My favorite one I’ve seen was a man raging about women choosing the bear because his mom survived being attacked by a bear. His mom came out and said she would choose the bear.
I had a doctor that almost killed me because of them not taking accountability for a botched surgical procedure. Internal bleeding. I apparently didn't have enough evidence for malpractice, so I left a 1 star review for the hospital and mentioned the doctor by name. Had a hospital administrator email me, asking to take it down. Told them to get an attorney and take me to court. They didn't contact me again. The review is still up lol.
Gosh, I should have left a 1 star after my mom was assaulted by one of the doctors and he didn't even attend the meeting the hospital chief held with us over the matter...
⭐️*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣One star review for doctors and healthcare in general. Doctors are trained to care for their sense of heroism waaaaaaaaay more than they care for a person, much less a patient. Plenty of doctors are sadists, really good at hiding it, and fiercely protected by boards of medicine - typically a majority of board members are doctors themselves. I watched my dad and my ex go through medical school. People go in as our best and our brightest, they come out changed, hateful, and slightly sociopathic. A lot of them get so confused and covertly defensive when met with a health condition that is unknown. If you can talk them past their bs excuses, you either get their fragility or you get their admission that insurance companies don’t pay for outside the box thinking and so that actually died many decades ago. They can’t outright say to you that Hollywood is misleading and the truth is power brokers in healthcare would rather have you die and go away if your healthcare issues are mysterious. They need you to have one of the ailments they approved for necessary of an MRI machine bc those are so expensive, they cost money unless they are fully booked schedule wise. And don’t get me started on women having to go to male doctors. I had one who kept mentioning his wife to me. I wasn’t into him like that - BECAUSE I WAS SICK. One only one got so defensive and I could see in his eyes he had been deeply abused by some woman in his life. It has to do with how he postured himself slightly away from my breasts, like he was scared of them. And mine are small. And then one with a full board boner throughout two appointments. We were both professionals about it and pretended it wasn’t there. He actually helped my case a little and don’t push drugs on me, where the other two gave me a hard time for refusing their meds. Let’s remember that all those drugs were never tested on females - bc the menstrual cycle makes for messier science. Booooooo. I’m a centrist and I will never vote for nationalized healthcare bc it’s actually nationalized theft of the people. So listen to your body first and do what it says to find comfort - It has had 1 billion years of medical training. It knows how to heal itself while western doctors don’t expect you to get better. Keep going is the only rule. All the other “duties” are propaganda 🙏🏼
Exactly! 1* often are like " This Sushi place didn't serve spaghetti!" Or " That b*** at the counter looked like she was judging me" type of stuff. But 2*? There is a story here. Someone thought about this 😄
Agreed. I always assume 1 stars are almost always intentional vendettas with people trying too hard to be funny. 2 is usually more of where the genuine criticism comes into play.
Saw someone's argument for picking the man being "It could be a gay man!" and didnt see how he was basically saying the "safe" man is someone not attracted to women. Not that it could be a man who knows how to control his urges (the bare minimum for any civilized human). He's basically saying we're only safe if the man isnt attracted to us.
There are terrifying studies showing that many men only control their urges because there are consequences. Even some of the least dangerous men struggle to see women as human if they are attracted to them. They think they do, but if you dig in hard enough you'll find a slew of buried beliefs that still categorise women according to utility.
@@KnittedSister It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
@@shaolinabbott9161 I 100% agree with you. What these simpletons just don't understand is that the one right answer to pick in this ultimatum is 'A man with one lame leg', so when the bear inevitably finds you (because you're basically in its house, and bears don't give a damn whether you picked it or a man) then it will catch and eat him instead.
Here are *some* responses I got from my friend after I told him I was assaulted by our mutual friend. "Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense. Why didn’t you just fight him off? I mean, come on, man. You should have fought harder." "You must have led him on somehow. Did you say something or do something that made him think you were interested?" "Look, if you didn’t want it, you would have stopped it. You must have wanted it on some level." "Man, you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Guys can’t really get raped. Just forget about it and move on." "I’m just being honest. I can’t see ___ doing something like that unless he thought you were into it. Maybe you should just let it go."
@@noway377 @noway377 I’m sorry about what this awful person did to you and the ret traumatization of having someone close to you deny you outright the support you need and deserve. I cannot say that I’ve had the exact same experience as you because everyone’s experiences can be different in distinctive ways but I do relate in a number of ways to your accounts. I wish for you a complete recovery and justice in full ❤
Anyone else here remember the old 70's slogan, 'The only difference between being raped and being run over by a truck is that no one wonders if you enjoyed being run over by a truck'. We've come so far haven't we? Still glad we go wee shiny happy Josh to take the edge off just about anything.
As Casual Geographics said: “if it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown, get out the ground, and if it’s white…you gonna die” I can easily predict what the bear will do to me.
Thank you for that, Josh. The girl that chose Bear that said, "At least I would be believed." I haven't heard so many male voices say "Oof" in unison since high school, when one of our male cheerleaders tried to do a standing front flip and faceplanted on the gym floor during the pep rally!
Yeah. She would be believed because the bear would hurt her way worse. That's just another reason to choose the man. If a guy cut her arm off with a chainsaw and she showed up with one arm and said a man cut it off with a chainsaw everyone would believe her.
Looking at the number of false accusations, and the massive cultural movement that told us we were evil if we didn’t believe? I call bs. Besides, our justice system should be bias against allegations. It is the founding principle, “innocent until proven guilty” is a fantastic thing.
“Were you wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress? Any bear would attack you if you were wearing a meat dress.” “I wasn’t wearing a meat dress. I was just wearing normal clothes.” “Bears only attack women wearing meat dresses. You’re lying.” Oh alright.
Agreed; Women need to stop so much of their prolific lying. Once women collectively become more honest human beings, their lives will improve, be safer, and more women will be believed.
They need to give him a tv show already , he’s too witty, family friendly and always up on current events. I would watch a Josh talk show in a heartbeat.
I think that hes on the daily show as a correspondent, not exactly the same thing, but it is the position most of the late night comedians held before getting their own!
@holliebrokaw3716 are smarter than them ...even if you look up the statistic rates: mosquitoes have the most 💀, next is humans, then snakes, ...then it's 10 different other animals like cougar, and I didn't see bear on there, which means those other animals and humans are 💀lier than the bear .....which means any 'smart' human would pick bear 👍
@@Asher-mw3zo| You've got this backwards. Black bears are smaller, but territorial and prone to aggression. They make up the vast majority of bear attacks. Grizzlies (aka brown bears) are MUCH more passive. They only attack if frightened, and do so only as a warning. They're so dangerous only because what qualifies as a "warning" to a bear is "potentially fatal" to a human.
The comments are all about bears and one star reviews, but I am here for the physicist mom watching her kicker son fail at his job and telling him exactly what he did wrong.
Same! I didn't even think about the right-wrong science of it until Josh said it, just the hypocrisy of this child of an accomplished woman- in motherhood and career- saying stupidity.
Great example! Yes, it is such a tiring, wearing daily experience to maneuver around potentially dangerous men trying to stay safe. So when I was asked man or bear, I immediately said bear because in all these years, I have never had to prep for bear danger. That's the point. It's the men that have caused me all the biggest traumas and harms in my life, not bears. It's men I plan around when I go out daily (where to park safely, where to walk where wittnesses will be, how polite to be without encouraging harrassment, going farther around danger points etc). It is just CONSTANT risk assessment just for a woman to manuever through this world. It isn't fear per is the wisdom that any prey animal would have as it tries to mind its own business eating in the forrest keeping an eye scanning for the wolf or other predator. For women, what we have to watch out for MOST, is men. Not ALL men, but we don't know which men, so ALL men get "screened/scanned" or risk assessed. Women generally live as prey and think as prey...we aren't aiming to FIGHT a bear OR a man. We are almost always trying to AVOID the dangers. We are considering which one either requires the most of our energy in daily risk assessment (men) or which one we fear most (men) or which ones are statistically most likely to harm or kill us (men). It is not an attack on men to alert them to how we have to live and how it feels to us. A kind or empathetic man would grow in understanding from seeing our point of view and become a part of the solution for us...or at least not be one of the problems. When I moved away from people (men) to the woods, it was wonderful. Not one bear threat or animal attacks, much less need to do risk assessments without men around... It has been PEACEFUL. (And I LOVE good men by the way. There have been a few men I could always count on to be trustworthy or protective or kind. I would love it if all men learned from them. But I know the likelihood of that for any of the predatory types is small, so I am not holding my breath). I just wish more men could kindly consider our stresses and need for safety in the world when hearing that most of us INSTANTLY chose a bear when asked to choose between bear or man. I would hope it would cause self-reflection, compassion, and new consideration for how men choose to interact with women.
@@ChristianOneSo well articulated! As a trans man, that doesn't pass yet, it's a horrible experience. I've been told by other fully passing trans men, that the fear never goes away. And it makes sense, when you've been on guard for your whole life, it won't just go away. It becomes a way of existence. Obviously part if it is still being a part of a endangered minority, but you get the point. It honestly baffles me, how awfully women have been treated and continue to be, even as we are evolving past that.
Yeah… I don’t agree with that. I think that’s an extremely problematic point of view. If I had that opinion on say, black people. I would be called a racist and rightly so. “I don’t know if one is a criminal, so I should treat them all like criminals in order to preserve my own safety” would be a messed up and archaic way of thinking. I wouldn’t support it in that scenario as I won’t support it in this one. Or you could turn that around and say as a black person, you should assume every white person is a racist to preserve your own safety. Not as severe, but still unacceptable. As a result, I believe this an inherently sexist idea that women should treat all men as potentially dangerous on the grounds of being a man.
@@bokunobernie6962but that comparison doesn't make sense cause why include race in that way when the original statement includes women in general so therefore women of color are included which means (based on your example) a black woman is also viewing a black man the same way so theirs no point to add race in like this only for your main point to be about sexism. Especially since the viewpoint itself is not a problem unless it's being used as reason to harm men but that's not the point obviously since if you are treating all guns like they're loaded then that means you aren't "harming" the guns you are simply cautious with them until your sure they'll aren't loaded and the popular saying goes "it's better to be safe than sorry" and thats what women are doing. That's not to say men can't view women in that way and be cautious around them because to be honest I think there should be some level caution everyone should have with unknown people, but obviously majority of men dont feel the need to view women that way since women arent often precieved as a potiential threat based on their personal experiences with women. (Key words majority and often so I obv don't mean that every man thinks this way or haven't been physically harmed by women, I'm simply basing it on the majority not the exceptions)
Irony: My daughter is on an extended field camp right now. A bear showed up at camp, dug up some ants and left. A couple days prior at a gift shop, some random man creeped on her while she was trying to buy souvenirs. There’s a reason so many women chose bear. I told my husband about the bear/man discussion, and he was sad women overwhelmingly chose bear. Not mad, not triggered. Sad that so many people would see him as a threat. He’s a good man. If there were more like him, the bear wouldn’t be chosen.
Exactly. This question mainly makes me sad because it's a grim reminder of a reality I was already aware of. Bears are, generally speaking, even while camping, not that big of a danger. Yet encounters with dangerous men are numerous enough and downplayed/ignored to often by other men, that is NEEDS to be a concern at all times.
@@MrsWheezer Yes if you don't grovel and accept any insult thrown your way it means you are worse than animal. Not only that but the dangers of sarcasm are widely known around the world and even a grizzly could never match it. Let me guess "if you take it as an insult then it only means that you deserve it" can't wait for more gaslighting.
The real sad thing is the fact that no one would ever actually choose the bear but yet they say they would in order to propagate the idea that men are bad in general. Its easy to do on the internet.
I’m a man. I happen to be gay. When I was a young, petite man, a larger, slightly older boyfriend kept having sex with me while I asked him to stop because he was hurting me - but he didn’t stop. Afterwards, I was in tears, and I told him how I experienced the encounter. If he’d shown any remorse or concern for my pain - any sign that maybe he didn’t notice he was hurting me - I’d have understood and forgiven. But instead he said, “For it to legally be rape, it’d have to be a penis in a vagina.” That told me everything I needed to know - and that’s how the men who are being obtuse about this bear thing are coming across. Ever since, I’ve been sexually harassed by men countless times, even straight ones when they find out I’m gay. It’s exhausting. But I’ve grown in size and years and strength and confidence and facial hair. I look like a strong Mexican dude and guys think twice before harassing me. I know for a fact that’s not an option for most women - and that many have had much worse experiences of SA than I have, many of which resulted in permanent trauma (and even death). The bear makes too much sense to me given my own experiences - and that’s even though I’m a guy.
I am so sorry you were SA. My heart breaks for you. I can't believe he said that to you. R@pe is r@pe. Gender doesn't matter. It's no less traumatic. It was not okay and what you experienced no one should have to. I hope your heart has found comfort and healing. I wish I could give you a hug and say all the right words to bring you comfort. Unless someone has been hurt that way they can't understand what it feels like and the emotional scar it leaves you with. Again I am so sorry. May your life be blessed with peace, healing, self love and strength to overcome all of life's obstacles.
Can't remember where I heard this, but it's worth passing on "There are two types of men: the ones that know why women choose the bear, and the ones that are the reason the women choose the bear."
Soo, either you have to HUMILIATE yourself just for being a man, cause everybody Knows any man Is a toxic misogynist. Or a misogynist (like almost ALL the Men are). Totally NOT generalizing. Sooooo much logic in your words. Not sexist at All.
Nothing humiliating in admitting that this happens enough for it to be understandable to be cautious, guys who do think it’s humiliating are usually people who either would do it or would excuse it so it’s safer to assume everyone even when you know not everyone does Think of it like gun safety “It’s safer to assume that all guns are loaded even when you know not all are, than to find out one you thought wasn’t, was” In summary, i’d rather choose the bear over you
SA is terrible. It happens to women, men, trans folk, children, everybody. But for every one incident and one perpetrator, there are thousands, tens of thousands of people who did absolutely nothing wrong. For every one female teacher who “seduced” her student, there are thousands of other female teachers who did no such thing and have no desire to do such thing. Should we be lumping perpetrators altogether now based on gender? Is that where gender politics is now, that if you share the same genitals with a violent person, that makes you a threat? How many pre-op trans women should be lumped into this “more terrifying than a bear” argument? It’s so silly.
I heard that there were 3 types of men. The ones who learn through reading the ones who learn through watching and the one who has to pee on the electric fence. Translating it to bears convo, would add the dude who didn't hardly notice the woman in the woods because he was on his phone or lost in his head
@@jonsimpson6240 Go make a proper research, not just the voices in your head. Look at the estatistics of the cases that were proven to be true and false. Which one has bigger numbers? Also, in the bear vs men discourse, women aren't only talking about r*ape, if you think this is the only bad thing a man can do to a woman, then you CLEARLY don't know what you're talking about. Do better.
@@jonsimpson6240 The problem goes both ways. Either sides shouldn't be blaming the other one, but instead working to fix both the problems than just pointing fingers and calling each other lying cunts.
@@jonsimpson6240 It's always interesting when people make it seem like false rape accusations are way more than true accusations. Like in proportions. I wish false accusations weren't even a thing. Sadly, they exist. And it's wrong. But it's not all accusations that are false. In fact, lots, lots of men in so many countries get away with rape cases. So, please, rest.
You'd be missing half your face and your scalp, kind hard to miss something like that. But if your SAed and there's no evidence to support it well of course no one's going to believe you.
So people don’t believe women? Thats just blatant propaganda. Are we forgetting that “believe all women” is actually a phrase said with a straight face?
Remember reading a 1 star review from an Airbnb “awful place, tried to get me to leave early”. And the Airbnb responded “don’t book this man, he kept bothering the neighbors about where the hookers at”
Here are *some* responses I got from my friend after I told him I was assaulted by our mutual friend. "Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense. Why didn’t you just fight him off? I mean, come on, man. You should have fought harder." "You must have led him on somehow. Did you say something or do something that made him think you were interested?" "Look, if you didn’t want it, you would have stopped it. You must have wanted it on some level." "Man, you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Guys can’t really get raped. Just forget about it and move on." "I’m just being honest. I can’t see ___ doing something like that unless he thought you were into it. Maybe you should just let it go." Never had a bear sneak into my room to SA me. But a man sure did.
@DarkBunnyLord yeah, no. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to women who were murdered by men for rejecting them. The articles on there are endless. From pregnant women being decapitated by their ex husbands/boyfriends to teenage girls being stabbed for rejecting random guys, to women being gunned down by their obsessed coworkers for refusing to date them. You are downplaying just how unhinged a lot of men are. Is it all men? No. But it's an overwhelming majority of men. Your mentality is responsible for the deaths of so many innocent women.
@@daFfodilS9 throughout history bears have eaten human meat and not cared and it still carries up today. They don't care whether it's Human Meat, Fish Meat, Deer Meat or even other Bear Meat
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
@@shaolinabbott9161 blah blah We know about that The whole point is even if a bear is more likely than a man to kill a woman That doesn’t automatically exempts the things a man can do if you happen to be unlucky. So bear sounds waay better and bear spray is amazing too. It truly pisses me off too when men ignore the main idea that alot of men are harming women and women are terrified and jump to act all smart saying “WeLl errrrm StAtIsTiCaLlY a BeAr WiLl KiLl yOu” ☝️🤓
@@shaolinabbott9161I’ve spent most of my 32 year career working outside in the woods, sometimes alone. I’ve seen several bears over the years. Though it is startling, the bears usually run away or are easy to avoid.
I used to live in northern California in the mountains. There was a bear that came down our street to knock down trashcans every night. I'd chill with him
And you know why he did it at night? Because he knows fucking with people gets him shot. Bears are incredibly cautious and forage way more than most people think. There is this weird narrative I keep hearing because of this meme where people think bears are these big predators or something. They are just big so predators don't fuck with them. Their diet is 85% plants. And like the rest is mostly small mammals and a shit ton of moths lol
@@MatthewTheWanderer this is what the computer told me, it's pretty bad. CTE stands for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a progressive brain disease that can develop from repeated concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). It's often associated with contact sports like football and boxing, but can also affect military personnel and others who experience repetitive head impacts
"To all you ladies here with your little degrees.... Go ahead and have a baby otherwise your life is meaningless." That's basically what I hear at least once a week as a childless woman with six degrees. Smh.
You’ve worked too hard and too long for that to be your tagline and if the situation permits I hope you can say just that. Cause it’s no pity you’re working doing what you obviously love, nobody gets six degrees on a lark! I think that pity often comes from why people work or get up in the morning. 9/10 people say family when asked, so I hope you just let those pesky thoughts roll off you. You’ve accomplished so much with your own drive and motivations they’ll carry you the rest of the way💗 (Sorry for the unsolicited pep talk/advice, but I just couldn’t let it stand, hope your co-workers are better to you or just try to relate to you on a topic that’s not about kids )
@@joan6096 thank you for the pep talk. I had one coworker literally tell me that she thought I used school to mask my displeasure with not being a wife and mother. That was definitely unsolicited. At least your comments are encouraging and uplifting. ❤️ And yes, I LOVE school!
My favorite one star review I've ever seen was on Amazon. I was buying a mattress, so i looked at the reviews to see if it was good. The man said (paraphrased): "I got drunk and bought this because I thought it was a giant ice cream sandwich. It was not an ice cream sandwich".😂
I've had some doozies with drunk Amazon shopping. Was surprised by a box one day with pink fake Converse sneakers with different kinds of chickens on them. I was more shocked by the pink as I hate that color.
What's even funnier was that it was originally posed by a man who said _he_ would prefer a bear to a random strange man, not for as many reasons as the women, but there you go.
Nah but for real, if you’re lost in the woods you’re better off with a bear than with a random human regardless of gender. People are fucked up and a lot more unpredictable. The bear’s intentions will be very clear from the start and you can react accordingly. Another person could help you survive for weeks and kill you in your sleep for any reason. Bears also don’t stalk you. If the bear doesn’t attack you the first time you see it you won’t see it ever again while as mentioned you’d probably expect someone to be helpful in survival until it isn’t in their best interest.
@@MikePhantom I’ve literally seen bears many times and have been in very close encounters with some while camping. One time I forgot some food outside and woke up with my tent open and a bear eating the food. They’re lazy as hell you have no idea. That bear could have easily killed me, I was literally sleeping but it went after my food instead because it was easier and probably wasn’t that hungry. You just proved that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@MikePhantom the question was never 'what if _bear attack_ ' and you're also missing the point that it wasn't about anyone's experience with a bear, but the experience with men that made them inherently more worried about men such that, on the spot, they'd give that answer
Even as a dude, I’d choose the bear. Where I live, the bear is already there. As long as it’s not worth it to the bear to attack you, that bear won’t attack you. I came across a bear picking blueberries once (not close enough to potentially be near a cub, but close enough that I was a bit nervous) and the bear was chill. I came across a dude once and he came at me with a shotgun claiming he owned the land even though it was a national forest. The bear might mail me if I harass its cubs, the dude might shoot me for literally no reason.
I get the idea, and it is very sad, but real talk; Even as a man id rather be alone in the woods with a bear. Bears will leave you alone unless provoked, scared, or if they have cubs. Yes being attacked by a bear is a scary prospect, but it happens a LOT less than people attacking people lol
as a woman, i’d also rather be alone in the woods with a random bear than a random woman. people are dangerous and unpredictable, while bears literally have a three step “fight back, lie down, goodnight” rule for encountering them
Josh, I really love how you masterfully lighten the mood without invalidating The experiences of people who have been through difficult events. One of my favorite comedians of all time.
It's his skill with genuinely horrifying material that makes me think he's one of the best -- if not already the best -- comedians around at the moment. Gentle, funny, sharp, quick -- so good. Both in the writing and how he delivers it.The speed at week he goes from inciting incident to on stage preformance -- with the nuance he has -- absolutely next level.
@TheUnluckyConqueror3699 he is an ADULT and has been one for A WHILE so he could have healed his inner child, gone to therapy and reparented himself. Other people do it. He has no excuse to be misogynistic at that age
Fwiw, it means a lot to me and im sure a lot of other women when men acknowledge and empathize with the gender based trauma we go through, so thank you for being both respectful of this sensitive topic and also humorous enough to shine some levity on a dark subject
The whole bear discussion is crazy too considering, how even as man I think you wouldn't wanna find yourself just hanging out with a stranger, like in general as a baseline you wouldn't trust to just be alone with somebody you don't know, and for a women that goes twofold. Any man who feels entitled to act like women should be more trusting of any random man than of a bear are clearly missing something.
Yeah nah, I'd roll the dice with a random dude over a goddamn grizzly animal. There is a 99.9% chance that dude will be just as confused as I am and we walk out of those damn woods. That said, I don't expect anyone to trust me or allow me to be in their space. I'm not dumb.
@@Banned4Life well, yeah, I'd pick a man over a GRIZZLY, but I'd pick a black bear over a man. I think between 'any man' and 'any bear' I'd give a very slight edge to the man just so I can prepare without worrying about bear variance, but I do recognize that if I don't survive the man, some of the people here would say it's my fault for not choosing the bear...
This argument has been so eye-opening to me because now I know which of my friends is a little weird, and which ones I can trust to pick up my little sister from school
For real.. if they argue to defend a random man on the woods; they are that random men on the woods 💀 (they could also lie about it tho.. purge men out of your life for 100% safety) 🤷♀️
Had to learn from the great Dave Chapelle. He’s pauses during stand up literally sets up his jokes lol. Josh also has mastered the “ control of the crowd “ with his pauses
This whole show was phenomenal, well worth the 2 hour drive we took to see him. People, if you get the chance, go see him in person. You will laugh yourself sick! 😂
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
RIL Junko Furata I think of her every time this comes up. Also the girl who asked the dude “well did we ask the bear? the bears friends said he’s a good guy so”
For fkin real!! I'll never forget the first time I read her story in full. It took me many many years to gather the courage to read it again. Absolutely horrifying. Bears don't so such horrible acts against humans. No animal does. It kills for food or out of fear. Not pleasure.
Sometimes I have true crime videos that play in the background and the moment I hear her name, I have to switch to something else. Whenever I think of truly evil people, her story always comes to mind.
That story still haunts me - and I'm a guy. Just when I think I've forgotten the details, something reminds of them. It's one of the few things I truly wish I hadn't read. I cannot fathom being a woman in this world knowing men are capable of such harm and evil.
And then most of the perpetrators got 10 or less years of prison. And some were bragging about doing it after they were released. All of these guys are free now, btw.
Ugh. That one and the toy box/tool box killers. Seriously the worst stuff I've ever read ... I would choose being mauled by a bear a thousand times over those guys...
My college had a Chic-fil-a express, which was the only Chic-fil-a in town, and for some reason a lot of people didn't realise it was in the food hall of a college campus. It had some of my favorite reviews. Anywhere from "This place is always packed, in this weird building, and full of people wearing packpacks. Two stars." to "My chicken sandwich only had one pickle. One star for one pickle."
@karinalumen9722 Technically it was open to the public, but it was also very obviously in the middle of a college campus. The Chick-fil-A was in the same building and literally beside the cafeteria and dining area.
@@MrsDesireeAC I think he'd be good at it. He's a reader and can do well with the serious interviews, as Trevor did, and be funny when the time is right.
Why tf you in the woods then? But I get the sentiments and I agree. Higher chance the man is volatile and dangerous than the bear with its predictable behaviour. And the bear has 0 potential attractions
@@Yakobi24it really depends on the bear brown bear will kill you zero reasons. Black bear as long as your doing certain things wont touch you. Brown/grizzly bears are the worst to be wirh
Well, if bears are supposed to be in the woods and we aren’t, then why tf are we even there in the first place? Bit of a self defeating argument on that front But also, some people naturally need to go to the woods for their profession/job. May not be wholly applicable across the entire human race, but it’s not like a man being out in the woods is the most extraordinary thing to ever happen either
My comeback is that I was picturing being teleported into the middle of the woods with either a random man or a random bear. With that in mind, the odds of a guy attacking me versus a bear attacking me are much much lower. People who say otherwise unironically should probably do a practical experiment.
@@ilyte1 Leaving aside the teleportation, if a woman wakes up unexpectedly in the woods, true crime shows lead her to believe that her supposed "rescuer" is likely to be the one who drugged her and put her there.
I've got a depressing comment to the bear vs. man thing. Just read in the news a 15yo girl was r'd and murdered in a forested patch of a park in my country. 15yo. Yeah, a bear wouldn't have done that to her.
To add: My country has quite some bears, but it's rare that they attack. And when they do it's because they are either protecting their cubs, have been disturbed mid hibernating, or have been hurt by a gun shot or a collision with a viehicle. There's been 1 death by bear in the last 100 years. Basically going to the forest is safe if you make some noise while walking there - they'll keep out of sight if they aren't surprised. Basically a lot of people who have never seen a bear have quite likely been seen _by_ a bear. My mum used to always sing while walking her dogs in the forests when my parents lived in an area with more bears.
....I'm not sure if I want to add to this, but I can add another very traumatic? depressing? godawful thing to this conversation: try searching for who's the youngest person to be pregnant.
@@Pippis78I used to do a lot of trail rides(horseback) and when I would take people out who weren't used to being in forests, I would keep them talking. Not just bears would hear us coming. Still see the occasional deer or ground bird. But ya, make noise, animals avoid humans. Sad about the young girl. What a horrific end she endured.
Black bear: stand up to it and then back away slowly so it thinks you're not worth the effort. Brown bear: play dead so it loses interest. Some random frikking guy: who the eff knows, they could do anything. They could want anything. There's no way of knowing. The women who answer "bear" are being entirely rational.
What is the man doing in the woods? Does the encounter happen on or off trail? Is it a casual passerby or is he following you? Has the bear been taught since birth to view women as less worthy of autonomy and dignity? Was the bear raised in a society that gives dead people more rights to bodily autonomy than a pregnant woman? So many people in the comment section here absolutely proving the point with some of their hateful comments about how women shouldn't be allowed to use their free speech to participate in this meme/conversation, lmao.
Those first two encounters are life threatening, while the third is just random chance, and more likely than not an average dude who couldn't care less about you. Is it really rational?
Here's the thing. I've been in the forest and encountered bears. I've also been in the forest and encountered unknown men. The men always made me feel far more on edge.
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
And another reason to choose the bear is because we can predict how the bear will behave. And that goes for a variety of variables. We know how different species of bears will react in the presence of human beings. And obviously it's not easy to predict the actions and behaviors of other human beings.
@@Cuddly-Cactus that's the thing though. It's women saying they trust an average man over an average bear. 🙄 There logic applies to any humanoid figure. Imagine seeing a human just out of sight in the middle of no where. For bears it's their natural habitat. For a human it's extremely out of place which creates a dissonance. Hell,imagine if it's a monster or a ghost or a demon or some shit... but the point of it was just for women to shit on men. Fuck that. I think of any women that says she'd pick a bear lesser. And that's the end of it. It's using excuses and pseudo-logic to say "I hate/dislike you. Even if I don't know you." I, like many, understand that is clearly the message. And reasonably share the same sentiment back. It's a negative sentiment. Like.. Imagine if someone, a woman for example, walks up to a guy randomly, hits/slaps/kicks/stabs him, then expects to walk away while thinking *_"That man I just hurt should agree with me that he deserves it. It only makes sense. He IS evil after all."_*
@@shaolinabbott9161Dude that is not at all true. Most bears will avoid you or ignore you. Just the other day I was camping near Mt. Shasta and I woke to some movement outside my camp. I was terrified that it was a person. When I saw the black bear half way up the tree. I was relieved it was a bear and went back to bed. I have been alone in the woods with bears and men. And I will choose the bear to a stranger.
@@happypup70 You have infinitely more contact with men, and most men avoid or ignore you. Especially when you start speaking, and reveal your personality to them. And yet, here you are, arguing based on feelings and cherry-picked anecdotal experience, confirming the stereotype that the "man vs. bear" hypothetical scenario was designed to reveal; namely, that women operate more on emotional & feelings then logic & rationality.
I love food/restaurant reviews that have nothing to do with the food or business. It'll be like, "couldn't find parking." Also the ones that start the review like a diary and for some reason start detailing their day before they get to the restaurant
Bear doesn't question my intelligence at any given moment. Bear doesn't tell me I'm too emotional. Bear won't maul me for saying something as simple as "no". If something ought to happen to me in those woods, people wouldn't blame me for the attack. Wouldn't claim "oh, are you sure? This could ruin the bear's life". If a bear mauled me, I wouldn't be questioned what I was wearing. If I was mauled by a bear, they would hunt down the bear. And if a bear attacked me, my claim would be taken seriously. A bear doesn't give a crap what I do with my body. Because a bear is a bear, a wild animal. Bears don't make the conscious human choices people make. It's atrocious what society expects women to just deal with every day. There is a 1920s song about women needing to carry a hatpin because "you never know". Hatpins were commonly used to stab intrusive or harassing men. They were OUTLAWED because so many men were stabbed with Hatpins. And now look at us. A hundred years later and we haven't moved an inch. Depressing
Bear would certainly think you are an easy prey therefore not very smart. Bear wouldn't like you screaming in terror once it starts eating you alive. Bear would almost 100% maul you if you told it "no" when it attempted to eat you. People would almost universally blame you for the attack and say it is not up to the animal but to you not to provoke it and you shouldn't go to the wilderness disturbing nature if you don't know what you are doing. People would certainly ask if you are sure because in most cases the bear could be hunted down and killed if it was attacking humans which would without a doubt ruin its life. People would probably question what you were wearing in the woods but that wouldn't be related to the bear they would ask you if you were camping/cooking something leaving food behind or maybe even trying to feed the bear before it attacked you. Your claim would probably be taken as seriously as any rape claim that is reported to the authorities but it all depends on the circumstances. A bear would certainly be interested in what you are doing with your body especially if you were in close proximity to it. You are consciously trying to degrade and dehumanize men to the point of placing them under animals I wonder why is that if they are so dangerous and vicious I bet you even feel justified in it because they just simply deserve it. There is a 1940 song about a woman that shot her husband with a gun because he was cheating there was another one about a woman that was just shutting men as a joke but was acquitted by the jury because she said she didn't know the gun was loaded but fortunately her reign of terror was ended by another woman that shot her instead and used the same excuse. 80 years later and guns are still legal in most of the states and female offenders get preferential treatment.
Irony: The people supporting Butker talking about a wife staying home and living in a single income household are the same people who complain they cannot pay their bills in a 2 income household.
Exactly. Misogyny aside for a moment, we no longer live in a world where the wife could stay at home even if she wanted. Inflation, cost of living, minimum wage stagnation and the growing divide between rich and poor means the vast majority depends on a two income household just to survive. Only rich, entitled, delusional men (and some women) argue for going back to traditional roles. If they want to live in the 1950's, then we need to roll back prices to the 1950's 😂 but don't expect any critical thinking skills from these people.
@@lemon1657and even then, most of these trad men still resent their trad wives for not working if the wife dares to want to use any of the shared money to do something for herself sometimes, feeling put upon by the singular workload that THEY WANTED in the first place.
@@lemon1657women entering the work force en masse is the reason why we can't have 1 income hosueholds as the norm anymore. They oversaturated the work force with cheap labor and caused massive wage stagnation. There's a reason why the biggest pushers of the movement was industrialist.
OK, BUT THE REVEIWS FOR SCHOOLS ARE LITERALLY SO FUNNY (middle schools, specifically, most elementary schools don't have reveiws, and college kids are too nice, most of the time)
It is trueeeee lol, I read many while I looked up the middle schools in the UK and so many angry and frustrated kid let the steam out in the reviews, adorable, mean kids lol
My nephew's school had a comment section for the online lunch menu. They took it down because he and his friends kept leaving reviews about the food being a crime against humanity. 6th graders are brutal 😂
Man, Josh Johnson, Josh Wolf, and Ali Wong are the only comedians where i laugh out loud EVERY time i listen to their material. Josh, you're such a talented guy!! I hope your career takes you to the moon, homie.
I’ve spent too much time in the internet trenches of this man v bear thing trying to get dudes to stop debating bear attack statistics and understand what a hypothetical is for, so I was thrilled that you stepped in because I knew you at least GET IT, thank god
@@whereammy unfortunately I've found that once statistics get introduced, it just gives them something to hyperfocus on and ignore the actual point, plus they think that if they just calculate the statistics right then they can argue you into giving the other answer. So far the only thing that I've found that seems to make any sort of dent is just trauma-dumping stories from my actual life at them and trying to get into their skull that all. of. us. have stories like this, and that affects our answer more than numbers ever could.
The women's point of view is objectionably stupid, though. It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
@@fawng8017 "unfortunately I've found that once statistics get introduced, it just gives them something to hyperfocus on and ignore the actual point" Yeah, because unlike many women, men tend to think more logically. Hard data and evidence trump your fragile feelings and fractured psyche all day every day. Trying to argue on an objective issue based on your ever-changing and subjective feelings is stupid.
For the man vs bear debate, when they teach us about stranger danger one of the things they mention is to always scream and fight back to avoid getting to the second location. I never understood why not the second location if it meant being alive and being able to find another chance to escape but, now that I watch true crime I understand there are worse things than death. The forest ALONE with a random man IS the second location. Yeah. I'll take my chances with the bear.
You know I'm something of scientist by nature. So I think a practical test is in order. Since you'd prefer to not be near the man, then don't be near the man. We'll randomly pick a bear and have your footage broadcasted to a safe location. We'll analyze afterwards
@@ilyte1 Wanting to see me in the forest alone with a bear to "analyse" it doesn't make it a scientific or practical test. We all know either 1 of 2 things are possible. With such predictable possible outcomes, you would think being a "scientist by nature" instead you would start with questioning the less obvious like, "Why the bear? Between the man and the bear, what could possibly make these people choose the bear?". Before any assumption of that route of questioning, it is understood that it is not ALL men. However, it is the fact that it is enough men that drives the true message of this hypothetical question. I will admit though that this question is asked in a way that can be taken quite rudely. My answer is not the bear simply because the other is a man. It is because it can be ANY man. I don't get to choose what kind of man I would be alone with, and that alone is terrifying. I don't know if you are a "scientist by nature", there is no evidence in your comment to lead me to that assumption of your character. But I hope you are. I hope you start questioning both the women in your life for perspective and the men in your life that are the reason why we look over our shoulder at good men and walk a little faster. Because maybe then we will reach a conclusion that isn't man or bear, but another step to a greater understanding.
@@ilyte1I can tell you got offended that they wouldn't choose to see you rather than a bear. But, Mr. "Scientist" why would you be in the woods all by yourself anyway looking like some suspicious creep?
8:04 I’ve only left one 3-Star review and it was when I reviewed everywhere I went for a few months. It was a grocery store with no sales, but decent flat prices. Understaffed, but the employees did their best. Almost nowhere to return a cart, but spacious parking lot. It was such an acid/base blend that I felt like 3 stars was a truly neutral score
An obnoxiously pretentious friend of my stepsister's took it upon himself to leave reviews of public spaces/parks and left a 3 star review of a bridge that just said "didn't fall or anything"
I mean it really is an unfair comparison. In North America (The U.S and Canda) There have been fewer than 200 people killed by bears between 1784 to today. This includes black bears, brown bears, grizzlies, and polar bears. Also includes bears that were kept in captivity. That's fewer than one person being killed every year. There are entire states where no one has ever been attacked by a bear. Also if one of those bears tried to follow you home after a hike through the woods, the cops would actually do something.
If we lived in a society where 48% of the population were not men and boys, but bears and bear cubs, the streets would run with blood. The reason not many people are killed by bears is because we don't come across them all that much as a population.
100%. i live in the woods. bears tear down our bird feeders when they wake up every spring. i'm not concerned running into a bear unless i happen to be between them and their cubs.
I'm wondering what the attack rate of encounters is as that would be the more fair comparison. Or maybe it should be man in the woods or bear on the street (since part of what makes women choose the bear is the environment). Women choosing the bear should be eye opening to men; women are constantly needing to be on guard in a way that most men don't realise. That said, the answer has emotional power but I suspect it's statistically wrong in the same way that nobody is afraid of eating that cheeseburger like they are of sharks even though the burger is more likely to kill you.
@@niceguy191As a woman, no. I will take the bear anytime anywhere. Do the statistics any way you like, no bear has ever raped a woman. Way to miss the message.
@@adde9506 @adde9506 I'm wondering if you read my comment past the first bit to see the second paragraph? The first part of my comment is specifically a reply to someone saying it's not a fair comparison and so offer suggestions on how to make it more "fair". I'm of course assuming their comment was in good faith but have no reason not to so it's just a conversation about statistics, not "the message".
Men were wishing death to women who chose the bear yet still wondering why we chose the bear. Make it make sense. Edit: There are only about 40 bear attacks yearly worldwide. Bears aren’t actively stalking, attacking, and murdering for the fun of it. So statistically speaking both men and women are safer off encountering a bear. This does not mean we think all men are predators!
You are confusing wishing death with telling someone they'll die if they make a stupid decision. it's like saying people who tell people who want to do parkour in 500m skyscrapers they'll die if they do that are wishing death on people who do parkour. We all know bears are dangerous and we all know no women is choosing bear woods or not even if the bear was raised and trained no women would choose to go stand near it rather than stand near a random man even if the random man was a convicted of SA.
@asan, wow of course you completely missed the point on why women would prefer the bear. And no you're wrong, the OP was right, men were actually wishing harm on women and threatening women with wanting to rape and kill women themselves just because we'd prefer a bear. That just continued to prove our point.
I actually bought a book of just one star reviews. One that made me giggle was for a girl's toy of a horse called "Nightmare". The review was all about how scary it looked and it's evil laugh. The WILDEST were the one star hotel reviews. Always like a meth lab, a swat team, or an actual crime in the next room.
you can predict a bear, there are known things that almost always prevent a bear from attacking you. a random man isn't predictable. that man could be a cannibal, a seriel killer, a rapists or many other things.
Bears are significantly less predictable than humans. The odds of the random guy being a cannibal, serial killer, rapist, are so astronomically low. Especially if you take into account the type of people who are normally where you would see bears (aka, hikers). Most of the people you would meet are significantly more likely to help or ignore you. Think of it this way, based on the number of encounters vs attacks you have about a 0.05% chance to get attacked every time you see a bear. And every time a human sees a man there is about a 0.0005% chance to get attacked(in any way). Given that men assault other men at more than twice the rate they assault women, a random woman seeing a random man in the forest would be more than 100 times LESS likely to be attacked than if she saw a bear. That is attacked IN ANY WAY, and sexual assault (the real kind, not just “made me uncomfortable”) happens significantly less often than the physical kind even to women.
I guarantee you that bear has a far higher chance of attacking you randomly. You literally encounter 1000's upon 1000's of men a year that dont do anything. You'd have died a long time ago if you encountered that many bears
More women are killed by their husbands and boyfriends than by strangers every year. We should address that fact too. I’d choose a bear over a stranger for sure because it’s still a safer bet.
Yeah, I’ve seen enough footage of bears waving at folks, using critical thinking skills before as well as while on a premises. They usually just want to see about the groceries and keep it pushing, unless they feel like driving and don’t know how to ask you for your keys to the car.😅
@@TheLonesomePagan.Women would rather choose a cat over a man when it comes to companionship, just like they would choose a bear over a man when it comes to taking a chance on their safety. It says something very telling about men that so many women would rather deal with animals over men.
Why would I choose the bear over a man? If the bear is going to attack you, it'll do it right then, and there its not gonna lock you in his basement for 10 years and repeatedly attack you like Ariel Castro. Besides, the bear lives in the woods, but the man could have followed you there.
This 👏 Whatever terror the bear *might* inflict will be mere minutes, then it's over and it wasn't personal or for pleasure. A man can stretch that time for days and weeks in the woods or take you back to his 🏚️. We should all ask the men in our lives their opinion on this because it's a perfect question to single out the dangerous ones to avoid.
Might want to check some stuff out first: "Eaten alive: Olga Moskalyova, 19, gave a horrific hour-long running commentary on her own death in three separate calls to her mother as a bear and her cubs mauled her..." But, you're right: bears don't even have basements. 😂
@@lemon1657 You have deeply hurt my feelings. Kidding, of course. However, I have to ask: why have so many women hitched their wagons to this debate? The rate of violence perpetrated by men against women is absolutely a conversation worth having, but the video that started this debate was only ever about clicks and engagement anyway. This was not how you start the conversation at all. Weirdly, sidenote: I see so many concessions made for the bear: "what kind of bear is it?" "It might just run off", etc. But with the man, he's a serial rapist/ murderer/ torturer, and is also unstoppable by default, because all of that's accurate, I guess? Maybe the men who get angry are not "just proving the point" about men not caring about women's feelings. Maybe men just don't want to be lumped in with psychopathic monsters. This debate doesn't serve women at all, as it perpetuates the idea that feelings should always take priority over facts, and that people in general are bad at statistics. The whole thing is silly, and the only result is division.
@@jonathananderson5990 We've said everything we needed to say in our comments above and you're the one hitching your wagon to this issue. You are not invited to this conversation or to meet us on a path ever. End of 👋
🐻 The man vs. bear DAD edition is something else. When asked to dads with daughters, wives, some immediately say bear, or can't decide, which is an answer in and of itself. 🤣
@@rosyellis14 Hmmm, tricky. the question, as presented, is honestly not worthy of this answer, because there is not much leeway to investigate its threads. Like, "would you rather a bear or a close family member kill you?" would better handle it, because it breaks away with the risk assessment implied in the original question and cuts right down to expectations.
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
I swear, that man vs. bear thing... I am a man, and I wouldn't want to stumble up on another man either, I'd probably fare better with a bear. But to be fair, I wouldn't want to stumble up on a woman either! Humans in general are terrifying and unpredictable. I could learn how to manage myself around a bear, they all have nearly the same motives and fears, not a human with bad intentions and weapons.
Yes. As a woman I just started wondering about this from an alien's perspective. Just to distance myself from things. The things humans say and do can kill the soul. Whereas the bear is a straightforward animal.
I fully understand why, and if I were a woman I'd probably pick a bear too HOWEVEERRRRR If I'm stuck in a forest and a woman happens to walk by, I would 100% hope they'd pick me bcos I'm in a wheelchair and Id need help to get away from the bear 😂
My husband said he would pick the bear too. Humans are to unpredictable. I would also choose a bear. We are very outdoorsy people and the scariest thing in the woods are other people. When my husband is at work and I am out by myself. I constantly get hit on and constantly have to look over my shoulder because ya never know. My husband also worries so he fixed that problem and bought me a little friend to carry around. my little friend is named Betty and Betty will never let me down. Whether it’s a bear or man.
I've encountered a few bears in the woods. Never been a problem, given the choice I'd rather see a bear than a random person. Man, Woman, doesn't matter. The only reason I'm out in the woods to begin with is to see the wildlife.
If a bear attacks me, it would be my fault completely. However, it is rare and they are most times just watching me before I know they're there. A man however, I do not need to give him a reason. He will attack just because he wants to. And you never know which man will do it.
I am 100% certain that you can read your own species. Body language better than you can read a random species, body language. And you can communicate with the man. AND the odds of them being cuckoo for Cocoa puffs is low.
@@ilyte1 But that's the thing. You don't which one is and isn't cuckoo for cocoa puffs. However, you do know which bears are capable of what. Either way though, me personally, you ain't catching me in the woods. Yall stay safe though
@@justuravergekpopluvinfeministThe scenario does not allow for much nuance. If you run into a bear your chances of survival are uncertain at best. You run into a fellow human being and suddenly your chances lf survival are nearly ensured. Maybe in 10 out of a hundred cases will the other human harm you. That’s still not a great number but it’s most assuredly a lot better than your odds with a bear.
@notsureyet2200 more people believed Cassie then not. But see how you all don't care about easily manipulating a situation with lies, partial truths and misdirected context lol. Same reason everyone thinks men are violent is the same reason why trust is hard with a women. Stop blaming reality. Understand reality.
That's what I thought too 😂, I was answering man this whole time because I thought, "I could maybe kill a man hand to hand if I had to but I know damn well I'm getting killed by a bear and nothing but running away would save me."
No, they haven’t. We just understand that the probability of being attacked or otherwise assaulted by a man is exponentially lower than being mauled by a bear. Most women have been answering the question “would you rather be alone with a bear or a rapist?”
@roxyortiz8819 a statistic? Not exactly. I have something better; common sense and critical thinking. You’ve probably seen dozens of men today. I’m assuming and hoping you haven’t been assaulted. Imagine if every one of those men were bears instead. You would 100% be a pile of shredded skin by now. Men hurt more people because there are literally billions more encounters between men and women, than there are between women and bears. Thats how stats work.
@roxyortiz8819 1 in 2.1 million people are attacked by bears according to the national park service. In America 1 of 6 women have experienced sexual assault, globally the number may be as high as 1 of 3 women. That's several thousand orders of magnitude.
Hi Friends thanks for watching. Make sure you like and subscribe. Comment your city below 👇
Little Rock, AR
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Thanks for the laughs Josh 👍
My favorite one I’ve seen was a man raging about women choosing the bear because his mom survived being attacked by a bear. His mom came out and said she would choose the bear.
Oh my!😂 do you have a link ? I need to see this!
@@kimdupont3731 me too
Yeah sis drop the link😂😂😂
do you have the link?
I had a doctor that almost killed me because of them not taking accountability for a botched surgical procedure. Internal bleeding. I apparently didn't have enough evidence for malpractice, so I left a 1 star review for the hospital and mentioned the doctor by name. Had a hospital administrator email me, asking to take it down. Told them to get an attorney and take me to court. They didn't contact me again. The review is still up lol.
Gosh, I should have left a 1 star after my mom was assaulted by one of the doctors and he didn't even attend the meeting the hospital chief held with us over the matter...
@@ShoulderMonster you still could?
namedrop the hospital please!!!
⭐️*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣*️⃣One star review for doctors and healthcare in general. Doctors are trained to care for their sense of heroism waaaaaaaaay more than they care for a person, much less a patient. Plenty of doctors are sadists, really good at hiding it, and fiercely protected by boards of medicine - typically a majority of board members are doctors themselves. I watched my dad and my ex go through medical school. People go in as our best and our brightest, they come out changed, hateful, and slightly sociopathic. A lot of them get so confused and covertly defensive when met with a health condition that is unknown. If you can talk them past their bs excuses, you either get their fragility or you get their admission that insurance companies don’t pay for outside the box thinking and so that actually died many decades ago. They can’t outright say to you that Hollywood is misleading and the truth is power brokers in healthcare would rather have you die and go away if your healthcare issues are mysterious. They need you to have one of the ailments they approved for necessary of an MRI machine bc those are so expensive, they cost money unless they are fully booked schedule wise.
And don’t get me started on women having to go to male doctors. I had one who kept mentioning his wife to me. I wasn’t into him like that - BECAUSE I WAS SICK. One only one got so defensive and I could see in his eyes he had been deeply abused by some woman in his life. It has to do with how he postured himself slightly away from my breasts, like he was scared of them. And mine are small. And then one with a full board boner throughout two appointments. We were both professionals about it and pretended it wasn’t there. He actually helped my case a little and don’t push drugs on me, where the other two gave me a hard time for refusing their meds. Let’s remember that all those drugs were never tested on females - bc the menstrual cycle makes for messier science. Booooooo. I’m a centrist and I will never vote for nationalized healthcare bc it’s actually nationalized theft of the people.
So listen to your body first and do what it says to find comfort - It has had 1 billion years of medical training. It knows how to heal itself while western doctors don’t expect you to get better. Keep going is the only rule. All the other “duties” are propaganda 🙏🏼
I'm a big fan of reading the 2 star reviews. 1 star could be just a vendetta. 2 stars is a message
2 stars is in the perfect middle ground between consideration and criticism
Exactly! 1* often are like " This Sushi place didn't serve spaghetti!" Or " That b*** at the counter looked like she was judging me" type of stuff. But 2*? There is a story here. Someone thought about this 😄
Agreed. I always assume 1 stars are almost always intentional vendettas with people trying too hard to be funny.
2 is usually more of where the genuine criticism comes into play.
🎶 This is a message and a caaa-aaalling 😅
Saw someone's argument for picking the man being "It could be a gay man!" and didnt see how he was basically saying the "safe" man is someone not attracted to women. Not that it could be a man who knows how to control his urges (the bare minimum for any civilized human). He's basically saying we're only safe if the man isnt attracted to us.
That's because this dude has no concept of controlling his urges... It hasn't even crossed his mind that that was an option.
There are terrifying studies showing that many men only control their urges because there are consequences. Even some of the least dangerous men struggle to see women as human if they are attracted to them. They think they do, but if you dig in hard enough you'll find a slew of buried beliefs that still categorise women according to utility.
@@KnittedSister It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
By that logic, it's better to pick the friggin bear then, 'cuz it could be a Koala bear 🙄
I 100% agree with you. What these simpletons just don't understand is that the one right answer to pick in this ultimatum is 'A man with one lame leg', so when the bear inevitably finds you (because you're basically in its house, and bears don't give a damn whether you picked it or a man) then it will catch and eat him instead.
"We believe the bear attacked & graped you, but he has a bright future & we don't want to ruin that for him."
Such a promising young bear.
Ah, the "Allen (formerly Brock) Turner" bear
Man, just say rape damnit!
Here are *some* responses I got from my friend after I told him I was assaulted by our mutual friend.
"Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense. Why didn’t you just fight him off? I mean, come on, man. You should have fought harder."
"You must have led him on somehow. Did you say something or do something that made him think you were interested?"
"Look, if you didn’t want it, you would have stopped it. You must have wanted it on some level."
"Man, you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Guys can’t really get raped. Just forget about it and move on."
"I’m just being honest. I can’t see ___ doing something like that unless he thought you were into it. Maybe you should just let it go."
@@noway377 @noway377 I’m sorry about what this awful person did to you and the ret traumatization of having someone close to you deny you outright the support you need and deserve. I cannot say that I’ve had the exact same experience as you because everyone’s experiences can be different in distinctive ways but I do relate in a number of ways to your accounts. I wish for you a complete recovery and justice in full ❤
Anyone else here remember the old 70's slogan, 'The only difference between being raped and being run over by a truck is that no one wonders if you enjoyed being run over by a truck'. We've come so far haven't we?
Still glad we go wee shiny happy Josh to take the edge off just about anything.
Oh shit, I’ve never heard that slogan. 😳 Very poignant.
Been through both. Didn't enjoy either
@@susannairisastarte51921 star reviews for both?
Sounds like what I heard of, "she made you a man huh? You should feel proud"
As Casual Geographics said: “if it’s black, fight back, if it’s brown, get out the ground, and if it’s white…you gonna die”
I can easily predict what the bear will do to me.
As a lifelong Alaskan i can confirm those sayings are accurate.
Is this for bears or serial killers? Seems to apply to both.
CG is great!
Nicely put, love CG.
What means 'get out the ground', I beg you
Thank you for that, Josh. The girl that chose Bear that said, "At least I would be believed." I haven't heard so many male voices say "Oof" in unison since high school, when one of our male cheerleaders tried to do a standing front flip and faceplanted on the gym floor during the pep rally!
Both of em made me say "oof"
Yeah. She would be believed because the bear would hurt her way worse. That's just another reason to choose the man. If a guy cut her arm off with a chainsaw and she showed up with one arm and said a man cut it off with a chainsaw everyone would believe her.
Looking at the number of false accusations, and the massive cultural movement that told us we were evil if we didn’t believe?
I call bs.
Besides, our justice system should be bias against allegations. It is the founding principle, “innocent until proven guilty” is a fantastic thing.
Bears sniff out the food smells. It starts to eat from your butt hole.
Let that sink in.
“Were you wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress? Any bear would attack you if you were wearing a meat dress.” “I wasn’t wearing a meat dress. I was just wearing normal clothes.” “Bears only attack women wearing meat dresses. You’re lying.” Oh alright.
Agreed; Women need to stop so much of their prolific lying.
Once women collectively become more honest human beings, their lives will improve, be safer, and more women will be believed.
And they would still shoot a bear if it was chasing meat dressed gaga
@@DeathnoteBB - Did I *stutter?!*
They need to give him a tv show already , he’s too witty, family friendly and always up on current events. I would watch a Josh talk show in a heartbeat.
I think that hes on the daily show as a correspondent, not exactly the same thing, but it is the position most of the late night comedians held before getting their own!
He needs to get a late night talk show where he can do stand-up for 3 minutes at the beginning of every show Monday through Friday.
@@mister-8658I feel like late night talk show is the retirement plan for comedians. Not the launching point
At this point make him a late night host!
Walmart here has a one star review that just says "out of lemons" I have it saved because I cannot help but laugh everytime I see it. 😂😂
Lemongrab screech: “MMMnnmMmmmmnnn… UNACCEPTABLE!!!!”
I’ve met 4 bears (Wisconsin), 3 ran away and 1 just chilled and stared at me.
@ omg i would paaaanic if i accidentally approached a moose. The veggie lovers are just built different.
Was it black or brown bears? Black bears are usually chill and don’t attack you unless you attack first. Brown bears are not so friendly.
@@holli3716stupid comment on a very serious topic.
@holliebrokaw3716 are smarter than them ...even if you look up the statistic rates: mosquitoes have the most 💀, next is humans, then snakes, ...then it's 10 different other animals like cougar, and I didn't see bear on there, which means those other animals and humans are 💀lier than the bear .....which means any 'smart' human would pick bear 👍
@@Asher-mw3zo| You've got this backwards.
Black bears are smaller, but territorial and prone to aggression. They make up the vast majority of bear attacks. Grizzlies (aka brown bears) are MUCH more passive. They only attack if frightened, and do so only as a warning. They're so dangerous only because what qualifies as a "warning" to a bear is "potentially fatal" to a human.
The comments are all about bears and one star reviews, but I am here for the physicist mom watching her kicker son fail at his job and telling him exactly what he did wrong.
My father was a physicist. 🙄
Oh I didn't catch the "physicist" part so now it's even funnier.
Same! I didn't even think about the right-wrong science of it until Josh said it, just the hypocrisy of this child of an accomplished woman- in motherhood and career- saying stupidity.
@@mwatson4970I would disagree on motherhood if he turned out like that. However, we never discussed the father so that may change my vuew.
Going from reading Craiglists posts as a teen to reading 1-star reviews feels like a natural development
I was awaiting for someone to make this comment cuz he got big from cat fishing the kkk but
Ikr 😂 the refinement since I got put onto him 🤌🤌🤌
Josh, this acceleration makes me joyful.
Embrace the journey; you’ve got nothing to prove❤
Men finding out that women have to treat them like guns. You don't know which gun is loaded so you have to treat them like they're all loaded.
This is a great analogy I’m gonna use it
Great example! Yes, it is such a tiring, wearing daily experience to maneuver around potentially dangerous men trying to stay safe. So when I was asked man or bear, I immediately said bear because in all these years, I have never had to prep for bear danger. That's the point. It's the men that have caused me all the biggest traumas and harms in my life, not bears. It's men I plan around when I go out daily (where to park safely, where to walk where wittnesses will be, how polite to be without encouraging harrassment, going farther around danger points etc). It is just CONSTANT risk assessment just for a woman to manuever through this world. It isn't fear per is the wisdom that any prey animal would have as it tries to mind its own business eating in the forrest keeping an eye scanning for the wolf or other predator. For women, what we have to watch out for MOST, is men. Not ALL men, but we don't know which men, so ALL men get "screened/scanned" or risk assessed. Women generally live as prey and think as prey...we aren't aiming to FIGHT a bear OR a man. We are almost always trying to AVOID the dangers. We are considering which one either requires the most of our energy in daily risk assessment (men) or which one we fear most (men) or which ones are statistically most likely to harm or kill us (men).
It is not an attack on men to alert them to how we have to live and how it feels to us. A kind or empathetic man would grow in understanding from seeing our point of view and become a part of the solution for us...or at least not be one of the problems.
When I moved away from people (men) to the woods, it was wonderful. Not one bear threat or animal attacks, much less need to do risk assessments without men around... It has been PEACEFUL.
(And I LOVE good men by the way. There have been a few men I could always count on to be trustworthy or protective or kind. I would love it if all men learned from them. But I know the likelihood of that for any of the predatory types is small, so I am not holding my breath). I just wish more men could kindly consider our stresses and need for safety in the world when hearing that most of us INSTANTLY chose a bear when asked to choose between bear or man. I would hope it would cause self-reflection, compassion, and new consideration for how men choose to interact with women.
@@ChristianOneSo well articulated! As a trans man, that doesn't pass yet, it's a horrible experience.
I've been told by other fully passing trans men, that the fear never goes away. And it makes sense, when you've been on guard for your whole life, it won't just go away. It becomes a way of existence.
Obviously part if it is still being a part of a endangered minority, but you get the point. It honestly baffles me, how awfully women have been treated and continue to be, even as we are evolving past that.
Yeah… I don’t agree with that. I think that’s an extremely problematic point of view. If I had that opinion on say, black people. I would be called a racist and rightly so. “I don’t know if one is a criminal, so I should treat them all like criminals in order to preserve my own safety” would be a messed up and archaic way of thinking. I wouldn’t support it in that scenario as I won’t support it in this one. Or you could turn that around and say as a black person, you should assume every white person is a racist to preserve your own safety. Not as severe, but still unacceptable. As a result, I believe this an inherently sexist idea that women should treat all men as potentially dangerous on the grounds of being a man.
@@bokunobernie6962but that comparison doesn't make sense cause why include race in that way when the original statement includes women in general so therefore women of color are included which means (based on your example) a black woman is also viewing a black man the same way so theirs no point to add race in like this only for your main point to be about sexism. Especially since the viewpoint itself is not a problem unless it's being used as reason to harm men but that's not the point obviously since if you are treating all guns like they're loaded then that means you aren't "harming" the guns you are simply cautious with them until your sure they'll aren't loaded and the popular saying goes "it's better to be safe than sorry" and thats what women are doing. That's not to say men can't view women in that way and be cautious around them because to be honest I think there should be some level caution everyone should have with unknown people, but obviously majority of men dont feel the need to view women that way since women arent often precieved as a potiential threat based on their personal experiences with women. (Key words majority and often so I obv don't mean that every man thinks this way or haven't been physically harmed by women, I'm simply basing it on the majority not the exceptions)
My daughter is on an extended field camp right now. A bear showed up at camp, dug up some ants and left. A couple days prior at a gift shop, some random man creeped on her while she was trying to buy souvenirs.
There’s a reason so many women chose bear. I told my husband about the bear/man discussion, and he was sad women overwhelmingly chose bear. Not mad, not triggered. Sad that so many people would see him as a threat. He’s a good man. If there were more like him, the bear wouldn’t be chosen.
Exactly. This question mainly makes me sad because it's a grim reminder of a reality I was already aware of. Bears are, generally speaking, even while camping, not that big of a danger. Yet encounters with dangerous men are numerous enough and downplayed/ignored to often by other men, that is NEEDS to be a concern at all times.
So she meet like 500 men and one looked at her funny. Must be traumatic experience.
@@Mytelefe Interesting response there. Kind of mean and sarcastic. Really not sure you’re doing a good job advocating for not the bear. 🤦♀️
@@MrsWheezer Yes if you don't grovel and accept any insult thrown your way it means you are worse than animal. Not only that but the dangers of sarcasm are widely known around the world and even a grizzly could never match it. Let me guess "if you take it as an insult then it only means that you deserve it" can't wait for more gaslighting.
The real sad thing is the fact that no one would ever actually choose the bear but yet they say they would in order to propagate the idea that men are bad in general.
Its easy to do on the internet.
My favorite ⭐️ review was a motel, read in full, "Just don't."
This made me literally choke on my tea. It was unexpected 😂
That's an honest review right there
You should pay a follow up review. "Thanks, I didn't!"
Glory to me, the 999th like. The last 3-digit whole number.
I’m a man. I happen to be gay. When I was a young, petite man, a larger, slightly older boyfriend kept having sex with me while I asked him to stop because he was hurting me - but he didn’t stop. Afterwards, I was in tears, and I told him how I experienced the encounter. If he’d shown any remorse or concern for my pain - any sign that maybe he didn’t notice he was hurting me - I’d have understood and forgiven. But instead he said, “For it to legally be rape, it’d have to be a penis in a vagina.” That told me everything I needed to know - and that’s how the men who are being obtuse about this bear thing are coming across.
Ever since, I’ve been sexually harassed by men countless times, even straight ones when they find out I’m gay. It’s exhausting. But I’ve grown in size and years and strength and confidence and facial hair. I look like a strong Mexican dude and guys think twice before harassing me. I know for a fact that’s not an option for most women - and that many have had much worse experiences of SA than I have, many of which resulted in permanent trauma (and even death). The bear makes too much sense to me given my own experiences - and that’s even though I’m a guy.
I am so sorry you were SA. My heart breaks for you. I can't believe he said that to you. R@pe is r@pe. Gender doesn't matter. It's no less traumatic. It was not okay and what you experienced no one should have to. I hope your heart has found comfort and healing. I wish I could give you a hug and say all the right words to bring you comfort. Unless someone has been hurt that way they can't understand what it feels like and the emotional scar it leaves you with. Again I am so sorry. May your life be blessed with peace, healing, self love and strength to overcome all of life's obstacles.
What you mean your abusing yourself with a man hard yeah its supposed to hurt you shouldn't having sex with man anyway
Oh unfortunately we can grow in size due to our trauma…it’s just not healthy on many levels. ❤ I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with the bs as well.
I’m sorry that you had to survive that. I hope you are doing better these days.❤
😢sad that even men wd rather b left alone in the forest with a bear than with a man.
Can't remember where I heard this, but it's worth passing on
"There are two types of men: the ones that know why women choose the bear, and the ones that are the reason the women choose the bear."
that's a 💎
Soo, either you have to HUMILIATE yourself just for being a man, cause everybody Knows any man Is a toxic misogynist.
Or a misogynist (like almost ALL the Men are).
Totally NOT generalizing.
Sooooo much logic in your words. Not sexist at All.
Nothing humiliating in admitting that this happens enough for it to be understandable to be cautious, guys who do think it’s humiliating are usually people who either would do it or would excuse it so it’s safer to assume everyone even when you know not everyone does
Think of it like gun safety “It’s safer to assume that all guns are loaded even when you know not all are, than to find out one you thought wasn’t, was”
In summary, i’d rather choose the bear over you
SA is terrible. It happens to women, men, trans folk, children, everybody. But for every one incident and one perpetrator, there are thousands, tens of thousands of people who did absolutely nothing wrong. For every one female teacher who “seduced” her student, there are thousands of other female teachers who did no such thing and have no desire to do such thing. Should we be lumping perpetrators altogether now based on gender? Is that where gender politics is now, that if you share the same genitals with a violent person, that makes you a threat? How many pre-op trans women should be lumped into this “more terrifying than a bear” argument? It’s so silly.
I heard that there were 3 types of men. The ones who learn through reading the ones who learn through watching and the one who has to pee on the electric fence. Translating it to bears convo, would add the dude who didn't hardly notice the woman in the woods because he was on his phone or lost in his head
People don't understand, the bear made a mistake, he has a bright future ahead of him, its ridiculous to ruin his life over a small thing like this.
Looks at all the cases of false accusations.
What’s your point?
At least women generally get believed when the make the accusations.
@@jonsimpson6240 Go make a proper research, not just the voices in your head. Look at the estatistics of the cases that were proven to be true and false. Which one has bigger numbers?
Also, in the bear vs men discourse, women aren't only talking about r*ape, if you think this is the only bad thing a man can do to a woman, then you CLEARLY don't know what you're talking about. Do better.
@@jonsimpson6240 The problem goes both ways. Either sides shouldn't be blaming the other one, but instead working to fix both the problems than just pointing fingers and calling each other lying cunts.
@@jonsimpson6240Jon, you're mansplaining
@@jonsimpson6240 It's always interesting when people make it seem like false rape accusations are way more than true accusations. Like in proportions. I wish false accusations weren't even a thing. Sadly, they exist. And it's wrong. But it's not all accusations that are false. In fact, lots, lots of men in so many countries get away with rape cases. So, please, rest.
Kuddos to the woman that said
“If a bear attacks at least you’ll be believed. “
Enough said - so true.
So many people just silently nodding to that statement. Kinda terrifying.
I mean most rape cases the woman is believed regardless of evidence. It's why false allegations are effective.
You'd be missing half your face and your scalp, kind hard to miss something like that. But if your SAed and there's no evidence to support it well of course no one's going to believe you.
So people don’t believe women? Thats just blatant propaganda. Are we forgetting that “believe all women” is actually a phrase said with a straight face?
@@robertsmith-williams5255 It sure is. To think that it’s so true for so many is also horrifying.
Remember reading a 1 star review from an Airbnb “awful place, tried to get me to leave early”. And the Airbnb responded “don’t book this man, he kept bothering the neighbors about where the hookers at”
This made me laugh out loud… literally. 😂
A bear hasn’t been known to murder anyone because you didn’t give them your number.
So you're saying black men are more dangerous than wild animals? Might as well just call them the n word...
Here are *some* responses I got from my friend after I told him I was assaulted by our mutual friend.
"Wait, what? That doesn’t make any sense. Why didn’t you just fight him off? I mean, come on, man. You should have fought harder."
"You must have led him on somehow. Did you say something or do something that made him think you were interested?"
"Look, if you didn’t want it, you would have stopped it. You must have wanted it on some level."
"Man, you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Guys can’t really get raped. Just forget about it and move on."
"I’m just being honest. I can’t see ___ doing something like that unless he thought you were into it. Maybe you should just let it go."
Never had a bear sneak into my room to SA me. But a man sure did.
Are you saying black men are more dangerous than wild animals? You and Jim crow racists have a lot in common 😂
Neither do the vast vast vast majority of men.
@DarkBunnyLord yeah, no. There's an entire subreddit dedicated to women who were murdered by men for rejecting them. The articles on there are endless. From pregnant women being decapitated by their ex husbands/boyfriends to teenage girls being stabbed for rejecting random guys, to women being gunned down by their obsessed coworkers for refusing to date them.
You are downplaying just how unhinged a lot of men are. Is it all men? No. But it's an overwhelming majority of men. Your mentality is responsible for the deaths of so many innocent women.
"At least the bear will treat me like I'm human" was the one that hit me to my core.
How do you know the bear is treating you like a human and not just food?...
@@daFfodilS9 throughout history bears have eaten human meat and not cared and it still carries up today. They don't care whether it's Human Meat, Fish Meat, Deer Meat or even other Bear Meat
@@kaimobley5324 bears will only eat humans if there is something wrong with it. they fear us as much as we do them, if not more so.
But that’s the stupidest response… like the bear isn’t treating you like a salmon with legs…
@@whereammy not true. If a Bear is hungry it will eat you. It's as simple as that
A big comment I saw when that hit my feed was, "If a bear kills me, other men will hunt it down and kill it."
Ooffff that hits hard
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
Im a man and id hunt down a r that red a women i know. But all men are evil or something
@@shaolinabbott9161 blah blah
We know about that
The whole point is even if a bear is more likely than a man to kill a woman
That doesn’t automatically exempts the things a man can do if you happen to be unlucky. So bear sounds waay better and bear spray is amazing too.
It truly pisses me off too when men ignore the main idea that alot of men are harming women and women are terrified and jump to act all smart saying
“WeLl errrrm StAtIsTiCaLlY a BeAr WiLl KiLl yOu” ☝️🤓
@@shaolinabbott9161I’ve spent most of my 32 year career working outside in the woods, sometimes alone. I’ve seen several bears over the years. Though it is startling, the bears usually run away or are easy to avoid.
I used to live in northern California in the mountains. There was a bear that came down our street to knock down trashcans every night. I'd chill with him
He's just letting off some steam after a long day at the river catching food for the family.
But you would call the cops on me for kicking over trash cans. Double standards smh
I live in Ontario Canada, and my neighborhood occasionally gets a black bear in the spring, and they just raid bird feeders and eat people's gardens
I bet you were smoking some green and didn’t give a Fuzz.😂😂😂😂😂
And you know why he did it at night? Because he knows fucking with people gets him shot. Bears are incredibly cautious and forage way more than most people think. There is this weird narrative I keep hearing because of this meme where people think bears are these big predators or something. They are just big so predators don't fuck with them. Their diet is 85% plants. And like the rest is mostly small mammals and a shit ton of moths lol
“as a kicker, he means what he’s saying. he has the least cte”😭😭😭
What is "CTE"?
@@MatthewTheWanderer this is what the computer told me, it's pretty bad. CTE stands for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a progressive brain disease that can develop from repeated concussions and other traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). It's often associated with contact sports like football and boxing, but can also affect military personnel and others who experience repetitive head impacts
@@lararouse546 Okay, cool, thank you! That makes sense why a kicker would have the "least CTE".
"he has the least cte" took me out too ☠
And no endorsements to protect, lol.
One of my favourite things to do is look up 1 star reviews of famous landmarks. They literally be like “Big Ben: too big.”
I like when they say "to big" and get a good chuckle.
Lmaooooo, I might just pickup that hobby lol
Or "Sahara - too much sand" xD
Big Ben: too much Ben
I like hospitals, just basically anything that probably Shouldn't get reviews like a restaurant.
"To all you ladies here with your little degrees.... Go ahead and have a baby otherwise your life is meaningless." That's basically what I hear at least once a week as a childless woman with six degrees. Smh.
I'm sorry... I'm also so sorry for his mother...
Imagine working so much and raising a son only for him to turn around and spew this nonsense..smh 😓
You’ve worked too hard and too long for that to be your tagline and if the situation permits I hope you can say just that.
Cause it’s no pity you’re working doing what you obviously love, nobody gets six degrees on a lark!
I think that pity often comes from why people work or get up in the morning. 9/10 people say family when asked, so I hope you just let those pesky thoughts roll off you.
You’ve accomplished so much with your own drive and motivations they’ll carry you the rest of the way💗
(Sorry for the unsolicited pep talk/advice, but I just couldn’t let it stand, hope your co-workers are better to you or just try to relate to you on a topic that’s not about kids )
I am sorry, pretty much the same for me. I am 44 and my uncle told me last week I could still "hook a man" to get a baby... so yeh there was that.
@@Jaimeheartbeat I'm 46 and my family is still hopeful too! Like.... What? Smh.
@@joan6096 thank you for the pep talk. I had one coworker literally tell me that she thought I used school to mask my displeasure with not being a wife and mother. That was definitely unsolicited. At least your comments are encouraging and uplifting. ❤️
And yes, I LOVE school!
My favorite one star review I've ever seen was on Amazon. I was buying a mattress, so i looked at the reviews to see if it was good. The man said (paraphrased): "I got drunk and bought this because I thought it was a giant ice cream sandwich. It was not an ice cream sandwich".😂
I've had some doozies with drunk Amazon shopping. Was surprised by a box one day with pink fake Converse sneakers with different kinds of chickens on them. I was more shocked by the pink as I hate that color.
I remember that one. I saw the photo, could see why he made the mistake
What's even funnier was that it was originally posed by a man who said _he_ would prefer a bear to a random strange man, not for as many reasons as the women, but there you go.
Nah but for real, if you’re lost in the woods you’re better off with a bear than with a random human regardless of gender. People are fucked up and a lot more unpredictable. The bear’s intentions will be very clear from the start and you can react accordingly. Another person could help you survive for weeks and kill you in your sleep for any reason. Bears also don’t stalk you. If the bear doesn’t attack you the first time you see it you won’t see it ever again while as mentioned you’d probably expect someone to be helpful in survival until it isn’t in their best interest.
@@Victoria_Huotals these bear whisperes thinking they can handle abear as they thousnd miles away from any forests never even seeing one.
@@MikePhantom I’ve literally seen bears many times and have been in very close encounters with some while camping. One time I forgot some food outside and woke up with my tent open and a bear eating the food. They’re lazy as hell you have no idea. That bear could have easily killed me, I was literally sleeping but it went after my food instead because it was easier and probably wasn’t that hungry. You just proved that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@MikePhantom the question was never 'what if _bear attack_ ' and you're also missing the point that it wasn't about anyone's experience with a bear, but the experience with men that made them inherently more worried about men such that, on the spot, they'd give that answer
@@Victoria_Huot and how many times do you walk past a man and not even be noticed
Even as a dude, I’d choose the bear. Where I live, the bear is already there. As long as it’s not worth it to the bear to attack you, that bear won’t attack you. I came across a bear picking blueberries once (not close enough to potentially be near a cub, but close enough that I was a bit nervous) and the bear was chill. I came across a dude once and he came at me with a shotgun claiming he owned the land even though it was a national forest. The bear might mail me if I harass its cubs, the dude might shoot me for literally no reason.
I get the idea, and it is very sad, but real talk; Even as a man id rather be alone in the woods with a bear. Bears will leave you alone unless provoked, scared, or if they have cubs. Yes being attacked by a bear is a scary prospect, but it happens a LOT less than people attacking people lol
The world truly is filled with very stupid people. It's a wonder how we've survived this long as a species
And bears are easier to avoid afterwards, you can't avoid seeing a men for the rest of your life.
TBF there are less bears than people
Well bears attack people much less than men because millions of bears aren’t roaming around cities often
as a woman, i’d also rather be alone in the woods with a random bear than a random woman. people are dangerous and unpredictable, while bears literally have a three step “fight back, lie down, goodnight” rule for encountering them
Josh, I really love how you masterfully lighten the mood without invalidating The experiences of people who have been through difficult events. One of my favorite comedians of all time.
It's his skill with genuinely horrifying material that makes me think he's one of the best -- if not already the best -- comedians around at the moment. Gentle, funny, sharp, quick -- so good. Both in the writing and how he delivers it.The speed at week he goes from inciting incident to on stage preformance -- with the nuance he has -- absolutely next level.
Definitely a smart, insightful dude
Right!? How do I be that charismatic??? 😂
Imagine putting your career as a physicist on hold to have a child only for the thing to turn out to be a misogynistic kicker 💀
That Part 😂
Well don't be a shitty parent then
@@TheUnluckyConqueror3699 you're really fighting the whole world on that one depending on where you live, but still true
The level of shame his mom
must feel…and probably some regret too
@TheUnluckyConqueror3699 he is an ADULT and has been one for A WHILE so he could have healed his inner child, gone to therapy and reparented himself. Other people do it. He has no excuse to be misogynistic at that age
Fwiw, it means a lot to me and im sure a lot of other women when men acknowledge and empathize with the gender based trauma we go through, so thank you for being both respectful of this sensitive topic and also humorous enough to shine some levity on a dark subject
We drove 3 hours to see him in Dayton this weekend and he is 1000% worth it! Just the best!!
So... 5 stars? :D
@@FutureCommentary1this is exactly why I am not a standup comedian 😂 didn’t even think of that lol
Most one star reviews I’ve read state that they really wanted to give zero stars but it wasn’t an option.
The whole bear discussion is crazy too considering, how even as man I think you wouldn't wanna find yourself just hanging out with a stranger, like in general as a baseline you wouldn't trust to just be alone with somebody you don't know, and for a women that goes twofold.
Any man who feels entitled to act like women should be more trusting of any random man than of a bear are clearly missing something.
IDK dude I'd rather encounter a stranger than a bear.
I'm a guy if I encounter a man in the woods nothing will happen to me.
Yeah nah, I'd roll the dice with a random dude over a goddamn grizzly animal. There is a 99.9% chance that dude will be just as confused as I am and we walk out of those damn woods. That said, I don't expect anyone to trust me or allow me to be in their space. I'm not dumb.
@@Banned4Life well, yeah, I'd pick a man over a GRIZZLY, but I'd pick a black bear over a man. I think between 'any man' and 'any bear' I'd give a very slight edge to the man just so I can prepare without worrying about bear variance, but I do recognize that if I don't survive the man, some of the people here would say it's my fault for not choosing the bear...
It’s because those guys ARE the threat so they dont have the experience of stranger danger
I really like this guy. he's not just good at telling jokes but actually taking you along for a story. That's a rare talent in comedians these days.
This argument has been so eye-opening to me because now I know which of my friends is a little weird, and which ones I can trust to pick up my little sister from school
Aw I’m glad your sister has an older sibling who watches out for her like you do
For real.. if they argue to defend a random man on the woods; they are that random men on the woods 💀 (they could also lie about it tho.. purge men out of your life for 100% safety) 🤷♀️
Josh's deployment of pauses and slow delivery is masterful.
Had to learn from the great Dave Chapelle. He’s pauses during stand up literally sets up his jokes lol. Josh also has mastered the “ control of the crowd “ with his pauses
@parrishkelley Yes, people often start laughing at a punchline not yet delivered! So fun to watch.
YES! "I have, never read a one star review, ... that I didn't ... want to be longer." :P
This whole show was phenomenal, well worth the 2 hour drive we took to see him. People, if you get the chance, go see him in person. You will laugh yourself sick! 😂
me and my friend have tickets to see him in July. I can't freakin wait!
i saw one comment that really stuck with me.
"at least the bear won't pretend to be your friend first"
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
Sadly, this hits way too close to home for me. 😭
@@shaolinabbott9161 You are the problem.
@@Charsy8 hugs 🫶🏼 don't worry about that person, they are looking to fight. they won't find it with me. hope you are doing well !!
@@shaolinabbott9161 You're why women choose the bear. No one wants to listen to a bunch of spam while walking through the woods.
RIL Junko Furata I think of her every time this comes up. Also the girl who asked the dude “well did we ask the bear? the bears friends said he’s a good guy so”
For fkin real!! I'll never forget the first time I read her story in full. It took me many many years to gather the courage to read it again. Absolutely horrifying. Bears don't so such horrible acts against humans. No animal does. It kills for food or out of fear. Not pleasure.
Sometimes I have true crime videos that play in the background and the moment I hear her name, I have to switch to something else. Whenever I think of truly evil people, her story always comes to mind.
That story still haunts me - and I'm a guy. Just when I think I've forgotten the details, something reminds of them. It's one of the few things I truly wish I hadn't read. I cannot fathom being a woman in this world knowing men are capable of such harm and evil.
And then most of the perpetrators got 10 or less years of prison. And some were bragging about doing it after they were released.
All of these guys are free now, btw.
Ugh. That one and the toy box/tool box killers. Seriously the worst stuff I've ever read ... I would choose being mauled by a bear a thousand times over those guys...
My college had a Chic-fil-a express, which was the only Chic-fil-a in town, and for some reason a lot of people didn't realise it was in the food hall of a college campus. It had some of my favorite reviews. Anywhere from "This place is always packed, in this weird building, and full of people wearing packpacks. Two stars." to "My chicken sandwich only had one pickle. One star for one pickle."
Did you go to scranton university? 😂 sounds familiar
Sounds like the one in Nacogdoches.
@@namitabhopal8763Nope, but it's nice to know that this experience wasn't unique to just my college.
@@namitabhopal8763No, but I'm glad to know my college wasn't the only one with this very specific problem
@karinalumen9722 Technically it was open to the public, but it was also very obviously in the middle of a college campus. The Chick-fil-A was in the same building and literally beside the cafeteria and dining area.
We need more Josh Johnson on the Daily Show
I’d love to see him share the desk!
@@MrsDesireeAC I think he'd be good at it. He's a reader and can do well with the serious interviews, as Trevor did, and be funny when the time is right.
I only realized last weekend that he's on The Daily Show
He could have his own show. He's funnier than Trevor Noah.
/agree. Love his stuff on there. Want more of him on there.
Yeah, my mom was a neuroscience researcher. When I found out that dude’s mom is a scientist, I just laughed and laughed.
"Doesn't matter what the scenario is, bears are supposed to be in the woods."
No one has had a comeback for that.
Why tf you in the woods then? But I get the sentiments and I agree. Higher chance the man is volatile and dangerous than the bear with its predictable behaviour. And the bear has 0 potential attractions
@@Yakobi24it really depends on the bear brown bear will kill you zero reasons. Black bear as long as your doing certain things wont touch you.
Brown/grizzly bears are the worst to be wirh
Well, if bears are supposed to be in the woods and we aren’t, then why tf are we even there in the first place? Bit of a self defeating argument on that front
But also, some people naturally need to go to the woods for their profession/job. May not be wholly applicable across the entire human race, but it’s not like a man being out in the woods is the most extraordinary thing to ever happen either
My comeback is that I was picturing being teleported into the middle of the woods with either a random man or a random bear. With that in mind, the odds of a guy attacking me versus a bear attacking me are much much lower. People who say otherwise unironically should probably do a practical experiment.
@@ilyte1 Leaving aside the teleportation, if a woman wakes up unexpectedly in the woods, true crime shows lead her to believe that her supposed "rescuer" is likely to be the one who drugged her and put her there.
I've got a depressing comment to the bear vs. man thing.
Just read in the news a 15yo girl was r'd and murdered in a forested patch of a park in my country. 15yo.
Yeah, a bear wouldn't have done that to her.
To add: My country has quite some bears, but it's rare that they attack. And when they do it's because they are either protecting their cubs, have been disturbed mid hibernating, or have been hurt by a gun shot or a collision with a viehicle.
There's been 1 death by bear in the last 100 years.
Basically going to the forest is safe if you make some noise while walking there - they'll keep out of sight if they aren't surprised. Basically a lot of people who have never seen a bear have quite likely been seen _by_ a bear.
My mum used to always sing while walking her dogs in the forests when my parents lived in an area with more bears.
@@Pippis78 If you make noise the bear will avoid you, the man will seek you out.
....I'm not sure if I want to add to this, but I can add another very traumatic? depressing? godawful thing to this conversation: try searching for who's the youngest person to be pregnant.
Because it’s a fucking bear. We get it, women hate men.
@@Pippis78I used to do a lot of trail rides(horseback) and when I would take people out who weren't used to being in forests, I would keep them talking. Not just bears would hear us coming. Still see the occasional deer or ground bird. But ya, make noise, animals avoid humans. Sad about the young girl. What a horrific end she endured.
Black bear: stand up to it and then back away slowly so it thinks you're not worth the effort. Brown bear: play dead so it loses interest. Some random frikking guy: who the eff knows, they could do anything. They could want anything. There's no way of knowing. The women who answer "bear" are being entirely rational.
What is the man doing in the woods? Does the encounter happen on or off trail? Is it a casual passerby or is he following you?
Has the bear been taught since birth to view women as less worthy of autonomy and dignity? Was the bear raised in a society that gives dead people more rights to bodily autonomy than a pregnant woman?
So many people in the comment section here absolutely proving the point with some of their hateful comments about how women shouldn't be allowed to use their free speech to participate in this meme/conversation, lmao.
my friend, i think you might have a bias at play here.
@rakninja Yeah no shit. No mf is gonna go be fair about this shit its all about risk and the bear is less risky.
@@Foreverskull0 calm your tits and read the OP's username.
Those first two encounters are life threatening, while the third is just random chance, and more likely than not an average dude who couldn't care less about you. Is it really rational?
Here's the thing. I've been in the forest and encountered bears. I've also been in the forest and encountered unknown men. The men always made me feel far more on edge.
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
And another reason to choose the bear is because we can predict how the bear will behave. And that goes for a variety of variables.
We know how different species of bears will react in the presence of human beings.
And obviously it's not easy to predict the actions and behaviors of other human beings.
@@Cuddly-Cactus that's the thing though. It's women saying they trust an average man over an average bear. 🙄 There logic applies to any humanoid figure.
Imagine seeing a human just out of sight in the middle of no where. For bears it's their natural habitat. For a human it's extremely out of place which creates a dissonance. Hell,imagine if it's a monster or a ghost or a demon or some shit... but the point of it was just for women to shit on men. Fuck that.
I think of any women that says she'd pick a bear lesser. And that's the end of it. It's using excuses and pseudo-logic to say "I hate/dislike you. Even if I don't know you."
I, like many, understand that is clearly the message. And reasonably share the same sentiment back.
It's a negative sentiment.
Like.. Imagine if someone, a woman for example, walks up to a guy randomly, hits/slaps/kicks/stabs him, then expects to walk away while thinking *_"That man I just hurt should agree with me that he deserves it. It only makes sense. He IS evil after all."_*
@@shaolinabbott9161Dude that is not at all true. Most bears will avoid you or ignore you.
Just the other day I was camping near Mt. Shasta and I woke to some movement outside my camp. I was terrified that it was a person. When I saw the black bear half way up the tree. I was relieved it was a bear and went back to bed.
I have been alone in the woods with bears and men. And I will choose the bear to a stranger.
@@happypup70 You have infinitely more contact with men, and most men avoid or ignore you. Especially when you start speaking, and reveal your personality to them.
And yet, here you are, arguing based on feelings and cherry-picked anecdotal experience, confirming the stereotype that the "man vs. bear" hypothetical scenario was designed to reveal; namely, that women operate more on emotional & feelings then logic & rationality.
Drove an hour and a half, first in line, sat in the front row, even got to be in this video, 100% worth it. Thanks for a great show!
So is it 5 star or not?
I always check three-star reviews first to get the pros and cons, and yeah, they are quite rare.
Yeah I feel like my most thorough and constructive review ever was a three star 😂
I do the same thing. Like books on Amazon, there are always a ton of 5⭐ that I know are BS so I jump to the 3 ⭐.
I love food/restaurant reviews that have nothing to do with the food or business. It'll be like, "couldn't find parking." Also the ones that start the review like a diary and for some reason start detailing their day before they get to the restaurant
Bear doesn't question my intelligence at any given moment. Bear doesn't tell me I'm too emotional. Bear won't maul me for saying something as simple as "no". If something ought to happen to me in those woods, people wouldn't blame me for the attack. Wouldn't claim "oh, are you sure? This could ruin the bear's life". If a bear mauled me, I wouldn't be questioned what I was wearing. If I was mauled by a bear, they would hunt down the bear.
And if a bear attacked me, my claim would be taken seriously. A bear doesn't give a crap what I do with my body. Because a bear is a bear, a wild animal. Bears don't make the conscious human choices people make. It's atrocious what society expects women to just deal with every day. There is a 1920s song about women needing to carry a hatpin because "you never know". Hatpins were commonly used to stab intrusive or harassing men. They were OUTLAWED because so many men were stabbed with Hatpins. And now look at us. A hundred years later and we haven't moved an inch. Depressing
Bear would certainly think you are an easy prey therefore not very smart. Bear wouldn't like you screaming in terror once it starts eating you alive. Bear would almost 100% maul you if you told it "no" when it attempted to eat you. People would almost universally blame you for the attack and say it is not up to the animal but to you not to provoke it and you shouldn't go to the wilderness disturbing nature if you don't know what you are doing. People would certainly ask if you are sure because in most cases the bear could be hunted down and killed if it was attacking humans which would without a doubt ruin its life. People would probably question what you were wearing in the woods but that wouldn't be related to the bear they would ask you if you were camping/cooking something leaving food behind or maybe even trying to feed the bear before it attacked you. Your claim would probably be taken as seriously as any rape claim that is reported to the authorities but it all depends on the circumstances. A bear would certainly be interested in what you are doing with your body especially if you were in close proximity to it. You are consciously trying to degrade and dehumanize men to the point of placing them under animals I wonder why is that if they are so dangerous and vicious I bet you even feel justified in it because they just simply deserve it. There is a 1940 song about a woman that shot her husband with a gun because he was cheating there was another one about a woman that was just shutting men as a joke but was acquitted by the jury because she said she didn't know the gun was loaded but fortunately her reign of terror was ended by another woman that shot her instead and used the same excuse. 80 years later and guns are still legal in most of the states and female offenders get preferential treatment.
Nobody is coming to hunt down the bear. He's just hungry
@@MytelefeMaybe try a therapist to talk about your issues with women & your possible persecution complex. Talk therapy can do wonders.
3,090,000 deaths in USA 2023
1,027,000 abortions in USA 2023
11 justified out of 1200
1 rape
2 incest
8 genetic defects
And you can’t marry the bear. Or divorce it 8 times in 10. You’ll be perfect for each other.
I click Josh's videos SO FAST. Like, obviously not right when they're posted (because job), but as soon as I get home? Yes sir.
Irony: The people supporting Butker talking about a wife staying home and living in a single income household are the same people who complain they cannot pay their bills in a 2 income household.
Exactly. Misogyny aside for a moment, we no longer live in a world where the wife could stay at home even if she wanted. Inflation, cost of living, minimum wage stagnation and the growing divide between rich and poor means the vast majority depends on a two income household just to survive. Only rich, entitled, delusional men (and some women) argue for going back to traditional roles. If they want to live in the 1950's, then we need to roll back prices to the 1950's 😂 but don't expect any critical thinking skills from these people.
@@lemon1657and even then, most of these trad men still resent their trad wives for not working if the wife dares to want to use any of the shared money to do something for herself sometimes, feeling put upon by the singular workload that THEY WANTED in the first place.
@@ashleyjohnson9651 no tf they do not lmfaoo where do you dig this shit up??
@@lemon1657women entering the work force en masse is the reason why we can't have 1 income hosueholds as the norm anymore. They oversaturated the work force with cheap labor and caused massive wage stagnation. There's a reason why the biggest pushers of the movement was industrialist.
OK, BUT THE REVEIWS FOR SCHOOLS ARE LITERALLY SO FUNNY (middle schools, specifically, most elementary schools don't have reveiws, and college kids are too nice, most of the time)
It is trueeeee lol, I read many while I looked up the middle schools in the UK and so many angry and frustrated kid let the steam out in the reviews, adorable, mean kids lol
My nephew's school had a comment section for the online lunch menu. They took it down because he and his friends kept leaving reviews about the food being a crime against humanity. 6th graders are brutal 😂
To true. I was reading some and I read one talking about one of my teachers. The rest were funny.
Man, Josh Johnson, Josh Wolf, and Ali Wong are the only comedians where i laugh out loud EVERY time i listen to their material. Josh, you're such a talented guy!! I hope your career takes you to the moon, homie.
The kicker/physicist joke was hysterical
I’ve spent too much time in the internet trenches of this man v bear thing trying to get dudes to stop debating bear attack statistics and understand what a hypothetical is for, so I was thrilled that you stepped in because I knew you at least GET IT, thank god
I've been using bear attack statistics to show the women's point of view in the hypothetical.
I love the term internet trenches, that's so evocative I know exactly what you mean by that. Perfect phrase
@@whereammy unfortunately I've found that once statistics get introduced, it just gives them something to hyperfocus on and ignore the actual point, plus they think that if they just calculate the statistics right then they can argue you into giving the other answer.
So far the only thing that I've found that seems to make any sort of dent is just trauma-dumping stories from my actual life at them and trying to get into their skull that all. of. us. have stories like this, and that affects our answer more than numbers ever could.
The women's point of view is objectionably stupid, though.
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
@@fawng8017 "unfortunately I've found that once statistics get introduced, it just gives them something to hyperfocus on and ignore the actual point"
Yeah, because unlike many women, men tend to think more logically. Hard data and evidence trump your fragile feelings and fractured psyche all day every day. Trying to argue on an objective issue based on your ever-changing and subjective feelings is stupid.
For the man vs bear debate, when they teach us about stranger danger one of the things they mention is to always scream and fight back to avoid getting to the second location. I never understood why not the second location if it meant being alive and being able to find another chance to escape but, now that I watch true crime I understand there are worse things than death. The forest ALONE with a random man IS the second location. Yeah. I'll take my chances with the bear.
You know I'm something of scientist by nature. So I think a practical test is in order. Since you'd prefer to not be near the man, then don't be near the man. We'll randomly pick a bear and have your footage broadcasted to a safe location. We'll analyze afterwards
@@ilyte1 Wanting to see me in the forest alone with a bear to "analyse" it doesn't make it a scientific or practical test. We all know either 1 of 2 things are possible. With such predictable possible outcomes, you would think being a "scientist by nature" instead you would start with questioning the less obvious like, "Why the bear? Between the man and the bear, what could possibly make these people choose the bear?". Before any assumption of that route of questioning, it is understood that it is not ALL men. However, it is the fact that it is enough men that drives the true message of this hypothetical question. I will admit though that this question is asked in a way that can be taken quite rudely. My answer is not the bear simply because the other is a man. It is because it can be ANY man. I don't get to choose what kind of man I would be alone with, and that alone is terrifying. I don't know if you are a "scientist by nature", there is no evidence in your comment to lead me to that assumption of your character. But I hope you are. I hope you start questioning both the women in your life for perspective and the men in your life that are the reason why we look over our shoulder at good men and walk a little faster. Because maybe then we will reach a conclusion that isn't man or bear, but another step to a greater understanding.
@@ilyte1I can tell you got offended that they wouldn't choose to see you rather than a bear. But, Mr. "Scientist" why would you be in the woods all by yourself anyway looking like some suspicious creep?
@@ilyte1 Found the man.
@@yazzielily omg that was so well said!!
8:04 I’ve only left one 3-Star review and it was when I reviewed everywhere I went for a few months. It was a grocery store with no sales, but decent flat prices. Understaffed, but the employees did their best. Almost nowhere to return a cart, but spacious parking lot. It was such an acid/base blend that I felt like 3 stars was a truly neutral score
An obnoxiously pretentious friend of my stepsister's took it upon himself to leave reviews of public spaces/parks and left a 3 star review of a bridge that just said "didn't fall or anything"
Clearly not in Baltimore...
I'm never going to look at one star reviews the same way again. Thank you so much, Josh!
"His mom is a physicist"
"...and he's a kicker"
Slow clap*
When women are so insecure and bitter towards men that they have put down their own sons. Nice.
BEAR! Im not at all surprised. Being a woman comes with having to never being able to let our guard down. It’s exhausting and shameful.
I mean it really is an unfair comparison.
In North America (The U.S and Canda) There have been fewer than 200 people killed by bears between 1784 to today.
This includes black bears, brown bears, grizzlies, and polar bears. Also includes bears that were kept in captivity.
That's fewer than one person being killed every year.
There are entire states where no one has ever been attacked by a bear.
Also if one of those bears tried to follow you home after a hike through the woods, the cops would actually do something.
If we lived in a society where 48% of the population were not men and boys, but bears and bear cubs, the streets would run with blood. The reason not many people are killed by bears is because we don't come across them all that much as a population.
100%. i live in the woods. bears tear down our bird feeders when they wake up every spring. i'm not concerned running into a bear unless i happen to be between them and their cubs.
I'm wondering what the attack rate of encounters is as that would be the more fair comparison. Or maybe it should be man in the woods or bear on the street (since part of what makes women choose the bear is the environment).
Women choosing the bear should be eye opening to men; women are constantly needing to be on guard in a way that most men don't realise. That said, the answer has emotional power but I suspect it's statistically wrong in the same way that nobody is afraid of eating that cheeseburger like they are of sharks even though the burger is more likely to kill you.
@@niceguy191As a woman, no. I will take the bear anytime anywhere. Do the statistics any way you like, no bear has ever raped a woman. Way to miss the message.
@@adde9506 @adde9506 I'm wondering if you read my comment past the first bit to see the second paragraph?
The first part of my comment is specifically a reply to someone saying it's not a fair comparison and so offer suggestions on how to make it more "fair". I'm of course assuming their comment was in good faith but have no reason not to so it's just a conversation about statistics, not "the message".
Men were wishing death to women who chose the bear yet still wondering why we chose the bear. Make it make sense.
Edit: There are only about 40 bear attacks yearly worldwide. Bears aren’t actively stalking, attacking, and murdering for the fun of it. So statistically speaking both men and women are safer off encountering a bear. This does not mean we think all men are predators!
And women justifies their hatred towards Men, and they still wonder why feminism Is a joke OUTSIDE the EUA.
I totally get it and am a man…. Most if not all of my male friends get it too.
You are confusing wishing death with telling someone they'll die if they make a stupid decision. it's like saying people who tell people who want to do parkour in 500m skyscrapers they'll die if they do that are wishing death on people who do parkour. We all know bears are dangerous and we all know no women is choosing bear woods or not even if the bear was raised and trained no women would choose to go stand near it rather than stand near a random man even if the random man was a convicted of SA.
@asan, wow of course you completely missed the point on why women would prefer the bear. And no you're wrong, the OP was right, men were actually wishing harm on women and threatening women with wanting to rape and kill women themselves just because we'd prefer a bear. That just continued to prove our point.
Josh makes combining hilarious jokes with actually interesting social commentary seem so effortless
I absolutely love that moment when the audience understands where the comedian is going with their joke. It’s such a fun moment.
This may be Josh's best set ever. I cackled. I guffawed. I tittered. I GIVE IT FIVE STARS! 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
"He has the least CTE on the team..." LOVE your style, Josh! Continued success & thank you!
which mean he isnt broke or brain wash to side with feminism
I actually bought a book of just one star reviews. One that made me giggle was for a girl's toy of a horse called "Nightmare". The review was all about how scary it looked and it's evil laugh.
The WILDEST were the one star hotel reviews. Always like a meth lab, a swat team, or an actual crime in the next room.
you can predict a bear, there are known things that almost always prevent a bear from attacking you. a random man isn't predictable. that man could be a cannibal, a seriel killer, a rapists or many other things.
Bears are significantly less predictable than humans.
The odds of the random guy being a cannibal, serial killer, rapist, are so astronomically low. Especially if you take into account the type of people who are normally where you would see bears (aka, hikers). Most of the people you would meet are significantly more likely to help or ignore you.
Think of it this way, based on the number of encounters vs attacks you have about a 0.05% chance to get attacked every time you see a bear.
And every time a human sees a man there is about a 0.0005% chance to get attacked(in any way). Given that men assault other men at more than twice the rate they assault women, a random woman seeing a random man in the forest would be more than 100 times LESS likely to be attacked than if she saw a bear. That is attacked IN ANY WAY, and sexual assault (the real kind, not just “made me uncomfortable”) happens significantly less often than the physical kind even to women.
I guarantee you that bear has a far higher chance of attacking you randomly. You literally encounter 1000's upon 1000's of men a year that dont do anything. You'd have died a long time ago if you encountered that many bears
Exactly... :)
Likewise, I would rather share my finances with a bear than a woman.
The bear is simply the safer option.
Fun Fact: The original video was actually a man saying why encountering a random man in the woods, than a bear, would be more terrifying
More women are killed by their husbands and boyfriends than by strangers every year. We should address that fact too. I’d choose a bear over a stranger for sure because it’s still a safer bet.
Yeah, I’ve seen enough footage of bears waving at folks, using critical thinking skills before as well as while on a premises. They usually just want to see about the groceries and keep it pushing, unless they feel like driving and don’t know how to ask you for your keys to the car.😅
Future crazy cat lady over here
@@TheLonesomePagan.You do realize it's men who fear being alone over women, right? You're telling on yourself rn
@@TheLonesomePagan.Single woman live longer, and with less stress, Google it
@@TheLonesomePagan.Women would rather choose a cat over a man when it comes to companionship, just like they would choose a bear over a man when it comes to taking a chance on their safety. It says something very telling about men that so many women would rather deal with animals over men.
Why would I choose the bear over a man? If the bear is going to attack you, it'll do it right then, and there its not gonna lock you in his basement for 10 years and repeatedly attack you like Ariel Castro. Besides, the bear lives in the woods, but the man could have followed you there.
This 👏 Whatever terror the bear *might* inflict will be mere minutes, then it's over and it wasn't personal or for pleasure. A man can stretch that time for days and weeks in the woods or take you back to his 🏚️. We should all ask the men in our lives their opinion on this because it's a perfect question to single out the dangerous ones to avoid.
Might want to check some stuff out first: "Eaten alive: Olga Moskalyova, 19, gave a horrific hour-long running commentary on her own death in three separate calls to her mother as a bear and her cubs mauled her..." But, you're right: bears don't even have basements. 😂
@@jonathananderson5990 I'd rather meet a bear instead of you. Absolutely no doubt about that so thanks 😂👋
@@lemon1657 You have deeply hurt my feelings. Kidding, of course. However, I have to ask: why have so many women hitched their wagons to this debate? The rate of violence perpetrated by men against women is absolutely a conversation worth having, but the video that started this debate was only ever about clicks and engagement anyway. This was not how you start the conversation at all. Weirdly, sidenote: I see so many concessions made for the bear: "what kind of bear is it?" "It might just run off", etc. But with the man, he's a serial rapist/ murderer/ torturer, and is also unstoppable by default, because all of that's accurate, I guess? Maybe the men who get angry are not "just proving the point" about men not caring about women's feelings. Maybe men just don't want to be lumped in with psychopathic monsters. This debate doesn't serve women at all, as it perpetuates the idea that feelings should always take priority over facts, and that people in general are bad at statistics. The whole thing is silly, and the only result is division.
@@jonathananderson5990 We've said everything we needed to say in our comments above and you're the one hitching your wagon to this issue. You are not invited to this conversation or to meet us on a path ever. End of 👋
0:07 talking about being late Josh.. I know I am late in finding you, but it's one of the times when better late than never holds
It's a rare ability to be funny while also being this serious. Always a good laugh, always food for thought :)
The prison one “I don’t want the business to go under” 🤣🤣🤣
I'm dying because I left a one star on my mom's funeral home.
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry 😞
"one star reviews always leave wanting more" 😂 I'm sorry about your mom, but what caused your review?
🐻 The man vs. bear DAD edition is something else. When asked to dads with daughters, wives, some immediately say bear, or can't decide, which is an answer in and of itself. 🤣
I ALWAYS read the three star reviews. They tend to be the most unbiased (and are least likely to be bots).
if a bear kills me at least im feeding her family, if a man kills me who knows what my body is being used for
Would it make you happier if you knew beforehand that it was to feed his family as well?
@@BS-cc4ks i think that would make it worse
@@rosyellis14 Hmmm, tricky. the question, as presented, is honestly not worthy of this answer, because there is not much leeway to investigate its threads.
Like, "would you rather a bear or a close family member kill you?" would better handle it, because it breaks away with the risk assessment implied in the original question and cuts right down to expectations.
No respect for the Cannibal Hill People. Sad.
It's truly horrible that some of you have experienced trauma, but that doesn't change the fact that picking the bear is stupid; because the bear is statistically more likely to absolutely slaughter you (over the course of many hours) then a man. Your trauma and fractured psyche are awful, but your feelings don't change the facts.
Oh man, what a treat. Just scrolling through RUclips and I came across a new Josh Johnson set!!
Every Tuesday
2:20 and if I got killed by a bear they wouldn’t ask what I was wearing
Or what you were doing there
The one star review will change my mind instantly on anything.
I swear, that man vs. bear thing... I am a man, and I wouldn't want to stumble up on another man either, I'd probably fare better with a bear. But to be fair, I wouldn't want to stumble up on a woman either! Humans in general are terrifying and unpredictable. I could learn how to manage myself around a bear, they all have nearly the same motives and fears, not a human with bad intentions and weapons.
Yes. As a woman I just started wondering about this from an alien's perspective. Just to distance myself from things. The things humans say and do can kill the soul. Whereas the bear is a straightforward animal.
heck they didn't say what age the bear is. if it's a cub that's just cute (you should still run away tho, the parent is definitely near!)
@@YOSH931 Tbf they didn't say what age the man is either, if he's old and frail you could probably fight him off
Definitely pretty creepy to find a random woman in the woods to be fair
I fully understand why, and if I were a woman I'd probably pick a bear too
If I'm stuck in a forest and a woman happens to walk by, I would 100% hope they'd pick me bcos I'm in a wheelchair and Id need help to get away from the bear 😂
lololol, well said XD
My husband said he would pick the bear too. Humans are to unpredictable. I would also choose a bear. We are very outdoorsy people and the scariest thing in the woods are other people.
When my husband is at work and I am out by myself. I constantly get hit on and constantly have to look over my shoulder because ya never know. My husband also worries so he fixed that problem and bought me a little friend to carry around. my little friend is named Betty and Betty will never let me down. Whether it’s a bear or man.
I saw a 1 star review on a microwave bcuz “whenever it was done the food spun to the back”🤣
What does that mean
@@someonehavinganidentitycrisis it means someone isn't very good at understanding cause and effect XD
Wouldn’t it be better if the jail review reply was “ because we don’t want you to patronize our business in the future” 😅😅😅😂😂
Best comedian on the scene right now!
It's been amazing to see him grow. I've always liked him.
@@thatonegirlelaine agreed!
I've encountered a few bears in the woods. Never been a problem, given the choice I'd rather see a bear than a random person. Man, Woman, doesn't matter. The only reason I'm out in the woods to begin with is to see the wildlife.
If a bear attacks me, it would be my fault completely. However, it is rare and they are most times just watching me before I know they're there. A man however, I do not need to give him a reason. He will attack just because he wants to. And you never know which man will do it.
I am 100% certain that you can read your own species. Body language better than you can read a random species, body language. And you can communicate with the man. AND the odds of them being cuckoo for Cocoa puffs is low.
@@ilyte1 But that's the thing. You don't which one is and isn't cuckoo for cocoa puffs. However, you do know which bears are capable of what. Either way though, me personally, you ain't catching me in the woods. Yall stay safe though
@@justuravergekpopluvinfeministThe scenario does not allow for much nuance. If you run into a bear your chances of survival are uncertain at best. You run into a fellow human being and suddenly your chances lf survival are nearly ensured. Maybe in 10 out of a hundred cases will the other human harm you. That’s still not a great number but it’s most assuredly a lot better than your odds with a bear.
“At least if I got attack by a bear, people would believe me.” WOW 😢
I mean, the fact a lot of folks didn't believe Cassie until we saw the video....
@@notsureyet2200 Yea true…. Smh
Women should stop lieng so much 😂
@notsureyet2200 more people believed Cassie then not. But see how you all don't care about easily manipulating a situation with lies, partial truths and misdirected context lol. Same reason everyone thinks men are violent is the same reason why trust is hard with a women. Stop blaming reality. Understand reality.
@@deiondrickdennard It does suck that women use untrue stories to get men they don’t like in trouble. I just don’t know the solution 😔
Most of the men have been answering the question "would you rather FIGHT a man or a bear"
edit: ITT men proving precisely why women chose the bear.
That's what I thought too 😂, I was answering man this whole time because I thought, "I could maybe kill a man hand to hand if I had to but I know damn well I'm getting killed by a bear and nothing but running away would save me."
Bears are 50% faster than humans,they and they can even run climbing trees.
No, they haven’t. We just understand that the probability of being attacked or otherwise assaulted by a man is exponentially lower than being mauled by a bear.
Most women have been answering the question “would you rather be alone with a bear or a rapist?”
@roxyortiz8819 a statistic? Not exactly. I have something better; common sense and critical thinking. You’ve probably seen dozens of men today. I’m assuming and hoping you haven’t been assaulted. Imagine if every one of those men were bears instead. You would 100% be a pile of shredded skin by now. Men hurt more people because there are literally billions more encounters between men and women, than there are between women and bears. Thats how stats work.
@roxyortiz8819 1 in 2.1 million people are attacked by bears according to the national park service. In America 1 of 6 women have experienced sexual assault, globally the number may be as high as 1 of 3 women.
That's several thousand orders of magnitude.