The games rely on the same integrated vega 7 graphics so they perform the same most of the time on those games. The 5600gt performs better when both maxed out of course but it performs only 10% better at best on whats already low fps when maxed out at the cost of an entire one-fourth increase in both temperature and watts. Game for 8 hours a day for a whole year and that's like about 6.72 dollars extra cost on using the 5600gt. There's about a 30 dollar price difference right now between those 2 cpu. Lets assume 10% increase in performance was somehow worth it, so 10 dollars earned lets say cause 10% of 100 price tag is 10 dollars, subtract from 6.72, thats like 3.28 dollars of return on investment a year from using 5600gt over the 5500gt. One would have to game 8 hours a day for like 10 years or so to see a return on investment from those 3 little extra fps from those games running at only 30 or so fps.It seems like only 5% increase in fps most of the time on that video, so more like 20 years..the computer will likely expire by then before the 5600gt becomes worth it..
وحدو الله (لا إله إلا الله) وصلو علي النبي محمد (عليه الصلاةوالسلام) اللهم انك تغفر الذنوب جميعا الا ان يشرك بك فاللهم اني اشهدك واشهد ملائكتك وحملة عرشك وجميع خلقك اني اشهد انك انت الله لا إله إلا انت وحدك لا شريك لك واشهد أن محمدا عبدك ورسولك ما دام ملكك يا ربي باقيا
its the same thing but 5500gt have lower temperature and less power consumption
And lower price 😁
The games rely on the same integrated vega 7 graphics so they perform the same most of the time on those games. The 5600gt performs better when both maxed out of course but it performs only 10% better at best on whats already low fps when maxed out at the cost of an entire one-fourth increase in both temperature and watts. Game for 8 hours a day for a whole year and that's like about 6.72 dollars extra cost on using the 5600gt. There's about a 30 dollar price difference right now between those 2 cpu. Lets assume 10% increase in performance was somehow worth it, so 10 dollars earned lets say cause 10% of 100 price tag is 10 dollars, subtract from 6.72, thats like 3.28 dollars of return on investment a year from using 5600gt over the 5500gt. One would have to game 8 hours a day for like 10 years or so to see a return on investment from those 3 little extra fps from those games running at only 30 or so fps.It seems like only 5% increase in fps most of the time on that video, so more like 20 years..the computer will likely expire by then before the 5600gt becomes worth it..
In My Country Ryzen 5 5500GT Is Around 130$ And 5600Gt Is Around 170$ then iam going with 5500GT
Go for 5500GT, same performance as 5600GT. :)
It's almost the same but
Ryzen 5500gt is a little bit cheaper & less watt ..
There is a few fps difference but considering the price it's good
What about a compare at 1080p in all those games ?
will increasing the ram frequency improve performance? i ordered 3200mhz 16gb ram stick for my build.
Bro tell me it's overclocked or not??
I believe it is
It's stock.
وحدو الله (لا إله إلا الله) وصلو علي النبي محمد (عليه الصلاةوالسلام) اللهم انك تغفر الذنوب جميعا الا ان يشرك بك فاللهم اني اشهدك واشهد ملائكتك وحملة عرشك وجميع خلقك اني اشهد انك انت الله لا إله إلا انت وحدك لا شريك لك واشهد أن محمدا عبدك ورسولك ما دام ملكك يا ربي باقيا
both are a good options to play on a steep budget
Does ryzen 5 5600gt use PCIE 3x16 or 4x16 for GPU ?
PCIE 3x16
Hey can show ur amd Radeon setting
test mk1 please
Pls test rygen 3 4300g with GTX 1650 or RX 6500 ❤❤❤❤
make a video specific for valorant
Please play sea of thieves