Tim Teatro This perfectly sums up my situation. I only found out about Christopher Hitchens after he died, and I have come to greatly admire him. He had a brilliant mind and was truly one of the best orators of our time.
"FIRST FIG" by Edna St. Vincent Millay My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends- It gives a lovely light!
I've always loved they way he spoke, his vocabulary, choice of words, diction. His ability to explain his point so eloquently and succinctly. He is sorely missed.
I’ve been experiencing suicidal ideation for a few months. Hitchens’ thoughts on his mother’s suicide have made me rethink things in a new light. I’m sorry for ever having thought of something so heinous. To hurt and belittle my loved ones in such a way. I will be better for my sake and for theirs. Thanks Hitchens
A person Has a suicidal thought, but thoughts Alone are Not Enough. other than suicidal ideation, there Must be a suicidal intent. suicidal intent Also is Not Enough. the person Has to Have a plan. the plan Alone is Also Not Enough. there Has to be an attempt. and there Has to be a failed attempt don't forget that the plan Alone is not enough, there Must be a chance first. the chance Also is not enough, what if you don't have any chance? ofc you Must make that chance possible for yourself, on purpose in other words. *Unless we keep insisting* on making one Hard choice after another Hard choice, another Hard choice and another Hard choice. its almost impossible for the Algorithms in your brain to Assist you in committing suicide
I personally don't feel pity for those who are committing suicide, they simply got what they really wished for it's a good thing to get what you really wished for, isn't it?
@@aiya5777 I was replying to your first comment which was hard to follow, and yeah its a selfish act for sure. For what I’m going through personally i just feel dejected; to the point where I don’t want to exist, if my existence were inconsequential and wouldn’t affect my loved ones i would opt out. Or if i could trade or gift my potential longevity to someone that loved life I would. Idk
***** It doesn't work both ways. One is a claim, the other is a denial of that claim. One is positive and one is negative. It's the job of the positive claimant to prove the claim. If you say you have a pet Dragon, and i say I don't believe you, it's up to you to prove that you do, it's not my job to prove that you don't. Get it?
***** You're thinking in debunking terms - do you feel the need to explain ALL of the purported "evidence" for the existence of Bigfoot as delusion, hoax, or honest mistake to simply not be convinced of the existence of a large bipedal primate traipsing around the Pacific Northwest region of North America? The perceived lack of evidentiary support for one explanatory model in NO WAY provides support for a competing model. C'mon man, this is Critical Thinking 101 shit - formulate some better arguments or stop wasting our time.
***** Yeah okay man, go and collect your nobel prize for disproving the theory of the Big Bang, you clearly know a lot about it. Even if what you've suggested was the only evidence for the big bang, its still more evidence than your god has. Also even if the big bang is shown to be wrong tomorrow, it in no way validates your God claim. You gonna stop using this stupid argument now? Or are you just going to spew it elsewhere?
***** The dwarf planet (or "Kuiper Belt object" - take your pick) Pluto has an orbital period of 248 years, but its existence has been known of for only 85 years - we have never witnessed an entire orbit of Pluto around the Sun. Does this mean we cannot calculate how long it takes for Pluto to orbit the Sun? Does this mean we don't know whether it existed at all before it was discovered? Does this mean we cannot be certain that it has completed well over 18 Million orbits around the Sun since the formation of our solar system? Quit listening to the likes of Ken Ham when they try (desperately) to make some sort of significant distinction between "observed science" and "historical science" - they are poisoning your mind with this specious garbage. There is inductive reasoning, and there is deductive reasoning - both are valid in science. Again, stop wasting our time with these poorly-formed arguments.
I came across a comment today that claimed he died bitter and empty and I immediately remembered this interview. He faced oblivion with grace knowing precisely what his legacy was. While even a single piece of his writing exists he lives on.
@@blackagendermuslim7198 Hitch talked about what he would say if the Christian God turned out to be real and he met him. He said that he would ask, "How dare you?" and they're really the only words of which such an evil character would be worthy.
Very true that no one battles cancer. It's a nonsense expression that insults those who perish at it's mercy as though somehow it was a battle that could have been won if they were stronger.
Hello Pablo, agreed. I had a lumpectomy for Stage 1B breast cancer five years ago this month, and so far so good, but if it comes back, I will not get chemo.
@ KINGT1GER Just the adolescent response I would’ve expected. And gobshite...wow you really told me. Apparently you don’t have the IQ to even listen to Hitch. God bless you, QUEENKITTY.
I am 88 and close to my end. Every day at 4:30 PM I sit alone in my study with a hefty glass of Johnny Walker Black on the rocks and think about this man. If we all do the same, young and old alike, he will never die.
Death is the wage of sin parkway, read the bible and you will learn a lot of facts of our reality. When your corpse dies your spirit what makes you a person goes back to it's creator, which is Jesus Christ. You have a new temporary body in Heaven that looks like you remember yourself looking like, just without the condition of sin.
It explains everything. Emotional intelligence coupled with Intuition tells us more than the mind ever can. Yet the mind clings to its throne, refusing to see it is actually driven by buried emotion.
@@dreamsofturtles1828 often in love, your feelings are strong, but your vocabulary might be lacking. It is tough sometimes to process all the emotions and gearing up the confidence to approach your loved one can become extremely intimidating. When overwhelmed by your feelings, profess: I love you every second of the day. And I’ve never loved anyone as I love you. You are on my mind every moment. I’ve never missed anyone, as I miss you. You are someone special to me. Please be with me forever and ever.
@@DSkehan2004doesn't make his views any less valid Tell me, what does prayer actually do? Apart from making you feel better, what does it really do? Did it help Hitchens? Does it help the millions of children in Africa and Asia? Does it help the devout Christian mother somewhere in the world for her child who is gonna die of leukemia tomorrow? Newsflash, it doesn't It's a load of bullshit, and if you take a good look in the world, you can see that it lacks any real divine intervention. Unless God likes to be a selective prick. Your only argument for your bullshit prayers, the way I see it, is that it'll help you after you die. Too bad you don't have any evidence for the existence of a supernatural place called heaven Get fucking real If someone told you Virgin Mary talked to him in a dream, then (unless that's called nonsensical in the fairy tale books, I wouldn't know), you'd listen to him with much interest But I guess personal accounts that support your funny faith are more valid to your biased eyes than Hitchens's case, who, apart from emotional stuff, has also done much research into this topic as well Grow up
One wiseless person said, "Atheist Mr. Hutchens is gifted." WHAT? Gifted to be Satan-Incarnate in evangelizing that God does NOT exist, and driving Millions into HELL with him. The pride-filled man and Satan-Incarnate is in HELL now, and Satan and his demons are laughing!!! God is NEVER Mocked! HE always laughs LAST! Holy Bible Proverbs 1:22-32. ---An Atheist is his or her own god!!! Atheists worship their opinions as gods! See Psalm 2. God is never mocked! KING JESUS of Psalms 2 and 72 and Isaiah 2 is NOW Standing UP, and about 3 to 4 billion garbage people are about to be FLUSHED out of This 🌎WORLD and Into HELL!!! >>>The Sin of The so-called Christians all over The World and for donkey years simply tied God's HANDS to act on behalf of the impostors who have all their feet in Satan and their lip-service in God. (Matthew 7:21). BUT by GRACE Alone, see HIS BLESSING Upon Me! This is WHAT's About To Happen! Millions of so-called Pastors or Ministers will be among the Dead. ENOUGH Is ENOUGH!!! ===================== >>>Worldwide Reign of Christianity is Here! Psalm72 KING JESUS is here. It will happen through HIS Incarnate. HE will implement The HEART Of GOD in Isaiah 2, 11, 49, 59, 65; Jeremiah 1:10; Zephaniah 2:11; Ezekiel 36-37 for Me; Psalms 2 and 72, Haggai to Zechariah 6; etc. At the early months of this period, MILLIONS of wicked people shall die and all systems (political establishments, religions of force and murder, etc) that hinder people from fleeing to JESUS shall be removed. Almost All Muslims shall flee to JESUS during this time. Meditate on the cited scriptures, especially Isaiah 2. >>This 794-year period of Psalm72 KING JESUS is a Gift to Me from DADDYGOD. Almost all Israelis now shall flee to JESUS (Become serious Christians); GREAT JESUS TEMPLE [Apostolic Christian Church Building] shall be erected at The original position of The Solomon's Temple. There will be Jesus-measure peace around The World. [Unfortunately after this time, the 🌎World shall become very decadent again, leading to The Revealing of AntiChrist and The Rest of The Book Of Revelation]. BUT For Now, The ONE-TRUE GOD is STANDING Up!!! The SHOW is On!!! It's Mount-Carmel ShowDOWN (1Kings 18) at Millions of MT-Carmels in This MY 🌎WORLD! It's Mount-JESUS ⛪ CHURCH EXTRAVAGANZA! It's JesuCRACY Imperative!!! Hallelujah!
What impact? To have a negative outlook on life, to encourage other's rebellion against God like him and to wind up in Hell for their sins like him? Christopher Hitchens has helped lead thousands away from God and into Hell.
You couldn't hold a candle to Hitchen's intellect. The funny thing is, you think he will only be missed by idiots, yet you're awaiting the return of your fairytale hero.
Hitch didnt believe in forever. humans are a dying people due to genetic entropy. He is just a figment of your imagination. 100 years from now, people will say, that Hitch didnt even exist, because it was Photoshop? kinda ironic when you think about it?
Whenever I feel down or overworked or even a bit fed up, I watch Christopher Hitchens and it's amazing how much better I feel after getting engrossed in his many speeches, writings, debates and of course, interviews. I so wish he was alive today.
@Stacy Caruso people blame God for death and suffering in this world as if they have not read the book that explains exactly where all that originated. hint, it was not from the creator of all things. it was from the one all these unbelievers are following to the pit.
Even riddled with cancer, he’s so sharp and eloquent. I listen to all his interviews to pick up new words I’ve never heard before and try to incorporate them in my daily life.
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. 2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.
By Voldemort! My feelings exactly, I didnt know he was no longer in the world of the living. I was a fan, not a big one to be honest. I'm a big fan of Carl Sagan, who is also departed. If these men went somewhere I'll probably see them again. 😢
He was brutally honest about everything. He diced and analyzed things with ZERO prejudice. The kind of guy to admit a mistake immediately when he makes one and realizes that it’s a mistake.
Exactly my reaction, as well. I was actually in mourning, and that had never happened to me before when dealing with the death of someone I didn't know personally.
When he spoke of getting closest to tears when he thinks of his children's reaction to his impending death...I lost it. So sad, but what a wonderful, caring, smart, genuine, loving man he was.
No one's death is '100% avoidable'. It is 100% UNavoidable - we all die. Sad fact that we know this. Even sadder some wise men travel life's pathway with open eyes believing it's better not to acknowledge their Creator who gave them all their talents.
"You burned the candle at both ends" -"And it made a lovely light" Well said. This guy always knew how to carry himself, and delivers a powerful message even at this stage in his life. Love well and laugh often. Keep hate out of your heart, life is too unpredictable and short. Just enjoy what you can while you can. RIP
@@rudyjimenez1689 ooh, i'm so fearful of His threats, violence & retribution that i think i should abandon my reason, oppress my tendency to think freely & bow down to the almighty god that the blind, ignorant, pious & brainwashed talk of. Sign me up for the eternal paradise we are sure of going to after the mortal prison of my flesh expires. thank god that what comes after my death is going to be anything like the 4.5 billion years that came before me........all i have to do is worship & believe.
@Fatram Fatramyour highness. you also have absolutely no proof of the non-existence of god. In fact t is more likely that there is a god than not because otherwise would have happened by coincidence.
1) I have never thought it was possible to miss a person one hasn't ever met personally. 2) I feel grateful that we were graced with his incredible presence.
I had a friend like him, a super intelligent and creative one that I treasured. I could never get him to stop smoking raw tobacco. His excuse was that it’s not cancer causing like American cigarettes. He got lung cancer at 50 and died less than a year later. I’m sad to say his attitude wasn’t what Hitch’s was. Hitch accepted the consequences and death almost immediately. But my friend remained completely terrified, couldn’t believe his bad luck, and obviously never imagined that he’d ever get cancer. He left a wife and ten year-old daughter behind. Cigarettes, man… They give so little and take so much.
Hitch was so straightforwardly and fiercely, consistently (etc) interesting and clever. Such a comfort to know people like this exist in this seemingly hellbent period of 'civilisation' that we're living through. Such intelligence and humanity in this man. Truly sorely missed.
It's too bad he was full of hate and spent his whole life attacking people for something heating and believing himself. And then have the areas to say. I don't have to explain why I believe this. Only the christians do yeah that's wisdom there baby. I listen to him and Dawkins. I wanted the best of the basketball. Your best arguments to make me doubt can I listen? Never heard one, not one.. And that's the truth.
It's the same kind of thinking that there is no such thing as truth. It's all relative Carl marks and carmenism is still a good idea. Those ridiculous ideas that people still push Even after mountains of evidence Yeah, there's no such thing as truth. While, at the same tie, saying that that's true. It's a self defeating oxymoron . It's amazing when you can use your own intelligence to Convince yourself out of just basic common sense. Can't help but laugh at the irony
The blessing was for people that prayed for him, I wonder why he didnt shoot it down being he was against such rubbish. The people that pray for him are the ones he grilled and ridiculed unmercilessly. Does his heart soften just a tade as he comes to the End of his physical life. Does the inner self still hold to his convictions or is there any wonder, what if Im wrong.
@@cliffvonting4462 -- I think it was his last sarcastic jab. Here in the US, when a person says "bless your heart" they are really saying they think you are an idiot.
@@timq6224 It definetly wasnt a jab, his tonality and demeaner was rather humbled and surprised that he had people caring about him that he went after viciously.
Whatever you may think of him, I can always respect somebody who doesn't change their stripes when the situation or the circumstances change, no matter how dire they may be...
@@DCMikeAviationFun Accepting erasure and the complete loss of people you love is not comforting. Life is nothing but a ticking clock to our end that we don't know when it happens. I can't look at anyone or any pet I have without consciously thinking about the day their end comes and I can't find comfort in even a single day. The haunting reality of me losing the things I love and can't get back and will lose is everyday. I can't enjoy life. I don't care about myself being gone...it's the others.
Came to know about him after more than a decade of his death ,very rational and logical man . He should have been alive for more of his work.Love to hear him and his fearless and straight to the point approach towards issues. RIP C Hitchens.
I like him for the man he was. Kept his word till the end... He stuck to his principles even when he fought a losing battle..❤️ Massive respect🙏 You will be missed... Glad you were there.. Love from India..
uwique "no,,they more on the degrading insulting side,,but its ok to do that to people right?AFTERALL, THERES NO ACCOUNTABILITY" Maybe I misunderstood your comment because you can't write for shit. You act as if insulting someone should be punishable. If you get insulted because you don't like the truth, then fuck off.
Hard to argue against the term "brave" and perhaps even "honesty" but the term "undeluded" implies absolute knowledge of the truth which neither Mr Hitchens, Mr Monkey, or the Pope can claim since there is still a great deal for humans to learn. Respectfully would say that hope for our species is best represented by those who can simultaneously stay true to reason and logic while staying humble and open to the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe, the science we humans understand and have yet to understand, and of the ultimate truth itself. I appreciate Mr Hitchens since he stimulated thinking about how science and faith in God can coexist. "Brave and honest" humans with a full commitment and respect for science and reason have arrived at different conclusions than Mr Hitchens and that is ok. No need to imply they are deluded unless one is feeling insecure. Surely real people of faith genuinely prayed for Hitchens for all the right reasons - just wanted the best for him whether he agreed with them or not. And that is something that truly gives us hope for our species.
@@getreal7217 “Undeluded” does not imply ‘absolute knowledge’. To be delududed, after all, is to be under the sway of a delusion, which is an ‘informatinally positive” state. Unlike Hitchens, it seems fair to catagorize the Pope as positively deluded. Faith, after all, is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” and the Pope, if nothing else, has faith. Hitchens, on the other hand, did not seem assured of the existence of things merely because he hoped for them. Neither was he convinced by things for which there was no good evidence. I would say that he stayed true to reason and logic while staying humble and open to the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe. He certainly entertained the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe, he just found no good evidence for such a thing and had the courage to accept the consequences of this lack of evidence.
His courage, just incredible. Never seen anyone having balls like Hitchens. We all miss you Hitch, but so grateful for RUclips, you're always with us. And I'm sure that the rest of the Horsemen of apocalypse, namely Dawkins, Harris and Dennet miss you too, every day.
I love how he contradicts the idea that people battle cancer, having been very unwell and in a critical state myself I have always found these descriptions of bravery and battle quite far from the experience. I had no other choice other than to live through a traumatic experience, it’s not at all the same as choosing to fight in battle.
I haven't experienced it myself, cancer or any other serious illness, but I've always wondered about the "courageous battle" or "valiant battle" with cancer expression. I think it's used to simply "pretty up" an ugly reality, with good intentions of course.
This is exactly how I feel. He opened my eyes to the wasted time I spent in religion for decades. His gift lives on. I am so greatful for his contribution to my life.
Unbelievable! This guy could have beaten the cancer if he would have believed in God, he died hating God, under the mask of atheism, and you say you "opened" your eyes listening to him... On this very RUclips site you'll find many reliable accounts of people who had undisputed miracles in their lives. I too had mine. So maybe it's not a bad thing to think again.
@@lsd8497Or maybe your bias is blinding you from seeing things from other perspectives. Your claim he could have beaten cancer if he believed is bizarre. People die of cancer everyday and many of them are believers. And your position on miracles seems a bit naive. Considering how many people there are and things going on at any one time, there are always statistic anomalies. You can interpret tha as a miracle if you want, it's just a numbers game.
A deep challenging mind who can still make us think the hard thoughts. I never ask what would Hitch think? I ask how can I approach this like Hitch. A great man!
"Hey, what's the matter?" "I'm sad because you're going to die." "Yeah, that bugs me sometimes too. But not so much as you think... ...When you get as old as I am, you start to realize that you've told most of the good stuff you know to other people anyway." --Richard Feynman and Danny Hillis
hammerguy that is true for people who have achieved something like he has, knowing he left something to the world should give him some comfort in face of death
@@blackagendermuslim7198 there is literally no point, children with cancer pray, elderly pray, people pray and an earthquake happens. Prayer doesn't stop or end the bad things, the only thing that can help you deal with an incurable disease is acceptance and inner strength.
An intellect who so eloquently and with such conviction voiced his belief in nothing but his own godhood and that of his fellow man. So then how could there be a God, when one such as Hitchens existed?
Hitchens was one of the most remarkable people of my lifetime. His knowledge was astounding and wide-ranging, and his ability to articulate what he knew and believed even more so. Perhaps most impressive to me is that he was able to do so while often quite intoxicated. Hitchens was to intellectual inquiry and discourse as Joe Walsh is to music (although Joe eventually cleaned up his act) -- both are/were able to function at the genius level under any and all circumstances, and both always seemed to do so with kind spirits and remarkable senses of humor. They are testaments to the power and potential of the human organism, and they give me hope for my species.
I just find it amazing how he handled his own mortality with such tranquility, like it was no big deal. And it really isn't. Its a fate we will all share. The biggest certainty in life. So until that moment of death comes, enjoy life.
he took the view many atheists do - "Are you afraid of 1827? You weren't alive then, yet it does not incite fear. So why be fearful of the time after your life?
Jim Gallagher Can't control what people decide to do when you die. It's better to go into it accepting instead of kicking and screaming. Or making your family cry more while watching your terrified tear streaking face.
The "other certainty" in life is *eternity.* The body dies but the spirit lives on. All souls will spend eternity somewhere and the way we lived our lives while we were here on this earth will be a testament to where we end up. It will be too late when we die to ask "what was life about," so while we are alive here and now, we must respond sooner or later to *The One* who made us, to *the One* who gives us life and breath and all good things. To *God and to Jesus Christ* ...that's just the reality of it.
After spending the last several years listening to everything i could about everything this man spoke ! I came to the conclusion that he wasnt using his unfathomable knowledge of religion to offend people ! he was using it to educate people ! and because some people were so busy being offended that his message went right over their head . when somebody devotes most of their entire adult live researching one topic then their is no greater teacher than them ! R.I P. ❤🙏
Even in the face of death he upheld himself in a formidable manner. Hitchens had more class in his left pinky than a lot of people manage to accumulate over a lifetime.
I met Hitchens in Washington, D.C. as a young journalist. A group of us were invited to his house to speak to him late in the morning. When we arrived he had forgotten about the meeting and he was hung over and had to get out of bed. He was still brilliant despite feeling run down and he spoke to us in his usual manner. It was the true authentic Hitchens,, funny, insightful, honest, and hung over. I remember his apartment had framed pictures not hung up on the walls but leaning against the baseboards. Esophageal cancer is a tough cancer especially at this time--today, if they catch it in time there is greater hope. But back then, not much by the time they discover it. No doubt drinking and smoking contributed to his developing his primary tumor. I didn't know that his father had it, probably also a drinker and smoker, but he should have been monitored with frequent endoscopies. That would have saved him. A lesson for everyone. We have become a society that accepts routine colonoscopy but they should also do endoscopy at the same time. Takes literally 10 minutes.
+Marius Cristian Ciubotariu A very good interviewer. Really well done. RIP Hitchens. How can he rest in peace if he's dead!!! He is hateful and he will never rest in peace.
+Elija D he's full of knowledge, unlike you. You can go cry somewhere else if you want. Proving people something using evidence requires knowledge and determination. You, however, come across as a uneducated individual who cannot grasp more than fairytales.
My daughter took her own life 13 years ago and my 19 year old son died 4 years ago living with loss like this is hell for me often it's hidden pain from the world
@@soroushdarvish9281 LMFAO! You mean besides not believing in religious stupidity? Nothing, dumass. It's only not believing you idiotic superstitious bullshit... There is no god. Grow up, simpleton
@@soroushdarvish9281Reason. Logic. Critical thinking. Abstract thought. And an approach to all religions in a fair way. There’s more, big guy. But you don’t care.
This is a truly amazing man. As Major John Andre stated before death “I pray you bear witness that I meat my fate as such of a brave man” The way in which this man faced death, set his affairs in order, and realized regret was he couldn’t do more is as brave as you can be. If I could, if anybody could, if we all could create one heaven no matter how evanescent it would be... This was an intelligent, strong, brave and great man.
Hitchens may be dead, but he retains the only actual immortality there is. His millions of books sold cannot be unread, the millions of views of his spectacular oratory cannot be unseen, and his intellectual honesty, where whether right or wrong he studied the arguments of his opponents in order to further sharpen his own, is a standard to which we all should aspire. His is the stellar example to anyone who cares to distinguish in their own minds the difference between received dogma and hard wrought knowledge. His eyes may be closed but millions of others have been opened. I am grateful to have been exposed to such a mind as his. I only wish it had happened in my youth where I was surrounded by superstitious nonsense.
There's a persian poem i'd like to share with you: Sadia(the name of the poet) a man who is remembered with goodness and kindness will never die. Dead is the one who is not remembered with goodness and kindness.
Yeah, staying true to the end. When you die that is it. Nothing afterwards. We are just meat machines, ambling on for a time, and then failing. My Dad was like that. He saw death too often to think that there was something special or magical. You grab a chicken and cut it's head off. The chicken wanted to live, but you killed it to eat it. My Dad just shrugged and said now you are "Mr. F******"
Saying that after you die is just nothingness is a simple, sad, and bleak way of looking at life. If you take in account the vastness of the universe and the complexity if everything in it, in my opinion when you pass, your body decays away but your soul (or inner conscience) steps into another dimension. From there there's infinate possibilities to where your next journey will begin.
Bluebush There is nothing sad about it, objectively. It is what it is. Saying life continues without any evidence is the ego's way of avoiding a very uncomfortable situation
I loved watching this man’s debates, not because I always agreed with him. But I learned so much about framing your arguments and the value of an extensive vocabulary. I strongly suggest to all those much younger than myself to write as much as possible and read voraciously because I truly believe that these efforts will benefit you greatly in finding and expressing your true voice.
"I become moist when I think about my children," hahahaha. I love the way Hitchen's handles himself in the presence of more neutral characters like Anderson Cooper. He's understanding of the people opposing him psychologically and intellectually and acts accordingly and appropriately given the circumstance. One of the most admirable individuals in recent history and it's too bad most of the world is overly sentimental and narrow-minded to appreciate him given the wonderful opportunity to witness his actions and presence.
No one ever can replace his intellect & eloquence! A rare gift to humanity. No fear,no delusion & no dependence on ancient scripts written thousands of years ago!
The most honest, robust and honourable man to ever be created by a mum and dad.🌱🌳💚 I tip my hat sir, 🎩 until i join you in the never or forever brother - teacher - legend - idol. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ R.I.P.
@@silverwings2493 not really, because hell is only in your head ye silly sod, if nobody had told you about it, you wouldn't even know the word. Grow up.
@@silverwings2493 why the fuck would i bother, i was raised a catholic, i figured out it was bollocks, i researched for years on both sides to get to this conclusion. why would i spend my night teaching you, do your own work you lazy lettuce. I wanted to find the truth so i looked, you want to find hell, you will.
How sad and tragic that his mum committed suicide. Great pain, great intellect. Great man, with great feeling for all he believed in. RIP Chris Hitchens x
I think that was a powerful motivation for his depressing beliefs.To have something so incredibly painful happen to your mother at such a young age.Very sad!
And the knowledge that his mum tried to call him several times before it happened is cursed knowledge that I wouldn't wish any son to have. Knowing that my mum might have ultimately gone through with taking her own life because I failed to pick up the phone would absolutely destroy me.
A brave man and a man of integrity. I hope I can be as brave as Mr. Hitchens when my own death approaches. I raise a glass of brandy to you, sir. You've inspired me to live truthfully and to die well. Cheers.
I can't think of anyone else that I've ever seen and heard who can speak so beautifully and eloquently than Christopher Hitchens. I love his sense of humour and eruditeness. I watch him on RUclips frequently.
There might be a God... and there might not. That's not my argument here. We just lost a singular voice on the side of logic and truth, without hypocrisy, guilt, or regret. His was a valuable and powerful message, regardless of your personal opinion of him, which was clearly derisive, even in the most even-handed of debates. But if God DOES exist, when Hitch arrives, I hope that the infinitely compassionate God of my imagination will greet him with a wry smile, open arms, and an unexpected, "SURPRISE!!!" R.I.P. Christopher Hitchens, and best wishes to your children.
are we talking about the same god the destroyed sodom and gomorrah for having a little bit of fun, that doomed the entire human race with suffering for just eating an apple? The god that killed every single maleborn in egypt cause they used to enslave his favourite people? Cause that same guy would be probably more like "dear hitch, look at my allmighty cock that will rape you till the end of time"
Andrea Roll I fully understand your outrage and anger, Andrea, believe me. But please re-read my post. If you'll notice, I was careful to describe, "the infinitely compassionate God of my IMAGINATION." I DO NOT espouse the rhetoric of the Bible that describes "God" as a vengeful, hateful, spiteful sadist who would kill all of his creation at the slightest infraction. This is my argument: How can a "compassionate, forgiving" God destroy all that he has created?To this, my Christian brothers (yes, I do count myself among them) often answer, "You see, God is like a father, our father in heaven. And often times parents have to punish their children when they do wrong." My response? "BUT WHEN CHILDREN DO WRONG, DO THEIR PARENTS KILL THEM??"
tiffsaver by the way i wasnt outraged and angered, i was just exercising irony and showing how inconsistent is the idea of god itself in the way religions portract him. I don't know if there's a god or not but the thing i'm sure is that if there's one is something totally different from the one we've always heard from priest and mullahs and rabbis wich makes no sense at all.
Someone else here said that they too came to love him after he died. How strange it is, “to grieve a loss of a presence you never knew was there”. I too wish I could have heard this years ago, known him. I felt the *exact* same way during chemo. Brilliant articulation. “An almost zen experience of boredom. You can’t do much except read. You don’t do great, and you’re watching poison go into your arm.” I love how he blithely addresses all these people declaring you wage a ‘battle with cancer’. “People say you should be struggling, battling… you’re not ‘battling’ it. You couldn’t be living a more passive moment than that. You feel as if you’re drowning in powerlessness”. He’s able to chuckle at all the permutations of bleak thoughts that eventually arrive at your front door, be they from yourself or [persistently,] from others. In this vein - I respect how he is simply refusing to leave this world on anyone else’s terms. Does he, in the dark, ever dare to hedge his bets? (‘With any higher power’, will always implied here, in my opinion. People will always want to know how you look at fire.) To which he replies, “I mention this in case you hear a rumor later on :) … because these things happen, and the faithful love to spread these rumors… I can’t say that by then, the entity that wouldn’t be me, wouldn’t do such a pathetic thing. But I can tell you that - not while I’m lucid; no. I can be quite sure of that.” :) Perspective is the most valuable, viable, searing thing in the world, all things considered. It would have been everything to have had the opportunity to talk to him about it all on the other side. He deserved to have some time on this planet after the battle with - after the evaluation of - mortality; to have those conversations with the world. It would help.
As a Christian, I was sad to hear of his passing because Hitchens always kept the discussion going about God, no matter his belief. He was tremendously honest about how he felt.
Jay Quintana well said! Id like to add that being concerned about an afterlife is as stupid as being worried or concerned about the "beforelife" or the time before you were born... in both cases YOU WONT GIVE A SHIT! Why? Because your fucking dead.. Im sure George Carlin would agree LOL
karen doyle i guess you didn't know that one. no worries, fools aplenty on the internet. and all you idiots talkin about "surprise" after you die, you are proof that the human species isn't that intelligent at all. I can't wait to meet god after i die, so i can punch him in the nuts and shit on his face. you know just getting what he deserves.
TheSabatuer You will get your wish, but it wont go exactly how you want it to..........Hebrews 10:31King James Version (KJV) 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
I came to love him after he died. It's a strange sort of mourning, to grieve the loss of a presence you never knew was there.
Tim Teatro This perfectly sums up my situation. I only found out about Christopher Hitchens after he died, and I have come to greatly admire him. He had a brilliant mind and was truly one of the best orators of our time.
Well worded sir
Carl Sagan as well for me.
DowntownCanon I too could say the same for Carl Sagan. I was already a scientist when I fell in love with him.
Same hear fella Tim.
"I burned the candle at both ends and it gave off a lovely light." Eloquence.
Seriously beautiful
"FIRST FIG" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-
It gives a lovely light!
Thank you. I knew Hitchens was well spoken, but never a poet.
I don't think he said this originally. The proper credit is above. The song "I know" by Floater has this quote in the lyrics.
Harold Penismen Look up at Anchovy's post. It's from a poem.
I absolutely love the way this man carried himself. So intelligent, brave and strong.
And the humour
@@jim-se5xc yes even his humour was sophisticated.
I know he's so intelligent and charming. I guess christians and the god they worship hate him. 😢
He's dead and forgotten, except by racists and the woke atheist internet culture.
I've always loved they way he spoke, his vocabulary, choice of words, diction. His ability to explain his point so eloquently and succinctly. He is sorely missed.
@christsavesreadromans1096lmao pathetic
He has now met his maker.
@@ab456zAnd his maker approves of the beliefs he expressed all his life.
@@phx2pdx582 But the surface things really add something.
@@ab456zthe soil in the ground
I’ve been experiencing suicidal ideation for a few months. Hitchens’ thoughts on his mother’s suicide have made me rethink things in a new light. I’m sorry for ever having thought of something so heinous. To hurt and belittle my loved ones in such a way. I will be better for my sake and for theirs. Thanks Hitchens
A person Has a suicidal thought, but thoughts Alone are Not Enough. other than suicidal ideation, there Must be a suicidal intent. suicidal intent Also is Not Enough. the person Has to Have a plan. the plan Alone is Also Not Enough. there Has to be an attempt. and there Has to be a failed attempt
don't forget that the plan Alone is not enough, there Must be a chance first. the chance Also is not enough, what if you don't have any chance? ofc you Must make that chance possible for yourself, on purpose
in other words. *Unless we keep insisting* on making one Hard choice after another Hard choice, another Hard choice and another Hard choice. its almost impossible for the Algorithms in your brain to Assist you in committing suicide
I personally don't feel pity for those who are committing suicide, they simply got what they really wished for
it's a good thing to get what you really wished for, isn't it?
@@aiya5777 I don’t understand what you’re saying. I’ll assume you’re heart is in the right place and I’m just not comprehending your comment.
@@Timinem those who committed suicide don't deserve pity
it's just that simple
and you can't understand it?
@@aiya5777 I was replying to your first comment which was hard to follow, and yeah its a selfish act for sure. For what I’m going through personally i just feel dejected; to the point where I don’t want to exist, if my existence were inconsequential and wouldn’t affect my loved ones i would opt out. Or if i could trade or gift my potential longevity to someone that loved life I would. Idk
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" No words ever spoken were so wise!
***** Atheism isn't the assertion no gods exists.
***** It doesn't work both ways.
One is a claim, the other is a denial of that claim. One is positive and one is negative. It's the job of the positive claimant to prove the claim. If you say you have a pet Dragon, and i say I don't believe you, it's up to you to prove that you do, it's not my job to prove that you don't. Get it?
***** You're thinking in debunking terms - do you feel the need to explain ALL of the purported "evidence" for the existence of Bigfoot as delusion, hoax, or honest mistake to simply not be convinced of the existence of a large bipedal primate traipsing around the Pacific Northwest region of North America? The perceived lack of evidentiary support for one explanatory model in NO WAY provides support for a competing model. C'mon man, this is Critical Thinking 101 shit - formulate some better arguments or stop wasting our time.
***** Yeah okay man, go and collect your nobel prize for disproving the theory of the Big Bang, you clearly know a lot about it. Even if what you've suggested was the only evidence for the big bang, its still more evidence than your god has. Also even if the big bang is shown to be wrong tomorrow, it in no way validates your God claim. You gonna stop using this stupid argument now? Or are you just going to spew it elsewhere?
***** The dwarf planet (or "Kuiper Belt object" - take your pick) Pluto has an orbital period of 248 years, but its existence has been known of for only 85 years - we have never witnessed an entire orbit of Pluto around the Sun. Does this mean we cannot calculate how long it takes for Pluto to orbit the Sun? Does this mean we don't know whether it existed at all before it was discovered? Does this mean we cannot be certain that it has completed well over 18 Million orbits around the Sun since the formation of our solar system?
Quit listening to the likes of Ken Ham when they try (desperately) to make some sort of significant distinction between "observed science" and "historical science" - they are poisoning your mind with this specious garbage. There is inductive reasoning, and there is deductive reasoning - both are valid in science.
Again, stop wasting our time with these poorly-formed arguments.
Even in the face of death, he was witty as hell.
Masterful wordsmith
and now he's IN hell
+Tre Jackson Probably. He's down there making sure Jesus and Mohammed get what they deserve
im sure lol
+uNkLeRaRa4 probably it's the other way around and he found there is a God after all, now that is bad news
No self pity. A very clever and thoughtful gentleman. RIP Christopher
@@jingievaalbal3322rest in peace
it's sad to know that he's now in hell riding satan's hard meat with bulging veins and dripping with righteous c um
I came across a comment today that claimed he died bitter and empty and I immediately remembered this interview. He faced oblivion with grace knowing precisely what his legacy was. While even a single piece of his writing exists he lives on.
@@exhumus agree, but too bad he's in hell riding satans hard meat with bulging veins
Eloquently interjects "And it gave a lovely light" - pure acceptance - pure class - pure Hitch. Touching. 😊
Jeusu says, only the pure in heart will see God, what do you think Hitch would say to Him?
@@blackagendermuslim7198 agreed
@@blackagendermuslim7198 Hitch talked about what he would say if the Christian God turned out to be real and he met him. He said that he would ask, "How dare you?" and they're really the only words of which such an evil character would be worthy.
Wveth those are the same words I would say as well.
Our Community Standards sounds like a loving god and a loving Christian to me! Yikes, I want nothing to do with a god like that
Very true that no one battles cancer. It's a nonsense expression that insults those who perish at it's mercy as though somehow it was a battle that could have been won if they were stronger.
Hello Pablo, agreed. I had a lumpectomy for Stage 1B breast cancer five years ago this month, and so far so good, but if it comes back, I will not get chemo.
@Mike Jones So cancer is a civil war?
cancer is human consensus reality, its not God's idea, U know? God's idaa for mankind was the Garden of Eden, go figure.
@@blackagendermuslim7198 Garden of Eden? Fairytales.
@@ht-mm2el chris hitchen, fairytale. Free will is a Bitch, have you chosen poorly? Peace Out
he actually made me quit smoking after I saw this interview for the first time.
God bless you man, screw cigarettes
Never smoked, love the cocktails though.
That is very good and I think he would have liked that
@KINGT1GER Easy tiger. Don’t let words offend you so much. Breathe. Calm down. It’s really not that big of a deal.ffs
@ KINGT1GER Just the adolescent response I would’ve expected. And gobshite...wow you really told me. Apparently you don’t have the IQ to even listen to Hitch. God bless you, QUEENKITTY.
I am 88 and close to my end. Every day at 4:30 PM I sit alone in my study with a hefty glass of Johnny Walker Black on the rocks and think about this man. If we all do the same, young and old alike, he will never die.
I hope you have had a good life and that you have great joy in thinking of it while enjoying your scotch. I wish you well.
What’s some of your views on life Albert reaching the privileged age of 88?
That sounds amazing. I hope you live like that for a long, long time.
@@syltis1994 Thank you very much.
@@chrishealey9303 Too big a question Chris and it wouldn't matter anyhow.
Hitchens looked Death in the eyes and said "to be honest, you bore me, the mundaneness may kill me first." Basically, such an objective, amazing man.
I wonder how objective he is now? I don’t wish hell upon this man. I really don’t. But it’s easy to be objective if you believe a lie.
Like he has a choice. Death will come to all of us.
slob room stoic
What stars really look like god has so much power yet let’s the most horrible thing occur, impotent or doesn’t care ? Which one ?
Death is the wage of sin parkway, read the bible and you will learn a lot of facts of our reality.
When your corpse dies your spirit what makes you a person goes back to it's creator, which is Jesus Christ. You have a new temporary body in Heaven that looks like you remember yourself looking like, just without the condition of sin.
That story about his mother is absolutely heart-wrenching
That’s why he was like that on his views.
It explains everything. Emotional intelligence coupled with Intuition tells us more than the mind ever can. Yet the mind clings to its throne, refusing to see it is actually driven by buried emotion.
@@dreamsofturtles1828 often in love, your feelings are strong, but your vocabulary might be lacking. It is tough sometimes to process all the emotions and gearing up the confidence to approach your loved one can become extremely intimidating. When overwhelmed by your feelings, profess: I love you every second of the day. And I’ve never loved anyone as I love you. You are on my mind every moment. I’ve never missed anyone, as I miss you. You are someone special to me. Please be with me forever and ever.
@@dreamsofturtles1828 so its just ones emotional intelligence against anothers?
@@DSkehan2004doesn't make his views any less valid
Tell me, what does prayer actually do? Apart from making you feel better, what does it really do? Did it help Hitchens? Does it help the millions of children in Africa and Asia? Does it help the devout Christian mother somewhere in the world for her child who is gonna die of leukemia tomorrow?
Newsflash, it doesn't
It's a load of bullshit, and if you take a good look in the world, you can see that it lacks any real divine intervention. Unless God likes to be a selective prick. Your only argument for your bullshit prayers, the way I see it, is that it'll help you after you die.
Too bad you don't have any evidence for the existence of a supernatural place called heaven
Get fucking real
If someone told you Virgin Mary talked to him in a dream, then (unless that's called nonsensical in the fairy tale books, I wouldn't know), you'd listen to him with much interest
But I guess personal accounts that support your funny faith are more valid to your biased eyes than Hitchens's case, who, apart from emotional stuff, has also done much research into this topic as well
Grow up
Such a beautifully spoken man with perhaps one the greatest minds of the last 50 years.
Thankyou hitch , we miss you
Dougie Haggerty just like his brother....great mind that is
@Franco Nisco: Except his brother now subscribes to religious bullshit, so yeah, there is a difference.
And Stephen Fry.
I may be overstating this but his impact on humanity seems to be under appreciated. He was so gifted!
One wiseless person said, "Atheist Mr. Hutchens is gifted." WHAT? Gifted to be Satan-Incarnate in evangelizing that God does NOT exist, and driving Millions into HELL with him. The pride-filled man and Satan-Incarnate is in HELL now, and Satan and his demons are laughing!!! God is NEVER Mocked! HE always laughs LAST! Holy Bible Proverbs 1:22-32.
---An Atheist is his or her own god!!! Atheists worship their opinions as gods! See Psalm 2. God is never mocked! KING JESUS of Psalms 2 and 72 and Isaiah 2 is NOW Standing UP, and about 3 to 4 billion garbage people are about to be FLUSHED out of This 🌎WORLD and Into HELL!!! >>>The Sin of The so-called Christians all over The World and for donkey years simply tied God's HANDS to act on behalf of the impostors who have all their feet in Satan and their lip-service in God. (Matthew 7:21). BUT by GRACE Alone, see HIS BLESSING Upon Me! This is WHAT's About To Happen! Millions of so-called Pastors or Ministers will be among the Dead. ENOUGH Is ENOUGH!!!
>>>Worldwide Reign of Christianity is Here! Psalm72 KING JESUS is here. It will happen through HIS Incarnate. HE will implement The HEART Of GOD in Isaiah 2, 11, 49, 59, 65; Jeremiah 1:10; Zephaniah 2:11; Ezekiel 36-37 for Me; Psalms 2 and 72, Haggai to Zechariah 6; etc. At the early months of this period, MILLIONS of wicked people shall die and all systems (political establishments, religions of force and murder, etc) that hinder people from fleeing to JESUS shall be removed. Almost All Muslims shall flee to JESUS during this time. Meditate on the cited scriptures, especially Isaiah 2.
>>This 794-year period of Psalm72 KING JESUS is a Gift to Me from DADDYGOD. Almost all Israelis now shall flee to JESUS (Become serious Christians); GREAT JESUS TEMPLE [Apostolic Christian Church Building] shall be erected at The original position of The Solomon's Temple. There will be Jesus-measure peace around The World. [Unfortunately after this time, the 🌎World shall become very decadent again, leading to The Revealing of AntiChrist and The Rest of The Book Of Revelation]. BUT For Now, The ONE-TRUE GOD is STANDING Up!!! The SHOW is On!!! It's Mount-Carmel ShowDOWN (1Kings 18) at Millions of MT-Carmels in This MY 🌎WORLD! It's Mount-JESUS ⛪ CHURCH EXTRAVAGANZA! It's JesuCRACY Imperative!!! Hallelujah!
What impact? To have a negative outlook on life, to encourage other's rebellion against God like him and to wind up in Hell for their sins like him? Christopher Hitchens has helped lead thousands away from God and into Hell.
Amazing how few people seem to remember that he was a major cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq.
@@user-by3ks9bp5d As was a very good portion of the western world.
Love Hitchens. Always have, always will. He will be forever missed.
You couldn't hold a candle to Hitchen's intellect. The funny thing is, you think he will only be missed by idiots, yet you're awaiting the return of your fairytale hero.
Repent or you will end up like burnt toast.Capish! Hell will be a hellish uncomfortable place to say the least.
Hitch didnt believe in forever. humans are a dying people due to genetic entropy.
He is just a figment of your imagination. 100 years from now, people will say, that Hitch didnt even exist, because it was Photoshop? kinda ironic when you think about it?
Whenever I feel down or overworked or even a bit fed up, I watch Christopher Hitchens and it's amazing how much better I feel after getting engrossed in his many speeches, writings, debates and of course, interviews. I so wish he was alive today.
In 2000 years there will be no proof hitch ever existed, thats weird?
@Stacy Caruso people blame God for death and suffering in this world as if they have not read the book that explains exactly where all that originated. hint, it was not from the creator of all things. it was from the one all these unbelievers are following to the pit.
Whenever you feel down, etc. you will find comfort in God, the Creator of Hitchens to Whom he owes all the talents he is praised for.
Nothing but respect for this man. Dying from cancer and still staying true to his views.
@@jasoncruizer if there’s no god he no longer exist
Poor booze soaked Hitch.
@@Logiconfire well he doesn’t exist any more like your god 😂
@@jasoncruizer he was far from being an ignorant
If his views were being a drunken edge lord, yeah he was faithful
Even riddled with cancer, he’s so sharp and eloquent. I listen to all his interviews to pick up new words I’ve never heard before and try to incorporate them in my daily life.
Why is it that I always get to know incredible people like this after theyre dead? He made the world so much smarter.
bawoman Dude, I feel the exact same way :(. I am so sad to say that I've only recently heard of this incredible man. May he rest in peace.
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.
3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord.
He very well tried, at least...For most of us he has succeeded. Unfortunately though, there are so many more that couldn't take up his mantle.
By Voldemort! My feelings exactly, I didnt know he was no longer in the world of the living. I was a fan, not a big one to be honest. I'm a big fan of Carl Sagan, who is also departed. If these men went somewhere I'll probably see them again. 😢
@@shqipebelgjike1274 look who is talking. You are delusional. Keep dreaming first your heaven
He was brutally honest about everything. He diced and analyzed things with ZERO prejudice. The kind of guy to admit a mistake immediately when he makes one and realizes that it’s a mistake.
He was full of prejudice, always making use of the worst possible interpretation
Unless the mistake was the BIG one he made and cannot change.
You heard him, hold back on the smokes and cocktails
Hookers and blow > smokes and cocktails
+KingStix Yep, will stick with beer.
Agreed...I'm keeping the smokes down to a one every now and again. No hard liquor. But plenty of quality micro brewery beer
Welp, he did say it provides a rather lovely light :)
Sub Merc There's an upside...and a...
“and it gave a lovely light” the world misses this man. Love or hate him, no one has mastered the English language quite like he did.
so glad you pointed that moment out, as it is thoroughly Hitchen-esque and yet another brilliant turn of a phrase by the master.
Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote that, a century ago. It's from a poem.
@@sliceserve234Not the author.
@@l.w.paradis2108 thanks! Do you know the name of the poem by chance? I’d love to read the full thing.
@TrueMakaveli50 No, but look up the key words from it.
When he died I actually felt like I’d lost someone I knew personally, albeit having never met the man.
What an inspiring guy.
Exactly my reaction, as well. I was actually in mourning, and that had never happened to me before when dealing with the death of someone I didn't know personally.
@Shane Stephen what?
@Shane Stephen he did so much more
@Tony Ferrer do you have evidence for God?
When he spoke of getting closest to tears when he thinks of his children's reaction to his impending death...I lost it. So sad, but what a wonderful, caring, smart, genuine, loving man he was.
He is dead now.
@@aslanb.1966 I like him, his death left me confused, since it was 100% avoidable.
He said he gets moist thinking about children 🤭
No one's death is '100% avoidable'. It is 100% UNavoidable - we all die. Sad fact that we know this. Even sadder some wise men travel life's pathway with open eyes believing it's better not to acknowledge their Creator who gave them all their talents.
"You burned the candle at both ends"
-"And it made a lovely light"
Well said. This guy always knew how to carry himself, and delivers a powerful message even at this stage in his life.
Love well and laugh often. Keep hate out of your heart, life is too unpredictable and short. Just enjoy what you can while you can. RIP
@@rudyjimenez1689 ooh, i'm so fearful of His threats, violence & retribution that i think i should abandon my reason, oppress my tendency to think freely & bow down to the almighty god that the blind, ignorant, pious & brainwashed talk of. Sign me up for the eternal paradise we are sure of going to after the mortal prison of my flesh expires. thank god that what comes after my death is going to be anything like the 4.5 billion years that came before me........all i have to do is worship & believe.
@Fatram Fatramyour highness. you also have absolutely no proof of the non-existence of god. In fact t is more likely that there is a god than not because otherwise would have happened by coincidence.
@@user55book well you have proof that pony created the world and the bible it wrote got lost
@@user55book something that has no evidence can be dismissed without evidence
1) I have never thought it was possible to miss a person one hasn't ever met personally.
2) I feel grateful that we were graced with his incredible presence.
I had a friend like him, a super intelligent and creative one that I treasured. I could never get him to stop smoking raw tobacco. His excuse was that it’s not cancer causing like American cigarettes.
He got lung cancer at 50 and died less than a year later. I’m sad to say his attitude wasn’t what Hitch’s was. Hitch accepted the consequences and death almost immediately.
But my friend remained completely terrified, couldn’t believe his bad luck, and obviously never imagined that he’d ever get cancer.
He left a wife and ten year-old daughter behind.
Cigarettes, man… They give so little and take so much.
I feel that about George Carlin, I want to meet him but he's gone it's a shame just like Christopher
You clearly weren’t a Lennon fan!
Hitch was so straightforwardly and fiercely, consistently (etc) interesting and clever. Such a comfort to know people like this exist in this seemingly hellbent period of 'civilisation' that we're living through. Such intelligence and humanity in this man. Truly sorely missed.
Just another erroneous belief system.....!!
@@ISATŌP1 Go away.
It's too bad he was full of hate and spent his whole life attacking people for something heating and believing himself. And then have the areas to say. I don't have to explain why I believe this. Only the christians do yeah that's wisdom there baby. I listen to him and Dawkins. I wanted the best of the basketball. Your best arguments to make me doubt can I listen? Never heard one, not one.. And that's the truth.
It's the same kind of thinking that there is no such thing as truth. It's all relative Carl marks and carmenism is still a good idea. Those ridiculous ideas that people still push Even after mountains of evidence Yeah, there's no such thing as truth. While, at the same tie, saying that that's true. It's a self defeating oxymoron . It's amazing when you can use your own intelligence to Convince yourself out of just basic common sense. Can't help but laugh at the irony
3:50 As a theist, this is one of the reasons I love this man. He's real, honest, but compassionate enough to give his blessing to those he disagrees
blessing and calamity befall the unjust and righteous alike.
The blessing was for people that prayed for him, I wonder why he didnt shoot it down being he was against such rubbish. The people that pray for him are the ones he grilled and ridiculed unmercilessly. Does his heart soften just a tade as he comes to the End of his physical life. Does the inner self still hold to his convictions or is there any wonder, what if Im wrong.
@@cliffvonting4462 -- I think it was his last sarcastic jab. Here in the US, when a person says "bless your heart" they are really saying they think you are an idiot.
@@timq6224 damn brits!
@@timq6224 It definetly wasnt a jab, his tonality and demeaner was rather humbled and surprised that he had people caring about him that he went after viciously.
Whatever you may think of him,
I can always respect somebody who doesn't change their stripes when the situation or the circumstances change, no matter how dire they may be...
@Stacy Caruso
Keep your slave fetish to yourself and leave other alone.
Thank you Hitch. Still enjoying you in 2023. Always grateful for your thoughtfulness and guidance, along with honesty
Second person perspective doesn't work on dead people :/
He _dead_
@@wrathofainz yes thank goodness for technology.
_"It gave a lovely light"_
You're right Christopher, it sure did.
Sev he lived more life than a lot of people. ⭐️👍🏼
I didn't tear up until I read your comment.
His words were oddly comforting. Thank you Hitch ❤️
@@shakeybritches8089 absolutely agree.
Agreed. Open honest full force experience. Transparent
Comfort is hopelessness? Ok.
@@SubwayJack919 no comfort is understanding that as humans are time is limited and to enjoy the pleasant experiences on the ride of life.
@@DCMikeAviationFun Accepting erasure and the complete loss of people you love is not comforting. Life is nothing but a ticking clock to our end that we don't know when it happens. I can't look at anyone or any pet I have without consciously thinking about the day their end comes and I can't find comfort in even a single day. The haunting reality of me losing the things I love and can't get back and will lose is everyday. I can't enjoy life. I don't care about myself being gone...it's the others.
I just LOVE his intellect. I could listen forever to his use of the English language.
Drew B Wow!! Thank you, Drew😘God bless you 🙏🏻
Drew B Why did you say that?
Drew B How did you know?
Drew B I would, if I knew how from an iPhone?
Did you ever meet your stalker Drew B...
Came to know about him after more than a decade of his death ,very rational and logical man .
He should have been alive for more of his work.Love to hear him and his fearless and straight to the point approach towards issues.
RIP C Hitchens.
I like him for the man he was.
Kept his word till the end... He stuck to his principles even when he fought a losing battle..❤️
Massive respect🙏
You will be missed...
Glad you were there..
Love from India..
It was a draw.
So what.?
Hubris to the end.
hubris? for what? pointing out the clear fact that there is no god lol?
@@carmenmccauley585I miss Norm and Hitchens.
@@troyboldon1 tell us you're an uneducated backwards neanderthal without really telling us.
Interesting how so many self-proclaimed loving and forgiving Christians took so much glee in his illness and then his death.
Jay Quintana atheist are just as loving..lol
uwique At least atheists don't act like they're morally superior to everyone else.
Jay Quintana no,,they more on the degrading insulting side,,but its ok to do that to people right?afterall,theres no accountability.
uwique "no,,they more on the degrading insulting side,,but its ok to do that to people right?AFTERALL, THERES NO ACCOUNTABILITY"
Maybe I misunderstood your comment because you can't write for shit. You act as if insulting someone should be punishable. If you get insulted because you don't like the truth, then fuck off.
Cow there is no truth in you,,stop lying,you have no truth.
“I burned the candle at both ends and it gave a beautiful light.” priceless good sir, priceless.
"it gave a lovely light"
"My candle burns at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes and oh, my friends it gives a lovely light." Edna St Vincent Millay
And now, Eternity...
I’m in a similar boat. I haven’t shed a year for dying. I’ve shed tears for the pain I’ll make others endure. It is still surreal.
Still giving from beyond the grave. Thank you Christopher, I needed this today.
R.I.P Christopher . You were a wonderful man . Opened up the eyes of many .
Apparently he stayed true to his principles to the very end.
It's too bad his eyes weren't opened to the reality of his wretchedness.
@@kevinjboconnor The infectious disease of religion, amazing how it allows the pious to do disgusting things, like condemn a dead man.
Uh...maybe there was no "end". Now Hitchens might be arguing with God.
Karen, It is called integrity.
Never missed someone I didn't know personally so much. To see him here, brave and honest and undeluded, fills me with hope for our species.
@Daniel Traveler It means, not having or characterized by delusional ideas.
Fully deluded and doomed.
What hope?
Hard to argue against the term "brave" and perhaps even "honesty" but the term "undeluded" implies absolute knowledge of the truth which neither Mr Hitchens, Mr Monkey, or the Pope can claim since there is still a great deal for humans to learn. Respectfully would say that hope for our species is best represented by those who can simultaneously stay true to reason and logic while staying humble and open to the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe, the science we humans understand and have yet to understand, and of the ultimate truth itself. I appreciate Mr Hitchens since he stimulated thinking about how science and faith in God can coexist. "Brave and honest" humans with a full commitment and respect for science and reason have arrived at different conclusions than Mr Hitchens and that is ok. No need to imply they are deluded unless one is feeling insecure. Surely real people of faith genuinely prayed for Hitchens for all the right reasons - just wanted the best for him whether he agreed with them or not. And that is something that truly gives us hope for our species.
@@getreal7217 “Undeluded” does not imply ‘absolute knowledge’. To be delududed, after all, is to be under the sway of a delusion, which is an ‘informatinally positive” state. Unlike Hitchens, it seems fair to catagorize the Pope as positively deluded. Faith, after all, is “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” and the Pope, if nothing else, has faith. Hitchens, on the other hand, did not seem assured of the existence of things merely because he hoped for them. Neither was he convinced by things for which there was no good evidence. I would say that he stayed true to reason and logic while staying humble and open to the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe. He certainly entertained the idea of an omniscient divine consciousness responsible for the Universe, he just found no good evidence for such a thing and had the courage to accept the consequences of this lack of evidence.
His courage, just incredible. Never seen anyone having balls like Hitchens. We all miss you Hitch, but so grateful for RUclips, you're always with us. And I'm sure that the rest of the Horsemen of apocalypse, namely Dawkins, Harris and Dennet miss you too, every day.
A voice of reason who will be missed. The world needs more great minds like his.
le proboscis Too right mate!
I love how he contradicts the idea that people battle cancer, having been very unwell and in a critical state myself I have always found these descriptions of bravery and battle quite far from the experience. I had no other choice other than to live through a traumatic experience, it’s not at all the same as choosing to fight in battle.
I haven't experienced it myself, cancer or any other serious illness, but I've always wondered about the "courageous battle" or "valiant battle" with cancer expression. I think it's used to simply "pretty up" an ugly reality, with good intentions of course.
This is exactly how I feel. He opened my eyes to the wasted time I spent in religion for decades. His gift lives on. I am so greatful for his contribution to my life.
Unbelievable! This guy could have beaten the cancer if he would have believed in God, he died hating God, under the mask of atheism, and you say you "opened" your eyes listening to him... On this very RUclips site you'll find many reliable accounts of people who had undisputed miracles in their lives. I too had mine. So maybe it's not a bad thing to think again.
@@lsd8497 oh fuck off. People who pray beat cancer at the exact same rate as people who don't. Grow the fuck up already.
"wasted time on religion". So I guess your an atheist now? Guess what now your just wasting time on atheism. Distracting yourself until you die
@@lsd8497 yes cause praying to Jesus cures cancer.
Shut up fool.
@@lsd8497Or maybe your bias is blinding you from seeing things from other perspectives.
Your claim he could have beaten cancer if he believed is bizarre. People die of cancer everyday and many of them are believers.
And your position on miracles seems a bit naive. Considering how many people there are and things going on at any one time, there are always statistic anomalies. You can interpret tha as a miracle if you want, it's just a numbers game.
A deep challenging mind who can still make us think the hard thoughts. I never ask what would Hitch think? I ask how can I approach this like Hitch. A great man!
"Hey, what's the matter?"
"I'm sad because you're going to die."
"Yeah, that bugs me sometimes too. But not so much as you think... ...When you get as old as I am, you start to realize that you've told most of the good stuff you know to other people anyway."
--Richard Feynman and Danny Hillis
hammerguy that is true for people who have achieved something like he has, knowing he left something to the world should give him some comfort in face of death
hammerguy this is a new one of Feynman I came across... Thanks for sharing
yeah, but would it have killed hitch to pray, Hey God if you real save me? I mean what did he have to lose?
Is praying a social obligation? or law?
@@blackagendermuslim7198 there is literally no point, children with cancer pray, elderly pray, people pray and an earthquake happens. Prayer doesn't stop or end the bad things, the only thing that can help you deal with an incurable disease is acceptance and inner strength.
every time I watch this man I'm in awe of his genius, RIP Christopher Hitchens
burnt the candle at both ends and it gave a lovely light ......what a man . Rip sir .
One of the best interviews I have ever experienced by far. If you want a life lesson, this is the one to watch.
Great interview
What a badass.... A brilliant mind forever missed
100 years from now, people will say, that Hitch didnt even exist, because it was only Photoshop? kinda ironic when you think about it?
Our Community Standards: NO, that's what the Flat Earthers already say about NASA photographs. But I'll bet you are familiar with their claims.
@@jilliansmith7123 NASA Lies, its Cheaper
Our Community Standards: Oh, you were serious in your previous post? 'Cause I wasn't. My bad. I thought you were kidding. Sounded like a joke.
@@jilliansmith7123 I am serious when I joke.
I wish I could have met him.
Such an intellect and such conviction in his believe or lack of.
Yep, he was one of a kind. As I mention above, I disagree on the religious issues, but he is spot on in any other statement I have heard him make.
An intellect who so eloquently and with such conviction voiced his belief in nothing but his own godhood and that of his fellow man. So then how could there be a God, when one such as Hitchens existed?
such a great discussion. Hitch, your legacy is still with us!
Hitchens was one of the most remarkable people of my lifetime. His knowledge was astounding and wide-ranging, and his ability to articulate what he knew and believed even more so. Perhaps most impressive to me is that he was able to do so while often quite intoxicated.
Hitchens was to intellectual inquiry and discourse as Joe Walsh is to music (although Joe eventually cleaned up his act) -- both are/were able to function at the genius level under any and all circumstances, and both always seemed to do so with kind spirits and remarkable senses of humor. They are testaments to the power and potential of the human organism, and they give me hope for my species.
ericynot he was an amazing man indeed
This makes me feel sad that he’s gone, such an amazing person.
I just find it amazing how he handled his own mortality with such tranquility, like it was no big deal. And it really isn't. Its a fate we will all share. The biggest certainty in life. So until that moment of death comes, enjoy life.
he took the view many atheists do - "Are you afraid of 1827? You weren't alive then, yet it does not incite fear. So why be fearful of the time after your life?
No big deal? Are you crazy?!?! Do you not think those who love you will cry when you die?!?
Jim Gallagher Can't control what people decide to do when you die. It's better to go into it accepting instead of kicking and screaming. Or making your family cry more while watching your terrified tear streaking face.
Visda58 same my friend.. same!!
The "other certainty" in life is *eternity.* The body dies but the spirit
lives on. All souls will spend eternity somewhere and the way we lived
our lives while we were here on this earth will be a testament to where we end up.
It will be too late when we die to ask "what was life about," so while we are alive here
and now, we must respond sooner or later to *The One* who made us, to *the One* who gives
us life and breath and all good things. To *God and to Jesus Christ* ...that's just the reality of it.
After spending the last several years listening to everything i could about everything this man spoke ! I came to the conclusion that he wasnt using his unfathomable knowledge of religion to offend people ! he was using it to educate people ! and because some people were so busy being offended that his message went right over their head . when somebody devotes most of their entire adult live researching one topic then their is no greater teacher than them ! R.I P. ❤🙏
You said it 👌
Makes you want to read what Jesus said then huh.?
Even in the face of death he upheld himself in a formidable manner. Hitchens had more class in his left pinky than a lot of people manage to accumulate over a lifetime.
Very well put, if i do say so myself.
It wasn't his arguments but his wit & empathy that made me his fan...
Zeus I loved both.
@@abigailslade3824 I find matt dillahanty and Sam harris's arguments to be more polite & persuasive..
Zeus I like those guys too but Hitchens was special, I also admire Douglas Murray another brave witty and polite man.
I so miss Christopher Hitchens. His honesty and humor will never be duplicated.
I met Hitchens in Washington, D.C. as a young journalist. A group of us were invited to his house to speak to him late in the morning. When we arrived he had forgotten about the meeting and he was hung over and had to get out of bed. He was still brilliant despite feeling run down and he spoke to us in his usual manner. It was the true authentic Hitchens,, funny, insightful, honest, and hung over. I remember his apartment had framed pictures not hung up on the walls but leaning against the baseboards. Esophageal cancer is a tough cancer especially at this time--today, if they catch it in time there is greater hope. But back then, not much by the time they discover it. No doubt drinking and smoking contributed to his developing his primary tumor. I didn't know that his father had it, probably also a drinker and smoker, but he should have been monitored with frequent endoscopies. That would have saved him. A lesson for everyone. We have become a society that accepts routine colonoscopy but they should also do endoscopy at the same time. Takes literally 10 minutes.
"That would save him".
Nope,he would still die one day. You cant escape death.
@@keksi6844you know what heeamt stop trying to sound smart
Cooper is lucky for having talked to Hitchens in person. RIP.
A very good interviewer. Really well done. RIP Hitchens.
+Marius Cristian Ciubotariu A very good interviewer. Really well done. RIP Hitchens.
How can he rest in peace if he's dead!!! He is hateful and he will never rest in peace.
+Elija D he's full of knowledge, unlike you. You can go cry somewhere else if you want. Proving people something using evidence requires knowledge and determination. You, however, come across as a uneducated individual who cannot grasp more than fairytales.
You first, Christ.
Great interviewer
My daughter took her own life 13 years ago and my 19 year old son died 4 years ago living with loss like this is hell for me often it's hidden pain from the world
Sorry for your loss, mate.
Thank you for your contribution to the world, Christopher. ❤
What did he or atheism has contributed to humanity?
LMFAO! You mean besides not believing in religious stupidity?
Nothing, dumass. It's only not believing you idiotic superstitious bullshit...
There is no god.
Grow up, simpleton
@@soroushdarvish9281Reason. Logic. Critical thinking. Abstract thought. And an approach to all religions in a fair way.
There’s more, big guy. But you don’t care.
@@AclockworkPurpleeverything you mentioned existed before Hitchens. 😂😂😂
@@soroushdarvish9281religions decline
Christopher Hitchens is amazing. Great to hear people so clear of mind and eloquent speaking about big issues.
What an incredible, beautiful man. I wish I could have 1% of his bravery and passion. I have complete respect for him.
This is a truly amazing man. As Major John Andre stated before death “I pray you bear witness that I meat my fate as such of a brave man”
The way in which this man faced death, set his affairs in order, and realized regret was he couldn’t do more is as brave as you can be.
If I could, if anybody could, if we all could create one heaven no matter how evanescent it would be...
This was an intelligent, strong, brave and great man.
Such integrity. Just love him, miss him.
Hitchens may be dead, but he retains the only actual immortality there is. His millions of books sold cannot be unread, the millions of views of his spectacular oratory cannot be unseen, and his intellectual honesty, where whether right or wrong he studied the arguments of his opponents in order to further sharpen his own, is a standard to which we all should aspire. His is the stellar example to anyone who cares to distinguish in their own minds the difference between received dogma and hard wrought knowledge. His eyes may be closed but millions of others have been opened. I am grateful to have been exposed to such a mind as his. I only wish it had happened in my youth where I was surrounded by superstitious nonsense.
There's a persian poem i'd like to share with you:
Sadia(the name of the poet) a man who is remembered with goodness and kindness will never die. Dead is the one who is not remembered with goodness and kindness.
Shahin Eshgh is it Rumi?
Human goodness and kindness are just a figment of your imagination?
puny humans
This guy seems like he is on record being spiteful a lot...
How childish Sadia sounds...
What a fantastic fucking human being
+Amanda S bullshit, he pushed the war in Iraq and defended the maggot called Winston Churchill.
Emily Jane I didn't say he was perfect. Do you discredit how he showed that religion is garbage?
Yeah, staying true to the end. When you die that is it. Nothing afterwards. We are just meat machines, ambling on for a time, and then failing. My Dad was like that. He saw death too often to think that there was something special or magical. You grab a chicken and cut it's head off. The chicken wanted to live, but you killed it to eat it. My Dad just shrugged and said now you are "Mr. F******"
Saying that after you die is just nothingness is a simple, sad, and bleak way of looking at life. If you take in account the vastness of the universe and the complexity if everything in it, in my opinion when you pass, your body decays away but your soul (or inner conscience) steps into another dimension. From there there's infinate possibilities to where your next journey will begin.
Bluebush There is nothing sad about it, objectively. It is what it is. Saying life continues without any evidence is the ego's way of avoiding a very uncomfortable situation
I loved watching this man’s debates, not because I always agreed with him. But I learned so much about framing your arguments and the value of an extensive vocabulary. I strongly suggest to all those much younger than myself to write as much as possible and read voraciously because I truly believe that these efforts will benefit you greatly in finding and expressing your true voice.
"I become moist when I think about my children," hahahaha.
I love the way Hitchen's handles himself in the presence of more neutral characters like Anderson Cooper. He's understanding of the people opposing him psychologically and intellectually and acts accordingly and appropriately given the circumstance. One of the most admirable individuals in recent history and it's too bad most of the world is overly sentimental and narrow-minded to appreciate him given the wonderful opportunity to witness his actions and presence.
one2gaming poor guy,,died without accepting christ.
uwique If that's sarcasm, then lol. If it's not, then lol.
one2gaming no,,its a statement.
one2gaming anderson isn't a Christian. he's homosexual.
uwique like the majority of people in this world.
God cannot find it in his heart to forgive the none believer.
He was vehemently against circumcision. ❤️
@sidneyharris3686given that Peter Hitchens is a devout Christian, I doubt that's true.
@sidneyharris3686how can you be half Jewish. Its a religion, not a nationality.
No one ever can replace his intellect & eloquence! A rare gift to humanity. No fear,no delusion & no dependence on ancient scripts written thousands of years ago!
cant help but tear up... didnt know him but i absolutely miss him dearly..
We need this man now more than ever, miss his honesty.
Oh yeah the planet REALLY needs a 2010s internet atheism cringe movement v.2. THAT'S what's needed.
@@frankp7411 Hell doesnt exist. Netiher do Gods. Sorry lol. Funny you support a God who tortures others... Really reflects your own morality
@@catharperfect7036 Pretty much. Especally in America.
@@vintinoo1924 no.
I miss Hitch very badly. I miss his wit, his intellect, his masterful vocabulary and his speaking truth to power.
Rest in peace Mr Hitchens .. truly you are one of the best of us.
The most honest, robust and honourable man to ever be created by a mum and dad.🌱🌳💚
I tip my hat sir, 🎩 until i join you in the never or forever brother - teacher - legend - idol. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
People in hell aren't RIP. They are in eternal torments. But.......thats what they chose.
@@silverwings2493 not really, because hell is only in your head ye silly sod, if nobody had told you about it, you wouldn't even know the word.
Grow up.
@@inkwellflood8276 okay,, oh wise one, show me proof hell does not exist. And you can not use your head.
@@silverwings2493 why the fuck would i bother, i was raised a catholic, i figured out it was bollocks, i researched for years on both sides to get to this conclusion.
why would i spend my night teaching you, do your own work you lazy lettuce.
I wanted to find the truth so i looked, you want to find hell, you will.
@@silverwings2493 Stupid comment.
How sad and tragic that his mum committed suicide. Great pain, great intellect. Great man, with great feeling for all he believed in. RIP Chris Hitchens x
Is it true his mum did that, What For ?
I think that was a powerful motivation for his depressing beliefs.To have something so incredibly painful happen to your mother at such a young age.Very sad!
@@freakyout9272 asking why someone commited suicide is almost impossible to answer. That's why it's such a devastating loss. No closure.
And the knowledge that his mum tried to call him several times before it happened is cursed knowledge that I wouldn't wish any son to have. Knowing that my mum might have ultimately gone through with taking her own life because I failed to pick up the phone would absolutely destroy me.
@@mrfafaa96 It's no surprise that his views were what they were.
I miss Hitch. His words, writing and legacy lives.
One of the brightest flames of his generation,
“Drowning in powerlessness” a better description of being in treatment for Cancer I’ve yet to hear❤
His passing was sad
The inability of his mother to contact him was also sad ❤
A brave man and a man of integrity. I hope I can be as brave as Mr. Hitchens when my own death approaches.
I raise a glass of brandy to you, sir. You've inspired me to live truthfully and to die well.
To the very end, he was true to himself and his readers
I can't think of anyone else that I've ever seen and heard who can speak so beautifully and eloquently than Christopher Hitchens. I love his sense of humour and eruditeness. I watch him on RUclips frequently.
Yet only used to deny his creator. Only used to mock his creator.
There might be a God... and there might not. That's not my argument here.
We just lost a singular voice on the side of logic and truth, without hypocrisy, guilt, or regret. His was a valuable and powerful message, regardless of your personal opinion of him, which was clearly derisive, even in the most even-handed of debates. But if God DOES exist, when Hitch arrives, I hope that the infinitely compassionate God of my imagination will greet him with a wry smile, open arms, and an unexpected, "SURPRISE!!!"
R.I.P. Christopher Hitchens, and best wishes to your children.
are we talking about the same god the destroyed sodom and gomorrah for having a little bit of fun, that doomed the entire human race with suffering for just eating an apple? The god that killed every single maleborn in egypt cause they used to enslave his favourite people? Cause that same guy would be probably more like "dear hitch, look at my allmighty cock that will rape you till the end of time"
Andrea Roll
I fully understand your outrage and anger, Andrea, believe me. But please
re-read my post. If you'll notice, I was careful to describe, "the infinitely compassionate God of my IMAGINATION." I DO NOT espouse the rhetoric of the Bible that describes "God" as a vengeful, hateful, spiteful sadist who would kill all of his creation at the slightest infraction. This is my argument: How can a "compassionate, forgiving" God destroy all that he has created?To this, my Christian brothers (yes, I do count myself among them) often answer, "You see, God is like a father, our father in heaven. And often times parents have to punish their children when they do wrong." My response? "BUT WHEN CHILDREN DO WRONG, DO THEIR PARENTS KILL THEM??"
tiffsaver by the way i wasnt outraged and angered, i was just exercising irony and showing how inconsistent is the idea of god itself in the way religions portract him. I don't know if there's a god or not but the thing i'm sure is that if there's one is something totally different from the one we've always heard from priest and mullahs and rabbis wich makes no sense at all.
Andrea Roll
Here here........and if there is a "God" the wholeness and even the minuscule parts, would be ineffable, as it should be to the sluggish mind of man.
First time CNN actually had something worth watching.
If CNN did more stories like this I would watch again.
@@rkg1930 Nahh
@@geraldpchuagmail Yeah, your probably right I don't think I'd ever watch CNN.
Oh how I wish I had 5% of his memory, intellect and articulation. Such a great man. Such a great mind.
Someone else here said that they too came to love him after he died. How strange it is, “to grieve a loss of a presence you never knew was there”.
I too wish I could have heard this years ago, known him. I felt the *exact* same way during chemo. Brilliant articulation. “An almost zen experience of boredom. You can’t do much except read. You don’t do great, and you’re watching poison go into your arm.” I love how he blithely addresses all these people declaring you wage a ‘battle with cancer’. “People say you should be struggling, battling… you’re not ‘battling’ it. You couldn’t be living a more passive moment than that. You feel as if you’re drowning in powerlessness”.
He’s able to chuckle at all the permutations of bleak thoughts that eventually arrive at your front door, be they from yourself or [persistently,] from others. In this vein - I respect how he is simply refusing to leave this world on anyone else’s terms. Does he, in the dark, ever dare to hedge his bets? (‘With any higher power’, will always implied here, in my opinion. People will always want to know how you look at fire.) To which he replies,
“I mention this in case you hear a rumor later on :) … because these things happen, and the faithful love to spread these rumors… I can’t say that by then, the entity that wouldn’t be me, wouldn’t do such a pathetic thing. But I can tell you that - not while I’m lucid; no. I can be quite sure of that.” :)
Perspective is the most valuable, viable, searing thing in the world, all things considered. It would have been everything to have had the opportunity to talk to him about it all on the other side. He deserved to have some time on this planet after the battle with - after the evaluation of - mortality; to have those conversations with the world. It would help.
As a Christian, I was sad to hear of his passing because Hitchens always kept the discussion going about God, no matter his belief. He was tremendously honest about how he felt.
*honest and correct ... about how he felt.
Wrong but extremely honest. That’s why he was pro life, even though an atheist.
@@WayneMarion Hitch thought faith was his enemy but it was really the US government (Special Virus Cancer Program)
@@WayneMarion there’s no right or wrong as far as we know
If there's no before life, guess what? There's no after life. The only life we have and will ever have is the one we're living right now.
Jay Quintana well said! Id like to add that being concerned about an afterlife is as stupid as being worried or concerned about the "beforelife" or the time before you were born... in both cases YOU WONT GIVE A SHIT! Why? Because your fucking dead..
Im sure George Carlin would agree LOL
Jay Quintana You are in for a surprise.
TheSabatuer Ahhhhh.....George?.......No.
karen doyle
i guess you didn't know that one. no worries, fools aplenty on the internet.
and all you idiots talkin about "surprise" after you die, you are proof that the human species isn't that intelligent at all.
I can't wait to meet god after i die, so i can punch him in the nuts and shit on his face. you know just getting what he deserves.
You will get your wish, but it wont go exactly how you want it to..........Hebrews 10:31King James Version (KJV)
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
@ 2:11... "If you can hold it down on the smokes and the cocktails you might be well advised to do so." Subtle yet profound.
RIP Mr Hitchens, you were great. I seek your wisdom even today, and glad it is still plentiful despite your untimely death
What a Great Man. That is how you gain Immortality, through deeds and writings.