OP Ditched His Girlfriend After She Made Several TikToks, Revealing Their Intimate Details and Co...

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @low-keydrama1260
    @low-keydrama1260 5 месяцев назад +114

    Story 1:The ex is such a hypocrite and she blew up her own relationship. Let’s see if she learned anything when she starts her next relationship. Doubtful

    • @marthajackson1388
      @marthajackson1388 5 месяцев назад +1

      She isn't. You are looking at it from the wrong prospective. She is with someone that she doesn't love but maybe strongly like. She thinks she has him under her control. What she did was to flaunt it among her friends and sister for her amusement. If anyone truly loves anyone they would have been super protective even about joking in regards to being with their SO. Even the apartment, she set it up as hers, under her name, the way she likes it. Basically, he isn't the one. He is not the one for now unless she can't find any better.

    • @ChrissaTodd
      @ChrissaTodd 5 месяцев назад +9

      @@marthajackson1388 that is hypocritical though,
      to be mad when your personal stuff goes out but do the thing you are now mad at,
      textbook hypocrisy doesn't matter if she is intentional or nah

  • @moonlitspider2827
    @moonlitspider2827 5 месяцев назад +49

    First guy dodged a bullet. He's lucky it happened that fast after moving in with her. Hopefully he finds someone who will appreciate him and his efforts.

  • @Only1199
    @Only1199 5 месяцев назад +57

    To harass and try to order your partner home is abusive, controlling, entitled and toxic.
    to not only try to humiliate your ex-partner on tiktok but to also make a tiktok about your ex-partners sister’s miscarriages is absolutely disgusting.

  • @personwithaquestion1800
    @personwithaquestion1800 5 месяцев назад +44

    Story 1 - what a rational OP!! Why is he even on reddit

    • @randomloseranddull1560
      @randomloseranddull1560 5 месяцев назад +10

      Doubt. It can make even the most rational people question themselves.

  • @Thaddius0
    @Thaddius0 5 месяцев назад +27

    OPs brother is the real hero of the story

  • @FrostLordOni
    @FrostLordOni 5 месяцев назад +26

    Story 2: The question isn’t whether OP should forgive his sister or not, the question is what has his sister done to earn forgiveness? If OP wants to give her a chance for forgiveness then that’s great, but you don’t do that by just pretending the bad thing she did never happened

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 5 месяцев назад +1

      True. Guilt is a horrid monster that eats away from the unswept corners. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but clearing the air is truly the best way to move forward without the guilt lingering in their lives.

  • @jacearmor5274
    @jacearmor5274 5 месяцев назад +25

    S1: People need to learn to keep relationship stuff offline. She destroyed ger own relationship.

  • @TiffWaffles
    @TiffWaffles 5 месяцев назад +22

    I don't get people like OP's ex girlfriend in the first story. If I were to create a TikTok account, I'd do one of those cringy booktok things. I wouldn't share anything like my boyfriend's love letters or discuss my sex life... I also wouldn't be sharing somebody's horrific tragedy of pregnancy loss.
    Also, I would love it if a partner of mine wrote me love letters. I'd treasure those forever.

    • @ragon39
      @ragon39 5 месяцев назад

      I mean in all fairness if you made a tiktok it would basically be a personal diary. No offense but no one would ever want to watch you.

  • @StarrChild.
    @StarrChild. 4 месяца назад +3

    if my partner ever gives me love letters 100% they are not getting shared with anybody unless they okay it. Like that's so beautiful and sweet. It's straight from the heart and she wanted to ruin that to get some good internet points?

  • @juliearmfield2634
    @juliearmfield2634 5 месяцев назад +9

    Story 1. Nta. Sometimes it's in your best interest to say silent and take the loss.
    This is one of those times

  • @southernflight5078
    @southernflight5078 5 месяцев назад +6

    Story 1: she wanted to be tiktok famous. Someone should share the youtube links with her from all the videos covering the story and give her the congratulations on becoming youtube famous. 😂

  • @mztweety1374
    @mztweety1374 5 месяцев назад +5

    I keep telling y'all kids not everything is for the internet!

  • @RepellentJeff
    @RepellentJeff 5 месяцев назад +7

    Nice to see someone with a spine, for once.

  • @RedX101
    @RedX101 4 месяца назад +1

    Story 1: this is why I don’t use tik tok

  • @TiffWaffles
    @TiffWaffles 5 месяцев назад +7

    Wait... So, OP's son in the third story is 26 years old and is starting his own law practice? I am calling bullshit on this, especially since he'd still be considered a new player in his field and is still lacking experience. Unless OP's son happens to be one of the world's youngest lawyers to graduate law school and pass the bar exam, then I don't see how this man can even go about opening up his own law office.

    • @brianaschmidt910
      @brianaschmidt910 5 месяцев назад

      Unless they have connections and this is just covert nepotism on steroids

    • @zamp_gaming
      @zamp_gaming 5 месяцев назад +2

      OP only said the age of the girlfriend, not her own son.

    • @Arkryal
      @Arkryal 5 месяцев назад +3

      It's not unheard of. Most lawyers don't work for any law firms at all, there's more work as private counsel. But many do start law firms right out of the gate if they are targeting a niche that is under-served in their area. The obstacle is not experience, but capital. The days of needing to hire secretaries, paralegals etc are over, that's all done by software now in small firms. You can outsource discovery. It just takes money to get it off the ground. It's likely he's also very specialized. Most law firms these days have under 10 employees (sometimes only a solo practitioner). If he could scrape up $100k or so, it's very doable. You don't even need an office these days... a lot of lawyers just rent a sublet office in another building. And honestly, 90% of the grunt work in law is done in India now at $6/hr. The outsourcing is insane.
      I work in a supporting role in discovery. The youngest solo practitioner I deal with routinely is actually 28. Cool guy, do a good job and he sends top-shelf whiskey as a Thank You, lol. 30-35 years old is more common, definitely. This one is on the young side, but not unreasonably so. In my area at least, a lot of the worker's comp attorneys are actually very young for some reason, lol.
      And criminal defense tends to skew young as well. They're not going after murder trials usually, just churning through minor charges that they know their clients will plea out. Your kid gets caught with an ounce of pot in his school locker, you pay $2000 and someone will talk to the DA and try to get it reduced for you. They don't take cases that are likely to even go to trial. And they use the fuck out of ChatGPT these days, lol. 90% of the job is just filing papers. It's not as exciting as what you see on TV. And the pay does actually suck in the beginning. Larger litigation can take years to resolve, so early on, they get a couple bigger cases that will pay out eventually, but keep the lights on with nickel and dime jobs. They'll have 300 clients that are only worth $100 a piece, and half skip out on the bill, and you make $20 off them 2 years later after it's sold to collections. They're not working the case of the century, it's a relentless grind in the early years. Nobody experienced starts their own firm unless they can take their clients with them, which they often can't without violating a non-compete. New firms are usually started by unencumbered new lawyers who are still accustomed to living on a shoestring budget from their school days.

  • @tendotezira4976
    @tendotezira4976 5 месяцев назад +2

    Second Story
    My advice is to forgive and try to forget. But don't try to build the relationship because you are guilty but because you want to.

  • @ianmoritzplatapino3684
    @ianmoritzplatapino3684 5 месяцев назад +7

    Story 1 ahe broke his trust for a little of attention. Glad he kicked her tonthe curb. Story 2 thiw op is a doormat. He was faksely accused and whenahe comes crawling back after learning the truth. This spineless forgives her like nothing happened.

    • @lazallewillemse3617
      @lazallewillemse3617 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @ChrissaTodd
      @ChrissaTodd 5 месяцев назад +1

      after 5 years when it was clear she was genuine wow weirdo

  • @Levithos
    @Levithos 5 месяцев назад +2

    Story 3: This is why you NEED to learn to use your CC company's app. You can create a temp CC number from it.

    • @Maninawig
      @Maninawig 5 месяцев назад

      Ooh, that is a cool feature. Haven't had a cc in a while.

  • @Til_I_Collapse
    @Til_I_Collapse 5 месяцев назад +1

    S1: Women wonder why men tell each other to stay quiet about their feelings. You can't express the good or the bad feelings without them being used as a weapon or a joke. And don't tell me not all. It's enough that it's a viable concern for all men. It's a go-to shaming (man up; you're not supposed to cry), or, bragging tactic (look how much in love he his with me; I can get him to do whatever I want).

  • @tek512
    @tek512 5 месяцев назад


  • @TiffWaffles
    @TiffWaffles 5 месяцев назад +6

    I love how the second OP is so selfish that he thinks that his sister could have saved him the moment she became an adult and moved out. You can't just take your siblings with you when you move out unless you want to go to prison for kidnapping them from their custodial parents. My stepfather called the police on me when I collected all of my sisters from the home when he was having a go at everyone, and the police forced me to return my sisters even though they said that they didn't want to go back home.
    OP sounds selfish. He also could have worked more as well as be a full time student if that is what he wanted to do. Why did his sister have to be the only one to get more jobs and support him when he became an adult? OP admitted to hitting his sister. Yet, he's the fucking victim?

    • @earlyspring4075
      @earlyspring4075 5 месяцев назад +8

      Your saying that op can work while working a full time job like it's nothing and so easy. People can get really fucking overworked from that. And btw the double standards is almost as bad as the first story. Did you not hear that the sister hit op to or.....? Why are you only putting all of them blame on op? Sounds like to me your Projecting your anger of your stepfather on op tbh.

    • @demontaco4116
      @demontaco4116 5 месяцев назад +10

      Yes he was the victim in that scenario as she assaulted him as well, not the only victim mind you, but one nonetheless.. After falsely accusing him of theft and rather viciously at that. And as mentioned being a full time student he also got a job over night to help more and was abused for that as well. She essentially turned into a mini version of their parents, which in homes of abuse, it isn't all that surprising really. Especially since he always took the brunt of it and she saw that. Lol no offense but common sense and sensitivity seems to be lacking hard in this comment.

    • @demontaco4116
      @demontaco4116 5 месяцев назад

      @@earlyspring4075 100%

    • @smallpseudonym2844
      @smallpseudonym2844 5 месяцев назад +6

      This is such a gross take.

    • @cjgroves4429
      @cjgroves4429 5 месяцев назад +1

      OP is clearly out of touch with reality.