Bingo!That's exactly on point!They really no not what they do.But if that were true,such clownin' monkeys would only stop their shenanigans to repent to the creater who concieved them along with the evil opposer,who they now so much worship!
One big problem is that alot of chosen ones have big hearts and tend to give people 2nd and 3rd chances. Once a person shows you who they are and how they feel about you in a negative way. Cut them off and don't look back.
Matthew 23:27-28 27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Laughing and smiling on the outside all while crying their eyes out on the inside, when they see you are not bothered by them. No Reactions and 💯% success for us.
Yeah,its no real matter! The reality of it is,is that when holding back fully controlling ones, already known insane crazy, gigantic foolish pride controlled spirit.Which instores alot more divine power, than releasing it and catching a case!Lol.That also shows good character aswell,both to the overall loud mouth world,& Keepin' cool headed, being in complete silence,totally quiet, inside oneself, thru reaching the higher divine vibrations of God!Demonic entities bait one in to it's entice snares,that's only for those who are stupid enough to fall into such traps!Nevertheless they nefariously go back to their filthy lucre generated technological wicked hive minded nests to impress other parasitic insects, rodents,& reptiles with delusions of distractive grandeur, that alot like sneak thief cowards that figurative or metaphorically took a stab at various historical made hero's,that have beat the game of proverbial odds inside & beyond the lifestyles of both the bottoms & top.So considering the non altered, states of such volatile circumstances that alter cases.But thru such jealous haters,who literally shot Jesse James in the Back,that wanted to be him,was nothing more than envious haters who thru behind gas lit deflections of mimicked smoke screen mirrors,as green parrots or envious chameleons, of similar hue,who by ever means,wanted to live in his shoes!Smiling faces tell lies,yet all the time they wanna replace you,to roll-reverse, & take your place in line!Have you ever heard of Racial Displaced Replacement!?!Utilizing certain multi-cultural Diasporas for better results!Seriously!!No joke!!!4real,4real!!!!
And as you say...they are watching every word you they can cast black magic...if they disagree. They defend themselves using occult magic practices..."No touch".
Lol 😆😆😆 I walk fast in stores too. The people that work in the store be following me like imma steal something. Then BOOM 💥 I buy a laptop. Or some jet ink, or some culinary utensils. They be big mad 😡. Everyday I ask God to keep me humble because sometimes I just want to stunt on my haters, yet that's not in my heart to do.
I be making them know their place daily now. I dont give one eff anymore. I aint falling for all the weird vibes and all that dumb shit. I used to fall for that but I don't fall for that no more. I got this now. Thanks for always being there, Coach. YOU the man.
I am the light so I only walk under the sun and light ! Only bro ! I have no business with darkness ! I hate it so I left them behind long terms ago ! Nothing was there ! Nothing !
My parents messed my life up and now they are still attacking me because I want to live a stress free happy life. The life they have is delusional and have no idea what it takes to achieve success. There view of life is work all day take abuse from boss come home for 6pm and watch TV and repeat but also get married so they are happy whilst I am stuck in there world. It didn't work and they are acting strange. Thanks Terry for bringing me to higher dimensions.
I go through it at work with some people and looking back it explains a lot about how people reacted to me. They were jealous or intimidated and I just let them get the best of me.
They do this grandiose smile witch always make me die inside because they really distort their faces and it makes them look really old because they put so much expression in the narc smile that it makes them uglier I always stare at there under eyes because it makes them feel like shit
When I was a young man people told me I was not worth anything, I was slow, something was wrong with me. I sort of believed them but I at the same time I didn't believe them. I was young so I didn't know but when I look back at things, I bought my first car in 1974, a 1966 Chevelle SS, but then they really started hating me but I thought they liked me but they still didn't like me. Fast forward 50 years they still don't think I am worthy but now I understand more of why the didn't like me, I was too much for them.
@@reesedaniel5835 ambulances for the life snatched out of these demonic peasants and for the ones left being pushed around in wheel chairs by their energy supplies! 😂😂🦁🦁
Folks, This Man Right Here is Cutting The Speed of Wisdom to that of Projected Thought. These videos like Sunken Treasure to me. What he is saying is Genuine Wealth and Abundance. This is the "X" on the ancient map you've always heard about. Thank You Once Again. Every single video you do is burning off generations of darkness based in idiocy like a flaming torch. God Bless You.
Agreed TJ, no souls, they get worse and meaner, uglier and remember, desperate people do desperate things. She’s a mess that rolls men and women. Negative energy and waiting for her elderly parents to pass so she can get her hands on the inheritance. I hope her parents don’t have any loose fillings due to the time frame but I’m sure she’s used to working fast.
Desperate spirits inside meaningless souless people,within taking such trend- kill desperate measures,inside all truthful reality,are not that long for this planet,& of even other worlds.Thru which in all subconscious truth,whose truly miserable, & really wants not exist.But atleast,perhaps only needs, to be thrown away, in the biodegradable garbage pale,thru a variety of various recyclable trash!
I used to attend a few classes with a particular girl who would speak with half of the class for simple "chit chat" & I didn't mind that UNTIL I noticed that she not only avoided eye contact with me on purpose BUT.....she would purposely SMIRK & avert eye contact everytime we had to either sit near each other or pass by They say to "trust your gut instinct" & I'm telling you that her smirks reeked of contempt but with a tip of eeriness
Iv'e been dealing with a narc for years and whenever i see the S.O.B its the same crap a comment to put me down a laugh when something went wrong for me i stay away from this person but because this person is part of the family i have to see him now and again but it always leaves me with an ill feeling inside dealing with this person.
You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. Psalms 77:14 My Life has been like the Movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events" 🌩 My newborn was Medically Kidnapped for money incentives through the State's federally funded law better known as ASFA passed into law by the Clintons back in 19'97. I myself was #TAKEN at birth from My own Mother whom is now serving a LIFE Sentence since 19'98. I was 9 years old then and i was Removed from My own Mother shortly after my mom had me & i was born in 1989 now 33 yrs old. Now Because of that law and the fact I was considered a Dependant or Ward of the State of California (" property "*) until I Aged Out of the foster care system in Los Angeles County DCFS and at 18 yrs old I was finally a woman. Let's fast forward almost a decade later.. never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined this happening it's like someone wake me up from this night terror. Why does it seem like everything I Love gets taken away from Me !?! I apologize for the long vent I've just been feeling like at my wits end here sorta and I don't even know where to begin and or what can honestly be done to make things change possibly !?! So far the Things I've pursued in attempt to make everything better only seemed to not go as originally planned & caused another minor setback at the time yet i haven't thrown in the towel and i REFUSE TO As long as what has been stolen from me until 'THEY' RETURN ALL My God Given Gifts IS WHEN THE BATTLE IS WON. I FIGHT UNTIL THEN THAT IS UNTIL I WIN. Every day it's been the same war almost since i could really remember and i can't wait for this to finally End. Anyone Spiritually Woke can see it for what it is obviously ya Know when I feel as though I'm caught between a real serious spiritual warfare and the battle has yet to cease but my baby boy is caught in the middle of this and I just want to fix this before it's too late whether it be a generational curse or something karmic I seriously don't know but enough is enough. Please I'm tired now who wouldn't be tired too of shooting flares and getting nowhere . . I APPRECIATE EACH DAY I SEE & THANK GOD FOR MY BLESSINGS. Everyday I PRAY THE MOMENT I OPEN MY EYES & RIGHT BEFORE EACH MEAL.. I USED TO SAY THE LORD'S PRAYER EVERY NIGHT BEFORE I WENT TO BED.. A.S.A.P. ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT GOD DOES TRUELY EXISTS AND NOBODY CAN EVER CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. I'M STILL HERE GOD IS REAL 💓🌌 I'M LIVING PROOF ❤️🩹🫀 My Hubby Babiesdaddy is A White Man with Blue eyes (from Germany) & 13 years my senior and Get this i NEVER Could get pregnant by anyone but HiM EveR never been prego from Noone. He IS the ONLY 1 to impregnate Me EVER When we had our first date It was ah wrap i was like put ah bow on me because shortly after we met i had found out i was with child then 9 months later I gave birth to HeR on 420 2013 The date we planned to tie the knot although instead on April 19th I went into Labor 3 weeks early & i became a Mother for the very first TiMe & at 23 i Gave birth to a full term healthy BeautifuL 5 lb 14 oz babygirl My firstborn baby & now we have five Babies👣2 Girls & 3 Boys💞👨👩👧👦💓💙Sky Blue HeeschCons 💝Aeriel Marie HeeschCons💝Maxmillan Nathaniel HeeschCons💝Kyle John HeeschCons💝Cloud Nine Heesch💝 ⚖️☁️🍼#BRINGCloudNineBACKHOME📣💭✊🏼🧸🚼💞🤱🏻👨🏼🍼💓💖 Respectfully&Sincerest, Brianna Ja'Nae Consвидео.htmlвидео.html #FormerFosterChild #FormerFosterKid #FormerFosterYouth 🔞видео.html #EndNewborns4Cash Babies for Cash - How the State Abuses Infants by Destroying the ... #removedatbirth #TAKENtoo #STOLENByCPS #kidnappedatbirth #wheresmymommyiwantmymomma #iWishIWasntInFosterCare #bornintoasystem #separatedatbirth #snatchedByCPS #IwasStolenFromMyOwnMother #Since19'89Until20'07AGEDOUT #MYTwoSiblings #WereSTOLENtoo #NeverAdopted #KinGapPlacement #BeforeDaveLeeCampINTRODUCEDthe1997ASFAbillpassedSignedIntoLawByBillClinton 🔞 #ADOPTIONANDSAFEFAMILIESACT #PROMOTEDbyHillaryClinton #CreatingTheCoruptSchemeCASHforKIDS #KIDS4CASH #BabiesAREaCommodity #BABIESareCASHCOW #PROFITforEACHinfantHUMANTRAFFICKEDandSOLDthroughTheFosterCarePipelineCPSRacketeeringBILLIONSofDollarsREVENUE #DIDyouKnowDHSSisPRIVATELYownedChildWELFAREfostercaresystemBANKSjustAboutTheAmountOfMillionsEachFISCALyear #childprotectiveservices #ThroughAloopholeWithinTheASFAincentive#ChildrenSTOLENdailyByCORRUPTcpssocialworkers#LEGALIZEDKIDNAPPERSpaidADOPTIONincentives #CPShasBecomeaLucrativeBUSINESSbillionDOLLARindustryforFORCEDADOPTIONS #nomorekidsforcash #stopfederalfundingtochildprotectiveagency #endkids4cashinamerica #fostercareawareness #endCPS #BeLoud #realkidsincagesUSA #kidsincagesAmerica #kidsincagesusa #RealKidsInCagesusa2021 #DefundASFA 👁️🗨️ #FightMamaFIGHT ✊⚖️✨ This is dedicated to MY Children ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️видео.html #ProtectParentalRightsLLC & #ParentalRightsMatterLLC
Wow! Stumbled over here on the same Chris Klein, which my colleagues at work always attest to his great experience in Investment. Good deeds they say, fly easily.... Chris is great!!
I met Expert Chris last year for the first time at a conference in new york city, i invested $24,000 and traded in one month making close to $94,450, I am happy that I took the step to success by trading with Chris. You know Ignorance can be the worst thing and mistake that most people always do***
@Elkster Eidolon True. They actually use melted fat from euthanized vet clinic animals and road kill to make mainstream toothpaste such as Crest, Colgate, etc. Nasty garbage and they add sodium fluoride which rots your teeth. Sodium flouride is an INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCT. Normally they would have to pay to dispose of it so instead they put it in toothpaste and drinking water and make YOU pay. The kind of fluoride that's good for teeth is CALCUIM flouride but they use the bad kind and don't expect you to know any different. They want you to be dumb so they can take advantage of you in every possible way. I haven't used that crap in my mouth in over 15 years. I get organic salt toothpaste online called Weleda.
You know, I feel that RUclips should NOT allow channel creators to see their viewers. I KNOW that it's a mistake. It's a violation of the viewers' privacy. The viewers, in no way, should be exposed. They are watching RUclips to WATCH; not BE watched. Channel creators are on RUclips to BE watched. Yep, the viewers are definitely getting screwed over by RUclips AND the channel creators.
You sound crazy, you should run to God not yourself for strength. You just become a self worshipper like them And you end up in the same place in the end.
Well we have to not fail, and watch our steps. I just left the neighborhood I was in, I did mention it was a temporary place for me. And the good thing is I can travel out to and from where I'm going. But anyway good message, needed to hear this 🤍❤️
I wish i can leave my neighborhood but leaving with my son just me and him it’s scary bcus there’s nothing set in motion like where we gonna live if i leave…🥺
Laughing or smirking is a way to marginalize you. But they know you do something better, so it’s the only way to regulate their insecurities.
So, lots of people? Seriously, this is like a daily occurrence
Bingo!That's exactly on point!They really no not what they do.But if that were true,such clownin' monkeys would only stop their shenanigans to repent to the creater who concieved them along with the evil opposer,who they now so much worship!
Everyday occasions 👍
They laugh and make fun of me because I am my real self.
They laugh at us because we are different. I laugh at them because they are all the same (brainwashed lemmings). 😁😆
They definitely don't see what's coming
Nice name ,..
Butterfly Ef ,……😬✌🏼
One big problem is that alot of chosen ones have big hearts and tend to give people 2nd and 3rd chances. Once a person shows you who they are and how they feel about you in a negative way. Cut them off and don't look back.
Cut !
Yes. The empathy and optimism gets taken for granted and used to abuse you.
Sounds like me. I had to learn the hard way to stop giving them the benefit of doubt.
After getting your head bashed into a wall over and over you will get it. There still are people who will do you right.
Forgive someone 10,000 times and people tell you, "yOu JuSt GoTtA lEaRn hOw tO fOrGiVe!"
These demons may laugh and smile on the outside but on the inside, they are crumbling and dying.
Matthew 23:27-28
27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.
28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
Beware of people like this they can have some tricks up their sleeve always have your third eye open
We don't need a 3rd eye, that's new age Hindu doctrine. All we need is the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
Someone needs to put an end to their ruins lives.
They don’t really have any power
@@_elev3nb_903 facts they don't 😂💯
They kill, steal and destroy. Just best to watch your and yours back. ✨
That's what the narcissists gang stalkers do smirk & laugh x
Laughing and smiling on the outside all while crying their eyes out on the inside, when they see you are not bothered by them. No Reactions and 💯% success for us.
Facts champ!
Yeah,its no real matter! The reality of it is,is that when holding back fully controlling ones, already known insane crazy, gigantic foolish pride controlled spirit.Which instores alot more divine power, than releasing it and catching a case!Lol.That also shows good character aswell,both to the overall loud mouth world,& Keepin' cool headed, being in complete silence,totally quiet, inside oneself, thru reaching the higher divine vibrations of God!Demonic entities bait one in to it's entice snares,that's only for those who are stupid enough to fall into such traps!Nevertheless they nefariously go back to their filthy lucre generated technological wicked hive minded nests to impress other parasitic insects, rodents,& reptiles with delusions of distractive grandeur, that alot like sneak thief cowards that figurative or metaphorically took a stab at various historical made hero's,that have beat the game of proverbial odds inside & beyond the lifestyles of both the bottoms & top.So considering the non altered, states of such volatile circumstances that alter cases.But thru such jealous haters,who literally shot Jesse James in the Back,that wanted to be him,was nothing more than envious haters who thru behind gas lit deflections of mimicked smoke screen mirrors,as green parrots or envious chameleons, of similar hue,who by ever means,wanted to live in his shoes!Smiling faces tell lies,yet all the time they wanna replace you,to roll-reverse, & take your place in line!Have you ever heard of Racial Displaced Replacement!?!Utilizing certain multi-cultural Diasporas for better results!Seriously!!No joke!!!4real,4real!!!!
They laugh because they mad
I would not try to prove much to them, rise above teaching them a lesson
Just B and ✂️ as much as possible.
Defense mecanism for hiding true feelings about themselces.
Like the Alpha walk stance
And as you say...they are watching every word you they can cast black magic...if they disagree. They defend themselves using occult magic practices..."No touch".
Lol 😆😆😆 I walk fast in stores too. The people that work in the store be following me like imma steal something. Then BOOM 💥 I buy a laptop. Or some jet ink, or some culinary utensils. They be big mad 😡.
Everyday I ask God to keep me humble because sometimes I just want to stunt on my haters, yet that's not in my heart to do.
@terryjoeljr okay fam 💯💞
It is a brutal world out trying to take your career and life. Watch these snakes!
And if you really get the wrong type of NARC they will follow you to every EMPLOYER. Serial killer like.
I interviewed for a new department, got the job and this sicko sleezed his way into the same department and minimizes me every chance he can get
Most serial killer are magliant narcissist psychopath 💯
Wow, just sent up a prayer 🙏 for you
I be making them know their place daily now. I dont give one eff anymore. I aint falling for all the weird vibes and all that dumb shit. I used to fall for that but I don't fall for that no more. I got this now. Thanks for always being there, Coach. YOU the man.
Only hardworking blue collars are real indigos ! Richest ones bro ! That energy was so real so welcome so good !
Interesting topic. I've noticed these behaviors weird af
Laugh an smirk at them for no reason an watch them have that look on there face like wtf.
I am the light so I only walk under the sun and light ! Only bro ! I have no business with darkness ! I hate it so I left them behind long terms ago ! Nothing was there ! Nothing !
People Laugh Out Of Nervousness Aswell! Go Figure!
Yes, there is some truth to that, but there is also provocation.
They can “Smile” Al that they whant ,….
I drink my coffee ,. As every other day ✌🏼😎🙏🏼
My parents messed my life up and now they are still attacking me because I want to live a stress free happy life. The life they have is delusional and have no idea what it takes to achieve success. There view of life is work all day take abuse from boss come home for 6pm and watch TV and repeat but also get married so they are happy whilst I am stuck in there world. It didn't work and they are acting strange. Thanks Terry for bringing me to higher dimensions.
im from romania and i think we need to make the hole world great again not just america
Yes, please, masculins... Respect yourselves, your heart, your soul, your inner child. Thank you
Why the 🖕?
Before all sure to look BOTH ways before attempting crossing. Og°
Bro you’re on point with these topics 😂💯🗣 Thank you for spreading truth
🍀I work towards my goals every day… I would be much farther, its sad that… that many people have tried to make me fail and still do…
Same here and it’s heartbreaking when the jealousy & hate is coming from your own parent…. Sad
I go through it at work with some people and looking back it explains a lot about how people reacted to me. They were jealous or intimidated and I just let them get the best of me.
They do this grandiose smile witch always make me die inside because they really distort their faces and it makes them look really old because they put so much expression in the narc smile that it makes them uglier I always stare at there under eyes because it makes them feel like shit
☺️ God Loves You Terry
Came with the heat on this one! 🤣
I love your education I have face this in my life
When I was a young man people told me I was not worth anything, I was slow, something was wrong with me. I sort of believed them but I at the same time I didn't believe them. I was young so I didn't know but when I look back at things, I bought my first car in 1974, a 1966 Chevelle SS, but then they really started hating me but I thought they liked me but they still didn't like me. Fast forward 50 years they still don't think I am worthy but now I understand more of why the didn't like me, I was too much for them.
I'm in buffalo NY snowed here too!
Lol makes them look so stupid and useless when you prove them wrong
As well as powerless
It's already beginning to get worse for them champ hence the sirens in the background!! 😂😂🦁🦁
Yes we know exactly why we keep seeing and hearing ambulances.....💉💉💉
@@reesedaniel5835 ambulances for the life snatched out of these demonic peasants and for the ones left being pushed around in wheel chairs by their energy supplies! 😂😂🦁🦁
Them sirens be driving me krazyyyyyyy it’s like every sec of the day i hear them ! It’s not normal at all……
I already seen their lifes their no purposeful life and that can't be unseen somewhere !
I love staying true to myself. They are distractions. Coming to steal kill and destroy. Armour up stand your ground.
GOD BLESS YOU ❣❣❣... 🕊❤🕆AMEN🕆❤🕊...👼😇...🙇🙏
Folks, This Man Right Here is Cutting The Speed of Wisdom to that of Projected Thought. These videos like Sunken Treasure to me. What he is saying is Genuine Wealth and Abundance. This is the "X" on the ancient map you've always heard about. Thank You Once Again. Every single video you do is burning off generations of darkness based in idiocy like a flaming torch. God Bless You.
Snowed here yesterday and today
When I see this now it makes me smile.
F them!!!! I will win!!!!!!!!!!!
One of my favorite youtubers. This dude speaks from the heart.
Terry i just need you to know what a special amazing guy you truly are. Thank you for being you buddy. Much love
Agreed TJ, no souls, they get worse and meaner, uglier and remember, desperate people do desperate things. She’s a mess that rolls men and women. Negative energy and waiting for her elderly parents to pass so she can get her hands on the inheritance. I hope her parents don’t have any loose fillings due to the time frame but I’m sure she’s used to working fast.
Desperate spirits inside meaningless souless people,within taking such trend- kill desperate measures,inside all truthful reality,are not that long for this planet,& of even other worlds.Thru which in all subconscious truth,whose truly miserable, & really wants not exist.But atleast,perhaps only needs, to be thrown away, in the biodegradable garbage pale,thru a variety of various recyclable trash!
Smash the LIKE BUTTON 😅❤
I used to attend a few classes with a particular girl who would speak with half of the class for simple "chit chat" & I didn't mind that UNTIL I noticed that she not only avoided eye contact with me on purpose BUT.....she would purposely SMIRK & avert eye contact everytime we had to either sit near each other or pass by
They say to "trust your gut instinct" & I'm telling you that her smirks reeked of contempt but with a tip of eeriness
6:49 Yes I Love It !🔥
I am busted tolerated endured suffered and succeed ! Those people are just idiots bro ! I am not joke !
I can't normal communicate with them even I am way ahead them !
One thing I know for certain, is they most definitely need to look in their own backyard
Iv'e been dealing with a narc for years and whenever i see the S.O.B its the same crap a comment to put me down a laugh when something went wrong for me i stay away from this person but because this person is part of the family i have to see him now and again but it always leaves me with an ill feeling inside dealing with this person.
👊🙏❤💪👑 100 amen my brother
Lmfao ! It's so laughable ! Hahahahahahaha
So true Joel 👍👍
Haters see IT and want to be IT. But if you're hating then you're not relating. AKA...Frozen not Chosen.
Pure evil men!
Greetings from LA 😏
You do a very good job at presenting in your videos. Thanks!
🙌 Amen 🙏
I can't wait to get my house in Malibu 😎
How do people know if you are successful or not?
By the way you carry yourself and the possessions you have. Triggers their envy.
Just act like a poor person and wear rags when out and about and take a shower once a week. ✨
You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.
Psalms 77:14
My Life has been like the Movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events" 🌩
My newborn was Medically Kidnapped for money incentives through the State's federally funded law better known as ASFA passed into law by the Clintons back in 19'97. I myself was #TAKEN at birth from My own Mother whom is now serving a LIFE Sentence since 19'98. I was 9 years old then and i was Removed from My own Mother shortly after my mom had me & i was born in 1989 now 33 yrs old. Now Because of that law and the fact I was considered a Dependant or Ward of the State of California (" property "*) until I Aged Out of the foster care system in Los Angeles County DCFS and at 18 yrs old I was finally a woman. Let's fast forward almost a decade later..
never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined this happening it's like someone wake me up from this night terror. Why does it seem like everything I Love gets taken away from Me !?!
I apologize for the long vent I've just been feeling like at my wits end here sorta and I don't even know where to begin and or what can honestly be done to make things change possibly !?! So far the Things I've pursued in attempt to make everything better only seemed to not go as originally planned & caused another minor setback at the time yet i haven't thrown in the towel and i REFUSE TO As long as what has been stolen from me until 'THEY' RETURN ALL My God Given Gifts IS WHEN THE BATTLE IS WON.
Every day it's been the same war almost since i could really remember and i can't wait for this to finally End. Anyone Spiritually Woke can see it for what it is obviously ya Know when I feel as though I'm caught between a real serious spiritual warfare and the battle has yet to cease but my baby boy is caught in the middle of this and I just want to fix this before it's too late whether it be a generational curse or something karmic I seriously don't know but enough is enough. Please I'm tired now who wouldn't be tired too of shooting flares and getting nowhere . . I APPRECIATE EACH DAY I SEE & THANK GOD FOR MY BLESSINGS. Everyday I PRAY THE MOMENT I OPEN MY EYES & RIGHT BEFORE EACH MEAL.. I USED TO SAY THE LORD'S PRAYER EVERY NIGHT BEFORE I WENT TO BED.. A.S.A.P. ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT GOD DOES TRUELY EXISTS AND NOBODY CAN EVER CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. I'M STILL HERE GOD IS REAL 💓🌌 I'M LIVING PROOF ❤️🩹🫀 My Hubby Babiesdaddy is A White Man with Blue eyes (from Germany) & 13 years my senior and Get this i NEVER Could get pregnant by anyone but HiM EveR never been prego from Noone. He IS the ONLY 1 to impregnate Me EVER When we had our first date It was ah wrap i was like put ah bow on me because shortly after we met i had found out i was with child then 9 months later I gave birth to HeR on 420 2013 The date we planned to tie the knot although instead on April 19th I went into Labor 3 weeks early & i became a Mother for the very first TiMe & at 23 i Gave birth to a full term healthy BeautifuL 5 lb 14 oz babygirl My firstborn baby & now we have five Babies👣2 Girls & 3 Boys💞👨👩👧👦💓💙Sky Blue HeeschCons 💝Aeriel Marie HeeschCons💝Maxmillan Nathaniel HeeschCons💝Kyle John HeeschCons💝Cloud Nine Heesch💝
Brianna Ja'Nae Consвидео.htmlвидео.html
#FormerFosterChild #FormerFosterKid #FormerFosterYouth 🔞видео.html
Babies for Cash - How the State Abuses Infants by Destroying the ...
#removedatbirth #TAKENtoo
#wheresmymommyiwantmymomma #iWishIWasntInFosterCare #bornintoasystem #separatedatbirth #snatchedByCPS #IwasStolenFromMyOwnMother #Since19'89Until20'07AGEDOUT
#MYTwoSiblings #WereSTOLENtoo #NeverAdopted #KinGapPlacement #BeforeDaveLeeCampINTRODUCEDthe1997ASFAbillpassedSignedIntoLawByBillClinton 🔞
#CreatingTheCoruptSchemeCASHforKIDS #KIDS4CASH #BabiesAREaCommodity #BABIESareCASHCOW #PROFITforEACHinfantHUMANTRAFFICKEDandSOLDthroughTheFosterCarePipelineCPSRacketeeringBILLIONSofDollarsREVENUE #DIDyouKnowDHSSisPRIVATELYownedChildWELFAREfostercaresystemBANKSjustAboutTheAmountOfMillionsEachFISCALyear #childprotectiveservices #ThroughAloopholeWithinTheASFAincentive#ChildrenSTOLENdailyByCORRUPTcpssocialworkers#LEGALIZEDKIDNAPPERSpaidADOPTIONincentives #CPShasBecomeaLucrativeBUSINESSbillionDOLLARindustryforFORCEDADOPTIONS #nomorekidsforcash #stopfederalfundingtochildprotectiveagency #endkids4cashinamerica #fostercareawareness #endCPS #BeLoud #realkidsincagesUSA #kidsincagesAmerica #kidsincagesusa #RealKidsInCagesusa2021
👁️🗨️ #FightMamaFIGHT ✊⚖️✨
This is dedicated to MY Children ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️видео.html
#ProtectParentalRightsLLC &
@@dalejerden1878 ?!‽
Normal sh!t I guess.
@@dalejerden1878 What do you need help with ?!?!?
I like your vids bro, you aware of Richard grannon ?
U the FBI? How u know this ? I subbed
Bro I saw these dark night girls eyes aren't blue green or grey but black which made me cringe ! I am stupid to give them good life !
You could buy a girl something else far greater than alcohol. We should remain sober.
5:20 Yes A Dose Of Their Medicine !
Please don’t call me bra, you don’t even know me 😅❤
I'm insecure
I Don't Know If You Like Heavy Metal But Check Out Hatebreed They Are Like A Life Coach Metal Band !🔥 Uplifting!
Why are people narcs bro like wtf has happened to them
*Making money is an action. Keeping money is a behavior, but "Growing money is wisdom" I figured this out a week ago*..💯💯🎤
I heard a lot of investing with Mr Chris Klein and how good he is, please how safe are the profit?
Wow! Stumbled over here on the same Chris Klein, which my colleagues at work always attest to his great experience in Investment. Good deeds they say, fly easily.... Chris is great!!
I just got myself a new Tesla model car just few weeks back after started trading with Mr Chris.
I met Expert Chris last year for the first time at a conference in new york city, i invested $24,000 and traded in one month making close to $94,450, I am happy that I took the step to success by trading with Chris. You know Ignorance can be the worst thing and mistake that most people always do***
It’s condescending usually
Put some toothpaste on those bee stings
Lol 😂
@Elkster Eidolon ....
@Elkster Eidolon True. They actually use melted fat from euthanized vet clinic animals and road kill to make mainstream toothpaste such as Crest, Colgate, etc. Nasty garbage and they add sodium fluoride which rots your teeth. Sodium flouride is an INDUSTRIAL WASTE PRODUCT. Normally they would have to pay to dispose of it so instead they put it in toothpaste and drinking water and make YOU pay. The kind of fluoride that's good for teeth is CALCUIM flouride but they use the bad kind and don't expect you to know any different. They want you to be dumb so they can take advantage of you in every possible way. I haven't used that crap in my mouth in over 15 years. I get organic salt toothpaste online called Weleda.
This is the track to play when considering or even attracting these types.
You know, I feel that RUclips should NOT allow channel creators to see their viewers. I KNOW that it's a mistake. It's a violation of the viewers' privacy. The viewers, in no way, should be exposed. They are watching RUclips to WATCH; not BE watched. Channel creators are on RUclips to BE watched. Yep, the viewers are definitely getting screwed over by RUclips AND the channel creators.
You sound crazy, you should run to God not yourself for strength. You just become a self worshipper like them
And you end up in the same place in the end.
Well we have to not fail, and watch our steps. I just left the neighborhood I was in, I did mention it was a temporary place for me. And the good thing is I can travel out to and from where I'm going. But anyway good message, needed to hear this 🤍❤️
I wish i can leave my neighborhood but leaving with my son just me and him it’s scary bcus there’s nothing set in motion like where we gonna live if i leave…🥺
It's so comical that it becomes a legal issue! ⛸️❄️⛸️