@hucker75 No, because the driver has to anticipate the pedestrian using the crosswalk and therefore if the driver suspects, that the pedestrian wants to use it, the drive has to slow down even before the pedestrian steps on the crosswalk. If you hit a pedestrian on the crosswalk it is always your fault.
@@mmbon9739 seems like this is a very country dependent thing. In Switzerland it's exactly as you say and pedestrians always have right of way no matter if they are standing before it or already on the crossing. I guess in the UK or US the rule is different?
@@Schattengewaechs99 Unless you do drug trials and lead a simple life. There are self professed human guinea pigs who take part in as many trials as they qualify for. If you're lucky you don't suffer any permanent effects. Some aren't lucky.
Funny how your brain can play tricks on you. Drive for a couple of minutes in a simulator and a part of your brain just decides 'well I guess this is reality now'. I wonder what my brain is tricking me about day to day.
Paul Sengupta Oh noooooo! Problem is, I’ve gained a taste for virtual sandwiches, I don’t think I can make it outside without them. Don’t unplug me! DON’T UNPLUG!!!
Customers who bought the RaceMax 3000 Steering Wheel Controller also bought.... "Honey, what is this 'National Advanced Driving Simulator' thing you put on your Amazon wishlist? It renders the price wrong somehow in my browser."
I love how you addressed this. Rather than just assume ‘Ok, yep maybe it has an impact’, you said ‘Hey we could test it, and do a video’. I’d be curious to know how this compared to say talking to a passenger.
when he talks to the camera he literally gets his eyes off the road, I guess if you keep your eyes on the road you are ok; even if youre still a bit distracted by the conversation.
@@JesusIsKing48 its about the focus of your brain, the focus of your eyes is just correlating. as soon as youre not thinking about driving your reaction time will be significantly longer and you might miss things. means talking and thinking about other topics can lead to you not reacting well and causing an accident. just concentrate on driving while driving. live in the moment and enjoy your freedom of movement.
@@JesusIsKing48But in the video, the moment where he fails to see the stopsign is one where he was looking at the road. A distraction is a distraction.
It would be interesting to see the effects of just talking to passengers as well, whether it would be just as bad as talking to a camera, or whether it would be somewhere between that and normal driving.
Even when talking while keeping my eyes on the road, especially when cornering on a multilane road, I tend to accidentally cut into the lane next to mine, which could be dangerous if there's a car right behind of me on the next lane. I had encountered this a few times so I don't tend to talk while driving especially when driving in a residential area.
@@samarnadra So in that case, if you were talking to a camera, it wouldn't be as bad as speaking to someone hands free, as you can stop speaking and put your full attention at any time
@@alex6027 nice try but no. The brain is more active talking to someone that is not there. As stated above in some situations (like motorway driving) having someone who is physically there to talk to can actively help concentration, it seems that having visual stimulus without physical activity of some kind makes your brain drift off. But using hands free in the same situation makes you 4 times more likely to crash. Bloody inconsistant and complex brains!
The most important thing here is, doing things that need concentration (as talking to a camera, but also talking to a passenger or on the phone on complex topics like business or controversial topics) is bad. While light talking is fine. This much more important than hands free or not, a study found out.
But that also introduces more variables. Some people probably focus more in real conversation, and struggle with ADHD while alone. But more interestingly to me, the passengers can also watch the road as well, and bring certain things to the attention of the driver in rare cases. It makes me wonder if it would balance things out with real passengers.
I live in Iowa, and I actually got to use a smaller, mobile version of this tool at a school showing a few years back. It wasn't as fancy as all the hydraulics, but it had the car and the wheel, and the point was to show all of us how dangerous texting and driving really is. They even his little easter eggs in in too. I found a bear in a parking lot.
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueit could be a lot of things, the most common cause is if any kind of pad you have down by the pedals getting stuck on top or behind the pedal, like a WeatherTech floor mat or something getting stuck. Its extremely dangerous and there has been cases of people being unable to stop their vehicle because it can affect braking as well by preventing you from pushing the pedal, resulting in a serious crash at high speed. This is why I don’t have any kind of floormat by my pedals.
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueanother cause for specifically diesel engines is called a “runaway diesel”, in which the diesel engine inhales some kind of “contaminated air” that it uses as an external fuel source, causing it to essentially go pedal to the floor despite the driver no actually pushing the pedal. The way you deal with that is shift the vehicle into neutral and kill the engine, or try to starve the engine of air, and use an e-brake if you have one. Edit: if the diesel in question is a manual, try to stall the engine by engaging the clutch, and shifting gears. If you destroy your transmission or clutch doing this, that is replaceable but your life is not.
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueit could also be an electronic malfunction where the vehicle “thinks” your pressing on the throttle, but your not. If your vehicle allows it you can just shift into neutral and kill it, or just use your brakes like tom did.
I genuinely considered making the title of this "Yes, It's Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving", but I couldn't work out if getting rage-clicks from confident drivers who disagree was actually more clickbaity...
This is precisely why I get annoyed with things like carpool karaoke and carpool interviews etc. Stupid concept and dangerous as well. And thanks to being on main stream media completely normalises this dangerous behaviour.
From riding motorbikes and understanding the importance of focused attention, I then hate it when people try to talk to me in the car. I don’t even have the radio on - hence I choose a car with an engine note I like.
Being a cycle courier I've learned that you can't trust anyone inside a vehicle because they're too easily distracted. Shiny buttons and lights to press, radios, GPS, mobile phones, other passengers. But it's ok for them because they're inside a nice safe box that is designed to protect them from their own failures In attention!
true. i almost lost half a leg exactly one year ago because of a driver who was distracted by his shiny phone hitting me at over 6omph (possibly faster, but the speed limit was 60). Right calf muscle was sliced in two right through to the bone. and to be clear to the cycle haters, i had 6 rear lights plus hi vis and reflective clothing when he drove in to the back of me on a clear, almost empty dual carriageway in dry weather
things may be different where you are but at least where I live the bicyclist swerve in front of traffic and ride in the center of the road and have absolutely no regard for any laws of the road which they are to abide by just as a vehicle including stopping at a stop sign at a 4 way stop
Being a driver, I have learned the same thing. I am astounded by how normal it is to drive distracted. People have gotten mad at me for suggesting that you should not talk on even a handsfree device while driving, way too many people seem to consider it normal to eat or drink coffee while driving, and I have definitely seen a lot of people with their phone in their hands while driving. The most amusing one I've seen was a guy who was practicing his trumpet. All of this is on top of the fact that people seem to drive way too close to one another and seem to completely forget about the 2/3-second rule, forget that the left lane is the passing lane, and think that the speed limit means "drive at least 10 km/h faster than this speed, preferably more", forgetting or disregarding that stopping distance increases _exponentially_ with speed. Regarding GPS, I do use Google Maps on my phone, but after I realized how distracting it is to have the screen there, I started navigating using only the voice, and I advise all others to do the same. Google Maps gives very nice and detailed directions, telling you what streets you need to watch out for and even which lanes to take in certain situations, so you don't really need the map, though I have also once successfully done this with an old Garmin GPS with directions that are not quite so detailed but still say street names.
To be honest (and not to sound snarky in the least) I am not surprised that talking to a camera and driving can make someone more likely to crash. I say this in all fairness because really anything that takes your mind and eyes off the road is a distraction and when your driving, you need all the focus you can get!
Touchscreens are also an issue. With buttons in a vehicle you can memorize where they are/feel for them. But here's an experiment- when you're driving in a slow safe area, try to unlock your phone without looking. You should feel a NOTICEABLE pull to look as you fight your brain going into touchscreen-usage mode and forgetting about driving. I believe they have no place in a car as long as the car is in motion/not fully automated.
@@Krytern The thing is, taking away any of your attention could be too much. Half a second to look up where your fingerprint sensor is, could be the difference between stopping timely for someone coming from the right, and getting hit by that person from the right.
So interesting. Some of the vloggers I watch create videos in their cars while driving, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was safe. I try not to vlog while driving! Thanks for this education!
As a professional driver all the issues mentioned in the video were kind of known to me. What actually caught my attention, why the simulator needs to move laterally on the XY plane. Even aircraft simulators don't move around like that. Curious.
Probably just so the simulator can create a feeling of acceleration no matter which direction the pod is facing. I don't think it actually moves perpendicular to the direction of travel during operation. Though it would sure add some realism to the experience of a side impact.
Running is a dangerous activity. You can fall and get hurt. I'd argue that it doesn't make it ok to talk to a camera while running full speed in the streets.
I find myself to be a worse driver with a passenger because I have to think about talking to them. That is an absolutely terrifying thing because I obviously don’t want to endanger my friends’ lives let alone my own
biggest step is already done - realizing this fact. most people are not aware. now you can do something about it. tell passengers to give you a minute or that you need to concentrate whenever youre about to enter more traffic or generally a complex situation like an intersection. also if you notice the topic youre talking about to be emotional or very interesting - ask them to talk about it later when you can focus on it :) drive safe!
i got ADD and was in an utterly avoidable car accident with a truck (driving a Fiat...). I got whiplash and the realization that something's wrong with my attention capabilities. I found culprits now: stress, sure, but even talking to other people. So when it's a long road that I don't quite know yet I will tell my passengers: oi, I will now listen to a CD/album somewhat loudly, you can choose of the available ones, and I won't talk to you unless it's something short and essential like you having to take a leak or whatever. No accidents ever since. Some near-accidents but not on my account - but the fact that I was vigilant is the only reason they didn't turn to accidents as well. And even then, that bit of luck. Tho the chance of that "luck" is vastly improved if you never touch your phone, not even to skip a song.
@@njux1871 loud music is generally considered a distraction. listen to the car/road and concentrate on driving, whats next - i know easier said then done with add but if youre not able to you maybe shouldnt be driving bro.. :\
Tom, I have a question about the methodology of this experiment. Do you think you would have performed any differently in a right hand drive vehicle as it's, presumably, something you're more confident driving?
Since he did a comparison of 15 minutes distracted and the same of normal driving, he'd still have sound data. They only talked about distracted driving afterwards because it showed how bad it was.
Although distracted driving is undoubtedly more unsafe, a sample size of one does not afford any conclusions. Tom being from UK and used to driving on the other side would undoubtedly also affect his performance to a degree. They need to get at least 2000 more people of varying ages/demographics/driving experience to participate in the same experiment talking to a camera while driving and document the results for a scientifically rigorous result. Perhaps they have, I'll need to look into it.
@@HellHunter00 I'm fairly certain a bunch of scientists (and Tom) figured out this wasn't anything close to being an adequate sample size. This was more about taking Tom, an individual, who thought he'd done ok driving while talking into a camera, and showing that, in fact, he was a lot less safe than he thought he was. It's a bit like showing someone a video of how they acted last night when they are drunk. No, that's never going to be used to prove that ALL people behave like that, but it might persuade that one person to think "oh... I definitely need to not drink tequila any more... Also, I need to go and apologise to everyone who saw me in that state, particularly my mother..." 🤣
@@HellHunter00 addtionally we have a lot less 4way stops and more use to say a "give way" sign and lines on road, School zone 25 would be 20 in red circle with flashing lights. I still agree with the conclusion, dont vlog and drive, but home country setup may have made a difference.
And that's why I ignore my phone while driving. I turn on the radio when I set off and that's it. I try to pay as much attention to the road as I can. Because even if I were the greatest driver in the world (which I'm most deffinitely not) I have no idea what OTHER drivers are doing. Are they distracted by something? Impaired? Simply not paying attention? There is no way for me to know...... but I can mitigate anything they might do to me (as much as possible) by paying attention myself.
When I drive 25 through a 25 school zone, my passengers usually get frustrated and tell me to speed up and just pay more attention if I am worried about speed cameras. I don't usually hear them though, because the slow speed means that I am lost in my own little world, daydreaming.
00:29 🚗 Talking to a camera while driving was tested in a simulator to assess its danger. 01:32 🎮 The National Advanced Driving Simulator replicates realistic driving conditions with 13 degrees of freedom. 02:31 🚦 Distractions, like talking to a camera, can lead to inattentional blindness, causing drivers to miss critical information. 03:26 🛑 Filming while driving resulted in swerving, speed control issues, and missing stop signs, indicating distracted driving. 04:20 📵 The recommendation is generally not to film while driving for safety reason
"Is It Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving?" .... too me it as logical question as "Is it safe to run with scissors in your mouth"... everything that distracts you is dangerous in traffic...
I know that graphics aren't the point but - they can afford a device which moves a vehicle around and they can't afford something to the equivalent of ETS 2?
@@rayfields7749 They must have spend millions on that, realistic graphics would only cost a tiny bit more and could even improve the simulation (you could simulate lighting at night for example)
Tam would be said the same as Dad. In IPA, that would be /tæm/. There is nothing in any sort of traditional English pronunciation rule that would suggest a /tɑm/ for "Tam". In reality, while all English pronunciation is complicated, most American English is a bit simpler than most British pronunciation. That's why classically trained singers (who simplify their phonology) tend to sound more American, except in the dropping of the rhotic (which is one of the few ways most British dialects are simpler than most American ones)
Unfortunately, when it comes to these low back vowels, most American English accents don't use as many different sounds as English needs. We need distinctions among cart, cot, caught, coat. American English accents that have only 3 sounds for the 4 phonemes involved here might be simpler but they are harder to understand.
This is an amazing, Tom, thanks for the video. I get my temps in about a month and this video actually shows me that and why I'd need to pay attention to driving. Believe it or not, your video has actually helped make me a better driver before I even start driving. I love your videos Tom, your like a more engaging and likeable Vsauce. I have a couple questions though, if you happen to read this comment. Who edits and creates the scripts (they are awesome), and how to you find the time and energy to travel all over the world like you do? I fell like your job as a youtuber is an amasing one, you get to expirience all sorts of new places and meet all sorts of new people. Again, love your work, keep it up, its amazing!!
"we bring drivers in, actually give them a large dose of alcohol and get them in simulator. We've also compared that to things like cannabis" Where do i sign up to go drive there?
I would love, LOVE, to take part in a "effects of alcohol and cannabis on driving safety" study. Imagine getting crossfaded and then plopped into an enormous vehicle robotic track testbed and told to drive around PS3 suburbia.
did it :) built a sim rig a few years ago as a project and made exactly those experiments. very interesting experience but no really surprising results.
What I want to know is whether they've done testing on how talking to passengers affects driving skill, or how listening to the radio or audiobooks affects driving skill.
Wow, I can't believe one of my favorite RUclipsrs was only an hour away from me. I've visited the nearby children's hospital before and the University. Great videos Sir!
Jonathan Kirby I can clearly hear the difference, hence the joke, but I am bad at telling accents apart. And I am sure that I would probably use british and american accents without knowing that I changed it all.
Yup, in many (most?) American accents, the vowels in words like _lot, cloth, father, bother, cot, caught,_ etc., are pronounced exactly the same way. (Which makes the last two homophones.)
You got 2 thumbs up for that nonsense? Because you think someone is, and I quote "retardeds" for having a different dialect than you. Damn you, Poe's law.
While I understand that the software for driving/flying simulators is primarily designed to be monitored/controlled and that its visual design is somewhat secondary, but look at how designed and engineered that place is? And then they've got that kind of graphical/physics fidelity on the screens? The default settings and effects on most free/open game engines would provide better, convincing, and most importantly, visually accurate feedback to the drivers. I'm not just nitpicking either, the glare off of a car, the movement of someone in their car, the breeze in the trees, weather conditions, all of these things are possible with modern technology, and important factors in distracted driving. I'd actually think the cry-engine would provide enough fidelity and physics simulation to be immersive. I also realize that, again, as a monitoring tool that needs a high deal of accuracy and control, and 1-1 communication with their hardware, it's more than just slapping a Unity license in the computer. But they've got the budget to have something better.
I would think being able to simulate the visual noise of a busy intersection would be as important as all of the other steps they've taken to make this simulator, and I know it's possible to provide that feeling. I'm a big overwatch player, but even after a year of playing the game, the noisiness is still incredibly distracting. Then just recently I played an old WW2 game from the playstation 1 era and the lack of visual noise made a scene I once thought was really epic seem kind of slow and empty.
It was probably made 15 years ago, and they haven't had the need to upgrade, and it is hard to get a sponsorship for buying new textures and better graphics engine.
Yeah, except that the state of Iowa has just slashed the education budget, especially for the universities. Only a few years ago we had a budget surplus, but then the state legislature decided it needed to give massive tax cuts that we couldn't afford to Facebook so they would build a single data center here.
Not possible. It is like eating. The best way to eat is to focus on eating, this prevents choking and makes you eat less (so better health in general), but who does that?
I live in an area where there are a lot of Teslas. I've yet to see a Tesla driver sitting up straight and watching the road. They're usually leaning into the middle while poking at that big distraction device... sorry, touch screen. At least buttons you can find by feel while still watching other traffic.
I find that this is more about the driver than the car. Thing is, Teslas provide you a much safer way of accessing maps, music messages and calls. This is what people usually distract themselves with, but in a Tesla (and many other modern cars) you don't have to fumble for a phone to deal with these things.
Cliff Hartle That's hardly a replacement for Tom paying attention. I'd probably rate the passenger somewhere around Tom's peripheral vision, maybe lower.
3:30 It's the same thing that happens when you talk on a mobile phone - even on speakers. Next time you do that, after you hang-up, try to remember how you got where you are. You'll notice that, even though you drove there, you pretty much don't remember cars that were in front of you, stop signs and lights.
Yet, if I look at a cell phone using driver and shake my head "no" at them, they tend to rage and give me the finger because they are just that entitled.
It's not entitlement. It's the normal reaction to righteousness... Telling another person off for their bad behaviour can come off as condescending or patronizing. It's not exactly that people feel entitled to whatever behaviour. It's that they don't think it's your place to tell them off. And a lot of the time, it really isnt.
You're no one to tell a stranger not to behave in a certain way. Period. I would get angry as well if a complete stranger would feel the right to tell me what to do.
Wouldn't be hard to do. Probably you could manage that by adding a "-" sign at the right place in the code... And swap the cab inside the hexapod, and boom. You're covered...
I feel like there's a big difference, though, between distracted driving in a dense urban environment, like in the simulator, and distracted driving on a long, straight road in the middle of the desert where there probably isn't another car within a 1-mile radius.
True. In those environments it's primarily just the wildlife you have to worry about, if any. In places like Australia, the kangaroos, possums, wallabies etc. are just looking for ways to end it(and you and your car).
i think this should also qualify as a public service announcement "even if you are looking at the road, you are still distracted, and it's still not safe".
And you know, there's another thing I want to know here. Was this testing done in drive on right mode? What percentage of your history is drive on right, Tom?
this is why I find it a little weird that physically using your cellphone while driving is forbidden but making calls through the interface are encouraged, you can get so caught up in conversations… but then again it would be a hard thing to determine what kinds of conversations are passable or not of course, i mean you can obviously have very immersive conversations with your buddies inside the car… common thing to spot on the road, oddly behaving cars that turn out to be drivers chatting
I'd assume it would also depend a lot on proficiency and where you're driving. If you've been driving for 30 years and you're on a road in the middle of a corn field in rural Kansas you probably aren't putting yourself at a huge risk. Also depends how good you are at naturally talking into a camera without too much concentration, so you can focus more on the road.
Honestly Scott, I'm surprised we didn't get a video of you during the eclipse in the US a few months ago. I would have thought you'd have been all over that
To answer what I suspect will be the most common question: no, it doesn't play Grand Theft Auto.
Tom Scott how was this comment 3 days ago?
the video was probably just unlisted until now
but can it run Doom?
*8 years later*
Tom: thank you to everyone on the international space station for letting me join them up here
One day🙏🙏🙏
Well why do that when the iss has its own channel
@@prithvirajb1953 coz I can actually be bothered watching Tom
very possible
“We bring people here and give them large doses of alcohol”
Where can I sign up?
Same for cannabis.
I always wanted to try this.
its for research .......
iPelaaja1 I'll see how receiving oral sex changes driving, for science.
"All the pedestrians here are suicidal"
-Tom 2017
"All the pedestrians here are suicidal"
-- A tourist driving in Russia
(see: "Russia pedestrian scams" for more details)
@@kabochaVA The same goes to the Philippines. I'm a Filipino, and I must say they are a lot of pedestrian scammers here too...
@hucker75 but pedestrians have the right of way on a zebra crossing. The driver is supposed to be paying attention
@hucker75 No, because the driver has to anticipate the pedestrian using the crosswalk and therefore if the driver suspects, that the pedestrian wants to use it, the drive has to slow down even before the pedestrian steps on the crosswalk. If you hit a pedestrian on the crosswalk it is always your fault.
@@mmbon9739 seems like this is a very country dependent thing. In Switzerland it's exactly as you say and pedestrians always have right of way no matter if they are standing before it or already on the crossing. I guess in the UK or US the rule is different?
I legitimately thought that he was in a real car at the start of the video.
omg you mean some guy is a drunk driver AS A CAREER??
Probably a volunteer.
Taking part in studies doesn't make you a living. (Talking from my own experiences.)
@@Schattengewaechs99 Unless you do drug trials and lead a simple life. There are self professed human guinea pigs who take part in as many trials as they qualify for. If you're lucky you don't suffer any permanent effects. Some aren't lucky.
Funny how your brain can play tricks on you. Drive for a couple of minutes in a simulator and a part of your brain just decides 'well I guess this is reality now'. I wonder what my brain is tricking me about day to day.
You're still in the simulator.
Paul Sengupta Oh noooooo! Problem is, I’ve gained a taste for virtual sandwiches, I don’t think I can make it outside without them. Don’t unplug me! DON’T UNPLUG!!!
_what if we’re all in a simulation and our brains just think we’re real?_
Cabalex I think that's highly possible, it's my belief that we are immortal electromagnetic beings that come down here to experience limitations.
@@carolynmmitchell2240 it's a joke
My neighborhood at midnight: Zzz...
My neighbor's dog at midnight: 0:37
You, sire had me laugh.
No u
My name is the best u
had me in tears !!
well done
Others would have just ignored the comments about talking to a camera while driving. Tom Scott makes a new video out of it.
Lukas Röllin Now he better not do it again.
Why does it always look like Tom is being featured on his channel 😂 this was definitely interesting.
The real question is can it play euro truck simulator?
Customers who bought the RaceMax 3000 Steering Wheel Controller also bought....
"Honey, what is this 'National Advanced Driving Simulator' thing you put on your Amazon wishlist? It renders the price wrong somehow in my browser."
It can play ATS going by that cab they can swap in.
yommyyom hey just gimme a *sec* lemme just swap my Volvo for that new Scania
*takes 2 hours*
But does it run Crysis?
Stop talking u
I love how you addressed this. Rather than just assume ‘Ok, yep maybe it has an impact’, you said ‘Hey we could test it, and do a video’. I’d be curious to know how this compared to say talking to a passenger.
when he talks to the camera he literally gets his eyes off the road, I guess if you keep your eyes on the road you are ok; even if youre still a bit distracted by the conversation.
@@JesusIsKing48 its about the focus of your brain, the focus of your eyes is just correlating.
as soon as youre not thinking about driving your reaction time will be significantly longer and you might miss things.
means talking and thinking about other topics can lead to you not reacting well and causing an accident. just concentrate on driving while driving. live in the moment and enjoy your freedom of movement.
@@JesusIsKing48But in the video, the moment where he fails to see the stopsign is one where he was looking at the road. A distraction is a distraction.
It would be interesting to see the effects of just talking to passengers as well, whether it would be just as bad as talking to a camera, or whether it would be somewhere between that and normal driving.
Even when talking while keeping my eyes on the road, especially when cornering on a multilane road, I tend to accidentally cut into the lane next to mine, which could be dangerous if there's a car right behind of me on the next lane.
I had encountered this a few times so I don't tend to talk while driving especially when driving in a residential area.
@@samarnadra So in that case, if you were talking to a camera, it wouldn't be as bad as speaking to someone hands free, as you can stop speaking and put your full attention at any time
@@alex6027 nice try but no. The brain is more active talking to someone that is not there.
As stated above in some situations (like motorway driving) having someone who is physically there to talk to can actively help concentration, it seems that having visual stimulus without physical activity of some kind makes your brain drift off. But using hands free in the same situation makes you 4 times more likely to crash. Bloody inconsistant and complex brains!
The most important thing here is, doing things that need concentration (as talking to a camera, but also talking to a passenger or on the phone on complex topics like business or controversial topics) is bad. While light talking is fine.
This much more important than hands free or not, a study found out.
But that also introduces more variables. Some people probably focus more in real conversation, and struggle with ADHD while alone. But more interestingly to me, the passengers can also watch the road as well, and bring certain things to the attention of the driver in rare cases.
It makes me wonder if it would balance things out with real passengers.
I live in Iowa, and I actually got to use a smaller, mobile version of this tool at a school showing a few years back. It wasn't as fancy as all the hydraulics, but it had the car and the wheel, and the point was to show all of us how dangerous texting and driving really is. They even his little easter eggs in in too. I found a bear in a parking lot.
how does the accelerator malfunction they should explain it so they teach you how to deal with real issue to your car
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueit could be a lot of things, the most common cause is if any kind of pad you have down by the pedals getting stuck on top or behind the pedal, like a WeatherTech floor mat or something getting stuck. Its extremely dangerous and there has been cases of people being unable to stop their vehicle because it can affect braking as well by preventing you from pushing the pedal, resulting in a serious crash at high speed. This is why I don’t have any kind of floormat by my pedals.
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueanother cause for specifically diesel engines is called a “runaway diesel”, in which the diesel engine inhales some kind of “contaminated air” that it uses as an external fuel source, causing it to essentially go pedal to the floor despite the driver no actually pushing the pedal. The way you deal with that is shift the vehicle into neutral and kill the engine, or try to starve the engine of air, and use an e-brake if you have one.
Edit: if the diesel in question is a manual, try to stall the engine by engaging the clutch, and shifting gears. If you destroy your transmission or clutch doing this, that is replaceable but your life is not.
@@SaraMorgan-ym6ueit could also be an electronic malfunction where the vehicle “thinks” your pressing on the throttle, but your not. If your vehicle allows it you can just shift into neutral and kill it, or just use your brakes like tom did.
My guess: yes it is.
I genuinely considered making the title of this "Yes, It's Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving", but I couldn't work out if getting rage-clicks from confident drivers who disagree was actually more clickbaity...
This would be the angry Dunning -Kruger effect drivers.
That would be my answer as well. I even cut short phone calls to friends who are driving hands free because of the risk for them.
+TheUKNutter Until it does one time.
+Tom Scott
"Is it safe?
Of course not! but I'm going to do it anyway."
This is precisely why I get annoyed with things like carpool karaoke and carpool interviews etc.
Stupid concept and dangerous as well. And thanks to being on main stream media completely normalises this dangerous behaviour.
Noooooo please dont play music in a car I might cry
Apparently the car in the carpool karaoke is towed about for the show
@@eggsmiles True but it's still portrayed in the media as being legit and therefore still normalises the behaviour.
@@freedomofmotion fair point
From riding motorbikes and understanding the importance of focused attention, I then hate it when people try to talk to me in the car. I don’t even have the radio on - hence I choose a car with an engine note I like.
I hope there's gonna be a "park bench" episode about this...
With Mhatf and Tham
They should do the episode sitting at the back bench of a parked car...
Why do I want one of these simulators? I have a real car. There’s just something novel about simulators.
Same reason why people love running people over in GTA than just driving.
You nailed it!
The simulator isn't meant for plebians but rather for men of science.
I would like to use it to test and improve my driving skills while being drunk.
Unless you can download granturismo....
Being a cycle courier I've learned that you can't trust anyone inside a vehicle because they're too easily distracted. Shiny buttons and lights to press, radios, GPS, mobile phones, other passengers.
But it's ok for them because they're inside a nice safe box that is designed to protect them from their own failures In attention!
"being a cycle..."
found your problem here mate.
darn cyclist
true. i almost lost half a leg exactly one year ago because of a driver who was distracted by his shiny phone hitting me at over 6omph (possibly faster, but the speed limit was 60). Right calf muscle was sliced in two right through to the bone. and to be clear to the cycle haters, i had 6 rear lights plus hi vis and reflective clothing when he drove in to the back of me on a clear, almost empty dual carriageway in dry weather
things may be different where you are but at least where I live the bicyclist swerve in front of traffic and ride in the center of the road and have absolutely no regard for any laws of the road which they are to abide by just as a vehicle including stopping at a stop sign at a 4 way stop
Being a driver, I have learned the same thing. I am astounded by how normal it is to drive distracted. People have gotten mad at me for suggesting that you should not talk on even a handsfree device while driving, way too many people seem to consider it normal to eat or drink coffee while driving, and I have definitely seen a lot of people with their phone in their hands while driving. The most amusing one I've seen was a guy who was practicing his trumpet. All of this is on top of the fact that people seem to drive way too close to one another and seem to completely forget about the 2/3-second rule, forget that the left lane is the passing lane, and think that the speed limit means "drive at least 10 km/h faster than this speed, preferably more", forgetting or disregarding that stopping distance increases _exponentially_ with speed.
Regarding GPS, I do use Google Maps on my phone, but after I realized how distracting it is to have the screen there, I started navigating using only the voice, and I advise all others to do the same. Google Maps gives very nice and detailed directions, telling you what streets you need to watch out for and even which lanes to take in certain situations, so you don't really need the map, though I have also once successfully done this with an old Garmin GPS with directions that are not quite so detailed but still say street names.
To be honest (and not to sound snarky in the least) I am not surprised that talking to a camera and driving can make someone more likely to crash. I say this in all fairness because really anything that takes your mind and eyes off the road is a distraction and when your driving, you need all the focus you can get!
Driving safely takes you're full attention. It's also boring and so we're temped to distract ourselves. Not a good combination.
Touchscreens are also an issue. With buttons in a vehicle you can memorize where they are/feel for them. But here's an experiment- when you're driving in a slow safe area, try to unlock your phone without looking. You should feel a NOTICEABLE pull to look as you fight your brain going into touchscreen-usage mode and forgetting about driving. I believe they have no place in a car as long as the car is in motion/not fully automated.
@@chatboss000 nah i just use my fingerprint to unlock it lmao
@@chatboss000 Do you have a phone from the 90s or something? They don't take as much attentiontion to unlock as you claim lmao
@@Krytern The thing is, taking away any of your attention could be too much. Half a second to look up where your fingerprint sensor is, could be the difference between stopping timely for someone coming from the right, and getting hit by that person from the right.
Remember: he's British so he's also doing all this on the opposite side of the road.
The wrong side*
@@shaboingboing799 In America we drive on the (right) side of the road
The majority of roads worldwide are left-side drive, sorry 'murica.
@@SgtLionjust completely wrong but okay
@@SgtLion30% is a majority now?
And here I was thinking it had to be >50%
So interesting. Some of the vloggers I watch create videos in their cars while driving, and I couldn't help but wonder if it was safe. I try not to vlog while driving! Thanks for this education!
Congrats on hitting a million!
About time too! He's deserved it for a while
That's... an unfortunate idiom to use on this video in particular.
I haven't tho..
As a professional driver all the issues mentioned in the video were kind of known to me. What actually caught my attention, why the simulator needs to move laterally on the XY plane. Even aircraft simulators don't move around like that. Curious.
Probably just so the simulator can create a feeling of acceleration no matter which direction the pod is facing. I don't think it actually moves perpendicular to the direction of travel during operation. Though it would sure add some realism to the experience of a side impact.
@@WormWithNoBonesIn this.
@@MikeGrau0hr what did they say?
@@mojacodes acceleration and grip? wouldnt matter in a aircraft sim as much.
I'd argue that driving itself is a dangerous activity.
My talking to my driving instructor
nice hat
Everything has a risk of some level, but that's already a given.
Running is a dangerous activity. You can fall and get hurt.
I'd argue that it doesn't make it ok to talk to a camera while running full speed in the streets.
@@etiennepesce546 But running doesn't have the risk of death. The worst that can happen is a few bruises.
Love how you synchronized the cameras so you speak continuously on the observer's monitors as well. Nice.
If you kick the machine, you kick it in the NADS.
Jos Geerink Excuse me?
I might just be dumb but I don’t get it
I knew I wasn't the only one who found that name odd
Mister Apple :-D
I find myself to be a worse driver with a passenger because I have to think about talking to them. That is an absolutely terrifying thing because I obviously don’t want to endanger my friends’ lives let alone my own
biggest step is already done - realizing this fact. most people are not aware. now you can do something about it. tell passengers to give you a minute or that you need to concentrate whenever youre about to enter more traffic or generally a complex situation like an intersection. also if you notice the topic youre talking about to be emotional or very interesting - ask them to talk about it later when you can focus on it :) drive safe!
i got ADD and was in an utterly avoidable car accident with a truck (driving a Fiat...). I got whiplash and the realization that something's wrong with my attention capabilities. I found culprits now: stress, sure, but even talking to other people. So when it's a long road that I don't quite know yet I will tell my passengers: oi, I will now listen to a CD/album somewhat loudly, you can choose of the available ones, and I won't talk to you unless it's something short and essential like you having to take a leak or whatever.
No accidents ever since. Some near-accidents but not on my account - but the fact that I was vigilant is the only reason they didn't turn to accidents as well. And even then, that bit of luck. Tho the chance of that "luck" is vastly improved if you never touch your phone, not even to skip a song.
@@njux1871 loud music is generally considered a distraction.
listen to the car/road and concentrate on driving, whats next - i know easier said then done with add but if youre not able to you maybe shouldnt be driving bro.. :\
But does it play mario kart?
And does it run Crysis?
does it run doom
I'd prefer Crash Team Racing, imagine the physics if you get hit by something.
Has Skyrim been released for this system yet?
*gets hit by blue shell*
I've been off of work for over a year with chronic illness issue. Every one of your videos are a highlight of my monotonous days. Thank you!
how does it compare to just talking to someone while driving?
Tom, I have a question about the methodology of this experiment. Do you think you would have performed any differently in a right hand drive vehicle as it's, presumably, something you're more confident driving?
Since he did a comparison of 15 minutes distracted and the same of normal driving, he'd still have sound data. They only talked about distracted driving afterwards because it showed how bad it was.
Although distracted driving is undoubtedly more unsafe, a sample size of one does not afford any conclusions. Tom being from UK and used to driving on the other side would undoubtedly also affect his performance to a degree. They need to get at least 2000 more people of varying ages/demographics/driving experience to participate in the same experiment talking to a camera while driving and document the results for a scientifically rigorous result. Perhaps they have, I'll need to look into it.
@@HellHunter00 I'm fairly certain a bunch of scientists (and Tom) figured out this wasn't anything close to being an adequate sample size.
This was more about taking Tom, an individual, who thought he'd done ok driving while talking into a camera, and showing that, in fact, he was a lot less safe than he thought he was.
It's a bit like showing someone a video of how they acted last night when they are drunk. No, that's never going to be used to prove that ALL people behave like that, but it might persuade that one person to think "oh... I definitely need to not drink tequila any more... Also, I need to go and apologise to everyone who saw me in that state, particularly my mother..." 🤣
@@HellHunter00 addtionally we have a lot less 4way stops and more use to say a "give way" sign and lines on road, School zone 25 would be 20 in red circle with flashing lights. I still agree with the conclusion, dont vlog and drive, but home country setup may have made a difference.
Why don't they use an acronym for "National Advanced Driving Simulator"?
Because NADS
Hurts me nads lads
It's very much a real joke there though.
"It's driving me - NADS"
And that's why I ignore my phone while driving. I turn on the radio when I set off and that's it.
I try to pay as much attention to the road as I can. Because even if I were the greatest driver in the world (which I'm most deffinitely not) I have no idea what OTHER drivers are doing. Are they distracted by something? Impaired? Simply not paying attention? There is no way for me to know...... but I can mitigate anything they might do to me (as much as possible) by paying attention myself.
That can't possibly be an accident. Perhaps it refers to where you should be kicked if you are distracted driving.
When I drive 25 through a 25 school zone, my passengers usually get frustrated and tell me to speed up and just pay more attention if I am worried about speed cameras.
I don't usually hear them though, because the slow speed means that I am lost in my own little world, daydreaming.
2:29 aw yea, blazing for science!
00:29 🚗 Talking to a camera while driving was tested in a simulator to assess its danger.
01:32 🎮 The National Advanced Driving Simulator replicates realistic driving conditions with 13 degrees of freedom.
02:31 🚦 Distractions, like talking to a camera, can lead to inattentional blindness, causing drivers to miss critical information.
03:26 🛑 Filming while driving resulted in swerving, speed control issues, and missing stop signs, indicating distracted driving.
04:20 📵 The recommendation is generally not to film while driving for safety reason
Those graphics are almost on par with the n64!
I bet I can beat you in Flat Suburban Expanse with Light Traffic on Mario Kart 64 any time!
"Is It Dangerous To Talk To A Camera While Driving?" .... too me it as logical question as "Is it safe to run with scissors in your mouth"... everything that distracts you is dangerous in traffic...
Wait a minute! I thought when something is titled with a yes/no question, the answer is always "no". You cheeky ... !
I know this is supposed to be serious but I can't stop thinking about a bunch of people high af climbing into that driving simulator
I know that graphics aren't the point but - they can afford a device which moves a vehicle around and they can't afford something to the equivalent of ETS 2?
They don't have infinite budget. Any additional money spent on useless graphics means less money spent on simulation.
@@rayfields7749 The simulation is probably impacted as well by the lackluster graphics and technology
What's ETS 2?
@@b9y Euro Truck Simulator 2, a truck simulator
@@rayfields7749 They must have spend millions on that, realistic graphics would only cost a tiny bit more and could even improve the simulation (you could simulate lighting at night for example)
I love that they are called the NADS
IOWA!! I live here glad you came.
Woot Iowa!!!!! Yass!!!!
2:31 the way he says it tells me he personally did the studies lmao
2:20 shut up and take my money
Congratulations on 1 million subs!
@2:04-it’s now Time for The greatest video game ever made. DRIVING SIMULATOR 20XX!!
That driving simulator itself is cool as hell, its amazing that they simulate so many details of driving
Tam really did well in that simulator.
Tam would be said the same as Dad. In IPA, that would be /tæm/. There is nothing in any sort of traditional English pronunciation rule that would suggest a /tɑm/ for "Tam". In reality, while all English pronunciation is complicated, most American English is a bit simpler than most British pronunciation. That's why classically trained singers (who simplify their phonology) tend to sound more American, except in the dropping of the rhotic (which is one of the few ways most British dialects are simpler than most American ones)
Unfortunately, when it comes to these low back vowels, most American English accents don't use as many different sounds as English needs. We need distinctions among cart, cot, caught, coat. American English accents that have only 3 sounds for the 4 phonemes involved here might be simpler but they are harder to understand.
This is an amazing, Tom, thanks for the video. I get my temps in about a month and this video actually shows me that and why I'd need to pay attention to driving. Believe it or not, your video has actually helped make me a better driver before I even start driving. I love your videos Tom, your like a more engaging and likeable Vsauce. I have a couple questions though, if you happen to read this comment. Who edits and creates the scripts (they are awesome), and how to you find the time and energy to travel all over the world like you do? I fell like your job as a youtuber is an amasing one, you get to expirience all sorts of new places and meet all sorts of new people. Again, love your work, keep it up, its amazing!!
"we bring drivers in, actually give them a large dose of alcohol and get them in simulator. We've also compared that to things like cannabis" Where do i sign up to go drive there?
Congratulations on 1 million subscribers Tom!
Awesome! Everyone should be required to go through this every so many years. If only that was feasible!
I would love, LOVE, to take part in a "effects of alcohol and cannabis on driving safety" study. Imagine getting crossfaded and then plopped into an enormous vehicle robotic track testbed and told to drive around PS3 suburbia.
did it :) built a sim rig a few years ago as a project and made exactly those experiments. very interesting experience but no really surprising results.
What I want to know is whether they've done testing on how talking to passengers affects driving skill, or how listening to the radio or audiobooks affects driving skill.
Wow, I can't believe one of my favorite RUclipsrs was only an hour away from me. I've visited the nearby children's hospital before and the University. Great videos Sir!
Where is the whole vlog Tom? Or should I say Tahm?
Great video nonetheless.
Jonathan Kirby I don’t know enough about accents. It sounded weird (funny) to hear someone say Tahm instead of Tom.
Jonathan Kirby I can clearly hear the difference, hence the joke, but I am bad at telling accents apart. And I am sure that I would probably use british and american accents without knowing that I changed it all.
Jos Geerink pretty ironic, I think.
Yup, in many (most?) American accents, the vowels in words like _lot, cloth, father, bother, cot, caught,_ etc., are pronounced exactly the same way. (Which makes the last two homophones.)
You got 2 thumbs up for that nonsense? Because you think someone is, and I quote "retardeds" for having a different dialect than you.
Damn you, Poe's law.
Congratulations on one million, Tom! You deserved it! :D
While I understand that the software for driving/flying simulators is primarily designed to be monitored/controlled and that its visual design is somewhat secondary, but look at how designed and engineered that place is? And then they've got that kind of graphical/physics fidelity on the screens? The default settings and effects on most free/open game engines would provide better, convincing, and most importantly, visually accurate feedback to the drivers. I'm not just nitpicking either, the glare off of a car, the movement of someone in their car, the breeze in the trees, weather conditions, all of these things are possible with modern technology, and important factors in distracted driving. I'd actually think the cry-engine would provide enough fidelity and physics simulation to be immersive. I also realize that, again, as a monitoring tool that needs a high deal of accuracy and control, and 1-1 communication with their hardware, it's more than just slapping a Unity license in the computer. But they've got the budget to have something better.
I would think being able to simulate the visual noise of a busy intersection would be as important as all of the other steps they've taken to make this simulator, and I know it's possible to provide that feeling. I'm a big overwatch player, but even after a year of playing the game, the noisiness is still incredibly distracting. Then just recently I played an old WW2 game from the playstation 1 era and the lack of visual noise made a scene I once thought was really epic seem kind of slow and empty.
you play second life? is that still alive?!
The problem is compatibility. This software is probably running on an old OS, like XP, or possibly even some form of Unix.
It was probably made 15 years ago, and they haven't had the need to upgrade, and it is hard to get a sponsorship for buying new textures and better graphics engine.
Yeah, except that the state of Iowa has just slashed the education budget, especially for the universities. Only a few years ago we had a budget surplus, but then the state legislature decided it needed to give massive tax cuts that we couldn't afford to Facebook so they would build a single data center here.
Congrats on the million, truly deserving
There is simply no getting around it. To be safe when you are driving a vehicle, the ONLY thing you should be doing is DRIVING.
Not possible. It is like eating. The best way to eat is to focus on eating, this prevents choking and makes you eat less (so better health in general), but who does that?
I do.
Or maybe it's the one thing you shouldn't be doing...
@@MrPaukann But theirs a difference in you eating, and whilst driving a motor vehicle in public at the risk of hitting and killing people :P
@@ShootLuckGaming Overeating kills too!
1 million subs! Congrats Tom!
I live in an area where there are a lot of Teslas. I've yet to see a Tesla driver sitting up straight and watching the road. They're usually leaning into the middle while poking at that big distraction device... sorry, touch screen. At least buttons you can find by feel while still watching other traffic.
Teslas are a massive rolling hazard in more ways than one.
I find that this is more about the driver than the car.
Thing is, Teslas provide you a much safer way of accessing maps, music messages and calls. This is what people usually distract themselves with, but in a Tesla (and many other modern cars) you don't have to fumble for a phone to deal with these things.
I've always loved the low graphics with flat backdrop trees, it's a very weird but cool aesthetic.
I'm curious, what would the results be like if Tom was talking to a second person in the simulator?
Its been tested and not the same since the person can see when Tom needs to drive and not talk.
you hope
Cliff Hartle That's hardly a replacement for Tom paying attention. I'd probably rate the passenger somewhere around Tom's peripheral vision, maybe lower.
CONGRATS ON 1,000,000!!!
Daily reminder that you're awesome.
+Panzer Shafter Did it occur to you that maybe they were talking to whoever came by and saw the comment, not just Tom?
Jack Evans Thanks for pointing that out. Their thought didn't even cross my mind.
Thank you you're awesome too
3:30 It's the same thing that happens when you talk on a mobile phone - even on speakers. Next time you do that, after you hang-up, try to remember how you got where you are. You'll notice that, even though you drove there, you pretty much don't remember cars that were in front of you, stop signs and lights.
congrats for passing 1 million subscribers
Great video Tom! I hope you enjoyed your time visiting Iowa.
Question: Where do I order one?
Awesome and interesting video Tom and also congrats on the 1 Million subs!
Tom Scott: don't talk to the camera while driving
Also Tom Scott: *talks to camera while driving*
3:41 this is one of the reasons when my mum was new to driving would tell us to shut up in the car and not speak.
Sam sulek watching this video 👀
Yes! Tom's been to Iowa!!!
*ecstatic feelings in the background*
Yet, if I look at a cell phone using driver and shake my head "no" at them, they tend to rage and give me the finger because they are just that entitled.
It's not entitlement. It's the normal reaction to righteousness... Telling another person off for their bad behaviour can come off as condescending or patronizing. It's not exactly that people feel entitled to whatever behaviour. It's that they don't think it's your place to tell them off. And a lot of the time, it really isnt.
@@robertofontiglia4148 "I'm endangering other people's lives but if you're shaking your head at me, you're the one in the wrong."
@@AndrewJJ-0114 This isn't a zero-sum game. Maybe both of you are in the wrong...
@@robertofontiglia4148 telling people to stop risking others lives for no reason is not wrong in any situation
You're no one to tell a stranger not to behave in a certain way. Period. I would get angry as well if a complete stranger would feel the right to tell me what to do.
congrats on a million subs
Sam Sulek POV
Congrats on 1m Tom!
Does it do left handed traffic (driving on the left as in the UK)?
Wouldn't be hard to do. Probably you could manage that by adding a "-" sign at the right place in the code... And swap the cab inside the hexapod, and boom. You're covered...
I think different right if way rights are way more difficult
I feel like there's a big difference, though, between distracted driving in a dense urban environment, like in the simulator, and distracted driving on a long, straight road in the middle of the desert where there probably isn't another car within a 1-mile radius.
True. In those environments it's primarily just the wildlife you have to worry about, if any. In places like Australia, the kangaroos, possums, wallabies etc. are just looking for ways to end it(and you and your car).
sam sulek is not gonna like this
i think this should also qualify as a public service announcement "even if you are looking at the road, you are still distracted, and it's still not safe".
And you know, there's another thing I want to know here. Was this testing done in drive on right mode?
What percentage of your history is drive on right, Tom?
Filming while driving us very irresponsible and I’m glad you made this. People always think they are better drivers than they are
Sam Sulek
I'm glad Scott had fun in the nads
Tham Scott
this is why I find it a little weird that physically using your cellphone while driving is forbidden but making calls through the interface are encouraged, you can get so caught up in conversations… but then again it would be a hard thing to determine what kinds of conversations are passable or not of course, i mean you can obviously have very immersive conversations with your buddies inside the car… common thing to spot on the road, oddly behaving cars that turn out to be drivers chatting
Sam sulek after watching this
Congratulations on one Mill subs!!!
You have hit a wall! You have hit a wall!
I wanna see the 15 min video of you driving while talking. that's quality content right there
Go Hawkeyes!!!
1:49 We also have a turntable here to play The Offspring during our _Crazy Taxi_ simulations
"I shouldn't film while driving?"
"Generally speaking... yes"
That response suggests there are times when it's ok to film while driving.
I'd assume it would also depend a lot on proficiency and where you're driving. If you've been driving for 30 years and you're on a road in the middle of a corn field in rural Kansas you probably aren't putting yourself at a huge risk. Also depends how good you are at naturally talking into a camera without too much concentration, so you can focus more on the road.
Honestly Scott, I'm surprised we didn't get a video of you during the eclipse in the US a few months ago. I would have thought you'd have been all over that