This. I was a heroin addict for years. It's shit, but the bottom line is that if you're going to claim to be a free society, then an individual should have the right to put whatever they want in their own body. By banning drugs you're basically saying that the individual doesn't have freedom over their own mind and body. All you do by criminalising drugs is to create a black market and give criminals power and opportunity to do harm. Legalise and regulate all drugs like with alcohol and tobacco and take the power away from criminals and violent drug dealers. then take the money spent on enforcing stupid drug laws and locking up dealers and users and out it towards education and treatment programs.
You had no idea the drugs would be bad for you when taking them? I call bull. You were being hedonistic and had no self control.. Just be honest with yourself
I was a cocaine and heroin user for a number of years, and I completely agree with John Lydon on this one. The drugs being illegal does nothing but punish people who are suffering. If you want them, you'll find a way to get them. Change only comes from within and with education and commitment. There is no good reason for it to be a criminal matter if you take the time to properly educate young people.
That's the point. U can't stop them. Humans throughout time hv liked getting high. There was Marijuana & beer in the Pharoahs burial chamber...over 3,000 yrs ago. All successful drug policies show that the less strict the drug policies are, the less of a problem that society has with drugs. I know, it sounds counterintuitive-- but the research shows it regardless of our preconceived notions.
Enforcement! Everyone knows who the local dealers are in their areas. But they're on the payroll of the bizzies and the secret police also use drug money to fund themselves.
He is talking nonsense. "There is no real information out there". "Let us determine our own journey in life." Johnny's rotten logic. How can people determine anything when, as he claims, there is no proper information out there? Johnny talks as if he'd been on heavy drugs all his life. Zero logic, and a lot of pompous claims to knowing everything.
There is plenty of information On drug's these days can't work out what John Lyndon's going on about Always thought he was anti drugs like heroin and cocaine and horrible evil drugs like crack cocaine
When I was around 11 my father gave me a pamphlet about 20 pages on many known narcotics being used by teens. It had their names, street names , chemical compositions and how they affected the body. He had got them from a drug education class at his place of his employment and he dropped it in front of me at the desk where I was studying and said “this is very important and I want you to read this”. I immediately read it because well he was my Dad and after reading he asked me what I thought and I said “why would anyone want to do that to their bodies?” That was all I needed to know and that lesson stuck with me and maybe gave him some peace of mind. I miss him. Thanks Dad, This was around 1972 and the information was out there. It was just a matter of getting it to youth in the right manner. My Dad found a way. I don’t imagine that’s the case in many tragic stories.
I don't think the issue is that people shouldn't be able to determine our own paths in life. It's that when they do, and do choose drugs, and these drugs affect others, murders, crime, rape, cost to society, that's when it becomes a problem and unfortunately, most people can't be trusted. The majority of people who work, have families, healthy lifestyles, contribute towards societies, don't use these class A drugs, the correlation is there. Yea, you could point out alcohol as another drug that we all use, but it's still not really the same.
@@jimftr yes it is?.............the reason you dont think so is cause Alcohol is now its easier to deal with I'm a fucking daily drinker and I use it to keep my nerves legalise everything control and regulate it and educate people Johns fucking right.........some drugs are suited to some people they are mostly man made...there's no "gateway" drug............I dont smoke pot anymore but it should never have been illegal!
@@realsinisterminister / No you're wrong! You're an idiot! You can't even "keep your nerves" together with alcohol fool! Imagine what would happen if you took ILLEGAL substances! Not so clever now are we?
@@jimftr So legalise them and make them prescription. They won't have to commit crimes. Black market, completely gone. All that violence gone. Crimes committed to fund drug habits, no longer. Making drugs illegal is like a catch-22. It creates all these social problems like you mentioned. Then when people talk about legalisation, other people point to the social problems and say "that's why they can't be legal". [And fwiw, the initial "problems" that resulted in criminalisation in the first place were totally manufactured. For all illegal drugs. You kinda have to look into that yourself, but it's true - not just for cannabis]. In fairness you are right* about alcohol not being the same; it's cost to society is much worse than any other drug. Which speaks against legalisation. But I think that's partly because of it's nature (it's a dangerous, addictive drug that changes people's behaviour in unpredictable ways) and partly because it's ubiquitous. It's fucking everywhere. Whereas if heroin was legal tomorrow, the number of heroin users would be the same or less in a years time. Only the cost to society would be way lower. There never was as much acting out as a result of intoxication alone (yeah, opiate irritability is a thing I guess, but in the absence of an uncertain income/supply of drugs, that's not really a big deal for most people. It certainly wouldn't be made worse be legalisation). But violence/crime associated with funding a habit would be gone. Safer equipment and better drugs and iv environments would mean less hospitalisations for drug users. I think when you said "most people can't be trusted" that sums up why legalisation hasn't happened yet. People don't trust the other people to either not use drugs, or to use them responsibly. Everybody knows they're fine themselves, it's all those other people that can't be trusted. If drugs were legal, all those other people would just go mad on the drugs and wreak havoc. I don't think it works like that though. Anybody who wants to use drugs can do that already. I'm not saying we advertise them or give them to kids. But make them appropriately available and non-criminal. It's not perfect but it'll be much less problematic than the current system. it's like, you can't have cars without having some crashes. But making them illegal just creates a violent black market in car parts, a lot of people injured by driving unsafe unregulated cars etc. But we imagine that legalising them will just end up with more unregulated vehicles and a bigger black market - when really, those things will disappear.
@@OffendEveryoneImmediately that's how you see them, I call them mature sensitive people who don't reduce the concept of freedom to their own narcissism, hope you ll find some day the true essence of real humanity, sorry for paternalism, but u needed it, little bi*tch
I'm 100% with John, by demonizing drugs without question it helps spread misinformation. So many people don't seem to understand that Cannabis is illegal but yet Alcohol is many many, many times more toxic per concentration. There is so little information given to the public about illegal drugs, and as long as this stays the case the problem will keep persisting as it is and has been for so long.
technically in the UK cannabis isn't illegal if you have a prescription which gives you the right information about what you are taking. It's that street level random stuff that is overpriced which is technically illegal, however unless you are growing it the police will not do anything about it.
Course two of the worst "drugs' on God's green Earth are the two government -endorsed one's . . . Cigarettes (Nicotine)and Alcohol. Meanwhile millions of pounds are still spent every year on teams of coppers smashing down doors of places where suspected Marijuana plants (Oooh plants! Scary!!) are being grown and subsequently destroyed.
i think alcohal is worse than weed, when it comes to driving drunk and killing people, i think drugs should be legalized and treated as a public health problem and offer drug rehab instead of jail or methadone for opiate addicts
Bet the women in the crowd goes home every night and has a glass of wine but doesn’t seem to realise more people die from alcoholism and smoking than of recreational drug use.
The war on drugs hasn’t gotten us anywhere. I agree with John, drugs should be avoided on a personal level, but they should still be legal and available from reputable sources
I think we all know what kind of class a drugs Louise Mensch took and why. It's easy to say she regrets it, but I bet she had some good times. People don't take drugs because it feels bad, in the same way people don't drink alcohol because it feels bad. Some people can't self regulate alcohol intake, that same thing can happen with drugs, but instead they are illegal and alcohol is legal. People who want to take drugs will and it's never been easier to obtain them...legalisation and regulation would make it safer, although like JL I don't want my drugs taxed.
Louise Mensch should have been more open about the drugs she used to take Bet she had fun doing it Otherwise why did she do it And why did she stop doing drugs, She can't tell people not to do drugs when she done drugs her self in the past
John forgot to mention that not everyone has the right state of mind, or the willpower, or the intelligence to stay away from drugs or stop using drugs. Culture and neighbours won't solve all the drug related problems but they will help. I agree that information and education is everything.
These people you want to stop using drugs CAN STILL EASILY GET THEM, drugs are extremely easy to buy and that hasn’t changed in the decades long war on drugs. Whether you believe it’s right to stop people using drugs or not, you cannot coherently argue that criminalisation achieves its goal. It has CLEARLY failed.
Love johnny he always fights his corner no matter who's in front of him.. gotta take your hat off to someone who lives his own life and not how hes told to live..respect
As for legalisation putting more potential addicts at risk; there are already thousands of addicts suffering from their illnesses. If drugs were legal, and taxed, that money could be spent on their treatment, treatment which would no longer have to be financed by other means.
Lydon's been around drugs more than anyone on that pannel. He's lost friends to addiction. so he knows from where he speaks Plus John's usually the smartest guy in the room.
Except in 90% of the recorded interviews of him, where he just comes across as a bitter twat. That interview where he is arguing with Marky Ramone is the real John Lydon. An arrogant talentless prick. I love watching the guy just because of how much a trainwreck he is, as well as some of his funny angry moments, but the guy is pseudo-smart. Just loves the sound of his own voice.
The abuse of any substance, legal or illegal is driven by a overwhelming and in most cases a uncontrollable desire to detach one's consciousness from a reality they feel completely exhausted from.
@Tommy Payne Precisely. Life for most people (adults) is just a repetitive trudge through the daily grind (work) and once in a while one feels the need for c certain chemicals with which to change/alter one's perceptions for a few hours. And as long as we are not hurting/interfering with anyone else during these perception changes , it should be of no god-damn business of anyone's.
Everyone knows they are dangerous, that is precisely why they are illegal - to stop people from taking them! Sadly, a lot of people are idiots and they aren't able to make these 'reasonable decisons' you speak of.
notice how none of them even agree that the information needs to be available, that you might think drugs need to be prohibited is one thing, but to fail to understand that the lack of real information is the key to understanding drug abuse is to show you know nothing at all about drugs yourself. As if there are people out there going, "gee Id love to try heroin but its illegal so I wont," when the truth is that if you are that kind of person the law is not going to come in to it the equation.
Table salt arguement doesn't really work. Drugs give intensely addictive pleasure which salt does not. I'd also argue that caffeine and alcohol is not nearly as harmfully addictive as the heavy drugs. Sometimes removing access to harmfully addictive things is the answer.
Just about everything can kill you, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to it. With responsible use, there is nothing to worry about. Me and all my friends and the many hundreds of other fine young people I've met in the drug community are perfect examples of this. John is the only person that raises an intelligent point, the others may have well just shouted "DRUGS ARE BAD" over and over because they aren't providing any solid evidence or information.
For every person that had a bad time on dope there was someone else who didn't. So fucking what? Everyone's an individual. Just cos one person couldn't handle it doesn't mean that someone else can't.
Yes, you have been a great help to me. Thank you so much.His dad was a chronic alcoholic who was also addicted to Codeine. He committed suicide when my son was 10. Although we didn`t live with his father,he occasionally saw his dad vomiting everywhere, being violent to me, visiting him in detox. I am a teetotaller, have been all my life[I`m 45]. My son, i think is going to follow in my footsteps.TBH with all the crap he saw, i don`t think he`llever touch a drop of alcohol ever.Friends called..
Love John but on this occasion he didn’t allow himself to show how articulate and intelligent he truly is, I just don’t think he handled this situation very well.
This lady telling John she knows about the effects of drugs… without education from a young age, how do they know what they are getting into, John is talking 100% sense
@@MrSomebodyStrange exactly. John's admitted he has sid on his mind a lot of the time, especially when drugs are bought up. He used himself and lost Sid to it he knows what he's talking about and people need to remember that
Yes,but you have to remember,as John himself said in an interview, they were just kids.He[John] was only 18.He didn`t have the emotional maturity to be able to help Sid.
Although MDMA was, in fact, first synthesized at Merck in 1912, it was not tested pharmacologically because it was only an unimportant precursor in a new synthesis for haemostatic substances. The new pathway was patented in order to evade an existing patent by a local competitor. MDMA was called "Methylsafrylamin" in 1912. In 1927 and 1959, the pharmacological effects of MDMA were studied at Merck, but not in humans. It was used to enhance psychotherapy beginning in the 1970s and became popular as a street drug in the 1980s.
2:11. wrong, Mr "Correct Info" Lydon. Methylsafrylaminc aka _ecstasy_ was created in Germany at roughly the same time Japan was developing methamphetamine. My point here is that neither of those street drugs, now widely popular, was invented in America as Johnny claimed. So he couldn't even stay true to his own "correct info" mantra. But it gets worse. Ecstasy was not used in the US to treat psychosis; it was used in psychotherapy sessions and was colloquially referred to as "Empathy." This should not be confused with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) which _was_ experimentally used for the treatment of psychosis.
IF YOU CHOOSE TO PUT A DRUG INTO YOUR BODY THEN YOU MUST DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. I agree that Education is the best weapon against drugs. Legal or illegal, if people realised the consequences at least they could make an informed choice to take a substance or not.
"Everyone knows that drugs are bad for you." Smoking is technically bad for me, so why am I allowed to smoke? You're destroying your own case. In life, people make independent decisions. Some of those decisions involve consuming drugs. Individuals have supreme authority over what enters their body. If they consume things that destroy them in the long run, it is a shame, but it isn't a crime. They made a conscious decision, and they had the pleasures and the losses that went with it.
As a bouncer I've dealt with druggies and alcoholic's and the only ones we have trouble with are the alcoholic's it's not for me to decide if drugs are made legal there's always going to be drugs legal or not but John had a good point you're not going to stop it just give them information on what it does .
I've worked security at many different places over the years. I get what you're saying and I don't disagree with you. There's a difference between a person who takes drugs for a good time on a night out at the weekend and full blown crack, heroin, cocaine, alcohol etc addict. They will often cause scenes and won't think twice about stealing anything that isn't bolted down.
I don't think that if she mentioned the drug's name it would glorify it at all! It depends upon the person in question and how they present that past misfortune. A vegetarian who gets smashed at a party and then eats several ham sandwiches, could not hope to glorify being a momentary carnivore because the message is saturated with shame and guilt. She just did what Lydon said shouldn't happen, apply whitewash censor for the sake of PC. Young people need a CLEARER idea of cause and effect.
Most smokers know that smoking is bad for them but they still smoke. So I don’t think it’s as simple as just providing more information on drugs alone. More education is needed to make people feel happier in more healthy ways than drugs.
There are approx 20-50 deaths from MDMA/Ecstasy in the UK each year. Purity testing (and not mixing with other drugs/drink) would take that figure down close to 0. Similar issues with cheap cocaine. Also, the only reason we now have a Spice/Mamba epidemic is because weed is illegal. Nobody in their right mind would choose Spice over Weed, but because it was cheap and legal people did.
lydon does have a point because you dont very often see doctors smoke because they know exactly what it does to them and if everyone else knew it they probably wouldnt either
lets not forget freedom to be a human ive allways liked most of johnnys rantings.because it allways comes down to this and i live this way myself i do whatever i want whenever i want to do it and I answer to no one repeat long as im not hurting any one ,,, i should be able to do anything to myself ...hairstyles ,,drugz...suicide ,,, a happy person i live my life every day..i smile n make others trip if ya want to but thats the word
Also we need to stop criminalising people for having and taking drugs. Slapping someone with a criminal record is not going to help them in the long run and in turn is more likely to lead said person into crime in the long run. Also, it seems that it's ok for the upper classes to use drugs and to not be punished harshly. Some are given a slap on the wrist i.e politicians, celebs and the rich in general but when a working class citizen does so or someone who lives in poverty does so , their lives are ruined by the system.
Why did no one mention Portugal?, how could any discussion simply omit their story? Portugal fairly recently relaxed their drug laws so that citizens are allowed to carry any drug..including coke, heroin etc..for their personal use. As a result all drug crime, arrests, incarcerations and murders practically dropped to zero within just a short amount of months..and importantly, the up take of new users also fell to the lowest figures ever seen for that country. Not discussing Portugal turns any debate into meaningless air bubbles.
He is right about the lack of information. Alcohol is far worse on health, mentally and phyisically. it is also far worse on society and families. i promise you this. but oh look 2 for a fiver in the local it must be good....right?
They always make the same ridiculous argument: drugs hurt kids, they shouldn't be legal! They're already illegal and people still get them and abuse them. Get it through your thick skulls, legalizing something does not mean backing it as something good.
When I was in highschool many moons ago, it was way easier to get weed (or even coke etc.) than alcohol. Drug dealers don't ID. Your point doesn't even make sense...
No person or government will EVER tell me i CAN or CANNOT ingest that which i choose to. We have enough laws to deal with crimes that people commit while on drugs (or sober), we don't need additional laws which criminalize consumption or possession of substances. LEGALIZE CHOICE!
The trouble is Lydon has been infected by 30 years of living very wealthy, when he started he was an angry boy from Finsbury park, but now just an opportunist!
Britain never made it a crime to take drugs! It only made it a crime to proliferate recreational drugs that looked like they may be undermining British Society's socially acceptable morality and national health. Every time there has been a Royal Commission on the impact of Cannabis on personal health and social health/well-being, each Royal Commission has returned the same verdict - not worth legislating against as little harm for most users occurs! FACT! Let's legalise and move on as adults!
he's great. i agree with hem. information is the first important thing, second is legalisation. but the power need to keep control on our lifes, so this never will happen.
Lydon of course was correct. Though he got the amount of salt wrong, the point is still correct. Demonising inert substances is retatded. The black woman was especially stupid. Legalisation is NOT "uncontrolled."
On the face of it John's argument has some merit, BUT it fails in the face of reality, the evidence being cigarettes - ALL the warnings and information about the health risks are ignored by young and old smokers alike.
You missed the point. People will always do drugs the only logical and humane thing to do is to regukate drygs abd give people the right information on the drugs their taking to make it as safe as possible
Yeah, aside from the side effects and that they are physically addictive and that they have been shown by peer reviewed studies to be ineffective for all but the most extreme cases of depression, anti depressants clip you emotionally.
He’s speaking about a paradigm that these and most people are, while not incapable of understanding, challenged beyond anything they can comprehend in the heat of the moment. I’d be interested if any of these people took the time to reflect and unpack their own feelings after the event and try to understand what he was actually saying. I swear John sees the world as it actually is rather than how we’re supposed to. It’s always breath taking. He’s literally the most enlightened person I can think of.
Shame he’s too much of a dimwit to land his messages. Or rather it’s a shame this dimwit thinks his message has some mileage. I’m heavily on the side of legalising all drugs but bringing folk like John on to articulate the benefits is a waste. It’ll only resonate with other dimwits. Ooh I’m dorm Finsbury Park.....Jesus what a waste of a platform
His logic is kindergarten level. Easy to refute every step of the way. 1. The salt analogy is dumb because nobody wants to take excess of salt, because it has no pleasurable effects. 2. Claiming people have no real info yet they should have the freedom to decide - based on false info. 3. Saying drugs can't be stopped hence legalize them. Murder can't be stopped either. Should it be legalized? Every single thing he said is rubbish.
I see your point. John is a street kid... the original punk rocker, I don't think he will win any awards for his intellectual Let me ask u this: Studies show that soft drug policies actually help the societies drug problems. Spain; the Netherlands have had seemingly great success with liberal drug policies. The evidence seems to show that countries, like the US, with very strict drug policies & the largest percentage of its citizens in prison in the history of humanity, hv the worst outcomes. I'm not necessarily saying that all drugs should be legal, but what of the evidence that seems to show that countries who adopt lax drug policies, hv LESS drug related issues? At the least that is very interesting, & shows that strict drug policies DONT work.
@@dariancline4193 I’m actually a clinical nurse specialist in addiction and am very well aware of the drug policies in the countries you’ve mentioned. Switzerland is a really interesting example. I think decriminalisation would be an incredible step forward. Removing the criminality of the pursuit would free up huge amounts of funding currently directed toward correctional institutions and could be redirected to actual treat, like all these countries have done with effect. I also wonder if removing the criminality of it, like John suggests, might make it less cool and exciting further reducing peoples interest in it. With regards to what John is on about, John is on about what John is always on about. Freedom to do what ever you want when ever you want and to be informed at all times. He also touches on community involvement in drug issues which is of course another very important factor when you consider the levels that public health policy can work. The US drug policies are crazy. People were up until very recently getting jail for personal use amounts of cannabis. Punishing people just doesn’t work. If anything it makes people push back harder. The US is also dealing with the prison industrial complex which has become this big behemoth with political power and won’t be going anywhere soon.
He's right john is, the fact that drugs are tabooed as dangerous with lack of information thrown in for good measure creates a culture of being cool and edgy, which entices young people, they know this and brush over it and continue with their false concern that appears all rosy on the surface but very profitable in the back pockets, I don't agree that all drugs should be legalized but some decriminalized, but most importantly stop creating an attitude for young people to use drugs and offer the most full and factual information available.
The argument he's trying to make is, why can't someone take as many drugs as they want, without any tax. He then says to counter the idea of drugs need to be banned because they are dangerous, he then fowards the idea of, then fucking teach kids that they are bad! He then goes on about how people are misinformed on drugs, (and the internet tends to misinform you on drugs due to the many opinions.) The argument he is making is fantastic in my opinion.
John is Correct. Most of us has experienced these things anyways. We still manage to get our hands on it ( illegal or not-Illegal ) What if you could take it in a Safe way with correct advice, rather than overdosing. People are always on the look for New Experiences in life.
John is spot on , banning Class A drugs won't fix the issue....I'm sure everyone knows it's usually a vicious cycle or slippery slope beginning with mental issues, tragedies etc in peoples lives which leads to hard drugs as a lot of the time drugs is used for escapism of these life problems. So as well as open education there needs to be more open talk and help surrounding life issues I'd like to think that's more readily available nowadays
Brilliant … and still contemporary . Love to know how John feels about forced vaccinations and lack of information about what is in them and the long term health effects.
Agree with you Nat! As one of his biggest fans, Johnny is the only one talking sense here! He always does. Highly intelligent guy. Sorry but I'm going to have to mention that he looks very sexy in that shirt! Oh wow! I find this man so handsome!! LOLZ
Can’t pay your mortgage and credit card, can’t attend the gym that monthly debits, or your lawyer won’t attend if your Will needs to be updated . Not sure .. you must live on Mars.
Well said, and quite true overall. The biggest spenders against legalizing any prohibited drugs are the tobacco companies, liquor companies, and other direct economic rivals of legal drugs. Marijuana itself is illegal in large part because Hemp was targeted by Big Money investors in timber (such as William Randolph Hearst, who set his newspapers after it.). Hemp is easier and cheaper to produce than timber, and is as useful for making paper and other non-narcotic products. Politics, fear, money.
@@HekticAz your working on old news. Government have been taking steps to stop deaths by cigarettes and alcohol. Drug related deaths are on the rise. 1200+ drug related deaths in Scotland last year.
Well im not but okay. Scotland has over 10000 smoking related deaths a year. Just a small bump up from 1200. Might be on a the rise but it'll have to rise alot more to catch up to the darts
@@HekticAz people who smoke are functional an can leave happy productive lives. Can you say the same about junkies? They are pretty much the walking dead.
The point Lydon makes about stopping drugs looking cool and trendy is well made. That's what got me started; peer pressure is a massive thing when you're at school. Thankfully I've been clean since the mid 90s, but it was touch and go for a while.
I was really hoping this would be john lyndon on drugs questioning the concept of time.
Same lol
Good comment
Death from above 1979
I was a drug addict for 12 years and still agree with John. We need to be better educated and stop this pointless war on drugs.
that and all criminal charges do is give the records and experiences that ruin lives.
@@VolkXue exactly
This. I was a heroin addict for years. It's shit, but the bottom line is that if you're going to claim to be a free society, then an individual should have the right to put whatever they want in their own body. By banning drugs you're basically saying that the individual doesn't have freedom over their own mind and body.
All you do by criminalising drugs is to create a black market and give criminals power and opportunity to do harm. Legalise and regulate all drugs like with alcohol and tobacco and take the power away from criminals and violent drug dealers. then take the money spent on enforcing stupid drug laws and locking up dealers and users and out it towards education and treatment programs.
@@rhysobrien2439 I agree and make it a disability and give proper treatment for it..
You had no idea the drugs would be bad for you when taking them? I call bull. You were being hedonistic and had no self control.. Just be honest with yourself
I was a cocaine and heroin user for a number of years, and I completely agree with John Lydon on this one. The drugs being illegal does nothing but punish people who are suffering. If you want them, you'll find a way to get them. Change only comes from within and with education and commitment. There is no good reason for it to be a criminal matter if you take the time to properly educate young people.
ditto, i agree, offer drug rehab and methadone instead of jail
Can't have smack legal
I want drugs and cant find them, legalizing would save the stress of finding them plus you know what you're getting.
Can't make Easyer for people
To get hold of smack No Way
if you cannot stop the use of drugs in a maximum security prison, how the hell can you stop them in the free world ?
You can't prevent murder either. Should we legalize it?
That's the point. U can't stop them. Humans throughout time hv liked getting high. There was Marijuana & beer in the Pharoahs burial chamber...over 3,000 yrs ago.
All successful drug policies show that the less strict the drug policies are, the less of a problem that society has with drugs. I know, it sounds counterintuitive-- but the research shows it regardless of our preconceived notions.
Terrible comparison. 😆
Enforcement! Everyone knows who the local dealers are in their areas. But they're on the payroll of the bizzies and the secret police also use drug money to fund themselves.
John is right as always, he always speaks the truth and he has what most people don't - common sense.
He is talking nonsense.
"There is no real information out there".
"Let us determine our own journey in life."
Johnny's rotten logic. How can people determine anything when, as he claims, there is no proper information out there?
Johnny talks as if he'd been on heavy drugs all his life. Zero logic, and a lot of pompous claims to knowing everything.
There is plenty of information
On drug's these days can't work out what John Lyndon's going on about Always thought he was anti drugs like heroin and cocaine and horrible evil drugs like crack cocaine
He's speaking bollocks here
Why does he speak like a robot? Such a cunt 😂
When I was around 11 my father gave me a pamphlet about 20 pages on many known narcotics being used by teens. It had their names, street names , chemical compositions and how they affected the body. He had got them from a drug education class at his place of his employment and he dropped it in front of me at the desk where I was studying and said “this is very important and I want you to read this”. I immediately read it because well he was my Dad and after reading he asked me what I thought and I said “why would anyone want to do that to their bodies?” That was all I needed to know and that lesson stuck with me and maybe gave him some peace of mind. I miss him. Thanks Dad, This was around 1972 and the information was out there. It was just a matter of getting it to youth in the right manner. My Dad found a way. I don’t imagine that’s the case in many tragic stories.
“Let us determine as human being our own journey in our own life”
“No ur wrong”
Right? She must work for the
Johnny is absolutely right on!
we need information!
I don't think the issue is that people shouldn't be able to determine our own paths in life. It's that when they do, and do choose drugs, and these drugs affect others, murders, crime, rape, cost to society, that's when it becomes a problem and unfortunately, most people can't be trusted.
The majority of people who work, have families, healthy lifestyles, contribute towards societies, don't use these class A drugs, the correlation is there.
Yea, you could point out alcohol as another drug that we all use, but it's still not really the same.
@@jimftr yes it is?.............the reason you dont think so is cause Alcohol is now its easier to deal with I'm a fucking daily drinker and I use it to keep my nerves legalise everything control and regulate it and educate people Johns fucking right.........some drugs are suited to some people they are mostly man made...there's no "gateway" drug............I dont smoke pot anymore but it should never have been illegal!
@@realsinisterminister / No you're wrong! You're an idiot! You can't even "keep your nerves" together with alcohol fool! Imagine what would happen if you took ILLEGAL substances! Not so clever now are we?
@@jimftr So legalise them and make them prescription. They won't have to commit crimes. Black market, completely gone. All that violence gone. Crimes committed to fund drug habits, no longer.
Making drugs illegal is like a catch-22. It creates all these social problems like you mentioned. Then when people talk about legalisation, other people point to the social problems and say "that's why they can't be legal".
[And fwiw, the initial "problems" that resulted in criminalisation in the first place were totally manufactured. For all illegal drugs. You kinda have to look into that yourself, but it's true - not just for cannabis].
In fairness you are right* about alcohol not being the same; it's cost to society is much worse than any other drug. Which speaks against legalisation. But I think that's partly because of it's nature (it's a dangerous, addictive drug that changes people's behaviour in unpredictable ways) and partly because it's ubiquitous. It's fucking everywhere.
Whereas if heroin was legal tomorrow, the number of heroin users would be the same or less in a years time. Only the cost to society would be way lower. There never was as much acting out as a result of intoxication alone (yeah, opiate irritability is a thing I guess, but in the absence of an uncertain income/supply of drugs, that's not really a big deal for most people. It certainly wouldn't be made worse be legalisation). But violence/crime associated with funding a habit would be gone.
Safer equipment and better drugs and iv environments would mean less hospitalisations for drug users.
I think when you said "most people can't be trusted" that sums up why legalisation hasn't happened yet. People don't trust the other people to either not use drugs, or to use them responsibly. Everybody knows they're fine themselves, it's all those other people that can't be trusted.
If drugs were legal, all those other people would just go mad on the drugs and wreak havoc. I don't think it works like that though. Anybody who wants to use drugs can do that already. I'm not saying we advertise them or give them to kids. But make them appropriately available and non-criminal.
It's not perfect but it'll be much less problematic than the current system. it's like, you can't have cars without having some crashes. But making them illegal just creates a violent black market in car parts, a lot of people injured by driving unsafe unregulated cars etc.
But we imagine that legalising them will just end up with more unregulated vehicles and a bigger black market - when really, those things will disappear.
Shut up ya parrot.
"i dont want my drugs taxed" lmao
As Johnny said why would you want your drugs taxxed or regulated? fuck legalization i dont want to give the criminals anymore money.
he's such a powerfull character, respect
hes childish
@@alesprochazka5781 You’re just too used to being around boring cookie cutter people with zero character.
@@OffendEveryoneImmediately that's how you see them, I call them mature sensitive people who don't reduce the concept of freedom to their own narcissism, hope you ll find some day the true essence of real humanity, sorry for paternalism, but u needed it, little bi*tch
I'm 100% with John, by demonizing drugs without question it helps spread misinformation. So many people don't seem to understand that Cannabis is illegal but yet Alcohol is many many, many times more toxic per concentration. There is so little information given to the public about illegal drugs, and as long as this stays the case the problem will keep persisting as it is and has been for so long.
technically in the UK cannabis isn't illegal if you have a prescription which gives you the right information about what you are taking. It's that street level random stuff that is overpriced which is technically illegal, however unless you are growing it the police will not do anything about it.
I think every thing he says is bang on I have said it before but think he should be knighted bang on bloke
Course two of the worst "drugs' on God's green Earth are the two government -endorsed one's . . . Cigarettes (Nicotine)and Alcohol. Meanwhile millions of pounds are still spent every year on teams of coppers smashing down doors of places where suspected Marijuana plants (Oooh plants! Scary!!) are being grown and subsequently destroyed.
i think alcohal is worse than weed, when it comes to driving drunk and killing people, i think drugs should be legalized and treated as a public health problem and offer drug rehab instead of jail or methadone for opiate addicts
I haven't taken any drugs since about 1957 , or three minutes to 8 if you prefer. T'was rather good sh*t , mind.
Bet the women in the crowd goes home every night and has a glass of wine but doesn’t seem to realise more people die from alcoholism and smoking than of recreational drug use.
The war on drugs hasn’t gotten us anywhere. I agree with John, drugs should be avoided on a personal level, but they should still be legal and available from reputable sources
I think we all know what kind of class a drugs Louise Mensch took and why. It's easy to say she regrets it, but I bet she had some good times. People don't take drugs because it feels bad, in the same way people don't drink alcohol because it feels bad. Some people can't self regulate alcohol intake, that same thing can happen with drugs, but instead they are illegal and alcohol is legal. People who want to take drugs will and it's never been easier to obtain them...legalisation and regulation would make it safer, although like JL I don't want my drugs taxed.
Louise Mensch should have been more open about the drugs she used to take
Bet she had fun doing it
Otherwise why did she do it
And why did she stop doing drugs, She can't tell people not to do drugs when she done drugs her self in the past
That lady next to John doesn't have a clue. Guarantee you her story about having done Class A drugs is a bologne sandwich.
John forgot to mention that not everyone has the right state of mind, or the willpower, or the intelligence to stay away from drugs or stop using drugs. Culture and neighbours won't solve all the drug related problems but they will help. I agree that information and education is everything.
These people you want to stop using drugs CAN STILL EASILY GET THEM, drugs are extremely easy to buy and that hasn’t changed in the decades long war on drugs. Whether you believe it’s right to stop people using drugs or not, you cannot coherently argue that criminalisation achieves its goal. It has CLEARLY failed.
"I was honestly being cynical, witty and ironic at the same time"
...also modest yeah?
Love johnny he always fights his corner no matter who's in front of him.. gotta take your hat off to someone who lives his own life and not how hes told to live..respect
He's talking nonsense here
Can't work what he's waffling on about I always thought he was anti drugs like heroin and
As for legalisation putting more potential addicts at risk; there are already thousands of addicts suffering from their illnesses. If drugs were legal, and taxed, that money could be spent on their treatment, treatment which would no longer have to be financed by other means.
Lydon's been around drugs more than anyone on that pannel.
He's lost friends to addiction.
so he knows from where he speaks
Plus John's usually the smartest guy in the room.
Except in 90% of the recorded interviews of him, where he just comes across as a bitter twat. That interview where he is arguing with Marky Ramone is the real John Lydon. An arrogant talentless prick.
I love watching the guy just because of how much a trainwreck he is, as well as some of his funny angry moments, but the guy is pseudo-smart. Just loves the sound of his own voice.
“I’m not talking as a middle class twat from trying”
@@theoneandonly34 He said "Tring" it's a small town in Hertfordshire, England.
@@danw1374 yes it is a typo I live in Aylesbury
Being the loudest in the room doesn't mean you're the smartest.
The abuse of any substance, legal or illegal is driven by a overwhelming and in most cases a uncontrollable desire to detach one's consciousness from a reality they feel completely exhausted from.
@Tommy Payne Precisely. Life for most people (adults) is just a repetitive trudge through the daily grind (work) and once in a while one feels the need for c certain chemicals with which to change/alter one's perceptions for a few hours.
And as long as we are not hurting/interfering with anyone else during these perception changes , it should be of no god-damn business of anyone's.
"I'm a working class solid boy me" loooooooooooooool never gets old. I cringed when I first heard that. Ahhhh good old johnny
You can always return back to that
i mean he is not wrong he grew up in the 60s in england thats about as working class as it gets
@@urki4224 er not really. There were plenty of posh people too. You need to state an area not a time :)
@mattmorris2867 He said, Finsbury Park, jog on ya mug.
He's not working class he's a millionaire out of touch celebrity
Everyone knows they are dangerous, that is precisely why they are illegal - to stop people from taking them! Sadly, a lot of people are idiots and they aren't able to make these 'reasonable decisons' you speak of.
notice how none of them even agree that the information needs to be available, that you might think drugs need to be prohibited is one thing, but to fail to understand that the lack of real information is the key to understanding drug abuse is to show you know nothing at all about drugs yourself.
As if there are people out there going, "gee Id love to try heroin but its illegal so I wont," when the truth is that if you are that kind of person the law is not going to come in to it the equation.
Table salt arguement doesn't really work. Drugs give intensely addictive pleasure which salt does not. I'd also argue that caffeine and alcohol is not nearly as harmfully addictive as the heavy drugs. Sometimes removing access to harmfully addictive things is the answer.
Just about everything can kill you, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have access to it. With responsible use, there is nothing to worry about. Me and all my friends and the many hundreds of other fine young people I've met in the drug community are perfect examples of this. John is the only person that raises an intelligent point, the others may have well just shouted "DRUGS ARE BAD" over and over because they aren't providing any solid evidence or information.
The salt analogy is DUMB because nobody will take two full spoons of salt. It doesn't create happiness as drugs do. Lydon is a buffoon.
For every person that had a bad time on dope there was someone else who didn't. So fucking what? Everyone's an individual. Just cos one person couldn't handle it doesn't mean that someone else can't.
Yes, you have been a great help to me. Thank you so much.His dad was a chronic alcoholic who was also addicted to Codeine. He committed suicide when my son was 10. Although we didn`t live with his father,he occasionally saw his dad vomiting everywhere, being violent to me, visiting him in detox. I am a teetotaller, have been all my life[I`m 45]. My son, i think is going to follow in my footsteps.TBH with all the crap he saw, i don`t think he`llever touch a drop of alcohol ever.Friends called..
Love John but on this occasion he didn’t allow himself to show how articulate and intelligent he truly is, I just don’t think he handled this situation very well.
This lady telling John she knows about the effects of drugs… without education from a young age, how do they know what they are getting into, John is talking 100% sense
I think that she also forgot that John's best mate OD'd and his death still affects him
@@MrSomebodyStrange exactly. John's admitted he has sid on his mind a lot of the time, especially when drugs are bought up. He used himself and lost Sid to it he knows what he's talking about and people need to remember that
even though drugs are illegal, people still are addicted to them. Would making them legal change anything?
Yes,but you have to remember,as John himself said in an interview, they were just kids.He[John] was only 18.He didn`t have the emotional maturity to
be able to help Sid.
Louise is one of the monst horrible people I've ever heard. Her and Baroness Warsi just make me sick.
They'll be having this same debate in 100 years, far too many people in law enforcement have mortgages and careers to protect.
Nevermind the bollocks heres your new prescription
Louise mensch having once used an un-named drug (coke - duh!) is possibly the best anti drug advert going.
Ecstasy was actually created by German company Merck in 1912, by accident - not a US company as JL says here.
Although MDMA was, in fact, first synthesized at Merck in 1912, it was not tested pharmacologically because it was only an unimportant precursor in a new synthesis for haemostatic substances. The new pathway was patented in order to evade an existing patent by a local competitor. MDMA was called "Methylsafrylamin" in 1912. In 1927 and 1959, the pharmacological effects of MDMA were studied at Merck, but not in humans. It was used to enhance psychotherapy beginning in the 1970s and became popular as a street drug in the 1980s.
2:11. wrong, Mr "Correct Info" Lydon. Methylsafrylaminc aka _ecstasy_ was created in Germany at roughly the same time Japan was developing methamphetamine. My point here is that neither of those street drugs, now widely popular, was invented in America as Johnny claimed. So he couldn't even stay true to his own "correct info" mantra.
But it gets worse. Ecstasy was not used in the US to treat psychosis; it was used in psychotherapy sessions and was colloquially referred to as "Empathy." This should not be confused with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) which _was_ experimentally used for the treatment of psychosis.
It's none of the governments or the police's business if a person chooses to use drugs.
Well it is when users are breaking into our homes & ruining communities funding their habit .
@@martinworld7214 The crime is breaking into a home not using drugs just like its no ones business what you consume.
IF YOU CHOOSE TO PUT A DRUG INTO YOUR BODY THEN YOU MUST DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. I agree that Education is the best weapon against drugs. Legal or illegal, if people realised the consequences at least they could make an informed choice to take a substance or not.
If you know John he's spot on ,transparencies and honesty is all he wants and why he is like he is.
"Everyone knows that drugs are bad for you." Smoking is technically bad for me, so why am I allowed to smoke? You're destroying your own case. In life, people make independent decisions. Some of those decisions involve consuming drugs. Individuals have supreme authority over what enters their body. If they consume things that destroy them in the long run, it is a shame, but it isn't a crime. They made a conscious decision, and they had the pleasures and the losses that went with it.
"You know nothing, sir; I get my Marlboros on Duty Free." Class
As a bouncer I've dealt with druggies and alcoholic's and the only ones we have trouble with are the alcoholic's it's not for me to decide if drugs are made legal there's always going to be drugs legal or not but John had a good point you're not going to stop it just give them information on what it does .
I've worked security at many different places over the years. I get what you're saying and I don't disagree with you. There's a difference between a person who takes drugs for a good time on a night out at the weekend and full blown crack, heroin, cocaine, alcohol etc addict. They will often cause scenes and won't think twice about stealing anything that isn't bolted down.
I don't think that if she mentioned the drug's name it would glorify it at all! It depends upon the person in question and how they present that past misfortune. A vegetarian who gets smashed at a party and then eats several ham sandwiches, could not hope to glorify being a momentary carnivore because the message is saturated with shame and guilt.
She just did what Lydon said shouldn't happen, apply whitewash censor for the sake of PC. Young people need a CLEARER idea of cause and effect.
im with johnny all the way with this one
Yes John! Totally agree and I think they’re completely missing his point!
Most smokers know that smoking is bad for them but they still smoke.
So I don’t think it’s as simple as just providing more information on drugs alone. More education is needed to make people feel happier in more healthy ways than drugs.
There are approx 20-50 deaths from MDMA/Ecstasy in the UK each year. Purity testing (and not mixing with other drugs/drink) would take that figure down close to 0. Similar issues with cheap cocaine.
Also, the only reason we now have a Spice/Mamba epidemic is because weed is illegal. Nobody in their right mind would choose Spice over Weed, but because it was cheap and legal people did.
Back when Question Time was worth watching
What waffle shop were you watching.
Consistent blethering for +20yrs or more.
everytime this guy speaks its incredible
lydon does have a point because you dont very often see doctors smoke because they know exactly what it does to them and if everyone else knew it they probably wouldnt either
He’s right
anyone have the full version of this?
lets not forget freedom to be a human ive allways liked most of johnnys rantings.because it allways comes down to this and i live this way myself i do whatever i want whenever i want to do it and I answer to no one repeat long as im not hurting any one ,,, i should be able to do anything to myself ...hairstyles ,,drugz...suicide ,,, a happy person i live my life every day..i smile n make others trip if ya want to but thats the word
Also we need to stop criminalising people for having and taking drugs. Slapping someone with a criminal record is not going to help them in the long run and in turn is more likely to lead said person into crime in the long run. Also, it seems that it's ok for the upper classes to use drugs and to not be punished harshly. Some are given a slap on the wrist i.e politicians, celebs and the rich in general but when a working class citizen does so or someone who lives in poverty does so , their lives are ruined by the system.
Why did no one mention Portugal?, how could any discussion simply omit their story?
Portugal fairly recently relaxed their drug laws so that citizens are allowed to carry any drug..including coke, heroin etc..for their personal use.
As a result all drug crime, arrests, incarcerations and murders practically dropped to zero within just a short amount of months..and importantly, the up take of new users also fell to the lowest figures ever seen for that country.
Not discussing Portugal turns any debate into meaningless air bubbles.
I don't think that girl in the audience realises john has seen what happens when drugs are abused (sid vicious)
Johnny Rotten is the most moral and socially in touch person on that panel.
He's straight talking don't know about in touch
In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Close Encounters with Addiction. Everyone in that audience should read this book.
He makes more sense than the lot of em put together bloke ✌️✌️🇬🇧🇬🇧
John Lydon the voice of reason and that's saying a lot.
He is right about the lack of information. Alcohol is far worse on health, mentally and phyisically. it is also far worse on society and families. i promise you this. but oh look 2 for a fiver in the local it must be good....right?
THERES ONLY ONE JOHNNY LYDON! Only watched q time coz he was on it. Has stuck to his roots for all his life. Legend
Have you not been listening to John, he is right.
They always make the same ridiculous argument: drugs hurt kids, they shouldn't be legal!
They're already illegal and people still get them and abuse them. Get it through your thick skulls, legalizing something does not mean backing it as something good.
When I was in highschool many moons ago, it was way easier to get weed (or even coke etc.) than alcohol. Drug dealers don't ID. Your point doesn't even make sense...
No person or government will EVER tell me i CAN or CANNOT ingest that which i choose to.
We have enough laws to deal with crimes that people commit while on drugs (or sober), we don't need additional laws which criminalize consumption or possession of substances.
The trouble is Lydon has been infected by 30 years of living very wealthy, when he started he was an angry boy from Finsbury park, but now just an opportunist!
Britain never made it a crime to take drugs!
It only made it a crime to proliferate recreational drugs that looked like they may be undermining British Society's socially acceptable morality and national health.
Every time there has been a Royal Commission on the impact of Cannabis on personal health and social health/well-being, each Royal Commission has returned the same verdict - not worth legislating against as little harm for most users occurs! FACT!
Let's legalise and move on as adults!
The only time this programme was worth watching when Johnny was on!
I think it would be great have a drink with John Lydon
he's great. i agree with hem. information is the first important thing, second is legalisation. but the power need to keep control on our lifes, so this never will happen.
Lydon of course was correct. Though he got the amount of salt wrong, the point is still correct. Demonising inert substances is retatded. The black woman was especially stupid. Legalisation is NOT "uncontrolled."
Those pretentious birds, just shaking their heads in denial of truth and on the verge of tears, think they know everything. It's truly pathetic.
Love your frankness JL, and totally agree as an addict myself
On the face of it John's argument has some merit, BUT it fails in the face of reality, the evidence being cigarettes - ALL the warnings and information about the health risks are ignored by young and old smokers alike.
In that logic, cigarettes should also be classified A? B?
Alcohol, Acetone, Glue, etc, etc, etc, ...
I think there is the break of logic.
Except that smoking has been steadily declining for the last 15 years, especially amongst the young.
@@nickchivers9029 People who smoke are aware of the consequences, they just don't care.
You missed the point. People will always do drugs the only logical and humane thing to do is to regukate drygs abd give people the right information on the drugs their taking to make it as safe as possible
Yeah. We workin' class boys help each other out to stop that bad stuff happening.... Isn't that right Sid?
Yeah, aside from the side effects and that they are physically addictive and that they have been shown by peer reviewed studies to be ineffective for all but the most extreme cases of depression, anti depressants clip you emotionally.
Oh Johhnyyyyy, u r so out spoken when you speak out! We could use more people like YOU about! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
He’s speaking about a paradigm that these and most people are, while not incapable of understanding, challenged beyond anything they can comprehend in the heat of the moment. I’d be interested if any of these people took the time to reflect and unpack their own feelings after the event and try to understand what he was actually saying. I swear John sees the world as it actually is rather than how we’re supposed to. It’s always breath taking. He’s literally the most enlightened person I can think of.
Shame he’s too much of a dimwit to land his messages. Or rather it’s a shame this dimwit thinks his message has some mileage. I’m heavily on the side of legalising all drugs but bringing folk like John on to articulate the benefits is a waste. It’ll only resonate with other dimwits.
Ooh I’m dorm Finsbury Park.....Jesus what a waste of a platform
Johnny knows his onions!
. . . and his mushrooms.
His logic is kindergarten level. Easy to refute every step of the way.
1. The salt analogy is dumb because nobody wants to take excess of salt, because it has no pleasurable effects.
2. Claiming people have no real info yet they should have the freedom to decide - based on false info.
3. Saying drugs can't be stopped hence legalize them. Murder can't be stopped either. Should it be legalized?
Every single thing he said is rubbish.
I see your point. John is a street kid... the original punk rocker, I don't think he will win any awards for his intellectual
Let me ask u this: Studies show that soft drug policies actually help the societies drug problems. Spain; the Netherlands have had seemingly great success with liberal drug policies. The evidence seems to show that countries, like the US, with very strict drug policies & the largest percentage of its citizens in prison in the history of humanity, hv the worst outcomes. I'm not necessarily saying that all drugs should be legal, but what of the evidence that seems to show that countries who adopt lax drug policies, hv LESS drug related issues? At the least that is very interesting, & shows that strict drug policies DONT work.
@@dariancline4193 I’m actually a clinical nurse specialist in addiction and am very well aware of the drug policies in the countries you’ve mentioned. Switzerland is a really interesting example. I think decriminalisation would be an incredible step forward. Removing the criminality of the pursuit would free up huge amounts of funding currently directed toward correctional institutions and could be redirected to actual treat, like all these countries have done with effect. I also wonder if removing the criminality of it, like John suggests, might make it less cool and exciting further reducing peoples interest in it.
With regards to what John is on about, John is on about what John is always on about. Freedom to do what ever you want when ever you want and to be informed at all times. He also touches on community involvement in drug issues which is of course another very important factor when you consider the levels that public health policy can work. The US drug policies are crazy. People were up until very recently getting jail for personal use amounts of cannabis. Punishing people just doesn’t work. If anything it makes people push back harder. The US is also dealing with the prison industrial complex which has become this big behemoth with political power and won’t be going anywhere soon.
It also crumbles when she is giving an example/anecdote that occurred/occurs under the current system.
I agree with John
John blew Miss 'OK" out of the water, the expression on her face at the end was priceless.
I wouldn't want my doctor, pilot, cab driver, etc... using drugs
Or alcohol?
It's funny, because, without a doubt, most of them DO!
He's right john is, the fact that drugs are tabooed as dangerous with lack of information thrown in for good measure creates a culture of being cool and edgy, which entices young people, they know this and brush over it and continue with their false concern that appears all rosy on the surface but very profitable in the back pockets, I don't agree that all drugs should be legalized but some decriminalized, but most importantly stop creating an attitude for young people to use drugs and offer the most full and factual information available.
So Jonny Rottens never heard of the internet
The argument he's trying to make is, why can't someone take as many drugs as they want, without any tax. He then says to counter the idea of drugs need to be banned because they are dangerous, he then fowards the idea of, then fucking teach kids that they are bad! He then goes on about how people are misinformed on drugs, (and the internet tends to misinform you on drugs due to the many opinions.) The argument he is making is fantastic in my opinion.
The thoughts of a visionary and idealist, who knows what the future brings.
GENIUS JOHN! Listen to him!
John is Correct. Most of us has experienced these things anyways. We still manage to get our hands on it ( illegal or not-Illegal ) What if you could take it in a Safe way with correct advice, rather than overdosing. People are always on the look for New Experiences in life.
Speak for yourself
i spoke for you@@David-h4z2s
John is spot on , banning Class A drugs won't fix the issue....I'm sure everyone knows it's usually a vicious cycle or slippery slope beginning with mental issues, tragedies etc in peoples lives which leads to hard drugs as a lot of the time drugs is used for escapism of these life problems. So as well as open education there needs to be more open talk and help surrounding life issues I'd like to think that's more readily available nowadays
How do you mean open education
@@David-h4z2s education on drugs , all round facts not just the dangers. Feelings you get from them, everything
must say . he,s one hell of a guy who speaks his mind and don.t give a fuck
Brilliant … and still contemporary .
Love to know how John feels about forced vaccinations and lack of information about what is in them and the long term health effects.
Agree with you Nat! As one of his biggest fans, Johnny is the only one talking sense here! He always does. Highly intelligent guy. Sorry but I'm going to have to mention that he looks very sexy in that shirt! Oh wow! I find this man so handsome!! LOLZ
I wonder how John feels about modern medical technology saving the lives of thousands of people.
I think I know the answer to that one.
Where did enforced vaccines happen then?
When you lose your job
Can’t pay your mortgage and credit card, can’t attend the gym that monthly debits, or your lawyer won’t attend if your Will needs to be updated . Not sure .. you must live on Mars.
Well said, and quite true overall. The biggest spenders against legalizing any prohibited drugs are the tobacco companies, liquor companies, and other direct economic rivals of legal drugs. Marijuana itself is illegal in large part because Hemp was targeted by Big Money investors in timber (such as William Randolph Hearst, who set his newspapers after it.). Hemp is easier and cheaper to produce than timber, and is as useful for making paper and other non-narcotic products. Politics, fear, money.
"I did drugs wrong therefore they're bad"
They kill thousands of people and destroy thousands of families a year. There fore they are bad.
@@paulgibbons2320 not as many and cigarettes and alcohol
@@HekticAz your working on old news. Government have been taking steps to stop deaths by cigarettes and alcohol. Drug related deaths are on the rise.
1200+ drug related deaths in Scotland last year.
Well im not but okay. Scotland has over 10000 smoking related deaths a year. Just a small bump up from 1200. Might be on a the rise but it'll have to rise alot more to catch up to the darts
@@HekticAz people who smoke are functional an can leave happy productive lives.
Can you say the same about junkies?
They are pretty much the walking dead.
"are you going to ban table salt?"
didn't Bloomberg (former nyc mayor) try that?
"Let us as human beings determine our own journey in life" A Fuckin men!!!
The point Lydon makes about stopping drugs looking cool and trendy is well made. That's what got me started; peer pressure is a massive thing when you're at school. Thankfully I've been clean since the mid 90s, but it was touch and go for a while.
Love ya Johnny!