A Look at Author, Author (Voyager)

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Opinionated Voyager Episode Guide looks at one of the final Doctor episodes. He tries telling a story to inspire people to look at holograms differently, but all he does is upset his shipmates by making them look like unsympathetic jerkwads.

Комментарии • 73

  • @alexneff
    @alexneff 22 дня назад +32

    Awe you brought up vic ... RIP James Darren

  • @beav1962
    @beav1962 22 дня назад +2

    Those mining holograms (who I am sure their programming is minimal & task specific) vs the doctor is like an automobile assembly "robot" vs the Exocomps. Both the Doctor and the Exocomps have grown way past their programming. The last scene is manipulative because it puts a human face on a task specific hologram. If the head on the hologram worker was a generic crash test dummy, would anyone have cared?

    • @lordmontymord8701
      @lordmontymord8701 4 дня назад

      I would love to see what the people (the one's in flesh and blood) running the mining-facility think about this. Pretty sure they also say this is pretty weird and if their superiors are just pranking them.
      Funny thing is that we saw simple service holograms in the two-parter about the holograms created by the Hirogen as prey. You wouldn't need anything as sophisticated as the Doctor or the Exocomps for the tasks shown here. It's like the people who decided this wanted another Exocomp-situation ...

  • @fnord4960
    @fnord4960 22 дня назад +2

    Harry always suffers.

  • @fredrikcarlstedt393
    @fredrikcarlstedt393 22 дня назад +1

    You have been Parised !

  • @Dunebat
    @Dunebat 20 дней назад +2

    Wait... wouldn't the EMH writing something be considered an AI writer?
    Also: wouldn't recalling the EMH's book be like Netflix deciding to remove an episode of your favorite series deemed "problematic" without telling you they're doing it?
    This episode was weirdly prescient, yet managed to dance around every issue it raises. Typical Voyager.

    • @mikegates8993
      @mikegates8993 13 дней назад +1

      Not really on the second one. This is the publisher violating a creator's rights and said creator having to take legal action against them. Keep in mind that they told the Doctor they'd wait for him to make changes and then went ahead with publishing it anyway. As for the first, that's what the trial was about. The Doctor is advanced enough that he probably should be considered a person for all intent and purpose, an AI writer is an algorithm generating something.

    • @HilaryPea
      @HilaryPea 16 часов назад

      @@mikegates8993 The Doctor is an AI with the ability to use a comprehensive and complicated algorithm for solving problems. It is supposed to solve medical problems, but he uses it to solve social, artistic, (etc) problems. In this case, the ability to write a story that would mesh. It's still an algorithm. However, I get your point.
      On a side note, our brains use comprehensive and complicated algorithms for the same thing :D (Sorry, the snarky side of my brain made my fingers type that last part.)

  • @john1701q
    @john1701q 22 дня назад +24

    RIP James Darren, thanks for the memories, Vic.

  • @KPWSinister1
    @KPWSinister1 22 дня назад +25

    So, The Doctor has written Voyager fanfic, Tukok has written fanfic dressed up as the worst case scenario, Seven has the fanfic version of Voyager for practicing to practice mingling in One, Barkley had the holographic version for his appearance.
    I guess it's easier to do that than having to write the actual Voyager plot.

    • @CaptainJZH
      @CaptainJZH 22 дня назад +8

      The funny thing is that Tuvok's worst case scenario would have actually been a cool idea, instead of the bullshit Seska arc lol

    • @matthewmartin1595
      @matthewmartin1595 21 день назад +2

      And don't forget the revisionist history in "Living Witness."

    • @TheBookgeek7
      @TheBookgeek7 13 дней назад

      @@CaptainJZHyou mean it would have been more interesting to have an entire episode set in the bolo novel... or what?

    • @CaptainJZH
      @CaptainJZH 13 дней назад +3

      @@TheBookgeek7 no I mean they could have actually had a Maquis uprising within the crew

    • @EebstertheGreat
      @EebstertheGreat 11 дней назад +2

      Don't forget the fake Voyager created out of goo or whatever from the demon planet. The whole crew effectively invented their own identities and then forgot they were pretending. And the Voyager exhibit in the future that gets all the details wrong, that's another Voyager narrative. And Muse, where B'Elanna helped the playwright write a story with details from Voyager.

  • @marshallhuffer4713
    @marshallhuffer4713 22 дня назад +14

    Nowadays, we have to deal with the legal issues of AI creating art.

    • @SnowyRVulpix
      @SnowyRVulpix 22 дня назад

      Thankfully that AI isn't sentient yet... Though I wouldn't be surprised if we do have to have this legal conversation in 50 years or so.

    • @TF2CrunchyFrog
      @TF2CrunchyFrog 22 дня назад +2

      Except LLMs aren't sentient and don't have a body or professional jobs. The modern A.I. issue is about corporations and specifically the owners of all those start-ups trying to cash in on the various cryptocoin/LFT/LLMs by training their A.I. algorithms on millions of works of art, literature, music and social media platform posts created by humans, without said humans' consent or even knowledge, then selling access to the A.I. models for profit to have the A.I. regurgitate text, pictures, video and music into derivative output that can even mimic specific artists' style... or be used to create fake news for propaganda purposes.
      With companies _right now_ ogling the idea of or already having begun firing hundreds of thousands of employees, esp in the video game, publishing and advertisement industry, to replace them with A.I. generated content. Even if the churned out content is mediocre to bad, the content is deemed "good enough" because quantity now beats quality and CEO are enarmoured with the idea of just pressing a button and getting "content" for free.
      Entire money-making schemes have already sprung up based around flooding social media platforms with derivative dross as clickbait to farm "engagement" for ad money... which is _right now_ creating an ever increasing demand of electricity, bandwidth and storage space, all for worthless NFTs and fake art.
      Not to mention the hellish marriage of A.I. content and "virtual influencers", being used by both scammers and Russian and Chinese propaganda bots to flood platforms like Facebook with nonsense and fake stories designed to spread discontent.
      With the added irony that, some decades past when the automation started replacing humans in industrial jobs, we were being told, "Get a better education... or become a "creative", because machines will never replace human creativity or skill."
      And the coders who code these algorithms are themselves in danger of being replaced... even before the pandemic, Silicon Valley techbros giddily discussed the idea of first outsourcing the tedious "lesser work" of coding to third world countries until A.I. is good enough to start coding computer code itself, then even the cheap coders in India and other places would be out of a job. Until someone said, "Hold on... then our own jobs will become obsolete as well." Whoops.
      The moment a Scifi society trusts a sentient simulated intelligence with a hard light body to perform diagnosis and surgery on its own, but not give it even them ost minimal rights over its own existence, something is wrong.

  • @MrSaywutnow
    @MrSaywutnow 22 дня назад +7

    While the scene of all those EMHs is technically brilliant, it still annoys the living piss out of me.
    The Federation, with all its technological wonders, has sophisticated holograms mining dilithium....with pickaxes.

    • @beav1962
      @beav1962 22 дня назад

      How sophisticated are they? I bet they are minimally programmed. And, yes, the pickaxes were an obvious tug at the heart strings

    • @TF2CrunchyFrog
      @TF2CrunchyFrog 22 дня назад

      Exactly! It's as stupid as the episode in which the Viriidians (that species infected with a retrovirus that slowly shuts down their organs) abduct people from various species to keep them as involuntary organ donors (nevermind that harvesting and transplanting organs from different species into yourself would pose a whole other host of problems!), but then instead of putting the abductees safely into stasis, or at least putting them in comfortable prison cells where they have sufficient water, food, hygiene so they don't fall ill and are being monitored to they don't kill themselves... nope, the abductees _are put to work hard labour in an underground mine_ with insufficient food, mass bunk beds, no hygiene and dangers of getting injured! And even more idiotic, they are only given pickaxes to mine! And a few guards who threaten to hurt the prisoners if they don't work.
      Let me reiterate... the Viriidians abduct people from species who are biologically unlike themselves, to harvest their organs to implant into themselves, and then instead of harvesting the organs right away and putting them on ice, or putting the abductees into stasis, instead put them to hard physical labour under unsafe conditions and starvation rations. Let that sink in.
      It's an idiot plot written simply so that the abducted Voyager protagonists are free to act and can get their hands on mining tools and other items to escape.
      Not to mention, we've seen in other episodes that the Viriidians have such sophisticated medical technology they can _beam organs straight out of someone's body (as they did with Neelix's lungs), but they don't harvest _all_ of the soon-to-die victim's organs!
      And their incredibly advanced medical technology apparently can somehow alter organs of different species in shape, physiology, and size so that they fit into a Viriidian's body and are not destroyed by their immuno system... yet at the same time the Viriidians are unable to do what even Federation tech can do: _clone the damn organs!!_
      Even of for plot reasons the Viriidians can't clone their own organs from their own tissue because they had zero DNA samples left of their own species that aren't contaminated with the virus (what, not even pre-war DNA vaults? We today have that!), they could simply take DNA samples from humanoid species sufficiently similar to their own and clone organs from _that!_ No more need to abduct and harvest people!

    • @TF2CrunchyFrog
      @TF2CrunchyFrog 22 дня назад +3

      You would think the Federation could build simply non-A.I. robots to "scrub plasma conduits and mine dilithium"... it's technology _we_ have right now!
      But nope... make copies of a hologram of a middle-aged balding physician, dress those hard light holograms in holographic formal suits (why??) and give them pickaxes... and don't even redesign them with more useful shapes or increased strength for mining.

    • @mikegates8993
      @mikegates8993 22 дня назад +1

      That requires Sci-Fi writers to think of interstellar civilizations as if they didn't operate on the level of 17th century colonial empires. Hence the reason why Space Operas will often use slavery as a lazy way of showing who the villain faction is even if they have the technology to create fully automated mines across a planet that they can run from orbit.

    • @MrSaywutnow
      @MrSaywutnow 21 день назад +3

      @@TF2CrunchyFrog There was the TNG episode "The Quality of Life" which featured such devices - the Exocomps.
      But as Ronald D. Moore said about the Voyager writing staff - "It’s not like they are trying desperately to maintain continuity of the show. They don’t care, and they’ll tell you flat out that they don’t care."
      (I know he was specifically referring to continuity within Voyager itself, but continuity across shows is just as important)

  • @TriAngulumStudiosAudioComics
    @TriAngulumStudiosAudioComics 22 дня назад +7

    Brilliant Episode! Flawless, absolutely Flawless ;) :) Keep up the Great Work!

  • @lostbutfreesoul
    @lostbutfreesoul 22 дня назад +3

    The Hollow Miners, like a lot of Holographic entities, make no sense indeed.
    Hard Light Emitters do work well for mining, but not as humanoid shapes.

  • @dannyshaw4057
    @dannyshaw4057 12 дней назад +1

    I enjoyed the review, but I don't view the episode anywhere near as positively; there are enjoyable parts, but in the context of the show's premise I really do not see either Janeway or the authorities on earth being happy to give time on the communication device for the EMH's frivolities/business dealings when it is a device/technique developed for the benefit of the ship and moral of the crew.
    And secondly I effing hate court room episodes of sci fi shows - they are ALL cringe inducing, and i include The Measure of a Man in that. This completely artificial idea that some concept of 'right' always wins if the correct combination of words is uttered is laughable in the context of now, and we see constantly that morality is no different in Star Trek universe. The portentousness of the speechifying in these episodes as if there is some noble force field created when we declare something as a courtroom just irritates me.

  • @romansierra5614
    @romansierra5614 21 день назад +1

    Taken as a whole quite a introspective episode.

  • @bradwolf07
    @bradwolf07 22 дня назад +3

    Writing a Voyager episode after watching SF Debris reviews? That is a pretty hilarious and accurate description of The Doctor's caricature Voyager crew program

  • @KnightRaymund
    @KnightRaymund 22 дня назад +1

    I do wish you'd said more about those scenes.

  • @HilaryPea
    @HilaryPea 16 часов назад

    -Damn RUclips restrictions on transmissions sent through singularities! And Damn malicious robots (like the AIs that blocked the extended viewing of the scene that was for the defense of AIs)!
    -"Poor dumb Harry." One of your many Voyager review taglines! Among others, including mentions of Neelix's whisker infestations and Janeway's ethics.
    -The worst thing about Chakotay's characature still has to be that God-awful hair! Jenkin's hair is almost as bad!
    -By your comment that Photons Be Free is what happens when an episode is written after your review is watched, then hearing your review of the program, itself, I have come up with an observation: You wish that you could watch and review Vortex and say Fuck You to actual Voyager episodes from here on out! Reviews you might enjoy as the thought of revieing another Voyager certainly makes you want to kill yourself in the most vile way!
    -What Neelix should have said, instead of mentioning a third path that would take him back from where he came, was something along the lines of: When given two options, sometimes you need to choose hidden option C.

  • @Tomwithnonumbers
    @Tomwithnonumbers 21 день назад +1

    Voyager can't measure up

  • @goughrmp
    @goughrmp 22 дня назад +3

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about Aunt Irene when we get to Scorpion. Key character

  • @john1701q
    @john1701q 22 дня назад +2

    4:44 I knew it was coming, and I still chocked on my beverage. :)

  • @lordmontymord8701
    @lordmontymord8701 4 дня назад

    The ending with the reprogrammed EMHs annoyed me so much and still does. It's the same bs about the Doctor basicly being a program that can't be copied and run multiple times (except when it does work sometimes).
    Data? An incredible piece of soft- and hardware that can't be replicated that easily (not without the risk of loosing him when you take him apart for study, the premise of Measure of a Man). The Doctor? Just a program, even if he's a very sophisticated one. But no, it's like his holo-matrix is a soul that cannot be copied or so. I loved the Doctor as character, but always hated the whole hologram-thing, because the writers never understood what this actually means.
    And now Starfleet decided to use the holo-matrix(es) of all those EMHs as mine-workers. What utter nonsense.

  • @pauldecker4630
    @pauldecker4630 22 дня назад +3

    Title Card was for a DS9 episode in case anyone wonders about the double upload.

  • @ApolloXL5
    @ApolloXL5 19 дней назад

    Captain Janeway murders a crewman!!!
    ...lucky Bast**d!! XD
    I'm gone. 😂

  • @JackWarner-q1p
    @JackWarner-q1p 15 дней назад

    Walker Betty Lewis Eric Rodriguez Donald

  • @RacerSpeed2020
    @RacerSpeed2020 20 дней назад

    ZeroCool as in Dade Murphy from "Hackers"?😂😂

  • @andrewm4691
    @andrewm4691 19 дней назад

    Captain Janeway should have been called Captain Lehra Jenkins in this fan fiction.

  • @mollyesewebster4917
    @mollyesewebster4917 16 дней назад

    Harris Steven Gonzalez William Davis Kevin

  • @AceSpadeThePikachu
    @AceSpadeThePikachu 21 день назад +1

    Been a while since I watched this episode of Voyager, so the glimpse of Tuvok with the goatee kinda caught me off-guard and then I had a thought...could the "Vortex" be what the Mirror Universe Voyager is like? Has Trek ever delved into the Mirror universe Voyager crew? The whole holonovel did feel very Mirror Universe. Honestly would have been awesome of the holonovel malfunctioned and all the Vortex characters started attacking the Voyager crew.

    • @mikegates8993
      @mikegates8993 21 день назад

      Far as I'm aware, only Online has ever looked at Mirror Voyager.

    • @HilaryPea
      @HilaryPea 16 часов назад

      I would agree with all other characters, that Vortex was the mirror universe - except for Jenkins. Janeway is so evil, that her opposite would be fully empathic, compassionate, sweet, and lovable. Truly! The Mirror Universe's Janeway would be a good guy - the only one! Like how the Mirror Universe's Spock didn't care about the politics, he just wanted to stay where he was at so that he could continue his science exploration. Exceptions to the rule!

  • @ShalomOperatorS
    @ShalomOperatorS 16 дней назад

    Jones Paul Harris Margaret Johnson Larry

  • @bthsr7113
    @bthsr7113 22 дня назад +1

    Looking forward to you talking about future Star Fleet holograms... when you finally have time.

  • @JimAlvis-m8u
    @JimAlvis-m8u 15 дней назад

    Harris William Lee Frank Garcia Amy

  • @lindarossecain7741
    @lindarossecain7741 20 дней назад

    How does it affect them? No hypo spray for you!

  • @Thraim.
    @Thraim. 21 день назад

    1:05 Things refuse to get better, don't they?

  • @kradeiz
    @kradeiz 22 дня назад +1

    Love the 2024 updates.

  • @harrypothead42024
    @harrypothead42024 18 дней назад

    The doctor sucks

  • @KiethWasmund-g6z
    @KiethWasmund-g6z 15 дней назад

    O'Conner Plaza

  • @SnowyRVulpix
    @SnowyRVulpix 22 дня назад +1

    I would definitely put this episode in my top 5 Star Trek episodes, just below Measure of a Man. I love these episodes that explore what it is to be human.

  • @alexneff
    @alexneff 22 дня назад +1

    Welcome to starship voyeur

  • @indianastones6032
    @indianastones6032 22 дня назад +1

    11:50 haha, nice one!!!

  • @ExplodingConsole
    @ExplodingConsole 21 день назад

    10:55 he said most successful not serious.

    • @sfdebrisred6555
      @sfdebrisred6555  21 день назад +2

      The publisher was stated to be a publisher of serious literature.

    • @ExplodingConsole
      @ExplodingConsole 21 день назад

      @@sfdebrisred6555 Ah, I see. My mistake.

  • @drockjr
    @drockjr 22 дня назад

    Miss you Chuck. 15ish years of watching you make these

    • @robbybevard8034
      @robbybevard8034 20 дней назад

      He still does new episodes regularly, just not at the 3 times a week pace he used to, since so much time is spent re-editing old stuff to make it youtube compatible after the previous SIX hosting services all went down.

    • @drockjr
      @drockjr 20 дней назад

      @robbybevard8034 oh man, remember blip?

  • @alexneff
    @alexneff 22 дня назад

    7 should have added that kim had a chance to tap that if he wasent such a wuss

  • @LocksAndChains
    @LocksAndChains 22 дня назад

    To be fair, Tuvix was an abomination.

    • @TF2CrunchyFrog
      @TF2CrunchyFrog 22 дня назад +1

      No. Tuvix could demonstrate that he had the memories of _both_ Tuvok and Neelix and said that he/they were perfectly content and happy with their new existence, as each other's perspectives and personal strengths and personal flaws complemented each other. Tuvix had the inner calm and intelligence of Tuvok resolving Neelix's anxieties, while Neelix's extroverted nature allowed Tuvok the introvert to be more of a people's person and enjoy the nice things in life.
      The script writers simply pressed the Reset button and killed Tuvix off because the Status Quo Ante had to be restored.
      Calling Tuvix an "abomination" would be like calling a joined Trill and their symbiote sharing a mind, body and memories an abomination.

    • @mikegates8993
      @mikegates8993 22 дня назад +1

      @@TF2CrunchyFrog To be fair, Tuvix was half Neelix. That makes him half an abomination. Also, I would personally consider Trill at least skirting the line of one, but that's personal preference on my part and I'll freely admit I don't really get how the symbiote thing works.