Vatican II Class: Reforming the Church through Liturgy: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy

  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • 8 April 2013 -- The Catholic Community at Stanford presents a lecture by Mark Francis. This is one of a series of talks in the course "Vatican II: Catholicism Meets Modernity", offered Spring 2013.
    The reform of the liturgy set in motion by the first document of the Second Vatican Council, Sacrosanctum Concilium, was a harbinger of the renewal announced by later documents of the Council especially those that explored the nature and mission of the Church, the place of the Bible in Christian life, ecumenism and evangelization. This session will discuss how the liturgy, renewed according to the principles of worship articulated in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, can be seen as a summation of the Council's attempt at dialogue with the modern world.
    Mark Francis is a priest and served as Superior General of the international Viatorian Community of brothers and priests based in Rome, from 2000-2012. Prior to that service, he was Professor of Liturgy at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and worked with the adult liturgical formation programs of the Archdiocese of Chicago in both English and Spanish. He is currently Visiting Scholar at the Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education at Santa Clara, where he is working on a book on liturgy and popular religious expressions. He completed his doctoral studies at the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of Sant' Anselmo in Rome under the noted Filipino expert on liturgical inculturation, Dom Anscar Chupungco. He is the author of scores of articles and of several books on liturgy, inculturation and multiculturalism.
    Catholic Community at Stanford: catholic.stanfo...
    Center for Theological and Spiritual Formation (CTSF): catholic.stanfo...

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