What the hell! Why did I just find this woman! She is hilarious! I have updated on my local comedy clubs to notify when she's here. Every clip is hilarious!!!!!!
If you cant do, Dirty-Talk, just say everything you're not allowed to insult them with, in an endearing tone while smiling-angrily & nodding; consider it therapy.
Thanks for sharing your funny with us !!
What the hell! Why did I just find this woman! She is hilarious! I have updated on my local comedy clubs to notify when she's here. Every clip is hilarious!!!!!!
That memory foam joke was Mitch Hedberg level.
Mammary foam.
If your guy wants to be with twins, just get him drunk till he sees double and tell him you are synchronized swim partners.
Your stuff is great!
If you cant do, Dirty-Talk, just say everything you're not allowed to insult them with, in an endearing tone while smiling-angrily & nodding; consider it therapy.
Awesome Kelly Collette
First joke was good.
That opening joke is brilliant, bravo. They were all funny.
She's hilarious and she doesn't cuss which means she has class. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐