The "cats are dope" guy treated it like a competition, he distracted them with words while he hit that button. He fainted with a left jab only to hit 'em with that right haymaker.
Pro tip: if you're into legos as an adult, all you need to say when asked why you have legos is "it's kind of therapeutic to be able to take a bunch of little pieces and make it one big thing."
@@muscledgamer946 that's the vibe pretty much, anytime I've had a woman over and they ask about legos if there in view or they see the cathedral I just say "legos are dope" and if they haven't seen the cathedral show them, I always get an astounded and interested reaction to nonchalantly showing a mini vatican building with the explanation of "building stuff is pretty cool" lol. I think its partially about how you present it, like to me its just a thing I built out of plastic bricks, its cool but still something I did for fun, presenting it that way helps. Also I don't get questioned about the bins of different legos. I build cathedrals and stuff, of course I have a lot. Most people don't even notice half of them arent building colours. Its a good way to avoid the nerd judgement and also have an excuse to have a lot and not be a man child. Edit: I am a man child though. Just good at hiding it.
I asked a guy I was dating how many people he’d slept with and he said, and I quote, “too many to count.” We were 18 and 19. At that moment I had made the decision that I’d never become part of the “too many to count”. Lol
Tbh ur Probably already on that count by some other guy, women decision making is poor especially with men then in the 30s it’s “where did all the good guys go” lol
"no i dont watch star wars" *immediately starts explaining the plot about star wars* _Bruh_ she just said she's not into star wars, why are you trying to explain further?? oh god
Because star wars is SO GOOD and this idiot just doesn’t know what she’s missing and she needs ME, the embodiment of GOOD TASTE to properly EDUCATE her on what a GOOD movie is!!! [hard sarcasm]
Because apparently these days 'good' women like risky sex with people they don't really know and favour wasting their fertile years jumping from d to d over relationships. The men are all too happy to oblige.
@@bigtombowski that’s your type ain’t it? So it’s sexual and perverse, not inherently negative, but when you put it out there and shame those who don’t fit your standard, that’s gross.
Body count (sometimes number of relationships) is a massive indicator of a persons stability (or the lack of it). Cover it up with whatever platitude you want to make yourselves feel better.
Nah, many people stay in toxic relationships just so they can flaunt their low body count. Using pop psych "tips" as a way to judge people is a huge indicator of someone with trust issues.
@@aksprkl6594 Do you actually believe people with high body counts got them from having relationships? (Relationships in the sense of being monogamist, emotional connection, etc) and yes if people jump from one relationship to another enough times there is a problem there, even IF they are not the ones responsible for the hardships in the relationship. My Ex-girlfriend had like 5-6 boyfriends before me and they all dumped her. If I knew then what I know now I still would have dated her, but I would have been more objective in the relationship and not ignore all her red flags.
I view it as less of a game about people dating, and more of a game on how people judge each other, and what their preferences are. There's no way this could ever simulate dating, but it does give you insight into how people think. A big problem with the game though is that it is portrayed as a game about dating people, but the actual concept itself is something I find really interesting.
@Tatea I get what you mean. I was stating an observation. The first and third girls look alike so I found it bizarre how he pushed the button so quickly on her.
It's amazing how much weight adds to your age internally and externally. Plus, she's probably drinks too much without any healthy hobbies to counter it.
@@Delimon007Sure. Of course, you know EVERYTHING! People don't EVER look older than they are, they are all just lying. I've SEEN women who are "young," but don't look like it, especially when they drink so much.
The "environmentally friendly" guy dislikes people drinking from plastic bottles but has literally superfluous plastic in his house in form of Legos LMAO
You have no idea how my mind was blown by what the girl said. He's 26. He's done it with at least 65 people. It didn't count how many times he did it with the same person. Assuming he was sexually active as a legal adult and not before he turned 18, he had 65 sexual partners in the span of 8 years. Sometimes, 16 is the legal age of consent, so it could even be 10 years. But having that many sexual partners in that short amount of time is so dangerous as a young person. I have no doubt in my mind that he has come into contact with several STD's or infections and passed them on to his partners. It'd be impossible not to be able to because of how common they are. I would think that there'd also be that thought at the back of the girl's mind, like if she measures up to his past partners, etc. I agree with what you said, it's an indicator of how people value sex and relationships. Alrighty, it's time I get off my soapbox lol. It's nice to see I wasn't the only one questioning that.
@@TreyDZd Do you want to go into the science of it? Of course, people can have multiple partners as responsibly as they can. But the way that STDs and infections spread is something that they can not control for. You can research it for yourself, it's common knowledge that people who have multiple partners are at higher risk for contracting STDs. Are doctors and scientists therefore perpetuating this stigma as well even though it has been supported through research and studies? Check out one such study: Multiple Partners And Partner Choice as Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Female College Students. Here's more: Associated Risk Factors of STIs and Multiple Sexual Relationships Among Youths in Malawi, Sexual Partnership Patterns as a Behavioral Risk Factor for Sexually Transmitted Diseases. I just want to say, with the high amount of partners he has had, it would be nearly impossible to control for the partners that they had sexual relations with. Do you know what I mean? For 65 of his partners, he would have had to have done STD tests with every single person as well as every single partner that person was with to ensure that nothing is being passed around. Do you get how the probability for STDs skyrockets when you have a shit ton of sexual partners? Did you know the only proven contraception that *reduces* the risk for STDs are condoms? Condoms are only 98% effective (if used perfectly, 85% in realistic situations) in preventing most STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea. But they still don't prevent you from all of them, especially herpes or genital warts which can pass from skin to skin contact. A 2017 government study was done showing that only a third of US men said they used condoms *some* of the time when they had sex. Only 19% used condoms all of the time. Can you see how the probability for transmission and contraction for STDs and STIs are higher when people have multiple partners? Condoms will only protect against so much and also have a limit to their effectiveness.
What does it matter if they are clean? I feel.iys an insecurity. If I want to have sex with someone I'm focused on their status currently. People have gotten stds their first time. Women have gotten stds from cheating spouses. Its a superficial stigma. You can prevent stds by having safe sec and getting tested regularly and have a monogamous relationship.
Yet she was younger than his 10-15 year minimum range lol. That's why he was eliminated. As soon as he said he was 40, it made sense why he was so button happy-- good for her slapping it on him first. He seemed to be most attracted to her despite her "aged look".
@@lolnoob5015 I think he was just attracted to her in general. He didn't seem to be considering that since she looks older than even 30. He just wanted to bang her, and not the others. He's skeevy on number of levels lol.
The moment the guy started talking about The Mandalorian, after she just said she doesn't watch Star Wars. I was just like, "Dude, she's just said she doesn't watch Star Wars. Don't talk about it. She's not interested!"
If she's not interested in listening to someone else's passion, she's not attracted to him. If he was Brad Pitt, she would have been all up in the Mandalorian
the second she didn't show any care or interest in his passion is when he should've hit the button. He was too busy trying to impress a mediocre woman. She rejected those before they could reject her.
Can you blame the guy? The girls, well some of them wasn’t even dressed to meet a partner.... you can say the same for the skinny brunette but she at least looks sorta presentable... maybe
@Tatea Would you define THAT show as "Meeting new people?" Or rather "People desperatly trying to meet new people"? When I want to meet new people I go outside. I don't go to a Show, being in front of cameras which record everything for the internet to never be forgotten, have time pressure because the show and their viewers have expectations, while all of that is being directed by a fucking robot which sounds like Bill Burrs hilarious parody of one. Unbelievable, it's like the world only existed for 10 years. The Internet is a blessing and a curse.
@Tatea the method. You're willing to place your future relationship on an Ai button that anyone can push instead of being single or using an app. Hell, when you meet the person as we've seen you barely know shit about them before you get passed on
It broke my heart to watch the big girl already knowing that she was going to be cut and just hoping that he wasn't going to humiliate her on the way out
She went in nervous, to be fair. Like regardless of anything else, she barely even got a sentence out and spent most of the time with short answers about how nervous she was, that wasn't gonna last.
I can not fathom what drives a person to think this is a good idea like I can not imagine the thought process that leads you to do this shit. I have no sympathy for someone who sees a mud puddle looks at it, jumps in and doesn't like it.
I think it does matter when the number is too high. When I think about it, if my intended long term partner had over 20 partners and hes 30 or under, theres a good chance I might not be the "one". The more partners your partner has had, the less likely he or she will stick to you. Also, I've noticed in men, that those who had a high number, were more emotionally detached and invested in the relationship than those with a moderate to low number (this tends to show after they've lost interest or feel like you wont leave them). This is also true with women. Especially women because we tend to be the choosers, making it easier to just move on to the next option. People with more partners tend to see a relationship as easy to discard over hurdles that could be overcome with some basic effort. I've also noticed that people with a high body count are somewhat addicted to the feeling you get from the novelty of a new relationship. It's like a game each time, and the chase is just as good as the goal. As someone who's felt this only once, it's a crazy feeling. First meeting someone, trying to get them to like you, finding out they do, cautiously lusting after eachother and then finally being together. It's like a high I wont judge compatibility on sexual partners alone unless it's like over 40, but it makes me extremely skeptical about the possible durability of the relationship. Was looking for something long term and stable and I'm really glad I found it.
Everything you said I agree with accept when it pertains to men. Most of that stuff by and large doesn't effect men like it effects women. One of the reasons why men are grossed out by permiscuous women. Those types of women typically end up damaged in some way by that activity. Men not so much
The thing is, with first impressions, nobody cares whats on the inside, be it your personality or intellectual, they just care about how you look on the outside. This is literally just tinder, but you know who swiped left and why they swiped left, which is usually because they don’t find you physically attractive
Yeah, no matter how people say "personality matters", most people look at physical appearances first. Personality comes later when you're getting to know them. And people gotta be physically attracted to a person too I think?
Well, I agree that there usually needs to be physical attraction first. While I know Tinder largely has a stigma for hookups, I was more likely to swipe right if they at least listed anything fun about their personality. Also, about half the women I came across were disgusted that Tinder isn't used as a dating site.
wherethetatosat and I’d tell you, a fairly attractive guy with the best personality vs a super attractive guy with a shitty personality, the latter wins the girl 9/10 times.
she chose to come on. everyone has the right to their preferrences. i would definitely not go on. my self esteem would be shredded if i got buzzed off immediately.
jlxelite exactly! It’s like...of course she will be eliminated. She’s overweight. Every men and women want a slim fit figure from both genders. If above, you’re automatically a friend to them like cmon. It’s different when you have a guy that is interested in fat women.
Aba spot freaking on. Make sure you and your date are on the same playing field as far as conversation. Don't go too deep into a topic that not many people regularly talk about, esp not on first date.
When i met my husband, as we were getting to know each other he was telling me about gaming. I said 'oh really, what do you play', and he went into full nerd mode about factions, and paladins, and who knows what else. But it was so cute to me. At first glance, i thought he was this self-absorbed, gym bro that was superficial and shallow because he was very good looking and fit. Turns out he was a huge nerd.
@@shadowagent7361 Chrs: "It's not often that guys have to reject girls..." Translation: "I've never said not to a ho." - We know he at least has standards for his hoes
@@NoName-sp5dp I assume you mean the fat woman? You're reading too much into what I said. I made a smart ass'd reply because commenter Tetea was whining, wagging her finger at the other commenter, in a sense. That's all. I also find it silly how basic your logic is. Basically "You must be fat since you're talking shit" lmao. Please don't try to read people over the internet. It's way over your thought capacity.
I am serious. When I hear Preach laugh, I start to laugh. Make a five minute video of just him laughing. Maybe prelude each laughing fit with its respective catalyst. Not picking on you, Aba, but,c’mon, his laugh is epic.
I am nerd, and I LOVE Star Wars. When I find out a girl has not seen Star Wars. I do not explain it, unless she asks. I go into it like the second or third date.
Honestly. I be shocked at a guy with 60 sex partners at 26. Say he started at 16. Every year he average at 6 a year. I would avoid someone with 60 sex partners no matter what age. I see it as not compatible bc i would never sleep with 6 people a year.
Yeah... That seemed surprisingly high to me too... At that point how well does he even know the people he is sleeping with? I'm guessing there are a lot of first night stands in there too.
@@Butterfly-ps7zd That's the thing. I personally hated the few times I actually had to reject someone. It feels just as horrible as getting rejecting, but men generally are more used to getting rejected, since we're the ones approaching someone.
Love the insights you two hosts provide. It is so nice that I do not have to actively look at what amounts to trashy TV to get a crtical analysis. I am waaaaay past casual dating age, but it is nice to see that there are people who have values. You guys.
Honestly, I don't understand why two people would go on a date that is then put on the internet and also interrupted throughout by someone pretending to be a robot. The whole thing is cringy.
"i feel like i could crush him" lmfaaaaao. I think it's hilarious when chicks think if a man is the same height or shorter that they are somehow physically inferior to them
beefortebrea love how some people think thin=weak when that’s completely wrong lmfao, have you seen mma fighters? They be whoopin ass at 145 pounds bruh
A lot of us don’t enjoy feeling like a Sasquatch. I dated a dude who had smaller hands than me and it like he was a kid or something.
For me, when i experienced a man telling me he slept with over 100 woman and after that stopped counting. I was not insecure and definitely did not compare myself to those woman. For me, all it did was reveal his character. For his age, and sleeping with all those woman, it shows where his priorities where.
Wait, so you’re telling me the first guy is 40 but he prefers to date women ages 25-30??? Not even considering women closer to his age? Something about that doesn’t sit well with me. I would’ve hit the button on him too.
david reutz Yeah, that is weird to me. For one, I would think both people would want to be compatible as far as where they are in life. For example, a 40 year old is probably focused on buying a house whereas a 25 year old, in most Two different life stages. So I’m curious, any particular reason why you wouldn’t date a 40 year old woman? 🤔
@@ajh.4131 Because for the most part, men and women aren't at the same stage with the same advantages and disadvantages at the same time in life. And this is an observation across the board society wise not just from personal experience. An average female ( normally distributed attributes across a population) is more valuable to society than an average male ( normally distributed attributes) once she hits puberty to just prior to 30 years of age, giving her the early advantage. Notice how girls tend to have it together, generally smarter, easier to teach and less trouble in their early teens compared to boys. They are more attractive overall. Not a lament, just an observation and acceptance of how nature works. Now, from 18+ onwards till average 29 years ( outliers may push to 35 or older), the average female above has the advantage ( notice that I didn't use the term PRIVILEGED!) because nature has decided that her attractive attributes are at her peak. Things generally go easier for her than the equivalent average male. This doesn't imply that she can just show up. She has to be smart to make this advantage work for her too. What we men call a quality woman. A similar young man does not have much going for him, hence he needs to learn to build himself, take risks, deal with things going against him. In essence, making himself more attractive. If he doesn't die before he's done. I accept that in those years, I'm less valuable intrinsically than a female of similar age. You're probably aware that it's easier for you and society to accept men failing and dying than a few women experiencing the same thing. And I accept that that's the way things are. Now, once I've got my life together after 30 as a man ( not dying and learning from mistakes and earning success), why would I settle for someone of similar age unless... she was with me throughout MY journey? As a man, I'm going to choose a woman in her peak years. Like wise, a woman will wisely select a man in his peak years. Are there outliers? Of course. Can we see young men who seem to get advantages over young women? Of course. And making that a justification for an argument having it easy is the apex fallacy flaw in argument. The top 10% does not define the whole population.
My wife loves my nerdiness. Especially comics. She loves mocking anime, but she is Deadset on asking "Does this happen in the comics" everytime we watch an MCU or DCEU movie/show.
my first live in boyfriend, who was also 19 years older than me, use to pry the hell out of me about my "past" which was virtually non-existent since I was only 21 and I had only 1 serious boyfriend before him. So I decided to add 2 because I felt like it sounded more realistic and looking back I think it still seems low since I think many guys think college girls are wild but I spent most my time working and studying. I had 3 jobs to pay my undergrad so I had no real time to screw around plus I was a romantic too. I just dont think anything sounds good
The guy with the beanie was being himself, thats how you should be when you're on a date. F all the games and masquerading as someone you aren't. If the other person don't f with you, then that's on them. He basically just avoided wasting his and her time, and surely some girl will actually appreciate him, relate to him AND what he likes at some point.
You’re right . He just met the wrong girl. As a woman we usually talk too damn much especially on a date. That was her opportunity to be a good listener .I like seeing people passionate about things. It shows you a lot about their goals and personality . I like leggos too.
I think the point is, that’s even though your passionate about something, doesn’t mean you should go off on it, on someone you legit just met. That creates the “I’m not interested” look she had. When you date you look for commonality first and then you build from there. I’m always myself when I’m out, but I find common ground for interested conversations, then build from there. It’s how it’s said
@@mineralgrey8332 Exactly. People want to talk about themselves. Even if you go on about your interests you should at least try to find a common ground so they don't zone out.
Body count matters to me because I feel that it shows whether you value or how much you value sex over knowing someone. It also gives me an idea of how risky your sexual life is in regards to STDs. Since I’m not an overly sexual person that would become a concern to me if sex was an extremely important point in your life.
The button game blind...that’s a whole different game. It’s called dating blind lol. How are they supposed to hit an illuminated button without seeing it...
@@vincegonzalez2171 honestly dont know why people blind date. One of the most important things in a relationship is being attracted to someone atleast sexually.
17:26 imagine it comes on your radio.. “no.. you don’t.. under.. stand.. this is my.. only job.. I can’t afford to.. get fired.. I have a.. wife and kids.. you have been eliminated”
XD I mean when she said "whats that?" I was like "oh buddy....smack the button because you lost her, and it seems your experience in it made her tighten up"
Why are people surprised that the 40 year old is being quick to eliminate people? Lol at his age preference being 10-15 years younger. Made me die laughing when the 22 year old eliminated HIM. Dude, youre an overweight middle aged man. Who is giving these people such big heads? 😂😂😂
@@martalevin4829 Its her makeup/clothing. Stripped that away and she looks much younger than him. He definitely looks middle aged. Hed look younger if he lost 30 pounds and gained some muscle.
@@martalevin4829 Huh? Who is attacking you? I just said she looks older than her age because of her fashion choices. So I am agreeing with you but explaining why.
I’m laying in bed sick with Covid, while watching hours of your videos, laughing soooo hard! Your laughs are contagious! Thanks for making me smile today!
17:56 I am glad he said that. As a woman it is honestly really hard for me to reject guys I genuinely do not like doing it. But if I am not attracted it is best to tell them before they get really hurt. But sometimes it doesn't matter how nice you are, they do not always take rejection very well... So there really is two sides to every coin. I understand that getting rejected sucks.
As a guy I actually rejected a girl, but back in middle school. There was this dance and the girls in my class were trying to arrange a date with me. I knew who she was, I already had a crush on someone else and I was really into her and I straight up said no. She cried afterwards. I felt shitty but I can't really force myself if I'm not into it. I'm glad for these videosz we get a chance to share our perspectives. I never realized how bad rejecting someone must feel and I'm sure many women find it difficult. Being rejected is a whole other thing and I'm glad other women are being aware how hard for is for guys to be the one to take all the risk. Thank you for sharing
The first guy wasn't there to meet someone, he was there to Win lmao
Now he can go build a Lego star wars battleship with the food and waste free guy lol
@@sharondalewis1620 Worth it.
I dont know he was clearly unattracted to the first one and the second one was a self proclaimed cat lady.
Dude completely forgot what the point of the whole thing was lol
@@knightheaven8992 lol
The "cats are dope" guy treated it like a competition, he distracted them with words while he hit that button. He fainted with a left jab only to hit 'em with that right haymaker.
Lol this comment. 😂😂😂
nobody cares but just to give myself the satisfaction *feinted
@@xXxtroublebehindxXx If you hadn't I was about to.
Preach lookin like he just got finished cooking Sunday breakfast
Someone had to say it-
That shit funny and wtf is he really wearing tho lol
The cringeiest thing you'll know is the robot is controlled by a human
HoW dArE yOu
chill, it's just for fun
They hired Skippy to control the robot
@@abcdefghijklmno1009 Doesn't means its not cringe lol
*Dies in a horrible car "accident"*
Button: You have been eliminated
Crazy thriller movie 🤣😱
I can hear the voice too....*GTA fade out*
This killed me lmmaaooo
@irresponsible Thanks dad
I love that when they laugh Aba runs away and Preach falls over, every single time
That's the best. I love it when Preach falls to the floor.
Because when Aba *doesn't* run away, Preach uses his shoulder to hold himself up 😂
@@8LiterallyJustTheNumber8 yooo now I know why 😂😂😂😂
@@8LiterallyJustTheNumber8 LMAO
Literally when I read this that exact moment happened.
Preach out here like he waiting for his kids at the bus stop
Omg🤣🤣 too accurate.
Yooo! this is the first roast in the comments that made me LAUGH LAUGH
Pro tip: if you're into legos as an adult, all you need to say when asked why you have legos is "it's kind of therapeutic to be able to take a bunch of little pieces and make it one big thing."
Oh dang, you broke the system bro
@@MarvinzWrld Lol it's just showing off your sensitive side through your hobbies without absolutely geeking out over it lol
"Legos are dope" is also an acceptable answer, same with "I like building shit"
Edit: it helps I have a cathedral set up at all times
@@BigBeerus With that, you'll sell the "I just like doing things and I don't really care." which is definitely viable as well.
@@muscledgamer946 that's the vibe pretty much, anytime I've had a woman over and they ask about legos if there in view or they see the cathedral I just say "legos are dope" and if they haven't seen the cathedral show them, I always get an astounded and interested reaction to nonchalantly showing a mini vatican building with the explanation of "building stuff is pretty cool" lol. I think its partially about how you present it, like to me its just a thing I built out of plastic bricks, its cool but still something I did for fun, presenting it that way helps. Also I don't get questioned about the bins of different legos. I build cathedrals and stuff, of course I have a lot. Most people don't even notice half of them arent building colours. Its a good way to avoid the nerd judgement and also have an excuse to have a lot and not be a man child.
Edit: I am a man child though. Just good at hiding it.
Preach look like he about to make 3 wishes come true!
You ain't never had a friend like him
@@javonyounger5107 Neither has Aba, apparently.
Seems like they’re more interested in being the first to reject instead of actually getting to know the person lmao
Kinda like how everyone wants to be the one that breaks the relationship...not on the receiving end.
Defence mechanisms
In game theory it's called the nash equalibrium
That’s how people are now days
Bro! I'm single BUT, not single enough to try this
Never ever become this type of single... EVER
Timothy Gary Carolus exactly wha the fuck. My self esteem would be ruin
Never put yourself out there like that.
I asked a guy I was dating how many people he’d slept with and he said, and I quote, “too many to count.” We were 18 and 19. At that moment I had made the decision that I’d never become part of the “too many to count”. Lol
Tbh ur Probably already on that count by some other guy, women decision making is poor especially with men then in the 30s it’s “where did all the good guys go” lol
@@coreysrevenge286 nice guy
@@coreysrevenge286 What a massive generalization. RIP to your social life if all you know is women like this.
@@alixplaysguitar hell naw lol
@@lizm598 ok
That second girl saying she's 22 and lookin like she's 35.
She's definitely 32
thats what smoking does to white women
@@whereshyper Fuck your black dot!
@Horner 37 Am I insulted?
"no i dont watch star wars"
*immediately starts explaining the plot about star wars*
_Bruh_ she just said she's not into star wars, why are you trying to explain further?? oh god
Because star wars is SO GOOD and this idiot just doesn’t know what she’s missing and she needs ME, the embodiment of GOOD TASTE to properly EDUCATE her on what a GOOD movie is!!!
[hard sarcasm]
Why didn't he eliminate her when she said she didn't watch Star Wars, that's a huge deal breaker lol.
@@KanedaSyndrome kind of a petty thing to call a deal breaker lol
HE likes star wars more than her !
And then he would be the type of guy to be like "See! women don't want to date nerdy guys"
What's your deal breaker
Girl: Republicans.
Me: oh shit that went political fast.
Yeah...going political in any aspect out of the gate should be an automatic deal breaker.
I would press the button even if she said democrat.
@yo did i just shit myself? Or you just don't want to hear about it. Just saying. Lol.
@yo did i just shit myself? I never said that I wouldn't date someone because of politics.
@yo did i just shit myself? Oh sorry I read it wrong.
The number of people does let you know about character. Even if there are 60 good people, why didn't those turn in to relationships?
Because apparently these days 'good' women like risky sex with people they don't really know and favour wasting their fertile years jumping from d to d over relationships. The men are all too happy to oblige.
@@bigtombowski You guys fetishizing women's fertility and making such a big deal over having children, y'all are disgusting.
@@MiaRosenbloom i know. The natural desire for progeny is perverse, right?
@@bigtombowski that’s your type ain’t it? So it’s sexual and perverse, not inherently negative, but when you put it out there and shame those who don’t fit your standard, that’s gross.
@@K4RN3SS lol blinded to the fact of the great majority of women _regretting_ their wasted fertility. You lack pity.
I feel like this is a dating show Michael Scott would create. 100%.
"I dunno I.. I just feel like people could find really meaningful connections from this."
@@kyleighwhite1409 Reported your comment for basic bitch cringe.
@@Storebrand_ says the dude referencing The Office
I feel like the creaky floor is a 3rd character.
"GALILEOLELELELILE-- a vpn is a virtual private network"
The fitness gram-
Bruv...I read this at the exact time it happened 😂
or the european global positioning system
Its literally a song from the sound of music 😂😂
If I ever get enough capital, I will start a VPN and name it GALILEOLELELELILE.
Body count (sometimes number of relationships) is a massive indicator of a persons stability (or the lack of it). Cover it up with whatever platitude you want to make yourselves feel better.
you're right
Nah, many people stay in toxic relationships just so they can flaunt their low body count. Using pop psych "tips" as a way to judge people is a huge indicator of someone with trust issues.
You (Soyjok): Elaborate
Me (Gigachad): No
@@aksprkl6594 Do you actually believe people with high body counts got them from having relationships? (Relationships in the sense of being monogamist, emotional connection, etc) and yes if people jump from one relationship to another enough times there is a problem there, even IF they are not the ones responsible for the hardships in the relationship. My Ex-girlfriend had like 5-6 boyfriends before me and they all dumped her. If I knew then what I know now I still would have dated her, but I would have been more objective in the relationship and not ignore all her red flags.
This isn't about the dating, you can't convince me this is supposed to work.
But it did at the end, right?
I view it as less of a game about people dating, and more of a game on how people judge each other, and what their preferences are. There's no way this could ever simulate dating, but it does give you insight into how people think. A big problem with the game though is that it is portrayed as a game about dating people, but the actual concept itself is something I find really interesting.
Girl: you like to dance?
Guy: yes I do, but not with you!
FONZOE don’t be a menace reference?
@@harry31619 yes sir
He wanted a white girl
Get the dustpan. This one got burnt to a crisp lol
The first guy is on another level being savage,he’s making sure he wasn’t getting any L 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@SouthEast Dusty Yep. The first girl i didn't get why he pressed the button so fast. The second one, i totally get why he did it lol.
@Tatea The first girl and third girl literally look alike
Until he got caught Lackin
@Tatea I get what you mean. I was stating an observation. The first and third girls look alike so I found it bizarre how he pushed the button so quickly on her.
Just started getting into these two a few days ago, and I am ADDICTED! Their comedic chemistry and friendship is off the charts. Y'all are great!
These two is the only shit cheering me up these days. Their laughter is infectious
Stop virtue signaling. Lol
These guys are absolute dope.
@@CanadianAidan85 You dont know what virtue signaling means lol
Try watching JoshandIsi
It really is, I laughed listening to them laugh😂 I wish I had a friend that understood me on a level they understand each other. It’s so fun.
Best One-Liner before the kill:
"Cats are dope."
Shame Arnold didn't get to say it back in 80s
I'm keeping that in my pocket for later lol
@@Parktrizzle Next time you meet a catlady and it's about time for you to leave the convo.
Imagine getting murdered and your killer telling you "cats are dope" before they offs you.
He is dog person
That chick is 22? I’m older than her and she looks like she has 10 years on me
It's amazing how much weight adds to your age internally and externally. Plus, she's probably drinks too much without any healthy hobbies to counter it.
She obviously lied about her age, I can see it in her skin, she's in her late twenties approaching thirty. I hate it when people lie.
Nah she's not 22 she's 28 at best
@@Delimon007Sure. Of course, you know EVERYTHING! People don't EVER look older than they are, they are all just lying. I've SEEN women who are "young," but don't look like it, especially when they drink so much.
i though she was around 35
his max age *limit* is 10 years younger than he is...gtfo
My exact thoughts🤦🏽♀️🙄Lol.
I wouldn't get in a relationship with someone more than a year older than me and no more than 5 years younger
Dude it's my preference too but I don't settle. I like a chick for who she is.
That’s literally perfectly normal for a 40 year old to want a 25-30 year old...there are tons of 18 year olds who want 40 year olds hahaha
@@xdocfearx7329 What is your source, porn? I'm 20 and no stable person wants a grandpa dude don't delude yourself lol
The "environmentally friendly" guy dislikes people drinking from plastic bottles but has literally superfluous plastic in his house in form of Legos LMAO
Cause LEGO’s aren’t thrown out as consistently as water bottles, you can resell a empty water bottle
@@dannyberto2001 Fair enough.
I just found it funny at the time.
I notice that too.. but then I thought like Danny did
@@dannyberto2001 so what. Any environmentalist to the degree he was shouldn't support ANY plastic. The aren't biodegradable
@@Theuglyconcretefinisher they all are its just a crazy amount of years is needed
She can’t be 22, that’s impossible
Fax she look 35
lol I was shook when she said that. I think it's the makeup
@ebon thomas huh? So that would make her 3 in human years
@ebon thomas what😭😭😭
It may have to do with her being "passed around" alot, ;)
Forget cringe report, this was self-esteem report. And mine's done lmao
Donatelo Nice One! 😂😂😂👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
@@trw4war whatever dude
Stay up king 👑
@@romealston3972 🙌
The number people have slept with does matter. It’s an indicator of how people value sex and relationships
You have no idea how my mind was blown by what the girl said. He's 26. He's done it with at least 65 people. It didn't count how many times he did it with the same person. Assuming he was sexually active as a legal adult and not before he turned 18, he had 65 sexual partners in the span of 8 years. Sometimes, 16 is the legal age of consent, so it could even be 10 years.
But having that many sexual partners in that short amount of time is so dangerous as a young person. I have no doubt in my mind that he has come into contact with several STD's or infections and passed them on to his partners. It'd be impossible not to be able to because of how common they are.
I would think that there'd also be that thought at the back of the girl's mind, like if she measures up to his past partners, etc. I agree with what you said, it's an indicator of how people value sex and relationships. Alrighty, it's time I get off my soapbox lol. It's nice to see I wasn't the only one questioning that.
@@k.marcie imagine trying to perpetuate a stigma that people can't have sex with a lot of people responsibly. This is such a stupid argument
@@TreyDZd Do you want to go into the science of it? Of course, people can have multiple partners as responsibly as they can. But the way that STDs and infections spread is something that they can not control for. You can research it for yourself, it's common knowledge that people who have multiple partners are at higher risk for contracting STDs.
Are doctors and scientists therefore perpetuating this stigma as well even though it has been supported through research and studies? Check out one such study: Multiple Partners And Partner Choice as Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Female College Students. Here's more: Associated Risk Factors of STIs and Multiple Sexual Relationships Among Youths in Malawi, Sexual Partnership Patterns as a Behavioral Risk Factor for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
I just want to say, with the high amount of partners he has had, it would be nearly impossible to control for the partners that they had sexual relations with. Do you know what I mean? For 65 of his partners, he would have had to have done STD tests with every single person as well as every single partner that person was with to ensure that nothing is being passed around. Do you get how the probability for STDs skyrockets when you have a shit ton of sexual partners? Did you know the only proven contraception that *reduces* the risk for STDs are condoms? Condoms are only 98% effective (if used perfectly, 85% in realistic situations) in preventing most STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea. But they still don't prevent you from all of them, especially herpes or genital warts which can pass from skin to skin contact. A 2017 government study was done showing that only a third of US men said they used condoms *some* of the time when they had sex. Only 19% used condoms all of the time. Can you see how the probability for transmission and contraction for STDs and STIs are higher when people have multiple partners? Condoms will only protect against so much and also have a limit to their effectiveness.
What does it matter if they are clean? I feel.iys an insecurity. If I want to have sex with someone I'm focused on their status currently. People have gotten stds their first time. Women have gotten stds from cheating spouses. Its a superficial stigma. You can prevent stds by having safe sec and getting tested regularly and have a monogamous relationship.
I'm not tryna date a girl who go railed ny every highschool in the state
I think the bartender, when she said , that's an adult job, I think she wants to keep the party going
Lews Therin lmaooooo
Agreed, backs up what the next guy said about the maturity gap between 22 and 26, by 26 you're starting to get back off partying EVERY weekend.
Chris: “around six..”
Me: “that’s not too bad”
Chris: “...ty to seventy”
Me: ....
Ikr. I’m like: 60 or 70... like wut. 😅
That’s a lot. O.o
@@lilcay4016 that number is wayyyy higher lol , he is just saying that infront of her ,hes a chad lmao
@@matthiasjoseph692 maybe 1,000. 😂
@@matthiasjoseph692 I'd say he's more of a Charone.
Bruv she 22. Out both of him I would've guessed she's the one who's 40. Yikes
Yet she was younger than his 10-15 year minimum range lol. That's why he was eliminated. As soon as he said he was 40, it made sense why he was so button happy-- good for her slapping it on him first. He seemed to be most attracted to her despite her "aged look".
@@juanitaf.m He probably was attracted to her because of her "aged look" considering how old he was
I thought she was pushing 35 tbh I thought he was late 20s what ever his skin care regiment is I commend him
@@lolnoob5015 I think he was just attracted to her in general. He didn't seem to be considering that since she looks older than even 30. He just wanted to bang her, and not the others. He's skeevy on number of levels lol.
She's been ran through a lot.
Favorite part of these vids is how well y’all get along. Just 2 homies ridiculing the internet and it’s great.
The moment the guy started talking about The Mandalorian, after she just said she doesn't watch Star Wars. I was just like, "Dude, she's just said she doesn't watch Star Wars. Don't talk about it. She's not interested!"
For real all he had to say was "oh okay cool then I won't spoil the ending for you" and move on to something else.
@@MK_ULTRA420 facts! that would have literally been a good line to slide in right after. i'd laugh at that.
ohh no
If she's not interested in listening to someone else's passion, she's not attracted to him. If he was Brad Pitt, she would have been all up in the Mandalorian
the second she didn't show any care or interest in his passion is when he should've hit the button. He was too busy trying to impress a mediocre woman. She rejected those before they could reject her.
A guy rejecting multiple girls in one day based off personality... Oh how the tables have turned....
And he wasn't use to it and he didn't like it lmao. He felt mean 🤣 I would to
@@boonkgang1536 Kinda crazy that men are manipulated into feeling bad for rejecting women when it's so common for women to do.
@@LordVader1094 yea it is wired cause rejecting woman could get u called gay
Lol yea super true. I just gotten use to doing it. I've wasted alot of my time cuz i thought i should of said yea.
Can you blame the guy? The girls, well some of them wasn’t even dressed to meet a partner.... you can say the same for the skinny brunette but she at least looks sorta presentable... maybe
Bro, you can LITERALLY SEE the desperation and futility in this. Like why would you sign up for this??
most of these people have are trying to up their resumes or get exposed for IG fame. And some... actually wanted to find love 😂
Would you define THAT show as "Meeting new people?"
Or rather "People desperatly trying to meet new people"?
When I want to meet new people I go outside. I don't go to a Show, being in front of cameras which record everything for the internet to never be forgotten, have time pressure because the show and their viewers have expectations, while all of that is being directed by a fucking robot which sounds like Bill Burrs hilarious parody of one.
Unbelievable, it's like the world only existed for 10 years. The Internet is a blessing and a curse.
@Tatea the method. You're willing to place your future relationship on an Ai button that anyone can push instead of being single or using an app. Hell, when you meet the person as we've seen you barely know shit about them before you get passed on
It broke my heart to watch the big girl already knowing that she was going to be cut and just hoping that he wasn't going to humiliate her on the way out
She deserves no sympathy, her body is her choice and her own fault and she should suffer for it for as long as she remains that way.
I mean, the game is to hit the button faster than the other person, right?
She went in nervous, to be fair. Like regardless of anything else, she barely even got a sentence out and spent most of the time with short answers about how nervous she was, that wasn't gonna last.
I can not fathom what drives a person to think this is a good idea like I can not imagine the thought process that leads you to do this shit. I have no sympathy for someone who sees a mud puddle looks at it, jumps in and doesn't like it.
If u don't Wana be embarrassed by being big and fat then don't be big and fat.
This guy went out there for revenge!Every women that has ever rejected him came through that button
Exactly. He would NEVER be like this in real life. The complete opposite of how he is on here.
*He looks like a douche and acts like a douche what a combo*
@@loveschile7339 only reason he didn't do it to the third one was because she's on the ThICk side
@@Big_Boss14 If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck (what a combo) it probably is a...
The whole concept is a less efficient tinder swipe.
@Tatea like that ? Heck no
Preach looks like he's the leader of a country or a religion
Yep, he's a PREACH-ER
I think it does matter when the number is too high. When I think about it, if my intended long term partner had over 20 partners and hes 30 or under, theres a good chance I might not be the "one". The more partners your partner has had, the less likely he or she will stick to you. Also, I've noticed in men, that those who had a high number, were more emotionally detached and invested in the relationship than those with a moderate to low number (this tends to show after they've lost interest or feel like you wont leave them). This is also true with women. Especially women because we tend to be the choosers, making it easier to just move on to the next option. People with more partners tend to see a relationship as easy to discard over hurdles that could be overcome with some basic effort.
I've also noticed that people with a high body count are somewhat addicted to the feeling you get from the novelty of a new relationship. It's like a game each time, and the chase is just as good as the goal. As someone who's felt this only once, it's a crazy feeling. First meeting someone, trying to get them to like you, finding out they do, cautiously lusting after eachother and then finally being together. It's like a high I wont judge compatibility on sexual partners alone unless it's like over 40, but it makes me extremely skeptical about the possible durability of the relationship. Was looking for something long term and stable and I'm really glad I found it.
Everything you said I agree with accept when it pertains to men. Most of that stuff by and large doesn't effect men like it effects women. One of the reasons why men are grossed out by permiscuous women. Those types of women typically end up damaged in some way by that activity. Men not so much
These two are the best coworkers in history. The chemistry 💯
This just how best friends are
The thing is, with first impressions, nobody cares whats on the inside, be it your personality or intellectual, they just care about how you look on the outside.
This is literally just tinder, but you know who swiped left and why they swiped left, which is usually because they don’t find you physically attractive
Same with blind dates. You can get to know each other all you like but the choice to fuck or not is made in the first second.
Yeah, no matter how people say "personality matters", most people look at physical appearances first. Personality comes later when you're getting to know them. And people gotta be physically attracted to a person too I think?
true it's only 2 things, attractivenes and charisma. if you're nervous and u look average you bounce.
Well, I agree that there usually needs to be physical attraction first. While I know Tinder largely has a stigma for hookups, I was more likely to swipe right if they at least listed anything fun about their personality. Also, about half the women I came across were disgusted that Tinder isn't used as a dating site.
wherethetatosat and I’d tell you, a fairly attractive guy with the best personality vs a super attractive guy with a shitty personality, the latter wins the girl 9/10 times.
I felt uncomfortable when that big girl came out. Why even have her on I just felt bad knowing she was gonna be eliminated immediately.
Sad but true
I didn't necessarily feel uncomfortable. I would say that I just had a feeling that he was going to say no right off the bat sadly 😔
she chose to come on. everyone has the right to their preferrences. i would definitely not go on. my self esteem would be shredded if i got buzzed off immediately.
She came thru and chris said "omae wa mou shindeiru"
Dude was eyeing the button so hard...lmfao
jlxelite exactly! It’s like...of course she will be eliminated. She’s overweight. Every men and women want a slim fit figure from both genders. If above, you’re automatically a friend to them like cmon. It’s different when you have a guy that is interested in fat women.
Aba spot freaking on. Make sure you and your date are on the same playing field as far as conversation. Don't go too deep into a topic that not many people regularly talk about, esp not on first date.
This feels like when a king in 1600's had a line of clowns that tried to make him laugh and if they didn't were killed
what’s that it sounds interesting asf i couldn’t find anything abt it on google
@@queenonika4015 I think they're called 'court jesters'
Coming up next on "Speed Jesters season final"
This Robot be like "Oh shit, they're hitting it off before we have enough content. Quick, say somthing that makes on of them seem undateable!"
Modern hookup culture wrapped up in a thoroughly loathsome nutshell.
When i met my husband, as we were getting to know each other he was telling me about gaming. I said 'oh really, what do you play', and he went into full nerd mode about factions, and paladins, and who knows what else. But it was so cute to me.
At first glance, i thought he was this self-absorbed, gym bro that was superficial and shallow because he was very good looking and fit.
Turns out he was a huge nerd.
Chrs: "It's not often that guys have to reject girls..."
Also Chris: "I'm gonna say like....sixty?"
Translation: "I've never said not to a ho."
@@30yovegan34 Except for the fat bitch on 16:24
@Tatea Is it really fat bitch?
Lmao i',m sorry you were wide open for that one
@@shadowagent7361 Chrs: "It's not often that guys have to reject girls..."
Translation: "I've never said not to a ho."
- We know he at least has standards for his hoes
@@ThatGuy-en2nn you obviously look like her to be going in on her for no reason
@@NoName-sp5dp I assume you mean the fat woman? You're reading too much into what I said. I made a smart ass'd reply because commenter Tetea was whining, wagging her finger at the other commenter, in a sense. That's all.
I also find it silly how basic your logic is. Basically "You must be fat since you're talking shit" lmao. Please don't try to read people over the internet. It's way over your thought capacity.
My favorite part is when Aba n preach make a joke so fire, that they literally have to go on opposites sides of the room to catch a breath
I am serious. When I hear Preach laugh, I start to laugh. Make a five minute video of just him laughing. Maybe prelude each laughing fit with its respective catalyst. Not picking on you, Aba, but,c’mon, his laugh is epic.
@ Richard Schlueterвидео.html
Becca is a classic example of "does your type want you?"
I’m soooo confused on whyyy he answered her question and eliminated her in the same sentence
He probably thought she would eliminate him so he eliminated her when she least expected it.
I'm guessing based purely on looks, he didn't even try to get to know her.
That or it was a scripted moment to dramatise the show a little.
He was going purely on looks
Her voice annoyed me a lot, I would have pressed the button at her first sentence
The oldest trick in the book son. Kill them , with kindness
"The number of people you slept with is not a good indication of their character".
PRESS X TO DOUBT. Someone gets with lots of women that get around.
I am nerd, and I LOVE Star Wars. When I find out a girl has not seen Star Wars. I do not explain it, unless she asks. I go into it like the second or third date.
Honestly. I be shocked at a guy with 60 sex partners at 26. Say he started at 16. Every year he average at 6 a year. I would avoid someone with 60 sex partners no matter what age. I see it as not compatible bc i would never sleep with 6 people a year.
Yeah... That seemed surprisingly high to me too... At that point how well does he even know the people he is sleeping with? I'm guessing there are a lot of first night stands in there too.
Interesting. The first woman was cute, had nice energy and all...
Yes the guy was obviously there to show off how he’s so awesome he’s rejecting people
Ikr “just a feeling I just wasn’t feeling it” you were barely half way through the 1st question!
@@Butterfly-ps7zd That's the thing. I personally hated the few times I actually had to reject someone. It feels just as horrible as getting rejecting, but men generally are more used to getting rejected, since we're the ones approaching someone.
She didn't press that button after he started talking about recycling sh!t?! She's a saint. She tried.
Nah she just isn't a republican, so she has to chill with the non-republican standards or she will get shuned by the community
Oh God forbid someone who cares about the earth .. Fuck them... Would you like someone who throws trash around in there room?
@@domm5715 Well...yeah!
Why do people want others involved in their dating life?
Duh, because they're attention seekers.
It's 2020 and you're seriously asking this? 🤣
Because if you don't have others involved, you're just single...
Clout is a hell of a drug
Lusty Bacon okay none essential people involved
Love the insights you two hosts provide. It is so nice that I do not have to actively look at what amounts to trashy TV to get a crtical analysis. I am waaaaay past casual dating age, but it is nice to see that there are people who have values. You guys.
Preach be looking like an African feminist 😂😂
Who does Ted Talks
For real 😂
@D And u r the ugliest.
When my man was pushing the button while answering, I was on the floor. Her reaction was what had me rolling.
Definitely agree, I only bring up anime with a date if they are interested. No point talking AT them.
You do! I wish I can go on a date with a guy and talk about anime.
@Kiki M. Hells yeah!
Honestly, I don't understand why two people would go on a date that is then put on the internet and also interrupted throughout by someone pretending to be a robot. The whole thing is cringy.
That light skinned guy has the whitest valley girl voice a black straight dude can have
Welcome to Seattle. Or should I say “Washington State”. Tacoma, Spanaway, and Lakewood breed differently though 🤷🏽♂️
He's mixed and was probably raised by white people.
I’m so early, the guy with the kakashi pfp hasn’t commented yet
Or the guy with the Jellal pic.
He's always there! he’s the goat 😂
That guy is everywhere lol 🇳🇦🇿🇦
"i feel like i could crush him" lmfaaaaao. I think it's hilarious when chicks think if a man is the same height or shorter that they are somehow physically inferior to them
Yeah it's kind of fucked up to. Unless he was a midget or something.
He was short AND thin. She probably could've. She looked kinda brolic.
beefortebrea love how some people think thin=weak when that’s completely
wrong lmfao, have you seen mma fighters? They be whoopin ass at 145 pounds bruh
A lot of us don’t enjoy feeling like a Sasquatch. I dated a dude who had smaller hands than me and it like he was a kid or something.
Then look who came next. Mr.karma lol
For me, when i experienced a man telling me he slept with over 100 woman and after that stopped counting. I was not insecure and definitely did not compare myself to those woman. For me, all it did was reveal his character. For his age, and sleeping with all those woman, it shows where his priorities where.
Preach out here dressed like a fortune teller
RAB1E5 Miss Cleooo call me nowww
Lmao those commercials used to get me and I thought that the whole time 😂
Wait, so you’re telling me the first guy is 40 but he prefers to date women ages 25-30??? Not even considering women closer to his age? Something about that doesn’t sit well with me. I would’ve hit the button on him too.
Pretty common with a lot of men. Why is this surprising to you? If I was 40, why would I want to date another 40 year old?
david reutz Yeah, that is weird to me. For one, I would think both people would want to be compatible as far as where they are in life. For example, a 40 year old is probably focused on buying a house whereas a 25 year old, in most Two different life stages. So I’m curious, any particular reason why you wouldn’t date a 40 year old woman? 🤔
@@ajh.4131 Because for the most part, men and women aren't at the same stage with the same advantages and disadvantages at the same time in life.
And this is an observation across the board society wise not just from personal experience.
An average female ( normally distributed attributes across a population) is more valuable to society than an average male ( normally distributed attributes) once she hits puberty to just prior to 30 years of age, giving her the early advantage. Notice how girls tend to have it together, generally smarter, easier to teach and less trouble in their early teens compared to boys. They are more attractive overall. Not a lament, just an observation and acceptance of how nature works.
Now, from 18+ onwards till average 29 years ( outliers may push to 35 or older), the average female above has the advantage ( notice that I didn't use the term PRIVILEGED!) because nature has decided that her attractive attributes are at her peak. Things generally go easier for her than the equivalent average male. This doesn't imply that she can just show up. She has to be smart to make this advantage work for her too. What we men call a quality woman.
A similar young man does not have much going for him, hence he needs to learn to build himself, take risks, deal with things going against him. In essence, making himself more attractive. If he doesn't die before he's done.
I accept that in those years, I'm less valuable intrinsically than a female of similar age. You're probably aware that it's easier for you and society to accept men failing and dying than a few women experiencing the same thing. And I accept that that's the way things are.
Now, once I've got my life together after 30 as a man ( not dying and learning from mistakes and earning success), why would I settle for someone of similar age unless... she was with me throughout MY journey?
As a man, I'm going to choose a woman in her peak years.
Like wise, a woman will wisely select a man in his peak years.
Are there outliers? Of course. Can we see young men who seem to get advantages over young women? Of course. And making that a justification for an argument having it easy is the apex fallacy flaw in argument.
The top 10% does not define the whole population.
@@ajh.4131 it's for manipulation purposes. Young girls are easier to control.
He’s likely emotionally immature and stuck in that age range himself.
I would just keep hitting the button...
The button: why did you eliminate her
Me: because of you
My wife loves my nerdiness. Especially comics. She loves mocking anime, but she is Deadset on asking "Does this happen in the comics" everytime we watch an MCU or DCEU movie/show.
Cats are dope, but if someone says they're a cat lady, I'm taking that as a red flag.
Pretty much the same thing with saying you're a "star wars nerd" or something
I like how he says cats are dope while hitting the buzzer 🤣
lol yeah
Hahahaha PETA was bout be on his ass them and vegans. Honor would get crucified for rejecting a woman because of her pets
Preach looks like he has “on & on” on repeat while he cleans house!
Rosalina LMAOOOOO!!😂😅😭
The most Underrated comment
You're doing it wrong if you're not playing some Badu while cleaning the house xDD
my first live in boyfriend, who was also 19 years older than me, use to pry the hell out of me about my "past" which was virtually non-existent since I was only 21 and I had only 1 serious boyfriend before him. So I decided to add 2 because I felt like it sounded more realistic and looking back I think it still seems low since I think many guys think college girls are wild but I spent most my time working and studying. I had 3 jobs to pay my undergrad so I had no real time to screw around plus I was a romantic too. I just dont think anything sounds good
Stop the cap
She's 22. WTF. She looks much older.
She's been through alot of shit
I thought she was really pretty....
You're joking right?
Agent Of Vengeance I’m really not heh... guess there’s really a person for everyone, huh?
@@blackhawk5724 Regardless of what you think, she probably gets hit on all the time.
The guy with the beanie was being himself, thats how you should be when you're on a date. F all the games and masquerading as someone you aren't. If the other person don't f with you, then that's on them. He basically just avoided wasting his and her time, and surely some girl will actually appreciate him, relate to him AND what he likes at some point.
While I agree, that isn't how you get laid. You play the game. You can be yourself after that.
You’re right . He just met the wrong girl. As a woman we usually talk too damn much especially on a date. That was her opportunity to be a good listener .I like seeing people passionate about things. It shows you a lot about their goals and personality . I like leggos too.
I think the point is, that’s even though your passionate about something, doesn’t mean you should go off on it, on someone you legit just met. That creates the “I’m not interested” look she had. When you date you look for commonality first and then you build from there. I’m always myself when I’m out, but I find common ground for interested conversations, then build from there. It’s how it’s said
@@mineralgrey8332 Exactly. People want to talk about themselves. Even if you go on about your interests you should at least try to find a common ground so they don't zone out.
Omar Aquavivas you’re definitely right
I thought he said "So you're the one on the streets." I was like Jesus Christ that's bold.
LMFAOOO facts I was like ooo shit
Body count matters to me because I feel that it shows whether you value or how much you value sex over knowing someone. It also gives me an idea of how risky your sexual life is in regards to STDs. Since I’m not an overly sexual person that would become a concern to me if sex was an extremely important point in your life.
Saw this on Cody Ko’s channel and was waiting to see you guys cover it. Was not disappointed lol.
The first guy hit the button because he didn't like how she looked. They should definitely do this game blind.
The button game blind...that’s a whole different game. It’s called dating blind lol. How are they supposed to hit an illuminated button without seeing it...
@@d.l831 I don't mean literally blind. I mean they can't see the other person, probably with a wall or barricade of some kind.
@@vincegonzalez2171 honestly dont know why people blind date. One of the most important things in a relationship is being attracted to someone atleast sexually.
@@mazuki7602 that stuff can also develop later tho
@@huh968 I feel like it's the one thing that can't. Even if you start off as friends you will always be aware that person has got something going on.
Shakira actually DOES have a song where she mentions "Galilei" Lmao
NOOO fr??! What song?
@@tmar8959 "En tus pupilas" It's one of her Spanish songs.
17:26 imagine it comes on your radio.. “no.. you don’t.. under.. stand.. this is my.. only job.. I can’t afford to.. get fired.. I have a.. wife and kids.. you have been eliminated”
The button is truly the SHADIEST of them ALL!
That dude has been rejected alot and this is his sweet sweet revenge 🤣🤣🤣
c'est debatable
The moment he said “chronologically” I knew he was fucked
For me it was "lego".
The second he said “the mandalorian” I was like “ah well, goodbye”
I saw this comment at the exact moment. LMAO
XD I mean when she said "whats that?" I was like "oh buddy....smack the button because you lost her, and it seems your experience in it made her tighten up"
Why are people surprised that the 40 year old is being quick to eliminate people? Lol at his age preference being 10-15 years younger. Made me die laughing when the 22 year old eliminated HIM.
Dude, youre an overweight middle aged man. Who is giving these people such big heads? 😂😂😂
the 22 years old woman looked older then him lol
@@martalevin4829 Its her makeup/clothing. Stripped that away and she looks much younger than him. He definitely looks middle aged. Hed look younger if he lost 30 pounds and gained some muscle.
@@thezu9250 why are you attacking me? its just my opinion .
@@martalevin4829 Huh? Who is attacking you? I just said she looks older than her age because of her fashion choices. So I am agreeing with you but explaining why.
Dude, I think she was joking that last part 😂😂
"it's just a feeling" lol he means they ugly
At this point, I'm happy with my right hand🙄 🤷🏽♂️
Don't forget to occasionally cheat with your left. Keeps the spark alive.
@@kronos1794 amen
Lol "if you're average or ugly don't bother." I'm so done 🤣🤣🤣😂
I’m laying in bed sick with Covid, while watching hours of your videos, laughing soooo hard! Your laughs are contagious! Thanks for making me smile today!
Praying for you 🙏🏾 Get well soon
@@nanayaa3134 thank you! I’m feeling a lot better now.
Hope you feel better! Sending you good vibes!😊
I hope you make a speedy recovery.
@@kemaratkins1275 thank you! I’m significantly better, just a lingering cough.
"The Mandalorian takes place after..." 😂
bro as someone who watches it I cringed when he started going on about it💀💀💀
that boy isn't going anywhere
Man... I feel for that guy...... He's got no idea how he sounds like to other people.
Somebody should tell him.... In Yoda's voice.
@@faismasterx Tell him somebody should, you mean 🤣👍
I cant remember the last time my wife's boyfriend let me watch aba & preach this early
Hold up
Wait a minute....
Yooooo 🤣😂🤣😂
I hope you ain't forreal bruh
Your wife's boyfriend?
17:56 I am glad he said that. As a woman it is honestly really hard for me to reject guys I genuinely do not like doing it. But if I am not attracted it is best to tell them before they get really hurt. But sometimes it doesn't matter how nice you are, they do not always take rejection very well... So there really is two sides to every coin. I understand that getting rejected sucks.
As a guy I actually rejected a girl, but back in middle school. There was this dance and the girls in my class were trying to arrange a date with me. I knew who she was, I already had a crush on someone else and I was really into her and I straight up said no. She cried afterwards. I felt shitty but I can't really force myself if I'm not into it.
I'm glad for these videosz we get a chance to share our perspectives. I never realized how bad rejecting someone must feel and I'm sure many women find it difficult. Being rejected is a whole other thing and I'm glad other women are being aware how hard for is for guys to be the one to take all the risk. Thank you for sharing
16:10 reminded me of Bloodsport when Jean became ''blind'' and fought with instinct