The only way l know of someone having free armies is one dude creating an extensive dokument for EU in early 2000s. He asked a commision which was dealing with lessening of differences between rural areas in new EU countries. Then he wrote that he has a grant from the EU to GW and that he is planning teaching the west euro/british culture through GW games. He had a site, wrote yearly reports what he did , even put picutures of models on it too. He not only got armies this way, but also a nikon camera, a laptop and GW sent him(for free) the entire paint/brush line. We HATED that dude
Just swap out cultural exchange for green energy grants and he could make bank as a level 99 grifter. Recently in my city a real estate developer made a luxury eco village, got the local government to pay for half the project, and got the feds to pay for the other half
Im new into this and im definitely warmin up my printer right now. Aint no way im paying $500 for one army, only for 1/3 to 1/2 to be retired 3 years later. It's an absolutely insane business model. This is ignoring the fact that they barely give some armies barely anything, at all
Well there was more work than just that. It was… 1: Have $1500 bucks lying around 2: Keep what you want 3: Sell the rest to pay for the ones you kept So it’s have that money, then additional work. You know what… it’s actually kinda smart. But it does have that initial investment requirement which is quite a lot
It didn't even have to be that high of an investment, that just happened to be the first one I realized I could do that with. I've done it with much smaller lots as well.
step 1: buy 3 armies for the price of 1 used in a bulk deal somewhere step 2: sell 2 of the armies at half price each step 3: keep the 3rd army and tell your wife this is now a profitable addiction
So your trick to free minis is your labor for money, then trade your money for minis and trade your labor and minis for money to recoup your initial money, keeping the minis you want as profit. Wanna hear my trick to free minis? Trade my labor for money to then buy minis. It has fewer steps and probably less labor. It's not free anything. It's work. He did work (and invested capital) to get minis.
I think I just got a vision of my future haha, in the last couple months I've slowly started buying up armies if I can get a really good deal and excusing it with the fact that I can sell them on for net-zero if not a profit if I decide I'm done with them, basically making it a long-term "rent". Really cool to see this operation is something that works and can be expanded out
oh, another trick, is to buy the combat patrol (£80) and then sell off the bits you don't want - for example space wolves, if you just want a squad of primaris (£32), then sell off the reivers (£32), and then warsuit (£30), and the lieutenant (£20) - and then you have a practically free squad, plus he spare bits. You may not get 100% the full price, people will buy it for a £ or two less. I purchased a squad of terminators which came pre-built for 10% less, but it didn't come with any spare bits - so they must have kept those!
I attended an in-person auction at an FLGS, picked up a lot of WHFB Warriors of Chaos, and a lot consisting of Custodes Dreadnoughts, Custodes with Boltguns, a Land Raider, and Sisters of Silence. I kept the Land Raider and kitbashed it to Chaos. I sold the rest, except the entire Warriors lot. Profited off that without selling the Warriors. I think I will be painting up the Chaos and then selling units as pro-painted for high markup. My painting skills are very good. The only problem with that is a cohort of 1990s chaos warriors. They're the least desirable. They might get sold as-is.
Not to be a complete jerk about it, but, there was a significant investment of time involved, I’m sure. So, in a sense, you worked for the armies you wound up keeping. So you had a part time job that paid off in plastic rather than cash.
True enough, I can't really argue with that. But part-time job or not, it still did not impact my household budget at all. So it allowed me to get stuff I wanted and not break the bank.
This is a wierd take. It was hobby time spent, for a lot of people the bargin hunting is enjoyable by itself. If you view collecting models as a “job” you should probably find another hobby.
Not so much the collecting aspect, just scouring eBay for bargains is one thing, that’s collecting. But once your real goal is to find resale opportunities, that doesn’t feel like collecting. It’s more of a side hustle. Nothing wrong with that. It’s similar to people who paint minis for resale. A way to finance the hobby without dipping into the family budget. I knew someone who traded cards to generate income to spend on Warhammer. He collected and played MtG too, but his real focus was getting cards at a discount, that he could flip online for a profit.
I did that during University, worked great until it didn't. It's a high investment in hours, that financed my hobby and I could take the pics at home and put it online on the train/bus. Because I like building and painting, I often stripped the paint and added fiddly bits or corrected miniatures (heads not aligning with weapons etc). Now as an Engineer I can afford bigger lots from eBay, so of course, I did! but I ended up selling almost everything in smaller lots again and buying new shiny boxes from GW. Because I dont have that much hobbytime anymore (wife and not living like Gollum anymore), so when I take into account the hours spent, it's eventually cheaper. Ultimately, my output in painted minis has not dropped, as I spend zero hours corrrecting. Plus you really need to have a salesman-flair, otherwise it's a tedious chore.
So, basically, it's a job. You don't enter into this practice with the intent of making easy money. You will do a normal job's amount of work (depending on the job, of course), for some ability to profit (depending on how many models you keep for yourself).
Last week i had to make a big choice, either spend $250 on 3 astra militaris tanks, or $250 on a resin printer, i think i made a wise decition since by now i doubled my army, lol
Back when I was first getting into 40k I got a land raider, and it shipped with two of the same track sprues. Contacted gw support and they just sent me a new land raider, just bought the missing sprue on eBay for like 3 dollars and got a free land raider. That’s probably the only deal I ever got an gw product
Something similar happened to me years ago. I got three hammerhead/skyray kits as gifts, all ordered from GW. The engines were so badly molded that I wrote in to GW CS. Rather than sending replacement sprues they sent whole new kits.
I used to buy a box of Deathwing Terminators, buy legs, backs a cape and 3 arms off bitzbox for next to nothing and BAM! 1 squad of knights and 1 regular squad.
I bought a large bits box for about $150NZD mainly for the fantasy chaos bits it had, during sorting I found it had enough bits hiding in the mix to build enough complete Space marines to make the entire 3rd company without Transports, with elements of 8th and 9th reserve companies (too many assault marines and devastators), added nearly 9k points to the army. The secondhand market can be amazing but it's not reliable in any sense.
For 24 years, I primarily bought my models 2nd hand. About 99.9% of my entire miniatures collection is 2nd hand. The remaining 0.1% is brand new. I spent the last 7 years selling 3/4 of it on ebay, facebook and at buy swap sell meets due to financial constraints. For the past 18 months I've been practicing my sculpting skills so I can mold and cast up my own models to use in games.
so basically you scalp second hand models. except it's not really scalping. it's more trading up since they are second hand and you're selling them for less not more than GW's price.
I started the same way. I would purchase sealed lots on ebay and trade them back in to GW for store credit at full msrp. You get the money on the card so I would purchase the units I needed and sell the card balance to a local at the shop for a discount and my armies would be free.
A game store that is officially associated with games work shop will give a free model if you are interested in getting into the hobby, get you hooked and before you know it you are out back of your local game store looking for odd bits and sprue to kitbash your army together.
@@RMCbreezy Here's an idea for games work shop mail free minis to people who want to try out the hobby but can get to a to an affiliated store, I kind of doubt they will but maybe if we ask nicely they will.
@@RMCbreezy Well if that doesn't work we can try some blood for the blood God and if that doesn't work we'll just gather Da Boyz and just tell them that's how it works.
Ok, so the time that most people put into building, converting, painting, you're putting into reselling. I guess that makes sense! It clearly works for you. I think there are lots of people who like the playing side of the hobby more than anything else so this could be a good tip for them!
I have done this same thing and as was mentioned in the comments, you don't have to spend 1k for it to work. I have also done this with the big "discount" boxes from GW. If you get those with the standard 15% discount from online retailers and split it up, you can usually make back the cost selling the individual kits and keep a few things for yourself. It's not AS effective as buying used items, you will probably only be able to keep about 1/4 of the box if you want to break even. But still, it works.
I suppose the other way to approach this (essentially what I did), is just buy second hand opportunistically. I've got a couple of core searches and alerts set for second-hand sites. And then if I see something that 1. I know I want and WILL use and 2. Is selling for less than half what it costs even at a discount retailer; then I buy it no matter what. In essentially the WORST case scenario, I sell it on later for a small profit. I've certainly not gotten any armies for free but my last calculations put my average £-to-points ratio at about 1/4 the cost if I'd bought new at discount retailers.
you should get a clip mic. it will sound better for you and give you more control over your audio cause youll have an interface. for about 150 bucks you should be able to get a nice mic and a scarlet 2i2 interface.
I've tried various different microphones, but most of them require a headphone jack and my phone doesn't have one. So I ended up having to use a Bluetooth headset. Not ideal, but it's the best I have at the moment.
That’s not a “loophole”. You’re investing time and money into what amounts to a business of buying and reselling. Any profit is just spent on pocketing miniatures. You could get the same results by spending hours mowing people’s lawns.
Some dingus low balled me hard with a story about treating models well and being super excited to play with my stuff. Ended up breaking a bunch of stuff. Keeping the meta stuff and selling the rest for double. A hole...
haha this is what I do. I'm close to my full chapter of space marines, and my total investment to date is $740 + paint etc. And of that of that $740 only $240 has been in the last 5 years. Since GW when nuclear on youtube content, they haven't seen a cent for me.
Essentially this boils down to: 1 have enough disposable income to buy in bulk 2 hope there are stupid or desperate people selling warhammer kits with things you want but also excess at a discounted rate 3 hope you can find someone else or multiple people willing to buy the excess off of you for a price that zeroes out the cost of the kit and all additional fees. Honestly just easier to invest in 3d printing, buy resin and STL files, then print extra and sell them to recoup the cost. Then at least you have a machine to do other cool stuff with and/or sell other printed stuff with. I didnt come to this video expecting some kind of cheatcode for warhammer that was literally free, but still this video was dumb as hell.
Great way to get warhammer for cheap, but a shame that it's another case of needing money to save money. The less money you can spare upfront the fewer big discounts you'll be able to find. Worse in australia since warhammer kits start at ~100 dollarydoos now and there are less people selling and buying. A 3d printer was the way to go for me. Still a pretty huge upfront cost, and completely inaccessible to anyone living in a small apartment with no balcony. Same price as 4 boxes of space marines tho.
I explained in the video that you can do this with small lots as well. And if you don't keep any of it you can bankroll it to a Ford larger lots and it just grows from there. You certainly don't need $1,000 to start.
I believe you could fo this with very very little money and make a video out of it in order to demonstrate. I'm curious what the rough minimum investment actually should be
You could start doing it with any amount of money, but obviously the bigger chunk that you start with the better the discount you're going to get and the better return on investment. One of my first lots was $1,000, but most of them were 300 or 500 or something like that.
it's interesting, but yeah kind of a big pain to really go through this process. I mean, frankly this sounds like a hobby in and of itself to you, so you don't mind it. You have ot have the patience for that and the business savvy too.
True, but when you have a household budget and a bunch of children, you've got to do whatever you can to support your hobby. And I could do it in my spare time, unlike a part-time job. It's a bit like playing the stock market, taking some risks and trying to make money off of it.. it is quite a hassle at times though. Going to the post office with 15 boxes
@@LetsTalkTabletop I'd certainly rather do that than give GW any money. I'm really growing to hate this company. I still like some parts of 40k, and I love the now defunct warhammer fantasy series, but I hate this company. They have trying to sell mini's above the lore, and if you don't value the lore then you don't have much of a game. I think you said something similar in a video once.
So basically you became a trader. If this was UK HMRC would start looking to tax you on any profits you made. Edit: watched the end of the video and in fairness you do mention this.
@@LetsTalkTabletop You have to SPEND to start, so it is Supplementing. You title makes it seem like you didn't have to have an initial investment, in addition its not a Loophole, its called economics.
I make it pretty clear in the video that it's zero net dollars. But if you start with the same amount of money that you ended up with, it's essentially free.
can def arbitrage/flip minis. I tend to buy 1-2 lots from facebook groups each year. As i enjoy kit bashing/painting. And don't want to play a lot of other armies, but do like trying my hand painting them. Or kit bashing units. ---although i tend to stay in the $300-$500 range If you can find one of those poor bastards in america about to be homeless, for one of the bazillion reasons america is dogshit. can get really great deals on overpriced plastic. and flip it to someone else with plastic addiction I would admit, i also buy a lot of recasts, as i'm just not paying GW's prices on certain things (land raider redeemer) ....and also not against abusing some shitty corporation's return policy to steal the odd mini or two.
@@nick1635 ... wow, really? Is the printer a one time cost or do I buy a new one for every print? But lets do the math. Bought a 3d printer for $350 and have currently printed well over 16 000 points worth of material, but rounded down for easy calculation. That's an extra $43.75 per 2000 points army. But that is not really the extra cost, is it? I will afterall continue printing. I know you meant it as a joke, but seriously: having a 3d printer makes the hobby affordable for many.
The only way l know of someone having free armies is one dude creating an extensive dokument for EU in early 2000s. He asked a commision which was dealing with lessening of differences between rural areas in new EU countries. Then he wrote that he has a grant from the EU to GW and that he is planning teaching the west euro/british culture through GW games. He had a site, wrote yearly reports what he did , even put picutures of models on it too. He not only got armies this way, but also a nikon camera, a laptop and GW sent him(for free) the entire paint/brush line. We HATED that dude
Just swap out cultural exchange for green energy grants and he could make bank as a level 99 grifter. Recently in my city a real estate developer made a luxury eco village, got the local government to pay for half the project, and got the feds to pay for the other half
He played the system and won
Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
Bough 3dprinter 3 years ago - dont need overpriced GW minis anymore - problem solved
They're doing this to themselves honestly.
Yup im running 3 machines now and all my mates pay for my resin in exchange for models, no brainer
Can't have a warhammer video without a 3D printer guy lol. but seriously, can't wait to get a printer.
Im new into this and im definitely warmin up my printer right now. Aint no way im paying $500 for one army, only for 1/3 to 1/2 to be retired 3 years later. It's an absolutely insane business model.
This is ignoring the fact that they barely give some armies barely anything, at all
@@jaylonreidhead157 they're like vegans, announcing themselves at every opportunity.
So, step 1: have a spare $1000 lying around doing nothing.
Step 2: refer to step 1.
Well there was more work than just that. It was…
1: Have $1500 bucks lying around
2: Keep what you want
3: Sell the rest to pay for the ones you kept
So it’s have that money, then additional work.
You know what… it’s actually kinda smart. But it does have that initial investment requirement which is quite a lot
You can do this with far less dude. Buy 1 popular kit and then spilt it into parts. Just scale it down
It didn't even have to be that high of an investment, that just happened to be the first one I realized I could do that with. I've done it with much smaller lots as well.
That's savings, that's what savings is. Also, can be done with a much smaller amount of money.
Gotta spend money to make money. Same as it ever was.
Games Workshop wants to:
📍Know your Location
How to get free Warhammer armies:
Step 1: spend $1000 on Warhammer armies
step 1: buy 3 armies for the price of 1 used in a bulk deal somewhere
step 2: sell 2 of the armies at half price each
step 3: keep the 3rd army and tell your wife this is now a profitable addiction
It's like crack, but with extra wives
So your trick to free minis is your labor for money, then trade your money for minis and trade your labor and minis for money to recoup your initial money, keeping the minis you want as profit.
Wanna hear my trick to free minis? Trade my labor for money to then buy minis. It has fewer steps and probably less labor.
It's not free anything. It's work. He did work (and invested capital) to get minis.
Free as in it did not impact my household budget at all. A net zero difference would count as free.
My armies cost around 10-20$ depending on how much filament I need for my prints
I think I just got a vision of my future haha, in the last couple months I've slowly started buying up armies if I can get a really good deal and excusing it with the fact that I can sell them on for net-zero if not a profit if I decide I'm done with them, basically making it a long-term "rent". Really cool to see this operation is something that works and can be expanded out
oh, another trick, is to buy the combat patrol (£80) and then sell off the bits you don't want - for example space wolves, if you just want a squad of primaris (£32), then sell off the reivers (£32), and then warsuit (£30), and the lieutenant (£20) - and then you have a practically free squad, plus he spare bits. You may not get 100% the full price, people will buy it for a £ or two less. I purchased a squad of terminators which came pre-built for 10% less, but it didn't come with any spare bits - so they must have kept those!
0:18 most unconvincing "no" I've heard this year
Y'all hating on the man and he is just trying to just drop some knowledge. Chill...
I attended an in-person auction at an FLGS, picked up a lot of WHFB Warriors of Chaos, and a lot consisting of Custodes Dreadnoughts, Custodes with Boltguns, a Land Raider, and Sisters of Silence. I kept the Land Raider and kitbashed it to Chaos. I sold the rest, except the entire Warriors lot. Profited off that without selling the Warriors. I think I will be painting up the Chaos and then selling units as pro-painted for high markup. My painting skills are very good.
The only problem with that is a cohort of 1990s chaos warriors. They're the least desirable. They might get sold as-is.
I bought used 40k knights for less than half of MSRP, assembled and primed and magnetized. I got two armies that way.
Its only a matter of time until Kevin Rountree comes to your doorstep
Not to be a complete jerk about it, but, there was a significant investment of time involved, I’m sure. So, in a sense, you worked for the armies you wound up keeping. So you had a part time job that paid off in plastic rather than cash.
True enough, I can't really argue with that. But part-time job or not, it still did not impact my household budget at all. So it allowed me to get stuff I wanted and not break the bank.
This is a wierd take. It was hobby time spent, for a lot of people the bargin hunting is enjoyable by itself. If you view collecting models as a “job” you should probably find another hobby.
Not so much the collecting aspect, just scouring eBay for bargains is one thing, that’s collecting. But once your real goal is to find resale opportunities, that doesn’t feel like collecting. It’s more of a side hustle. Nothing wrong with that. It’s similar to people who paint minis for resale. A way to finance the hobby without dipping into the family budget. I knew someone who traded cards to generate income to spend on Warhammer. He collected and played MtG too, but his real focus was getting cards at a discount, that he could flip online for a profit.
I did that during University, worked great until it didn't. It's a high investment in hours, that financed my hobby and I could take the pics at home and put it online on the train/bus. Because I like building and painting, I often stripped the paint and added fiddly bits or corrected miniatures (heads not aligning with weapons etc). Now as an Engineer I can afford bigger lots from eBay, so of course, I did! but I ended up selling almost everything in smaller lots again and buying new shiny boxes from GW. Because I dont have that much hobbytime anymore (wife and not living like Gollum anymore), so when I take into account the hours spent, it's eventually cheaper. Ultimately, my output in painted minis has not dropped, as I spend zero hours corrrecting. Plus you really need to have a salesman-flair, otherwise it's a tedious chore.
So, basically, it's a job.
You don't enter into this practice with the intent of making easy money. You will do a normal job's amount of work (depending on the job, of course), for some ability to profit (depending on how many models you keep for yourself).
😬 So I'm abnormal for purchasing and painting five full armies in a year?
I mean, that's just a bit crazy. Lol
Last week i had to make a big choice, either spend $250 on 3 astra militaris tanks, or $250 on a resin printer, i think i made a wise decition since by now i doubled my army, lol
That sounds like a good call to me.
Back when I was first getting into 40k I got a land raider, and it shipped with two of the same track sprues. Contacted gw support and they just sent me a new land raider, just bought the missing sprue on eBay for like 3 dollars and got a free land raider.
That’s probably the only deal I ever got an gw product
Something similar happened to me years ago. I got three hammerhead/skyray kits as gifts, all ordered from GW. The engines were so badly molded that I wrote in to GW CS. Rather than sending replacement sprues they sent whole new kits.
I used to buy a box of Deathwing Terminators, buy legs, backs a cape and 3 arms off bitzbox for next to nothing and BAM! 1 squad of knights and 1 regular squad.
I bought a large bits box for about $150NZD mainly for the fantasy chaos bits it had, during sorting I found it had enough bits hiding in the mix to build enough complete Space marines to make the entire 3rd company without Transports, with elements of 8th and 9th reserve companies (too many assault marines and devastators), added nearly 9k points to the army.
The secondhand market can be amazing but it's not reliable in any sense.
The secondhand market is a treasure trove! But you're right, can be chaotic.
I do this with airsoft an Warhammer 😂😂 good job brother . Everybody love a good flip👍
I did this for my first 3 armies back in 7th.
You could technically go to a wargaming tournament and ask every player for 1 miniature as a donation. Eventually you’ll have a couple hundred
I did the same thing, just on smaller scale. I have 2 armies at no cost.
Glad to hear it! That's the only way this hobby is affordable. LOL
I did a similar thing as a student when I had loads of time. Now I would happily pay someone to build remove mould lines prime my minis to save time.
This video is awesome!
Thank you!
My cousin is....a fucking prodigy at painting quickly and making it look amazing. He did the ol buy 5 boxes paint and sell 3 and keep 2 boxes
For 24 years, I primarily bought my models 2nd hand. About 99.9% of my entire miniatures collection is 2nd hand. The remaining 0.1% is brand new. I spent the last 7 years selling 3/4 of it on ebay, facebook and at buy swap sell meets due to financial constraints.
For the past 18 months I've been practicing my sculpting skills so I can mold and cast up my own models to use in games.
so basically you scalp second hand models. except it's not really scalping. it's more trading up since they are second hand and you're selling them for less not more than GW's price.
I started the same way. I would purchase sealed lots on ebay and trade them back in to GW for store credit at full msrp. You get the money on the card so I would purchase the units I needed and sell the card balance to a local at the shop for a discount and my armies would be free.
I think they stopped the card thing last time I went a month ago. Now I know why. 🤦♂️😂
Even more effective if you play Kill Team. I've managed to build quite a few kill teams 100% free. orcs, deathguard, tau.
A game store that is officially associated with games work shop will give a free model if you are interested in getting into the hobby, get you hooked and before you know it you are out back of your local game store looking for odd bits and sprue to kitbash your army together.
I live over 3000 miles from a GW store. I will never see a free mini in my life lol
@@RMCbreezy Here's an idea for games work shop mail free minis to people who want to try out the hobby but can get to a to an affiliated store, I kind of doubt they will but maybe if we ask nicely they will.
@@theakkiqueen4655 pray to the emperor maybe
@@RMCbreezy Well if that doesn't work we can try some blood for the blood God and if that doesn't work we'll just gather Da Boyz and just tell them that's how it works.
@@theakkiqueen4655 lets start with Da Boyz
Ok, so the time that most people put into building, converting, painting, you're putting into reselling. I guess that makes sense! It clearly works for you. I think there are lots of people who like the playing side of the hobby more than anything else so this could be a good tip for them!
him: im not rich
also him: i spend thoussand dollar on orc army
me: >_>
I have done this same thing and as was mentioned in the comments, you don't have to spend 1k for it to work.
I have also done this with the big "discount" boxes from GW. If you get those with the standard 15% discount from online retailers and split it up, you can usually make back the cost selling the individual kits and keep a few things for yourself. It's not AS effective as buying used items, you will probably only be able to keep about 1/4 of the box if you want to break even. But still, it works.
Good idea, one that I had not thought of yet.
I suppose the other way to approach this (essentially what I did), is just buy second hand opportunistically. I've got a couple of core searches and alerts set for second-hand sites. And then if I see something that 1. I know I want and WILL use and 2. Is selling for less than half what it costs even at a discount retailer; then I buy it no matter what. In essentially the WORST case scenario, I sell it on later for a small profit. I've certainly not gotten any armies for free but my last calculations put my average £-to-points ratio at about 1/4 the cost if I'd bought new at discount retailers.
Good idea!
Cunning !😁 ..... and jealous of your display cabinets ! 👍
Thanks! They are all Brutality Skirmish Wargame Warbands that I've made.
@@LetsTalkTabletop ar ...right excellent ! bit of a delay response didn't know I could reply to replies ..... its my age 👍😁
I don't spend any less than a million when i want something for free.
What clear shelves is he using in the background?
Funko Pop cabinets that can be found on amazon.
Step one: be rich!
Step two: repeat step one.
To be honest, the idea that only rich people have $1,000 in savings is pretty scary.
@@LetsTalkTabletop no, not in savings, rather $1000 to spare on plastic toy soldiers.
Free=Spend money
Not free or a loophole.
not even a super rich would be super rich anymore after buying all that
you should get a clip mic. it will sound better for you and give you more control over your audio cause youll have an interface. for about 150 bucks you should be able to get a nice mic and a scarlet 2i2 interface.
I've tried various different microphones, but most of them require a headphone jack and my phone doesn't have one. So I ended up having to use a Bluetooth headset. Not ideal, but it's the best I have at the moment.
@@LetsTalkTabletop oh no, I mean like a clip on mic. It clips on your shirt!
Yeah I know, but don't they require a cord?
@@LetsTalkTabletop most of the cheaper ones do, but they’re really long. Like 20 feet usually.
@@LetsTalkTabletop but if you want to invest a bit more, cordless clip on microphones are definitely a thing.
Loophole? Not exactly. This is just logic.
Yes, but a logic not readily obvious to many people.
@@LetsTalkTabletop clickbait title champ, nothing more 🤷🤦
That’s not a “loophole”. You’re investing time and money into what amounts to a business of buying and reselling. Any profit is just spent on pocketing miniatures. You could get the same results by spending hours mowing people’s lawns.
Some dingus low balled me hard with a story about treating models well and being super excited to play with my stuff. Ended up breaking a bunch of stuff. Keeping the meta stuff and selling the rest for double. A hole...
I love your channel bro! keep up the great work!
Wow, thank you for saying that!
haha this is what I do. I'm close to my full chapter of space marines, and my total investment to date is $740 + paint etc. And of that of that $740 only $240 has been in the last 5 years. Since GW when nuclear on youtube content, they haven't seen a cent for me.
The dice on your logo is wrong. 2 and 5 are opposite faces.
Yeah I know. 😁
Essentially this boils down to:
1 have enough disposable income to buy in bulk
2 hope there are stupid or desperate people selling warhammer kits with things you want but also excess at a discounted rate
3 hope you can find someone else or multiple people willing to buy the excess off of you for a price that zeroes out the cost of the kit and all additional fees.
Honestly just easier to invest in 3d printing, buy resin and STL files, then print extra and sell them to recoup the cost. Then at least you have a machine to do other cool stuff with and/or sell other printed stuff with.
I didnt come to this video expecting some kind of cheatcode for warhammer that was literally free, but still this video was dumb as hell.
This how flipping works, I did it on Runescape haha. You could have also just flipped items and kept the cash.
Haha. Well not everybody is aware of the process, so hopefully this helps someone!
Great way to get warhammer for cheap, but a shame that it's another case of needing money to save money.
The less money you can spare upfront the fewer big discounts you'll be able to find. Worse in australia since warhammer kits start at ~100 dollarydoos now and there are less people selling and buying.
A 3d printer was the way to go for me. Still a pretty huge upfront cost, and completely inaccessible to anyone living in a small apartment with no balcony.
Same price as 4 boxes of space marines tho.
I explained in the video that you can do this with small lots as well. And if you don't keep any of it you can bankroll it to a Ford larger lots and it just grows from there. You certainly don't need $1,000 to start.
I believe you could fo this with very very little money and make a video out of it in order to demonstrate. I'm curious what the rough minimum investment actually should be
You could start doing it with any amount of money, but obviously the bigger chunk that you start with the better the discount you're going to get and the better return on investment. One of my first lots was $1,000, but most of them were 300 or 500 or something like that.
it's interesting, but yeah kind of a big pain to really go through this process. I mean, frankly this sounds like a hobby in and of itself to you, so you don't mind it. You have ot have the patience for that and the business savvy too.
True, but when you have a household budget and a bunch of children, you've got to do whatever you can to support your hobby. And I could do it in my spare time, unlike a part-time job. It's a bit like playing the stock market, taking some risks and trying to make money off of it.. it is quite a hassle at times though. Going to the post office with 15 boxes
@@LetsTalkTabletop I'd certainly rather do that than give GW any money. I'm really growing to hate this company. I still like some parts of 40k, and I love the now defunct warhammer fantasy series, but I hate this company. They have trying to sell mini's above the lore, and if you don't value the lore then you don't have much of a game. I think you said something similar in a video once.
I agree with you 💯
So basically you became a trader. If this was UK HMRC would start looking to tax you on any profits you made.
Edit: watched the end of the video and in fairness you do mention this.
Just to be sure, you declare your benefits from resales as income on your tax return ?
Title should be “how to SUPPLEMENT your hobby” not “Free Warhammer”. Very disingenuous title.
It ended up costing me a net $0. I don't know how that's not free in the long run
@@LetsTalkTabletop You have to SPEND to start, so it is Supplementing. You title makes it seem like you didn't have to have an initial investment, in addition its not a Loophole, its called economics.
Calm down autist
Id just say take your time and make smaller purchases over time.
Not freee you had capital, buying and selling used is not free
I make it pretty clear in the video that it's zero net dollars. But if you start with the same amount of money that you ended up with, it's essentially free.
@@LetsTalkTabletopbut not the title of the video.
this is basic trading : )
My wife gave me a small loan of $1000
What'd you do with it?
@@LetsTalkTabletop bought 3000 dollars of warhammer 🤪
Dude, so did I! Small world. Lol
@@LetsTalkTabletop hes trolling you
I know. 😉
So your hack for a free army is take 1k and be a scumbag reseller you know if you spent 100k and bought a comicbook store you can read free comics bro
How is he a scumbag resaler when he sold them for less than GW does? Just tell us you're jealous or have stock in GW more please
Save up $250 to get a resin printer, $15-20 bottle of resin and free 40k prints is the way to go
Is this a pyramid scheme 😅😅😅 jk
can def arbitrage/flip minis. I tend to buy 1-2 lots from facebook groups each year. As i enjoy kit bashing/painting. And don't want to play a lot of other armies, but do like trying my hand painting them. Or kit bashing units. ---although i tend to stay in the $300-$500 range
If you can find one of those poor bastards in america about to be homeless, for one of the bazillion reasons america is dogshit. can get really great deals on overpriced plastic. and flip it to someone else with plastic addiction
I would admit, i also buy a lot of recasts, as i'm just not paying GW's prices on certain things (land raider redeemer) ....and also not against abusing some shitty corporation's return policy to steal the odd mini or two.
Lol as my american self has been selling guns for mini's
That's basically what i'm doing. At this point basically 70% of my collection is 2nd hand, the rest is bought from retailers. Fuck GW
I dont really do it to say F you to GW.. its just cost effective
Why not just 3D print at that point?
This was 10 years ago and I didn't have a printer
@@LetsTalkTabletop Right, did not consider the timeframe of your story. Makes decent sense now.
Easier method: buy a 3d resin printer, and print 1000 points for $20. Done.
Where do you get a resin printer for $20?
@@nick1635 ... wow, really? Is the printer a one time cost or do I buy a new one for every print?
But lets do the math. Bought a 3d printer for $350 and have currently printed well over 16 000 points worth of material, but rounded down for easy calculation. That's an extra $43.75 per 2000 points army. But that is not really the extra cost, is it? I will afterall continue printing.
I know you meant it as a joke, but seriously: having a 3d printer makes the hobby affordable for many.