Some people have the gift of articulating themselves. My daughter is like this. I have never been this way even though I think deeply about all kinds of topics, I read, I discuss with others, I talk to myself in front of the mirror, etc. Yes, I can improve, but it does not come easy to me!
EXCELLENT video!! Per point three: (this works better if you live alone but you don’t have to live alone) I’m in the habit of verbalizing my day to day activities. For instance, if I am making up my bed in the morning I actually audibly describe what I’m doing as I’m doing it. “I am going to make my bed. I am pulling away the bedspread and I will do so in such a way that it is in its proper orientation so that it is easier to put back on the bed. I’m watching my step because I certainly don’t want to stub my toe on an end table. As soon as I’m done here I will go and brush my teeth.” You can do this while washing dishes. Describe the way the dish is soiled. Describe the type of dish it is. Describe any design features on each dish. Practice your descriptions so that you are speaking fluidly and with no bumbling. This trains you to clear any bottlenecks between your brain and your mouth.
I'm an avid reader, and organizing my thoughts into writing is what I do best. I think it's what a lot of people do best because we have time to think and process everything. Speaking requires quick recall, and that's not my strongpoint. My brain works well when I can take my time, but my mouth doesn't sync up so well when trying to explain something vocally. It's extremely frustrating. I'm envious of those who can just talk and talk with coherence and never miss a beat. I'm not sure how to get to that point. I think my brain is just wired this way.
i relate to every sentence you say. And one more thing about me is i don’t live in an english speaking country, due my growth and the prolonged time spent on the internet, my vocabularies are explored more on the english side. So whenever i had to talk in my native languange i had to translate them in my head which takes times and i have this thing where accurate words rarely come by. But I am trying to improve my vocabulary, the way i speak, and write in both languages. I also read books aswell, uncluding both languages but im trying to focus more on my native one.
Having verbal fluency and conveying confidence while speaking is something I would love to achieve. I did not grow up around adults that invited conversation without being criticized. Lucky are those that did. I find what helps is to listen to someone that speaks really well and write down some of the words they say, and study them.
As someone who absolutely hated the idea of reading a textbook, and stuttered a lot with people who I’m even close with, I decided to go ahead and follow you step by step process. Within 3-4 weeks I noticed that I was able actively read and listen to my own thoughts and words before giving them to others. It was rough but it has been very rewarding! Thank you so much ❤
I read a lot as a child, and during my teenage years when I struggled to know how to say something, would instinctively write it out. It’s helped a lot with my communication over the years… I think perhaps the reason I’m still short of what I’d like to do with it is the lack of practice actually talking to people since I’m shy. It takes me a long time to make new friends, and those who leave usually never leave my heart.
Learning at least 5 words a day is helpful. I do that myself and I write at least 5 sentences using the word I've just learned, and try to incorporate in my conversations so that it becomes engraved in my mind. This has helped me enormously as I am able to retrieve those words spontaneously. Repeat and repeat. That will take you places.
I think this is the best method. Our vocabulary generally consists of two categories: Our deep lexicon, and our soft lexicon. Our soft lexicon consists of words that we use frequently on a day-to-day basis. Our deep lexicon mainly consists of words that we know, or can at least understand in context, but are not words that we would typically use while speaking in our day-to-day interactions. When using a word from your deep lexicon, you might pause, stutter, stammer, say 'uhm', or even just have a slight delay before being able to articulate that word into a sentence. The word just doesn't come naturally or subconsciously. So if you want to learn to better articulate your thoughts, or speak to others, you need to convert words from your deep lexicon into your soft lexicon. Choosing 5 words from your deep lexicon, and using them each in your own sentences and words over the period of a week will generally do the trick. I think the belief is that it generally takes using a word in your own sentence around 30-40 times before it moves into your soft lexicon. Also as far as writing goes, I would take it a step further and try writing what they call "morning pages." It is INCREDIBLY effective in organizing your thoughts as well as giving yourself insight.
This is a great example for the next generation. Can you share how your daughter get inspired to read? I am struggling with my kids to remind them to read regularly.
This has to work wonders for her mental health too: If she is reading That many books, she clearly is not spending all of her time participating in toxic things like social media or TV very often, If at all. Great job on you as a parent, This is the anxiety (excess worrying about the future) and depression (excess worry about the past) 😊age.
I loved this video. I really admire people like Stephen Fry who draw you in with their stories and articulation. Totally agree that the better your vocabulary the better we can communicate. I listen to my grandchildren and am always astounded by the new words they have learned. Thanks for sharing. George U.K.
Yes. Kara is correct. There is no magic bullet. In order to think, write, and speak better, you need to practice. Write in a journal (and/or find a pen/em pal). Read books. Listen to audiobooks. Begin writing as if no one will read it. Then go back and proofread it. Record yourself speaking. The audio doesn't lie. Be prepared to be humbled, then you will start to improve. Most of all have fun, and then try to help someone else. The best way to learn is to teach.
Much appreciation to you Kara Ronin for this insightful video. 3 Steps To Articulate Your Thoughts Clearly: 1. Read: It exposes you to new ideas, new ways of thinking and structuring. Also, it helps to improve one's vocabulary. 2. Write: It allows you to identify thinking patterns and to determine whether you have good or bad thoughts. This gives you an opportunity to reflect on those thoughts and improve them. Also, it helps you to develop the ability to write clearly in an organized manner. 3. Speak: The ability to read and write articulately will help you to verbal express yourself clearly in an organized manner.
Thanks! It took discipline to complete this 21 day challenge, but it yields great results. I am much more articulate now. Thanks so much Kara. U r the best!
This is a great video. This was also in the Bible in Deuteronomy: Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you’ll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth.
The steps provided are very general but they are effective as well. Reading-Writing-Speaking it's all that i wanted to become a better communicator. I got an idea to excel in my next interview by writing down each and every question that can be asked.
From one teacher to another teacher, you have given me an additional way of showing how to effectively articulate language. Thank you for the lesson and the tools you have provided. Peace to you and yours!
my partner has tremendously struggled throughout his life with dyslexia. though he deals with something so frustrating , his other capabilities are very profound, such as being able to recognize facial features in films, able to name who that actor/tress is- young, old, facial hair, makeup, etc. trust me when i say it is absolutely mindblowing! he is like an AI! I'm like, NooOoo! so, we Google it, and he is right every time. his math skills are fantastic. He is truthfully the best car/bike/diesel mechanic i've witnessed...super fast & right on point. Unfortunately, some people have to try so much harder than others whom naturally read advanced, to even begin to maybe tackle basic reading. this is a great video for those of us who need a sticky note reminder in life, or a stick-it-to-you right. my mind is very muddled. i wear a desert rose rock on a necklace in a cage with hopes of clearing muddled thinking. it helps me, in however it does- either by the tangible idea, or from the salty sediments of the earth. thank-you for your video, people seem to be very inspired here as do i 😊
I find myself lacking the words to describe the things I want to say recently. This was not always the case. However, I I realized there was one solution to it that you also mentioned in your video: reading books. I know for sure that when I spend more time reading books, I am more able to articulate myself clearly but that my thoughts seem clearer as well. What a wonderful reminder and great video overall!
Feels like I messed up my online university interview for the second time now and realize that both times my thoughts are all over the place and I am unable to articulate the thoughts that I imagined. Will be trying the 3 steps and see how it goes! Thanks for the video 😃
I hope these tips help you. For interviews like that, you want to prepare. Try practising how you'd answer common interview questions for university. You're lucky that you can prepare for this. 🤗
I highly suggest writing down the questions and answers, as well as thoughts that you want to bring up during the interview. Try not to memorize what you captured in writing in order to recite it, but use it as a guide. So for the interview itself, use bullet points for your key thoughts.
Profiles in Courage won the Pulitzer award in 1957 and was written in 1955-56. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Thanks for recommending his work, as he was one of the most eloquent presidents in history, and he was a great reader as well.
When I was a teenager, I noticed when I used to have regularly read books that are very deep and strong vocab words, my speech & writing got much better. Thank you for these tips because I've been struggling with this issue!!
Thank you for watching! Are you going to commit to these three steps I talk about in this video? If you have any book suggestions, let us know in the comments here!
This is an amazing video. I used to read with my kids every night to help improve literacy. As they have gotten older (12, 13) and night time family reading has stopped I have struggled on finding things I can do as a parent to help them continue to advance. You have given me a couple of ideas I can use to help my kids and me!
I grew up in a family that appreciated literature and good writing (especially my father). While I studied science in college (under peer pressure 😢), I devoured a lot of newspaper and news magazines; also picked up an old copy of 'Six Weeks to Words of Power' by Wilfred Funk and religiously followed it through. Ever since, reading widely has become a great way to learn and grow in every sphere of life.
My comment is that whatever you have talked or preached, it shows in your presentation. Comes across as well organized thoughts flowing seemlessely. Definately someone to listen to and follow, to advanced the communication skills.
Dear Teacher, thank you very much. I am very lucky to listen to this video. Almost two years elapsed, I had been in a circle of "studying" and then "forgetting", at non practicing environment, sort of a bad manner. This your 20 minutes video can be proved that you had been speaking at very articulate way, I will be able to follow your three steps to try your method. If it stumbles upon some difficulties, I will need your further instructions. thank you again
I dont think i picked up on social survival skills when i was growing up. I was kinda a isolated kid and teen. I feel like i need to learn as much as a can about socializing .thanks for the help.
Thank you so much for this video. I am looking to be more clear when I speak and I am so thankful to have come across this video. I will put in practice these tips right away.
Great video, thank you! The most frustrating thing is that I'm a professional writer - I can successfully articulate thoughts on the page but when I open my mouth, especially with my husband, the language is vague, and he often has to ask for clarification.
I'm glad you liked this video @HBDuran! A few thoughts about your question: 1) It could be the topic. Are the conversations with your husband the same content as what you write about? If you were to talk about what you write about, would you be able to articulate your thoughts better? My thinking behind this is it could be an issue of being familiar with the content. 2) Try to find the main point of what you want to say, remove all rambling, and say that to your husband. 3) Use powerful words that you normally reserve for your writing, but bring them into your communication. Make a list of 3-5 words you want to use when speaking.
Do you re-write/edit a lot? I have the same problem. I'm not a professional writer but I've published articles. I think it has to do with constant editing that I do when writing. My brain automatically wants to do the same when I speak. So I end up rambling quite a bit.
1. Context and Clarity: situation, transparent 2. Legal Constraints and Traditions: gag order, common law 3. I like to read books about philosophy 4. Great speaches depend upon the quality of thoughts 5. Managing thoughts helps with productivity 6. Taking notes specifically is more effective for getting more reason 7. On job interviews, continuous learning is valued the most 8. Public speaking skills are helpful in many areas of life 9. Complex concepts are learned through improving expertise in a niche 10. Communication skills are learned the best with close friends
I really like the strategy of articulating things in a better way. Recently i got feedback from my manager that I am not well to articulate the things while speaking. So I was searching some videos which will help me to improve my speaking skill. I feel this is practical way of improving the speaking skill. I will try this out. Thanks.
I'm glad you like this strategy Himansu. Remember, to be patient with yourself and keep trying. If something doesn't work and you're not as articulate as you would have liked, think about what you should do differently next time. With practice you will become better at it.
I just came across this video. Thanks for breaking this down . I'm committing myself to taking these 3 steps and will take time each day to watch your videos
This can happen. It's usually brought on by nerves or stress that cause you to get thoughts muddled even after you've got them clear in your mind. I might do a video in future tackling this issue.
@@kararonin. Don't you have a class for Articulate Your Thoughts? cause this also happens to me "What if you articulate your words well in thought and it comes out the complete opposite"
You can't count that your audience will have also cognitive level to understand your level of articulation. So wise is to know how to understand different scales of consciousness. For kids use their scale of consciousness
I grew up in a third world country - most of the mentality of the people I grew up with is to stay resilient and stick to the traditional ways to get by. My siblings and I were the disruptive force. We learned english from each other. We practiced english every day. 2 of us are now working abroad as professionals. The other 2 are still excellent in communication in their own ways. After I got out of the Philippines though, I notice myself feeling inferior and lacked confidence, leading to poor communication. Im still working on how to carry myself better. I noticed as well how the upbringing of my colleagues are completely different from mine, making them more confident. Their thought patterns are fascinating and was completely strange to me. Step by step Im getting there.
Kara, listening to you is like having a conversation which is an art in itself . Keep up with the informative videos. I also love the Irish accent -lol
Thank you so much B Ayotte! I'm so glad you're enjoying these videos, and like my accent too 😀. Btw, I'm Australian :) Not sure if it was a joke about being Irish :)
Very rich lecture. I will commited to this way. I will read 10 pages at least or even more in my research topic, write at least one page, and speak with my roommate who is very nice native speaker 5 minutes ahead on the daily basis. Afterward, will leave comments may be in onther video that you made in related topics.
Thank you for this great video. I really enjoy debates and deep conversations, it’s putting all that you said in practice, if you are strong on a topic. You reminded me how important consistency is in reading and writing.
Fantastic video!!! You are such an awesome person. I love everything about this video including you voice and delivery. One thing I was hoping for was that you would explain how to organize our thoughts. In other words, how do we know that our thoughts are now organized? God Bless!
I like you cause I can understand you clearly, you speak fluent but at the same time relaxing and loved that cause many mentors speak so fast and I don' t articulate well cause English is not my first language. Thank you a lot.
This was excellent! You articulated this topic very well. Well presented. This has been something I’ve been trying to be more intentional about over the last 10 years. Writing is excellent for organizing your thoughts and preparing yourself to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings with confidence and coherency. I would add to practice your speaking start a podcast or YT channel.
Thank you so much Kara; I have also been dodging this idea of reading books but with this video, I am taking up this task of book reading, and I believe I am going to be better thus becoming more articulate and even speak more clearly. This is one great motivation for me to start reading books.
thank you so much Kara. I learn powerful and helpful ways to improve my thought articulation. What next for me is to be discipline for 5-10 pages per day and writing on regular basis. Im thinking that writing journal will worth and suit for me. I can wait to see how good my thought articulation getting straight and thougtful. thank you
Where you discipline? Do you see any improvement? I see people exited and wanting to start but have seen a comment of someone that has actually gone through the process
I've discovered your channel by chance, and it was a great discover for me. Your advices are so inspiring and so true. I'll try to follow the 3 steps that you've clearly explained in your video, hoping that it will improve my English fluency, and to be able to feel much more confident in an English conversation than now
I can write and be articulate easily but in daily life what I struggle with is without preparing or writing ahead, my thoughts are a mess. Therefore, I want to learn how to clearly express something without preparing. How to be one of those who will be able to express clearly with tons of ideas when given a topic in seconds.
+I really appreciate the input in this video. I write a lot and am able to articulate my thoughts on paper, but I get muddled and forget what I need to speak verbally. I am going to try all the steps. Thank you so much.
That's a common issue to be clear when writing on paper but then to get thoughts muddled when speaking. Try these steps and every time you do, try to take note of how you can improve for next time.
Thank you, Kara, for you videos. I majored in Broadcast Communication Arts and earned a minor in Speech Communication. Despite this education, I am not a clear communicator. I have not read books in many years though I once enjoyed reading immensely. I also became isolated so I wasn't communicating with many people. I will be starting a new job soon, something very different from what I've been doing for 25 years. I will be working in a medical office so I will need to improve my speaking. I will need to be articulate. I'm now reading Profiles In Courage and will use your other tips in this video and other videos of yours.
Thank you for sharing your story!Medical office sounds interesting. You'll have a wide variety of people to communicate with. I hope the Profiles in Courage book and the rest of tips in this video will help you.
Wow I am in a seriously similar boat as you. I’m going back to school for my masters after a few years of being secluded and working remotely. Super nervous but glad to hear I’m not alone. I wish you all the best as you begin your new role!
This video reminds me of how I speak "without a filter". People use that phrase as permission to say things they shouldn't. I have heard this phrase for years, "think before you speak". I never knew what I should think about before I spoke. Now I do and thanks to you, I should have a filter in place when I have followed these steps.
Great content! I am looking forward to practicing consistent reading of great books and writing! Intelligent conversations around the dinner table are almost a lost art that so desperately needs to come back. Thank you!!
I know too that I'm not a good communicator based on my experiences I struggle to start a conversation every time I meet strangers at work or in any social gathering. This has been my struggle for many years now. Now I have come to realize it's time for changes to learn. Your channel helped me to gain insight on how to be an effective communicator now I have the knowledge and awareness all I need to do is to practice it in my everyday life.
Really worth watching this video. Appreciate for your endless effort for providing us the valuable knowledge through out the 365 days. I m of your Big fan Kara.......thank you for motivating me always by giving such a insightful thought. Further, I m also learning the Australian accent which will be very helpful to me as well. Thank you..Thank you ..Thank you Kara..........Lots of love and blessings.
You're very welcome Bhim! I'm so happy you enjoy the videos on my channel. And yes, you're probably picking up the Australian accent too 👏 Thank you for your endless support 🤗
I grew up in a family where it doesn't have a lot of open conversation which led me to have some difficulties expressing myself. I looking forward to developing and improving my communication skills. Thank you for making this valuable video.
Thanks for the video. I just started to write a summary of a video that i watch just like this one + put a little bit of my opinion on it. It's only been a week but it help me a lot to organized my tought.
All of the detailed information in this short minute informative video. Are excellent tips, and also very wise and motivating an individuals way of thinking speaking, and even more. Overall, I will totally agree with much of the information that was given in this video. The books that were recommended are great reads. This lady knows her stuff, no doubt.!! Thank you for all of your support and influence to a person's momentum.
Thank you for the video Kara, very useful. Articulating my ideas is challenging for me, and my aim is to overcome this. One of the challenge I face is that i forget my words when i need them in a conversation. How would you overcome that? Thanks!
Write them down and create sentences around them. Keep on repeating those sentences until they start to bore you, then move on to new words. Your speech will become seamless. Be consistent in this process so that the results will be enormous.
The next video you need to watch is How to Be More Articulate where I share 9 tips on articulationвидео.html
Send me the videos i would
like to Articulate better thanks .
.I dont like to writing
I need to do so now.
Key phrase in the whole talk: "filling your mind". Do a video on why that's positive.
@@stephaniefrancis93 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Thanks for your excellent videos
Your videos are not only an english learning resources but also life tricks.
Some people have the gift of articulating themselves. My daughter is like this. I have never been this way even though I think deeply about all kinds of topics, I read, I discuss with others, I talk to myself in front of the mirror, etc. Yes, I can improve, but it does not come easy to me!
EXCELLENT video!! Per point three: (this works better if you live alone but you don’t have to live alone) I’m in the habit of verbalizing my day to day activities. For instance, if I am making up my bed in the morning I actually audibly describe what I’m doing as I’m doing it. “I am going to make my bed. I am pulling away the bedspread and I will do so in such a way that it is in its proper orientation so that it is easier to put back on the bed. I’m watching my step because I certainly don’t want to stub my toe on an end table. As soon as I’m done here I will go and brush my teeth.” You can do this while washing dishes. Describe the way the dish is soiled. Describe the type of dish it is. Describe any design features on each dish. Practice your descriptions so that you are speaking fluidly and with no bumbling. This trains you to clear any bottlenecks between your brain and your mouth.
Wondeful , splendid advice , thanks a lotta
That’s a good idea! Brilliant!
Very good advice!
woah this is a great tip!
I'm an avid reader, and organizing my thoughts into writing is what I do best. I think it's what a lot of people do best because we have time to think and process everything. Speaking requires quick recall, and that's not my strongpoint. My brain works well when I can take my time, but my mouth doesn't sync up so well when trying to explain something vocally. It's extremely frustrating. I'm envious of those who can just talk and talk with coherence and never miss a beat. I'm not sure how to get to that point. I think my brain is just wired this way.
Follow these steps
Same problem with me
Am the same. It can be so frustrating.
Me too
i relate to every sentence you say.
And one more thing about me is i don’t live in an english speaking country, due my growth and the prolonged time spent on the internet, my vocabularies are explored more on the english side.
So whenever i had to talk in my native languange i had to translate them in my head which takes times and i have this thing where accurate words rarely come by.
But I am trying to improve my vocabulary, the way i speak, and write in both languages.
I also read books aswell, uncluding both languages but im trying to focus more on my native one.
Having verbal fluency and conveying confidence while speaking is something I would love to achieve. I did not grow up around adults that invited conversation without being criticized. Lucky are those that did. I find what helps is to listen to someone that speaks really well and write down some of the words they say, and study them.
I like to listen to Jordan Peterson. He expresses with such concise and to the point verbiage.
Thank you for this tip! ❤
As someone who absolutely hated the idea of reading a textbook, and stuttered a lot with people who I’m even close with, I decided to go ahead and follow you step by step process. Within 3-4 weeks I noticed that I was able actively read and listen to my own thoughts and words before giving them to others. It was rough but it has been very rewarding! Thank you so much ❤
I read a lot as a child, and during my teenage years when I struggled to know how to say something, would instinctively write it out. It’s helped a lot with my communication over the years…
I think perhaps the reason I’m still short of what I’d like to do with it is the lack of practice actually talking to people since I’m shy. It takes me a long time to make new friends, and those who leave usually never leave my heart.
Learning at least 5 words a day is helpful. I do that myself and I write at least 5 sentences using the word I've just learned, and try to incorporate in my conversations so that it becomes engraved in my mind. This has helped me enormously as I am able to retrieve those words spontaneously. Repeat and repeat. That will take you places.
I think this is the best method. Our vocabulary generally consists of two categories: Our deep lexicon, and our soft lexicon. Our soft lexicon consists of words that we use frequently on a day-to-day basis. Our deep lexicon mainly consists of words that we know, or can at least understand in context, but are not words that we would typically use while speaking in our day-to-day interactions. When using a word from your deep lexicon, you might pause, stutter, stammer, say 'uhm', or even just have a slight delay before being able to articulate that word into a sentence. The word just doesn't come naturally or subconsciously. So if you want to learn to better articulate your thoughts, or speak to others, you need to convert words from your deep lexicon into your soft lexicon. Choosing 5 words from your deep lexicon, and using them each in your own sentences and words over the period of a week will generally do the trick. I think the belief is that it generally takes using a word in your own sentence around 30-40 times before it moves into your soft lexicon.
Also as far as writing goes, I would take it a step further and try writing what they call "morning pages." It is INCREDIBLY effective in organizing your thoughts as well as giving yourself insight.
Thank you!!!
@@TheMetaMindset You've hit the nail on the head.
Actually my nine year old daughter has read hundreds of books in the past two years and she can express her thoughts wonderfully. So, I totally agree.
Wow! What books she is reading?
Woah, your daughter is a good example!
This is a great example for the next generation. Can you share how your daughter get inspired to read? I am struggling with my kids to remind them to read regularly.
She is probably more coherent and thoughtful than most politicians or authorities. My heart aches for her.
This has to work wonders for her mental health too: If she is reading That many books, she clearly is not spending all of her time participating in toxic things like social media or TV very often, If at all. Great job on you as a parent, This is the anxiety (excess worrying about the future) and depression (excess worry about the past) 😊age.
I loved this video. I really admire people like Stephen Fry who draw you in with their stories and articulation. Totally agree that the better your vocabulary the better we can communicate. I listen to my grandchildren and am always astounded by the new words they have learned. Thanks for sharing. George U.K.
Yes. Kara is correct. There is no magic bullet. In order to think, write, and speak better, you need to practice. Write in a journal (and/or find a pen/em pal). Read books. Listen to audiobooks. Begin writing as if no one will read it. Then go back and proofread it. Record yourself speaking. The audio doesn't lie. Be prepared to be humbled, then you will start to improve. Most of all have fun, and then try to help someone else. The best way to learn is to teach.
Thank you. This is the reality I need
Much appreciation to you Kara Ronin for this insightful video.
3 Steps To Articulate Your Thoughts Clearly:
1. Read: It exposes you to new ideas, new ways of thinking and structuring. Also, it helps to improve one's vocabulary.
2. Write: It allows you to identify thinking patterns and to determine whether you have good or bad thoughts. This gives you an opportunity to reflect on those thoughts and improve them. Also, it helps you to develop the ability to write clearly in an organized manner.
3. Speak: The ability to read and write articulately will help you to verbal express yourself clearly in an organized manner.
Spot on with all that you wrote! Thanks for watching!
Thank God you did that she was annoying me
Thank you for this summary ❤
@@xys7536 You're poison.
I will try...sounds good idea
Thanks! It took discipline to complete this 21 day challenge, but it yields great results. I am much more articulate now. Thanks so much Kara. U r the best!
I'm so glad to hear it was helpful!
@@kararonin would you do a video on how to talk like a strategic thinker please?
That's a great topic idea. I'll add it to my list of upcoming topics. Thanks for the Super Thanks too :)!!!!!
This is a great video. This was also in the Bible in Deuteronomy:
Place these words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning until you fall into bed at night. Inscribe them on the doorposts and gates of your cities so that you’ll live a long time, and your children with you, on the soil that God promised to give your ancestors for as long as there is a sky over the Earth.
I love this
Thank you, love it!!
Thanks for this, which chapter in deuteronomy can this be found please 🙏
@@aureliaadegunju1040 no problem! Deuteronomy 11:18-21
The steps provided are very general but they are effective as well. Reading-Writing-Speaking it's all that i wanted to become a better communicator. I got an idea to excel in my next interview by writing down each and every question that can be asked.
Thanks for the reminder about journaling! I always feel more fresh of mind when I have time to write my thoughts down.
20 mins video to teach us to Read, Write and Speak. Wow, game-changing.
From one teacher to another teacher,
you have given me an additional way of showing how to effectively articulate language. Thank you for the lesson and the tools you have provided.
Peace to you and yours!
Wise advices. Let's read good stuff regularly, write everyday, and speak better! Thank you and have an excellent new year.
Fantastic video, I am learning to public speak, the information has been extremely helpful towards my work. Thank you 😊
I totally agree about the way we used to speak and write. I collect books written before WWl and they are beautifully written.
my partner has tremendously struggled throughout his life with dyslexia. though he deals with something so frustrating , his other capabilities are very profound, such as being able to recognize facial features in films, able to name who that actor/tress is- young, old, facial hair, makeup, etc. trust me when i say it is absolutely mindblowing! he is like an AI! I'm like, NooOoo! so, we Google it, and he is right every time. his math skills are fantastic. He is truthfully the best car/bike/diesel mechanic i've witnessed...super fast & right on point. Unfortunately, some people have to try so much harder than others whom naturally read advanced, to even begin to maybe tackle basic reading. this is a great video for those of us who need a sticky note reminder in life, or a stick-it-to-you right. my mind is very muddled. i wear a desert rose rock on a necklace in a cage with hopes of clearing muddled thinking. it helps me, in however it does- either by the tangible idea, or from the salty sediments of the earth. thank-you for your video, people seem to be very inspired here as do i 😊
I find myself lacking the words to describe the things I want to say recently. This was not always the case. However, I I realized there was one solution to it that you also mentioned in your video: reading books. I know for sure that when I spend more time reading books, I am more able to articulate myself clearly but that my thoughts seem clearer as well. What a wonderful reminder and great video overall!
Exactly! Th vocabulary. This a signal for poor English .
The best part about speaking well I find it by listening to you. Thank you!
Wow, thank you!
Feels like I messed up my online university interview for the second time now and realize that both times my thoughts are all over the place and I am unable to articulate the thoughts that I imagined. Will be trying the 3 steps and see how it goes! Thanks for the video 😃
I hope these tips help you. For interviews like that, you want to prepare. Try practising how you'd answer common interview questions for university. You're lucky that you can prepare for this. 🤗
Did it work?
I highly suggest writing down the questions and answers, as well as thoughts that you want to bring up during the interview. Try not to memorize what you captured in writing in order to recite it, but use it as a guide. So for the interview itself, use bullet points for your key thoughts.
I love how clear and direct your explanations are.
Thank you God for placing this educator in my life.
Profiles in Courage won the Pulitzer award in 1957 and was written in 1955-56. President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. Thanks for recommending his work, as he was one of the most eloquent presidents in history, and he was a great reader as well.
RUclips algorithms 😫when I was about to give up.Thank you so much❤
This is great advice for everyone, regardless of the type of work they do.
You explain even complex ideas so clearly.
The advice given in this video was extremely valuable. Read, write, listen to great orators, and learn logic.
Thank you so much for this video. The way you speak is GOALS.
I love how concise and easy your tutorials are to follow.
Kara, I’ve been in a really rough spot in my life and I’m trying to pick up the pieces. Your video helped a lot. Thank you!
I'm so glad to hear that my videos are helping you. Thank you!
When I was a teenager, I noticed when I used to have regularly read books that are very deep and strong vocab words, my speech & writing got much better. Thank you for these tips because I've been struggling with this issue!!
It's great you have an experience in your own life that can help motivate you to read more.
Cant wait to try this out , I was enchanted from the beginning thank you so much for this .
I love how clear and simple your explanations are!
Yes, I too love the vocabulary and the way people articulated themselves in older books. 📚 📖 ❤
I love how clear and concise your teaching style is!
Thank you!
Thank you for watching! Are you going to commit to these three steps I talk about in this video? If you have any book suggestions, let us know in the comments here!
Right now I am reading this book called 'Think And Grow Rich' By Napoleon Hill
@@KingShop1342 that's a great book and perfect for the exercise of using reading to improve articulation.
This is an amazing video. I used to read with my kids every night to help improve literacy. As they have gotten older (12, 13) and night time family reading has stopped I have struggled on finding things I can do as a parent to help them continue to advance. You have given me a couple of ideas I can use to help my kids and me!
I grew up in a family that appreciated literature and good writing (especially my father). While I studied science in college (under peer pressure 😢), I devoured a lot of newspaper and news magazines; also picked up an old copy of 'Six Weeks to Words of Power' by Wilfred Funk and religiously followed it through. Ever since, reading widely has become a great way to learn and grow in every sphere of life.
My comment is that whatever you have talked or preached, it shows in your presentation. Comes across as well organized thoughts flowing seemlessely. Definately someone to listen to and follow, to advanced the communication skills.
Dear Teacher, thank you very much. I am very lucky to listen to this video. Almost two years elapsed, I had been in a circle of "studying" and then "forgetting", at non practicing environment, sort of a bad manner. This your 20 minutes video can be proved that you had been speaking at very articulate way, I will be able to follow your three steps to try your method. If it stumbles upon some difficulties, I will need your further instructions. thank you again
I'm glad this video was helpful! Thank you so much for watching!
You explain everything so clearly and effectively!
I dont think i picked up on social survival skills when i was growing up. I was kinda a isolated kid and teen. I feel like i need to learn as much as a can about socializing .thanks for the help.
It's never too late to learn these skills. I hope I can help you with my videos!
If you are thinking is clear your speech will be clear....that's so correct
Thank you so much for this video. I am looking to be more clear when I speak and I am so thankful to have come across this video. I will put in practice these tips right away.
Your articulation is remarkable. Indeed, it is an excellent video.
Great video, thank you! The most frustrating thing is that I'm a professional writer - I can successfully articulate thoughts on the page but when I open my mouth, especially with my husband, the language is vague, and he often has to ask for clarification.
I'm glad you liked this video @HBDuran! A few thoughts about your question: 1) It could be the topic. Are the conversations with your husband the same content as what you write about? If you were to talk about what you write about, would you be able to articulate your thoughts better? My thinking behind this is it could be an issue of being familiar with the content. 2) Try to find the main point of what you want to say, remove all rambling, and say that to your husband. 3) Use powerful words that you normally reserve for your writing, but bring them into your communication. Make a list of 3-5 words you want to use when speaking.
Do you re-write/edit a lot? I have the same problem. I'm not a professional writer but I've published articles. I think it has to do with constant editing that I do when writing. My brain automatically wants to do the same when I speak. So I end up rambling quite a bit.
@@S.VELKHAN Yes I do! My brain wants to edit myself a lot.
@@S.VELKHAN This makes so much sense to me. It has helped me diagnose my problem.
1. Context and Clarity: situation, transparent
2. Legal Constraints and Traditions: gag order, common law
3. I like to read books about philosophy
4. Great speaches depend upon the quality of thoughts
5. Managing thoughts helps with productivity
6. Taking notes specifically is more effective for getting more reason
7. On job interviews, continuous learning is valued the most
8. Public speaking skills are helpful in many areas of life
9. Complex concepts are learned through improving expertise in a niche
10. Communication skills are learned the best with close friends
I really like the strategy of articulating things in a better way. Recently i got feedback from my manager that I am not well to articulate the things while speaking. So I was searching some videos which will help me to improve my speaking skill. I feel this is practical way of improving the speaking skill. I will try this out. Thanks.
I'm glad you like this strategy Himansu. Remember, to be patient with yourself and keep trying. If something doesn't work and you're not as articulate as you would have liked, think about what you should do differently next time. With practice you will become better at it.
@@kararonin Thanks a lot for your encouragement words.
Your teaching style is so clear and concise!
Concise????? What video did you watch?
kara your teaching is fantastic. you really can teach an old dog a new trick
Haha! I'm glad to hear that. Thank you!
I just came across this video. Thanks for breaking this down . I'm committing myself to taking these 3 steps and will take time each day to watch your videos
What if you articulate your words well in thought and it comes out the complete opposite?
This can happen. It's usually brought on by nerves or stress that cause you to get thoughts muddled even after you've got them clear in your mind. I might do a video in future tackling this issue.
@@kararonin. Don't you have a class for Articulate Your Thoughts? cause this also happens to me "What if you articulate your words well in thought and it comes out the complete opposite"
You can't count that your audience will have also cognitive level to understand your level of articulation. So wise is to know how to understand different scales of consciousness. For kids use their scale of consciousness
@@raffacasting this is great insight
So true i also feel that my thoughts are in order and great but as soon as i open my mouth it is all jumbled and muddled.
I grew up in a third world country - most of the mentality of the people I grew up with is to stay resilient and stick to the traditional ways to get by.
My siblings and I were the disruptive force. We learned english from each other. We practiced english every day.
2 of us are now working abroad as professionals.
The other 2 are still excellent in communication in their own ways.
After I got out of the Philippines though, I notice myself feeling inferior and lacked confidence, leading to poor communication.
Im still working on how to carry myself better. I noticed as well how the upbringing of my colleagues are completely different from mine, making them more confident. Their thought patterns are fascinating and was completely strange to me.
Step by step Im getting there.
Kara, listening to you is like having a conversation which is an art in itself . Keep up with the informative videos. I also love the Irish accent -lol
Thank you so much B Ayotte! I'm so glad you're enjoying these videos, and like my accent too 😀. Btw, I'm Australian :) Not sure if it was a joke about being Irish :)
@@kararonin It was a joke and I know you are an Aussie
Very rich lecture. I will commited to this way. I will read 10 pages at least or even more in my research topic, write at least one page, and speak with my roommate who is very nice native speaker 5 minutes ahead on the daily basis. Afterward, will leave comments may be in onther video that you made in related topics.
Thank you for this great video. I really enjoy debates and deep conversations, it’s putting all that you said in practice, if you are strong on a topic. You reminded me how important consistency is in reading and writing.
I'm glad to hear that! Thank you for watching.
Wow I just journal my thoughts and it felt so liberating and I was able to get clarity.
I will put this into practice, it is indeed an area I want to grow in. Thank you for the informative video
Fantastic video!!! You are such an awesome person. I love everything about this video including you voice and delivery. One thing I was hoping for was that you would explain how to organize our thoughts. In other words, how do we know that our thoughts are now organized? God Bless!
Finally found the answer to my problem. Thanks for sharing 👍
I'm glad I could help out! Thanks for watching!
This is one of the realest videos I ever seen on communication!
Kara you are amazing, I'm a creative and it's been very difficult to articulate my thoughts. Watching your videos has really helped.
I'm so glad to hear that Fernando! Thank you for watching!
I like you cause I can understand you clearly, you speak fluent but at the same time relaxing and loved that cause many mentors speak so fast and I don' t articulate well cause English is not my first language. Thank you a lot.
Thank you! Your advise just makes so much sense. I can’t wait to put it to practice!
I'm glad to hear you liked this advice!
Thank you so much for your support!
You yourself has shown an articulate speaking with this videoclip, great thanks Kara!
This was excellent! You articulated this topic very well. Well presented. This has been something I’ve been trying to be more intentional about over the last 10 years. Writing is excellent for organizing your thoughts and preparing yourself to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings with confidence and coherency. I would add to practice your speaking start a podcast or YT channel.
Fantastic ideas!
Thank you so much Kara; I have also been dodging this idea of reading books but with this video, I am taking up this task of book reading, and I believe I am going to be better thus becoming more articulate and even speak more clearly. This is one great motivation for me to start reading books.
thank you so much Kara. I learn powerful and helpful ways to improve my thought articulation. What next for me is to be discipline for 5-10 pages per day and writing on regular basis. Im thinking that writing journal will worth and suit for me. I can wait to see how good my thought articulation getting straight and thougtful. thank you
That sounds like a fantastic plan!
Where you discipline? Do you see any improvement? I see people exited and wanting to start but have seen a comment of someone that has actually gone through the process
I've discovered your channel by chance, and it was a great discover for me. Your advices are so inspiring and so true. I'll try to follow the 3 steps that you've clearly explained in your video, hoping that it will improve my English fluency, and to be able to feel much more confident in an English conversation than now
Thank you very much. A brilliant video. Well explained, with numerous examples, answering all the questions that may accurue. Great job ❤
I'm glad it was helpful!
This is excellent. Thank you for preparing this video.
I can write and be articulate easily but in daily life what I struggle with is without preparing or writing ahead, my thoughts are a mess. Therefore, I want to learn how to clearly express something without preparing. How to be one of those who will be able to express clearly with tons of ideas when given a topic in seconds.
This is definitely a topic I'll do a video on in the future. Thanks so much for watching!
@Kara Ronin Yes please! This is a pain point we'd like to know how to overcome
I love how clear and organized your tutorials are.
Thank you! 😊
+I really appreciate the input in this video. I write a lot and am able to articulate my thoughts on paper, but I get muddled and forget what I need to speak verbally. I am going to try all the steps. Thank you so much.
That's a common issue to be clear when writing on paper but then to get thoughts muddled when speaking. Try these steps and every time you do, try to take note of how you can improve for next time.
Those are incredible points, especially in a world where people struggle with focused attention and reading useful material. Thanks
Love your American and Aussie accent❤️
What I noted is that within your intonation , we see a pretty slow space which helps us to understand the message well. Thanks.
Her speaking is rather stilted, actually, not smoothly flowing, and very distracting and undesirable to follow.
Thank you, Kara, for you videos. I majored in Broadcast Communication Arts and earned a minor in Speech Communication. Despite this education, I am not a clear communicator. I have not read books in many years though I once enjoyed reading immensely. I also became isolated so I wasn't communicating with many people. I will be starting a new job soon, something very different from what I've been doing for 25 years. I will be working in a medical office so I will need to improve my speaking. I will need to be articulate. I'm now reading Profiles In Courage and will use your other tips in this video and other videos of yours.
Thank you for sharing your story!Medical office sounds interesting. You'll have a wide variety of people to communicate with. I hope the Profiles in Courage book and the rest of tips in this video will help you.
Wow I am in a seriously similar boat as you. I’m going back to school for my masters after a few years of being secluded and working remotely. Super nervous but glad to hear I’m not alone. I wish you all the best as you begin your new role!
This video reminds me of how I speak "without a filter". People use that phrase as permission to say things they shouldn't. I have heard this phrase for years, "think before you speak". I never knew what I should think about before I spoke. Now I do and thanks to you, I should have a filter in place when I have followed these steps.
Great content! I am looking forward to practicing consistent reading of great books and writing! Intelligent conversations around the dinner table are almost a lost art that so desperately needs to come back. Thank you!!
It is a lost art, especially when people are on their phones at dinner! I'm glad this video was helpful for you!
I know too that I'm not a good communicator based on my experiences I struggle to start a conversation every time I meet strangers at work or in any social gathering. This has been my struggle for many years now. Now I have come to realize it's time for changes to learn. Your channel helped me to gain insight on how to be an effective communicator now I have the knowledge and awareness all I need to do is to practice it in my everyday life.
Awesome tips! I will put this to use and give my feedback. Thanks for helping me solve a big issue!
Wow! Thank you for this wonderful feedback! I'm delighted I could help you.
Great! This is by far the best of speech I have ever heard. Thanks áo much. This is what I have been looking for.
Really worth watching this video. Appreciate for your endless effort for providing us the valuable knowledge through out the 365 days. I m of your Big fan Kara.......thank you for motivating me always by giving such a insightful thought. Further, I m also learning the Australian accent which will be very helpful to me as well. Thank you..Thank you ..Thank you Kara..........Lots of love and blessings.
You're very welcome Bhim! I'm so happy you enjoy the videos on my channel. And yes, you're probably picking up the Australian accent too 👏 Thank you for your endless support 🤗
Thank madam,i Hope,i'll achieve my formation with you.❤
This is simple and brilliant! I can't wait to give it a whirl purposefully since I already read and write.
Thanks for these tips, I have learnt so much from it 🎉
I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you!
I grew up in a family where it doesn't have a lot of open conversation which led me to have some difficulties expressing myself. I looking forward to developing and improving my communication skills. Thank you for making this valuable video.
@@N.I.A-z3v I hear you. I hope this video helps you on your communication journey 🙏
I get impatient talking, and it tires me. Thoughts move faster than speech.
Great tips. Yes, reading is a sure shot way to improve your communication and become articulate and clear.
Thanks for the informative video, Kara. Amazing insights👍
Thank you Razia! I'm glad you found these helpful
Thanks for the video.
I just started to write a summary of a video that i watch just like this one + put a little bit of my opinion on it. It's only been a week but it help me a lot to organized my tought.
Really well structured, clearly explained, and engaging video. Thank you so much for inspiring me 😊
I'm glad this video was useful for you! Thank you for watching!
That's right !
Good thing! If she failed to have a well structured video that confused us all, she would have no creditability.
All of the detailed information in this short minute informative video. Are excellent tips, and also very wise and motivating an individuals way of thinking speaking, and even more. Overall, I will totally agree with much of the information that was given in this video. The books that were recommended are great reads. This lady knows her stuff, no doubt.!! Thank you for all of your support and influence to a person's momentum.
Thank you for the video Kara, very useful. Articulating my ideas is challenging for me, and my aim is to overcome this. One of the challenge I face is that i forget my words when i need them in a conversation. How would you overcome that? Thanks!
Write them down and create sentences around them. Keep on repeating those sentences until they start to bore you, then move on to new words. Your speech will become seamless. Be consistent in this process so that the results will be enormous.