It was a great historical analysis. But the Agew oral tradition about Lalibela is different from the Amharic narration. Whatever the case, the correct name of the king is “ Lelibele “. The root of the phrase is “ Lel-Bele “ It was derived from two Agewugna/Himtegne nouns “ Lel “ and “ Bele “. Lel means Bees and Bele means a strong wooden pole. “ Lel - Bele“ which means a pole or any supporting cylindrical wood that can be used for holding bees or bee hive. Bele means “ Bala” in Amharic. This Agewugna meaning matches with the oral tradition of King Lelibele, which says bees had settled on him. The metaphor was that by settling on him, bees foretold his future King-manhood. The wrong tradition of attributing all the best works to some Devine /mystical being has paved the way for those racist scholars who still believe black people won’t do anything brilliant.
በጣም እናመሰግናለን መምህሮቻችን 🙏🙏🙏
Denik Tarik new .... enamesegenalen
በጣም ጥሩ እና ትምህርት ሰጭትንታኔ
ግሩም ነው
ከዛ የበለጠ ስለመደመር እና ልደት(ገና) ብታስረዳን :: ያ ነው መሠረቱ ልደት ገና መዋለድ ሴትና ወንድ......ዛጉ..ወይ...(ዝገት የብረት ነው):: የሚያወራው የነገረን ስለ ሰብደአት, ስለሮቦቶቹ ነው::
በነገራችን ላይ ላይ ልበላ ሥርዓት ገና ነው :: እስከ 3270 ዓመት ድረስ ነበር መግዛት የነበረበት ::
ዮሴፍም ወደ ግብፅ ወረደ በዛም ነገሰ ቀጥሎ ቤተ ሰቦቹ ወደ ግብፅ ወረዱ :: ግብፅ የአዳም እድሜ እስኪፈፀም (ከአብርሃም አንስቶ ግብፅን ለቀው እስከወጡበት ዘመን )
ከግብፅ ሲወጡ 470,000 ሆነው ወጡ :: "ብዙ ተባዙ ምድርንም ሙሏት :: ገና-----ልደት::
ሰው ንጉስ ነው :: ሁሉም እኩል መበላለጥ የለ ::
ለዛ ነው ሥርዓቱ የቀረው ---->መሪው ካህን ነው:: -->መሪካን.....አ[አዳም]-መሪካን.....አመሪካን.......
It was a great historical analysis. But the Agew oral tradition about Lalibela is different from the Amharic narration. Whatever the case, the correct name of the king is “ Lelibele “. The root of the phrase is “ Lel-Bele “
It was derived from two Agewugna/Himtegne nouns “ Lel “ and “ Bele “. Lel means Bees and Bele means a strong wooden pole. “ Lel - Bele“ which means a pole or any supporting cylindrical wood that can be used for holding bees or bee hive. Bele means “ Bala” in Amharic. This Agewugna meaning matches with the oral tradition of King Lelibele, which says bees had settled on him. The metaphor was that by settling on him, bees foretold his future King-manhood.
The wrong tradition of attributing all the best works to some Devine /mystical being has paved the way for those racist scholars who still believe black people won’t do anything brilliant.
ሮሀ ማለት ትጓሜው ዳንኤል:: .... የዳንኤል ሌላኛው መጠሪያ ብልጣሶር....(ስሙ የሚነግረን ስለ """ር""" ስለተባለችው ፊደል :: ብል() ጣሶ==ጣሳ....ር(ን)....ሀ===ጣሳ....ርሀ...ሮሀ:: Done ኤል(L).......ULC===>ሀረር==>[አን]---ቺኤልሲ....ካ-እዛ አንቺስ?.....አ-እዛ_እዚህ-ኤል.....ስማ-እዛ-የን......Lion ላየን 👁 አንበሳ........አልማእዚህ[አልማእዝ]..die-መ-ንድ
ለምን ቤተ መንግስት አልሰሩም?????????? ......
ብል--ጣሶ[ጣሶ]---ር--ን.....ብልጣሶር....ር--->ሀ[ጣሳ,ጣሶ]....... ሮሀ......done-- L ...ደንኤል
ግን በጥልቀት ቢጠና ጉዳዩ ከሐይማኖት በላይ አይመስላችሁም
Done ----GALA. ኮሶ በር