Prof. Mearsheimer WARNS: the US, China, Russia Face CATASTROPHIC Nuclear Race to Apocalypse

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
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    (Dated: March 2019)
    In this video, Professor John Mearsheimer, the prominent international relations scholar, discusses the shift from a unipolar world dominated by the U.S. to a multipolar system with China and Russia rising, nuclear arms race, how great powers seek nuclear advantage, and the impact of North Korea nuclear arsenal.
    Dans cette vidéo, le professeur John Mearsheimer, éminent spécialiste des relations internationales, discute du passage d'un monde unipolaire dominé par les États-Unis à un système multipolaire avec la montée de la Chine et de la Russie, de la course aux armements nucléaires, de la manière dont les grandes puissances cherchent à obtenir un avantage nucléaire, et de l'impact de l'arsenal nucléaire nord-coréen.
    در این ویدیو، پروفسور جان میرشایمر، دانشمند برجسته روابط بین‌الملل، در مورد تغییر از یک جهان تک‌قطبی تحت سلطه آمریکا به یک سیستم چندقطبی با ظهور چین و روسیه، مسابقه تسلیحات هسته‌ای، چگونگی تلاش قدرت‌های بزرگ برای به دست آوردن برتری هسته‌ای، و تأثیر زرادخانه هسته‌ای کره شمالی صحبت می‌کند.
    في هذا الفيديو، يناقش البروفيسور جون ميرشايمر، الباحث البارز في العلاقات الدولية، التحول من عالم أحادي القطب تهيمن عليه الولايات المتحدة إلى نظام متعدد الأقطاب مع صعود الصين وروسيا، سباق التسلح النووي، كيف تسعى القوى العظمى للحصول على التفوق النووي، وتأثير الترسانة النووية لكوريا الشمالية.
    En este video, el profesor John Mearsheimer, destacado académico de relaciones internacionales, discute el cambio de un mundo unipolar dominado por Estados Unidos a un sistema multipolar con el auge de China y Rusia, la carrera armamentística nuclear, cómo las grandes potencias buscan obtener una ventaja nuclear, y el impacto del arsenal nuclear de Corea del Norte.
    Neste vídeo, o professor John Mearsheimer, renomado estudioso de relações internacionais, discute a transição de um mundo unipolar dominado pelos EUA para um sistema multipolar com a ascensão da China e da Rússia, a corrida armamentista nuclear, como as grandes potências buscam vantagem nuclear, e o impacto do arsenal nuclear da Coreia do Norte.
    اس ویڈیو میں پروفیسر جان میرشیمر، بین الاقوامی تعلقات کے ممتاز عالم، امریکہ کے غلبے والے یک قطبی دنیا سے ایک کثیر قطبی نظام کی طرف منتقلی، چین اور روس کے عروج، ایٹمی ہتھیاروں کی دوڑ، بڑی طاقتوں کی ایٹمی برتری حاصل کرنے کی کوششوں، اور شمالی کوریا کے ایٹمی ہتھیاروں کے اثرات پر گفتگو کرتے ہیں۔
    В этом видео профессор Джон Миршаймер, выдающийся ученый в области международных отношений, обсуждает переход от однополярного мира, доминируемого США, к многополярной системе с восходящей ролью Китая и России, гонку ядерных вооружений, как великие державы стремятся получить ядерное преимущество, и влияние ядерного арсенала Северной Кореи.
    Dalam video ini, Profesor John Mearsheimer, seorang sarjana hubungan internasional yang terkemuka, membahas pergeseran dari dunia unipolar yang didominasi oleh AS ke sistem multipolar dengan meningkatnya kekuatan China dan Rusia, perlombaan senjata nuklir, bagaimana kekuatan besar mencari keunggulan nuklir, dan dampak dari persenjataan nuklir Korea Utara.
    इस वीडियो में, प्रोफेसर जॉन मियर्सहाइमर, प्रमुख अंतरराष्ट्रीय संबंधों के विद्वान, एक एकध्रुवीय विश्व से जो अमेरिका द्वारा प्रभुत्व में था, एक बहुध्रुवीय प्रणाली की ओर स्थानांतरण पर चर्चा करते हैं, जिसमें चीन और रूस का उदय, परमाणु हथियारों की दौड़, कैसे बड़ी शक्तियाँ परमाणु लाभ चाहती हैं, और उत्तर कोरिया के परमाणु हथियारों का प्रभाव शामिल है।
    In diesem Video spricht Professor John Mearsheimer, ein prominenter Wissenschaftler für internationale Beziehungen, über den Wandel von einer unipolaren Welt, die von den USA dominiert wird, hin zu einem multipolaren System mit dem Aufstieg von China und Russland, das nukleare Wettrüsten, wie Großmächte nach einem nuklearen Vorteil streben, und die Auswirkungen des nordkoreanischen Nukleararsenals.
    In hierdie video bespreek professor John Mearsheimer, 'n prominente internasionale betrekkinge-kenner, die skuif van 'n unipolêre wêreld gedomineer deur die VSA na 'n multipolêre stelsel met China en Rusland wat opkom, die kernwapenwedloop, hoe groot moondhede kernvoordeel soek, en die impak van Noord-Korea se kernarsenaal.
    Bu videoda, uluslararası ilişkiler uzmanı Profesör John Mearsheimer, ABD'nin hakimiyetindeki tek kutuplu dünyadan, Çin ve Rusya'nın yükseldiği çok kutuplu bir sisteme geçişi, nükleer silahlanma yarışı, büyük güçlerin nükleer avantaj elde etme çabalarını ve Kuzey Kore'nin nükleer silahlarının etkisini tartışıyor.
    Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
    #usa #russia #china #brics #nato #europe #military #geopolitics #political #politics #realism #predictions #war #johnmearsheimer #analysis

Комментарии • 44

  • @tomtesoro5465
    @tomtesoro5465 11 дней назад +19

    A small number of psychopaths have the life of billions in their hands! Illogical

  • @tonycaine5930
    @tonycaine5930 11 дней назад +11

    The problem is the U.S. This educator is so biased, he is blind to the problem.

  • @bijoydas449
    @bijoydas449 10 дней назад +5

    Prof. Mearsheimer is a realist. He talked about a lot of ideal and possible situations but frankly speaking they are all highly confusing.
    Nuclear arms race has been introduced by the hegemony of the US and use of nuclear arms will be determined solely by the actual war escalations promoted by the US everywhere.
    As rightly mentioned by Prof. , although there are three great powers, actually it has become bipolar with Russia and China joining hands. Unless the US drops their hegemonic attitude and the neocons are tamed adequately,
    NO nuclear ban or containment treaty would be possible. But again, that will never be possible unless US digests a nuclear bomb on its soil for them to understand the terrible consequences of a war.

    • @imikokodama3054
      @imikokodama3054 9 дней назад

      That wouldn’t work either, they’d retaliate with nukes. It’s the attitude of dominance being superior to harmony and trust that needs to change. But the policy people in the USA can’t trust because they themselves are untrustworthy. It’s like some guy cheating on his wife because he thinks she might be cheating on him, but the only reason he thinks she might be cheating is because he’s thinking about and willing to cheat. Guilty conscience syndrome

  • @tompham637
    @tompham637 11 дней назад +2

    Watching from Vietnam 🇻🇳.
    Thank you Prof. Mearsheimer for the analysis of the current events of the world.

  • @stevechum3608
    @stevechum3608 7 дней назад +1

    It is rather refreshing to hear this speech today as we are more close to a global nuclear war than ever. However, I believe that, in spite of having a huge nuclear advantage such as first strike capability and limited damage control, US is foolish to start a nuclear war with China because at the end of the day, US will lose. There are two factors that Mearsheimer did not consider: 1. There are 1.4 billion Chinese against 0.35 billion Americans, the chance of having more Chinese, dedicating to fight the Americans, survived after the nuclear war, is much great than having enough Americans, dedicating to fight the Chinese, survived after the war; 2. Chinese are much more resilient throughout difficult times than Americans, Chinese had gone through a very difficult time, survived and rasied over the last 150 years.

  • @netrabantawa3439
    @netrabantawa3439 11 дней назад +3

    It's more like Great Sickness , not Great power ...

  • @wxcm-v1z
    @wxcm-v1z 11 дней назад +4

    It is the responsibility of scholars to diagnose, but not to prescribe.

  • @ElizabethWang-r9s
    @ElizabethWang-r9s 11 дней назад +7

    Sick professor

    • @pearlytee6563
      @pearlytee6563 11 дней назад

      Agreed - sick, evil & irresponsible!

  • @jeronimotamayolopera4834
    @jeronimotamayolopera4834 11 дней назад +9


    • @is2ken
      @is2ken 11 дней назад +1

      Try to understand what JM people thought.

  • @saintmichael5814
    @saintmichael5814 11 дней назад +9

    This professor is sick

    • @bkhokhani
      @bkhokhani 11 дней назад +4

      Actually, he is bringing medicine for sick people. He is talking about the reality and truth as per reality!

    • @markorsrpska7230
      @markorsrpska7230 11 дней назад +2

      Do not blame the messenger..

  • @En-of5oh
    @En-of5oh 9 дней назад

    Yes, more numbers of nuclear weapons means more probability of nuclear war to occur, however they are trying to minimize the accurance of nuclear war to zero. There's a human mistakes, and there's devices mistakes.

  • @ElizabethWang-r9s
    @ElizabethWang-r9s 11 дней назад +5

    Evil professr

    • @jasonlowe8545
      @jasonlowe8545 11 дней назад

      Why? ......he didn't build the bomb......he's just saying how it is........blind social Liberian is evil.....because guys like this who tell an unpopular truth get swept under the people like you Lizzy.

  • @arijitdakshi820
    @arijitdakshi820 10 дней назад

    Hyper Deterrence: Nuclear☢️ weapons, hypersonic missiles, space-based posture.

  • @mn-lc7em
    @mn-lc7em 10 дней назад

    The error is distance from reality and distorted theory.

  • @laurentmichel4006
    @laurentmichel4006 11 дней назад +1

    What about Israel and the mess they are in ?

    @KRYPTOS_K5 10 дней назад


  • @toddkallenbach3904
    @toddkallenbach3904 11 дней назад +2

    multi-polar world:
    USA/NATO: King of the North
    BRICS: Kings from the East
    Iran/Yemen: King of the South
    -Dan 11:40-44
    -Rev 16:12-16

  • @Anonim75645
    @Anonim75645 11 дней назад +1


    @KRYPTOS_K5 10 дней назад

    Look the deep sky over the artic... Maybe it could be not a simple military manipulation of risk...

  • @Lu-pt2bf
    @Lu-pt2bf 10 дней назад

    Eve of destruction :(.....

  • @lightning_gamerz6359
    @lightning_gamerz6359 11 дней назад

    If you were from Muslim community surly would had been in lot of trouble what a ecologically analyzing around chosen topic

  • @felawes
    @felawes 11 дней назад

    Sheer genius.

  • @juanluistostadocanales3955
    @juanluistostadocanales3955 11 дней назад

    Educate them

  • @juanluistostadocanales3955
    @juanluistostadocanales3955 11 дней назад

    Peace needs help

  • @juanluistostadocanales3955
    @juanluistostadocanales3955 11 дней назад

    That is right Professor