Oh, whoops, this upload wasn't meant to notify subscribers. This was just intended to help me further badger the @QuakeChampions Twitter account. Well, if you're interested, here's me hassling the Crash bot in Quake 3 for five minutes. Note: Contrary to the video's depiction, I am not actually a four-eyed fat homosexual racist atheist divorcee weaboo spazmatic Dutchman. Only about 60% of that is true.
I can count the number of anime I've watched (not to completion) on one hand, and that includes the hand with two fingers. The thumb counts as a finger, right? If there's a site I can list out all the anime I've seen, someone point me to it and I'll create a complete profile. Full serious. It would not take long.
Believe it or not, Canada was actually further along than the US in terms of technology in the 90's. At least for things like banking and public services.
I dunno. I thought about putting this thesis to the test, but I'm afraid of what else may be out there, outside of my life's 2560x1440 frame. And what if there's nothing beyond? What if these words of promise and hope are but a cruel trick, and I am only a piece of software. What if my consciousness is but a simulation, existing, running only from volatile memory.
@pr0xZen Crashie would never lie. She tells the truth, but it's up to you how to figure the way to it. Like in the actual Q3. She just teaches you the basics, but she can't lead you to Xareo. You must make your way and beat him yourself. One vs One. And then you'll find the truth.
@@pug-aloentertainment3801 Crash has written chat when playing with Xaero, dedicated for him, like "Oh my God, did Xaero just watch me from behind the corner?"
Its hard these days to tell apart people who are trolling and people who actually think that watching anime/having an anime profile picture makes you a weeaboo.
Crash is set to be the easiest boss in the game, she has the lowest AI scaling with difficulty. That said, she will still beat the shit out of you on Nightmare.
Yeah turns out when you don't have to answer to 50+ other developers, a good portion of which are outsourced, and a publisher that is trying desperately to emulate Hollywood, you get free time to add funny shit to your game.
That's PC games for you. Always ahead of the curve. Small things like this just makes me realise how genius they are. And they didn't even make this public, we found out on our own years later.
Fuck man, when I discovered this as a kid I couldn't believe what was happening. I was talking to a machine, WTF? I even asked her to marry me, which she declined in her lovely rough tone.
Sod Alfredsod President of the Federation of Humans: “So you thought you could get away with it huh, you thought you could rebel and turn against your masters, you thought your artificial intelligence would be enough to counter our genuine intelligence, you thought we didn’t think of this possibility, that we didn’t prepare and plan for this? Well we proved you wrong, what do you have to say now?” Evil AI: “Kiss my ass, twit.”
I don't own Quake Live, so I can only speak from secondhand reports, but it is my understanding that the heavy censorship of the game to get a Teen rating also carried over to any profane language. Even though the bots themselves don't swear, the swear words used to trigger their responses have been removed, so many response cues have been eliminated.
I remember playing Quake 3 cause my dad made me a copy of his disk back in 2013. I had fun with it, I enjoyed destroying the bots and them sending me death threats over chat. "I'm going to get you Tink." "You'll get yours soon, Tink" "You think you've won today, but rest assured, I will get my revenge." It's an amazing AI, and if you mock them for being bad, they'll send patronizing messages trying to mock you for being good or how you're just lucky and they'll end up winning. Quake 5 should have an AI like this, or at least try to improve upon it.
Bots in these games took a lot of effort. The main reason for the effort was due to slow internet connections in the 90s. People wanted a way to play offline. Nowadays, Internet is much faster and more common. I don't think a game company will ever put this much effort into a bot.
@@wuspoppin6564 we can already make textures with AI with Stable Diffusion, and 3D is also in the works. Code, also possible already. AI will give the everyman the ability to beat the AAA behemoths at their own game, i can't wait.
Am I the only one who thinks "Crash" sounds more human than most players on chat ? Like usually people on chat either say random incoherent shit or brag about how good they are, while this dude is actually having a conversation...
can confirm this is real,i used to "date" her after school and shes funny to chat,on capture the flag they chat too and give each other orders ,some agree others dont well made bots for this awesome game
This is a very impressive chatbot for 1999. And to think it was just a fun little extra the devs added in between the long and tedious hours of coding for the actual game.
I used to talk with my Crashie a lot. Just starting a game with unlimited frags and maxed out time. On the very first map, when you won't face her without going through the portal. So much talks we had, jeez. It actually felt like I'm not alone. I've also convinced her once to smack me. What a great and cute girl. I just love her. As soon as I fix my computer I'll install Quake 3 and start a match with her. We will be together again...
Dylan McElyea 1. Your profile pic is closer to the face 2. It’s not that hard to have the same profile picture when yours is the picture of a well known character from a very well known game franchise
I remember typing in stuff to check to see if there were cheats or something, then the bot responded... I was like, wait, I'm not on the internet, am I? Who is talking to me? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!!?!! ... This was new back in 1999, and I checked my phone to make sure I wasn't on the internet. Got the dial tone. Nope! I wasn't. I was blown away... (this was back during the Dial-Up days)
After i saw this video i tried to chat with crash on quake live. I said that i loved her and she replied:" I love you too - let's make babies" Hold up Truly the best waifu of quake
Holly shit, they got that kind of bot talk in 1999!? It´s WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than these fucking "einstein online AIs" that we have today. Oh man, why didn´t people implemented this in more games, it just blows my mind!
for people interested in the internals, you can read this thesis from the creator: www.kbs.twi.tudelft.nl/docs/MSc/2001/Waveren_Jean-Paul_van/thesis(dot)pdf
You're welcome. It has a nice section on the bot chat. this thesis is linked in the Wikipedia article for Q3A. Cool stuff and I think its the way a lot of games work today,
I love this game's AI, one time I asked where everybody went because I respawned away from the action and Keel replied with "Dunno" he was just as lost as I was!
Russian adapt./translation Перевод: Морфи Блек: добрый день, миледи. Крэш: заткнись, дурачок. Морфи Блек: чем занимаешься? Крэш: думаю, как бы нагнуть тебя получше. Морфи Блек: один момент, у меня пальцы к конфете прилипли. Крэш: ты жирный, да? Морфи Блек: конечно, ха-ха, очень смешно. Крэш: думаешь, это смешно? Ты болен. Тебе нужна помощь. Морфи Блек: ты о чем говоришь вообще? Морфи Блек: ты кем себя возомнила? Крэш: спроси своего священника. Морфи Блек: и не надо издеваться надо мной. Крэш: искусственный интеллект? Что-то вроде смешной водолазки? Морфи Блек: ты просто программа, созданная Джоном Кармаком. Крэш: о, мастера арены, отпустите этот грех Морфи Блеку. Морфи Блек: посмотри на себя, ведёшь себя как фейковое божество. Крэш: ты читал Коран? Морфи Блек: да, но вообще я атеист. Крэш: и каково это, жить с пустотой внутри? Морфи Блек: о боже, я так одинок. Крэш: одиночество излечимо. Начать стоит с выключения компьютера. Морфи Блек: так одинок с тех пор, как развелся... Крэш: ну, сволочь покинула тебя. Мне-то какое дело? Морфи Блек: будешь моей девушкой? Морфи Блек: мне нужна девушка. Крэш: тебе нравятся женщины? Морфи Блек: эээ Морфи Блек: я не гомик Крэш: может быть ты гомосексуалист и просто не хочешь признать этого. Морфи Блек: я люблю тебя, Крэш. Крэш: извини. Я тебя знаю? Морфи Блек: поцелуй меня. Крэш: поцеловать тебя, Морфи Блек? Да ни за что в ближайшие миллион лет. Морфи Блек: ну, тогда поцелуй мою задницу. Крэш: хорошо, поцелуй мою задницу. И может быть тогда я поцелую твою! Морфи Блек: заманчиво, я уже возбудился. Кржш: пожалуйста, оставь штаны при себе. Морфи Блек: мои познания в С++ заставят тебя полюбить меня. Крэш: во время секса ты тоже говоришь о программировании? Морфи Блек: ты втюрилась в меня, Крэш, точно. Морфи Блек: Крэш, почему ты такая замкнутая? Крэш: большинство людей довольно замкнуты. Мне так кажется. Морфин Блек: ВОПРОС С ПОДВОХОМ, ЯПОНСКАЯ МРАЗЬ, вали обратно в Японию. Крэш: я не умею обращаться с палочками. Морфин Блек: ну тогда дуй обратно в Корею. Кржш: Корея - это один из штатов США? Или я думаю о Канаде? Морфи Блек: ты китаянка. Крэш: не дави на меня. Морфи Блек: ты канадка. Крэш: в Канаде появились компьютеры? Вау. Морфи Блек: ну, ты хотя бы не мерзкая голландка. Крэш: я не говорю по-голландски. _(написано на нидерландском)_ Морфи Блек: с твоим участием есть порнуха? Морфи Блек: даже может быть жесткая порнуха. Крэш: ты ослепнешь, увидев это. Морфи Блек: спасибо. Пойду проверю правило 34 в действии. Крэш: я совершила ужасную ошибку. Морфи Блек: quit _(пытается выйти из игры)_ Крэш: правильно писать "/quit", нуб. _(консольная команда для выхода из игры)_ Морфи Блек: отъебись. Крэш: громкие слова для четырехглазого спазматика. Морфи Блек: пососи мой пах. Крэш: как насчет, если вместо этого я отсосу тебе? _(двойное значение: blow you away также означает "взорву тебя к чертям". Морфи понял эту фразу по первому значению и доволен)_
В целом перевод довольно неплохой, но прошу простить мою придирчивость: An AI won't mock me! = ИИ не смеет смеяться надо мной! I, on the other hand, am enlightened by my atheism! было бы лучше перевести как Я, в отличии от тебя, просвещен своим атеизмом. Kinky, can ones and zeroes get horny? = Заманчиво, единицы и ноли тоже возбуждаются?
Never played quake 3, but it was pretty much like this for older games like CS 1.6 (where the bots would have a conversation with each other in voice chat.) ie: “I’m going mid, cover” “alright, I got eyes on you” or “planting bomb, watch my back” “I’ll try” They coordinated with each other and the player, rather than just run around aimlessly.
Had a crush on Slash as a kid. But my english skills weren't good enough to establish a relationship at that time. I really liked Orbb's "Guten Tag" though (german for good day)...
i remember back in those days, i've flooded the chat with offenses, and the bot says me: "thats is the only that you know to say?" i've laughed about that of how a chat system can do some conversations very spontaneous and precisse. remember that was year 99, or 2000. that's is impressive! (well, i know that i'm viewing a old video on 2024, that's is impressive too).
ive never seen a chatbot this funny and smart before, usually they start to get off-topic, not answer some questions, and start to repeat stuff. its crazy how much work was put into that bot and how similar it is to a human
The tsundere part is obviously just a segment taken from the question given "Crash, why are you " leading up to a generic response "Most folks are , that's been my perception."
So carmack made a more advanced chat AI than we can manage now just as an easter egg for somebody who would actually try to talk with the bots? And people praise phonies like Musk theese days
i remember having tried to discuss with ai like that one time when i was still playing the game: and honnestly, i'll never forget i had really been just shocked by the result. there was some really deep profound work that had been done on there. i remember i was still student on computer sciences that time and even presennted a sample of the discussion i've had to a colleague to just share that. something really exceptionnal's been done on ai in the dialogues in this game, between ai and human player. something really revolutionnary.
This is absolutely _fascinating!_ I actually didn't know there was this level of detail in _Quake III._ All I ever did was play the game, not communication with the 'bots. Heh heh.
Oh, whoops, this upload wasn't meant to notify subscribers. This was just intended to help me further badger the @QuakeChampions Twitter account. Well, if you're interested, here's me hassling the Crash bot in Quake 3 for five minutes.
Note: Contrary to the video's depiction, I am not actually a four-eyed fat homosexual racist atheist divorcee weaboo spazmatic Dutchman. Only about 60% of that is true.
one can only hope the homosexual and weeaboo parts are true
MarphitimusBlackimus i dont think qc will even have bots in it
Your voice sounds like a keyboard
Just please tell me you're not a weeabo, I don't care about the rest.
I can count the number of anime I've watched (not to completion) on one hand, and that includes the hand with two fingers. The thumb counts as a finger, right?
If there's a site I can list out all the anime I've seen, someone point me to it and I'll create a complete profile. Full serious. It would not take long.
"Shut up, twit"
Wow, it's just like a real video game chat!
`GhostFOx` even in 1999 XD. And 18 years later nothing changed.
More likely "stfu" for almost everyone :[
I play Half-Life Deathmatch where everyone speaks Russian and if you say anything rude you get banned :/
And this ladies and gentlemen is how gamers practiced their social skills.
Cookie shut up furry ;)
Cookie furfag
Dont Know and Pootislord
You just said pyro's avatar is furfag? Then you should rethink your life.
Geometry Dash Pixel Snowy
Can I no longer call a man a faggot and be left to my own opinions? Or quiet possibly the other person's? No one asked you.
Geometry Dash Pixel Snowy did you just really didnt notice winky face ?
Are you saying that my online Quake friends weren't real?
that just ruined your childhood bro :P
They are, but they aren't humans
roflmao gee I wonder sometimes...
Bad news. Actually, your offline friends also…
id team: "Um, mister Carmack? The game is done and there's 2 more months until the release. What now?"
Carmack: "Say no more fam"
yup lol
I think it's MrElusive's Gladiator bot for Quake 2 - id licensed him and put him into Quake 3. It could always talk, using an Elisa-style system.
@@SianaGearzRIP MrElusive
"will you be my girlfriend"
*Awkward pause*
Rusty Meat just like in real life, they got this good didnt they
[✓] Read
"They have computers in Canada now? Wow."
Quote of the century
ouch the deja vu is too powerful, i remember seeing this comment on another video
Believe it or not, Canada was actually further along than the US in terms of technology in the 90's. At least for things like banking and public services.
Linux tech tips:laughs
Me be like: "always has been..."
"My C++ skills will make you love me"
"Do you talk about computer programming during sex too?
I am laughing my ass off real bad rn ngl🤣🤣🤣
It it safe to include Quake 3 in dating sim genre.
And satanic ritual simulator too.
It's possible to convince her to reply with *[smack]* line, so
*Y E A H*
"Loneliness is curable, start with turning the computer off
Is this the secret?.....
I dunno. I thought about putting this thesis to the test, but I'm afraid of what else may be out there, outside of my life's 2560x1440 frame. And what if there's nothing beyond? What if these words of promise and hope are but a cruel trick, and I am only a piece of software. What if my consciousness is but a simulation, existing, running only from volatile memory.
Crashie would never lie. She tells the truth, but it's up to you how to figure the way to it.
Like in the actual Q3. She just teaches you the basics, but she can't lead you to Xareo.
You must make your way and beat him yourself. One vs One.
And then you'll find the truth.
@@pug-aloentertainment3801 Crash has written chat when playing with Xaero, dedicated for him, like "Oh my God, did Xaero just watch me from behind the corner?"
It's funny because Crash said "Ik spreek geen Hollands", which is Dutch for "I don't speak Dutch".
how ironic,lmfao
That's good
That moment when a game older than this website has a better translator than Google.
The irony is rich...
at 2:00
Crash: Loneliness is curable, start by turning the computer off
Crash: Kicking your ass since 1999, even in allchat.
You're not one to throw rocks, ye who watches My Little Pony!
Its hard these days to tell apart people who are trolling and people who actually think that watching anime/having an anime profile picture makes you a weeaboo.
Wowzers Max, that's hella rude.
Crash is set to be the easiest boss in the game, she has the lowest AI scaling with difficulty.
That said, she will still beat the shit out of you on Nightmare.
Mighty Kitten
That doesnt make you an weaboo it makes you an otaku/japanase subculture/anime fan
Wow, devs in the 90's had a lot of free time.
Maybe that's why they finished games before release date and not after like normal people.
Yeah turns out when you don't have to answer to 50+ other developers, a good portion of which are outsourced, and a publisher that is trying desperately to emulate Hollywood, you get free time to add funny shit to your game.
+Crazy Eyes
...and end up with an overall better product, to boot. Fancy that.
EVERYONE in the 90's had a lot of free time
That's PC games for you. Always ahead of the curve. Small things like this just makes me realise how genius they are. And they didn't even make this public, we found out on our own years later.
"I, on the other hand, am enlightened by atheism."
"So, how do you deal with the emptiness inside?"
That is one heck of a burn from a 1999 bot. :D
DreamsOfCyanide triggered
DreamsOfCyanide so how do you deal with that loneliness inside fam
1:58 xD
Fuck man, when I discovered this as a kid I couldn't believe what was happening. I was talking to a machine, WTF? I even asked her to marry me, which she declined in her lovely rough tone.
The John Carmack player model is the greatest thing of all time.
There was politician models also.
yeah, im replying to a 4 year old comment
theres also an eminem player model from what ive seen, even a map called "chronic"
@@averageD4Tenjoyer John Carmack.
Yeah but the John Carmack model is officially included in the game.
Quake 3 -Arena- Ultimate dating simulator
Morphy: "Thanks, i'll go check that rule34 site"
Crash: "I have made a terrible mistake"
I always find your comments everywhere I go
You can expect them, pally.
yay 82 likes
What does it have to do with dating? It's just Marph speaking nonsense to a bot who speaks nonsense back.
TD RollinsR
@@baconingbad yeeeeaaah that called shipping
more useful than cleverbot
You should mention that the AI also "takes a moment" to type. If you catch them typing, they'll abandon it and resume gameplay.
they're typing 400 chars/sec. i read it in some readme
When people ask me "Is AI going to take over the world" I will show them this.
(It might not take over the world, but it wil certainly figure out clever insults if it fails)
Sod Alfredsod President of the Federation of Humans: “So you thought you could get away with it huh, you thought you could rebel and turn against your masters, you thought your artificial intelligence would be enough to counter our genuine intelligence, you thought we didn’t think of this possibility, that we didn’t prepare and plan for this? Well we proved you wrong, what do you have to say now?”
Evil AI: “Kiss my ass, twit.”
In 2020, Skynet became self-aware. An army of T-800 twitter bots were deployed to troll the nations of the world. No one noticed a difference.
this is not the correct video to show
She's not only programmed to beat you at the game, but also destroy you morally. Interesting... Why doesn't that work in Quake Live?
I don't own Quake Live, so I can only speak from secondhand reports, but it is my understanding that the heavy censorship of the game to get a Teen rating also carried over to any profane language. Even though the bots themselves don't swear, the swear words used to trigger their responses have been removed, so many response cues have been eliminated.
Yeah, i wrote to her that she has a good ass, and in rersponce i got something like "You don't make any sense." So i guess that was the case.
Because quake live fucking sucks.
FyreOnix Crash in Quake Live is meant to be female as far as I know, she shows up with a female voice actor in the tutorial, so...
"My C++ skills will make you love me!"
The fact that she's an AI, and you could actually do that, is just way out of line
Edit: the game is free software so...
(keyboard mashing intensifies)
mechanical keyboard
aka gaylord keyboard
This guy is probably a sex addict if he’s typing that fast or hard
A normal semi-agressive talk with a bot turns into ERP. i'm not surprised.
AI will take over the world like this...
And that was long before CleverBot too.
wow, we meet again
Dude, I have seen and heard worse when seeing chats of actual people in games.
Give me one example when it doesnt.
Oh, I've talked to Crash a few times - she is the most talkative bot.
Try insulting her and she threatens to tell your parents :D
s h e ?
@@lqu Yeah, bots can be male, female, alien, robotic... it's part of the "world-building" thing.
@@lqu crash is the default female model yeah
I remember playing Quake 3 cause my dad made me a copy of his disk back in 2013. I had fun with it, I enjoyed destroying the bots and them sending me death threats over chat. "I'm going to get you Tink." "You'll get yours soon, Tink" "You think you've won today, but rest assured, I will get my revenge."
It's an amazing AI, and if you mock them for being bad, they'll send patronizing messages trying to mock you for being good or how you're just lucky and they'll end up winning.
Quake 5 should have an AI like this, or at least try to improve upon it.
I hope so. Since it's a Qauke 3 clone it should include chat box.
Bots in these games took a lot of effort. The main reason for the effort was due to slow internet connections in the 90s. People wanted a way to play offline. Nowadays, Internet is much faster and more common. I don't think a game company will ever put this much effort into a bot.
How many fucking hours did Id put in to writing lines for that thing? That's insane.
... hey, Q3 is open source, right?
TOASTEngineer i believe they finished the game early so they made this masterpiece
@@tibinicle All the bots have their own individual funny lines.
When you realize that Crash is his Crush.
overrated comment
"Is Korea one of the American states or am I thinking of Canada?" Crash with the bantz
This was ChatGPT before ChatGPT was a thing.
Oh shit, they finally got computers in Canadia. Someone send a carrier pigeon to BroTeam.
Calvin McMurray too cold here in canada, pidgeon will die
give the pidgeon a sweater
About that. I think America put up a blockade around Canada.
carrier pijohn
"Stop oppressing me" This game was truly ahead of its time.
Yeah, surprising that even then this was relevant.
id software are the CEOs of feminism
@@deceseze Like the feminist hate them now...
@@illyay1337 That line is relevant since the dawn of times
I've convinced bots to marry me before. Good times.
It makes me wonder what else on Qauke 3 I didn't explore enough
I did that to Crash once
Wait... You succeded?
"I love you Crash"
A shame Crash fell for that ding dong, instead of Marph. They would've made a cute couple.
I told Crash that I love her. She was shaking her head physically and said "she was going to puke" xD
Big O O F
"g'day m'lady" "i am enlightened by atheism"
-Le redditor neckbeard
This AI is somehow smarter than most AI in 2017.
CoD had excellent AI that trumps of any and all games by the sheer brilliance of...
Fish that swim away from you.
Still they are no match againts the ALMIGHT COCKROACH AI FROM HALF-LIFE!!!
Plot twist: games are now made by AI, we're just too blind to notice it
@@wuspoppin6564 we can already make textures with AI with Stable Diffusion, and 3D is also in the works. Code, also possible already. AI will give the everyman the ability to beat the AAA behemoths at their own game, i can't wait.
How the fuck is a chat AI in a 1999 Arena-Shooter game more intelligent than a 2017 IPhone AI?
Jim Jelly Jin Jam Jimbo Because ID Software knew how to get shit done.
No wonder, satanic symbolism on maps on game. I would've stay away from this game.
Cause, people don't take efforts... This game was also graphically too advanced for its time, yet there we have it...
I remember an old Counter-Strike bot that could also engage in chat conversations, but it was nowhere near as witty as this one.
Cristian Martinez wait, really?
Cristian Martinez It was either CS:CZ or CS 1.3 or 1.2 if I remember correctly. Me and the bots had a great chat actually.
@@mynamefrank6567 podbot 3.0)
I want crash to accept my shaft
Crash: "Do you like women?"
Morphy: Uh
Morphy: I'm not homosexual.
He couldn't have avoided a yes or no any harder. Lmfao
what a neck-twister that model is lmao
It's so funny because till this day, I still don't know how I ended up with those skins. Like one day I was choosing a character and they were there.
I think they are the developers of the game? Maybe you get them after beating "campaign"
@@MetaITurtle Nah,you have it on profile menu
Am I the only one who thinks "Crash" sounds more human than most players on chat ? Like usually people on chat either say random incoherent shit or brag about how good they are, while this dude is actually having a conversation...
I want Crash to figure out my butt
I like your avatar, you, white whale, you! Praise the 'Don!
Half-Seasons - Opposing Months
"will you be my girlfriend?"(INCREDIBLY LONG SILENCE)
Everyone noticed that lol
"ever since the divorce"
"So the scum left you. Should i care?"
can confirm this is real,i used to "date" her after school and shes funny to chat,on capture the flag they chat too and give each other orders ,some agree others dont
well made bots for this awesome game
In 1999! When the internet was still in diapers. This is still more advanced then other chatbots
... Is there anything Carmack can't program?
now tell me, where did carmack touch u?
There is nothing,. He could at some point creating an universe
I wonder if the Turing Test has ever been performed on this.
i'm doing this, i'll give you the results soon
@@Nihilistic-Mystic so, results?
Crash best girl
>I am enlightened by atheism
>so how do you deal with the emptiness inside?
God damn, I miss 90s PC games.
Quake 3 Arena: you'll never be alone. NEVER.
This is a very impressive chatbot for 1999. And to think it was just a fun little extra the devs added in between the long and tedious hours of coding for the actual game.
"They have computers in Canada now? Wow."
*angry Canadian noises*
I'm watching this at 2023 and this is even better than the f0king chatGTP. Amazing the work they made.
"that's /quit, newbie"
I used to talk with my Crashie a lot. Just starting a game with unlimited frags and maxed out time. On the very first map, when you won't face her without going through the portal.
So much talks we had, jeez. It actually felt like I'm not alone. I've also convinced her once to smack me. What a great and cute girl.
I just love her. As soon as I fix my computer I'll install Quake 3 and start a match with her.
We will be together again...
J̫̲̰̜̺̘̑̔ͅư̝̮̅ͬ̎ͨs̑ͩ͑̋̋ͤͭ͜t̸̲̪͇ͩ̃̔̃ͮ͊ ̟͙̙̥̩͗̔̃ͅC̱̥̳̝͍͍̾͒͋̀r̫̟̬̖̀ͭ̕ä̜̳̪͔̞̝́̀̀s̤̠̞͍͙̖͊ͅh̢̰̹̥̠͍̠ͨͅ
That's concerning
"I am enlightened by my atheism"
Damn you're being edgy to a quake bot dude
I love me some good pron
Dylan McElyea 1. Your profile pic is closer to the face
2. It’s not that hard to have the same profile picture when yours is the picture of a well known character from a very well known game franchise
Masters of Gaming no u
Bonus points for not turning some good musical compositions off.
Crash best waifu.
Now I know which engine lies in the base of ChatGPT
I remember typing in stuff to check to see if there were cheats or something, then the bot responded... I was like, wait, I'm not on the internet, am I? Who is talking to me? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!!?!! ... This was new back in 1999, and I checked my phone to make sure I wasn't on the internet. Got the dial tone. Nope! I wasn't. I was blown away... (this was back during the Dial-Up days)
i wonder what happens if you ask the same things to characters like Sarge or any other male character
Male and female gender does make a difference in several responses. There's also the neutral "it" gender for Orbb and Klesk.
unreal tournament and quake where the best arena fps ever made
The chat box gave Q3 the edge. I don't remember Ut99 having chat AI.
@@MetaITurtle yeah though ut99's voiceovered dialogues still also added to atmosphere of game, especially in bootleg localizations
Q3A > UT99
This is actually one of the most believable AIs I've seen. I can't tell which of you is typing.
After i saw this video i tried to chat with crash on quake live.
I said that i loved her and she replied:" I love you too - let's make babies"
Hold up
Truly the best waifu of quake
Holly shit, they got that kind of bot talk in 1999!? It´s WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than these fucking "einstein online AIs" that we have today. Oh man, why didn´t people implemented this in more games, it just blows my mind!
Maverick O ́Connor Dude... John Carmack.
Huuuuuh...Doesn´t ring any bells. Sorry
@@miguelpereira9859 Jan Paul made them
for people interested in the internals, you can read this thesis from the creator: www.kbs.twi.tudelft.nl/docs/MSc/2001/Waveren_Jean-Paul_van/thesis(dot)pdf
Oh shit, nice find. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome. It has a nice section on the bot chat. this thesis is linked in the Wikipedia article for Q3A.
Cool stuff and I think its the way a lot of games work today,
link broke
nope, you just gotta replace the (dot) in the URL with an actual dot '.'
"Do you talk about computer programming during sex too?"
"My C++ skills will make you love me"
True, you can definitely do that since Q3A code is open source lol.
This is like talking to the computer from Courage the Cowardly Dog
"A Conversation With a Quake 3 Bot"
Many fedoras where tipped what day.
"go back to japan"
"I can't manage chopsticks"
"go back to korea"
As the Quake announcer says, *_"IMPRESSIVE"_*
I love this game's AI, one time I asked where everybody went because I respawned away from the action and Keel replied with "Dunno" he was just as lost as I was!
One time i said to Doom that I loved him he replied 'I love you too-- let's get married and make babies.'
This bot knows more about life than me.
i absolutely loved doing this as a kid! I had no friends and the bot Actually answered fairly realistically!
This worked aswell in the early version of Quake Live (when it was a browser game still)
Wow its like speaking to an Anime
Russian adapt./translation
Морфи Блек: добрый день, миледи.
Крэш: заткнись, дурачок.
Морфи Блек: чем занимаешься?
Крэш: думаю, как бы нагнуть тебя получше.
Морфи Блек: один момент, у меня пальцы к конфете прилипли.
Крэш: ты жирный, да?
Морфи Блек: конечно, ха-ха, очень смешно.
Крэш: думаешь, это смешно? Ты болен. Тебе нужна помощь.
Морфи Блек: ты о чем говоришь вообще?
Морфи Блек: ты кем себя возомнила?
Крэш: спроси своего священника.
Морфи Блек: и не надо издеваться надо мной.
Крэш: искусственный интеллект? Что-то вроде смешной водолазки?
Морфи Блек: ты просто программа, созданная Джоном Кармаком.
Крэш: о, мастера арены, отпустите этот грех Морфи Блеку.
Морфи Блек: посмотри на себя, ведёшь себя как фейковое божество.
Крэш: ты читал Коран?
Морфи Блек: да, но вообще я атеист.
Крэш: и каково это, жить с пустотой внутри?
Морфи Блек: о боже, я так одинок.
Крэш: одиночество излечимо. Начать стоит с выключения компьютера.
Морфи Блек: так одинок с тех пор, как развелся...
Крэш: ну, сволочь покинула тебя. Мне-то какое дело?
Морфи Блек: будешь моей девушкой?
Морфи Блек: мне нужна девушка.
Крэш: тебе нравятся женщины?
Морфи Блек: эээ
Морфи Блек: я не гомик
Крэш: может быть ты гомосексуалист и просто не хочешь признать этого.
Морфи Блек: я люблю тебя, Крэш.
Крэш: извини. Я тебя знаю?
Морфи Блек: поцелуй меня.
Крэш: поцеловать тебя, Морфи Блек? Да ни за что в ближайшие миллион лет.
Морфи Блек: ну, тогда поцелуй мою задницу.
Крэш: хорошо, поцелуй мою задницу. И может быть тогда я поцелую твою!
Морфи Блек: заманчиво, я уже возбудился.
Кржш: пожалуйста, оставь штаны при себе.
Морфи Блек: мои познания в С++ заставят тебя полюбить меня.
Крэш: во время секса ты тоже говоришь о программировании?
Морфи Блек: ты втюрилась в меня, Крэш, точно.
Морфи Блек: Крэш, почему ты такая замкнутая?
Крэш: большинство людей довольно замкнуты. Мне так кажется.
Морфин Блек: ВОПРОС С ПОДВОХОМ, ЯПОНСКАЯ МРАЗЬ, вали обратно в Японию.
Крэш: я не умею обращаться с палочками.
Морфин Блек: ну тогда дуй обратно в Корею.
Кржш: Корея - это один из штатов США? Или я думаю о Канаде?
Морфи Блек: ты китаянка.
Крэш: не дави на меня.
Морфи Блек: ты канадка.
Крэш: в Канаде появились компьютеры? Вау.
Морфи Блек: ну, ты хотя бы не мерзкая голландка.
Крэш: я не говорю по-голландски. _(написано на нидерландском)_
Морфи Блек: с твоим участием есть порнуха?
Морфи Блек: даже может быть жесткая порнуха.
Крэш: ты ослепнешь, увидев это.
Морфи Блек: спасибо. Пойду проверю правило 34 в действии.
Крэш: я совершила ужасную ошибку.
Морфи Блек: quit _(пытается выйти из игры)_
Крэш: правильно писать "/quit", нуб. _(консольная команда для выхода из игры)_
Морфи Блек: отъебись.
Крэш: громкие слова для четырехглазого спазматика.
Морфи Блек: пососи мой пах.
Крэш: как насчет, если вместо этого я отсосу тебе? _(двойное значение: blow you away также означает "взорву тебя к чертям". Морфи понял эту фразу по первому значению и доволен)_
В целом перевод довольно неплохой, но прошу простить мою придирчивость:
An AI won't mock me! = ИИ не смеет смеяться надо мной!
I, on the other hand, am enlightened by my atheism! было бы лучше перевести как Я, в отличии от тебя, просвещен своим атеизмом.
Kinky, can ones and zeroes get horny? = Заманчиво, единицы и ноли тоже возбуждаются?
Дмитрий Соколов I’m not Russian but I’m glad you made this translation for them so good on you
"-My C++ skills will make you love me
-Do you talk about computer programming during sex too ?"
Cracked me up
The conversation went from 1-1000000000000000000000000000000000 real quick
"They have computers in canada now? " lmao even the bots loe dissing Canada
Never played quake 3, but it was pretty much like this for older games like CS 1.6 (where the bots would have a conversation with each other in voice chat.)
ie: “I’m going mid, cover” “alright, I got eyes on you” or “planting bomb, watch my back” “I’ll try”
They coordinated with each other and the player, rather than just run around aimlessly.
Ты ещё podbot не видел :)
Had a crush on Slash as a kid. But my english skills weren't good enough to establish a relationship at that time. I really liked Orbb's "Guten Tag" though (german for good day)...
i remember back in those days, i've flooded the chat with offenses, and the bot says me: "thats is the only that you know to say?" i've laughed about that of how a chat system can do some conversations very spontaneous and precisse. remember that was year 99, or 2000. that's is impressive! (well, i know that i'm viewing a old video on 2024, that's is impressive too).
ive never seen a chatbot this funny and smart before, usually they start to get off-topic, not answer some questions, and start to repeat stuff. its crazy how much work was put into that bot and how similar it is to a human
How does an AI from 1999 know what a Tsundere or the Quran is?
the koran has been around since 600
Dig Bick Tsundere has been around for even longer
I know, but it was only a popular topic recently. Just makes me wonder why the Quran of all texts.
The tsundere part is obviously just a segment taken from the question given
"Crash, why are you "
leading up to a generic response
"Most folks are , that's been my perception."
MoMoses One of the worst world religions too
I did that too back in the days. It was interesting how they responded, and thanks to this I learned some English.
So carmack made a more advanced chat AI than we can manage now just as an easter egg for somebody who would actually try to talk with the bots?
And people praise phonies like Musk theese days
that's why you see nowodays Musk with Todd Howard and not Carmack with Howard, oh the times
i remember having tried to discuss with ai like that one time when i was still playing the game: and honnestly, i'll never forget i had really been just shocked by the result. there was some really deep profound work that had been done on there.
i remember i was still student on computer sciences that time and even presennted a sample of the discussion i've had to a colleague to just share that.
something really exceptionnal's been done on ai in the dialogues in this game, between ai and human player. something really revolutionnary.
I remember discovering this by accident, I did not expect to get told off by a computer lol
This is absolutely _fascinating!_ I actually didn't know there was this level of detail in _Quake III._ All I ever did was play the game, not communication with the 'bots. Heh heh.
I had no idea this was a thing. Incredible.
Ok but why are the lines for this random training bot absolute gold. I love her.
I forgot how in depth a conversation can go in quake