Good info. here. If you remember your gas-laws in chemistry class, STP (standard temperature and pressure); your air pressure is linear to temperature. So don't fall for the 'nitrogen' in tires is better argument, as far as temperature goes, you get the same increase or decrease by temperature whether air or nitrogen fill. Arguably, nitrogen does provide some beneficial effects, but for the typical driver/owner they are negligible.
Good info. here. If you remember your gas-laws in chemistry class, STP (standard temperature and pressure); your air pressure is linear to temperature. So don't fall for the 'nitrogen' in tires is better argument, as far as temperature goes, you get the same increase or decrease by temperature whether air or nitrogen fill. Arguably, nitrogen does provide some beneficial effects, but for the typical driver/owner they are negligible.
My 08 sienna has tire pressure light on solid on a recent drive.. My pressures were all 32. @. 35 deg. How do I know which sensor is bad???
Take it to discount tire.
Another costly fix !