The Avengers Intro - Firefly Style

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @pithcat
    @pithcat 12 лет назад

    I acknowledged that you didn't say you made it. There was nothing particularly malicious in my comment. You said you liked the video and wanted to share it. To me, the next step would be to promote the original uploader's content and channel by posting a link in the description. That is all I was saying.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    Harassment is when someone persistently troubles or attacks another. Online, this is called cyberbullying and is commonly seen in text comments, messages and videos. People who harass others are usually doing this to get attention or reactions from others online or in real life. Harassment can be mildly annoying or can pose very serious safety issues. It's important to know the differences between the two to know when you should just ignore the user or report to a trusted adult or authorities.

  • @pithcat
    @pithcat 12 лет назад

    If you're just sharing the video, why don't you post a link to the original in the description? Then people can go to the original video and see more content from the person who put it together,

  • @ciar.animation
    @ciar.animation 12 лет назад

    'Oh look. I stole someone else's video. Hooray for me.'

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  11 лет назад

    I didn't make it.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    You are simply filling a hole of information. "Omission of the truth and whatnot, meaning that if you don't explicitly say 'I didn't make this' then by uploading it you are claiming ownership." No, it doesn't. And if you're going to berate me for doing it, then you had better be going around RUclips and attacking everyone else for this, if it is even a problem. Stop being such a baby. It's a video. I did not steal it. I reposted. Period. You're the child, for complaining in the first place.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    Another whiny ass complaining about someone reposting a video. Why do you care? I shall repeat my questions that I made to the other idiot. Did I make it? No. Am I claiming credit? No. So at that point, why do you care? Did you and the other guy thumbs down, simply because I put it up? If so, then that's just really childish. Nothing about the video is offensive or illegal, yet people are marking it down, because it's not my video? Then you idiots need to flag everything on RUclips.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    Please tell me what clause in what users agreement, says that I have to fill out the description part of a video, stating that it isn't mine? If I walked up to you in a jacket and didn't tell you it was mine, would that be stealing, or would it simply be a piece of information that you would have to ask for? By you definition of stealing, I would have to tell you whether or not everything I have on my person, is either mine or someone elses. How stupid does that sound? Stop whining.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    It also isn't your video. It's someone elses. So using the "someone stole my videos" claim in the harassment section of flagging someones channel, you are lying yourself.
    It isn't your video, it's Hud1313's video and he hasn't complained. He has even praised other people port posting it in blogs.
    So now, you have both failed at being correct, as well as having filed a false report. Have fun with that.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    'Oh look. I stole someone else's video. Hooray for me.'
    By the definition of harassment by RUclips, the above statement that you yourself made, is harassment.
    If you want to go down this route, we can, and I will win.
    Many videos on RUclips have no description for them, yet they are re-uploads of videos that someone else made. And if they do, they are not a statement of non-ownership.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    You have no standing, as the video you are complaining about, wasn't the first incarnation of the idea. Hence the video link I put up. Here it is again.
    Any and all forms of IP theft, which it isn't, and copyright infringement, which it isn't, that you are claiming are moot.
    By your definition of IP theft, the creator of the video you are complaining about, did it as well, as his is AFTER someone elses.
    Your argument, is therefor, invalid.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    You are really pathetic, you know that? You are complaining, that I re-posted your video, that still has the creators name in the credits, as well as never having made the claim that I made the video in the first place.
    The video could be considered stolen, as someone already did it. Therefor, you stole someone elses IP and did it for yourself, claiming the idea to be of your own creation.
    Did you watch the video that's at the link? I doubt it, because that's the original video.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    Hey moron. I'm spreading it. It's an awesome video. Did I claim that I made it, or take any form of credit? NO!!! If you're going to be this kind of an idiot to someone who posts a video that isn't theirs, then you're going to be VERY busy, because that's about 80% of RUclips, you fucking jackass!!!! Who the fuck do you think you are, telling me I can't share someones video? That means it's awesome and is getting spread around.

  • @Soldier4USA2005
    @Soldier4USA2005  12 лет назад

    Are you so pissed that I caught the hole in your logic, that you have decided to actually insult me? Are you serious?
    You have no idea what you're talking about, when it comes to IP. I have to have the explicit purpose to make monetary returns on someone elses idea, while overtly claiming the IP to be of my own design.
    I have done of the sort. You are simply assuming that is what I did.
    It isn't even a new idea, jackass.
    July 18, 2011