Zimerman - Beethoven, Piano Concerto No. 5 - I Allegro (2/3)

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • Director : Leonard Bernstein.
    Pianist : Krystian Zimerman.
    Orchestra : Wiener Philharmoniker.
    Scritto da Ludwig van Beethoven tra il 1809 e il 1810 è detto "L'Imperatore", nome assegnatoli in via del tutto posticcia e non inerente a Napoleone Bonaparte cui si riferisce invece la Terza Sinfonia del 1804 detta "Eroica". Il concerto fu dedicato come il precedente dell'op.58 all'arciduca Rodolfo d'Asburgo-Lorena. La prima di questo concerto non fu eseguita a Vienna ma a Lipsia , l'anno successivo a quello della sua stesura definitiva, il 28 novembre 1811, dal pianista Johan Shneider e sotto la direzione del maestro Johann Philip Cristian Schulz. A Vienna fu eseguito l'anno dopo con un pubblico che dimostrò una certa freddezza nei confronti del capolavoro beethoveniano, anche in considerazione della durata dell'esecuzione(circa 45').
    Il concerto è in mi bemolle maggiore ed è suddiviso in 3 movimenti:
    Adagio un poco moto
    Rondo allegro ma non troppo
    L'allegro apre con una cadenza che presenta carattere virtuosistico a cui segue l'esposizione dei temi da parte di un Tutti orchestrale. Il primo è pomposo e gioioso e si scontra col secondo tema interiore ed essenziale nella scrittura che viene esposto dall'orchestra prima nella tonalità minore rispetto al primo tema e poi dal pianoforte in si minore e nella ripresa in do diesis minore. Il percorso armonico in questo primo tempo risulta piuttosto articolato così da sottolineare la sempre più frequente ricerca da parte di Beethoven di un allargamento delle forme che fin dalla giovinezza era sovente modificare (come dimostrano alcune sonate giovanili e tutte quelle che fanno parte del terzo periodo compositivo di Beethoven).
    L'adagio un poco moto presenta un tema dalla cantabilità estrema unita alla dolcezza sublime tipica dei suoi secondi movimenti. Ricco di trilli che utilizzava per rendere l'effetto del prolungamento altrimenti scadente soprattutto nei pianoforti dell'epoca poveri di sonorità. Anche in questo frangente il pianoforte non è semplice solista ma fuso in un tutt'uno con l'orchestra che prima accompagna il tema eseguito dal pianoforte e poi lo espone accompagnato nel registro acuto dello strumento a tasto (questo movimento sarà utilizzato da Peter Weir per accompagnare l'atmosfera misterica del suo Picnic a Hanging Rock).
    Con una modulazione improvvisa tramite una discesa cromatica (si-si bemolle ovvero dominante di mi bemolle) avviene il collegamento col Rondo che presenta subito un'emiolia nel tema che lo rende saltellante e gioioso. La zona centrale diventa una continua proposizione del tema da parte del pianoforte, con accenti particolarmente delicati, a cui segue sempre la risposta imperiosa dell'orchestra. Dopo una sorta di ripresa il dialogo tra pianoforte e orchestra diventa più stretto fino all'arrivo della cadenza finale piuttosto scarna di poche battute a cui segue un'altrettanto breve coda dell'orchestra a chiudere il concerto.

Комментарии • 44

  • @pleasantblue
    @pleasantblue 14 лет назад +1

    Perfectly managed chord progressions, it's just like Bernstein, Zimerman and Wiener Philharmoniker are leading us to a world inside Beethoven's mind.

  • @technicalpeace
    @technicalpeace 15 лет назад +1

    I love Zimerman's technique. And he makes all the difficult passages look so easy!

  • @dinulipati
    @dinulipati 12 лет назад

    Right you are, musikpiratch! Where would the finest soloist be without the orchestra's accompaniment? I regret to see many soloists who always shake hands with the director, often with the concertino and sometimes with the second violin but seldom, very seldom do they invite the orchestra to share the applause.
    ...They make the "Emperor" shine as if it were the most natural thing in the world...
    I think these are unusual but not supernatural performances. Lucky us!

  • @technicalpeace
    @technicalpeace 14 лет назад

    Where I lived was with my Dada and Mum in municipal flat block 18-A Linear North. It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now to give it the perfect ending was a bit of the old Ludwig Van.
    Oh bliss, bliss and heaven. Oh it was georgeousness and georgeosity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest spun heaven metal, or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship gravity all nonsense now as I slooshied I knew such pretty pictures.

  • @maimasta
    @maimasta 14 лет назад

    @TheGreatPerahia to be honest, there is nothing more to ask when it comes to music. This one is a masterpiece not only due to genious of Beethoven but also thanks to, as you pointed out, inspirational conductor and incredible pianist.

  • @iguarni
    @iguarni 14 лет назад +1

    I love Zimerman so much. Now he's my favourite pianist and i think he's the best living pianist today but in my opinion the best performance of this incredible piano concerto was by Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli.

  • @eutherpe12
    @eutherpe12 14 лет назад

    Dio mio! ha il tocco magico in quelle dita!

  • @Jangle2007
    @Jangle2007 13 лет назад

    @348Frate In truth, the entire piece, Zimerman's performance, the orchestra and Bernstein's conducting, is beyond words. What a convergence of talent!

  • @luciadalcengio1016
    @luciadalcengio1016 Год назад

    on mi stancherò mai di ascoltarlo,,compreso Zimerman e Bernstein,evviva la musica classica.

  • @Fernando31611
    @Fernando31611 13 лет назад

    It is not only his impecable technic wich makes him one of the most reconiciged pianist of this generation. He has a magestic interpretation, and a very deep way of transmiting the composer´s intentions to the public.
    Music is not a speed race, se he is not the BEST (no one is), but he is truly one of the greatest pianist alive.

  • @lidaraico8720
    @lidaraico8720 4 года назад

    Cada vez que lo escucho más perfecto se el sentimiento que despierta.

  • @brianbela
    @brianbela 13 лет назад

    @Jangle2007 I couldnt agree more---This is the best performance I've heard of this---and I've heard a lot of different orchestras do it.

  • @dinulipati
    @dinulipati 13 лет назад

    @peakman2006: ...sublime... and it made Bernstein smile to Zimerman. On top of their talents, I love the way they communicate. Do you agree that it adds a dimension to the performance?

  • @z7ch
    @z7ch 14 лет назад

    lol I just came back to listen to this recording 2 months after my comments and noticed I got 5 thumbs down just for saying I felt something sounds rushed? I did say it was an otherwise absolutely fantastic performance. Seems like nothing other than complete praise is acceptable on this video. I reckon censorship is well and alive not only in the real world but also on the net, when even the mildest of criticisms were delivered in a civil manner.

  • @GuruhMr
    @GuruhMr 13 лет назад

    Estupendo! Muitas gracias..

  • @SergeiReiter
    @SergeiReiter 16 лет назад

    Well he is not the best, but belongs to one of the best(s)! It is truly exceptional if u talk about his style!

  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    so true.... he's a genius

  • @TwelfthRoot2
    @TwelfthRoot2 14 лет назад

    absolutely! So is the little passage leading up to it at 8:10

  • @dinulipati
    @dinulipati 12 лет назад

    @musikpiratch: Would like to add that even cadenzas reach the climax when the orchestra comes in again and relieves the tension.-

  • @habana999
    @habana999 14 лет назад

    @TwelfthRoot2 absolutey..... perfect!

  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    @ctspradlin heheh yes i am ... just cant get enough of beethoven, bernstein and zimerman!

  • @z7ch
    @z7ch 14 лет назад

    To answer your questions in like numbering:
    1. I only have a humble ABRSM Grade 8 certificate with distinction for piano, which I obtained 12 years ago to speak of.
    2. There are several performances by other orchestras and pianists which produces such an effect, but Claudio Arrau's version come to mind as just one of the examples (I'm not endorsing this or indeed any other performance as the most perfect rendition of the Emperor, as I'd imagine that'll become a long drawn-out discussion).

  • @Ray0X0
    @Ray0X0 13 лет назад

    I like to see pianists interpretate with their different techniques. For example, from the part in 4:07 (and other too), Zimerman immediately lifts his hands from the keyboard after hitting the keys, this fact produces a sound somehow harsh and metallic, unpolished... Before seeing this video I was hearing Arrau's «Emperor» and in the same part from the concerto, Arrau keeps his hands on the keyboard after hitting the keys... I think this produces a rounded and complete sound... interesting

  • @dukane14
    @dukane14 13 лет назад


  • @Breathless20
    @Breathless20 15 лет назад

    Oh yes he is!

  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    @ctspradlin i meant to give you a thumbs up!! grrr and yes i love beethoven, bernstein and zimerman combo.... and I will be back again soon!!

  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    anyway its not just about him ... its the whole thing!

  • @Ray0X0
    @Ray0X0 15 лет назад

    I agree with you...

  • @TheAlbix91
    @TheAlbix91 14 лет назад


  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    8:45 awesome!

  • @z7ch
    @z7ch 14 лет назад

    An otherwise absolutely fantastic performance has probably been tarnished by the lack of a slowing down, however slight, before the main melody resumes at 6:10. If that was done, it'd have given said resumption much more impact, and not sound rushed, as I felt listening to it.

  • @pianofolle
    @pianofolle 15 лет назад

    dont worry. almost under every good pianist's video on youtube there's a comment that says he's the "best pianist in the world". it's compulsive

  • @habana999
    @habana999 13 лет назад

    beethoven is the most profound ... zimerman does it - totally

  • @pf92a
    @pf92a 13 лет назад

    I love from 0.18

  • @777wallaby777
    @777wallaby777 13 лет назад

    8:09 - 8:23 0_0, so beautiful !!!

  • @habana999
    @habana999 15 лет назад

    he is ... at least at this piece!

  • @z7ch
    @z7ch 14 лет назад

    To further define slowing down, I meant the last note before said resumption, and the note itself at 6:10 should have been delayed in execution.

  • @iroveashe
    @iroveashe 14 лет назад

    Saying 5 thumbs down is censorship is a bit of a stretch. And by a bit I mean a lot.

  • @z7ch
    @z7ch 14 лет назад

    I originally expressed my MINIMAL dissatisfaction and I said how it could possibly be better. Naturally I was disappointed to see that my input to the discussion of a fascinating performance has been voted down and potentially, not read. I can't see comments if it is voted down 6 times.
    As for you, how about getting your facts right before attempting to criticise me? Anyone who sees my profile will know if I'm American at all. Reply only when you have something useful to contribute.

  • @ctspradlin
    @ctspradlin 15 лет назад

    What, are you here again, habana999? Just kidding, I am here a lot as well. This is a great place to be.

  • @SzymonNehring
    @SzymonNehring 13 лет назад

    @Excrey he is the best because he plays perfect? it's a bit too less.

  • @princenosiatajansen
    @princenosiatajansen 14 лет назад

    beet MUST me such a good piano player!.... i am fucked up :D

  • @pianofolle
    @pianofolle 15 лет назад

    celibidache & michelangeli

  • @RichWertz42
    @RichWertz42 14 лет назад

    Censorship is when your comment was taken down in addition to not being liked by all of 5 people. You delivered a criticism and yet can not take any yourself. Let me guess: you are an American Republican against health care... right?