What if you’re written up at work?

  • Опубликовано: 27 фев 2023

Комментарии • 674

  • @patpeters6331
    @patpeters6331 Год назад +785

    I wrote "signed under duress" under my signature. Really pissed off the manager but there was nothing she could do. Never got written up again.

    • @Wilbur-mj3fq
      @Wilbur-mj3fq Год назад +100

      I wrote my number and asked for HR to contact me to explain that I am not guilty of the claims on the write up. Stupid ass manager ripped it up and threw it away.

    • @Elevated_AJ
      @Elevated_AJ Год назад +42

      i did the same thing when i got written up for using the bathroom at a machine shop i worked at. lagers never talked to me again, just left me alone until i left the company. never got any bonuses tho 🤔

    • @guycd1
      @guycd1 Год назад +35

      My union job has a system where management needs to write you up 3 times in a 90 day period to actually punish you and that punishment is a point on our system. You can have 6 points before they fire you. But a point rolls off after 90 days. It's the easiest system I've ever seen lol.

    • @kataseiko
      @kataseiko Год назад +25

      I have received a few of those papers while working at an IT company. I told them I will not sign any paper that contains false information and if they want me to sign it, they first have to invest some research and get the story right. Out of 9 papers of that kind over the years, I signed one - I was guilty of dropping a box containing a customer's PC once. There was no actual damage to it though, it had great packaging.

    • @nancyst.john-smith3891
      @nancyst.john-smith3891 Год назад +13

      My mom was written up for not ordering the proper things on a patient’s chart at a hospital. She asked them the date and they gave it to her. She reminded them that they had sent her home because the patient census was low and they had an RN act as the unit secretary. It made sense in a way that they took this action in order to have enough nurses on the floor if they got busy. But they had to back down and admit that my mom was correct, she didn’t work that day.

  • @janadeubner9883
    @janadeubner9883 Год назад +783

    My manager wrote me up for noncompliance 1st write up telling me 3 strikes and I would be fired. A week or so later I got another write up for the same reason and was told it was the 3rd write up. I asked where my 2nd write up as I never received it. When I sent an email requesting that second write up. I mentioned that I planned to retire early in a few months anyway and I never heard any more about it! We all knew they screwed up. P.S. I had been in a union in an earlier job.

    • @isuckatusernames4297
      @isuckatusernames4297 Год назад +11

      average union enjoyer

    • @LuckyCharms777
      @LuckyCharms777 Год назад +1

      They were pushing you out the door. Probably age discrimination.

    • @starsiegeRoks
      @starsiegeRoks Год назад +101

      ​@@isuckatusernames4297 remember, there was a reason we made unions.
      There was a time period where children died in coal mines. It wasn't just "liberal propaganda" it's how we powered the U.S before Unions, with child labor and 18 hour/7 days a week work days.

    • @isuckatusernames4297
      @isuckatusernames4297 Год назад +4

      @@starsiegeRoks and that they are awesaume. as that one song goes "solidarity forever"

    • @braydenmohammed5423
      @braydenmohammed5423 Год назад

      @@isuckatusernames4297 I have never seen a person fuck up the word awesome more than you have

  • @Sifeus
    @Sifeus Год назад +172

    Yep. Just wrote "signed under protest" on an attendance write-up.
    I'm a teamsters trucker. I'm not operating a 40ton vehicle while I've got a doctor's note and I'm covered in hives.

    • @alim.9801
      @alim.9801 Год назад +5

      Good for you man!! I hope they don't retaliate and I also hope you get better!!

    • @Brandon-dy8us
      @Brandon-dy8us Год назад +5

      Ok but do you know where Hoffa is?

    • @libbylandscape3560
      @libbylandscape3560 Год назад +2

      @@Brandon-dy8us buried in concrete under a building being constructed in bloomfield hills, mi. 😁

    • @insideoutsideupsidedown2218
      @insideoutsideupsidedown2218 Год назад

      At our job we would just call in sick.

  • @Lemurai
    @Lemurai Год назад +76

    It happened to me once, over “mistaken identity” there was a guy at an old job I had yrs ago that literally looked just like me but was an absolute screw up, when the arguing with management got to a fever pitch about me being adamant that they made a mistake, I just got up and walked out in the middle of it & left the job site, called HR later that day for my check and found another job a week later. I have little tolerance for buffoonery & idiot managers who can’t be managers because they’re literally guided on puppet strings by higher ups.

    • @gloraelin
      @gloraelin Год назад +1

      Partner once got pulled into A Meeting™️, turns out they pulled the wrong FirstName LastInitial

  • @starsiegeRoks
    @starsiegeRoks Год назад +49

    Remember, to companies, your not a person, your a resource. Your the same thing as a mule, and when the mule stops being more use than trouble, it gets replaced.
    So don't treat companies like they are people, do whatever you can to defend yourself from them, because your just an organic machine part to them.

    • @PaintHerWhite
      @PaintHerWhite Год назад


    • @OCMama
      @OCMama Год назад +2

      I thought you were going to say “when a mule stops being more use than trouble, you take it out and shoot it“. 😂😂

    • @teubks
      @teubks Год назад +4

      @@OCMama companies would if they could

    • @sammolloy1
      @sammolloy1 10 месяцев назад

      To the Company you are a tire on a truck

    • @crptnite
      @crptnite 5 месяцев назад

      i wouldn't work for a company that treated me like a mule. They only continue behaving that way because workers allow them to.

  • @johnfoote3677
    @johnfoote3677 Год назад +36

    I've literally been written up for cleaning my station. Management then turned around a week later and threatened to write me up for not cleaning my station. But they also refused to rescind my 1st write up.

  • @brisbanekilarny6212
    @brisbanekilarny6212 Год назад +23

    I was a machine mechanic and some of the machines I worked on were industrial sewing machines. I would work on a machine and adjust it to make it work more efficiently. I would stand next to the person operating the machine and do minor adjustments then leave. I would go work on another machine and return to the previous machine to make sure it was still operating at peak performance. I was written up for watching the person operate the machine. I quit the job and left them without a machine mechanic. I contacted someone that worked there and they had to get a mechanic from the company that made the machines to try and get them to work properly. My supervisor could not get the machine to work properly. What they did not know is that I changed the shape of the loopers so the machine would sew properly.

  • @icebby7308
    @icebby7308 Год назад +202

    Had a construction boss that almost pushed my ladder off of a 3rd floor roof trying to put a plank up. He said I wasn’t climbing it fast enough. Called OSHA that night and I guess his business couldn’t handle his coke habit AND an OSHA fine.
    Don’t be an ass to your workers if you’re doing dumb shit, they have all the information they need to destroy you.

    • @buyerenogurlfwendo2106
      @buyerenogurlfwendo2106 Год назад +4


    • @teyathebirb8922
      @teyathebirb8922 Год назад +8

      god damn lmao, that was a sus business for sure!

    • @alim.9801
      @alim.9801 Год назад +3

      I wanna fight this specific man so bad after reading this

    • @kpepperl319
      @kpepperl319 Год назад +1

      I would have called the cops for attempted murder

    • @cesmith48
      @cesmith48 Год назад

      ​@@kpepperl319He would have to have the state of mind to intend to kill you.

  • @LovinglfDesigns
    @LovinglfDesigns Год назад +5

    My friend in a union was suspended for 30 days for hanging up on a customer. The union demanded to hear the call and the customer had clearly said goodbye to my friend before the call ended. It was just a witch hunt. But he got 30 days back pay and a free 30 days off from work. It helps to have a union.

  • @Myrune1
    @Myrune1 Год назад +20

    My best ever was at Wal Mart. I was accused of "Thinking thoughts that could be misconstrued as sexual in nature." Due to the severity of the accusation the district manager was in on the meeting with the store manager. I argued my case a bit, but was getting nowhere. (I was just recently off active duty in the Marine Corps and I'm a big guy and can be very intimidating.) This ass-clown wasn't hearing anything I was saying. Finally, in a fit of shear frustration I said in my best Marine DI voice, "GUESS WHAT I'M EFFING THINKING NOW!!??" The DM spit his coffee out and couldn't stop laughing. The DM asked me to step out of the office for a moment. Less than two minutes later I was called back in by the manager. He apologized and offered me a 50 cent per hour raise if I would not pursue any action against them. (That was a huge raise in those days.) I accepted but left shortly after. No one needs that kind of crap in their life.

    • @davidtaylor9999
      @davidtaylor9999 Год назад +5

      “Thinking thoughts” j/c! Getting into some Orwellian shit here!

  • @babaXIII
    @babaXIII Год назад +153

    I got a write up in a grocery for telling the new employees what task they could do. We were in a rush and their trainer had gone on break. They were gonna twittle their thumbs for the whole hour when I gave them a couple of things to clean. The manager had been struggling to find the time to get those cleaner. The highest rank employee also agreed with me at the time. The manager obv wasn't there.
    Come to learn that the new employees were the manager's daughter and her friend. They complained about me and I got a write up. Oh how I regret ever signing it instead of telling them to go fuck themselves.
    That singular incident started a downward spiral, I quit two weeks after and they couldn't find a replacement, the two lazy kids did nothing for a month and got fired, everyone rlse quit within a year the department is now on life support. Used to be open from 7am to 21pm, now only open from 11 to 15 5 days a week and the manager was fired.
    They mistreated their employees too often and got what they deserved.

    • @gummy5862
      @gummy5862 Год назад +7

      Why even bother “working” at the grocery store if you can’t even sweep up? Just don’t work.

    • @lotekchapra
      @lotekchapra Год назад +5

      Did you just mix 12 hr and 24 hr clocks together. Holy fuck that hurt to read.

    • @babaXIII
      @babaXIII Год назад

      @@lotekchapra it probably hurts to read often for you cause you're not that bright.
      Both times I'm using 24h clocks, also known as military time. Get a grip.

    • @lotekchapra
      @lotekchapra Год назад

      @@babaXIII lmfao sensitive

    • @chenanigans
      @chenanigans Год назад +4

      @@lotekchapra no. All they did was drop the zeros. It made sense. You might be a little thick. Js.

  • @Bbbmurr
    @Bbbmurr Год назад +28

    "Sorry I'm not going to sign something I disagree with"

    • @williamjenkins4913
      @williamjenkins4913 Год назад +1

      Like he said You are signing to acknowledge receipt.

    • @TEDOGIRL02
      @TEDOGIRL02 Год назад +7

      @@williamjenkins4913 nope. I stopped signing anything electronic and without a face to face meeting. Our managers think they can hide behind electronic write ups now.

    • @sheilacampbell2521
      @sheilacampbell2521 Год назад +2

      I never sign ever.

    • @insideoutsideupsidedown2218
      @insideoutsideupsidedown2218 Год назад +3

      A write up is an opinion. If you do not agree with that opinion, do not even acknowledge it.

    • @amardiid305
      @amardiid305 3 месяца назад

      @@insideoutsideupsidedown2218Exactly If The Problem Is That Big The Management Will Call You

  • @AmyFutch
    @AmyFutch Год назад +10

    In college when I worked at Payless our new manager wrote us up for not finishing inventory and stocking, Even though we were short a person and incredibly busy that day. Then she wrote us up again for not informing her that we hadn't finished the task, even though we left a written note. She went on the whole day about how we had to tow the line and if there were any missteps we would be fired. We both turned in our two week notice the next day. The other two girls that worked at the store had submitted their two-week notice a few days before us. She was there for less than a month and all four of us quit. 😬

    • @ExtraThiccc
      @ExtraThiccc Год назад +10

      Don't give two week notices, just leave. If companies are allowed to fire you on a moments' notice, you're allowed to quit on one too

  • @ginzingtonschnizer2330
    @ginzingtonschnizer2330 Год назад +46

    I had a boss try and pull this on me once. I refused to sign it and they said they would fire me. I told them that was okay. I do about 85% of the work because I had lazy co workers at the time. They gave up and left me alone after that. Telling them how being jobless would make getting my cdl easier since the state would pay for it if I was jobless really put a defeated look on their faces.

    • @Shteven
      @Shteven Год назад +5

      One thing I've learned is employers hate employees that don't need the job. They aren't willing to be exploited and are more readily to leave. My sister worked for Fry's on the weekend because they needed it, she's a network technician who worked from home. She did not need the money but saw how shortstaffed they were and the product piling up in the aisles cause no one was stocking it, so she offered to work weekends. (She was moving too, so I guess you could say she needed the money, but not really.) The shit they tried to pull with her, management was disorganized, didn't communicate with each other, constant fighting over scheduling, like. It was ridiculous, they resented her because she had boundries and stayed to them. She was doing THEM the favor, ffs.

  • @Vegeta1088
    @Vegeta1088 Год назад +302

    I’ve been a union organiser for years and this is the exact same advice that we give here in Australia.
    Maybe in my next conversation with a member I would just forward this video to them haha save me a 20 minute conversation 😂

    • @yayAreaDoll
      @yayAreaDoll Год назад +6

      So right after you mentioned your in Australia, I couldn’t stop reading the rest without an Australian accent. Btw i love aussie accents 🙃

    • @OssamabinKenny
      @OssamabinKenny Год назад +3

      “So if you’re written up; start looking for other jobs.” Got it

    • @LuckyCharms777
      @LuckyCharms777 Год назад +1

      Why bother having them watch the video… just tell them they’re SOL and you can’t do anything for them, and their membership dues have been wasted and funneled up the chain and to politicians.

    • @Vegeta1088
      @Vegeta1088 Год назад

      @@yayAreaDoll haha!! I think you’d be the only one, I kind of cringe if I hear a really heavy Aussie accent lol

    • @719Flowers
      @719Flowers Год назад +2

      @@OssamabinKenny that part is ridiculous if you have yrs with a company and backed by a union

  • @chaospuppy6730
    @chaospuppy6730 Год назад +96

    There were 2 occasions I nearly got a write-up(Both at Taco Bell). One was when I "missed a shift" on the 3 day vacation I gave 3 months notice for (and reminders nearly every shift I worked after that because I was excited and couldn't shut up about it) When I got that call I may or may not have hung up on him(the GM) after telling him tough luck, I wasn't even in the same state at that point. I then got a text from the shift manager saying not to worry about it. I learned later she chewed him out for even trying when literally everyone saw me turn in the time off request(he was claiming I never turned in one, not my fault he was a slob. I took pictures of every single request off after that, because he also had a habit of ignoring my therapy appointments. Don't even get me started on when I was trying to go to college, I had to drop out partially because of that job) the other time, the district manager tried to write me up for insubordination because I wouldn't bare handed hand her a sanitizer rag(I refused to sign it and went on lunch instead). When I came back from lunch she'd done a complete 180 cuz she cleaned the GM's desk and found my dr's note.(Kinda wish I'd acknowledged the write-up, I bet I could've had a case) I quit that job 2 months later.
    One of the last straws was being forced to get on my hands and knees to scrub a drink cart (by the DM) while I had a dr's note explaining that I needed accommodations for a knee injury. I could barely walk afterwards.
    Don't work fast food kids, it'll drain you of everything you have and spit you out with nothing to show for it except medical problems.

    • @umitencho
      @umitencho Год назад +8

      I was never wrote up, but I had an assistant general manager who was a bully to my department (deli). She kept talking about how we were not her responsibility, but would always badger us about things she found wrong in how we did stuff. She yelled at me over chips one morning shift so I retracted morning availability to get away from her. I accidentally used a cuss word when referring to how she treats me on paperwork and it pissed off management over how I said it. She then promised a customer a fresh made sandwich and never told us, setting us up for failure. After that I read her to filth and reported her to hr. We would get into two more arguments. Two weeks after the hr report, I put my two weeks in. We were under staffed and over worked and we didn't need her extra on top of it. Half the staff, including myself, left. We were underpaid and had money promised to us never given.
      LPT: know what your industry pays on average, get everything in writing, and avoid grocery store deli.

    • @chaospuppy6730
      @chaospuppy6730 Год назад

      @@Backyardmech1 We weren't unionized. Where did that come from?

    • @KitsuneGod28
      @KitsuneGod28 Год назад

      I am waiting on a job at Winne Dixie and the lady that was suppose to interview me for the job is not there no more...

  • @ThisWhiteGuy
    @ThisWhiteGuy Год назад +393

    Lmfao I worked at mideviel times and was supposed to be written up 5 or 6 times because another employee was upset with me. One time he dented a wall and said I did it with a chicken. I never once signed a write up or was officially reprimanded for anything. This was also a job where I was hurt and they let me work high af on percs.

    • @methpotluck3588
      @methpotluck3588 Год назад +48

      Note to self don't do percs

    • @Willowposting
      @Willowposting Год назад +41

      @@methpotluck3588 Note to self don't do meth

    • @garp9433
      @garp9433 Год назад +1

      You are a legend. You still in Chicago area?

    • @OssamabinKenny
      @OssamabinKenny Год назад +10

      Would you say that your job had many “perks?!!”

    • @Leekodot15
      @Leekodot15 Год назад +5

      ​@@OssamabinKenny Contructive criticism warning:
      If you want a pun to land much more accurately, don't fix the spelling. Leave it erroneous if it is, that's the heart of the pun.

  • @truckster7
    @truckster7 Год назад +6

    We had a guy they tried to write up for sending an order out wrong in a warehouse. He was like "Can I see it on camera so I can see the proof?".....They backed out writing him up 🤣

  • @roseq536
    @roseq536 Год назад +9

    Supervisor turned manager (later on) tried to write me up for something the entire team (including herself) was doing. She had HR rep there as a witness. I refused to sign anything. I said “if you write me up, I expect the rest of the team to get one as well….plus HR rep is your best friend; you two party religiously after hours….this can’t possibly be a conflict of interest” … HR lady was fired after I reported her to the VP for retaliation (for something else).

  • @WayToVibe
    @WayToVibe Год назад +107

    You do NOT have to sign a wright up. You absolutely CAN talk them out of it. I've done it twice. BOTH times I wrote on the paper that I was signing a "false accusation under duress of both petty and financial retaliation by a manager who wants me to quit - because he's mismanaging the hours and hired too many people with workday availability and now needs to get rid of one- and so that I can't receive unemployment." Both times the papers found their way into the trash can instead of my personnel file. Emails get lost so write your side of the story on the front of the write up BEFORE you sign it. Don't let them get a signature until your voice is heard. Let them know you're keeping a copy for your records should you need to contact a lawyer. When my manager asked what I'd need a lawyer for I responded with, "That's really up to you, isn't it?"

    • @daveswietlik6291
      @daveswietlik6291 Год назад +24

      Attorneys don't think people should talk because 100% of the time of the times they see people talk it didn't work. That's because they don't see all the times talking DOES work because it never escalates to the point of getting to a lawyer.
      It's called survivorship bias. They never see the times people are able to talk it out successfully because the only times they deal with people who tried to talk it out is when they failed to do so successfully. As far as the lawyers perspective goes, 100% of the times talking it out is attempted, the attempt fails, because that's how it looks from their view.

    • @SleepFaster18
      @SleepFaster18 Год назад +7

      ​@@daveswietlik6291 mechanics hate DIYers for this same reason

    • @deusvult6920
      @deusvult6920 Год назад +1

      I always recommend people take advice from people that can't spell write correctly

    • @WayToVibe
      @WayToVibe Год назад +3

      @@deusvult6920 It's not advice. It's legal understanding. Advice would be telling someone that knowing the difference is more important than knowing the spelling and to listen to the former and ignore the latter.

    • @charliedecker7702
      @charliedecker7702 Год назад

      Beast mode👍

  • @EVP5309
    @EVP5309 Год назад +17

    I once had a department head from another department tell my department head that I was sleeping at a desk instead of working. I was assigned to sit and listen to a coworker take calls so I could learn the process. I was sitting up, asking questions, and taking notes, so I have no idea how he could have come to the conclusion that I was sleeping. The only time I wasn’t sitting and listening to calls was when I stood up to fix my shoe.

    • @nightcoreeclub
      @nightcoreeclub Год назад +1

      it's impressive how little people doubt their own perceptions/assumptions

  • @rikixass
    @rikixass Год назад +48

    I wrote my rebuttal right in the write up and then asked them to sign and initial.

    • @williamjenkins4913
      @williamjenkins4913 Год назад +15

      My last job had a spot for that right on the form. It was pretty nice.

    • @alim.9801
      @alim.9801 Год назад +5


  • @phoqt00b
    @phoqt00b Год назад +13

    I worked at a place in the IT department, great job, bad manager, and a horrible supervisor. Supervisor likes to assign tasks to me that are outside my job description (there was a “other duties as assigned” clause but supervisor abused it). I would make sure to tell supervisor verbally the task was complete, then sent an email to supervisor and CC’d manager that assigned task was complete. One day supervisor tries to write me up because when I complete one of the extra tasks I’d go back to doing my regular job. Manager finally clued in that writing someone up for doing their job and completing assigned tasks might not be very smart.

  • @center4nerds
    @center4nerds Год назад +13

    I got written up for causing an issue i had warned them about for awhile. I never acknowledged the write up and the system bugs me every now and again to acknowledge it... it's been 5 years now :]

  • @GetOfflineGetGood
    @GetOfflineGetGood Год назад +5

    I've refused to sign a write up before, and it worked out in my favor. It was for insubordination or something but my manager was being unreasonable. She was a "drop everything and do what I tell you without question" kind of manager, and I had told her I would do a task after I was finished with my current task too many times. She tried to write me up and I said no. Another manager came in the next day and talked to me about it and they agreed with me, and the other manager got demoted eventually.

  • @nittinillz
    @nittinillz Год назад +28

    Sheeeit, I'm not signing anything and STILL submitting resumes and applications at other jobs. Once they get petty like that, it usually never stops until you're fired or forced to quit.

    • @cme98
      @cme98 Год назад +5

      EXACTLY. Nobody hired me to go to war with my employer. Once it approaches that point the writing is on the wall. Just go. TRANSFER or QUIT The more you wait the worse it gets.

    • @cherriberri8373
      @cherriberri8373 Год назад +2

      Not signing the write up is like not signing a court order thinking it means you get to go home now lmaoo.
      I mean if you can be unemployed for a bit while transitioning to a different job thats great but most cant. Just sign it, put "signed in duress" near your signature if youre that pressed about it, i would

  • @debbiehernandez5564
    @debbiehernandez5564 Год назад +12

    I work at union optional store. I was being harrassed by an employee in a different dept. This employee started yelling at me using profanity and threats. All in front of a manager. So statements were collected and this employee received a 3 day suspension. When this employee came back he was let go. Then I was called into the office and was told I was getting suspended for 3 days. I did argue bc we are union so I exercise my rights. So I told them ok let me tell you how this is going to play out if you suspend me I will file a greivence then I will win I will get time off and get paid for it under your management here. Why? Bc this company doesnt train us safety techniques when it comes to a hostile employee. So they called HR . Then later came to me and said we will not issue the current request due to more information needed. Which means I won without the drama.

    @DMACHOLMAN Год назад +3

    If i disagree with a wright up i would refuse to sigh a wright up. Never sign anything admitting guilt.

  • @thomasbroking7943
    @thomasbroking7943 Год назад +7

    i had a manager want to write me up. i said ok just let me bring it to my attorney. The response was oh no you don't need to do all that, it's no big deal. i said it's big enough for you to write it down on paper and ask me to sign it..
    they didn't pursue it further.

  • @devingarrett5800
    @devingarrett5800 Год назад +5

    Your videos are why I'm buying a ice cream truck and working for myself.

  • @doriwilson6991
    @doriwilson6991 Год назад +5

    I signed a write up " signing under extreme protest and threats of being fired if I do not sign." They supervisor was pissed. I requested a copy right then and there. Once given I told them if I was going to be fired they better prepare for the labor commission contacting them after I file a complaint.

  • @artimiss1238
    @artimiss1238 Год назад +134

    I got a write up from HR for 'unproffessional conduct but they never actually explained what I did. I would ask for more details but they would dodge my question with "you should know what I'm talking about" or "we need to focus more on your improvement." I signed the dumb paper to finally get out of there.
    I worked on a factory line and since I was taken away for a nonsensical meeting, my whole line got shut down and we missed quota (we got yelled at for not working of course)
    My line manager, who didn't know why I was there and it wasn't like I could tell her either, went to HR to find the real reason so our 'red flag' on the line could be negotiated.
    Turns out I was written up for being transgender. Specifically by making someone uncomfortable because they thought I was trans. (pixie cut, no makeup, and i apparently have one of those faces?) I wasn't trans and even if I was, it was no one else's business.
    I moved on with life but honestly, I should have gotten a lawyer. Curse my 19 yo stupid butt. I hate the south sometimes.

    • @umitencho
      @umitencho Год назад +1

      I would have sued them until management were reduced to being beach bums. Fuck that noise.

    • @musewolfman
      @musewolfman Год назад +27

      That's genuinely screwed up. People don't seem to get that transphobia hurts everyone eventually. Sorry you caught the knock-on effects of stupid people being stupid.

    • @nightcoreeclub
      @nightcoreeclub Год назад +13

      yeah that's insane. simply existing as someone who either is or could be perceived as transgender (which lbr could be anyone bc all people have different thought processes/misconceptions/etc.) is not dangerous... at all. fear is a strange thing.

    • @jypsridic
      @jypsridic Год назад

      according to the alt-left you don't have the right to make anyone else uncomfortable even if you weren't doing anything.

    • @jypsridic
      @jypsridic Год назад +2

      @@nightcoreeclub What do you call it when accuse men of harassing them for simply existing in the same area then? Malephobia?

  • @hahano9586
    @hahano9586 Год назад +5

    I would argue that 9 times out of 10, your boss knows exactly who they can take advantage of because they sign your paychecks, they know DAMN good and well who can't afford a fucking lawyer lol

    • @kartos.
      @kartos. Год назад +2

      They often start targeting someone just to fire/get them to quit. I had my manager going after me every few months for years. The director even had to purge at least one write up bc they were absolutely bs reasons.

    • @hahano9586
      @hahano9586 Год назад

      @@kartos. i like a happy ending

    • @sicariusflamus3033
      @sicariusflamus3033 Год назад +1

      @@kartos. my dad is currently being pushed out of the job hes had for over 20 years, because the new management wants to hire people fresh out of college. his older coworkers are in the same situation and everyone got shitty reviews, so they filed a case with HR and theres even a class action lawsuit going on now.

  • @marioduque2588
    @marioduque2588 Год назад +5

    I’m proud to say that my District Manager and I were issuing a write up that was recommended by a previous manager and HR. When the associate made her case to us we took her claims very serious launched an investigation and ended up retracting her write up.

  • @JH-px2iw
    @JH-px2iw Год назад +5

    I was called by my boss while on medical leave and told that when my doctor released me to come back to work I was being suspended for 10 days. My doctor didn't release me to go back to work for 3 more days. So 13 days later I showed up for work and asked HR if they had my write up paperwork. They knew nothing about it and thought I was still on medical leave. The HR manager called the corporate office and they paid me in 8 hours a day for the 10 days I missed. I worked 12 hour shifts 11 days on three days off. So I missed out on nearly half of my normal pay. But I was never given a write up paper or anything else. My write up was supposed to be for not reporting to my boss what was going on with my medical treatment and when I would be back. My Dr note stated that I would be gone until further notice due to the fact that I had an open 4 inch incision in my back that had to heal from the inside out.

  • @connieadams607
    @connieadams607 Год назад +8

    Thank you for sharing your information with us ❤

  • @jenniferbates2811
    @jenniferbates2811 Год назад +3

    I've been at my retail job for 5 years never been written up. New manager tried to write me up for clocking in 10 minutes early and clocking out 10 minutes late. I didn't sign anything. You're supposed to have a copy of what they want you to sign before you sign it.

  • @my1vice
    @my1vice Год назад +28

    A W.R. attorney could make a nice career just from sueing Parel owned motels.....

  • @Brandon-dy8us
    @Brandon-dy8us Год назад +4

    That's when you put in minimum effort and be as passive aggressive as possible without getting fired.

  • @NeurodivergentQween
    @NeurodivergentQween Год назад +36

    I used to work at Krispy Kream, great place to work, but I had a shitty prejudice boss.
    Anyway, my boss wrote me up for the drawer being short $14.
    But the kicker is.
    Me and 3 other women had access to 2 tills.
    Yes we put a code in to operate the till, but that still doesn’t prove who’s fault it was that the money was missing.
    I left shortly after because my boss was pushing all of the white/latino people out, because she wanted an all black staff. I never heard her say this, but she was DEFINITELY one of the meanest bosses I ever had, and 3 other people felt the same way, but all of the black staff had a GRAND old time with her. We all quit so she could just have what she wanted, the $16 an hour wasn’t worth it.

    • @HawkeyePierce1981
      @HawkeyePierce1981 Год назад +3

      One of those bosses. I had a female boss at Subway who didn't like men. I was the last male standing and she wrote me up for everything she could. The guy fired before me got fired because we got robbed. My coworker got struck in the back of the head and while he was entering the back room. Perpetrator got into the back room and emptied the cash. She fired him saying he was an accomplice. Yeah right, covered in blood. If he was an accomplice that's true dedication.

  • @matthewsteinmeyer4998
    @matthewsteinmeyer4998 Год назад +6

    What if you get attacked physically at work by a coworker.

    • @teubks
      @teubks Год назад +2

      You call the cops and get your check lol😂

  • @JustinTuthill
    @JustinTuthill Год назад +2

    I was written up for not clocking out during my working lunches

  • @allidew7523
    @allidew7523 Год назад +3

    i got written up bc i had a 1 hour counseling appointment in the middle of my job that i had someone cover for me (i went to work before and after the appointment) and i wasn’t supposed to get written up because i found someone to cover it but one of he owners went against her own rules and said that i need to “be prepared” next time. (i told them abt the appointment and the person who covered that hour.”

  • @tonylmn
    @tonylmn Год назад +23

    Thanks for the information 👍
    I am in a union, and this is exactly what we're told to do.
    I like to share this link with those in need.

    • @alim.9801
      @alim.9801 Год назад +2

      Hell yeah unions!!!! You should share this far and wide man, this guy really has some great advice. Wish I'd known some of these things sooner myself

  • @bladeofbattousai
    @bladeofbattousai Год назад +2

    I got wrote up at work because a man with hearing aids complained he couldn't hear me.

  • @SherriLyle80s
    @SherriLyle80s Год назад +5

    Years and years ago in high school I worked for the retailer Nautica. The manager accused me of missing $100 out of my cash register. Being young, I didn't have tools to counter it with "did you check around the register?" So they wrote me up. Next day I came in with a pit in my stomach and they said "oh we found the $100 bill, it was pushed up in the cash register "because the drawer moves in and out." They never apologized and gave me a stigma for months working there." I was also sexually harassed by my super but that's another story. You live and learn not to take BS as you get older. But I wish I could tell my younger self to not accept their crap.

  • @StephenBoothUK
    @StephenBoothUK Год назад +4

    As a union rep, I’d also advise write down everything that happened leading up to the event, during the event and after as soon as possible. Also have a free webmail email address set up that you blind copy (BCC) any emails relating to actual or potential disciplinary or grievance issues, and only use for that purpose. That way you have a contemporaneous record, timestamped by the company’s own systems, of what happened.
    There’s few things better as a rep than being able to walk into a disciplinary hearing with an archive box full of evidence that puts the employer in a situation where they have to not fire (or re-instate) your member but have to fire the manager who brought the case.

  • @tordlindgren2123
    @tordlindgren2123 Год назад +3

    I'd immediately look for another job. Because in my experience that's the moment they're looking to get rid of you.

  • @m8trxd
    @m8trxd Год назад +3

    Union rep approves this message. It’s “Weingarten rights” not wine garden, for those in the back 😘

  • @leeboriack8054
    @leeboriack8054 Год назад +1

    I was written up for being “too happy”.

  • @nvdawahyaify
    @nvdawahyaify Год назад +3

    I got fired from Walmart for something I didn't do.
    I worked as an unloader. After unloading the trucks we would go stock shelves, but where we stocked changed every night. I noticed a mess in the backroom and was cleaning it, as the rest of my crew left it behind.
    As such I didn't know where we were stocking that night.
    So I went to the last place we stocked and tried to page my crew, I didn't get any response. So I went up one isle and down the next in a grid pattern trying to find my crew.
    I had to do it this way because I didn't have my glasses at the time and could only see so far before everything turned super blurry.
    The reason they gave for firing me was "wandering the store aimlessly ".

  • @williamjones1419
    @williamjones1419 Год назад +13

    Thank you! Refusing to sign write ups literally does nothing but tell your boss that they can produce as many write ups as they want to get you fired and you can't contest them, because you NEVER sign them.

    • @loanokaharbor8303
      @loanokaharbor8303 Год назад +3

      Contesting a write up via reply is worthless, it's your opinion against company position with their rules and justification. Company 1, Employer 0. If the right up is baseless, never sign the right up and look for a job asap, then give zero notice.

    • @spiderzvow1
      @spiderzvow1 Год назад +4

      I have never had a positive effect with signing them or disputing them. Chances are, if they are writing u up, they are going to fire u anyway. Just like I'd never sign any document I didn't agree with, I don't sign writeups

  • @xSwordLilyx
    @xSwordLilyx Год назад +14

    I once got written up because I asked a customer what they wanted and they said 'whatever' and I said 'oh, okay, 'whatever''.
    I was obviously trying to show that I was listening and they were the rude one (sorry I didn't grovel, madam). I personally believe the issue was that I have a low voice for a woman and I'm not going to pitch it up for your comfort and rub my vocal chords unoperational.
    I guess a sanitized version of yourself is not enough, you have to bleached and lifeless, and exactly what they want you to be.

  • @amorpassion25
    @amorpassion25 Год назад +1

    I found out my employer wrote me up without even notifying me.

  • @tedjohnson4451
    @tedjohnson4451 Год назад +2

    I'm a high seniority Public Employee, ex-Steward... I expect the next time there are Budget Problems, IF IF IF we aren't having trouble filling jobs... Or if I annoy Management in Negotiations... That I could be targeted... If the worst happens, I'll make sure that the correct processes are followed... Document the flaws in their Case & let the Steward & Labor Relations Rep carry the case.

  • @joebaby1975
    @joebaby1975 Год назад +7

    Never sign. They’ll say it’s admission of guilt.

    • @kartos.
      @kartos. Год назад +1

      Yep. We had a box for comments and I would write how it was completely not true to whatever situation they were talking about, and refuse to sign it.

    • @joebaby1975
      @joebaby1975 Год назад

      I was a cashier at a grocery store and they wrote me up for accidentally steeling. I thought my husband paid and he thought I did. LSS, I got a call as soon as I got home and ran back up to pay. It was like bread and eggs. I was like omg I’m so sorry. It was an honest mistake and they kept trying to make it seem like I was being shady. I kept asking.” Why would I steal from where I work and blatantly if that?” I came back up to the store immediately to pay my bill and apologized profusely that it was a total accident being self checkouts. It happens all the time with customers, but they kept scolding me like a fifth grader and making it sound like the act was intentional in the paperwork. So I refused to sign anything from HR ever. Not to mention I was that place is top cashier, like I want awards. So why would I do that on purpose and jeopardize my job. Here that place was shady as fuck, because I later found out that you were forced to pay union dues whether you wanted to be in the union or not And the only thing the union ever did for anybody is protect drug addicts from getting fired for being fucked up on the job. I also found out that they could never schedule you over 36 1/2 hours or the head cashier boss would get fired because if you work one week, then you are entitled to benefits for full-time. And they told me you will never be full-time because of that.

  • @TheSimba86
    @TheSimba86 Год назад +1

    last time I got written up I signed the write up, clocked out and never went back. left them in the middle of inventory season, I ain't going to be written up for not working hard enough when I am doing my job and my manager's job also

  • @Jacob82222
    @Jacob82222 Год назад +45

    I refused to sign a right up because the policy I broke was not in the policy they sited a chapter but they didn’t expect me to actually know the policy and have a copy in my clipboard I showed them that it wasn’t there was a heated exchange of words next day they revised the policy hand book

    • @anniestumpy9918
      @anniestumpy9918 Год назад +1

      you must really hate punctuation

    • @alim.9801
      @alim.9801 Год назад +1

      ​@@anniestumpy9918 why the snark?

    • @Brandon-dy8us
      @Brandon-dy8us Год назад

      ​@@alim.9801 Because making fun of illiterate people is funny.

  • @brucegoldy4973
    @brucegoldy4973 Год назад +1

    Years ago I worked at Wawa a regional convenience store in the Northeast started in Pennsylvania. I was on PTO and a delivery came my store manager wrote me up because there was boxes on the floor in the freezer, but I was on PTO and didn't put those boxes on the floor

    • @buyerenogurlfwendo2106
      @buyerenogurlfwendo2106 Год назад

      Bruh wut

    • @brucegoldy4973
      @brucegoldy4973 Год назад

      @@buyerenogurlfwendo2106 exactly 😂 I gone for like 6 days which would have been either two or three deliveries received depending on the week because it was like one truck every other day

  • @karentucker2161
    @karentucker2161 Год назад +1

    something like that happened to me and one other co worker. we did nothing to aquire it. it was coming from the same person who complained on us because he didn't like us. he just started working there and elwe had been there for years with absolutely no problems.

  • @ivansmith654
    @ivansmith654 Год назад +2

    I was once about to getting written up for something I had not done many years ago, laws many have changed by now! I was asked to sign it, so I ask to read it she said sure I pick it up, and got up out of my chair at the same time without saying a word to anyone as I walk out very calmly I folded the write-up put it in my pocket walk as I walk out and went to the unemployment office 20 minutes later I told them what happen to me, I was give the right to get free retraining to a new job with my unemployment benefits for over a year it toke all of two minutes of my time to tell my story, and I was given the green light by the state! I did know the write-up was coming so I was not mad or piss-off, I was ready she was not she ending up crying as I left her behind me in tears!

  • @tdgleason01
    @tdgleason01 Год назад +1

    I wish I knew this for my first job. I got written up for the freezers going down in the store. They had to toss product and they told me it was my job to make sure they were running while I stocked them. However the lady who wrote me up had also trained me for the job, and she didn't mention that. Actually she said it was exactly like stocking grocery but doing it fast. That was all the training I received.

  • @eric3215
    @eric3215 Год назад +11

    One of the managers at the job I had in high school absolutely hated me. One night after close she came out of the office with a write up form and a big grin on her face and announced my drawer was $3.75 short and demanded to know why. I said “because you counted the five Susan B. Anthony dollars in my drawer as quarters.” Her grin instantly disappeared and she slinked back to the office. I never heard anything about it again.

  • @silverknight5569
    @silverknight5569 Год назад +1

    Did exactly this after getting written up to make a customer happy (his story was easily disproven with videos surveillance).

  • @timothyshane8921
    @timothyshane8921 Год назад +1

    Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart. LOL.

  • @TheGrayBlob
    @TheGrayBlob Год назад +1

    My employer has made a few new rules for us and although they seem a bit sketch, I'm not sure where the law stands on it. A big one being that if we have to call in because we are sick we get an automatic write up. It doesn't matter if you get a doctor's note that says you can't work for so many days. They said that those days begin the next day. I've been sick for over a month and have had to leave once during my shift because I was sure I was going to pass out at work. I rarely see my boss so I'm not sure if I've received a write up or not for having to leave. Plus I'm the only worker at my location so I feel like I'm getting targeted more based on the sales that my store has to make (which is 2x as much as other stores with multiple people). I'm currently looking for another job, but as for the meantime until I have something else.

  • @nairbvel
    @nairbvel Год назад

    I really coulda used your help back when I lost a job I really wanted because I was *told* I had done something, and then was "investigated" by a corporate VP who didn't know me (and who dismissed my immediate supervisor and his supervisor from the process the instant either spoke up in my defense), but who stated he was tired of "problems" with the task group -- all from others who had already left the company -- and was looking for a way to "set an example" to prevent any future "problems" with the contract.

  • @NighDarke
    @NighDarke Год назад +12

    This is the United States. What worker's rights? We don't have any.

    • @km3106
      @km3106 Год назад

      Clearly youve never worked in another country.

    • @insideoutsideupsidedown2218
      @insideoutsideupsidedown2218 Год назад

      Yep, I would suggest you try your luck in, lets say, China. Yeah. Go get a job in China and then complain about how bad you have it it the US.

    • @cobalt1754
      @cobalt1754 11 месяцев назад

      @@insideoutsideupsidedown2218 or any country in the EU. There are countries with better worker's right, ya know?

  • @mobiqu5811
    @mobiqu5811 Год назад +1

    I got written up for something I didn't do, I got another job where I get twice the hourly pay and 10 times the respect. Best thing that happened in a long time

  • @TheExvangelicalCat
    @TheExvangelicalCat 10 месяцев назад

    I had this happen. My coworker got sent up to clean the upstairs and didn't do it properly. Instead of just writing her up, for not doing her job, they decided all three people needed to be written up for not checking that she did her job right. Neither of us were managers.

  • @gurglequeen433
    @gurglequeen433 Год назад +1

    I remember reading a reddit story where the OP was being retaliated against at work, the manager kept giving her write ups to sign and on all of them she wrote "I do not agree with this assesment."

  • @jimwormmaster
    @jimwormmaster Год назад +2

    They refused to let me go until I signed it. But whether I checked that I agreed or disagreed with it didn't matter one bit, it would go on my record anyways, and I was sent home for the rest of the day without pay (non union job). Sadly, I stuck my foot in my mouth on the way out and they ended up firing me. Learned that lesson real quick.

  • @nathan25229
    @nathan25229 Год назад

    Litteraly me at work rn damn they get so but hurt when we are on our phone which I get but sometime having music playing helps those that work in a kitchen.

  • @highjix
    @highjix Год назад +1

    when I started my first job, I think I was like 16 or so.
    I was working for Big B drugs (now CVS) and on the very first day the temporary manager stuck me on the cash register.
    When lunch came around he told me to go to lunch so I did.
    While I was out they got busy and they had someone else working out of my register.
    that night when we where counting down my register was 20 dollars short, and I got written up for it.
    After that, I found the manual and learned how to lock my register, I was never short more then a nickel after that day, usually I was dead on to the penny.
    In the year I worked their they never said a word about my good work.

  • @jeffreyscott5799
    @jeffreyscott5799 8 месяцев назад

    I told my “manager”that I would sign only one more and that’s it, so you better make it count.

  • @kaseywahl
    @kaseywahl Год назад

    Ryan, thanks for doing the work you do. We need more people to educate us all on what our rights are in the workplace.
    Also loved your defense of quite quitting on TV against that xenophobic asshat who tried to argue that we'll all be speaking Chinese in a few years if we accept quiet quitting as a concept.
    When I saw that, I thought "how does fair compensation for fair work have anything to do with competition with China? And 为什么他不喜欢中文说的人?"

  • @tsquared4103
    @tsquared4103 Год назад

    And when all else fails,
    Call the Law Office of Guido and Vinney

  • @samn2695
    @samn2695 Год назад +1

    I lost my job due to such absurd right ups. They weren’t lies but it was like “ u didn’t smile at me today when I told u to do something, u just said okay and did it so I wrote u up for negative body language ” I also got written up for stress

  • @kayq3231
    @kayq3231 Год назад +1

    I got written up at a previous job because a joke I made offended. Fair enough, my sense of humor isn't for everyone. Asked who made the complaint so I could apologize in person, got told no. Once again, fair enough because anonymity. Asked what the offensive joke was so I could be more aware. Was told he wasn't allowed to tell me that either... And at that point I was just kind of thinking, "okay, then what am I supposed to do then?"

  • @linzgudmunsen4949
    @linzgudmunsen4949 Год назад +1

    When I was 20 I was written up for making "derogatory remarks". I don't that way so I asked "What did I say? I'm friends with everyone and I didn't mean to say anything offensive. Can I apologize to this individual?"
    I was told "no" to apologizing and the lead would not even tell me what I said. I stated on my Write Up I was only told what I said.
    I found up it was actually "something really mean". In the end it came out what I said was "Xxxxx needs to get these breaks down. If she wasn't so busy talking to other leader xxxx she would get them right" That's it.
    BTW we worked overnight 12 hour shifts and our brakes were more than 1 hour late. EVERYONE was complaining about it. I was not even the loudest, lead just hated me. I didn't get my write up taken off record but at least the lead got in trouble and told to back off. The other lead immediately got our breaks right.

  • @insaynt9924
    @insaynt9924 Год назад +1

    Never been with a union, but have often felt the need to do a similar process;
    If I feel like I'm being written up, or especially, keep being written up or others targeted, I sit it out, keep my mouth shut.
    I might even do whatever they asked or suggested, as long as I need to, while applying for other jobs, getting interviews etc.
    Basically as long as my neck is on the line anyway, I'm beating them to the punch.

  • @BostonJon420
    @BostonJon420 Год назад

    That last part should scare you. Even a workers right lawyer telling you there most likely will be retaliation

    • @williamjenkins4913
      @williamjenkins4913 Год назад

      That is not retaliation. If you are getting written up then you are failing at your job and may need a new one soon.

  • @tiny2438
    @tiny2438 Год назад +1

    what if you are in a union and your boss hates you and she already has the union rep present? and they both want to write you up for something you didnt do?

    • @kartos.
      @kartos. Год назад

      Go higher up in the union, that's what you pay them for.

  • @dvdjkaufmn
    @dvdjkaufmn Год назад +2

    I never signed write up sheets at this one job, cause I'd never done what I got written up for, and they knew it. I simply got the garbage supervisor fired instead, as I wasn't the only one this was happening to. In the end, ALL the writeups went in the trash, per the plant manager. All we had to do was make sure our job was done perfectly, and then it quickly exposed his lies and slander. Rare case of a decent company that actually pays attention, I know, but still.. It IS a thing.

    • @benjaminsorenson
      @benjaminsorenson Год назад +1

      Yep, sometimes a business knows about a problem person but doesn't say anything so that they can give the person just rope to hang themselves and can't do anything when the business has more than enough evidence to fire the person.

    • @dvdjkaufmn
      @dvdjkaufmn Год назад +1

      @@benjaminsorenson Indeed. They don't want to have to pay unemployment, OR wind up hiring them back at a later date.

    • @benjaminsorenson
      @benjaminsorenson Год назад

      @@dvdjkaufmn exactly, and if they used that company as a reference and the potential employer calls the company, they sink their chances of being hired to 0% when the previous employer tells them about the person.

    • @dvdjkaufmn
      @dvdjkaufmn Год назад

      @@benjaminsorenson Well sadly, they're not allowed to say too much, outside of answering direct questions. They can be accountable for slander by talking smack that prevents future work. They can probably only simply say, they were let go for "misconduct", and leave it at that.

  • @michaelmarsh3056
    @michaelmarsh3056 Год назад +24

    Never sign a write up for something you didn't do. You don't have to acknowledge it. Your signature admits guilt even if you write a rebuttal.

    • @williamjenkins4913
      @williamjenkins4913 Год назад +11

      No it doesnt. A signature acknowledges that they have given it to you. All it is for is to prevent you from saying you never received it. Not signing just shows that you are an uncooperative employee and makes your case look worse.

    • @RyanStygar
      @RyanStygar  Год назад +15

      Read your document but generally there is not “guilt” because this is just a policy or civil matter, not criminal. Signing typically only acknowledges receipt.

    • @jjpaq
      @jjpaq Год назад +2

      A signature doesn't magically impute some meaning. At the most basic level it's just some proof that you've seen the piece of paper you signed, and presumably read its content. _Without_ a rebuttal it could certainly be argued that a signature is some sort of half-hearted agreement, but even then, the amount of undue influence an employer inherently has would weigh against that interpretation if you later disputed the content of the write-up.
      If they write

  • @MrRugbylane
    @MrRugbylane Год назад

    All very good advice.

  • @dreamwolf7302
    @dreamwolf7302 Год назад +1

    I was fired once, for 'sexual misconduct' because the doctor order me to get a urine sample from a patient. I gave her the specimen cup and the instructions to fill it just 1/3-1/2 of the way.
    She flipped out and reported me for 'sexual harassment' by 'asking for body fluids'.
    Instead of handling the situation, they fired me.
    And then, instead of taking it laying down, i sued for wrongful termination, and lost, because the judge felt i should have had a female coworker (none were working that day) do it instead of myself.

  • @MaxSorensen
    @MaxSorensen Год назад +1

    More than a few times I've had to explain that I could not possibly be responsible for things I've been written up for simply because I was not there to do or not do whatever it was. At least 3 times I've been written up for not doing, say, the 2 pm temperature check on hot foods on days when I didn't start until 3 or 4

  • @loacyric
    @loacyric Год назад +1

    Many, many moons ago (about 20 years ago) I was working for Wal-Mart when I had a manager ask me to clear the items off of a shelf in the back hall. I couldn't do it as the shelf was too deep and I couldn't reach the back (we had a tool for that, but it was broken at the time). She told me to climb onto the shelf to get the items. I informed her that I couldn't do that as it was a safety violation to climb onto the shelves. She told me that if I didn't, she'd have me wrote up for insubordination. While we were arguing about that another manager comes up and was like, "What's the problem here?" So, we explained what was going on and he said, "You're right, that would be a safety violation and if you do that, I'm going to have to write you up for it." So, I said (to myself) screw it, if I'm going to get written up either way, it'll be for not risking my safety. Insubordination, here we go. So, the manager took me to her office, sat me in front of a computer, and told me to fill out the write up and that she'd be back later to sign it. Then she left. I sat there for a couple minutes, dumbstruck. I had to write MYSELF up? What!? Then it clicked. I could write whatever I wanted. This is basically what I wrote.
    I am sitting here writing myself up for insubordination because my manager, Ms. X., wanted me to perform a safety violation by climbing onto the back hall shelves to clear it of some items. And since I knew this to be a safety violation, I declined to do so. I would have been happy to clear the shelf of items if I had the proper tool to do so, but it is currently broken. Manager, Mr. Y. was witness to this. Here's the exact location and the events can be verified by the cameras located here and here.
    I then printed it off, went to the manager, had her sign it, and watched her file it. I found out later that she could only speak English, not read or write it (except her name). That's why she had me write myself up and why she signed it without reading it over.

  • @amazoniancustodian
    @amazoniancustodian Год назад

    “But I’d also fire off some r-“
    *_say no more_*

  • @tychoremy1401
    @tychoremy1401 Год назад +1

    I was supposed to to be written up at work. I turned the paper over and wrote my side and signed it. They were mad but what they didn't know there was no way in hell I was going to sign a blank page so they could write whatever they felt like later.

  • @staggdegraaff1531
    @staggdegraaff1531 Год назад +1

    I'm so glad I'm self employed

  • @m0L3ify
    @m0L3ify Год назад

    lol at the captions. Everyone needs wine garden rights. Those sound lovely. 😄🍷

  • @cesmith48
    @cesmith48 Год назад +1

    Once they start writing you up, starting looking for another job. Try to leave on your own terms. Don't let them fire you.

  • @Don-C.L.
    @Don-C.L. Год назад +9

    I remember seeing my performance review and it was "low". Everyone had the same "low" grade. I was the person who introduced preshifts to the job so everyone knew wtf to expect. I had access to projections so I knew how to staff the floor properly. So after mentioning that, the grade was removed, but no new grade was added. The written statement was also non-existent. I didn't actually read it when it was available online.

  • @adritaylor9252
    @adritaylor9252 Год назад +1

    When my manager tried to do this to me to cover her own ass at work i refused to sign it and continue working there for a few weeks because she was new and I had been working there for a little over a year and most managers never lasted long at that job but ended up quite quitting after they made her the ED and she started writing up people left and right for every little thing even if it wasn’t something in your job description or u didn’t work on that floor at the time The day she called me in her office and basically told me I need to step up and be the new shift leader and I refuse the position she basically tried to enforced the position on me to be the leader by asking me to do the role of a shift leader and refusing to take no for an answer I ended up calling in sick for my shift one day doing some online applications btw.. I had a new job within 24 hours and I literally called her told her to take me off the schedule until farther notice and I started my new job for $5 more then I was making and never went back and to make thing worse she had my coworkers call me and ask me to come back and I literally said not for $300 million and a million alpacas

  • @dexteradams6515
    @dexteradams6515 Год назад

    Many years ago, I got fed up with a supervisor's threatening behavior at a job I have not worked at for many years now. So I wrote an email telling her, her manager, and her manager's manager that I was fed up with the bad behavior and would no longer tolerate it.
    It was sureal how quickly their behavior changed after that. I didn't think about it then but sending my complaint in an email and cc-ing my personal email was probably a very threatening power play

  • @bethsummerville341
    @bethsummerville341 Год назад

    Very sound, wise advice... as always Ryan~ thank you.

  • @brendaleverick3655
    @brendaleverick3655 Год назад

    Employees need your videos. 👌🏼

  • @davedave4986
    @davedave4986 Год назад +1

    Do research to find tax fraud of that company, report it to IRS and collect a percentage later, as IRS advertises. 🤔