How to change fuel filter 1.6 HDI Peugeot 307, 308 and Citroen C4
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
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How to change fuel filter 1.6 HDI Peugeot 307, 308 (2007-2010) Citroen C4 (2004-2010)
Cum schimbam filtrul de motorina 1.6 HDI Peugeot Citroen
I did not understand a word, but the video is so good made that everything was clear.
Thank you.
c'mon. Turn on subtitles.
As an english speaker, I understood NOTHING, however watched it twice and went out and did it! VERY GOOD video!!! Thank you!
Get a romanian - you can find one anywhere. He'll even do the job for you
Salut, cu ajutorul tau am schimbat eu filtrele de aer si combustibil foarte simplu. MULTUMESC !!!
Thank you so much! On a Citroen C4 Grand Picasso 1 , I was able to replace the filter without removing the battery. It was enough space to work without taking out the battery. After removing all the connectors, you just have to twist the filter on the other side to take it out between the battery and the other big hose and it works great.
Pe viitor asteptam curatarea FAP, sau un schimb complet ( ulei + filtre ). Multumim de mare ajutor pe timpu rece
Mulțumesc pentru filmare, unchiul nostru a pus un plin 55L de benzină peste 5L de motorină(dintr-o greșeală de alimentare) la un Peugeot 308 diesel, acest filmuleț ne-a ajutat să îi facem mașina să pornească la 90 Km de casă :).
Very good camera work, simple and clear instructions for the DIY mechanic. Advice to all, always make sure you have all the tools before you start any job in engine bay. Nothing worse if you cannot complete the job correctly.
Bravo bai băiatule!!! Mi-a fost cu folos. O bere din partea mea
Thanks you for the video I have learnt from you today I was strangle the first day of cheng my fuel filters . Your video is very helpful for me. 🇹🇿
Hello, great job! With English subtitles I can even understand other languages...
o prezentare foarte buna si folositoare....multumesc!!
Multumesc pentru aprecieri !
Poti da "subscribe" pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi tutoriale ;)
Foarte bun tutorial, multumim !! 💪💪
a lot of thanks. In Russia I couldn't find such helpfull video
Thanks for your feedback!
You can share my videos in Peugeot forums from Russia :)
Thanks !
I cut the fingers off a nitrile glove and place a cut finger "condom" over the open end of each fuel pipe I remove, and secure it with a small elastic band. This helps prevent the ingress of any muck which might later block a fuel injector in the engine.
Thx mec very practice! Big thx! Un francais bien content! Grâce à toi!
Thank you, this video helped loads, as I was worried about the priming after watching other videos. That inline pump is a god send. Just changed on my mini 2008 cooper D - BMW didn't fit a water sensor! I replaced with a Bosch N7006 - 5 year guarantee for £19 delivered from eBay :0) as I was having issues with a cheap non branded one which only lasted 10,000 miles before giving me real issues :0(
I'm glad I was helpful :)
Thank you!You saved my car and a lot money!
great tutorial!!!!! many thanks. greetings from croatia.
Multumesc, nu pornea si am dat la pompa de amorsare vreo 3-4 minute si a pornit in cele din urma. ai like/subscribe de la mn !
Thanks from Sweden!
no, to je ale nešika :D , ale pro někoho, kdo to v životě neviděl asi dobrý.
Mulțumim ,,foarte buna prezentarea👍
You didn't reconnect the drain ,breather pipe underneath the filter
It's great job thank you for your information.
When fitting all fuel filters I have a bit of diesel in a can and fill the filter before fitting it, a lot less pumping and cranking the engine over
Hi there ive just serviced my Peugeot Partner van 1.6 hdi and on priming the fuel filter the bulb split, i was wondering if there is a way of repairing it as you have to buy the whole thing pipes as well coming to £120.00. My van wouldnt start so put a bit of tape over 1 inch split and it started. Is there a more permenant repair solution. Thanks.
Mulțumesc frumos.
Thanks for a great vid
Brilliant I would recommend changing every 25,00 miles I got genuine Delphi Filter online for £22.50 gave neighbor a tenner to fit it. Citreon wanting in excess of £80
Bravo veramente!!! Grazie.
Thanks a lot for this video! It was really helpful!
Thank you for your help your information was very valuable. Your video is very good Thank you
Mulțumim foarte buna prezentare 👍
Rui Abreu l
Thank you Sir, save my day
Multumesc pentru info...
Imposible il faut le remplire si non il y aura un prise d aire
Very nice video!
Good video, but he forgot to reconnect the filter drain tube at the bottom of the filter housing!
Just want to share my story maybe it will help someone - i was unable to start my vehicle, the error on the dashboard said "WATER IN FUEL FILTER". However, turns out it was the low battery causing this error, not the actual water in the filter (there was no water i tried to drain it before).
*i was making short trips, and the temperatures was below zero so the battery did this to me :) Peugeot 307 1.6 hdi
Yes, I noticed that this error can be caused by a low battery.
is it the priming pump in the same place in Ford fiesta 1.6 cdti 66 kw ? Filter looks the same, engine seems to be the same.
Thank you very much,very helpful - elementary with pump :)
Super bravo
Hvala za video
Nice one mate good video, saved my day 💪💪💪👌👌
You do not need to remove the battery, remove the turbo pipe (both ends) and undo the master cylinder reservoir and move to one side
Also might be easier just to undo 3 screws and remove the air flow meter
There is then plenty of room
Not removing the battery saves retuning the radio and also resetting the clock
Spot on Doug
Excellent! Thank you.
i had someone do this for me but i am now having starting problems it takes a few turns to get it started plus it dont sound right. is there air in the system and how can i fix this thanks
Brilliant tutorial, thank you very much.
Very good Tutorial, thank you :)
But one question, there was no diesel detector at my old filter!!!! Only the heater!
thanks you ;-) super
Thanks for the information 🌷💐🌺🌺😂😂😂
Just replaced om my 3008 from 2009 1.6HDI, took me 90 min from start till finish, i did not Take out de accu. I replaced the Parts from ACM, too get the airfilter in was a hell of a job the filter was realy tight butt after some time it got in place.
Iam 168 cm and de engine build far in de back in a 3008.
The fuel filter was done in a acep. Sorry for my englisch Iam dislectisch.
thank you for the video
Is there 2 variants of fuel filters for this car? Tried mine and the 'cartridge' piece that you transfer to the new filter is held on slightly differently. Instead of sliding out to the side, the new one is held in at the 'front'
Hello. I know that until 2010 they used only one type of filter, like the one you see in my video.
Multumesc sint sfaturi foarte utile si esti foarte explicit.Inca o intrebare ,uleiul de la cutia de viteza se schimba? si daca da ,la ce Km sau vechime? Ar fi nemaipomenit daca ai face un tutorial si cu aceasta operatiune! Inca odata multumesc!
+Stroe Tomita Salutare! Producatorul nu specifica un interval anume de schimb pentru uleiul de la cutia de viteze. Preventiv eu recomand inlocuirea la aproximativ 150000 km. Am in vedere si un tutorial pentru aceasta operatiune, probabil se va intampla in vara. Multumec pentru aprecieri!
Bună ziua Adrian! La ce perioadă schimbi filtrul de motorină, la câți km? Îți mulțumesc anticipat! Multă sănătate!
Salut. Schimbarea filtrului de motorina poate fi conditionata si de calitatea combustibilului folosit. Eu de obicei schimb filtrul de motorina cam la 30.000 km.
Thanks for this mate
Multumesc mult .
Se schimba acele 2 garnituri mici de cauciuc de pe piesa care se monteaza pe noul filtru?
Salut! Daca primesti acele doua garnituri in cutia cu filtrul nou este bine sa le schimbi. Eu nu le-am schimbat si nu amavut nicio problema.
@@AdrianDragan multumesc
I done this on my pug 1.6 hdi and the best advice i could give would be to fill the new filter up with diesel before installing it because i try'd for about an hr to pump the diesel through but nothing, soon as i filled the new filter it started within seconds. hope this helps someone
Recomand! Multumesc !
Multumesc pentru aprecieri!
thank you for this tutorial
Salut, foarte util filmuletul, insa am observat o inadvertenta si anume: la final, dupa ce filtrul a fost montat si conductele fixate, nu s-a mai mentionat nimic despre furtunul de drenare a apei. Cu el ce s-a intamplat? ce rol are acel furtun de drenare? Multumesc
Robert Dicu Salut, multumesc pentru aprecieri!
Furtunul de drenaj am uitat sa-l montez atunci cand am filmat, ulterior l-am pus. Acel furtun este util doar daca desfaci surubul de deasupra filtrului pentru a drena apa, dar oricum apa odata ajunsa in filtru acesta va trebui inlocuit in cel mai scurt timp. Din fericire la mine nu a fost niciodata nevoie sa drenez apa din filtru.
Salut! Pentru a drena filtrul, e de-ajuns deschiderea robinetului de pe filtru? Mulțumesc
Salut. Este suficient sa deschizi robinetul. Daca nu va mai curge combustibil poti deconecta conducta de deasupra pentru a se drena complet. Dupa drenare conectezi conducta si inchizi robinetul iar poi amorsezi foarte bine folosind pompa de amorsare. Daca filtrul are probleme eu recomand inlocuirea acestuia.
How to change fuel filter 1.6 hdi Puegot 207?
Thank you very much.
Thank you for reply! May I ask you, how to drain water from diesei filter? Computer on my peugeot 308 says "water in diesel filter"
Fuel filter water draining: Remove the battery, place a container beneath the drain tube. No need to remove the fuel filter. Open the drain plug (0:54) and allow fuel and water to drain until fuel is free from water. Close the drain plug and put back the battery.
P.S. Your car starts normally even with error "water in diesel filter" ?
Adrian Dragan Deep respect, Mr.Adrian, for help by solving a problem with my Peugeot 308. Thank you!
Yura Stolbov
My pleasure!
very useful thanks!
Da-mi voie sa-ti spun , pe aceasta cale , ca ai ajutat multe persoane si de ce nu , si multe autoturisme , prin video-urile tale pline de explicatii si de o rezolutie fantastica.
Permite-mi sa te intreb urmatorul lucru :
Video-urile postate de tine , cu legatura la Schimbul filtrului de carburant , Schimbul filtrului de aer si a celui de ulei pentru motorul 1.6 HDI Peugeout / Citroen sunt valabile si pot fi folosite ca tutorial si pentru un Peugeot 3008 ,tot 1.6 ( mai exact 1560 cc , 82 Kw , 112 CP , HDI FAP din 08 / 2011 ?
Este masina mea ,am ajuns la aproape 60.000 de km si urmeaza sa ii fac schimbul de ulei...
Urmarind postarile tale , as incerca sa fac singur cele de sus expuse. Mi se pare atat de simplu...
Nu am nici un fel de experienta in domeniu dar , cred ca ma vor ajuta " sfaturile tale video " si poate cunostiintele mele de principiu in Inginerie Navala.
Ce zici ? Sa incerc...?
Cu respect!
Luca Mihai Daniel
+Mihai Daniel Luca
Salutare! Multumesc pentru aprecieri. Voi face tot posibilul sa vin in continoare cu cele mai bune tutoriale :)
Legat de inlocuirea filtrelor la 3008, filtrul de ulei si cel de aer motor sunt amplasate identic ca si la 308. La filtrul de motorina sunt doua echipari: una identica cu cea prezentata in tutorialele mele si una cu un model nou de filtru. Pentru modelul nou nu as putea sa-ti dau indicatii deoarece nu m-am lovit de el, eventual putem vedea ce echipare are masina ta furnizandu-mi ultimile 8 caractere din seria de croserie. Si filtrul de polen difera fata de 308 dar pentru acesta gasesti indicatii in urmatoarele link-uri:
Cu stima,
Right so I dont have the bottom sensor? Its just plugged into a blank
You did it right
Salut! Care dintre cele doua furtune merge la pompita de amorsare ? Cel de sus sau cel de pe lateral?
Salutare! Daca nu ma insel conducta ce se conecteaza deasupra filtrului pleaca spre pompa de amorsare.
Hello, how much times did you pump? I tried for 10 minutes and the engine still doesn't start... Thanks
Very good tutorial, what is the thing you unscrewed from the filter, mine doesn't have one of those.
Thanks !
At 4:35 minutes? It's water in diesel detector. Some cars have others dont have.
Salut, spune.mi te rog la motoarele pe benzina exista acest filtru de conbustibil?
In alta ordine de idei, faci o treaba excelenta. Bravo.
De obicei motoarele pe benzina nu au un filtru ce sa poata fi schimbat. In general au o sita deasa in rezervor ce are rol de filtru.
Miltumesc pentru aprecieri ☺
@@AdrianDragan am inteles, merci mult ptr. Raspuns.
Tine.o tot asa
Muito Obrigado agora sim vou poder fazer a troca eu mesmo.
Salut Adrian am un peugeot 5008 1,6 hdi 112cv anul 2011 si mi sa spart condensatorul de clima (radiatorul de aer conditionat ) acesta este situat in fata radiatorului de racire a apei imi poti spune ce trebuie sa demontez ca sa ajung la el sa-l pot schimba mersi
Does removing battery resets your electonics such as radio? Here it is advised to change this filter every 1of2 oil change. In my case it is 20k kms.
Removing battery resets only the clock and date from your display.
How does the air pipe that's in the way come off ? Is there a clip or is it brute force and rive it ?
It has no clip, you need to push fix it.
great video. can you tell me how often the fuel filter is supposed to be changed on this particular model? is it at every 2 year or 12,500 mile service? thanks
+eshov Correct is it at every 2 year or 12,500 mile.
how to change the fuel filter for Peugeot Expert 2015, with the video plz
very nice video thank you
Thanks mate
Should the nut for water separator be opened like the video. How many turns does it need to open
3 - 4 turns should be sufficient.
Thanks for the help
Am observat la altii ,amorsarea o face scotand un furtunas si apasa pana vine motorina ,Doresc sa stiu daca la mine la 207 trebuie sa fac amorsarea asa cum ai procedat tu,fara a scoate acel furtunas sa curga motorina ? Cu respect!
+Stroe Tomita Salutare! La 307 si 308 amorsarea se face cu toate conductele conectate, practic circuitul trebuie sa fie inchis. Cu siguranta si la 207 este la fel. De mentionat este faptul ca trebuie sa dai la pompa pana simti ca aceasta devine mai greu de apasat. Succes! :)
Salut. Pentru 1.6 vti poți să faci? În rest faci o treabă excelentă.
Salut. 1.6 vti nu are filtru de benzina care se inlocuieste, sper sa nu ma insel. Multumesc pentru aprecieri :)
@@AdrianDragan Mulțumesc frumos.
How about fuel petrol filter for citroen c4 2006? Is it changable and where is it? Thanks for you briliant lesson.
Hello. From what I remember, the petrol filter for this engine does not change because it does not have one. In the reservoir there is a sieve that also acts as a filter but that does not change.
Great video. Thanks, Question though. I just did this on my Peugeot 5008 1.6 diesel. In your video you removed a sensor from the filter, but mine didn't have a sensor on it when I removed. I did notice the connector hanging loose that would have gone there. Is this a problem? What is the sensor for?
Hi Daniel! Thank you for the appreciations :)
If you talk about the sensor at 4:32 , It is a water sensor in the diesel. Not all cars need this sensor. In Romania, sometimes there is water in diesel :))
apa in diesel
Salut, multumesc frumos pentru instructiuni, tocmai mi s-a intamplat sa imi apara mesajul 'Water In diesel filter'. Am lasat cu regret masina in parcare.... Insa maine sper sa scap doar purjand apa din filtru. Filtrul acesta a fost schimbat acum cca 1000 km, la revizie-asa cred eu- nu ar trebui neaparat schimbat acum, ca are apa? Multumesc mult de tot!
+Nicolae Dumitrescu Salut! Purjarea ar trebui sa rezolve problema, dar trebuie sa ai in vedere sa alimentezi cu motorina de calitate.
Do you believe bad fuel filter or damaged cables of the filter itself would cause depulotion system fault? Or should I check BSI?
To find out exactly the problem, a diagnosis must be made with Diagbox.
@@AdrianDragan well it's actually says that there is a BSI fault
Execrabila ergonomia.. față de cât bine e gândit la Vw și la Renault e pus mai ok . Peugeot mai are de mâncat..
Здорово! Хорошее видео Мне нравится
Intrebare: cat ai apasat tu pe pompita de amorsare? Am inteles ca e mai bine sa torni motorina in filtru ( sa-l umpli cu motorina si dupa sa dai la pompita) am facut fix cum se vede in clipul tau si nu am reusit sa pornesc masina.
chirila stefan As spune ca undeva in jur de doua minutre apas la pompa, oricum de obicei se simte cand se umple filtrul prin faptul ca pompa se apasa mai greu. Si varianta umplerii filtrului cu motorina inainte de a fi montat este buna deoarece te scuteste de efortul de a-l umple folosind pompa.
Cool video man j
Nice video! How much should I pump manually fuel in new filter and how to know if it's enough pumping?
Ruobytis Usually feels when filling pump filter through that press harder.
Adrian Dragan Thanks! And another question, maybe you'll know what to do: after filling full tank in my peugeot 308 appeared icon "water in fuel". When i star the engine it disappears. What should I do ? I'm planning to change the fuel filter, though.
Adrian Dragan And I found already the answer ! Thanks!
Thanks again, then you realize in your opinion 3 years is a long time. You confirm?
around 15.000-20.000. or 1 year if you don;t use so much the car!
There about £30 hear i now change mine at the recommended times due to the price
Peugeot branded is around £55.... Ten filters is worth more than an '08.....
What is the valve under the turbo called?
Am pornit masina si nefiind amorsat ok filtrul s a oprit. Am mai apasat pe pompita si iar am incercat sa o pornesc si tot nu a vrut. Ce parere ai sa dau filtrul jos si sa torn ceva motorina in el? ( filtrul e tot Delphi) Amorsarea se face cu toate mufele si conductele cuplate nu?
chirila stefan Amorseaza pana simti ca va merge mai greu si nu se mai aude aerul trecand prin conducte. Amorsarea se face avand conductele cuplate. Va trebuie sa incerci pornirea de mai multe ori in reprize de cate 5-6 secunde. In cazul in care nu porneste din 6-7 incercari va trebui dat jos filtrul si umplut manual cu motorina. Dar simti ca pompa ar baga motorina cand incerci sa amorsezi?
Sincer apasand de 40-50 de ori pe pompita nu simt ca baga motorina. Sigur e clipsat totul bine . Am incercat de vreo 4 ori sa o pornesc
chirila stefan Hmmm, atunci varianta cea mai viabila ar fi sa dai filtrul jos si sa-l umpli. Baga motorina numai pe conducta de intrare de la incalzitor.
Multumesc mult de ajutor. Sigur maine o sa porneasca
chirila stefan Cu siguranta :)