the kind words. I hope you are having a FABULOUS weekend !!! HUGS :)

  • @judyadelizzi9307
    @judyadelizzi9307 5 лет назад +9

    Another idea you could put hooks along the bottom for like keys and hang it! Love this! Beautiful!

  • @BrendaJaime-s9c
    @BrendaJaime-s9c 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this stunning share! This is definitely on my bucket list for spring and easter. (The smile on your face was priceless!)

  • @rebeccagable9629
    @rebeccagable9629 5 лет назад +5

    Cool video---I always decoupage thin paper/paper napkins on bright white paint to keep it bright. TY for posting!

  • @hollyhold6960
    @hollyhold6960 4 года назад

    You are so fun to watch, you obviously get joy out of the artistry of your work!

  • @andreakirkpatrick2600
    @andreakirkpatrick2600 5 лет назад +6

    😲LOVE THIS! I’ve been decoupaging wrong my entire life!! Game changer!!!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thanks Andrea :) and I hope you saw in the title that I accidentally was saying Wax paper....I meant to say PARCHMENT paper. It definitely is my favorite way to decoupage .. I hope you have a fabulous day !! HUGS :)

    • @lorettaburt908
      @lorettaburt908 4 года назад

      Wow she has gift of g...

    • @amandahastings-d1r
      @amandahastings-d1r 10 месяцев назад

      Looks great

  • @margaretmonk4932
    @margaretmonk4932 9 месяцев назад

    wow, I just used this method on cardstock to see if I could iron on tissue paper and dinner napkins instead of doing it wet with glue. It worked beautifully. I wondered if there were any video's on that and just found yours. Good to know it works on other material as well.

  • @Grambo1946
    @Grambo1946 5 лет назад +4

    I tried this and it is working great so far, I'm at the stage where I just put the GH over the tissue and it wrinkled up hopefully when it drys it will smooth out when I iron it again. By the way I didn't have any parchment paper so I used some of my tracing paper. I'm on a tight budget and can't afford too many Prima transfers yet, so using tissue paper fits. I just wish I could find a tissue company that wasn't as slow at shipping. Update: after my GH dried the wrinkles did not go away. I ironed them flat and it looks kind of like a crackle effect. I used 10 lb tissue, next time I'll use 18lb.

  • @33sunstar
    @33sunstar 2 года назад

    Girlfriend!!!! have inspired me. The piece you did is beautiful and I went and bought 2 slats of good pine. Cut them 10 X 16 and am making some for the ladies at the doctors office. Got my handles and I'm going to add some legs. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing. i got my tissue paper from Zazzle. Great selections.
    I did this for last christmas as gifts for people. I put barn handles on the sides and little rubber legs. I love this. I came back to see about the wax you used. Thanks again!

  • @2muchRnR
    @2muchRnR 5 лет назад +9

    Oh my! Awesome suggestions as well, especially the one on neatly tearing the paper using brushed on water! Thanks again!!!

  • @estegraff9894
    @estegraff9894 4 года назад

    Beautiful. You have created created a lovely peice of art.

  • @carlawolf8260
    @carlawolf8260 5 лет назад +3

    Wow it's just gorgeous . I love how you did it no mess or fuss . I hope they have a kit to do it in. I would love to try a project . Love your tutorial on the project and how you showed it .

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Carla !! I love using this method and I'm happy you enjoyed the video. Thanks again for watching and commenting ....HUGS :)

  • @wilmaminter5705
    @wilmaminter5705 Год назад

    I love the project. Thank you so much for sharing. Looking forward for more videos

  • @willothwisplx2516
    @willothwisplx2516 5 лет назад +3

    Oh Oliviia, all these crafts are so pretty, my favorite was the napkin you put on the wood. Just beautiful.

  • @KATHYHenning
    @KATHYHenning 5 месяцев назад

    I love your work, absolutely amazing, i want to make these for Christmas presents. Thanks again

  • @melodyjwilloughby
    @melodyjwilloughby 5 лет назад +10

    I've never seen it done this way. I really like how well u explained every step and all the differences. It looks so beautiful. Luv it

  • @joannetanner7282
    @joannetanner7282 2 года назад +2

    This is gorgeous. What a great project! You have inspired me

  • @pauletteharbin1320
    @pauletteharbin1320 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you! The process works great. I tried with a single-ply decorative dinner napkin and it works, too.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Paulette !! I'm so happy you gave it a try :) Thanks again and hope you have a GREAT weekend !

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      I just put up a new video on this method that will be easier for you to follow and understand the terms / names that I use of products.

    • @kiddor909gmail
      @kiddor909gmail 4 года назад

      Thx Amy. I have napkins & can't find that paper she uses. I went to the site and most papers aren't available due to covid.

  • @HeatherValentineMsFoodie
    @HeatherValentineMsFoodie 2 года назад

    Wow that is a nice cover of paint!!!!! Thank you for showing me that 💝🙌

  • @TheThriftyGma
    @TheThriftyGma 5 лет назад +85

    Love this. I have a question though. If you didn't want the mossy green colour showing through the tissue, why did you paint the top with the green instead of just using the other products? Thanks

    • @mzangel7ify
      @mzangel7ify 5 лет назад +18

      Thats what i was wondering

    • @lisameador2624
      @lisameador2624 5 лет назад +5

      This is a great idea! My next project, TY tons! Tons of helpful and inspiring ideas I have never seen demonstrated. I just subscribed! Lisa

    • @aujkalenic4203
      @aujkalenic4203 5 лет назад +4

      My exact question? I know I can change my mind midstream, lol

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +60

      The reason I painted it the green first I had said that I wasn't sure if I was going to cover the entire top of the board with tissue paper or if I was going to do a torn edge (tearing the tissue paper so it only covers part of the top to look more antique)..... I was going to do the torn edge, then the green would have to go all the way up to the torn edge because you don't want the white to be visible. When doing projects like this you film and then edit the video otherwise you'd have to sit and wait for the paint to dry with I painted the entire top (since I was using the green for the rest of the board's bottom and sides anyway so that I was prepped and ready on video for what ever look I ended up going with).... I had decided to cover the entire top with the tissue paper so I just went ahead and painted the entire top the white. Hope this makes sense.

    • @TheThriftyGma
      @TheThriftyGma 5 лет назад +10

      @@AjsVintageDesigns .. Thanks for your reply. Yes, I see what you mean. I just wasn't sure if a colour had to be applied before the other product. Thanks so much for explaining it. I do love the wrinkle free on such a large area.

  • @yukichan8952
    @yukichan8952 4 года назад

    Love your enthusiasm. It is infectious. Love your videos.

  • @Teresa-K
    @Teresa-K 5 лет назад +4

    Hi Amy,
    That is so lovely!! You are such a perfectionist and a great teacher. Thanks for all the tips. Much love and happiness, Teresa

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Teresa, I really appreciate that and glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks again...HUGS :)

  • @gabrieladeuschle3596
    @gabrieladeuschle3596 3 года назад

    I really loved the aged look. Absolutely GORGEOUS!! 💝

  • @poltex6188
    @poltex6188 5 лет назад +2

    After watching this video, I've decided to do a plywood floor in my kitchen. Planning to do Provence & white stripe, alternating planks. Looking for the right napkins or tissue to match the Provence, but wanting some pinks in the flowers, not too busy. I'm working in a 40' shipping container, so it will be a galley kitchen. I'm using 5 (BOQ type units) (shelves on top, drop-down desk, drawers on bottom) as my kitchen cabinets, so may do decoupage on desk part. Did a little sample already & can't wait to do it. Thinking I can paint & decoupage my boards before laying them, so I'm not crawling around on the floor to do it.

    • @veronicamontero8313
      @veronicamontero8313 3 года назад

      Can you show us your work?

    • @poltex6188
      @poltex6188 3 года назад

      Unfortunately I sold my place & not sure if I kept my sample. I'll look around & see if I can find it. Still unpacking.

  • @keepitreal477
    @keepitreal477 5 лет назад +1

    YOU ARE THE BEST TEACHER EVER ‼️‼️💜💜💜 I just love you lady I wish I had a friend just like you.

  • @julissimo1
    @julissimo1 5 лет назад +3

    This turned out lovely! Thank you for sharing these tips.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      You're welcome Julia and thank you for watching :) I hope you had a great day ...HUGS !!

  • @naeemamohammed565
    @naeemamohammed565 2 года назад

    Wonderful job thanks 😊 for presenting a technique method of decoupage over the wood I like 👍 it

  • @arthouse2030
    @arthouse2030 4 года назад +15

    I'm confused, why was the top painted green if you had to go back & paint it white?

    • @amandajones6481
      @amandajones6481 Год назад +2

      Dear Art House, she painted the whole piece in the Spanish Moss green, and then painted the top in white so that the decoupage tissue paper would show up against it. She wanted the edges to be in the green colour so they would match the green leaves on the tissue paper, but, when you decoupage with light coloured paper it's best to have a white surface underneath so that the paper shows up against it. I hope that makes sense to you. Love from Amanda in Australia

    • @arthouse2030
      @arthouse2030 Год назад

      @@amandajones6481 Thanks Amanda!😁

    • @MorningDove204
      @MorningDove204 Год назад

      You can cover an oops of gloss, with a thin coat of matte to matte it post, application. I learned this 25 years ago. To get a sharp graphic use multiple clear shiny coats, then a single matte coat last if that is the final look. Multiple matte coarse can soften graphing and lines. If that is your goal. Try it, it works.

  • @laurapeltier158
    @laurapeltier158 5 лет назад +1

    Steady and sure wins the race! That's what I tell my kids when we do a project. You never regret going about it steady and sure.

  • @nanastevens4094
    @nanastevens4094 6 лет назад +3

    This is a great method. Love it! Nice clear tutorial.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  6 лет назад

      Thank you, I'm so glad you found this helpful. Its a game changer for me when it comes to decoupage. I use to avoid decoupage because of the risk of wrinkles and bubbles, but this leaves a perfect finish. Thanks again..HUGS :)

  • @doloresungerleider4984
    @doloresungerleider4984 4 года назад

    Excellent demo presentation. Clear and concise along with great camera focus. Love the choice of paper and handles. Thank you for sharing this marvelous project. Kudos to you.

  • @lauraroy8012
    @lauraroy8012 5 лет назад +7

    Beautiful project! Thank you so much for teaching this method 💕

  • @wandakowalski7063
    @wandakowalski7063 5 лет назад +2

    Great video with a great way to decoupage. I've been looking for a way to use on furniture but glue and stuff seemed so messy. This is clean and easy. And the tip about how to tear the tissue with water and little brush is brilliant. Thanks SO MUCH!!

  • @deborahenderle4240
    @deborahenderle4240 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you so much for introducing us to raycycle treasures!!! OMG the selection of beautiful tissue paper is amazing.
    I love your channel❤️

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      You're welcome !!! I can sit and browse her decoupage papers for hours ... so many to choose from.

    • @2222dw
      @2222dw 5 лет назад

      I agree beautiful stuff!

  • @valerieviramonte2052
    @valerieviramonte2052 5 лет назад

    Wonderful tutorial and it is fabulous that you take the time to reply to comments, love that!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thanks Valerie :) I don't alway get the chance to respond to every comment....I have so many videos on this channel and I get comments daily even on videos I did years ago so I try my best to get to as many as I can, but unfortunately there are a lot of comments I miss and don't get to respond to. I wish I could get to them all. Thanks for watching and I hope you had a GREAT day !! HUGS :)

  • @2muchRnR
    @2muchRnR 5 лет назад +3

    Beautiful! And without all the mess involved with the regular decoupage method! Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!

  • @sandyyard5331
    @sandyyard5331 Год назад

    Great video!! You explain well & effectively!!

  • @bnaiisraelcongregation9469
    @bnaiisraelcongregation9469 5 лет назад +3

    What an amazing technique! Great video! Thank you!

  • @catcar8212
    @catcar8212 3 года назад

    Wow Amy this technique gives an awesome finish. No goppy painting. Thank you for sharing! This makes decoupage much more appealing.🌷🌷

  • @jafallica
    @jafallica 6 лет назад +5

    Great tutorial! Can you use this same method for napkins?

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  6 лет назад +4

      Yes, you can use it with napkins, just make sure you separate the layers of the napkins (they usually come in 3 ply, so you need to make sure you separate each layer before you begin.). Thanks again for watching .... HUGS :)

  • @christinematias8144
    @christinematias8144 5 лет назад +1

    I love your little iron. It’s so cute

  • @mbolis8438
    @mbolis8438 5 лет назад +3

    I am so inspired! Since that craft Iron doesn't get too hot, I wonder if I can do this on glass. Hmmm..... Anyway, can't wait to see your other videos!

    • @dianebrady6784
      @dianebrady6784 5 лет назад +1

      Actually....I think you may get along just fine as long as you use good corning 70/80s pyrex. Not the newer ones that come from China. Glass museum in Corning New York may be able to help. They can tell you the fracture temperature for various pieces. I just use old Corning glass for everything....crafting or eating.

  • @sherrie9241
    @sherrie9241 3 года назад

    This is a fabulous idea, I love the sanding instead of cutting too, great!

  • @Nonnie1227
    @Nonnie1227 5 лет назад +3

    Wow! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  • @wendegennardo222
    @wendegennardo222 4 года назад

    Thank you. This is beautiful, I am a big fan of antique roses. Love,it

  • @hwy138
    @hwy138 5 лет назад +16

    why waste the paint to just paint white over it ?

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I wasn't sure if I was going to do a "torn edge" or just cover the entire top. If I would have torn around the tissue paper for a ruff / torn edge look I would have needed to have the dried sage go all the way up to the torn paper to blend it in. I don't want the white / Fluff to be visible anywhere their isn't tissue paper. Hope that makes sense. So I could have painted it the white to begin with, but I hadn't decided what I was going to do as far as a look with the tissue paper when I started.

    • @pointyblackhat9045
      @pointyblackhat9045 5 лет назад +6

      Sherrill hubbard -as a general rule, when you Decoupage an item, you might put a layer of Gesso down first because
      a) you want to have a consistent surface texture on the surface you put your images on,
      b) it makes the surface you’re covering a better color for decoupage (if you are preparing a red surface, with fine white papers and images, for example. You probably don’t want the red to show under the white because it might muddy or dim the color of the image
      c) if you Gesso the piece you’re working on, you will have white edges, esp on canvas pieces which usually have an inch to cover all the way around. You have to cover that edge if you put your piece in a show, auction or other display. But you can skip this step if you have Gessoed.
      (And...Gesso is the wonderful ‘Artist Liquid Paper’ - If you make an error in the piece your working on, you can Gesso over it and fix it right up!)
      Now, I’ve told you more than you ever wanted to know in the world about decoupage and painting!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I just put up a new video on this method that will be easier for you to follow and understand the terms / names that I use of products.

    • @QueenVic67
      @QueenVic67 5 лет назад

      fashiontoppings hi hun you keep saying Spanish moss but then dried sage which one is it? Thank you x

  • @mommabearlisa4510
    @mommabearlisa4510 5 лет назад +1

    Hi. Do you know of a way to iron out the "chunkiness" on decoupage that's already dried and hard?

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I'm not sure what you mean by chunkiness... and have you tried ironing it already ?

    • @mommabearlisa4510
      @mommabearlisa4510 5 лет назад

      @@AjsVintageDesigns chunkiness meaning i guess wrinkles or whatever. It just feels HORRIBLE. {like chunky lol}. I haven't tried to iron it. I was afraid without asking anyone for opinions or suggestions before I made it worse. It's been done for a couple of years, but recently, I thought about bringing it downstairs and using it, but I can't use it unless I get it somewhat smoothed out because I was wanting to use it for a craft desk rather than this card table {since i am having to make a section of our living room for my craft area.}

  • @happinessalways2278
    @happinessalways2278 5 лет назад +4

    Can you add texture to your pictures? Such as dried flowers? I am making a picture of my sons wedding day pictures and would like to add flowers from the bouquet.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +3

      You could add the flowers after you are done doing the decoupage steps. You could hot glue the flowers on after you're done. :)

  • @homesteadingneeneeof5873
    @homesteadingneeneeof5873 5 лет назад +1

    Hello there it's Deb again. I finally got to the end of the video and oh my goodness what an awesome idea to do this in the drawers in your cabinets. Wow that is an awesome idea and could not imagine doing them any other way now. Thank you so much for this idea the tissue paper you have is tissue paper that I have had for a long time and had nothing I planned on doing with it other than the fact that it was absolutely gorgeous and roses are my favorite thing in the world . I am a soapmaker and everything is coming up roses lol I mean in the designs. I wish it was in the money part, but I am growing and building my business so yes right now money is tight and I'm always trying to find a cheaper way of doing things. Thank you so much for this idea take care and God-bless Deb

  • @rebeccatoland4954
    @rebeccatoland4954 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you! I have tried modge podge with napkins which both times turned out scary! Nice jacket! GO DAWGS!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  6 лет назад +1

      Thanks Rebecca :) Are you also a Georgian ? Go Dawgs !!! I quit doing decoupage with ModPodge after I ruined a few projects with bubbles and wrinkles. Now that I learned to do it this way with the nice finish... I'm definitely going to decoupage more often. Thanks for watching .... HUGS :)

  • @tracyhoffman7227
    @tracyhoffman7227 5 лет назад +1

    I love the colors you chose! I am in love with that tissue paper! Love the trunk you showed in the beginning. I need a trunk. I need some Dixie Belle Paint! So beautiful!

  • @christineatkinson1425
    @christineatkinson1425 5 лет назад +3

    Hi loved this method, I was going to question the wax paper then saw you changed it to parchment on your description, wasn’t sure if it was lost in translation , great video thank you

    • @carlettamcclellan381
      @carlettamcclellan381 4 года назад

      Just need clarification is it to wax paper or parchment paper that you're using? Love it though.

  • @donnacaffee5522
    @donnacaffee5522 5 лет назад +1

    Hi! Just watched your video and loved it. Subscribed immediately. Also checked out your interactions with people's comments. Great job on correcting your mistake on the wax paper and giving more detailed info on products even though you had already given much info on the video and links. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and talents.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks Donna :) So many people had questions so I just uploaded another tutorial explaining the products little better and I also use fabric, napkins and tissue paper.

  • @CathyRoseCreations
    @CathyRoseCreations 5 лет назад +4

    I thought I knew all the techniques for decoupage...this is new and I LOVE it. Can't wait to try. Thank you for the video. BTW...I use the wrong words all the time...especially "decoupage" and "collage". LOL

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I just put up a new tutorial that is easier to follow and shows this method on fabric, tissue paper and napkins :)

  • @lindataylor863
    @lindataylor863 5 лет назад +2

    Oh how I love your project! You're so good at explaining why you do things the way you do that I almost think I could do this...almost is the operative word here!!! Thanks for sharing and big hugs to you!!!

  • @Piperjones12
    @Piperjones12 5 лет назад +4

    Here's what works best for me. I use Mod Podge to apply, and when dry I literally dust the decal area with a light mist of clear acrylic spray and that completely seals it and stops all wrinkling and bubbles from applying a top wet coat. After that is dry, you then apply more Mod Podge or whatever you like on top. Easier and faster.

  • @revajobeattie1839
    @revajobeattie1839 Год назад

    Looking forward to trying this technique!

  • @sharonmills9912
    @sharonmills9912 5 лет назад +4

    What is gator hide?

    • @tinaknutsen
      @tinaknutsen 4 года назад

      Sharon Mills It is a Dixie Belle top coat that is water repellent and water resistant.

  • @tuthillg
    @tuthillg 5 лет назад +1

    Great tutorial! Love the iron method! So much easier and less messy! TFS the technique!

  • @camilomora8785
    @camilomora8785 5 лет назад +5

    its a beautiful work thank you so much for sharing it !!

  • @ronniesbrowneyedgirl
    @ronniesbrowneyedgirl 5 лет назад +2

    can this method be used on curved surfaces such as bottles and jars

    • @dellahicks7231
      @dellahicks7231 5 лет назад +1

      Cathy when I have done flower pots in the past, I do not use the iron, obviously it would not work, I just seal the pot, put the tissue over top, then seal it again.

  • @susanyee1
    @susanyee1 5 лет назад +11

    This is great! I recently went to a Habitat for Humanity Restore and they had tons of mitered wood really cheap! (some were cupboard doors without a handle)

  • @kirstensykes1363
    @kirstensykes1363 5 лет назад +1

    Great video.. very evenly paced and informative. Thanks!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Kristin :) I"m glad you liked it and thanks for watching. HUGS :)

  • @ImGinaMarie
    @ImGinaMarie 5 лет назад +4

    did you use wax paper or parchment paper? Wax paper would leave a film and stick to your iron I would think..

    • @flybarbflybarb8227
      @flybarbflybarb8227 5 лет назад +1

      Ginmars1 it happened to me when I used wax, I use parchment paper!!

  • @alexandrinasantiago8033
    @alexandrinasantiago8033 4 года назад

    Amy thank you so beautiful. Like all your ideas and tips. From Florida USA

  • @GrandmaPainter
    @GrandmaPainter 5 лет назад +22

    An easier, less messy way to decoupage. Thanks, Amy.

  • @reneemaurice9508
    @reneemaurice9508 4 года назад

    That is AMAZING AMAZING, I'm definitely going to be trying this as I decoupage all the time thanks for sharing

  • @kathymchale6053
    @kathymchale6053 5 лет назад +4

    this is fab....question for ya....i wanted to do this technique on my kitchen cabinets....would the top coat sealer be enough....ya know how grease is in the kitchen....and how to clean so as not to ruin the cabinets ....thank you so much

  • @gailstaples514
    @gailstaples514 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for the easy way to do a beautiful effect on the decoupage.Can not wait to try this!!!

  • @melissamonroe561
    @melissamonroe561 5 лет назад +4

    Brilliant! I love this! Does it really matter which brand of top coat u use? I can't wait 2 try this. 💟

    • @mycatzluvme2
      @mycatzluvme2 5 лет назад

      Melissa Monroe, I was asking the same question!! I can’t afford anything expensive and if you can use the cheaper ones, at least to begin with, I am going to try it anyway!! This is so much better, less messy and nice and smooth!!

    • @dellahicks7231
      @dellahicks7231 5 лет назад +3

      I have the done the same method with Mod Podge, I noticed that she stated on another comment by someone, that she quit using Mod Podge after ruining a few items.
      There are several tutorials out there using Mod Podge, I use napkins to do mine.

  • @elsieblakley2381
    @elsieblakley2381 4 года назад +1

    Love that print! My favorite!

  • @kaykirby3208
    @kaykirby3208 5 лет назад +3

    This is beautiful...❤️
    First time watching your the idea of this project
    Can I use this with a photo ...and could I use my cricut easy press
    Can I use a spray clear coat

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +2

      I've never tried it with a photograph, because liquids make the inks in photographs bleed or run, so you'd have to print them on a laser printer first to avoid the risk of the ink running and I've never used the circuit easy press either but as long as you can control the heat levels of the press you should be fine with that. I don't recommend using a spray sealer because the amount of product / sealer that would actually get on the area you are decoupaging may not be enough to reactivate when using the iron.

    • @kaykirby3208
      @kaykirby3208 5 лет назад

      @@AjsVintageDesigns thank you y our quick response with the valuable info 👍

  • @ladyknu-knu9906
    @ladyknu-knu9906 5 лет назад

    Thank you for this wonderful video. Your piece is so very beautiful. I liked the way you explained everything. You were clear and precise in how to do this. Your video was not to long or too short but just right. Thank you again and I'm going to try this. I love decoupage so I know that I will love this even more!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you !! I'm so happy you enjoyed this project and like they way I presented it. You just brought smile to my face reading your comment.....thank you.....HUGS :)

  • @CraigsOverijse
    @CraigsOverijse 5 лет назад +7

    I think painting the top in moss added an unneeded step why not just paint the edges moss and the middle fluff for the getgo?

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      I just put up a new video on this method that will be easier to follow and understand the terms / names that I use of products.

    • @forevercreating
      @forevercreating 5 лет назад

      It made it not so white, but with a little of the other color showing through. It least that has how I seemed to think of it.:)

  • @janterbran
    @janterbran 2 года назад

    Love this and your jacket! Go Dawgs 2021 National Champs!!

  • @magsmagsmac6609
    @magsmagsmac6609 5 лет назад +7

    Is mod podge the same as gader Hyde..?

  • @doloresungerleider4984
    @doloresungerleider4984 4 года назад

    Fantastic demo. Big hug right back at ya.

  • @HWolfe
    @HWolfe 5 лет назад +15

    Newer subbie; you should really be on t.v. with your crafts; you are one of the VERY best on YT and down to Earth! TFS

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +2

      Thank you :) That is so sweet of you to say .... I really appreciate it and I'm so happy you are enjoying my videos. I hope you have a fabulous weekend ! HUGS :)

    • @annroberts3635
      @annroberts3635 5 лет назад +1

      Beautiful job

  • @Scorpiomary
    @Scorpiomary 5 лет назад +1

    I love your project
    I would guess its water resistant.
    I was thinking about doing this on a table top.
    Thanks for sharing your technique

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +2

      Thanks Mary . Yes the Gator Hide sealer from Dixie Belle is water repellant and water proof . You can find it in the description box below the video . Thanks again ....HUGS :)

    • @Scorpiomary
      @Scorpiomary 5 лет назад +1

      @@AjsVintageDesigns thank you loved your projects 💖

  • @nancymac2445
    @nancymac2445 5 лет назад +8

    Thanks so much for showing us this technique! It's a great idea and the end result is beautiful! Now, what drawer did I put my craft iron in.......? LOL!

  • @PaperToPetals
    @PaperToPetals 5 лет назад

    Great idea! Love the paper and choice of colors! Like the finish of the paint. Would like to do my kitchen cabinets in that color! Thanks for sharing! I learned a new technic, cool!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Debbie :) I'm glad you liked the video and remember to use Parchment Paper and not Wax Paper ....I hope you caught all the corrections I had listed all over the title, thumbnail and description box :) Hope you have a FABULOUS weekend ! HUGS :)

  • @susiegarrett1
    @susiegarrett1 5 лет назад +6

    Love the project. First time to see your channel so I was a little confused as to what kind of paint you were using. Was it chalk, Acrylic different or latex. Also when you talk about adding different colors to the top I was not sure of what you were talking about. Example adding fluff to the top. Not being familiar with your product and colors it was very confusing.

    • @flybarbflybarb8227
      @flybarbflybarb8227 5 лет назад

      susie garrett she used Dixie Bell chalk paint. Is an American brand like Annie Sloan

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Sorry I made it a little confusing Susie. Dixie Belle paints is a chalk mineral paint, but you can do this with any type paints. Fluff and Dried Sage are both names of the colors. Thanks for watching and I hope you are having a wonderful day !! HUGS :)

  • @oliviapineda1318
    @oliviapineda1318 5 лет назад

    I will be trying this method, hopefully it comes out good , thanks for sharing.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      You're welcome Olivia and thanks for watching :) Tissue paper and napkins works best for this method.

  • @BJDBeautifullyJaggedDolls
    @BJDBeautifullyJaggedDolls 5 лет назад +6

    I am concerned that heating the Topcoat will was toxic fumes so a respirator should be recommended.

  • @donnaherbignat9457
    @donnaherbignat9457 5 лет назад

    If I wanted to finish bottom. What would you suggest? Glued down felt? The green paint. You do such lovely work that I’m wondering what you’d do. I’m thinking about these for gifts Thanks !

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thanks Donna :) For the bottom, yes, I'd use fabric adhesive spray and attach felt fabric to the bottom or paint the bottom and put the little furniture felt pads that protect furniture feet from scratching floors. :)

  • @pamelajo1947
    @pamelajo1947 5 лет назад +4

    all was well and good until I tried to give it a top coat...what a mess the tissue paper all bubbled up and I spent 1/2 day cleaning up this mess.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I've never had an issue with the tissue paper bubbling up. If I had any slight bubbles, after the top coat...when it dried they all played back down. I use this method a lot, so I'm not sure what went wrong with yours without seeing what you did or what products you used.

  • @brucecampo6543
    @brucecampo6543 5 лет назад

    I love this,it came out perfect ,the iron method is Boss, and I like your tip about the water ,gonna do this,thanks!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Bruce :) I love this method of decoupage. There are alot of ways to decoupage but for me this seems give me the best results. Thanks for watching and commenting :)

  • @debbiecooper3125
    @debbiecooper3125 5 лет назад +3

    I looked at the roycycled tissue on facebook and it says 2 ply, did you take one of the layers off before doing the ironing? Love this idea and will try it!

    • @kheventplanner
      @kheventplanner 5 лет назад

      My best guess is yes only use one layer!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I didn't separate the tissue paper I used and most of the papers I've purchased from zazzle didn't separate into layers (like when using the 3 ply napkins would ). I will email Royce Hunt who shop I buy my tissues from and ask her and get back to you.

  • @talindakelley189
    @talindakelley189 5 лет назад

    THAT is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Thank you for sharing.

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      Thank you Talinda :) Hope you had a GREAT weekend ! HUGS :)

    • @talindakelley189
      @talindakelley189 5 лет назад

      @@AjsVintageDesigns I did once I saw your video lol you gave me all kinds of ideas!

  • @chrisjones3901
    @chrisjones3901 5 лет назад +8

    Sorry from a none american i cant understand what are any of the products you are using,a brief explanation of what they are would make more sence

    • @flybarbflybarb8227
      @flybarbflybarb8227 5 лет назад +2

      Chris Jones she is using chalk paint and top coat. I do the same thing with acrylic paint, Mod podge but with parchment paper which is for baking but without wax. I hipe that helped!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад

      @@flybarbflybarb8227 thanks for helping out with responding to some questions. I get so many questions across all my videos (I have about 300 videos) so there are not enough hours in the day to get to them all and still do my job and house work.... I appreciate your help ....I've seen you respond to a few of the questions. Thank you !!!! HUGS :)

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +1

      I apologize for the confusions...... I used a chalk paint to paint the board (Dixie Belle is the brand of paint) and a top coat is a water based polycrylic sealer that you use to seal paint (gator hide is the name of the top coat sealer and its also from dixie belle) You can use a water bases polycrylic and paint from your local hardware and parchment paper can be found in your baking isle in your grocery store (not wax paper... I made the correction in the title when I realized I had said wax and not parchment)

    • @chrisjones3901
      @chrisjones3901 5 лет назад +1

      Tah from uk,

    • @genieb6922
      @genieb6922 5 лет назад

      Chris jones. I've been doing this for years. Just paint in white acrylic paint. When dry, modpoge and when that's dry, cover with grease proof paper and iron on a low setting. I use large rice paper for decoupage, rather than tissue paper, it's less likely to bubble . It's not edible rice paper and comes in lots of beautiful designs.

  • @brendastaley3993
    @brendastaley3993 4 года назад

    Really good video....decoupage effect is a favorite of mine now it can be done with out the mess...thank much👍🏽

  • @vegangelist
    @vegangelist 5 лет назад +5

    What is fluff and dropcloth? Are those product names or colors or what?
    To me, a drop cloth is something you put down when you paint a room. LOL

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +5

      I apologize, I've been using Dixie Belle paints for so long that I forget that not everyone knows the color names. Drop Cloth is their cream colored paint and Fluff is the name of their white paint. Sorry for the confusion . I hope you are having a FABULOUS weekend !

    • @vegangelist
      @vegangelist 5 лет назад +3

      fashiontoppings ok, lol. Thanks. I wish I were. Been sick in bed all week with a fever. Was watching some of your videos when I was trying to rest. :)
      Crafting is relaxing, even if I'm too exhausted to actually DO any of it right now. Ha!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +2

      I just put up a new video on this method that will be easier for you to follow and understand the terms / names that I use of products.

    • @beverlygail9169
      @beverlygail9169 5 лет назад

      Names of paint colors.

  • @lindafrench4670
    @lindafrench4670 3 года назад

    Absolutely love this! So gorgeous! I love floral!!

  • @melodykey5393
    @melodykey5393 5 лет назад +6

    You’ve kind of confused everyone by continuously saying wax paper instead of parchment. - I hope people haven’t ruined their projects with wax paper

    • @grannyofmany6777
      @grannyofmany6777 5 лет назад +3

      Melody Key ...I’m confused as to weather she is ironing with tissue paper or wax paper or parchment paper.......she has said all three but I’m thinking it is parchment paper.

    • @melodykey5393
      @melodykey5393 5 лет назад +1

      Granny of Many Ha ! I know - ok, I think this is the deal - NO wax paper - I think she didn’t mean to say that at all - the tissue paper is what has the design on it & the parchment paper is what she was ironing on - that’s my take, anyway !

    • @grannyofmany6777
      @grannyofmany6777 5 лет назад

      Melody Key ....yes, I think you are is a beautiful design and a very pretty piece of work as well.

    • @kaykirby3208
      @kaykirby3208 5 лет назад +2

      I wasn't confused it's in the title of the video. ... just a minor slip ..

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  5 лет назад +2

      @@melodykey5393 Correct. You are right. I accidentally called "parchment" paper" wax" paper but made the corrections in the title to reflect that as soon as I realize I did that. As far as the tissue paper, I guess I assumed that most people know what tissue paper is so I guess I didn't realize that was an issue as well.

  • @jackiesherburn1730
    @jackiesherburn1730 6 лет назад +2

    This is the best video!! Thank you so much for the step by step..clears up any questions I had!

    • @AjsVintageDesigns
      @AjsVintageDesigns  6 лет назад

      Thank you Jackie !! I'm so happy it was helpful. I can't believe how easy this is to do and get such a great finish. I have to give credit to Roycycled Treasures for selling these beautiful tissues and also for showing me how to do this. Thanks again ... HUGS :)